One Radio Network - Feb 2021 Transcript (occurred on Mar 2 due to Texas storm)


Jan 15, 2016
Ray Peat Interview - One Radio Network - Feb 2021 (occurred on Mar 2 due to Texas storm)
Dr. Ray Peat, Ph.D - Your Health Questions Answered - March 2, 2021 | One Radio Network
The parentheses are mine, most of it has timestamps. If you come across any of the studies discussed you can link or post them here
Checked the long sections for accuracy

PT - This is oneradionetwork dot com. It is March 2, 2021. Dr ray Peat a special appearance, because we were ice in the third week of January and he was willing to come back on. Were gonna get him back on in a few weeks we hope so we can get back on our regular schedule. Hope he doesn't, mind. ...We are live. .. (discusses other upcoming interviews)…

Dr. Ray Peat is here, he’s an interesting fellow. Been around quite a few years in his body. PhD in Biology way back, he..schools he’s taught at include University of Oregon, Urbana College, Montana State University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Universidad Veracruzana, the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, and Blake College. So he spent some time south of the border. He started his work in Progesterone and related hormones in ‘68, done all kinds of papers in physiological chemistry and physics ‘71 and ‘72, but can talk about almost anything; spiritual matters, and evolution and all kinds of stuff. We’re gonna talk to him more about those things as we get to know him even more. But he’s been here on the show third monday for awhile now. Dr. Peat as always, we appreciate you taking the time to come on the show. Good Morning.

RP - Good Morning

PT- How are things up there on the left coast, you doing okay?

RP (3:40) - Yeah, the weather is remarkably good the past few days, sunny and warmer, a great relief after the Dark Winter.

PT- Did you read about the little freeze episode we had down here in Texas?

RP- O yeah

PT- My goodness, it was really something. Now more and more info is coming out about how they really screwed up with the subsidizing alternative energy and the windmills were frozen and making the wrong decisions to make this whole thing happen.

PT-Pretty curious how we have such a fragile grid all across the country isn’t it?

RP (4:25) – Yeah, I think it lacks engineering design right from the start. It could have been designed more stably. Odd things turn up like at one point, someone discovered that the whole thing was when it was integrated, resonated and tended to be interrupted just by resonating with the Earth’s resonance frequency in the solar wind. What they had done was create a huge antenna across the country and the power grid that was being interfered with by just by the streaming energy from the sun that makes the Earth ring at a certain frequency.

PT- And what the effect of that on us humanoids?

RP(5:25) - Yeah, they were also studying the effects of that, I think it was 11 cycles per second, that it started vibrating at, and that tends to drive the solar wind, the solar wind apparently is what drives that basic brain rhythm in humans and so they experimented in humans, put a person in a cage, where they could keep out those natural oscillations and subject the brain to an artificial field with varying frequency and gradually slowed the vibration freq below 10 or 11 cycles, down around 7 or 8 cycles, the brain rhythm being artificially driven slower the people all got feeling sick and disoriented. So our natural consciousness, I think it was either an FBI or NASA study, it showed that our normal consciousness is based on resonance with the Earth cavity.

PT (6:45) - O, so it actually got the vibrations and the impulses through the wiring in the homes? Is that where that’s happening?

RP- O no, right through the Earth and the air. So when your in a house with wiring you get some of it from the Sun and the Earth, but you’re mainly being subjected to 60 cycles a second in the house.

PT- We’ve heard over the years that the 60 cycles is actually a little more difficult for the body to deal with than the what do they do?50 in Europe?

RP(7:23) - Well I haven't heard that, but both frequencies are unnatural. I used to like the area where I had a house in Mexico, the University of Mexico built a stellar radio antennae there because it was so free of artificial radiation. But now, I don’t suppose the radio antennae is very good anymore because of the cell phone towers that have invaded the area.

PT- You could fell...tell, you just felt happier in your body there?

RP- Yeah, my health always improved, even my eyesight.

PT- Wow, no kidding. There’s quite a bit of research over the years which shows the wiring in the home with the 60 cycles and the white noise and the dirty electricity how you can actually put little capacitors in inexpensively and they've done research with Mon Dehavis up in Canada, and you may know him, affecting the blood sugar and the thyroid and everything. Its amazing that we humans have done so well with everything we get thrown at us.

RP – Haha, yeah. The world health, especially Europe and the US, the health and lifespan are decreasing rapidly in recent years.

PT- O they say it is? Wow so that’s a fact, or is it fake news?

RP- No, the CDC matches other sources that the actual lifespan average is shortening the last few years. The documented rate of allergies, autoimmune diseases, degenerative diseases in young people has skyrocketed the last 40, 30 years.

PT- and what would Dr. Ray Peat attribute that too?

RP (9:38) - The bad foods, Polyunsaturated fats (canola, soy, corn oil, nuts, etc.), the vaccinations, and another big cause is the nano-particles that are being used in food, industry, clothing, soaps, and shampoos. Constantly being exposed to this microscopic junk that goes right into our cells and activates all of our inflammatory processes.

PT- Hmm, we’ve heard a lot of negative things about nano-technology. Are there any good things, or is it all negative regarding nano-technology and the body?

RP (10:20) – Yeah. Well, the industry talks about the great value of targeting drugs into cells, I think that’s all phony, absolute phoniness. They sell ways to for example target **extraneous DNA to do genetic engineering or gene therapy. But when someone was doing a control using those commercial targeting agents, they did a control using plain untreated DNA along with the those chemical targeting agents and they found the crude DNA went into cells better than the commercial, supposedly useful, material.

PT – I see, so it actually went into cells better. Do we know what the nano-stuff in soaps and body creams...does the science show what it does?

RP (11:28)– Yeah, the particle size is the important thing. The substance chemistry doesn’t matter as much as the size of the particle. And in a certain very small particle range it signals activation of the inflammatory process and turns on the cytokines that turn on other inflammatory cascades. So if you’re on the edge of slight metabolic fatigue or weakness, then those things can really activate a process like, something like lung inflammation, bowel inflammation, and changes in the brain. All the tissues.

