HPTA Recovery and Penis Sensitivity


Jan 8, 2021
Hi All,

I am 29 year old male and would be grateful for some advice.

Starting from the age of 19/20 to 28 I used anabolic steroids consistently without a break. The first half was a lot more experimental with 19 nor compounds and then from 26 onwards it was purely testosterone and anavar. I noticed that my erectile function started to diminish slowly after the first few years, namely:

1) loss of penis sensitivity
2) no morning erections
3) lack of ability to get full erections.

It happened gradually so i didn't remedy the situation straight away. Then from 25 onwards i tried to rectify the situation but to no avail. So as of April 2020 i came off steroids completely in an attempt to restore my HPTA for life. Now i am completely aware that they long use of these drugs may have impacted me permanently which saddens me but i made the choice and i may have to live with that. I have read that long term gonadal suppression could lead to scar tissue in the testicles, decreased testicular volume, etc.

I have no intention of going back on PED's, if anything, this whole experience has taught me that no amount of pharmacological intervention will ever compare to the fine tuned balance within the healthy natural human body.

6ft 2
198 lbs

Blood Work and Important Observations noticed over the years

1) Chronically low SHBG ( 5- 7 nmol) from 24 -26 years old. I then realised this was because of my Anavar use which is known for crushing shbg levels as an oral dht derivative. Came off anavar in dec 2018 and levels rose from 5 - 14 within 3 months. My most recent test had my SHBG at 25 nmol. I am confident that i can get this back into the high 30's as I do have a bit of visceral fat and most likely have some insulin resistance which i am correcting now thought weight loss and 24 - 48 hr fasts.

2) Chronically low DHEA sulphate (3.1 umol/l equivalent to 64 ug/dl) - Been incredibly low for a long time most likely from lack of LH and potential adrenal fatigue.
Interestingly enough HCG did not manage to increase my DHEA-s at all on the multiple occasions that I implemented it which may indicate that it may not actually back fill the hormonal cascade as once thought - or i could be an outlier.

Important - October 2018 - First Morning Erection in Years and Penis Sensitivity Returned

On Sunday 21st October 2018, i took a 125 mg Testosterone Enanthate Injection, then on Monday night 22nd October 2018 i took 0.25 mg of arimidex based of a hunch that my E2 was too high ( I know.....ridiculous bro science but just being honest)

on Thursday 25 th October 2018 I had my first morning erection in years and that's when i realised that i had been only been getting 60 % erections for the past few years. The erection was extremely full, engorged and heavy. I have been trying to reverse engineer what remedied the situation and I have narrowed it down to a few things:

At the time i was also taking superdrol ( 50 mg) so I know shbg was still tanked at this point, however, I had also just started taking DHEA for the first time ( 50 mg/ day) for the past three weeks. I am convinced that the DHEA is what allowed me to have a full erection. I just noticed when i started taking it that my penis was so much fuller and would hang a lot lower. However, within two days i had lost the erectile quality and i have not been able to recreate that hormonal environment since for the past two years which is why i decided to come off completely.

A quick side note, there may also be a case for an optimal T/E ratio for the erection. Because , i just switched to enanthate from prop which would shoot my t levels excessively high whereas with test E, my test levels did not go anywhere near as high. But this is all conjecture at this point.

Current Circumstances

It is now almost 8 to 9 months since my last injection of testosterone. As of now,:
1) Testicles are still downsized and not back to full size which is concerning because from my understanding gonadal size is a good indication of HPTA recovery.
2) No Morning Erections and erections are still 50 %
3) Libido is fine. For me personally, libido is predominantly driven by calories rather than hormones. I consider myself to have a fairly high sex drive in general so no issue there.

Questions and Concerns I have
1) Should i continue to wait and remain patient or get another blood test and see where I am at. Sometimes i can get anxious and want to add in some pct drugs like nolvadex out of fear, but ultimately i feel like that would just disrupt the body once again while its trying to recover.

2) I am concerned about testicular oxidation and scarring but there is really no way to check this

3) Also concerned about potential fibroysis of the penile tissue from not having full erections for such a long time. I still regularly masturbate with 60 % erectile quality just to make sure blood is still getting into the penile tissue as much as possible.

Ultimately, I take full responsibility for whar i have done to myself and have to hold myself accountable but it still upsets me nonetheless. Anyways, sorry tor the long post and thank you for listening. Any input or general discussion would be greatly appreciated.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Hi All,

I am 29 year old male and would be grateful for some advice.

