"The Actual Cure For Male Pattern Baldness"


Feb 24, 2019
I see how this can work if you look at the metabolism of the hair follicle and its stem cells.

“Hair loss, like obesity or hypertension, should be taken seriously, as an indication of a systemic metabolic problem. The metabolism of the hair follicle contains clues to aging, tissue regeneration, and cancer.” Ray Peat PhD

The human hair follicle engages in glutaminolysis and aerobic glycolysis: implications for skin, splanchnic and neoplastic metabolism


Summary. The metabolism of washed ram spermatozoa has been studied in the presence and absence of low levels of bicarbonate (6 mm) and CO2 (2%). Although bicarbonate stimulated the O2 consumption of ram spermatozoa in the presence of glucose, acetate or lactate, its most profound effect was on glycolysis and it greatly stimulated the rate of glucose breakdown to lactic acid under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Low concentrations of potassium (5 mm) enhanced the stimulating effect of bicarbonate on glycolysis but, in its absence, bicarbonate greatly depressed O2 uptake.



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Feb 24, 2019
“hair regrowth from insulin reduction (with photos)

hey guys,

as I've described on here multiple times I've been taking an insulin-centric approach to tackling my PCOS for the past few months. one of the symptoms that came on *strong* after I quit birth control in january was hair loss. this was no doubt exacerbated by stress, as I moved to a new state and started a new job in that same time frame, but I attribute most of it to PCOS. most of the thinning, as you can see in the pic I've linked to, was frontal. my whole hairline receded by about an inch in the span of a few months. scary!

the first pic in the album is from when my hair loss was at it's worst. I almost deleted the picture I was so upset about it, but decided to keep it so that someday it would be a "before" photo. that was the day, back in late april, that I resolved to tackle this condition.

the second pic was taken yesterday: about 3 months into zero sugar lazy low carb, 20:4 IF routine, 1500mg metformin, 4000mg inositol, and a few other helpful supplements (PM me and I'd be happy to give you the run down on those.) as you can see it's not all filled in yet, but it's growing like a weed where it was previously bald and shiny (aah!)

anyway, I know hair loss is one of the most distressing symptoms so I just wanted to give you guys some hope. seeing your scalp where you shouldn't can make it so tempting to reach for hormones or testosterone blockers and hey-- you're all going to do what you're going to do and there's no right way to treat this disorder-- but I hope this demonstrates that a metabolic approach can work even for the most demoralizing symptoms. having been on birth control for a decade I feel this is the most sustainable approach in the long run, at least for me.

I also want to emphasize, as I know I have many times here, that I am thin and every doctor told me I had no insulin problems based on my bloodwork. every. single. doctor. in fact my gynecologist balked when I first asked to try metformin. in my gut "you have non-insulin resistant PCOS" just didn't feel like an acceptable answer. I had suffered with hypoglycemic issues for years. I'm glad I kept pushing for an actual insulin test because my endo eventually uncovered *severe* insulin resistance.

here's the damage and the in-progress repair:


This straight from reddit. AGA is an insulin problem and your tests won’t even show it.

In her case she has estrogen on her side. Estrogen can grow hair back on the scalp.

as for us men regrowing may be a very difficult task but thickening and stopping hairloss may come down to one thin insulin problems and that is all
I think the metformin could indeed be the thing to grow hair, but why the low carb no sugar, makes no sense.

Oh most of the steroid helpt to re grow hair if you apply topical

here is a study of DHEA altering mitochondrial respiration, of which Dr Peat said it helps grow hair together with Progesteron, also inhibits complex I in the ETC, I think is an imprtant clue

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Nov 29, 2017
I don't know why I often go back to Edgar Cayce's material but will post this as I think it falls in line with much of what is said on this forum regard baldness.

1. Physiological Considerations

Glandular insufficiency and spinal lesions (subluxations), according to the Cayce material, are by far the most common causes of hair loss (baldness) which may be accompanied by nail and even skin changes (abnormal pigmentation, vitiligo, etc.). Glandular dysfunction - usually the thyroid but the thymus and adrenals may also be involved may come about through the diet, i.e., insufficient amounts of necessary elements like calcium, or excesses of others like potassium. Other causes of glandular dysfunction include insufficient circulation, stress, infection, toxic chemicals (as found in cosmetics), general debilitation, etc.