PT- We’re here with Dr. Ray Peat (explains circumstances of interview) … Sooo do we have any evidence of how to get these guys (the nano-particles) out of the body? Would it be the natural detox mechanisms? Using Saunas? Just through the bowel and the kidney and stuff?

RP (13:01) – I think we have a very inefficient way to get these tiny things out. But to the extent that white blood cells can detect and remove them, because they enter right into nerve cells, blood vessel walls, right into the cell. It is not obvious to the white blood cells whether they need to be removed right away. So it can start a very slow, chronic process. But when the white blood cells can catch them, then I think the white blood cells can degenerate in way that lets them be excreted either through the bowel or through the kidney.

PT – I’ve actually seen some stories that there might be some silver on the kraft cheese slices ,that we don't recommend of course because it’s not really cheese (true), but its there to keep it fresher, the little plastic stuff.

RP (14:10)– Um, yeah it used...People would put a silver coin in a swimming pool. A copper is very similar, so that you didn't have to use chemicals to keep down the algae growth. Just a very small amount of, if you don't have a water purifier, putting a silver coin in your water and letting it stand has a strong germicidal effect.

PT- I’ve always wondered about the colloidal silver craze that went through the natural health world, I mean I think it’s still around actually. Its supposed to be anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. Do you know anything about those? Do they carpet-bomb and kill a lot of good stuff too ….?

RP- Um yeah that's the trouble, and if people get carried away with it, it can damage the tissues. When I was in my teens I knew a women who always wore a veil and gloves because she had been treated with silver and it turned her skin a horrible purple color.

PT- Hmm wow really… Well whats the story about the blue bloods, and they had blue blood because it had real silver. Do you think that kept them from getting something? Those real silver utensils?

RP- O well yeah sure, if you have a silver cup or silver spoon that’s the idea, it’s extremely germicidal.

PT- Ayruvedic medicine has this idea of putting water in a real authentic copper cup and drinking some of that every day. Do you think that's useful and viable?

RP- I think it would be safe.

PT- A germicidal thing?

RP – Yeah copper and silver are almost equal in their germ killing.

PT- That leads us to a question I really want to ask you about before we take emails, is this whole germ thing. I’ve sent you a video, did you get a chance to look at the text I sent you this morning about Cowen, Kauffmann, and the germ thing (debunked later by Peat)? What do you think about that? Do you think they’re on to something?

RP- They’re purpose is absolutely right, I agree with it. Have you seen the Zach Bush videos?

PT- I’ve heard about it, I haven’t seen his videos. What’s his argument Dr. Peat?

RP (16:52)- His argument is exactly the opposite but his purpose is just as good. All of them are arguing that there’s nothing to panic about. And that’s my position, that there has been nothing unusual happening this last year, its all made up fear. Lawyers are suing the governments, asking them where is the evidence for all of this fear? So far the courts haven't forced them to give up all the evidence of why its so dangerous. I don't believe there’s anything unique thing in history, its just the annual fluctuations of influenza and colds.

PT- But what about the deeper idea that Cohen that and more people are putting it out more and more, that the whole germ theory, that these things have never been isolated from HIV to Polio, never been isolated properly, they make that case. Have you ever seen a real pure isolation done Dr. Peat?

RP (18:13) - O, when a person takes a chemistry lab in school, you learn to identify chemicals with great precision, that's the purpose of the techniques. You don't have to purify things to identify them. I think that’s the crux of their argument, that’s based on the mistaken idea that you have to have absolute purity to know something exists. But when they talk about pure chemical reagents, even those are...every smallest bit that you analyze it’s going to have some atoms and molecules of other substances. You don’t have to purify chemicals to identify them with certainty.

PT- Well, their argument Doc, is that because you’re getting molecules and particles and pieces of monkey kidneys where they’ve been in the dish and everything, that you’ve never really isolated a virus, that it doesn’t exist as advertised.

RP (19:30) - Yeah but you don’t have to isolate a chemical to be confident that it exists.

PT- O, So a virus is a chemical?

RP (19:40) - Yeah, because it’s not a living substance, you should categorize it as a biological chemical. Like insulin is a chemical. Short bits and pieces of RNA just 5 or 10 base units, they work like chemicals, they can be catalytic and so on, so if it isn’t self sustaining, like a protozoan or bacteria has all of the features of life. If it isn’t self sustaining, you have to describe it as a non-living chemical substance. Even though complex...I think the problem comes in not looking at the actual nature of the virus. How did that complex chemical come into existence if it can only be multiplied in an organism? Like the bacteria-phage or plant viruses, they’re easy to get in a fairly pure form. Not absolutely pure, but enough that everyone, even a beginner can make electro micro-graphs of these things. Whereas with the small viruses, the electron microscope pictures are always muddy and a matter of judgment. If you see a majority of particles that are all approximately the same size and shape, you suspect something. But the evidence for even these small viruses even better than even things like the lochness monster and bigfoot and so on. There are pictures of them, but not everyone is convinced they exist. So viruses, the evidence is about a thousand times better than those other things. It’s good to be skeptical, because the evidence isn’t absolute as a lot of good chemical tests can achieve.

PT- So let me see if I can understand you Dr. Peat. What you’re saying is, the past, the whole germ theory thing is correct? The viruses do go around and we can share them with each other?

RP (22:45) - I’m a critic of the so-called germ theory, that gives causality to the germ because healthy people are not subject to getting sick from germs. So the great weakness of the germ theory is that you need a particular receptive host for the germ, and if you just eat well and are just relatively sanitary and get your vitamin D and sunlight, and so on, then you don’t worry about these viral or bacterial or fungal diseases.

PT- But you say they’re out there circulating?

