How to cure or reverse Male Pattern Baldness


Nov 26, 2020
If something was not seriously wrong in our health, then bad posture would not happen. The tensegrity structure of our body needs nothing more than walking, and small posture issues automatically get re-aligned to upright posture. Lack of daily normal movement and assaults on our physiological balance like vaccines, pesticides, nutrient poor industry tainted food etc... combined lead to injury that becomes ingrained and chronic. But it also means that fixing those issues should allow to reverse this chronic injury, like for me it was avoiding vaccines for 15 years, eating at least moderately healthy, and then taking peaty supplements for 6 months before finally taking relatively large doses progesterone, that finally dissolved enough fibrosis and calcification to let the posture start heal.

The important thing to keep in mind is that bad posture leads to excessive fascial tension, which in turn is a direct significant stressor. Only few chronic conditions could not be linked to this tension. Bad health was the cause for postural issues, but once it happened the postural issues is significant cause of what keeps you in bad health.
Are you a bit simple and think only people with hairloss do research on hairloss? If all you want to do is to possibly treat the symptom temporarily then chemical castration and contraceptive pills are all you need. If such actions sound sane to you i wonder why you even are on this forum.

"science" has for decades "known" what causes hair loss, yet the best treatment found is to turn you into a woman and hope it has an effect on the loss. Maybe it would be time for a bit of outside the box thinking? Not one person with perfect posture has MPB, so i would say my method has 100% success rate, much better than anything anyone else has suggested.

Nice post although I dont think that only posture is what matters for general health. Although they are surely intraconnected one improving/deteriorating the other and vice versa. High androgens and low fatigue seem to be the strongest drivers to keep a good posture for me. Do you reccomend specific exercises ? I have seriously corrected my forward shoulders and neck posture the last years but is far from perfect. I have seen good improvments by training rotator cuff and lower back while stretching a lot hamstrings, hip flexors and the back of the neck. Do you have in mind a program worth trying ?


Aug 6, 2017
Androgens make you fight, resist stress. This is why MPB even happens mainly in men. Progesterone makes you adapt to stress, and this includes things like letting the fascia stretch (and heal fibrotic support structures, calcification), to accommodate and re-model instead of just keeping fighting it and causing the internal pressure to rise. So yes, androgens enforce posture, and it is a good thing as long as what they are enforcing is not chronically damaged.

For exercises, to get the process to start i can only point to things like chiropractic treatments and exercises like what gokhale teaches, or what original yoga teaches as taught by for instance sadhguru. But all these are things to try to get the process started, once it is ongoing all you do should be coming from what you feel inside, what movement needs to be done to unwind and re-align the fascia in your specific situation. If you do some "yoga exercise" by following a good video you might in an hour get as much work done as in 10 minutes if you just close your eyes and listen to your body for what specific movements you need right now. And this changes tremendously as the process progresses.


May 15, 2019
Androgens make you fight, resist stress. This is why MPB even happens mainly in men. Progesterone makes you adapt to stress, and this includes things like letting the fascia stretch (and heal fibrotic support structures, calcification), to accommodate and re-model instead of just keeping fighting it and causing the internal pressure to rise. So yes, androgens enforce posture, and it is a good thing as long as what they are enforcing is not chronically damaged.

For exercises, to get the process to start i can only point to things like chiropractic treatments and exercises like what gokhale teaches, or what original yoga teaches as taught by for instance sadhguru. But all these are things to try to get the process started, once it is ongoing all you do should be coming from what you feel inside, what movement needs to be done to unwind and re-align the fascia in your specific situation. If you do some "yoga exercise" by following a good video you might in an hour get as much work done as in 10 minutes if you just close your eyes and listen to your body for what specific movements you need right now. And this changes tremendously as the process progresses.
Would trigger-point massages be helpful in addition to chiropractic?


Nov 26, 2020
Androgens make you fight, resist stress. This is why MPB even happens mainly in men. Progesterone makes you adapt to stress, and this includes things like letting the fascia stretch (and heal fibrotic support structures, calcification), to accommodate and re-model instead of just keeping fighting it and causing the internal pressure to rise. So yes, androgens enforce posture, and it is a good thing as long as what they are enforcing is not chronically damaged.

For exercises, to get the process to start i can only point to things like chiropractic treatments and exercises like what gokhale teaches, or what original yoga teaches as taught by for instance sadhguru. But all these are things to try to get the process started, once it is ongoing all you do should be coming from what you feel inside, what movement needs to be done to unwind and re-align the fascia in your specific situation. If you do some "yoga exercise" by following a good video you might in an hour get as much work done as in 10 minutes if you just close your eyes and listen to your body for what specific movements you need right now. And this changes tremendously as the process progresses.
Very interesting. The only thing I dont like about Progesterone is that is opposes testosterone and makes you more feminine. Anyway good advice you got there.


