The Good: Fully Ascended After 2 Months Of Peating/haiduting, The Bad: As Angry/depressed As Ever


Oct 1, 2019
What are Peat's thoughts on meditation - such as transcendental meditation (or others)? In Buddhist training, we learn that we can be happy completely independent of outer circumstances. I really don't think that that is enough - at least wtihout meditating for a very long time first - and probably learning to do so in good health. But meditation certainly made transformations in my ability to be happy and empathetic. I wonder if Peat would feel meditation curative, or that it trains us too much in accepting "what is"?
I don't know what Peat thinks about it but there are studies that show negative effects of mindfulness meditation depending on the person. Depressed people can get even more depressed. A common side effect is disassociation from the body.

I think it's something for healthy people who want to experiment with their consciousness and definitely not for everybody. If you expect any type of psychological healing I thing you should avoid it, as it would be only like a patch anyways and not resolve the underlying issue. I experienced the growing disassociation from the body when I was into mindfulness meditation in a highly depressed phase of my life... I don't recommend it.

I'll look if I can find the study.

Wendy B

Jul 16, 2019
I don't know what Peat thinks about it but there are studies that show negative effects of mindfulness meditation depending on the person. Depressed people can get even more depressed. A common side effect is disassociation from the body.

I think it's something for healthy people who want to experiment with their consciousness and definitely not for everybody. If you expect any type of psychological healing I thing you should avoid it, as it would be only like a patch anyways and not resolve the underlying issue. I experienced the growing disassociation from the body when I was into mindfulness meditation in a highly depressed phase of my life... I don't recommend it.

I'll look if I can find the study.

You jogged my memory...I recall seeing an article that made the rounds i places like my meditation groups, speaking to the way corporations may be using mindfulness as a way to foster acceptance of staus quo.

As to the down sides of meditation...Those can also be an unearthing of our darker sides, which while painful to experience, may help with transformation in the long run. But I've also had the experience you describe of feeling worse from meditation over long periods of time and not feeling like it was helping me, and I couldn't dig myself out of it. But it's definitely enabled a humility in me that allowed me to make major beneficial changes including deep forgiveness and peace.

When you speak of the "underlying causes" are you speaking of the physiology of the body in need of repair, or a psychological underlying cause?


Mar 5, 2017
I send this to yoou via PM but got no response so posting here:

I have similar problems as you before and your transformation inspired me.

I am interested to hear about all the methods you used to physically transform and heal mainly:

a) your palate expander you used
b) your diet in detail (would highly appreciate)

Also if you are down, I’d be interested in pics to keep me motivated and inspired.


Oct 1, 2019
You jogged my memory...I recall seeing an article that made the rounds i places like my meditation groups, speaking to the way corporations may be using mindfulness as a way to foster acceptance of staus quo.

As to the down sides of meditation...Those can also be an unearthing of our darker sides, which while painful to experience, may help with transformation in the long run. But I've also had the experience you describe of feeling worse from meditation over long periods of time and not feeling like it was helping me, and I couldn't dig myself out of it. But it's definitely enabled a humility in me that allowed me to make major beneficial changes including deep forgiveness and peace.

When you speak of the "underlying causes" are you speaking of the physiology of the body in need of repair, or a psychological underlying cause?

Actually I was just referring to psychological underlying cause. but as we all know from Peat: It's all connected ;)


Jun 22, 2021
the issue for me is i dont want to go in a ****** office. its not about working less hours or changing job its a tad more complex having 9 years of experience in being an office rat

it isn't.
i dread my lifestyle and i regret past choices. I hate technology, ALL modern corporations/gvmntal bodies, i just want to have a job that entails no computer-today this is basically impossibile unless youre really lucky.
100%. Since I started peating I quit my job and just never showed up to my scheduled interviews - then started my business I had always been putting off - It's not like I feel lazy or anything I just don't feel like working with tech or in an office building any longer and have a strong urge to work for myself to follow my own rules - nice to see I'm not the only one
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