Results/experiences On A Fat Free Diet?


Oct 3, 2016
Im gonna keep it short and sweet,

Ive been doing almost fat free for 2 years now, recently for this last year its gone even lower to roughly 0g-2.5g average of fat a day,

Im noticing now im really starting to respond to carbohydrates better, for example i used to eat an entire 600g bag of frozen fruit and get no metabolic response and be shivering, now a bit of white rice or just same thing bag of frozen fruit and im noticing im heating up like a furnance,

Theres other things im doing obviously to support the metabolic rate to work more efficiently however,

Im curious to know what all of you have experienced on fat free eating style (if you have done it) for how long and what things you noticed etc. Or even just any experiences on low fat like 5g-10g daily etc.

Whats everyones thoughts and experiences?
Does anyone see a fat free diet as a problem even if nutrition status is very good (like vitamins minerals macros)
Aside from fat soluble vitamins, fat free may be hard on the gut especially with starches but i seem to be fine with white rice no fat,

So lets hear it!

PS i tried to ask Ray about this before but it seems he is somewhat reluctant to answer that for the reason im assuming he doesnt want people to think he’s promoting an orthorexic type diet which is perfectly understandable,

But it could be the way to go for being healthier, not thee way but one possible way that could have some really unexplored benefits,
Itd be nice to see some actual studies in humans on biomarkers for fat free


Jan 17, 2020
I would also be interested to hear from other people about this. I naturally gravitate towards a fat free diet, but I sometimes worry that this is detrimental to my health / hormones. Can you share what you eat and what this has done for your body composition / hunger / energy? I do struggle with very strong hunger but lean protein doesn't change this at all. Some people say low fat causes more hunger but I have never eaten high fat, I just don't crave fat


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Fat free is the ideal I think, healthiest diet. I think the amount of fat, which should be saturated, that you need in the diet is directly linked to the amount of pufa you are liberating from your fat stores, and so the less pufa you have, the less fat you could get away with eating. Ofc fat helps slow digestion and with endotoxin as well... but hormonally, I think its only needed to displace pufa.

Could never get it to work for me. Whenever I cut fat out drastically, I gain weight. I wonder what that says about me and my metabolism. Do not see any problems if its working well for you and youre happy with your nutrition.

Can I ask what your progress was like? Did you have to transition slowly to a fat-free diet? What are some of these "tricks" that let you stick to it?


Jan 17, 2020
Sorry @Jake sullivan I didn't see in the other thread that you discussed eating orimarily fruit with some eggs / milk but no starch. I am absolutely starving if I eat mostly fruit, like more hungry than if I just ate nothing. I have to eat starches to feel satisfied. Just goes to show how different we all are


Aug 27, 2018
Tried it. I feel better on low-moderate sat fat. Years of eating pufas and devastating my health might be the reason.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Im gonna keep it short and sweet,

Ive been doing almost fat free for 2 years now, recently for this last year its gone even lower to roughly 0g-2.5g average of fat a day,

Im noticing now im really starting to respond to carbohydrates better, for example i used to eat an entire 600g bag of frozen fruit and get no metabolic response and be shivering, now a bit of white rice or just same thing bag of frozen fruit and im noticing im heating up like a furnance,

Theres other things im doing obviously to support the metabolic rate to work more efficiently however,

Im curious to know what all of you have experienced on fat free eating style (if you have done it) for how long and what things you noticed etc. Or even just any experiences on low fat like 5g-10g daily etc.

Whats everyones thoughts and experiences?
Does anyone see a fat free diet as a problem even if nutrition status is very good (like vitamins minerals macros)
Aside from fat soluble vitamins, fat free may be hard on the gut especially with starches but i seem to be fine with white rice no fat,

So lets hear it!

PS i tried to ask Ray about this before but it seems he is somewhat reluctant to answer that for the reason im assuming he doesnt want people to think he’s promoting an orthorexic type diet which is perfectly understandable,

But it could be the way to go for being healthier, not thee way but one possible way that could have some really unexplored benefits,
Itd be nice to see some actual studies in humans on biomarkers for fat free
If you scroll through the threads, you,ll find someone reporting recently, that he seriously screwed his digestion up on a no fat diet.
I personally have no opinion yet, but kinda feel it,s quite an extreme and unnatural for human kind.