(23:35) RP- Yeah, Zach Bush is right that you can find viruses on Antarctic ice and snow. They’re blowing around everywhere. But I think that their actual nature, many biologists just don't like to touch the question because, just how do you get this complex bit of DNA or RNA floating around, capable of being adopted and causing, participating in an infection? I think there’s enough evidence now going back now more than 50 years that there's horizontal transmission of nucleic acids going on constantly, even before DNA was identified as the basic genetic material. People were seeing evidence of transmission of genetic information across extremely different biological types, from plants to animals. Algae to protozoa to humans and so on. And genetic engineering, I mentioned that as controls some experimenters injected absolutely simple DNA strands in cells and that without treatment cells simply took up that massive molecule right through their ‘so-called membrane’ (see Gilbert Ling) and integrated it into their own genes.

(25:33) A group at Harvard and MIT recently demonstrated that the mRNA virus...or uh the strip that’s used in the vaccine, the pfizer vaccine, that that virus added to a human tissue, human cell culture, can be replicated by the cells as the virus people intend, but it can also be copied into DNA and integrated into the cell’s genome. Which is specifically what Fauci says can’t happen because he studied genetics, to the extent that he did, in the 1960s, before retroviruses were conceived as a possibility. So Fauci says, no it can’t happen, foreign DNA can’t be integrated into our genome. But it turns out that a huge part of our genetic material comes from outside material, including virus like particles. When you look at the horizontal transmission of genetic information, you can see that people who have drunk water contaminated with an algae, the algae DNA has been found inside their brain cells and other body cells. Experimenters with food, find that a certain amount of the food DNA finds its way into our cells.

(27:26)When you wonder how it is that this DNA is wondering around from species to species, bacteria have specifically engineered a way, so that if they’re starving for a specific nutrient, they can mutate their genes over the period of a couple days so that they can digest and assimilate a different nutrient, they can adapt and create new genes and if they're exposed to a poison, like an antibiotic, they can mutate and become resistant to that and they can pack that information that’s useful to them into a packet and transmit it to other bacteria of their own species or even of different species. That has been studied so well in bacteria, its only starting to be studied, it actually began in the 1960s, but there are people who continue to study the transmission from one part of our body to another, the nucleic acids, but also from one organism to another. Apparently as the bacteria naturally do that as part of their living properties, probably every organism has the ability to share genetic information and just for our internal repair and maintenance system, in the last 15 or 20 years, people are accepting that the exosomes, particles just about the size of viruses, are circulating in all of our body fluids carrying information. Even a cancer cell can put out exosomes that induce cancer in other parts of the body . It’s not always just a repair process, but can be a disease spreading process within the body.

(29:45) If those things are constantly being put into our human milk and urine, for example, bacteria are being exposed to these exosomes, and bacteria can assimilate human DNA, the same way Humans can assimilate bacterial DNA, human DNA can get into the bacteria and yeast.

(30:21)Just through the urine for example, were putting our DNA constantly into the environment where bacteria and fungus and other organisms can pick it up. When those organisms, bacteria especially, are picked up and carried around by other organisms, then that human fragment of DNA that we emitted is then available to the new recipient via the fungus or bacteria. All the means of transmission of exosomes are known, and so like the point Cohen and Kauffmann is making, degenerative cells generate sickness among other things. New abilities but also new sicknesses if the transmitter was sick, so what they’re saying is right. That they’re probably derived from other sick people and animals, but still it isn’t a mistake to call them viruses, because they can be transported around by bacteria and fungus and whatever.

PT (31:55) - So before we take some emails on this March 2nd day, where then separate yourself from the theories of Kauffman and Cohen? We’ll just use those two, where do you separate in your view, when they’re saying we’re missing something or… are they not? I don’t want to put words in your mouth.

RP - O, they’re point of, they're series of arguments about why they don't exist, its all an exaggerated sense of purity, purification and isolation. To identify something it doesn't have to be pure and isolated. The other point is that the word virus, shouldn't be such a magical thing, its just a temporary, potential cause of disease, which could be exudations from a sick person.

PT- So their argument, their idea that if you don’t truly isolate it, which they argue has never been done, then you don’t really know what you’re dealing with. Right?

RP- Well, no. Same with chemicals. We’re confident that we know how a chemical reacts and even what shape and weight it has and so on without isolating it just by identifying how it behaves and reacts . The same with everything ion the world. You know many things exist with great confidence, but not necessarily have to have seen it in isolation.

PT- But if there other little tangents to something like, I don’t know antibiotics or monkey kidneys, or whatever they do in the petri dishes, then you still...are you in a gray area proving that this caused that?

RP- Well, its the same with causation. It’s a matter of judgment and probability. Causality you always need a relatively susceptible and sick person to cause sickness in them. A very tough, healthy person can undergo tremendous threats eating dirt and bathing in filth and still they're absolutely healthy.

PT- What I understand and I may be wrong, big arguments, including these people, you’ve probably heard of Stefen Lanka in Europe and viruses do not cause disease. Is that if we really look and get to the point where we don't believe this whole virus thing is something to worry about, cold virus flu virus alleged covid then we can begin to look at what really causes these diseases; toxins, chemicals, and all kinds of things...bad thought you know all kinds of things.

RP- Yeah I absolutely agree with that overall purpose; don’t make a virus a magical thing because then crooks and the government, ignorant people like Fauci who are using knowledge that wasn’t good even sixty-years ago, will make proclamations about what the virus is going to do. It’s all fantasy non-sense and lies.

PT- Isn’t that same theory and thought, the whole background for vaccines in general?

RP (36:00)- Right. Yeah, the smallpox vaccine actually worked but it was done in a traditional way, scratching the skin with the bad stuff which would induce a sore and usually life long immunity to small pox and that scratching the skin or irritating the intestine, that activates in a healthy a person a resistance rather than a sickness. That vaccine was used intelligently to encircle the isolated areas where smallpox broke out, they would encircle the area with vaccination and over s short period of time were able to eliminate the disease entirely. But that was not at all good business for the vaccine industry; to eliminate a disease from the world. So even though they know how to use a vaccine intelligently, activating the skin, not injecting it deep into the muscle in which case it gets into the brain but activating the proper immune system and using it to stop, in a focused and organized way, to stop and encircle the infections. That’s how a vaccine should be used. But because of the profitability they’re going crazy inoculating areas that haven’t suffered noticeably from the sickness. They get half a dozen measles cases and they want to vaccinate millions of people, instead of encircling and eliminating the disease forever from the world. The disorganization is a ploy to keep selling more and more vaccines to more and more people.

