Apr 22, 2019
@Twohandsondeck This is all really fascinating. I've spent the past few hours reading about this and studying my irises. Coincidentally (or not!), my right iris has a slightly worse patterning going on, and my sight, hearing, knee and facial structure do worse on that side too. At first glance it doesn't seem like there is an obvious adrenal problem going on. Overall the fibers in my irises are a somewhat wavy and cloudy (far from the straight fibers Morse calls "great genes"). I do consume quite a bit of dairy, to which Dr. Morse seems to attribute the cloudiness. Might take a break from it to see how the situation changes.

Right ooooooon :dancer:

Ever since I discovered iridology I've always wanted to see the iris of all the major health figures everywhere to see how theirs appear.

The change of the iris is very slow business, but at the very least you should be able to see a major lesion that appears to be, like, falling open and unkempt today... And then months into the future, provided that your overall health is improving, you'll begin to notice that the lesion tightens up, almost like it's knitting itself back together into the color of the eye. This is the best I can describe it, but when you notice it happening it's pretty trippy.

I've been keeping an eye on the cloudiness that Morse mentions from milk myself to see if and when that might show itself in the eye. There's a part of me that thinks if the metabolism is good then milk won't be (as) mucous forming... Because clearly it's mucous forming for anyone in poor health, but I'm really skeptical if it is for people in 'good' health.


Jan 6, 2019
Ever since I discovered iridology I've always wanted to see the iris of all the major health figures everywhere to see how theirs appear.
That would be interesting. I wonder also to what extent changes in iris form could trick iris recognition scanners into not recognizing your eye.

And then months into the future, provided that your overall health is improving, you'll begin to notice that the lesion tightens up, almost like it's knitting itself back together into the color of the eye. This is the best I can describe it, but when you notice it happening it's pretty trippy.
Looking forward to it. I'm planning on taking monthly progress photos and then superimposing them into a gif

I've been keeping an eye on the cloudiness that Morse mentions from milk myself to see if and when that might show itself in the eye. There's a part of me that thinks if the metabolism is good then milk won't be (as) mucous forming... Because clearly it's mucous forming for anyone in poor health, but I'm really skeptical if it is for people in 'good' health.
Yeah that's probably true. It makes sense to assume that a healthy body would have no problem getting rid of the mucous as soon as it begins to form.


Jul 7, 2019
Really inspired by your post. Thanks for sharing. I have a similar skin condition so I'm following what you say very closely.

A few things.

1. Can you give us an update on your skin? Sometimes these protocols work for a short time and the problem just comes back.

2. Can you comment on the quality of your bowel movements and their frequency?

3. I've gone through the "Turk Moving his bowels three times a day post" several times. In it he mentions using Agar Agar. Can you speak to why you have or haven't used it?
Apr 22, 2019
1. Can you give us an update on your skin? Sometimes these protocols work for a short time and the problem just comes back.

Yeah, definitely. If I fall into the same mousetraps, I'll suffer the same consequences, but the potato starch in particular has a kind of buffering effect that allows me to get away with much more inflammatory activity, as-it-were, without suffering as much consequence. Additionally, making a point to take 3 tablespoons of potato starch in the evening with milk always makes a big difference in the overnight recovery process.

So to answer your question, I still have the condition and depending on how much inflammatory activity I incite upon myself, the more the problem resurfaces.

To summarize, I will state it like this:

These are inflammatory triggers:
-more than one cup of coffee taken in the morning following a meal.
- Any coffee taken on an empty stomach or in the afternoon or evening.
- being awake anytime between the hours of 11:30P and 6A
- canned vegetables
- all starch
- not eating a half-pound of animal meat at least every other day
- drinking too much water
- drinking large amounts of milk within a few hours of other meals
- exercising on an empty stomach
- exercising under blue light after 5PM
- not cleaning my teeth (including flossing) within a couple hours of eating most things with the exception of milk and water.
- tomatoes

To the greater extent that I keep these things out of my diet and lifestyle, the greater the ability to handle these things and recover quickly from them.

The primary aids have been:
- potato starch in the evening taken away from other meals
- eating beans around the midday by themselves, treating them like medicine
- having well cooked vegetable soups at least every other day

At this point I actually don't know when I've messed up until I look in the mirror or when people start unconsciously rubbing their upper lip as their talking to me, lol. The grief that comes with eating starch, for instance, isn't as physical as it is aesthetic. My body temperature during the cold spells has been remarkably better this year than it has been for every year prior... Of my entire life. For once I have a bit of tolerance to the cold without gritting my teeth.