Aug 11, 2015
I think we need some fat I used to do zero or very low. I added hydrogenated coconut oil anywhere from 15-20 grams a day
You'll be prone to infections and digestion is better with some fat


Jul 30, 2019
I can't see a fat free diet as viable for me simply because I eat a lot of meat, and I can't get extremely lean meats like game where I live. If I eat intuitively, I gravitate towards higher fats and carbs (probably something around 30/50/20) which I know might not be ideal, but somehow seems to work for me? I try skim milk and it just gives me acne, while whole milk slims me down and I have no acne response. However, my hands and feet are always cold, and I have experienced that "carb only meals" (I don't really consider plant proteins that much, so thats why I say carb only, but theres usually some amount of plant protein in these meals) spike my temps up. I think perhaps I drastically underestimate my carb:protein ratio and the fat is just masking my hunger.

The problem is I can't see how people can do high carb diets in a "peat friendly" way without massively overconsuming fructose. I've seen some studies that around 75-100g is the maximum you should go, and these were really pro fructose studies, yet I see some people talking about consuming 400-500g of carbs. If you are not eating starch, thats basically at least 150-200g of fructose.

When I was eating mostly fruit I had various symptoms of liver issues (yellow skin, liver pain) despite all my labs coming back PERFECT. All proteins and enzymes in check. No clue about but after eating more starch most of the symptoms regressed, and If I eat too much fructose they come back. Not even drinking caused me this problem, and I was a heavy drinker when I was younger, despite still being pretty young.

What do you eat? I just can't see how you can have a fat free diet with adequate protein and without going crazy on fructose. Egg whites, skim milk and gelatin, thats basically all I can think of.


Dec 17, 2018
Im gonna keep it short and sweet,

Ive been doing almost fat free for 2 years now, recently for this last year its gone even lower to roughly 0g-2.5g average of fat a day,

Im noticing now im really starting to respond to carbohydrates better, for example i used to eat an entire 600g bag of frozen fruit and get no metabolic response and be shivering, now a bit of white rice or just same thing bag of frozen fruit and im noticing im heating up like a furnance,

Theres other things im doing obviously to support the metabolic rate to work more efficiently however,

Im curious to know what all of you have experienced on fat free eating style (if you have done it) for how long and what things you noticed etc. Or even just any experiences on low fat like 5g-10g daily etc.

Whats everyones thoughts and experiences?
Does anyone see a fat free diet as a problem even if nutrition status is very good (like vitamins minerals macros)
Aside from fat soluble vitamins, fat free may be hard on the gut especially with starches but i seem to be fine with white rice no fat,

So lets hear it!

PS i tried to ask Ray about this before but it seems he is somewhat reluctant to answer that for the reason im assuming he doesnt want people to think he’s promoting an orthorexic type diet which is perfectly understandable,

But it could be the way to go for being healthier, not thee way but one possible way that could have some really unexplored benefits,
Itd be nice to see some actual studies in humans on biomarkers for fat free

Humans have gallbladders for a reason. Fat-free diets are just as bad as zero-carb diets. There was a poster here who ended up with severe issues digesting fat after trying to get back into eating fat since his very low fat diet ended causing other problems.

Have Ruined My Gallbladder By Low Fat Diet, Now I Can't Get Back To Eating Fat


Oct 3, 2016
I can't see a fat free diet as viable for me simply because I eat a lot of meat, and I can't get extremely lean meats like game where I live. If I eat intuitively, I gravitate towards higher fats and carbs (probably something around 30/50/20) which I know might not be ideal, but somehow seems to work for me? I try skim milk and it just gives me acne, while whole milk slims me down and I have no acne response. However, my hands and feet are always cold, and I have experienced that "carb only meals" (I don't really consider plant proteins that much, so thats why I say carb only, but theres usually some amount of plant protein in these meals) spike my temps up. I think perhaps I drastically underestimate my carb:protein ratio and the fat is just masking my hunger.

The problem is I can't see how people can do high carb diets in a "peat friendly" way without massively overconsuming fructose. I've seen some studies that around 75-100g is the maximum you should go, and these were really pro fructose studies, yet I see some people talking about consuming 400-500g of carbs. If you are not eating starch, thats basically at least 150-200g of fructose.

When I was eating mostly fruit I had various symptoms of liver issues (yellow skin, liver pain) despite all my labs coming back PERFECT. All proteins and enzymes in check. No clue about but after eating more starch most of the symptoms regressed, and If I eat too much fructose they come back. Not even drinking caused me this problem, and I was a heavy drinker when I was younger, despite still being pretty young.

