Ray Peat & Blood Typing

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Lectins can affect function throughout the body. In the book Lectins by Nathan Sharon, lectins in the form of lima and kidney beans lead to “…depressed growth, pancreas enlargement, depressed insulin, and disruption of normal protein, fat, and carbohydrate intermediary metabolism.”

Agglutinin lectins have the ability to aggregate themselves, meaning that lectins like to bind to carbs. This means that lectins can bind to sugars, creatng a “franken” compound—creating an immune system response which has been shown to trigger for autoimmune conditions.

Lectins are also resistant to human digestion since they are extremely small and sticky. This allows them to attach themselves to our gut cells, leading to leaky gut. They can then enter the bloodstream and bind to any organ, connective tissue, joint, or blood vessel by binding to its cell membrane. For example, one of the reasons that we can’t consume castor beans or raw kidney beans is because they contain lectins that attach to our red blood cells–leading to the same kind of reaction that occurs when receiving the wrong blood type during a transfusion.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

“What are 3 negatives of genetically modified foods?

What are the new “unexpected effects” and health risks posed by genetic engineering?
  • Toxicity. Genetically engineered foods are inherently unstable. ...
  • Allergic Reactions. ...
  • Antibiotic Resistance. ...
  • Immuno-suppression. ...
  • Cancer. ...
  • Loss of Nutrition.”


Apr 19, 2020
@Rinse & rePeat
:praying: Thank you Rinse. Excellent stuff above.

I have been knowing about the extremely bad effects of RoundUp for decades, and how it is used More in the GMO world. Crazy... But the Lectin story goes deep, and I have always suspected very bad 'other' effects from the GMO saturation of the world eating situation. I have for years and years told people (if they wanted to be healthy-er) to use either organic or a non wheat flour if they bake at home, because at least til now they are not saturated with RoundUp. And Spelt is quite similar in the final product to wheat, though a bit nuttier. Also I believe the "Organic Label" in the USA may be grown according to "Organic standards" with GMO crops. Barf city.... .
Anyhow, One must tread carefully at the shops. It's a jungle out there. Franken Lectins just in time for Halloween....
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
@Rinse & rePeat
:praying: Thank you Rinse. Excellent stuff above.

I have been knowing about the extremely bad effects of RoundUp for decades, and how it is used More in the GMO world. Crazy... But the Lectin story goes deep, and I have always suspected very bad 'other' effects from the GMO saturation of the world eating situation. I have for years and years told people (if they wanted to be healthy-er) to use either organic or a non wheat flour if they bake at home, because at least til now they are not saturated with RoundUp. And Spelt is quite similar in the final product to wheat, though a bit nuttier. Also I believe the "Organic Label" in the USA may be grown according to "Organic standards" with GMO crops. Barf city.... .
Anyhow, One must tread carefully at the shops. It's a jungle out there. Franken Lectins just in time for Halloween....
I use Jovial Einkorn all-purpose flour, on rare occasions. It is heirloom and glyphosate-free…

“Possibly the worst thing about most flour on the market nowadays is the high levels of herbicide and pesticide residue they contain. Many farmers apply hazardous substances like glyphosate to their wheat during and after harvest. Einkorn flour isn't bleached, bromated or drenched in weed killer. In fact, it’s USDA Organic certified and certified as free of glyphosate by The Detox Project.

The jovial Einkorn Lineup
Our einkorn flours come in two varieties: all-purpose and whole-wheat. Both flavors are freshly milled from the finest einkorn grains available and rigorously tested for quality before they're bagged up for sale. Each flour adds to every recipe they touch, with a silky texture and a nutty flavor not often found in common baked goods.

Why Choose jovial Flour?
Our organic, GMO-free einkorn flour is prepared with care every step of the way from field to table to ensure the highest quality possible.“



Apr 19, 2020
HEre where I live, most products like that cost 10x the US cost. So EinKorn flour is
not an option. Spelt grows down the road, and so does oats. And barley for that matter. So easy to get fresh, and there is Organic here. :): We have been lucky in that there is a non-gmo corn tortilla 'factory' in Melbourne, and they do the Nixtmatl process. So good. We buy 3kg of them every 2 months.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
HEre where I live, most products like that cost 10x the US cost. So EinKorn flour is
not an option. Spelt grows down the road, and so does oats. And barley for that matter. So easy to get fresh, and there is Organic here. :): We have been lucky in that there is a non-gmo corn tortilla 'factory' in Melbourne, and they do the Nixtmatl process. So good. We buy 3kg of them every 2 months.
Sounds like a nice place to live!


Apr 15, 2015
“People with type O blood enjoy a slightly lower risk of heart disease and blood clotting, but they may be more susceptible to hemorrhaging or bleeding disorders. This may be especially true after childbirth, according to a study on postpartum blood loss, which found an increased risk in women with type O blood.