(38:18) PT- You think it possible ol’ measles and mumps are just a natural detoxification process?

RP- No, like a cold or herpes. A person who is out of a proper environment, like you go indoors and you keep the air warm and dry, your mucus membranes get dried out and inflamed. Just any harmful agent. Exosomes, junk emitted by people in the house or that you contact. Whatever it is the irritant or toxin or germ emitted by these people will catch in a damaged mucous membrane. And then you suffer the same process.

PT- Would you be okay with me sending this audio to Doctor Cohen and Doctor Kauffmann? If I know them they’ll probably do a whole review on this and then maybe we can do a little discussion.

RP- O, okay

PT- (reviews the show and discusses newsletter- sign up by sending $28.00 to raypeatsnewsletter (at) gmail (dot) com )

PT- So we’ll try to come back next time for our third monday


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(45:30)PT- How do you spend most your day? Do you still do a lot of research? You paint is that right?

RP- O, a little painting and lots of reading.

PT- What’ve you been reading mostly these days?

RP- It changes, I’m currently working on a newsletter related to inflammation, but the holistic aspect of the organism has almost always been neglected as a component of inflammation. Why healthy people can avoid getting inflammatory conditions, a lot of it is simply a matter of their attention, how their brain is organized in daily work. If you’re scattered and distracted constantly by meaningless tasks, that seriously affects your inflammation processes and immunity.

PT- Fascinating. It makes sense though doesn’t it..If we’re going around and not focused on who we are as spiritual beings and our strength, it would weaken us.

PR- Yes, and I’m finding things in the history of psychology and Biology that support that in a very simple way.

PT- Yeah, I think it’s more simple than we even imagine Dr. Peat, I really do, that if we’re worried or in fear. My experience is that it’s in the body at that moment, its right in there

RP- Yeah, exactly

PT- Here’s Linda, she says; “ Great show, Patrick, I am newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic. If you were consulting with me, what would you recommend to reverse these high blood sugar things?

RP- Well, first I would identify the cause of the high blood sugar. I think the type two and the other proposed kinds of diabetes, like the pregnancy diabetes I think these are medical inventions to sell products and services. Its based way back in the 1940s, research on the pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal interactions showed that the insulin was only a very tiny part of the blood sugar regulatory system and yet doctors almost always fail to check what’s going on with your endocrine system which is known to regulate blood sugar.

They just call it diabetes and leave it at that and give you something that directly lowers the blood sugar even though it’s achieved at the cost of damaging your mitochondrial respiratory system so that you go into an inefficient, glucose wasting condition and a traditional side effect problem of this treatment of diabetes has been increased lactic acid production with serious even deadly lactic-acidosis being a result.

(49:33 ) The principle has continued to be damage the respiratory use of glucose so that you waste glucose and lower the blood sugar. I think the problem should be approached by first looking at what is causing the blood sugar and often its just a chronically high level of cortisol production, or of another hormone. If you find out why your cortisol is high, often that just due to hypothyroidism. The lack of thyroid hormone makes you unable to oxidize glucose and that put you in a stress state (see Hans Selye) and the stress state amplifies to raise the blood sugar it keeps the cells from using and shift you over forcing you to run on fats and putting fats into your blood stream, free fatty acids are the other essential blood test for anyone diagnosed with so called type 2 diabetes. Cortisol and free fatty acids and if possible checking on your lactic acid level. Your lactic acid should be at the the very bottom of the so called acceptable-normal range.

PT (51:10)– Is it true that simple angst or worry or fear can raise cortisol levels?

RP- Right, right. As well as lowering thyroid and just a very sudden onset of worry anxiety or fear can give you a surge of free fatty acids which can block your ability to use glucose. There’s direct antagonism when your blood fats rise in the free fatty acid form, that blocks your ability to use glucose so you can instantly create the appearance of type 2 diabetes, in other words just high blood sugar is all they diagnose it on.

PT- Alright. Dr. Ray Peat is here with us this morning on March 2. Here’s on for you. Clint P says he cured Rheumatoid arthritis not to consume vegetable oil as they cause leaky gut. Does Dr. Peat agree? I use Olive Oil. Rheumatoid Arthritis and vegetable oils, do they cause leaky gut and RA?

RP (52:30) – Yeah, the um inflammatory prostaglandins wouldn't be made except that we eat arachadonic acid or linoleic acid. These acids are called essential fatty acids but when animals are or people are put on a diet that makes them absolutely in the so-called essential fatty acids, their immunity and all types of resistance to infection, poisoning, trauma, fatigue, hypoxia, all kinds of stress tremendously improves when you’re free of the inflammatory prostaglandins made from the so-called essential fatty acids. So, when you eat the high PUFA vegetable oils, canola, soy, all of the popular cooking oils, your getting a very high background content of the material from which prostaglandins will create inflammation at the slightest provocation. It happens that olive oil contains maybe 8-10 percent of these potentially toxic polyunsaturated fats. The rest of it is safe monounsaturated mostly and those don’t contribute to the formation of the toxic prostaglandins.

PT- So regular use of olive oil in your opinion is fine.

RP- Well butter is better because it’s only about three percent of the bad stuff but if you hold your olive down to flavoring, maybe a teaspoon or so. It gives good flavor at that amount with out much danger. But butter is like three times as safe.

PT- Hm, butter is the safest. Isn’t that interesting. Okay here’s an email fast developing cataract on my right eye and I’ve been reluctant to have a surgery due to sojourns. Any available therapies or remedies for this?

