Low Toxin Videos Cure depression (and more) with glucose


Jun 6, 2016
All of that to say, I'm not afraid to admit I'm desperate for this all to be true.

I started with 1g dextrose every waking hour after every 4 hours made me feel worse. Then I increased every day until I realized, the higher the dose, the better I feel. I think the crucial aspect is that taking a certain dose every hour is easier on the system than taking it every 4 hours.

When I take a certain dose, like 30g every hour, and then reduce to 25g on a given day, my symptoms worsen. Once I have decided on a dose for a certain day, I have to keep it, as if my brain allocates that amount. Maybe higher blood sugar levels reach brain regions that lower blood sugar levels can't reach. Dr. Stephens says it takes a couple weeks/months until the brain actually uses all the sugar effectively, once the glucose limitation is healed.

This observation has led me to use it every hour. I could tolerate 10 g every hour, but 30 g 3 times a day was really bad.

Regarding thiamine, 1-2 g is a therapeutic dose. But 50 mg is already a good backup in case taking glucose uses up too much.
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Sep 12, 2015
All of that to say, I'm not afraid to admit I'm desperate for this all to be true. But taking dextrose makes me feel SO bad. I'm inclined to believe that usually, if it's causing more issues you need to stop or take less. However, after doing 3 TBSP 4x a day for 2 days, I went up to 5TBSP instinctively for 2 days, and started taking it with a few bites of beans for fiber. It did minimize some of the discomfort, but then I still wasn't feeling great with increased pressure in my head and eyes, so I decided to follow Dr Stephens advice for sensitive types and dropped the dose back down to 1TBSP which felt okay-ish. Today I tried just 1TSP, and had a horrible blood sugar spike or something. I felt like the energy was being sucked straight out of my muscles and was almost lethargic. This stopped after about 20 minutes. I'd really appreciate some input on this reaction to dextrose and if it can be explained by actually needing a super high dose, because what you said makes sense but I'm also wary of pushing it so hard. My sleep has improved as well as bowel movements, but my mood is borderline rage-y, my energy unstable, and my hunger signals and appetite are all over the place. If I can't figure out the dosage I'm going to have to stop altogether for a while because I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride with this stuff.
I started with 160 grams four times a day the first day. Give something big and bold a shot. The worst that can happen is that you'll feel bad, but you already feel bad.


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Apr 5, 2024
I started with 1g dextrose every waking hour after every 4 hours made me feel worse. Then I increased every day until I realized, the higher the dose, the better I feel. I think the crucial aspect is that taking a certain dose every hour is easier on the system than taking it every 4 hours.

When I take a certain dose, like 30g every hour, and then reduce to 25g on a given day, my symptoms worsen. Once I have decided on a dose for a certain day, I have to keep it, as if my brain allocates that amount. Maybe higher blood sugar levels reach brain regions that lower blood sugar levels can't reach. Dr. Stephens says it takes a couple weeks/months until the brain actually uses all the sugar effectively, once the glucose limitation is healed.

This observation has led me to use it every hour. I could tolerate 10 g every hour, but 30 g 3 times a day was really bad.

Regarding thiamine, 1-2 g is a therapeutic dose. But 50 mg is already a good backup in case taking glucose uses up too much.
Very interesting. How long have you been dosing every hour? I guess everything I've read so far says it has to be in large doses to sort of force to brain to take enough in even with limitations. I wasn't sure that would be an effective option, but I'm willing to try it!

I never felt the need to take more than a maintenance dose of thiamine, but if I feel I need more I'm definitely open to a therapeutic dose for a while if I feel it's needed. Are there any other vitamins or minerals that could be depleted with glucose therapy to your knowledge?


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Apr 5, 2024
I started with 160 grams four times a day the first day. Give something big and bold a shot. The worst that can happen is that you'll feel bad, but you already feel bad.
This is a very valid point 😅


Jan 10, 2023
So the dextrose was making me feel really good, but a few days in I am feeling very sleepy/fatigued from it, one day I couldn't get out of bed and felt very lazy, also I wouldn't say it was making me more refreshed from the sleep that day too. So I'm not sure what to think of this, do I carry on taking it or do I stop, my body isn't craving for me to take more atm.