2. Can you comment on the quality of your bowel movements and their frequency?

Usually one a day on most days, depends on the diet as you might imagine. Beans help the most, well-cooked vegetables secondly. I don't feel constipated nor do I get bloated after any meals, at least. The 3-a-day thing is still a mystery I'm chasing after. All I can really deduce are that super healthy, resilient people have consistent bowel movements like that. Still aspiring. It's pretty rare, like maybe once every 45 days or so, I'll run a milk & cane sugar (or honey) enema. There's not a particular set of symptoms that triggers me to do it, it's just like a routine cleaning that has a net positive effect.The nutrient retention from a milk enema is also quite apparent, so I usually won't feel hungry until some 12-16 hours after performing one.

3. I've gone through the "Turk Moving his bowels three times a day post" several times. In it he mentions using Agar Agar. Can you speak to why you have or haven't used it?

Yeah I actually got some. Taking the stuff without boiling it is just painfully uncomfortable... And boiling it and drinking the cooled mixture is so filling and bland and stale... I don't care for it, but maybe I'll revisit it again here soon upon your mention of it. I get that it's supposed to have a peristaltic benefit, but I'm not sure that it's actually insoluble fiber. I find it questionable, but alas it's still in the cabinet.


Jul 7, 2019
Yeah I actually got some. Taking the stuff without boiling it is just painfully uncomfortable... And boiling it and drinking the cooled mixture is so filling and bland and stale... I don't care for it, but maybe I'll revisit it again here soon upon your mention of it. I get that it's supposed to have a peristaltic benefit, but I'm not sure that it's actually insoluble fiber. I find it questionable, but alas it's still in the cabinet.
Could you comment on why you would boil it? I have never heard of that?


Apr 8, 2020
3) My bodily temperature regulation is leagues better than it ever has been in years past. I'm not feeling cold extremities ever, even when bouncing in between air-conditioning and tropical weather. I'm maintaining bodily warmth in situations where apparently hypo-thyroid people are in long sleeves and pants, and I've no issues of cold feet before falling asleep.
after how many days/weeks did you notice body temp increasing when you started consuming potato starch? En how much grams did you take a day?
Apr 22, 2019
after how many days/weeks did you notice body temp increasing when you started consuming potato starch? En how much grams did you take a day?
Within 3 days.

For about 4-5 days I took roughly 9-10 tablespoons (108-120g) spread between morning, noon, and night with milk. I was very strict to not eat meat during that time. Just a raw carrot or a handful of fruit once every other day besides the milk and potato starch.


Oct 4, 2019
Ben. said:

From the same logic we would run into trouble with fruit, sugar and milk too wouldn't we?

"Yeah which is why those foods probably give you grief unless consumed by themselves, I would imagine."

Perhaps the issue is psoriasis and not seb derm


Feb 23, 2020
Agreed. I didn't have any food sensitivities when I was younger but developed them during a stressful period of my life. I seem to be more sensitive to lectins>nightshade>starches=some types of fiber.
Since reducing inflammatory by cutting out the starches/lectins/nightshade, my inflammation has gone down a lot and now I occasionally eat starches with no issues at all. So with time (with a good diet, low inflammation and low stress), my food sensitivities should go away and I should be able to do just fine on all food. However, I'm totally fine without starch and actually have better energy, mood, fat loss, etc., most likely due to lower inflammation.
So am I going to have starches back in my diet? Occasionally yes, but I don't feel I'm missing anything without starches. So even if I have no food sensitivities at all, I'd still not have them as a major or regular part of my diet.
Do you think that 0 starches could be a good strategy for healing the gut for skinny guys too? I'm afraid about losing too much weight and going too los calories eating 0 starches.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Do you think that 0 starches could be a good strategy for healing the gut for skinny guys too? I'm afraid about losing too much weight and going too los calories eating 0 starches.
Lose fat or losing water? That's the question when it comes to losing weight on a zero-starch diet. If a skinny guy shouldn't eat low starch, then a very muscular guy shouldn't either right? That is not the case, so just as long as you're eating enough calories in general, your metabolism will adapt to it.