RP- O, people my brother for example had a cataract diagnosed when he was about 70 and in his late 70s he went back and the oculist said he could see where there had been one but there was no trace of a functioning cataract left. So people do recover from them when their physiology changes but the lack of...the loss of energy to those cells that become opaque leads to them swelling just like any deenergized tissue swells; takes up water and the water, the effect is like cooking egg-white. The change of the water form an organized transparent state, it becomes an opaque like a cooked egg white and in the cornea of the eye that can happen to. A women with for some reason extreme water retention. I knew some one who in just a period of a few hours went blind in both eyes because the corneas became white and opaque. And bathing her eyes in a slightly hyper-tonic salt solution, the hyper-tonic salt solution removed some of the excess water and immediate her eyes were clear again. Anything that can shift your balance away from that water disorganization and retention effect can let the cataract clear up.

PT- And that solution, any thoughts on how you would make that solution properly?

RP (57:26) - Well , saline comes into contact with the cornea directly. So it acts immediately, but it cant reach the lens, so it isn't going to work, it might have an effect over a long period of a long time but the problem is to get your whole body shifted so that your body fluids, the blood and the fluids in the eye are bathing the eye with a more water restraining effect. Possibly more of a protein and sodium in the water of your blood stream and all body fluids but probably other things involved like keeping the external degree of oxidation in your blood and fluids, keeping that higher so that you don't push things towards inflammation and water retention.

PT- And if you were going to mix a little salt with water on the outside of the eye, what would be the proportions you would use?

RP (58:48) – O, for the clearing up the cornea I think she used in a quart of water, I think she used two rounded teaspoons or maybe three rounded teaspoons in a quart.

PT- And speaking of salt, this is a great lead into this question. Would you please ask Dr. Peat, writes Amy, about information on Morton’s Canning and Pickling salt, that Dr Huggins used to recommend versus redmans or himilayan salt?

RP- The canning and pickling salt its feature is that they don’t add iron and other materials for free flowing (see salt section). Its sodium chloride in just a very pure form. Someone I knew worked in a blood chemistry lab and they would buy most of their chemicals form a company like Sigma or Spectrum and pay astronomical prices but when they wanted just pure sodium chloride they would just go to the store and get canning and pickling salt.

PT- So, you think its pretty good choice, every day?

RP- Yeah because the coloring material if its gray or pink or whatever the pink is usually iron oxide or other…

PT- In the sea salt? Of course the sea salt people make this argument that we need all of the different minerals, but you don't resonant with that?

RP – No, some places identify 90 or 92 different minerals, but most of those are toxic.

PT- You remember Dr. Howe Huggins, Dr Peat, right?

RP- O yeah

PT- We used to have him on the show before he left us and he would almost every show would say I look at these blood chemistry’s Patrick almost every day and he does a lot of them. And he said the people on Morton’s canning and Pickling salt had better balances of everything in their blood than the people on sea salt, he said that a lot.

RP ( 1:01:10)- Yeah, it’s very clean stuff.

PT- Its very inexpensive, you can get over a pound for like a buck or something?

RP- I think its four pounds in a box for a few dollars haha

PT- Here’s on for ya from Carol. I’m a woman seventy years old and I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and my whole body is internally vibrating, what could be causing this, any way to remedy this?

RP- Yeah the blood sugar usually falls at night as the metabolism slows down. The very low blood sugar can give you surges of adrenaline that create symptoms like that changes in many brain chemicals in reaction to the hypoglycemia you might wake up with extreme clarity of thought or extreme panic and fear, but its derived from the fact that the liver and muscles should be well supplied with stored glucose as glycogen and during the night as we stop eating the blood sugar falls and the stored glycogen should be released into the blood so that we don’t have surges of free fatty acids but through out the night most people do have a failure of the liver stored glycogen and they start putting out large amounts of stored fatty acids, and those freed fatty acids block our ability to use glucose and creates a really brain toxic situation. So waking up and having a snack, a glass of orange juice or milk for example gives our brain some glucose and helps us to lower the free fatty acids in the blood.

PT- Anything a person could do before bed to help this situation so that they don’t wake up?

RP- Yeah, some orange juice or jello, marshmallows, ice cream milkshake, emphasizing carbohydrate. Experiments to stop nocturnal hot flashes and night sweats, they would give them a huge amount of corn starch for example, any carbohydrate will do but it should be accompanied by nutrients.

Pt- What’s the difference between the carbohydrate there or between an organic sprouted bread or cracker or something like that?

RP- Those will do, when you’re under stress any carbohydrate is better than stress which poisons you with polyunsaturated fats which get into your brain and the brain is renewing itself during the night so there’s huge turnover of brain substance, and if stress is putting free fatty acids that you’ve eaten into your blood stream they get incorporated very quickly as they pass through the blood stream. Your brain sub stance is changing very quickly over the period of just a few weeks, the brain will change its substance according to what you ate.

PT- Could this be the whole idea of where comfort food comes in? Where you have something like potatoes or pasta or something and you just feel better? If you’re freaked out about something ahah

RP- O yeah, it can be potatoes or pasta or a milkshake, making sure sugar, you’re getting your blood sugar up and your free fatty acids down. It creates a sense of peace and well being and lowers inflammation. Hypoglycemia, diabetics suffer from that because they aren't using their glucose, they’re suffering a deficiency of glucose even when they have high blood glucose because it isn’t getting into the cells. Hypoglycemia is a powerful cause of inflammation, just like hypoxia it’s basically suffocating on the energy level.

PT- Well Dr. Peat you’re the most fun nutritionist we know recommending milkshakes and ice cream before bed, orange juice, doesn’t get much better than that does it? Haha

RP- Yeah, if a person, a person shouldn’t specialize in those if they have a weight problem. The milk, the high calcium to phosphate ratio of milk activates the metabolism so that it burens energy at a much higher rate. Animal studies as well as human studies mostly the calcium but other things in a high milk diet are great for weight loss, improving the metabolic rate and the ability to burn calories.

PT- How interesting. Dr Ray Peat is with us, we’re here March 2, 2021. We’re gonna talk to Fred Doshevsky and also Mather Erret tomorrow we began Wednesday at about 10’ o-clock or so. Here’s for you from Alister; Dr. Peat how harmful is MSG should it be avoided completely or are small amounts okay?