The most commonly involved gland is the thyroid. It seems that when some elements necessary for proper thyroid functioning are missing, toxins which otherwise would have been eliminated are allowed to accumulate in the system. When this happens, inflammation, congestion, and circulatory disturbances occur, affecting the scalp and maybe the nails and skin. It is worth noting that the thyroid to some extent controls the circulation to the scalp, nails and skin, independent of the mechanism described above. When such disturbances occur, the outcome is hair loss with or without nail and skin changes, depending on the severity of the condition.

Impaired circulation from other causes may bring about the same effects without necessarily involving the thyroid or other glands, but is a much less common finding. The exception is spinal subluxation, being almost equally as frequent as glandular disturbance. It should be noted, though, that even when spinal subluxation is the primary condition, the glands often become involved as a result of impaired circulation through them (the thyroid especially). Hence in a large majority of cases the glands are either the primary or contributing cause of the condition.

In one or two instances, reference was made to prenatal tendencies as a contributory cause, but no definite information is available on this or on heredity.

II. Rationale of Therapy
The treatments recommended reflect the disease process involved and may be classified as follows:

  1. Correction of glandular dysfunction usually includes dietary advice where deficiencies are involved. Atomidine and sometimes glandular extracts (thyroid, adrenals, etc.) are necessary.
  2. Osteopathy: Series of treatments to correct spinal subluxation that may be causing circulatory, glandular and other organ system dysfunction as well as hair loss.
  3. Others: Treatment of underlying disorders (e.g., avoidance of stress and toxic chemicals, treatment of infections, etc.) as well as complications of basic disease process (e.g., spinal subluxation usually causes widespread effects) which may contribute to or aggravate the hair loss.
Osteopathic adjustments bring about improved circulation to the scalp, nails and skin, thus leading to beneficial changes. When digestive disturbances (assimilations/eliminations) are also present as a result of spinal lesions, toxic accumulations may be substantially eliminated or prevented in the digestive tract, further improving circulation to involved areas. What may be less obvious is that the use of laxatives, colonic enemas, etc., would bring about similar results through elimination of toxins.

These few examples are based on the assumption that the physiology described by Cayce is correct. Intuitively, it seems to make sense to me.

III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen
Baldness is not a problem treated by the average physician, for there is no recommended medical treatment presently available. The following might be considered a reasonable approach to the average patient, from a study of the Edgar Cayce readings.

1. Correction of glandular deficiency.

  • Atomidine: Various programs were prescribed. There is no given formula for arriving at dosages. One suggestion is as follows:
One drop for seven days, rest five days
Two drops for seven days, rest five days
Three drops for seven days, rest five days
May repeat this series once or twice.)

  • Thyroid extract in small doses two to three times a week for a few weeks in combination with Atomidine in severe deficiency.
  • Other glandular extracts (replacements), as necessary, e.g., adrenal.
  • Correction of mineral deficiencies and/or excesses (e.g., low calcium, high potassium). Calcios is a good source of calcium (a layer on a cracker taken every other day).
  • Dietary:
    The skin of Irish potatoes cooked in Patapar paper (to preserve active principles) supplies some essential elements for proper thyroid function. This may be eaten three or more times a week. (Roasted or baked is also good so long as it is not burnt.)

    Other helpful hints for better thyroid activity include citrus fruit juices - orange juice plus lemon or grapefruit juice plus lime - in combination with Atomidine will act on the thyroid to improve circulation to the scalp. Seafoods were recommended three times a week. Carrots are good.

    Avoid: fried, greasy foods, fried meats, starches, refined sugars, onions, garlic.
2. Osteopathy: This would be helpful if a history of spinal injury is obtained or when other symptoms and signs warrant this. Even in the absence of the above a few treatments would probably still be beneficial, since circulation to the thyroid, scalp, nails, skin, etc., Will be enhanced. The areas manipulated as well as the number of treatments should be considered on an individual basis.

