Why does NOTHING but tianeptine work for me?


Oct 3, 2014
I ate strictly Peat-style for almost 4 years and tried just about every beneficial Peat food or supplement, but NOTHING makes me feel any better. ONLY tianeptine makes me feel better. I even moved to Denver, where there is high altitude and lots of sunshine. Nothing is any different, I still lay in bed all day and have blunted affect and lack of motivation all day if I do not take tianeptine.

To me, this is amazing. RP said how food and environment will improve functioning the most, and people shouldn't rely on supplements because theor scope is narrow and doesn't improve the big picture. But for me, it's the opposite. Food and environment make no difference for me, ONLY tianeptine. I gave my mom the same amount of tianeptine I take everyday, and she felt NOTHING.

Maybe I am healthy in general, but have some specific brain dysfunction only tianeptine works for. Lisuride is supposed to be anti-prolactin, but it didn't work for me AT ALL, so maybe it's some problem with my prefrontal cortex. I can't concentrate without tianeptine, and like ADHD people, instead of feeling stimulated from amphetamines, I felt relaxed from Ritalin.

I had higher adrenergic activity from it, manifesting as a shrunken penis, constricted veins, and insomnia, but normally I have the opposite, my veins are THE LARGEST I'VE EVER SEEN, on my hands, feet, and penis, in addition to several small varicoceles in my scrotum (1-2 mm). Btw, I have anxiety, and when I get blood pressure, pulse, and temp tested for blood donation, they are almost always too high, so I doubt low adrenergic activity is responsible.

Maybe I need tianeptine, traditional ADHD drugs, or whatever improves the functioning of my prefrontal cortex. Tianeptine is doing well, but maybe ADHD drugs will be the only other substances that can help me. I was thinking about anti-prolactin drugs for that, but if lisuride won't help, why would any other ones?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Maybe tianeptine is lowering glutamate in your case? I bumped and interesting thread with a discussion about this for you to review. It was a post by Haidut called 'The low serotonin cause of depression is finally being discredited'. Haidut and Wilfrid both posted some wonderful links.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Kenobi, I can suggest something totally off the wall and with no basis in theory or fact, as far as I know. That would be supplementing 2-3g/day of tyrosine on an empty stomach, to increase dopamine.

The best part of this idea is that it is harmless.

I suspect serotonin and dopamine interact somehow, at some level, but I haven't a clue why I think that.

Oh, harmless is relative, I guess, I couldn't find any screwy tyrosine pathways that might turn sour on you, but it is always your choice.

5-7 days would be enough to tell if anything is different, at least it was for me.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
BingDing said:
Kenobi, I can suggest something totally off the wall and with no basis in theory or fact, as far as I know. That would be supplementing 2-3g/day of tyrosine on an empty stomach, to increase dopamine.

The best part of this idea is that it is harmless.

I suspect serotonin and dopamine interact somehow, at some level, but I haven't a clue why I think that.

Oh, harmless is relative, I guess, I couldn't find any screwy tyrosine pathways that might turn sour on you, but it is always your choice.

5-7 days would be enough to tell if anything is different, at least it was for me.
It probably isn't totally off the wall! There is a thread about tyrosine suppressing cortisol release. Shall I bump? Today seems like bump day for me! :lol:


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
BingDing said:
I'm not gonna comment on your bumping behavior, Blossom. :lol:
Thanks BingDing, you're such a gentleman.


Oct 3, 2014
Blossom said:
Maybe tianeptine is lowering glutamate in your case? I bumped and interesting thread with a discussion about this for you to review. It was a post by Haidut called 'The low serotonin cause of depression is finally being discredited'. Haidut and Wilfrid both posted some wonderful links.
Tianeptine has a stimulant effect on me so I doubt glutamate reduction would be the cause since glutamate is excitatory. Glutamate is involved in anxiety, but tianeptine does not reduce my anxiety, it increases energy level. It does give me a pleasant light sensation around my head though, which helps me relax.


Oct 3, 2014
BingDing said:
Kenobi, I can suggest something totally off the wall and with no basis in theory or fact, as far as I know. That would be supplementing 2-3g/day of tyrosine on an empty stomach, to increase dopamine.

The best part of this idea is that it is harmless.

I suspect serotonin and dopamine interact somehow, at some level, but I haven't a clue why I think that.

Oh, harmless is relative, I guess, I couldn't find any screwy tyrosine pathways that might turn sour on you, but it is always your choice.

5-7 days would be enough to tell if anything is different, at least it was for me.
I'll probably try it. From what I read, there is a tolerance effect built from it, but unlike Ritalin, it's not likely to be harmful and I could just supplement more, it's probably cheap, no? What would worry me though is higher norepinephrine or adrenalin. I have anxiety.


Mar 30, 2014
Have you tried T3 hormone? I've read a lot about depression, disorders of concentration and prefrontal cortex because I have depression and there is no drugs which would help me beyond mirtazapine. This drug increase activity of prefrontal cortex (SSRI decrease it). I have read some articles about hypothyroidism and low metabolism/perfusion in prefrontal cortex in some cases of depression. Maybe some T3 suplementation would improve circulation/glucose metabolism/oxygen in prefrontal cortex and improve your concentration and ADHD issues.


Oct 3, 2014
miko said:
Have you tried T3 hormone? I've read a lot about depression, disorders of concentration and prefrontal cortex because I have depression and there is no drugs which would help me beyond mirtazapine. This drug increase activity of prefrontal cortex (SSRI decrease it). I have read some articles about hypothyroidism and low metabolism/perfusion in prefrontal cortex in some cases of depression. Maybe some T3 suplementation would improve circulation/glucose metabolism/oxygen in prefrontal cortex and improve your concentration and ADHD issues.
I'm pretty sure "nothing" would include one of RP's most recommended supplements. I did, and it doesn't work. T3 is a hormone that's highly nonspecific, increasing the activity of all brain regions and cells in the body. I'm thinking about selling the bottles I have, it has no effect for me and I don't want to nibble on it every hour.
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