RP- I think a small amount is okay but it is glutamic acid is a brain excitant, especially if you don’t have a protein to balance it. There’s glutamic acid at a fairly high concentration in gelatin for example. But the other amino acids keep the glutamic acid form getting into your brain at a high level where it can cause excitotoxic damage. If you’re having pasta for example, even a fairly small amount of MSG could potentially be toxic.

PT- Yeah, what do we think about the cold, I notice that when I had no heat no electricity and we were out gathering wood and all of that I actually felt stronger being out there. Do you think it could actually be healthier to live in a cold climate?

RP- Only if you’re regularly exposed to it. Animals for example that live outdoors develop a heavy coat of fur in the winter and their thyroid adjust up like four times as active during the winter. But that’s because of the stimulation of the skin. So if you’re well-fed and spend your days doing some activity outdoors where you’re constantly exposed to the cold that should increase your thyroid function

PT(1:08:50)- If you did cold water on your face and neck in the morning for example, how does that effect the parasympathetic or the sympathetic nervous system?

RP- It gives you a surge of sympathetic activity. It activates a diving reflex in babies, you can see a shift of the blood flow like in a seal they drastically shift the nervous system the sense that their face is underwater redirects the blood so that its mostly oxygenating the remaining oxygen goes to their brain and lungs and lets the muscles live on glycolysis. The cold water on your face, especially if you’ve been overheated can cause that shift in the nervous system.

When I worked in the woods and would be very thirsty and would be overheated I would go to stream and lie down and put my face in the cold water to drink and I would feel what was probably a dangerous surge of nervous activity that was I think redirecting my blood flow to my lungs and brain, but I think it was tilted that way with my head down, it usually felt like I was in danger of having a stroke or something. A very congested feeling in my head.

PT- Years ago I read where they were, would take tour de France cyclists, you know the cycling doc, all day long and they’d get really hot and they’d have to pack their necks with ice to sleep. That’s a bit so maybe that article was incorrect?

RP- What was the-?

PT- In other words these bicyclers would cycle all day long in the tour de france in the summer and they would so heated up they would actually have to put these ice packs on their necks to sleep.

RP- Yeah, that’s just because overheating is dangerous. If you get your temperature under control, your body can adjust to go to sleep. But the overheating turns on what my last newsletter was about, the Heat Shock proteins, which defend against the heat but they do that of the expense of energy production in the efficient oxidizing way. And so they lower all of your healthy adaptive functions as an emergency measure against the heat. So after overheating seriously, like an athlete might, then you have to do something to try to reverse that heat shock protein suppression of your metabolism.

PT- Interesting. So that’s maybe why I sleep and do better if I get out of the sauna and do an ice cold shower right after and stay under that ice cold shower for five minutes.

RP- Yeah, you don’t want to overheat and as along as you don't have a bad reaction like fatigue. Cold water, if it’s too cold it can drain your energy. The amount of energy that we actually use for functioning is a small fraction of what we emit by conduction and radiation. We radiate about three quarters of our food energy as infrared and microwaves and so if we’re in a very cold relative to our ability to burn calories then our body temperature falls and we’re seriously sick.

PT- Do you think there’s ways we can systematically can cleverly, to survive and thrive on less physical food using the god-force?

RP- Um, yeah you can survive. When I worked in the woods I knew a guy who only took one quart of water and sipped it occasionally and only one little sandwich , he was apparently very comfortable. When you look at the outcome over a lifetime, the higher your metabolic rate, the longer you live and the fewer sicknesses. So, wasteful heat production, uncoupling your heat production from usable ATP, it has lots of beneficial effects, it reduces inflammation.

PT- So how do we raise our metabolic rate.

RP- Avoiding PUFA, it’s the most important basic thing for most people.

PT- And what does eating do to the metabolic rate if one survives on less food does that raise or lower the metabolic rate?

RP- If you’re avoiding, like calorie restricted diet, the benefit of it is that people eat almost non of the toxic polyunsaturated fats and they get lower intake of heavy metals and iron. So they’re drastically reducing the poisoning. The amino acids tryptophan, methionine, and cysteine, people are almost always overeating on those amino acids and the proteins they get- Broda Barnes found with his experiments on his self, found that an almost pure protein diet he need at least twice as much thyroid supplement to keep going because of those particular amino acids.

PT- wow, really?

RP (1:16:00) – They’re (the amino acids) thyroid suppressive and anti-metabolic, so a low protein diet, as long as you get just what you need, and gelatin is very helpful that because it doesn’t have the suppressive amino acids.

PT- I see so the gelatin, like great lake gelatin or gelatin form bone broth or things like?

RP- Uh, yeah. Gelatin and carbohydrate will support your metabolic rate at a much lower calorie intake if you avoid the toxic calories.

PT- Here’s an interesting question. Is Dr. Peat talking about the Schumann resonance affecting the magnetic frequencies of the Earth, doesn’t it also determine lightning strikes and disprove global warming as it’s being sold?

RP- I’ve only been concerned with its effects on the organisms, but yeah the whole electrical function of the Earth interaction with the solar wind streaming past the Earth it’s like a wind chime sort of effect, it’s activated by the streaming solar wind and the Earth resonates with that process. You get bog shifts of electricity that undoubtedly contribute to why there are more thunderstorms in some seasons and how those interact with the solar cycles.

PT- Mmhm. Here’s an email form-.. O go ahead

RP- Solar cycles are probably a better explanation for the data that they see and refer to as anthropogenic planetary warming.

PT- Yeah, yeah there’s more information, we like a website called suspicious observers with Ben Davidson, and he puts out these videos everyday about how the whole sun and the sun sports and everything and he’s been very accurate with predicting everything from Earthquakes to floods to all kinds of stuff.