3. Local measures:

  • Crude oil massage to the scalp (one teaspoon) to stay on from one-half hour to 45 minutes. Then cleanse with a 20% grain alcohol solution. Follow this with a massage using white petroleum (Vaseline) into scalp (not too greasy).
  • An alternative would be a scalp massage with pure hog lard, leaving this on overnight after covering head with an oil cap.
  • Shampoo in the morning with olive oil shampoo followed by a massage with white Vaseline cut with a little alcohol (one drop grain alcohol to one ounce water). Either may be done once a week.
  • Violet ray treatment (20-25 times) to scalp, spine, scapula, umbilical area for a total of five to ten minutes on a daily basis. Ultraviolet ray treatments may be used instead, this done every third day, limiting treatment to scalp and spine for three to five minutes for 20-25 treatments.
4. Other: Maintain proper elimination through the use of laxatives, colonic enemas, massages, etc. Diathermy, vibrator, hydrotherapy, radio-active appliance were also recommended in some instances.

A prescription is given in reading 636-1 for restoring hair color. Dosage is half a teaspoon three times a day after meals for ten days with five days rest periods.

Steps 1 and 3 seem to be a must, while 2 and 4 may be utilized at the discretion of the therapist, depending on the case being treated.

[Note: The preceding overview was written by Hezekiah U. Chinwah, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician's Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]

Overview of Baldness
Bumping this again for hair loss sufferers to re read. I know ray didn’t like iodine but Cayce’s dietary recommendations (sea food) supplied sufficient iodine for the “purification of the gland”. Ray was cool with sea food in moderation

A few people on this forum have also shared some good information about posture affecting hair growth/loss which was pretty well articulated by Cayce a long time ago so props to them as well. I’m testing out the violet ray device on my scalp and using red light on my thyroid so I’m hopeful. One good thing is I still have velus hairs where my recession is so it will be a good experiment to see if I can restored some hair. There was a guy named Maliniak(I think) that was also using the device and had a protocol that apparently worked to some extent for him. Not sure what ever became of him. Anyways food for though (or not)


May 10, 2018
Bumping this again for hair loss sufferers to re read. I know ray didn’t like iodine but Cayce’s dietary recommendations (sea food) supplied sufficient iodine for the “purification of the gland”. Ray was cool with sea food in moderation

A few people on this forum have also shared some good information about posture affecting hair growth/loss which was pretty well articulated by Cayce a long time ago so props to them as well. I’m testing out the violet ray device on my scalp and using red light on my thyroid so I’m hopeful. One good thing is I still have velus hairs where my recession is so it will be a good experiment to see if I can restored some hair. There was a guy named Maliniak(I think) that was also using the device and had a protocol that apparently worked to some extent for him. Not sure what ever became of him. Anyways food for though (or not)
Enjoyed reading this, thanks. Can anyone help translate what this means:

‘A prescription is given in reading 636-1 for restoring hair color. Dosage is half a teaspoon three times a day after meals for ten days with five days rest periods’.


Nov 29, 2017
I’ve ordered some detoxified/atomic iodine which I will try out as well. Some interesting reviews with regards to hair loss. If anyone decides to buy it, ensure it is the same formula as prescribed by cayce (ethyl alcohol).


May 10, 2018
I’ve ordered some detoxified/atomic iodine which I will try out as well. Some interesting reviews with regards to hair loss. If anyone decides to buy it, ensure it is the same formula as prescribed by cayce (ethyl alcohol).
Can you link the product you purchased? Cheers.

Deleted member 5487


I have began supplementing potassium bicarbonate to experiment. Began with 1000mg split in 2-3 doses.

NW2 for close to a decade

Two Immediate theory's and explanations come to mine. Not so much his "Fungal" treatment theory.

1) Potassium Displacing excess sodium in cells. Gerson Therapy. Or the extra potassium increasing cellular energy on a systemic basis providing enough energy to regrow hair.

