How to cure or reverse Male Pattern Baldness


Aug 6, 2017
What do you mean?
Flatback Syndrome is not good either

The change in spine depiction from a 1911 textbook (right) to a 1990 one (left) shows that if we travel back in time just a hundred years, straighter spines were thought to be more natural.

In fact, if you look at drawings from Leonardo da Vinci — or a Gray's Anatomy book from 1901 — the spine isn't shaped like a sharp, curvy S. It's much flatter, all the way down the back. Then at the bottom, it curves to stick the buttocks out. So the spine looks more like the letter J.

The recent Kebara 2 Neanderthal find (nicknamed “Moshe”), with very well-preserved vertebrae and ribs, was a particularly exciting find (link is external). Patricia Kramer, professor and chair of anthropology at University of Washington, has created a 3-D image deducing what the shape of Moshe’s thorax must have been, and there are some surprises. One surprise is especially interesting: the Neanderthal lumbar spine was practically straight! This was a great surprise to the researchers since they were expecting that Neanderthals, who are quite closely related to our species, would surely have the same lumbar spine shape as ours. The researchers’ starting point is the conventional understanding that modern human spines have a considerable amount of curvature throughout the lumbar area. So discovering that the Neanderthal lumbar spine is straight was shocking to them. For those who subscribe to the basic tenets of the Gokhale Method, though, discovering that the Neanderthal lumbar spine is straight is not so shocking. It reaffirms that our close relatives, the Neanderthals, have a similar lumbar spinal shape to what’s actually natural to us (as the researchers would have expected); it also adds to our conviction that the paradigm of the S-shaped human spine is overdue for an overhaul to the J-spine paradigm.
This is just one more aspect of the conspiracy to make humans chronically sick. I came to this posture thing from the angle of yoga, where for thousands of years it has been stressed that the spine must be straight and posture perfect to achieve samadhi. In modern times i know only of esther gokhale that talks about this, you can look up her lectures on youtube.
Nov 5, 2019
That’s neat to hear. How long have you taken it for? Is it the regular 1mg per day? Oral or topical? I have been Peating since 2012. Blood tests all look good, etc. But hair loss began a couple years back and it seems no matter what I do with Peating, it doesn’t stop it. I am pretty much at the point where I am convinced that Peating wont do anything for my hair, though it probably helped me have an overall healthy diet. I probably will be trying it soon.
I started 0.25mg every day for the first 6 weeks, then progressed to 1mg every other day orally since February this year.


May 15, 2019
May be controversial around these parts but it'll save you a lot of energy, there is very little you can do if it is genetic. Embrace it, is my suggestion, if your gf is telling you to shave your head thats probably because it will look better. Then focus on other aspects of your health : Metabolism, strength and muscle, good temperatures and pulse, good mindstate, skin health and so forth. If the hair loss is because of health, these aspects will help it anyway.. All the theories around hairloss from MPB (genetics) around here don't work. "Hair like a Fox" is massively dated and never delivered what it promised.

The only thing that actually helps is finasteride but the consequences you need to accept for your health to take that stuff is just not worth it.
Much better to accept and embrace the things you can't change, and let go of things that are outside your control. You'll be happier for it, and your health will be better as a consequence.
May be controversial around these parts but it'll save you a lot of energy, there is very little you can do if it is genetic. Embrace it, is my suggestion, if your gf is telling you to shave your head thats probably because it will look better. Then focus on other aspects of your health : Metabolism, strength and muscle, good temperatures and pulse, good mindstate, skin health and so forth. If the hair loss is because of health, these aspects will help it anyway.. All the theories around hairloss from MPB (genetics) around here don't work. "Hair like a Fox" is massively dated and never delivered what it promised.

The only thing that actually helps is finasteride but the consequences you need to accept for your health to take that stuff is just not worth it.
Much better to accept and embrace the things you can't change, and let go of things that are outside your control. You'll be happier for it, and your health will be better as a consequence.
Yeah, I’ve thought about this. But it being genetic doesn’t make much sense because although my dad has thinning hair, he is in his 60’s, and my mom has hair like a lion’s mane, so much so that other people comment on it. If it is truly genetic I will accept my fate, but I’m a fighter and will keep trying to get it back.