People with type O blood may also fare worse after a traumatic injury due to increased blood loss, according to a study published in Critical Care.“
Just curious how does aspirin work or not work for you with your blood type ?
It gives me bruises. (And yes, i know about vit K)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Just curious how does aspirin work or not work for you with your blood type ?
It gives me bruises. (And yes, i know about vit K)
I don’t take aspirin regularly, or vitamin E, because I bleed easily. I rarely bruise though, unless I bump into a corner of something hard on my thighs. I don’t get bruises anywhere else though, but my thighs, and rarely, and I rarely supplement vitamin K.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“What blood type do mosquitoes like?

Type O blood

Type O blood seems to be a mosquitoes' preferred blood type as compared to A, B and AB, but the only significant difference was when it was compared to Type A,” says Ulysses Wu, MD, Hartford HealthCare's chief epidemiologist and medical director of infectious disease.”

“In a 2004 study, researchers released Aedes albopictus mosquitoes to a buffet of humans and watched what happened. The mosquitoes landed on people with Type O blood nearly twice as often as those with Type A.”



Nov 21, 2012
“What blood type do mosquitoes like?

Type O blood

Type O blood seems to be a mosquitoes' preferred blood type as compared to A, B and AB, but the only significant difference was when it was compared to Type A,” says Ulysses Wu, MD, Hartford HealthCare's chief epidemiologist and medical director of infectious disease.”

“In a 2004 study, researchers released Aedes albopictus mosquitoes to a buffet of humans and watched what happened. The mosquitoes landed on people with Type O blood nearly twice as often as those with Type A.”

Interesting, I'm a type O and ever since I'd quit carbs/became low carb years ago, mosquitos hardly bit me anymore.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Interesting, I'm a type O and ever since I'd quit carbs/became low carb years ago, mosquitos hardly bit me anymore.
There are several other things that attract mosquitos too…

“Here’s a look at the studies on dietary elements that can make you more appealing to mosquitoes.

Alcohol use may enhance body VOCs that mosquitoes find attractive, according to a few studies. In a study that was released in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, researchers evaluated biomarkers in 13 study participants before and after drinking beer and discovered that the percentage of mosquitoes that bit the people increased after drinking beer.

Another study found that drinking beer made participants more attractive to mosquitoes, according to a PLOS ONE study. Beer (and probably all alcohol) is said to make people more attractive by raising body warmth and changing VOC levels after consumption.

Caffeine is a chemical that can be detected on the skin and it appears to increase appeal to mosquitos, according to a recent study that was mentioned in a review article from Current Research in Parasitology & Vector-borne Diseases. According to the scientists, other strongly scented drinks would probably improve their appeal as well.

It is commonly known that caffeine raises body temperature and, consequently, metabolism and that warmer bodies are more attractive to mosquitoes. While further research is required, avoiding coffee, other highly scented drinks, and caffeinated beverages before venturing outside in an area where you know there will be mosquitoes will help reduce your attractiveness to them.
There are simple health measures you may do to assist lessen your appeal to mosquitos as more study is conducted. Keep your skin clean, and attempt to take a shower after working out to prevent remaining perspiring. To help regulate your body temperature and the volatile organic compounds produced by respiration and skin perspiration, have a well-balanced diet and limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine.

Since burning acetones during ketogenesis results in the production of acetones, a low-carb diet may make you more seductive to mosquitoes. The Keto diet isn’t for everyone, therefore you should always see a doctor before attempting something new.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
@Dutchie Here are some more oddities…

“Pregnant women and overweight or obese people tend to have higher resting metabolic rates, which may make them more attractive to mosquitoes,” he explains. Also, drinking alcohol or physically exerting yourself raises your metabolic rate—and also your appeal to winged biters, he adds.”

“Garlic, onions, and apple cider vinegar, when consumed, are said to change the way you smell and make you less detectable to mosquitoes. Tomatoes, beans, and lentils as well as other foods rich in thiamine are said to release a smell that repels mosquitoes and other bugs.”
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Why do I get bitten by mosquitoes so much?

Because strenuous exercise increases the buildup of lactic acid and heat in your body, it likely makes you stand out to the insects. Meanwhile, genetic factors influence the amount of uric acid and other substances naturally emitted by each person, making some people more easily found by mosquitos than others.”

“Not surprisingly since, after all, mosquitoes bite us to harvest proteins from our blood research shows that they find certain blood types more appetizing than others. One study found that in a controlled setting, mosquitoes landed on people with Type O blood nearly twice as often as those with Type A. People with Type B blood fell somewhere in the middle of this itchy spectrum. Additionally, based on other genes, about 85 percent of people secrete a chemical signal through their skin that indicates which blood type they have, while 15 percent do not, and mosquitoes are also more attracted to secretors than nonsecretors regardless of which type they are.“



Nov 21, 2012
Alcohol use may enhance body VOCs that mosquitoes find attractive, according to a few studies.
This made me think.....even though I don't drink alcohol, I do get non-alcoholic fatty liver from especially fructose. (I think this is due to missing key enzyme to breakdown fructose properly)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This book “The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain (The Plant Paradox, 1)” description reads like The Blood-type diet and Ray Peat combined…

“From renowned cardiac surgeon Steven R. Gundry, MD, the New York Times bestselling The Plant Paradox is arevolutionary look at the hidden compounds in "healthy" foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains that are causing us to gain weight and develop chronic disease.

