Penis Size



Feb 18, 2018
@charlie troll alert - Jing
How? Explain how I'm a troll? Because the advice people give doesn't work for me? I've tried their advice , it's more like most people on here are trolling me because they keep repeating the same things....


Feb 18, 2018
OP's habit of getting personally offended by advice and then digging through the posts of those trying to help looking for ad hominem / tu quoque attacks is revealing.
What advice? I can't see anything actually helpfull or anything I haven't already tried ?? And I just think people need to stop getting offended because I have an insecurity, if people have their own Insecurities then they should understand.... why are my Insecurities in my head but others aren't in their heads?


Oct 6, 2021
OP's habit of getting personally offended by advice and then digging through the posts of those trying to help looking for ad hominem / tu quoque attacks is revealing.

Hallmark of the eternal redditor. They're shame-driven people so they assume putting you on blast is the most effective attaq.


Nov 29, 2017
Pretty sure I’ve been saying for at least a year that Jing is trolling.

@Jing if you don’t like the advice given on a forum, stop using it. Or keep trolling (which you will do anyways).


Mar 28, 2019
Pretty sure I’ve been saying for at least a year that Jing is trolling.

@Jing if you don’t like the advice given on a forum, stop using it. Or keep trolling (which you will do anyways).

He isn't trolling, the OP is just enjoying all the energy he gets from being triggered vs using it to learn WHY he's so triggered which is what would solve his 'issue'. It's so pathetic its made it a classic RPF thread.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
How can I stop caring about the size of my penis ? It seriously gets me so depressed it always has since I was about 14 years old .. it constantly gets me down, I've tried to forget about it but nothing works it just always stops me from having a good time .. I've tried stretches and jelqing with no results and if I try them now they just cause me pain, Atm I'm trying something called agion method which is based on angiogenesis but not having any luck with that either.
Life on earth is short, but our souls are eternal. Worry about whether you will enter heaven or hell afterwards


Feb 18, 2018
Pretty sure I’ve been saying for at least a year that Jing is trolling.

@Jing if you don’t like the advice given on a forum, stop using it. Or keep trolling (which you will do anyways).
Stop using what?


Feb 18, 2018
He isn't trolling, the OP is just enjoying all the energy he gets from being triggered vs using it to learn WHY he's so triggered which is what would solve his 'issue'. It's so pathetic its made it a classic RPF thread.
It's everyone else who is triggered 😂 why you so angry that you feel the need to even comment? Why are the people commenting on here so angry that their advice doesn't work ? Do they really have such big egos that they have to be right? Why attack me when I tell them their advice doesn't work? I think it's them who need to fix themselves, clearly something is wrong in their lives which need fixing.
Last edited:


Sep 3, 2020
I don't understand fretting so much over what women like, especially in the case of this thread where there's no physical problem to speak of. As I will go on to say, women are extremely superficial, but fretting about them in this way is obviously a sign of much more important problems. Women in general don't know what they like or why. It's worth noting that women don't fret about their vaginal dimensions and how that effects the nerve endings on the tip of a hypothetical man's penis. I've also never observed men discussing either vaginal dimensions or the sensory pleasure involved in sex. Can you imagine this as a man? — 'I had such a good orgasm the other day.'

But in fact vaginal size varies a lot, and smaller is much more appealing but in a strictly psychological sense. It doesn't 'feel better.' I have seen men in porn comment sections remarking how this or that blowjob thing would feel, and it strikes me as gay, which would be yet another phenomenon of the 'feminization of society.' But the reason for this penile insecurity is that we intuitively understand that women are very superficial, and sensuality — being highly responsive to sensory things — is a form of superficiality.

Superficiality is attributed to men, but really men are simply more rational and honest about all things, and they're conspicuous with what they like in women. Here's a difference to help illustrate what I mean: a man would never leave a woman because she became too loose after having his kids, but women leave men for more or less sensual reasons of this sort. Typically they don't even know precisely why 'this just isn't working anymore,' but in the many cases where a woman leaves a man who's not doing anything particularly wrong, we know it's about sex but it must pain us to admit it, because frankly it places women beneath men in a moral sense.

For women, sex is a sensual act, and not as they like to say a mental act. It's far more mental for guys. Getting a blowjob is just the feeling of wetness and is mostly a power trip, but women go to the moon from the physical sensation of oral sex. Women even invented the word sapiosexual to deflect their superficial nature. I first encountered this word on OkCupid, a typically obnoxious millenial parasite 'tech company' that adopts wholesale every libtarded social engineering idea, including the petty obsession with 'data,' which in this case actually helps us understand how discriminating are women vis-a-vis men's looks. Do you think they're not just as perceptive about sexual sensations and deeply motivated by them?

Considering it rationally, if you give a woman a 'decent, stable guy' and combine that with intense penetrative orgasms, you're very unlikely to see that woman find an arbitrary reason to break up the family and end the relationship. But if you remove the sex part and retain the 'decent, stable guy' aspect, there's a not insignificant chance she'll find some way to be 'unhappy' in the relationship, and of course society makes sure every avenue is available for women to leave marriages.

Evo-psych pseudoscientists speculate that the reason for female vocalizing during sex is something to do with 'alerting other males' or some other crap that tends to subvert monogamy, but surely the real reason is that they simply experience much more sensory pleasure every step of the way, especially the end. Men don't talk among each other about women's body parts quite like women do, and that reflects what's going on physiologically. Women have been known to devote entire writing careers to their orgasms.
I don’t know, I’ve met plenty of men who started cheating on their wives post pregnancy. Because they “didn’t feel the same vaginally”. That being said these men did not leave their wives , they couldn’t bring themselves to, but the did cheat on them with a variety of tighter women


Feb 24, 2019
How can I stop caring about the size of my penis ? It seriously gets me so depressed it always has since I was about 14 years old .. it constantly gets me down, I've tried to forget about it but nothing works it just always stops me from having a good time .. I've tried stretches and jelqing with no results and if I try them now they just cause me pain, Atm I'm trying something called agion method which is based on angiogenesis but not having any luck with that either.
its not so difficult. my previous post contains psychological elements, alas you did not respondent to it. I didnt write that for nothing.

You have to expose yourself naked in front of a group of women or prostitutes, and experience their reactions about your penis.
its called exposure therapy.
You might initially feel insecure, afraid and ashamed thinking they will point fingers and laugh their asses of, but some may not react much or some may even find it cute ! dont you think that can change your negative perspective of the issue into a positive one?


Nov 12, 2020
I’d say why settle for your penis size if you can change it?

I’ve personally had luck with DHT gel over the last 3 months. I’ve been applying 0.7ml of 10% DHT gel twice daily directly to my penis and have measured a growth of 0.38 inches. Also my flaccid hang is noticeably larger and fuller.

Note that this is without performing any PE exercises which is what I plan to add in shortly. I’m confident that using DHT gel over the next 6 months combined with PE exercises will yield me an inch or slightly more.
what brand of DHT do you use?


Nov 12, 2020
But off course I'm negative about it Im
not going to be happy when women tell me they prefer big dicks lol but I don't need advice now I made this thread a long time ago and I was fine but then I saw I had a notification and it was a post from a women saying she prefers big dicks... I'm not sure how it's apparently all in my head?
Does your girlfriend has kim kardashian's ****?If not, should she cry hard when men tell her that they love huge asses?
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