May 15, 2019
@AlphaSandwich Don't listen to the people who say it's genetics, and impossible. I've seen way too many cases and anecdotes of people completely stopping their hair loss and re-growing, myself included. I'm sure that all of the information you need is here on this forum, I've read it all.
Look for posts from lampofred mrchibbs miraddo Elephanto rawmeat rei just to name a few. Search their posts and read through all of the threads relating to hair loss.
Thank you so much, I’m in agreement, it seems like it should be treatable. I will look for posts from all those dudes ??


May 15, 2019
varicocele and MPB are caused by the same thing, excessive chronic fascial tension. Using drugs is known to cause chronic injury in your posture, they change the physiological balance so much they can cause a slight chronic bend in the spine to increase. But more often such stories are heard from "party drugs" like MDMA instead of stimulants, but i guess cocaine can be pretty energetic and make you move and jump around excessively.

Or as you write it giving you long-term anxiety, it can tighten your fascia and exacerbate any pre-existing postural issue, even if no further deterioration in posture happened.
This is fascinating, as I do have messed up posture and have for as long as I can remember. My shoulders aren’t in alignment and I desperately need to see a chiropractor. I have heard of fascia and trigger-pointing before and looked into briefly, but the connect between it, varicocele and MPB makes a ton of sense. What treatment do you recommend? I’ve never really tried the triggerpointing but it looks tedious. But then again I have to be willing to work hard if I’m gonna try to get my hair back. I definitely have awful posture and my shoulders are very rounded. Would just a chiropractor be enough to correct my posture and fascia? Thanks a ton


May 15, 2019
Another controversial method, but the most effective and reliable I have seen and use myself:

Ever considered dermarolling? More specifically, a derminator, which is less painful and better?

The results look amazing

You do it once a week approximately

Obviously avoid inflammatory food like cheap grains and vegetable oils
I’ve heard of dermarolling and I’ve read about mixed results. The slight painfulness, the idea of developing scar tissue on my scalp and not getting my hair back has scared me away from it but I’ll give it a try. Thanks


May 15, 2019
Another controversial method, but the most effective and reliable I have seen and use myself:
I don’t want to try all of these mainstream products. I am very chemically sensitive and will not use any of these products, especially not Finasteride. I know that for some people it works, but the risks are just too great and I value my libido too much to mess with it. Many horror stories associated with finasteride


May 15, 2019
This thread gave me some insights
Look for Chemhead's posts

I don’t want to mess with steroids either, although I know they have been successful for a good amount of people. I just don’t want to mess with most synthetic substances.


Apr 15, 2015

This is just one more aspect of the conspiracy to make humans chronically sick. I came to this posture thing from the angle of yoga, where for thousands of years it has been stressed that the spine must be straight and posture perfect to achieve samadhi. In modern times i know only of esther gokhale that talks about this, you can look up her lectures on youtube.
It is the chicken or the egg question...
One has bad metabolism and all the health issues due to bad posture or...
Bad posture due to all the issues we discuss on the this forum like inflamation, bad digestion, estrogen, serotonin, gluten name it.

When I do gluten free/very low carb, my muscle tonus increases drastically, I can easily keep spine straight and even want to keep it straight, and any neck/back pain disappears, all joints function very smooth ... Then I start eating starches again and those problems come back one by one and I start looking more round-shouldered
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Feb 13, 2016
I feel that straightness of the spine is related to calcium to phosphate ratio. Calcium makes you upright. And conversely improving your posture might lower parathyroid hormone and prevent calcium loss from the bone.


Nov 29, 2017
I feel that straightness of the spine is related to calcium to phosphate ratio. Calcium makes you upright. And conversely improving your posture might lower parathyroid hormone and prevent calcium loss from the bone.
How much calcium are you getting daily @lampofred and in what forms.

