Is Pasteruzied Milk Really So Inferior To Raw Milk?


Jun 23, 2017
I had a similar issue after taking a break from raw milk (to do a dairy free experiment) for a while and reintroducing it. I suspect, my gut health decline from all the heavy fibrous plant food matter I was consuming, from plant carbohydrates. So I did a heavy binge of eating extra carrot salads and bamboo shoots and taking some other anti-biotic substances. After a few weeks of doing that and cutting starch out and replacing it only with whole fruits, I was able to start adding in my raw milk again. But this time, I brought the milk to a boiled and cooled it before drinking. I then was able to go from doing that to slowly having the raw milk uncooked again. But I do notice, that, even with the raw milk, digestion is best if it is at least warm, as is more natural anyway (babies drink their milk warm).

Even if I have to continue to boil the milk for best digestion, I still find it superior to store-bought pasteurized milk because it is fresher and has no vitamins added to it, or off-label ingredients like gums, as is reportedly the case with a number of normal milk brands and even organic milk brands. If one has a milk-centric diet like I currently do, then its no option for me to use store-bought milk because of not just off-label ingredients, but because the amount of Vitamin A and D added would add up to being way too high for me, which isn't very natural because the added Vitamin A and D content of store bought milk is much higher than the Vitamin A and D that is naturally in the raw milk. So that way I am getting a better balance of Vitamin A and D naturally, and not potentially 'overdosing' on them. And of course there is the homogenization of store bought milk, which I see as the next main concern next to the added vitamins and off-label ingredients. Homogenization concerns me more than pasteurization (which isn't a huge issue for me). I also agree, it is nice to support local farmers as well.

I also found that boiling ginger with milk greatly helps with my digestion, and tastes great --- and potentially has some strong anti-serotonin effects from the ginger.
Ginger is pretty wild


Mar 22, 2019
from my own experience ( i can get raw milk easily in germany) what the cow is eating is more important than if the milk is heated or not. The raw milk i get in my town is very bad in the winter (fed silage) and precious and tasty in the summertime (when fresh grass are fed)

The best milk i have found comes from austria, probably free range animals, it is not even organic. another organic milk i can not digest at all, gives me diarrhea.

Food of cows and their health > raw or cooked IMO


Jul 29, 2020
from my own experience ( i can get raw milk easily in germany) what the cow is eating is more important than if the milk is heated or not. The raw milk i get in my town is very bad in the winter (fed silage) and precious and tasty in the summertime (when fresh grass are fed)

The best milk i have found comes from austria, probably free range animals, it is not even organic. another organic milk i can not digest at all, gives me diarrhea.

Food of cows and their health > raw or cooked IMO
Austria has sick milk, agreed, there's some sick Austrian milk I can buy in glass bottles, bit more expensive, but amazing nontheless. It is pasterized


Oct 19, 2019
In my experience cow raw milk definitely tastes better, but I do think some of the health claims may be over blown. A bit like the A1 vs. A2 argument, I suspect a lot of the difference could literally be down placebo. Raw is much more expensive, which means I have to buy in bulk and freeze to make it worthwhile, which takes up a lot of space in the freezer. Raw goat milk is even more expensive than cow, plus when you heat it you got that real goaty taste, and heating it negates the point fo it being raw anyway if you are having hot chocolate etc. Plus when using smaller farms/dairies who have animal welfare as a top priority (which is brilliant), they likely do not force the cows to produce high yields through winter when they are not outdoors (UK), meaning the supply is likely limited if not totally unavailable. I ended up settling on an organic unhomogenised brand that costs two-thirds less per litre than raw but is still grass-fed etc.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
i drank raw milk for a couple years and it seems so pointless now considering the travel to raw milk places and the incredibly high costs. If there were any benefits i didn't notice any...well, i do notice that raw milk does give me an initial/short-term energy buzz that i don't get from other milks. I try to get low-temp pasteurized now but am even experimenting with ultra-past. i haven't noticed problems with either. i would prefer consistently the low temp past. only because it's the only brand i can find that's non-homogenized.....and i can get 1% that doesn't have added Vit. A. You could even research for hours on the perils of homogenization....but it may be even as unfounded as past. milk being the devil. Eventually i realized that past. or even home-boiled raw milk probably makes more sense as it provides a more consistent product for your system. If one is always consuming raw milk, you are at the mercy of the inconsistent bacteria (good or bad) that the cow is producing. The only other problem potentially with pasteurized milk is that it's usually from large dairies where conditions may not be ideal and estrogen levels may be higher. So when buying pasteurized, i at least try to get grass-fed and (without having researched it) hope it's better living conditions than the commercial milks.