Dec 1, 2020

Interestingly, lately I've been praying to God a lot, asking how I could be of use to Him, with undertones of desperation since I have nothing else going on with my life. It warms my heart how just off-handedly mentioning an experiment I was planning on doing might have led to a chain of events that culminated with the healing process of someone who has just recently come to faith.

Wheras snacking on m&m gives you energy, raw starch is not your food per se, feeding only the beneficial bacteria in your colon. That being said, with a well-fed colon your blood sugar regulation should improve significantly, allowing you to gain more freedom from frequent snacking.

Antibiotics will thoroughly clean the intestines, but unless the good bacteria are properly fed, nothing will be stopping the bad bacteria from reasserting their dominance. Whereas the bad guys require an alkaline gut environment, the good bacteria create, through their metabolic byproducts, an acidic environment. Supplementing with lactose and raw starch feeds precisely those bacteria that are responsible for turning the gut more acidic.
Danny Roddy use antibiotics to cure his diary intolerance.


Feb 23, 2020
Could you explain exactly what meals do you do for healing with this milch regim? I don't understand English really well and the information in the other thread is a bit disorganized.

I would appreciate if you help me.

. 3-5 days fruit fast
. Next days just milk every half hour? (around 4 liters, 2000 calories?)
. Do you take some type of fiber or food for having more volume feces and ensure going to the toilet at least 3 times a day?

Thank you so much.
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2019
Could you explain exactly what meals do you do for healing with this milch regim? I don't understand English really well and the information in the other thread is a bit disorganized.

I would appreciate if you help me.

. 3-5 days fruit fast
. Next days just milk every half hour? (around 4 liters, 2000 calories?)
. Do you take some type of fiber or food for having more volume feces and ensure going to the toilet at least 3 times a day?

Thank you so much.
Yes! You basically have it.

1) fruit fast until the tongue doesn't have a thick white coating and the bowel movements do not have odor.
2) milk fast with 1/2 cup (118 mL) of milk every 30 minutes from 7AM to 7PM
3) for one meal each day, have fruit instead of milk at 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, or 4:00.
4) if bowel movements aren't happening naturally, use a quick & small enema of 1-2 cups (about a half liter) made of water, salt, milk, and/or honey as necessary. For the first 5 days I did 2 water enemas a day and then found out that the milk enema was very useful. The water enemas are mechanical - moving things through - and the milk enemas are both mechanical and (I believe) potentially healthful or nutritive.

According to the theory, if the milk protein moves too slowly, it will cause damage. This is why it's important to make sure the bowels are cycling regularly.

Also, if you get bored of milk, peeling a raw sweet potato or red potato can also be used instead of the milk. Again, according to the theory, the raw starch of a raw potato is a sugar that digests so slowly that it will reach the colon, just like lactose in milk.


Feb 23, 2020
Yes! You basically have it.

1) fruit fast until the tongue doesn't have a thick white coating and the bowel movements do not have odor.
2) milk fast with 1/2 cup (118 mL) of milk every 30 minutes from 7AM to 7PM
3) for one meal each day, have fruit instead of milk at 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, or 4:00.
4) if bowel movements aren't happening naturally, use a quick & small enema of 1-2 cups (about a half liter) made of water, salt, milk, and/or honey as necessary. For the first 5 days I did 2 water enemas a day and then found out that the milk enema was very useful. The water enemas are mechanical - moving things through - and the milk enemas are both mechanical and (I believe) potentially healthful or nutritive.

According to the theory, if the milk protein moves too slowly, it will cause damage. This is why it's important to make sure the bowels are cycling regularly.

Also, if you get bored of milk, peeling a raw sweet potato or red potato can also be used instead of the milk. Again, according to the theory, the raw starch of a raw potato is a sugar that digests so slowly that it will reach the colon, just like lactose in milk.
Wow thanks for sharing, it's really inspiring.

. Just one of the meal a day is fruit, right?
. Did you suffer really bad digestive issues and bloating before you did this protocol? Does it fix these issues completely?
. Did you use homogenized milk of supermarket to do the enemas?
. Can you eat anything without skin and digestive issues now?

Thank you so much again.
Apr 22, 2019
Wow thanks for sharing, it's really inspiring.

. Just one of the meal a day is fruit, right?
. Did you suffer really bad digestive issues and bloating before you did this protocol? Does it fix these issues completely?
. Did you use homogenized milk of supermarket to do the enemas?
. Can you eat anything without skin and digestive issues now?