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
@AlphaSandwich Don't listen to the people who say it's genetics, and impossible. I've seen way too many cases and anecdotes of people completely stopping their hair loss and re-growing, myself included. I'm sure that all of the information you need is here on this forum, I've read it all.
Look for posts from lampofred mrchibbs miraddo Elephanto rawmeat rei just to name a few. Search their posts and read through all of the threads relating to hair loss.
Ritchie is right
REI never had hairloss btw. Ask him hes in this thread.
You are an example? Let's see before and after pics
Elephanto never provided proof and then he dissapeared forever from thus forum.
However the guy he borrowed his protocol from on BB website showed before and after proof of some regrowth on the BB website, never here though.
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Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
Derek's most recent videos show how solid his hairline is holding on. He had serious mpb hairloss too before he regrew it, not like Roddy who had a little defuse thinning.
Whether what he is doing is healthy or not is a different topic, but he has real results and proves it unlike the posters here.
Nov 16, 2012
I tried everything. Diet, supplements, Finasteride, other anti-androgens, estrogens, phytoestrogens, antioxidants, red light, microneedling, massaging, chinese research chems, and everything in-between. Either it did not work or the side effects were unbearable long-term. Anything that did work invariably damaged other parts of my body.

I have been losing hair since 19 and now at almost 30 I'm just about ready to throw in the towel and shave. As far as I'm concerned there is no realistic solution to this problem at present. You may buy yourself some time with hair transplants and pray for cloning.


Aug 6, 2017
Ritchie is right
REI never had hairloss btw. Ask him hes in this thread.
You are an example? Let's see before and after pics
Elephanto never provided proof and then he dissapeared forever from thus forum.
However the guy he borrowed his protocol from on BB website showed before and after proof of some regrowth on the BB website, never here though.
Are you a bit simple and think only people with hairloss do research on hairloss? If all you want to do is to possibly treat the symptom temporarily then chemical castration and contraceptive pills are all you need. If such actions sound sane to you i wonder why you even are on this forum.

"science" has for decades "known" what causes hair loss, yet the best treatment found is to turn you into a woman and hope it has an effect on the loss. Maybe it would be time for a bit of outside the box thinking? Not one person with perfect posture has MPB, so i would say my method has 100% success rate, much better than anything anyone else has suggested.
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Aug 6, 2017
It is the chicken or the egg question...
One has bad metabolism and all the health issues due to bad posture or...
Bad posture due to all the issues we discuss on the this forum like inflamation, bad digestion, estrogen, serotonin, gluten name it.

When I do gluten free/very low carb, my muscle tonus increases drastically, I can easily keep spine straight and even want to keep it straight, and any neck/back pain disappears, all joints function very smooth ... Then I start eating starches again and those problems come back one by one and I start looking more round-shouldered
If something was not seriously wrong in our health, then bad posture would not happen. The tensegrity structure of our body needs nothing more than walking, and small posture issues automatically get re-aligned to upright posture. Lack of daily normal movement and assaults on our physiological balance like vaccines, pesticides, nutrient poor industry tainted food etc... combined lead to injury that becomes ingrained and chronic. But it also means that fixing those issues should allow to reverse this chronic injury, like for me it was avoiding vaccines for 15 years, eating at least moderately healthy, and then taking peaty supplements for 6 months before finally taking relatively large doses progesterone, that finally dissolved enough fibrosis and calcification to let the posture start heal.

The important thing to keep in mind is that bad posture leads to excessive fascial tension, which in turn is a direct significant stressor. Only few chronic conditions could not be linked to this tension. Bad health was the cause for postural issues, but once it happened the postural issues is significant cause of what keeps you in bad health.


Nov 24, 2017
If something was not seriously wrong in our health, then bad posture would not happen. The tensegrity structure of our body needs nothing more than walking, and small posture issues automatically get re-aligned to upright posture. Lack of daily normal movement and assaults on our physiological balance like vaccines, pesticides, nutrient poor industry tainted food etc... combined lead to injury that becomes ingrained and chronic. But it also means that fixing those issues should allow to reverse this chronic injury, like for me it was avoiding vaccines for 15 years, eating at least moderately healthy, and then taking peaty supplements for 6 months before finally taking relatively large doses progesterone, that finally dissolved enough fibrosis and calcification to let the posture start heal.

The important thing to keep in mind is that bad posture leads to excessive fascial tension, which in turn is a direct significant stressor. Only few chronic conditions could not be linked to this tension. Bad health was the cause for postural issues, but once it happened the postural issues is significant cause of what keeps you in bad health.

why do some people have chronic tight muscles and some don’t? Any idea?

there’s people who don’t workout at all, don’t move a lot , sit a lot and absolutely don’t have chronic tight muscles.

then there’s me. Mr. tight everything.


May 25, 2020
just a thought: alcoholics often have good hair, probably because alcohol cleans the bloodvesels from calcification.
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