are you in the US? how are you able to get 1% milk without added vitamin A? from what ive seen, you can get low temp pasteurized milk in supermarkets, you can get non homogenized milk in supermarkets, you can get raw 1% or skim milk. but how are you getting 1% pasteurized milk without added vitamins? apparently all 2%, 1% and skim milks here are required to have vitamins added.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
In my experience cow raw milk definitely tastes better, but I do think some of the health claims may be over blown. A bit like the A1 vs. A2 argument, I suspect a lot of the difference could literally be down placebo. Raw is much more expensive, which means I have to buy in bulk and freeze to make it worthwhile, which takes up a lot of space in the freezer. Raw goat milk is even more expensive than cow, plus when you heat it you got that real goaty taste, and heating it negates the point fo it being raw anyway if you are having hot chocolate etc. Plus when using smaller farms/dairies who have animal welfare as a top priority (which is brilliant), they likely do not force the cows to produce high yields through winter when they are not outdoors (UK), meaning the supply is likely limited if not totally unavailable. I ended up settling on an organic unhomogenised brand that costs two-thirds less per litre than raw but is still grass-fed etc.
its odd for raw to be more expensive since there should be less processing and labor time involved compared to homogenized pasteurized milks


Feb 16, 2021
Austria has sick milk, agreed, there's some sick Austrian milk I can buy in glass bottles, bit more expensive, but amazing nontheless. It is pasterized
Are you in austria? Which brand of milk do you purchase?


Oct 19, 2019
its odd for raw to be more expensive since there should be less processing and labor time involved compared to homogenized pasteurized milks
I think it just comes down to scale more than anything. In the UK there are only relatively small operations selling raw milk. Plus unless you live near the farm, delivery cost is always going prohibitive for such a heavy/bulky item that needs temperature controlled packaging etc.


its odd for raw to be more expensive since there should be less processing and labor time involved compared to homogenized pasteurized milks

Has to do with production quantities.
Fixed cost amortized between less units sold for raw milk.


Apr 15, 2015
So what's the conclusion here?
The Wulzen factor (anti-stiffness factor) in raw milk is a myth?


Jul 19, 2020
So what's the conclusion here?
The Wulzen factor (anti-stiffness factor) in raw milk is a myth?
i honestly do both,raw and pasteurized,i buy gallon and a half of raw milk per week from a farm and if i want milky coffee of hot chocolate i buy pasteruzied milk,not a big deal,raw milk feels overall healthier in my case


Apr 15, 2015
The Wulzen Factor (anti-stiffness factor) (only present in raw milk) prevents calcification of the joints (degenerative arthritis), arterial hardening, cataracts and pineal gland calcification.
“In 1941 Wulzen and Bahrs reported that guinea-pigs fed raw whole milk grew excellently and at autopsy showed no abnormality of any kind. Guinea-pigs on pasteurized milk rations did not grow as well and developed a definite syndrome, the first sign of which was wrist stiffness. On pasteurized skim milk the syndrome increased in severity until the animals finally died. There was great emaciation and weakness before death.” Doctors such as Royal Lee and Francis Pottenger, Jr., had long studied this anti-arthritic factor, which was never accepted by orthodox medicine and regretfully remains ignored to this day.
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Dec 27, 2021
I belong to a cow share and get an allotment of about 7 litres a week. The milk is tested regularly and the cows are only fed grass and milked in the meadow for comfort. Since starting my skin looks younger, I repair better from workouts, and have zero bloating from. Pasteurized milk constantly gave me brain fog, gas and stomach irritation. I think an earlier point is more important than raw vs pasteurized, how are the cows fed and treated.


Apr 15, 2015
A little hack on how to revitalize pasteurized milk :

heating destroys the acid-forming organisms that are con
tained in milk, and that are absolutely essential
for changing the intestinal flora. In pasteurized,
and even sterilized milk, these beneficent acid¬
forming organisms may be destroyed, while the
bacteria that produce putrefaction, and such in¬
fections as colitis and enteritis, may still re-
main active.
If in any case it seems absolutely necessary to
employ sterilized or pasteurized milk, the acid¬
forming organisms may be supplied by adding
pure cultures of the B. Bidgaricus, or combining
with the pasteurized milk a liberal proportion of
yoghourt buttermilk.