Feb 8, 2022
Usually I take the dextrose and then eat something within ten minutes. I took my third dose today but I still had to grill the meat for my tacos and about half an hour after taking the dextrose, while I was still cutting up the meat after grilling it, I got a bit of a headache and nausea, some massive adrenaline spike, and an inability to focus. I kinda felt like I wanted to poop but it didn’t happen until yet another half hour or more passed. In the meantime I just had to put down dinner prep and sort of half sit half lie down in a dark room until I could go to the bathroom. I’ve had similar symptoms with big bile dumps but I’m wondering if that’s the only thing going on in this case. Those symptoms don’t really sound like hyperglycemia, right?


May 30, 2018
I had another amazing restorative deep nap today after a 100g dextrose dose after a workout, which I'm usually completely unable to do. I'm still adding a half teaspoon baking soda with a tablespoon vinegar. Also taking it with 500mg thiamin hcl, 500mg niacin, and 100mg magnesium glycinate. For me this combo seems to help the dextrose transport into my cells better. Not that I think my stack is optimal for others or even myself, but I seem to currently need some help transporting glucose and I am exploring what supplements might help. I originally thought to add the baking soda and vinegar to ensure that I'm not in some kind of metabolic acidosis, but maybe its having other effects that are helping insulin release and transport the glucose, because I wasn't feeling much before this, irritated if anything. I think I'll keep this stack going 3-4 times per day as it seems to be destressing my system in positive ways that just food or other interventions haven't been able to achieve. I'll maybe try fresh lemon juice instead of vinegar to see if it has a similar effect or if other Citric acid cycle acids help like succinic acid.


Sep 12, 2015
I'm still adding a half teaspoon baking soda with a tablespoon vinegar.
I don't understand the benefits of these substances. The sodium bicarbonate will react with the acetic acid in the vinegar, or the hydrochloric acid in your stomach, to form sodium acetate, sodium chloride, or both. Is that what you want to happen?


May 30, 2018
I don't understand the benefits of these substances. The sodium bicarbonate will react with the acetic acid in the vinegar, or the hydrochloric acid in your stomach, to form sodium acetate, sodium chloride, or both. Is that what you want to happen?
acetate should be metabolized in the liver back into bicarbonate which might alkalize better than directly drinking baking soda. I'm not completely sure what its doing tbh, but the effect of the dextrose is completely different with the added baking soda/vinegar. It feels like its actually being transported into cells when before it wasn't.


Sep 12, 2015
acetate should be metabolized in the liver back into bicarbonate which might alkalize better than directly drinking baking soda. I'm not completely sure what its doing tbh, but the effect of the dextrose is completely different with the added baking soda/vinegar. It feels like its actually being transported into cells when before it wasn't.
Wouldn't citrate be the most effective means of increasing bicarbonate? I've read that sodium helps glucose enter cells.


Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
acetate should be metabolized in the liver back into bicarbonate which might alkalize better than directly drinking baking soda. I'm not completely sure what its doing tbh, but the effect of the dextrose is completely different with the added baking soda/vinegar. It feels like its actually being transported into cells when before it wasn't.
the soda makes the stomach alkaline, signaling the pyloric sphincter to open, the acid (as per taught by tcm), having affinity with the liver, sends the substance there, replenishing it. perchance. also, in theory, due to ph, the stomach, when empty, is not ready to deal with carbs. the ph has to be raised.


Sep 15, 2013
Wouldn't citrate be the most effective means of increasing bicarbonate? I've read that sodium helps glucose enter cells.
I too am finding that adding some electrolytes is improving how I feel after taking the dextrose. Last night I poured a little too much, 1 cupful of dextrose and said "ah what the heck it's fine" and felt strange, slightly panicked for about 20 minutes then felt great. The reason I say strange is because I laid down and had some extremely productive meditation, so it wasn't all negative.

All day today I've been adding a little potassium citrate (my food is adequately salted so that takes care of the sodium) and I am finding the dextrose to be much more thermogenic, which I take to mean it's getting utilized. If @mosaic01 theory that it detoxed copper proves correct, a little potassium doesn't hurt as it moved along, plus anyone with vA toxicity probably needs a little more potassium. I am also adding a pinch of thiamine with every dose, and will continue this for the coming days.