RP (1:18:30) – Yeah, there’s partly kind of a superstition among scientists, they don’t want to recognize how powerful the sun’s influence is. And even the interactions of the heavy planets with the sun on the Earth. Those have influences. The traditional science people are made nervous by, it’s too complicated and they call it superstition

PT- Haha, yeah a lot of the sun spot people, suggest that we could be going into much more a cooling rather than a warming…

RP (1:19:12)- That...Until three mile island happened, all of the experts were predicting, for decades, a new coming ice age, but the pentagon put out some publications following the three mile island scare where people were turned against nuclear power because they saw the dangers, and the pentagon needed their nuclear power as a source of material for atomic bombs and they didn’t want people to turn against nuclear power which they needed an excuse for why we needed to give up petroleum and coal and shift to nuclear power. They invented the planetary warming thing and suddenly in just a period of just a few months the public media shifted form a coming ice to coming heat catastrophe.

PT- Interesting, and when was three mile island? Was that in the 70s or the 60s?

RP(1:20:27)- I forget the exact year, 76’ or 78’ or around there.

PT- So your research shows that this was the beginning of this whole man made global warming thing?

RP- (1:20:40) yeah, there’s I think it’s called Alethanews(not sure if name is correct), has a good article on the pentagons invention of global warming.

PT- Haha o...Okay a couple more and we’ll let you go. Ummm lets see here, this is Slavosky he says I’ve been following your dietary guidelines for about three years and I’ve seen huge improvements to my health thank you very much. One thing I want to improve more is my high blood pressure that’s about 120-110 on an average day, somehow I think it’s related to snoring sleep apnea. My kids tell me I snore like a monster can you suggest anyway to tackle the challenge in general? What’s causing this sleep apnea?

RP- O yeah, usually it’s hypothyroidism and um if you look at people who have had hypothyroidism and high blood pressure when they correct the hypothyroidism its the rule that they’ve corrected their blood pressure too. Hyperthyroidism tends to lower the blood pressure, hypothyroidism it compensates with high adrenaline and high inflammatory processes so hypothyroidism is a very important cause of high blood pressure. As well as sleep apnea.

PT- Have you seen, I’ve known you’ve worked so diligently from around the world for the low thyroid, have you seen where people can actually use a bit of the piggy-stuff and get this thyroid back working without having to take it everyday?

RP- O yeah, I’ve seen two or three really spectacular examples of that. One woman who was diagnosed as having a non-functioning completely dead pituitary gland and all of her adrenal and thyroid and other hormones had gone down to zero and when she took thyroid for just a few days, I think it was only half a grain of thyroid supplement. Suddenly that little catalyzed a signal that the stress situation was over and the stress had been knocking out her pituitary function so just in a week everything came back. Others, one woman who had been sick and disabled for I guess about 30 years she felt better when she was taking a couple of grains of armor thyroid. But she decided to experiment and got a doctor to increase the dose up, 5 grains a day was the maximum he would prescribe. And she felt so much better on that that she went across the state and got another doctor and convinced him to give her five grains and she was almost back to normal after 30 years of extreme,...she needed a walker to get around.

PT- Now she didn’t stay on the five grains very long I suspect

RP (1:24:00) - She got a third doctor for another, she took 15 grains for about three weeks and she returned to normal, it took her maybe 8 or 10 weeks to go back down to maybe 5 grains and was back to work, absolutely normal.

PT- Now a grain is 60 mg right? That’s a lot!

RP()- Uh yeah Broda Barnes average patient got two grains. That’s about half of what a healthy gland produces. So even if you have no gland you can function moderately well on two grains a day.

PT- Is there any reason to believe though if somebody is taking two grains and they would like to and they’re 40 or 50 or whatever and they don’t want to take this thing for another 40 or 50 years that they can help this thyroid to get happy

RP- yeah, as soon as you can unload all of the stored polyunsaturated fats that create the inflammation and the stress that requires thyroid and suppress thyroid. As soon as you can unload that fat. So a thin person, the first person I mentioned was very skinny and it took her only a week to get out of the stress. The other one had hips that were almost three feet across I think, so it took her a lot of time to burn off some of that excess fat.

PT- Mmhm. Here’s the final one and it’s kind of a fun question, from an emailer or a listener. Is splashing cold water on the face initiates the diving reflex is it the increase of carbon dioxide that provides the oxygen to slow the breathe down?

RP- O, um well I think that probably there is a lot of carbon dioxide because the remaining oxygen is being circulated mostly to the brain and lungs so they do accumulate a lot of carbon dioxide. I there is a lot of immediate nervous signal to stop breathing hard but over a period 15-20 seconds or so the carbon dioxide starts having its effect of calming the stress nerves. But even though the higher carbon dioxide increases your need, your sense need to breathe, I think for a diving animal it is probably having a protective stabilizing effect.

PT- Finally, do you think its important for all of to have our share of fruits throughout the week other than orange juice, its good for us in general?

RP (1:27:40) – If you choose form fruits that aren’t starchy or irritating. Some fruits can be very allergenic and hard to digest, especially in supermarkets, they aren’t properly ripened. Peaches for example are usually hard and indigestible.

PT- O so, when you get those kind of things and you bite into them you just know you shouldn’t be eating that, that’s a lot of starch and it’s not ripened properly.

RP- Yeah

PT- Well Dr. Peat can we talk ya into coming back at your regular time in a few weeks, you wanna do that?

RP- Okay

PT- Great! And then we’ll just dig right into the emails because we have so many here and we’ll send out your little discourse on about Cohen and Kauffman’s work, I’ll send it to them and we’ll see what they. Maybe we’ll do something with

RP- Okay

PT- Thanks a lot sir, appreciate it, take care

RP- Okay, bye
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Jun 13, 2019
Thanks for taking the time to do this.

PT- Could this be the whole idea of where comfort food comes in? Where you have something like potatoes or pasta or something and you just feel better? If you’re freaked out about something ahah

RP- O yeah, it can be potatoes or pasta or a milkshake, making sure sugar, you’re getting your blood sugar up and your free fatty acids down. It creates a sense of peace and well being and lowers inflammation. Hypoglycemia, diabetics suffer from that because they aren't using their glucose, they’re suffering a deficiency of glucose even when they have high blood glucose because it isn’t getting into the cells. Hypoglycemia is a powerful cause of inflammation, just like hypoxia it’s basically suffocating on the energy level.