Some writers on the milk cure have insisted
that the cup or glass from which the milk is
taken should be used for twenty-four hours with
out washing, it being claimed that better results
are obtained by this plan than when a clean glass
is used each time. The unwashed tumbler soon
becomes sour and thus will encourage the de¬
velopment of acid-forming organisms in the milk
after it is swallowed. If, however, a certain
proportion of sour milk or of yoghourt butter
milk is employed, the same result will be obtained
without sacrificing the luxury of a clean drinking
glass. If sour milk is used it should be made
smooth by thorough churning or beating with an
egg beater before adding it to the milk.

Happy Camper

Aug 14, 2023
I used to drink raw milk and it's no better in my opinion. It's extremely expensive and loaded with cream, which lowers the percent of calcium.

I think the weston a price and other affiliated groups have promoted raw milk through it's financial motivations. They make a lot of promises but it's extremely unreliable and dogmatic. They believe in mainstream science and biochemistry that is promoted at the universities and educational systems.

i think one would worry about the anti-milk propaganda all together.Which is more powerful and convincing. Versus the pro raw milk groups which is a minority in the alternative health industry.
You may be right about WAPF, but having worked for them for 9 years (and Chris Masterjohn is a favorite journal contributor and researcher), there is much more good than bad.

Raw milk is a gateway to other farm fresh pasture-based products.

The people that will travel an hour in raw milk prohibited states, will be happy to support their farmer's economy and their family's health with an expanded menu of product purchases.

I also helped start the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund and after setting small farms up for raw milk sales/ distribution the next step was invariably setting up a buying club.

So, we are providing small farms with the whole dollar with direct to consumer sales. These farms and farm families are thriving.

Our ancestors, forefathers drank raw milk.

Lactose intolerance is caused by absence of lactase making bacteria killed during pasteurization.

Milk allergies are caused by the pasteurization process, mangling the ferritin.

To find raw milk close to you, visit www

Laughable that there is money made by WAPF in raw milk.

Their local chapter leader system is all volunteer. Their real milk finders page is free, and vetted.

They pay much more in legal fees to defend farmers right to sell and consumers right to buy raw milk than they make in memberships (basically a quarterly journal subscription.)

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
You may be right about WAPF, but having worked for them for 9 years (and Chris Masterjohn is a favorite journal contributor and researcher), there is much more good than bad.

Raw milk is a gateway to other farm fresh pasture-based products.

The people that will travel an hour in raw milk prohibited states, will be happy to support their farmer's economy and their family's health with an expanded menu of product purchases.

I also helped start the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund and after setting small farms up for raw milk sales/ distribution the next step was invariably setting up a buying club.

So, we are providing small farms with the whole dollar with direct to consumer sales. These farms and farm families are thriving.

Our ancestors, forefathers drank raw milk.

Lactose intolerance is caused by absence of lactase making bacteria killed during pasteurization.

Milk allergies are caused by the pasteurization process, mangling the ferritin.

To find raw milk close to you, visit www

Laughable that there is money made by WAPF in raw milk.

Their local chapter leader system is all volunteer. Their real milk finders page is free, and vetted.

They pay much more in legal fees to defend farmers right to sell and consumers right to buy raw milk than they make in memberships (basically a quarterly journal subscription.)
Didnt they also heat milk up in a pan? Or it was always drank room temperature fresh, or in a yogurt milk sort of form…?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I don't notice much difference between grass-fed, pasteurized milk and raw milk. Conventional milk, though, tastes like dirt.

The other factors in milk, I think are definitely more important than it being raw vs pasteurized. Things like organic, 100% grass fed, and probably 100% A2A2 are more important than milk being raw.
Im not sure on homogenization. It’s obviously important also to get a milk with no added vitamin additives and filler ingredients which can be hard to find.
Because there are raw milk farms out there who arent grass fed organic… many of them claim they are organic but not certified organic due to the expenses or paperwork and time involved for certified organic. But some dont even claim organic. Ive wondered if people may actually be worse off getting poor quality raw milk than conventional milk?

One thing is grass fed milk seems to last far, far longer than non grass fed… it will easily last 12 hours in 70 degree weather and not have that gross smell or flavor… if the temperature is down to 65 degrees it can even last up to 18 or 19 hours before any sour smell or taste

Whereas non organic milk from costco, will start getting the sour smell and taste after maybe 6 or 8 hours

If the milks not grass fed organic it may be safer to drink it pasteurized than raw? Im not sure
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