Starting from the age of 19/20 to 28 I used anabolic steroids consistently without a break. The first half was a lot more experimental with 19 nor compounds and then from 26 onwards it was purely testosterone and anavar. I noticed that my erectile function started to diminish slowly after the first few years, namely:

1) loss of penis sensitivity
2) no morning erections
3) lack of ability to get full erections.

It happened gradually so i didn't remedy the situation straight away. Then from 25 onwards i tried to rectify the situation but to no avail. So as of April 2020 i came off steroids completely in an attempt to restore my HPTA for life. Now i am completely aware that they long use of these drugs may have impacted me permanently which saddens me but i made the choice and i may have to live with that. I have read that long term gonadal suppression could lead to scar tissue in the testicles, decreased testicular volume, etc.

I have no intention of going back on PED's, if anything, this whole experience has taught me that no amount of pharmacological intervention will ever compare to the fine tuned balance within the healthy natural human body.

6ft 2
198 lbs

Blood Work and Important Observations noticed over the years

1) Chronically low SHBG ( 5- 7 nmol) from 24 -26 years old. I then realised this was because of my Anavar use which is known for crushing shbg levels as an oral dht derivative. Came off anavar in dec 2018 and levels rose from 5 - 14 within 3 months. My most recent test had my SHBG at 25 nmol. I am confident that i can get this back into the high 30's as I do have a bit of visceral fat and most likely have some insulin resistance which i am correcting now thought weight loss and 24 - 48 hr fasts.

2) Chronically low DHEA sulphate (3.1 umol/l equivalent to 64 ug/dl) - Been incredibly low for a long time most likely from lack of LH and potential adrenal fatigue.
Interestingly enough HCG did not manage to increase my DHEA-s at all on the multiple occasions that I implemented it which may indicate that it may not actually back fill the hormonal cascade as once thought - or i could be an outlier.

Important - October 2018 - First Morning Erection in Years and Penis Sensitivity Returned

On Sunday 21st October 2018, i took a 125 mg Testosterone Enanthate Injection, then on Monday night 22nd October 2018 i took 0.25 mg of arimidex based of a hunch that my E2 was too high ( I know.....ridiculous bro science but just being honest)

on Thursday 25 th October 2018 I had my first morning erection in years and that's when i realised that i had been only been getting 60 % erections for the past few years. The erection was extremely full, engorged and heavy. I have been trying to reverse engineer what remedied the situation and I have narrowed it down to a few things:

At the time i was also taking superdrol ( 50 mg) so I know shbg was still tanked at this point, however, I had also just started taking DHEA for the first time ( 50 mg/ day) for the past three weeks. I am convinced that the DHEA is what allowed me to have a full erection. I just noticed when i started taking it that my penis was so much fuller and would hang a lot lower. However, within two days i had lost the erectile quality and i have not been able to recreate that hormonal environment since for the past two years which is why i decided to come off completely.

A quick side note, there may also be a case for an optimal T/E ratio for the erection. Because , i just switched to enanthate from prop which would shoot my t levels excessively high whereas with test E, my test levels did not go anywhere near as high. But this is all conjecture at this point.

Current Circumstances

It is now almost 8 to 9 months since my last injection of testosterone. As of now,:
1) Testicles are still downsized and not back to full size which is concerning because from my understanding gonadal size is a good indication of HPTA recovery.
2) No Morning Erections and erections are still 50 %
3) Libido is fine. For me personally, libido is predominantly driven by calories rather than hormones. I consider myself to have a fairly high sex drive in general so no issue there.

Questions and Concerns I have
1) Should i continue to wait and remain patient or get another blood test and see where I am at. Sometimes i can get anxious and want to add in some pct drugs like nolvadex out of fear, but ultimately i feel like that would just disrupt the body once again while its trying to recover.

2) I am concerned about testicular oxidation and scarring but there is really no way to check this

3) Also concerned about potential fibroysis of the penile tissue from not having full erections for such a long time. I still regularly masturbate with 60 % erectile quality just to make sure blood is still getting into the penile tissue as much as possible.

Ultimately, I take full responsibility for whar i have done to myself and have to hold myself accountable but it still upsets me nonetheless. Anyways, sorry tor the long post and thank you for listening. Any input or general discussion would be greatly appreciated.
Wishing you well . How is it going? I’ve been through something similar . Feel free to respond w your current status .
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