So who's having pasta tonight?


Jan 15, 2016
RP- (1:20:40) yeah, there’s I think it’s called Alethanews(not sure if name is correct), has a good article on the pentagons invention of global warming.
Okay os here is the article he was refering to;
Three Mile Island, Global Warming and the CIA
This article examines some of the connections between the US and UK National Security apparatus and the appearance of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory beginning after the accident at Three Mile Island.

In the mid 1970s “climate cooling” was the topic of articles in popular magazines such as Newsweek with reports of meteorologists being “almost unanimous” that the trend could lead to catastrophic famines, another little ice age or worse. In 1974 Time magazine published an article titled “Another Ice Age?.” In 1975 the New York Times ran an article titled “Scientists Ponder Why World’s Climate Is Changing; a Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable,” while in 1978 they reported that “an international team of specialists has concluded from eight indexes of climate that there is no end in sight to the cooling trend of the last 30 years, at least in the Northern Hemisphere.”

Of course, it may be true that the “newspaper of record” is not the best source for topics that go beyond the pronouncements of official or “off the record” statements from government agents. However, it is instructive that the message changed by the end of the decade, after the March 28, 1979 accident at Three Mile Island which had sounded the death knell for the nuclear power industry that is.

Daniel Yergin writes that by the early 1980s “a notable shift in the climate of climate change research was clear-from cooling to warming.”1 Yergin reports that the Department of Defense’s JASON committee had found “incontrovertible evidence that the atmosphere is indeed changing and that we ourselves contribute to that change,” adding “a wait-and-see policy may mean waiting until it is too late.” Political action was now being called for. That action would entail reducing carbon emissions, something which could be achieved through increased reliance on the now unpopular nuclear power industry.

Nuclear weapons programs rely on the existence of large nuclear processing facilities including mining, milling and enrichment of uranium as well as a highly specialized and experienced labor pool. While it is possible to produce nuclear weapons without a nuclear power industry it is far preferable to have a dynamic nuclear industry in place. The nuclear facilities that existed in 1979 would not last forever and the industry was seen as an essential component of the military industrial complex. These factors may well have been over-riding considerations in the DoD JASON committee report.

One of the principle scientists engaged in formulating the AGW theory was Roger Revelle, a US Navy oceanographer who was employed at the Office of Naval Research. The US Navy was actually central to the development of the civilian nuclear power industry in the US due to its reactor designs for nuclear powered submarines and ships.

Another outspoken early proponent of AGW theory was Britain’s Margaret Thatcher who also sought the construction of new nuclear power plants as well as Trident nuclear submarines along with new nuclear weapons. Her Conservative party also sought to crush the coal miner’s unions with which they had intractable disputes. Britain went on to build new nuclear power plants during the 1980s while firing tens of thousands of coal miners.

In the US, the Carter administration sponsored the establishment of the solar energy industry, another carbon free energy source. George Tenet (later named as director of the CIA) became the promotion manager of the Solar Energy Industries Association which included companies such as Grumman, Boeing, General Motors and Exxon. The proposed ‘renewable’ and ‘green’ energy legislation over the decades consistently facilitated the viability of the development of new nuclear power plants. Other ‘alternative’ energy technologies were never seriously expected to become significant sources of electric power generation.

In 2008 another CIA director, James Woolsey, would also become involved in promoting “a Fortress America of tanks and solar panels, plug-in hybrids and nuclear reactors,”2 only in his case the service to the carbon free industry would come after the CIA stint rather than before. Woolsey has recently appeared in an anti-oil print ad for the American Clean Skies Foundation.

The Institute for Policy Studies reports on Woolsey’s focus as an energy security advisor to the John McCain presidential campaign:

A founding member of the Set America Free coalition, a pressure group aimed at highlighting the “security and economic implications of America’s growing dependence on foreign oil,” Woolsey sees himself as helping pioneer a new political coalition that combines his militarist security ideology with green politics. He says, “The combination of 9/11, concern about climate change, and $4 a gallon gasoline has brought a lot of people together. I call it the coalition of the tree-huggers, the do-gooders, the cheap hawks, the evangelicals, and the mom and pop drivers. All of those groups have good reasons to be interested in moving away from oil dependence.”3

The Set America Free coalition includes liberal groups such as the Apollo Alliance, the American Council on Renewable Energy and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

There is another significant bloc of support for the low carbon paradigm which has a foreign policy orientation. In promoting the reduction in reliance on Middle Eastern oil imports Woolsey is joined by prominent hawks such as Senator Joseph Lieberman, former Senator Sam Brownback, Representative Eliot Engel, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former national security adviser Robert McFarlane, Thomas Neumann of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Frank Gaffney head of the neoconservative Center for Security Policy (CSP), Cliff May of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), Gary Bauer of American Values and Meyrav Wurmser of the Hudson Institute.

An outcome of energy independence would be greater freedom to initiate wars of aggression across the Middle East region that would destroy any potential resistance to the greater Israel project. Woolsey’s positions as an advisor to the neoconservative-led Foundation for the Defense of Democracies; and advisory board member of the Likudnik Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs might shed some light on his aims. The low carbon paradigm serves both the nuclear goals as well as the geo-political goals of the neoconservatives.


Dec 9, 2015
PT- My goodness, it was really something. Now more and more info is coming out about how they really screwed up with the subsidizing alternative energy and the windmills were frozen and making the wrong decisions to make this whole thing happen.

I'm glad Peat didn't give much credence to this comment. It's a glib interpretation at best, and just plain wrong at worst (unless you consider fracked natural gas to be "alternative energy").
Wind power generation in TX did drop, but that was due to not winterizing the turbines. The same turbines run w/o the same issues in places like Finland. The fault lies on ERCO, the TX Public Utilities Commission, the Railroad Commission*, and the "let the market decide" mentality for its electrical grid.
Natural gas should have been able to keep up with demand even after wind generation dropped, but again, the above commissions decided not to spend money to winterize pipelines, some of which froze.

*TX RRC regulates many things, but not the railroads (fun-fact of the day).
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