Feb 13, 2021
Very interesting. The only thing I dont like about Progesterone is that is opposes testosterone and makes you more feminine. Anyway good advice you got there.
Even in small doses? For me <5 milligrams feels more androgenic.


Nov 26, 2020
Even in small doses? For me <5 milligrams feels more androgenic.
Yes for me even things that promote progesterone like aspirin decrease my agressiveness and inner drive and probably erection quality. Not to a significant extend but I can tell. Although sometimes they are very beneficial for reducing cortisol, inflamation etc.


Oct 21, 2018
As someone who has done a tremendous amount of research. I can tell u that there is a good chance u can halt your hairloss to the point it doesnt progress for decades but as you age it will eventually get to a point ur bodies mechanism arent what they used to be and you will progress further. Now the chance of your reversing thinning cosmetically enough is not likely without some sort of topical or pharmaceutical intervention.

think of your scalp as an area constantly being exposed to inflamation. U finally stop inflammation awesome. But there are now scars there. You could improve the scars but the scars will stay there. In this case the scar is the thinned out hair. So while you could see some improvement it wont be dramatic at least very rare cases it wont.

As we age growth factors that would help in improving organ restoration reduce and this likely happens to reduce the aggressiveness of cancers that are more likely to develop over time as we accumulate environmental damages.


Feb 13, 2016
How much calcium are you getting daily @lampofred and in what forms.

I'm averaging half a gallon of low fat milk daily but am trying to work up to a gallon. Aged cheddar every few days, and I read sesame seeds are very rich in calcium, so I've been experimenting with tahini made with hulled seeds and the PUFA that floats to the top poured off. It's definitely a very fatty food though and does slows my metabolic rate, so I'm trying to figure out how much to eat to balance the benefit from the calcium versus the harm from slowdown of metabolic rate.

I think everything we do affects calcium/phosphate ratio, so I've also been trying to figure out what non-food activities help with retaining calcium. Darkness, anxiety (hyperventilation) cause calcium to be dumped via urine, and a specific kind of prayer causes me to retain calcium better (the effect is so strong for me that I don't think it's possible that it's due to placebo).


Jun 10, 2020
I'm averaging half a gallon of low fat milk daily but am trying to work up to a gallon. Aged cheddar every few days, and I read sesame seeds are very rich in calcium, so I've been experimenting with tahini made with hulled seeds and the PUFA that floats to the top poured off. It's definitely a very fatty food though and does slows my metabolic rate, so I'm trying to figure out how much to eat to balance the benefit from the calcium versus the harm from slowdown of metabolic rate.

I think everything we do affects calcium/phosphate ratio, so I've also been trying to figure out what non-food activities help with retaining calcium. Darkness, anxiety (hyperventilation) cause calcium to be dumped via urine, and a specific kind of prayer causes me to retain calcium better (the effect is so strong for me that I don't think it's possible that it's due to placebo).
Do you drink milk with added vitamins? If so, do you notice any inflammation from those?


Feb 13, 2016
Do you drink milk with added vitamins? If so, do you notice any inflammation from those?

Yes, just supermarket milk. But even among supermarket milk every brand felt different so I had to try them all and see which one I liked best. I've never bought raw milk from a farm, so I can't compare it to that, but I've tried more expensive A2 milk, and non-homogenized, no-vitamins-added milk from health food stores and I honestly preferred the supermarket milk.


Nov 16, 2019
Ritchie is right
REI never had hairloss btw. Ask him hes in this thread.
You are an example? Let's see before and after pics
Elephanto never provided proof and then he dissapeared forever from thus forum.
However the guy he borrowed his protocol from on BB website showed before and after proof of some regrowth on the BB website, never here though.
Come on mate. That is honestly the most weak, weakest, piss weak response possible. I don't have very good before photos, but I have some from after years of trying to fix it, and some from now, but I will choose not to share these. My hair today is just as thick as it was when I was 17, 10 years later. My eyebrows which I had to pluck every second or 3rd day when I was younger stopped growing for years. Right now I'm back to having to pluck them every few days again. My skin which was pale and thin is now blush and perfect. My heart rate which was in the 50-60s a few years ago, today never drops below 80. My outlook on life, which before may have been bleak, is now the most positive out of anyone that I know. Why would I make this up?

It wasn't an easy journey, I had to try different methods over the span of 3 to 4 years, a lot of money spent, major changes, but was possible with consistency and following good advice (all of which is on this forum, hidden across different threads). My biggest biggest advice is, don't look at it as a short term thing, because that's not really possible. It took your whole life of poor environment to get you there, it won't be reversible overnight.