Maybe in the older studies with much less toxic folk it was suitable to take pure dextrose and one could easily handle it, but in my state, I definitely need the helpers like B1 and potassium and my body has been thanking me for it. Hopefully this helps others.


May 30, 2018
Wouldn't citrate be the most effective means of increasing bicarbonate? I've read that sodium helps glucose enter cells.
I’m not sure. Both acetate and citrate have been used effectively clinically to increase bicarbonate. I just used vinegar because that’s what I had on hand. I’ll be trying fresh squeezed lemon juice next.

I just noticed that this chronic ache I would often feel in the center of my brain what felt like near the pituitary is gone. It wasn’t always constant but I haven’t noticed it at all in the last week. So I’m encouraged to continue with dextrose as a therapy.


May 7, 2017
So I got to experiment for a few days before going on vacation.

First day I took 25g and it knocked me out 30mins later. A nap I just couldn’t fight. Being on this forum for years, I knew this was a promising sign. Took two more 25g servings for the rest of the day. Drove up hunger, irritability down, bowel movement increased greatly, slept better.

Second day was similar, but without the need for a nap. All my servings were shortly before meals.

Third day I woke up decided to try 45-50g serving (two scoops, Nutricost brand), but was in a rush and didn’t eat breakfast. Man, an hour later I felt like dogshit. Stomach bloat, headache, eye pressure, weird vision, mental fog. I was a wreck. It felt like the first time you go through “keto adaptation” while fasting or low-carbing. Bowel movement slowed big time. I could feel what felt like a ball of fire making its way through my gut. Took a day to finally use the toilet and it smelled really bad. I kept thinking “Damn, did I just experience a huge bile dump?” Lol.

Haven’t used any since due to not wanting any potential setbacks while vacationing. I’ve picked up some pointers from others over the last few days. Excited to get back to it.


Jun 6, 2016
Third day I woke up decided to try 45-50g serving (two scoops,

When I took a single 50g dose, it knocked me out for a week.

Then I took a similar dose every single waking hour - no symptoms.

The symptoms you had is basically from your brain and liver lacking glucose because the first dose leads to the expectation of more.

Every cell needs glucose to process toxins. When the body inally gets some, it starts working. An hour later, the glucose is gone but the body has now "woken up" and the liver trying to deal with the influx of toxins from all over the body. Without a follow-up dose, the liver merely dumps all of the toxins into the intestine, instead of sending them through phase-2 detox, which makes toxins water-soluble for the kidneys to excrete.

There will be some level of bile dumps, but the level you experienced is basically from lack of glucsoe.


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Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
A healthy brain needs at least 150g of glucose every day at rest without any activity,
Why can't a brain get glucose from liver glycogen?

Also, wouldn't taking a lot of dextrose or sucrose (which is a disaccharide of glucose and fructose) lead to elevated insulin levels?


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Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
Glucose maxing in combination with Niacin flushes brings a level of strength and depth of flush never seen before.

That flushing is caused by:
  • Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2)
  • Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
These prostaglandins are produced as a result of the activation of G protein-coupled receptor 109A (GPR109A) by niacin, leading to an increase in arachidonic acid and subsequent vasodilation in capillaries, causing the characteristic flushing response.

Another word for arachidonic acid induced vasodilation is inflammation.

I'm not interested in going bald.


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Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
There's something about copper that I can't put my finger on but I think organic copper from food is not the culprit for high copper levels in hair or blood, it's a sign that something else is wrong.
I've been scratching my head over that for the past month, too. Glad to see I'm not the only one.


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Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
I have full blown POTS while pregnant. My second pregnancy was even harder and I can pretty confidently say this time the POTS has stayed, even now 16 months after delivery, although a bit more subtle now.
Why did you only have POTS during pregnancy, at first? And why is it happening more when you're pregnant?


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Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
for those who do not have stigmas you can see if you are at glucose sufficiency very simply - taste your urine.
This is the ancient test for diabetes, and the origin of the phrase, "diabetes mellitus".

"Mellitus" means sweet. Doctors would taste the urine to see if it was sweet, and those with sweet urine would be more likely to have diabetes.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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