2) My own Alkalinity theory. That potassium is providing a strong alkaline base, to offset the very acidic diet that so hard to avoid in America.

Lowering base acidity is crucial in keeping cortisol and glutamate at bay which leads to all the negative downstream effects of ageing. See my older posts

I only began supplementing Friday, but the first thing out of my co-workers mouth this morning was "you look about three years younger"

I was also extremely repulsed by my NY Italian sandwich today as it was uncannily salty. I had to put it down half way.

These may seem like silly anecdotes, but I am extremely conscious of these things and keep a written log.

Will see what happens.


Apr 9, 2018

I have began supplementing potassium bicarbonate to experiment. Began with 1000mg split in 2-3 doses.

NW2 for close to a decade

Two Immediate theory's and explanations come to mine. Not so much his "Fungal" treatment theory.

1) Potassium Displacing excess sodium in cells. Gerson Therapy. Or the extra potassium increasing cellular energy on a systemic basis providing enough energy to regrow hair.

2) My own Alkalinity theory. That potassium is providing a strong alkaline base, to offset the very acidic diet that so hard to avoid in America.

Lowering base acidity is crucial in keeping cortisol and glutamate at bay which leads to all the negative downstream effects of ageing. See my older posts

I only began supplementing Friday, but the first thing out of my co-workers mouth this morning was "you look about three years younger"

I was also extremely repulsed by my NY Italian sandwich today as it was uncannily salty. I had to put it down half way.

These may seem like silly anecdotes, but I am extremely conscious of these things and keep a written log.

Will see what happens.

How is your experiment going? Any noteworthy news?


Feb 18, 2018

I have began supplementing potassium bicarbonate to experiment. Began with 1000mg split in 2-3 doses.

NW2 for close to a decade

Two Immediate theory's and explanations come to mine. Not so much his "Fungal" treatment theory.

1) Potassium Displacing excess sodium in cells. Gerson Therapy. Or the extra potassium increasing cellular energy on a systemic basis providing enough energy to regrow hair.

2) My own Alkalinity theory. That potassium is providing a strong alkaline base, to offset the very acidic diet that so hard to avoid in America.

Lowering base acidity is crucial in keeping cortisol and glutamate at bay which leads to all the negative downstream effects of ageing. See my older posts

I only began supplementing Friday, but the first thing out of my co-workers mouth this morning was "you look about three years younger"

I was also extremely repulsed by my NY Italian sandwich today as it was uncannily salty. I had to put it down half way.

These may seem like silly anecdotes, but I am extremely conscious of these things and keep a written log.

Will see what happens.

After reading this I gave this a shot and was immediately very repulsed by the potassium bicarbonate water.

I believe you're better off just eating high quality meat, which not only has all the b-vitamins and protein, it will also have potassium.

I notice that my acid reflux becomes substantially worse if I mix starch and fat together.

Pure, fresh, clean cooked salted meat tho is a pretty quality food tho imo.


Sep 12, 2015
Why supplement potassium bicarbonate, which will become potassium chloride in the gut? Potassium citrate metabolizes into bicarbonate, contributing to body alkalinity (and improved zeta potential).


Oct 2, 2018
Why supplement potassium bicarbonate, which will become potassium chloride in the gut? Potassium citrate metabolizes into bicarbonate, contributing to body alkalinity (and improved zeta potential).
Do you take the potassium citrate as pills, or mix it into water? If it’s mixed into water to take, what’s the taste like?

I was thinking of changing from magnesium bicarbonate water to potassium bicarbonate water, but not if it tastes repulsive. So I need to find another way to get more potassium.


Sep 12, 2015
Do you take the potassium citrate as pills, or mix it into water? If it’s mixed into water to take, what’s the taste like?

I was thinking of changing from magnesium bicarbonate water to potassium bicarbonate water, but not if it tastes repulsive. So I need to find another way to get more potassium.
I put 1.5 grams in my one liter of daily distilled water and notice improvement, if anything. I've used potassium citrate from PureBulk and NOW, and they seem to be equivalent.
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