Thank you so much again.
Of course, no problem.

Yeah, only one fruit meal each day will do the trick.

At one point my digestion was extremely poor. I believe it was initially caused by stupid enema experiments in which I ruined the bacteria of my colon. Then I spent too much time in the sauna, losing many nutrients... and then I had a very large dose of psychedelic mushrooms, which probably increased a candida problem that was killing me.

It seemed like everything except a small portion of fruit would cause many issues... Lack of energy, joint pain, brain fog, poor sleep, bloating... It would depend on what I ate, but milk was the worst offender. Even half of a cup would ruin my entire day and take 3 days to recover from.

Fasting on grapes and taking several herbs was the first thing that helped. I continued to improve for about a month with this.

Then a purge of 1/4 cup organic castor oil with 1 teaspoon of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine was another big step.

Then milk fasting with this regime helped greatly. That lasted about 3 weeks before I ran into symptoms which I first thought were iron deficiency but then realized that they were actually a zinc deficiency from taking too much pasteurized milk along with processed & raw potato starch isolate.

Then I supplemented with zinc which helped for a few weeks until it started to give me cognitive impairment (unclear thinking, ADHD-like).

Then I supplemented with B-complexes, B1, B2, and biotin in different amounts... Which was also beneficial for about 2-3 weeks before it stopped having any positive effect.


Nowadays, I don't supplement with anything and am having the most success by living on raw milk, raw butter, raw honey, raw cheese, raw eggs, raw bone marrow, raw meat, fruit, and vegetable juice in accordance with the teachings of Aajonus Vonderplanitz, posted here:

To answer your question about whether it fixed digestive issues, it definitely cleared up the longstanding candida problem I was having so I could digest most foods without bloating or suffering too much of an energy loss. My skin was still pretty sensitive to break out whenever I ate things like vegetable oil, bread, energy drinks, or too much coffee though... Basically anytime I made myself acidic my skin would look bad.

The first two milk enemas I used were with raw, unpasteurized milk and they were very effective. I later used pasteurized supermarket milk and it wasn't quite the same. If all a person has access to is pasteurized milk, I would still encourage them to try it mixed with molasses or honey.

As far as my food tolerance goes now, it is very good. I don't worry about eating one thing or another. All of the same rules apply... Like if I drink 5 cups of coffee or have an energy drink or a cured-meat sandwich with bread and avocado I'll definitely see a mild skin breakout, be a little sleepy, and smell bad for a day or so, but the effect of eating poorly is nothing like it was before. The more raw butter, raw bone marrow, and raw milk that I consume, the better everything on my body functions and therefore the more dietary mistakes I can make without feeling or looking bad.


Feb 23, 2020
So, do you think that this milk regim have fixed your disbiosis? I understand that yes, sorry for asking several times but it's surprising for me that something so easy like this protocol could heal disbiosis and leky gut.

. How many fruits did you eat in this meal a day?

. Didnt make you pee this liquid amount? Do you add salt or some strategy for fixing the loss of electrolytes. In my case, drinking a lot of liquid makes me pee transparent quickly.

Thank you again man.
Apr 22, 2019
So, do you think that this milk regim have fixed your disbiosis? I understand that yes, sorry for asking several times but it's surprising for me that something so easy like this protocol could heal disbiosis and leky gut.

. How many fruits did you eat in this meal a day?

. Didnt make you pee this liquid amount? Do you add salt or some strategy for fixing the loss of electrolytes. In my case, drinking a lot of liquid makes me pee transparent quickly.

Thank you again man.
I think it did the most good for my digestive system out of everything, but I didn't feel that my intestinal wall started to rebuild until I started having raw meat, raw butter, and raw eggs in larger quantities. The eggs in particular are very useful for restoring the strength of the mucus in the intestines.

The amount of fruit I ate each day was about 1/2 - 1 cup of red grapes.

I did urinate frequently which ultimately wasn't good. The easiest way to fix this problem is to drink the milk much slower, like sipping it as 1 tablespoon at a time per minute and also drinking the milk closer to room temperature.

I'm uncertain if salt should or shouldn't be used at this point. My life recently has been better without it, but then again I've also consumed quite a bit over the years, so maybe I have a large storage.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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