Post Finasteride Syndrome, No-Fap “Flatlines”, Leech Therapy, Hair Loss


New Member
Oct 17, 2019
Hello All,

I have been obsessing with hair loss over the last 6 months every since somebody pointed out that my hair was getting thin and has driven me to the brink of insanity unfortunately. I have had a few ideas of things that could be potentially helpful and I wanted to run these ideas through the members of this forum to see what they thought about it.

Finasteride or propecia is supposed to be a drug that treats hair loss, however we all know very well that this drug can cause a loss of libido and other sexual side effects. During my hair loss journey I have also read that “no-fap” can be beneficial for hair. I believe that this can be true and I want to explain why. I had been hyper sexual for many many years since my youth, and I believe that there must be some sort of hormonal process with being aroused that causes DHT and other inflammatory markers to rise that contribute to hair loss during sexual activity. When I had begun no-fap I had experienced a “flatline” very early on, within a matter of days. For those who don’t know what a flatline is, it is essentially identical to what is described as post finasteride syndrome, limp penis, ejaculatory dysfunction, loss of libido, weak erections. This made me believe that the mechanisms that make finasteride effective must have some sort of relationship to inhibiting ejaculation. However, there is a lot of people who get offended by the very idea that abstinence can have any sort of beneficial effect on the body due to the over sexualization of our society. Additionally, I have read that over masturbation can contribute to enlargement of the prostate, which is also a treatment of 5-AR inhibiting drugs further leading me to believe that there must be some sort of high level conversion of testosterone to DHT that after a while may have detrimental effects on the hair and prostate (and rest of the body). I understand that the DHT theory is not highly respected around here and I absolutely have serious doubts of the DHT theory but it is likely one of the contributing factors in my opinion. In conclusion, so many people doubt that masturbation has any type of effect on hair loss in the mainstream but why is it so crazy to think that ejaculation can have a major effect on hormones, I mean after all sex is one of the most highly stimulators behaviors human can engage in.

Leeches or “bloodletting” is another idea that has recently come into my head with little research in the area in regards to male-pattern baldness. It is known that hair loss is due to inflammation of the hair follicles in one way or another, also there is less blood flow locally to the area. Some individuals have success with micro-needling which to me just does not seem to be efficient or practical, not denying its efficacy just it does not get me very interested. However, leech therapy seems like it could be an ideal candidate for hair loss. I know that this might sound crazy which I still think is crazy, but the mechanisms in which the leeches provide relief for ailments seems like it could go hand in hand with hair loss. Not only do the leeches suck out the stagnant blood and would provide new nutrients to the patient, but the saliva also is known to have anti-inflammatory properties which could be effective in treating the calcification of the scalp. Also, the leeches are supposed to be anti-septic which is said to be able to help with dandruff. The leeches also act as vasodilators which would be beneficial for hair growth. The leeches also cause you to loose lymphatic fluid which I would assume could help relieve any of the toxins in the scalp tissue (anyone with more anatomical knowledge please chime in). I have seen videos on YouTube which are conducted in Hindi so therefor I do not understand what is being said, but the videos are low quality nonetheless. The patients are basically there next to a cellphone picture of their condition before the therapy, but the hair growth seems to be actually something legitimate. I was very surprised by the results and it actually made me have some hope in the treatment which I plan on going for eventually. The results were not a miracle, but it actually seemed like the only before and after situation that actually seemed to have real outcomes that were positive. Check them out for yourself.

I would love to hear your opinions on these ideas especially on the ideas of leeches used to treat hair loss.


Nov 27, 2019
I think you're onto something with the leeches, just use another method to release blood. I recently donated blood after reading how important it is for hair health and iron levels and I have noticed my overall density and hairline have significantly improved since donating. In fact, Danny Roddy discusses iron overload with Chris Kresser somewhere on the web - shouldn't be too hard to find - and there's this whole school of thought/theory that iron overload explains the difference in longevity between men and women. This is due to the fact that women avoid iron overload more easily through the menstrual cycle. I am positive there's something behind this. You should donate blood to help yourself and someone else!

Additionally, I too have noticed a direct correlation between masturbation and hair loss, especially after I got off of finasteride. I've attributed it to brain atrophy - another theory from Danny Roddy that basically links brain atrophy to hair loss. I figured because finasteride reduces/destroys neuroprotective steroids via allopregnenalone, my brain is more susceptible to inflammation and atrophy than the typical. Nofap for a whole week generally improves my hairline to normal areas.


New Member
Oct 17, 2019
@fever257 thanks for your reply! I believe leeches will make you lose less blood than donating, but they do make you lose lymphatic fluid. You should research it for yourself and see the massive benefits that it may have, I think it could be more effective than donating. Donating blood is probably effective in some way to improve iron reserves but the mechanisms are very different than what leeches provide.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Look into Sulphur and Sulphur bearing amino acids like Taurine. Important for hair growth.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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