Nov 24, 2017
Come on mate. That is honestly the most weak, weakest, piss weak response possible. I don't have very good before photos, but I have some from after years of trying to fix it, and some from now, but I will choose not to share these. My hair today is just as thick as it was when I was 17, 10 years later. My eyebrows which I had to pluck every second or 3rd day when I was younger stopped growing for years. Right now I'm back to having to pluck them every few days again. My skin which was pale and thin is now blush and perfect. My heart rate which was in the 50-60s a few years ago, today never drops below 80. My outlook on life, which before may have been bleak, is now the most positive out of anyone that I know. Why would I make this up?

It wasn't an easy journey, I had to try different methods over the span of 3 to 4 years, a lot of money spent, major changes, but was possible with consistency and following good advice (all of which is on this forum, hidden across different threads). My biggest biggest advice is, don't look at it as a short term thing, because that's not really possible. It took your whole life of poor environment to get you there, it won't be reversible overnight.

so what were you doing exactly ?


Feb 23, 2020
Come on mate. That is honestly the most weak, weakest, piss weak response possible. I don't have very good before photos, but I have some from after years of trying to fix it, and some from now, but I will choose not to share these. My hair today is just as thick as it was when I was 17, 10 years later. My eyebrows which I had to pluck every second or 3rd day when I was younger stopped growing for years. Right now I'm back to having to pluck them every few days again. My skin which was pale and thin is now blush and perfect. My heart rate which was in the 50-60s a few years ago, today never drops below 80. My outlook on life, which before may have been bleak, is now the most positive out of anyone that I know. Why would I make this up?

It wasn't an easy journey, I had to try different methods over the span of 3 to 4 years, a lot of money spent, major changes, but was possible with consistency and following good advice (all of which is on this forum, hidden across different threads). My biggest biggest advice is, don't look at it as a short term thing, because that's not really possible. It took your whole life of poor environment to get you there, it won't be reversible overnight.
I cant see your old activity from my profil. Please, could you explain what have you done for getting this health/metabolism state?


Nov 16, 2019
I cant see your old activity from my profil. Please, could you explain what have you done for getting this health/metabolism state?
thyroid sup(cynoplus), cycling progesterone(progest-e), diet (liver oysters consistently), cyproheptadine(periactin), optimising light and lifestyle, donating blood, vitamin d/k, sunlight/grounding, coffee, water filters, gelatin, aspirin, learning how to exercise properly, LIVING A STIMULATING LIFE etc. I'm telling you, its nothing that hasn't been discussed on this forum before. and I already mentioned some good posters to follow earlier in the thread.


Feb 13, 2021
If anyone here has reversed or cured their Male Pattern Baldness, or if anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how they would approach this issue, I am all ears. This is something I’ve struggled with for quite some time, and any insight or advice of any kind would be tremendously appreciated. Thank you in advance
Hey man!

My hairline has just started coming back in. I'm 26 and have been slowly losing hair since maybe 22 or 23. For the last year there has been no further hair loss. Then in the last few weeks there's been some reversal starting. Vellus hairs are turning thick/dark and filling in the areas that were bald.

What I am doing is:

Topical Cortinon (progesterone + DHEA
Topical niacinamide

1 serving NDT/day
1/2 gallon raw milk/day
Magnesium each night

Tons of sun, to the point of being uncomfortable
Lots of low-intensity movement
Scalp massages

5 Tibetan rites (see link here)
Semen retention/sexual transmutation

IMO the last 2 items above are most important. If you believe the authors of the book I linked to (and the reports of many redditors/forum-dwellers/etc), I'm not the first person to regrow hair from transmuting sexual energy...


Feb 13, 2021

Not to spam your thread, but sexual transmutation simply makes your face look younger - hair included.

Since doing it my eyebrows have gotten thicker, canthal tilt has improved slightly, and skin is smoother and glowier. In addition to the hair regrowth! I'm beginning to look like I did when I was 23/24.


Jun 10, 2020

Not to spam your thread, but sexual transmutation simply makes your face look younger - hair included.

Since doing it my eyebrows have gotten thicker, canthal tilt has improved slightly, and skin is smoother and glowier. In addition to the hair regrowth! I'm beginning to look like I did when I was 23/24.
Hey Occam, toward which activities do you transmute your sexual energy?


Feb 13, 2021
Hey Occam, toward which activities do you transmute your sexual energy?
Hey man!

The first step is physically transmuting the energy, it's almost like a simple yogic pose. I can give you the details on this if you're interested!

From there you feel a rush of energy and well-being. I like to workout, go skating, or work on business stuff/set goals during this energized period. But of course the energy could be channeled towards anything you're interested in. It's also useful for social situations.
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