Anyone tried topical accutane or topical vitamin b5 or Panthenol ?


Aug 6, 2015
Ok I was at my GP not too long ago, an Egyptian doctor who I have been seeing for about a decade.

For the first time we spoke about my hair loss, well well fkn well.. what a surprise when that topic was brought up.

Turns out he used to work for Merck & Sharpe as a researcher back in Egypt and he was booted out for his theory on hair loss. This is no bull****.. this guy was a fkn knowledge machine. All this time!

This is what his theory is:
DHT isn't the cause of hair loss is. Sebum is. This is why:
DHT triggers the glands in your follicle to overproduce sebum. Bacteria gathers in this overflow and your immune system then attacks the bacteria, INCLUDING the hair follicle with inflammation. He said it's very similar to the process of acne.

Propecia works by stopping the DHT triggering the sebum overflow. He said Propecia could make your hair worse if like me hyperandrogenicity causes the extra oil.
He said he proved this theory by putting an early stage patient on low dose accutane. He said the patient regrew hair. He said this is why Retinoid helps, not because it tackles DHT, but because it tackles the sebaceous gland and stops the production of sebum.. hence stopping the gathering of bacteria.. hence no inflammation and no immune response.
I also asked why some medications work and why some don't. He said in theory it should work for all, but there are 2 reasons it doesnt:

1. Internal drugs can cause hyperandrogenicity like I've experienced
2. Topical drugs don't reach the follicle BECAUSE of the sebum build up blocking it. He said minoxidil works best with retin-A not because retin-A helps hair loss through DHT, but helps the minoxidil flow down the follicle wall by eliminating sebum build up.

He said he never really gave it the years of research it deserves, but his theory is ultra-low-doses of Accutane stops hair loss. He said 10mg twice a week will do the job.
He said when he kept trying to push this idea through his experiments, Merck kicked him off the research team.


Sep 27, 2015
Sounds like a scary thing to try since so many people report hairloss from retinol-based acne drugs.


Aug 6, 2015
Sounds like a scary thing to try since so many people report hairloss from retinol-based acne drugs.

Urea looks like an interesting ingredient for skin care

acne creams use urea/vitamin b5 to remove the dead skin.

a bald scalp looks keratinised
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May 3, 2015
The Selsun website states:

“Mild dandruff may be caused by overactive sebaceous glands, which are triggered by hormonal imbalance or stress.”

Not sure if the selenium sulfide in Selsun blue dissolves sebum or kills the fungus that eats the oily skin!

Anyhow I applied some Selsun blue on my bald scalp today in the shower!

This journal article for pharmacists is interesting:

“Excess skin oil (sebum) is an underlying contributor to dandruff epidemiology, as illustrated by its preference for males, postpubertal age, and poor hygiene. It is more common in male patients due partly to the influence of androgens but also to the fact that males have larger sebaceous glands on the scalp, especially after puberty.5 Their larger glands produce more oil than those of an age-matched set of females. Further, during the onset of puberty, the skin’s sebaceous glands mature into multilobulated configurations, allowing them to produce a heightened amount of sebum, which also leads to acne.”

Maybe a fungus eating oily skin causes dandruff, a bacteria eating oily skin causes acne, and a mite (demodex) eating oily skin causes male pattern baldness! ?‍?
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What do you use to wash your hair to remove the oils? I don't have hair loss but I have damage to the scalp from an injury - I've been rubbing tocovit/progest on the scar but I'm wondering if introducing more oil to the scalp is a bad idea?
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