Most of us have heard of gluten—a protein found in wheat that causes widespread inflammation in the body. Americans spend billions of dollars on gluten-free diets in an effort to protect their health. But what if we’ve been missing the root of the problem? In The Plant Paradox, renowned cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry reveals that gluten is just one variety of a common, and highly toxic, plant-based protein called lectin. Lectins are found not only in grains like wheat but also in the “gluten-free” foods most of us commonly regard as healthy, including many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and conventional dairy products. These proteins, which are found in the seeds, grains, skins, rinds, and leaves of plants, are designed by nature to protect them from predators (including humans). Once ingested, they incite a kind of chemical warfare in our bodies, causing inflammatory reactions that can lead to weight gain and serious health conditions.

At his waitlist-only clinics in California, Dr. Gundry has successfully treated tens of thousands of patients suffering from autoimmune disorders, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases with a protocol that detoxes the cells, repairs the gut, and nourishes the body. Now, in The Plant Paradox, he shares this clinically proven program with readers around the world.

The simple (and daunting) fact is, lectins are everywhere. Thankfully, Dr. Gundry offers simple hacks we easily can employ to avoid them, including:

  • Peel your veggies. Most of the lectins are contained in the skin and seeds of plants; simply peeling and de-seeding vegetables (like tomatoes and peppers) reduces their lectin content.
  • Shop for fruit in season. Fruit contain fewer lectins when ripe, so eating apples, berries, and other lectin-containing fruits at the peak of ripeness helps minimize your lectin consumption.
  • Swap your brown rice for white. Whole grains and seeds with hard outer coatings are designed by nature to cause digestive distress—and are full of lectins.
With a full list of lectin-containing foods and simple substitutes for each, a step-by-step detox and eating plan, and delicious lectin-free recipes, The Plant Paradox illuminates the hidden dangers lurking in your salad bowl—and shows you how to eat whole foods in a whole new way.”

Apparently Kelly Clarkson lost a lot of weight on this diet AND got off of her medications…

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Here’s a general overview of how Dr. D’Adamo saw each blood type’s diet:

Blood type O diet​

According to Dr. D’Adamo’s research, “O” blood is the oldest type, hailing back to Cro-Magnon people, around 40,000 B.C. This was during the hunter-gatherer period. As a result, people with blood type O would eat a low-carb, high-protein diet.

Blood type A diet​

Blood type A was the next to develop around 25,000 B.C., according to the diet. And this took place when people started farming. Dr. D’Adamo proposed that eating a plant-based diet was best for this blood type.

Blood type B diet​

Blood type B developed in nomadic populations who focused on herding animals, around 15,000 B.C. Meat and dairy products dominated their diet, according to Dr. D’Adamo.

Blood type AB diet​

A rare blood type, Dr. D’Adamo says AB developed fewer than 1,000 years ago. It’s a mix of blood types A and B and came about when the two populations — farmers and nomads — intermingled. Dr. D’Adamo’s diet recommendations included turkey, tofu, seafood and vegetables.”
Last edited:
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Blood type personality is a Japanese concept called ketsueki-gata that posits that blood type shapes one’s temperament.

Ketsueki-gata is considered a pseudoscience, a body of thought that appears to be based on scientific principles but is not actually rooted in fact. Although there's no real proof that blood type influences personality, the belief is widespread in Japan and other Asian nations. It is also increasingly garnering interest in Western countries such as the United States“

  • People with type A blood have been linked to positive traits such as creativity, cleverness, and cooperativeness, whereas their supposed negative traits include stubbornness and uptightness. Type A individuals are reportedly more common in Japan than people with other blood types.3
  • Individuals with type B blood are supposed to be strong, passionate, empathetic, and decisive, but they have also been associated with selfishness and erratic behavior. People with this blood type are said to clash with those with type A blood.3
  • The purported strengths of those with type AB blood include rationality and adaptability, but their weaknesses are said to be indecision, criticalness, and forgetfulness. This blood type is largely viewed as having the characteristics of both type A and type B individuals. 4Because this blood type is rare, the people who have it are heavily appreciated in Japan.
  • Type O people have been linked to characteristics such as confidence, determination, resilience, and intuition, but they are also supposedly self-centered and unstable. They are said to especially appear selfish to individuals with Type A blood. “
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The belief that personality is determined by one's blood type is held in high regard in Japan.

Termed ketsu-eki-gata, Japanese blood type analysis is serious business. Corporate managers use it to hire workers, market researchers use it to predict buying habits, and most people use it to choose friends, romantic partners, and lifetime mates. Vending machines that offer on-the-spot blood type analysis are widespread in train stations, department stores, restaurants, and other public places. There is even a highly respected organization, the ABO Society, dedicated to helping individuals and organizations make the right decisions, consistent with blood type.”
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