What do you eat? I just can't see how you can have a fat free diet with adequate protein and without going crazy on fructose. Egg whites, skim milk and gelatin, thats basically all I can think of.
Hmm, the general consensus is fructose is beneficial for the liver because it is easily converted into glycogen to energize the liver, having sort of a protective fat like saturated fat, and some fructose would convert into saturated fatty acids,

Im curious is maybe the fructose wasnt the cause of the issue but a severe gut issue like a bacterial imblanace with something like fructose malabsorption or fiberous fruits promoting bacterial growth,

I also experienced something similar in the past with high fruit /honey (which are both high in fructose) and i found sterilizing the gut to fix this, or correctly cortisol which can sometimes be the cause of GI issues,

The TLR4 activation from the intestine is known to stimulate the production of serotonin and fatty acid release and the endotoxin and free fatty acids (PUFA) synergize together to damage the liver or cause fatty liver, almost like an insulin resistance issue,

Thats my guess, i could be wrong but i dont so much experience that with fructose anymore, the general consensus on here is fructose is benefical for things like fatty liver and insulin resistance, i guess wed have to find some studies to say the opposite and look closer,

And as for my diet 2L or more of skim milk a day with plenty of sugar added in, 1.5-2L of OJ, plain white rice salted with tomato sauce and sometimes either fat free cheese or really low fat cheese in small amounts sparingly, usually 600g-1000g of frozen mangos sometimes fresh ones etc. Mostly that, occasionally egg whites that sort of stuff.


Jan 17, 2020
Hmm, the general consensus is fructose is beneficial for the liver because it is easily converted into glycogen to energize the liver, having sort of a protective fat like saturated fat, and some fructose would convert into saturated fatty acids,

Im curious is maybe the fructose wasnt the cause of the issue but a severe gut issue like a bacterial imblanace with something like fructose malabsorption or fiberous fruits promoting bacterial growth,

I also experienced something similar in the past with high fruit /honey (which are both high in fructose) and i found sterilizing the gut to fix this, or correctly cortisol which can sometimes be the cause of GI issues,

The TLR4 activation from the intestine is known to stimulate the production of serotonin and fatty acid release and the endotoxin and free fatty acids (PUFA) synergize together to damage the liver or cause fatty liver, almost like an insulin resistance issue,

Thats my guess, i could be wrong but i dont so much experience that with fructose anymore, the general consensus on here is fructose is benefical for things like fatty liver and insulin resistance, i guess wed have to find some studies to say the opposite and look closer,

And as for my diet 2L or more of skim milk a day with plenty of sugar added in, 1.5-2L of OJ, plain white rice salted with tomato sauce and sometimes either fat free cheese or really low fat cheese in small amounts sparingly, usually 600g-1000g of frozen mangos sometimes fresh ones etc. Mostly that, occasionally egg whites that sort of stuff.
Aren't you absolute starving?


Oct 3, 2016
Humans have gallbladders for a reason. Fat-free diets are just as bad as zero-carb diets. There was a poster here who ended up with severe issues digesting fat after trying to get back into eating fat since his very low fat diet ended causing other problems.

Have Ruined My Gallbladder By Low Fat Diet, Now I Can't Get Back To Eating Fat
Yes thats actually always been a concern of mine, ill have to look into that thankyou for sharing!

Ive always had really bad gut issues, speculation is crohns type issues, didnt go for testing because i didnt want all the invase procedures so i cant say for certain,

I notice adding saturated fat gives me a good metabolic boost and sometimes sterlizes the gut and helps with bowel movements,

However i find fat free has become easier over time, i dont find gut health for me changes too much on either, only when im really bogged up and need some sterilizing and cleaning out i find the coconut oil helps.

Something i also wonder,

Is if the issues people experience with low fat could be in regards to the fact that their body is still not efficient at burning carbohydrates,

For example Peat, Georgi, and Danny have mentioned that when a person has accumulated large amounts of PUFA in the tissues, it becomes increasingly more difficult years to come to efficiently metabolize glucose, which correlates with the excessive metabolic issues,

Theyve mentioned that in the beginning its more helpful to keep fat higher (saturated) because it helps displace the PUFA can help keep thyroid function up,

Then when a person slowly detoxifies the PUFA, they can fare better on lower fat, due to increased capacity to metabolize carbohydrates and keep the stress hormones down etc.

Ill definetly check out that thread though because its been my questioning for a while if low fat increases gut irritation and endotoxin.


Oct 3, 2016
Aren't you absolute starving?
Originally i found it difficult but now i dont find myself hungry as much, id say i get between 2500-4000 calories sometimes so not so much, i do consume alot of sugar added in my milk sometimes like an extra 200g per day and that really keeps my apetite down and metabolic rate up i find


Jan 17, 2020
Originally i found it difficult but now i dont find myself hungry as much, id say i get between 2500-4000 calories sometimes so not so much, i do consume alot of sugar added in my milk sometimes like an extra 200g per day and that really keeps my apetite down and metabolic rate up i find
At least you have more calories to work with. I am very short and gain weight if I eat more than 1500 calories so fruit, rice and milk just leave me so hungry. I find root veg more filling but I still need dense protein like fat Free Cottage Cheese, chicken breast etc.

But I really worry about how natural this way of eating is because no traditional population restricts fats like this and they are healthy.

Is it possible that a balance of all macros within one's calorie limit is a better approach? I still don't know. But I must say eating very low fat makes social eating very difficult


Dec 28, 2019
Humans have gallbladders for a reason. Fat-free diets are just as bad as zero-carb diets. There was a poster here who ended up with severe issues digesting fat after trying to get back into eating fat since his very low fat diet ended causing other problems.

Have Ruined My Gallbladder By Low Fat Diet, Now I Can't Get Back To Eating Fat

and tca300 has developed serieus food allergy's on this low fat diet style.
Fed Up Of Food Intolerances!

Also zachs got health complications on this extreme diet and he is start eating high fat diet again.
What i have done to cure hypo and stay lean.

low fat is pretty unhealthy for long periodes i think and ray never advise this.
Its a handy tool for burning fat/pufa for short periodes of time, buts thats all.
And with only fruit/starch in your diet is mission impossible to got al your vitamines, cholesterol etc


Aug 1, 2017
find it great for short term experiments or cutting but after a while i tend to run into problems


Oct 3, 2016
At least you have more calories to work with. I am very short and gain weight if I eat more than 1500 calories so fruit, rice and milk just leave me so hungry. I find root veg more filling but I still need dense protein like fat Free Cottage Cheese, chicken breast etc.

But I really worry about how natural this way of eating is because no traditional population restricts fats like this and they are healthy.

Is it possible that a balance of all macros within one's calorie limit is a better approach? I still don't know. But I must say eating very low fat makes social eating very difficult
My assumption would be that most animals in the wild would eat a naturally fat free/low fat diet,

For example herbavores would source mostly fruits and leafy greens containing minimal fat almost a purely carb diet, carnivores would get some of the fat from the animal which is usually purely saturated because it eats a natural diet, and usually wild animals are very lean depending on the animal, so id have to say in nature theres no animals using oils added in the diet but some fat from naturally occuring sources like small amounts in fruits and veggies and animal fat for carnivores,

Id also say do what feels natural, but that is also subjective because if one has alot of PUFA stored up they dont respond to carbs as well so going lower fat would likely lower the metabolic rate, at first it didnt feel natural eating this way,

Now its starting to feel more natural and enjoyable, the only time i crave to add fat in is when i have salted rice its just so much better with low fat cheese added in however i think its good to follow your instincts and how you feel and examine what your eating how it could be affecting you positive/negative,

As everyone on here says the true method of knowledge is experiment


Oct 3, 2016
and tca300 has developed serieus food allergy's on this low fat diet style.
Fed Up Of Food Intolerances!

Also zachs got health complications on this extreme diet and he is start eating high fat diet again.
What i have done to cure hypo and stay lean.

low fat is pretty unhealthy for long periodes i think and ray never advise this.
Its a handy tool for burning fat/pufa for short periodes of time, buts thats all.
And with only fruit/starch in your diet is mission impossible to got al your vitamines, cholesterol etc
Do you mean its harder to get fat soluble vitamins or vitamins in general? Oils are devoid of vitamins but fat from natural sources with vitamins like cheese always have lower fat or fat free alternatives most food i know has the vitamins in then the people add fat later, would you be referring to the absorbability of fat soluables?

I wonder how herbavores bypass this fat soluble vitamin issue with almost 0 fat in the diet? Likely the different digestive tract plays a part in that.


Jan 17, 2020
My assumption would be that most animals in the wild would eat a naturally fat free/low fat diet,

For example herbavores would source mostly fruits and leafy greens containing minimal fat almost a purely carb diet, carnivores would get some of the fat from the animal which is usually purely saturated because it eats a natural diet, and usually wild animals are very lean depending on the animal, so id have to say in nature theres no animals using oils added in the diet but some fat from naturally occuring sources like small amounts in fruits and veggies and animal fat for carnivores,

Id also say do what feels natural, but that is also subjective because if one has alot of PUFA stored up they dont respond to carbs as well so going lower fat would likely lower the metabolic rate, at first it didnt feel natural eating this way,

Now its starting to feel more natural and enjoyable, the only time i crave to add fat in is when i have salted rice its just so much better with low fat cheese added in however i think its good to follow your instincts and how you feel and examine what your eating how it could be affecting you positive/negative,

As everyone on here says the true method of knowledge is experiment
Nicely put. I will continue to experiment and listen to my body. With our quarantine situation I am realising that limiting foods and freaking out if my low fat options are still available is very selfish. Some people have no food. So I am grateful for the milk I have, even if its full fat. My heart tells me that Being so picky really is being ungrateful. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience
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