I Have Started And Stopped Starch Like 50 Times And The End Result Is Always The Same


Jan 11, 2019
ive noticed that starch and meat sound better when my temps are lower, same times that a warm shower sounds good. when my temps are super warm i love milk, fruit, fruit juice and cold showers.


Sep 22, 2020
Starches are acutely warming because they are generally cooked (temperature wise) and able to soak up flavours (for brain chemistry enhancement) and salt. All things which should warm the body up. They also provide that instant glucose hit, which can instantly relax you. They can also provide a big hit of calories which can instantly lower stress hormones (if the organism is hungry).

Despite all of this, I still think gut bacteria play a big role in our cravings for starch. If you go starch free for a while the cravings can become quite strong. But then, nobody craves rice or bread by itself. Unless you are a starving peasant with no other options. So perhaps it really is down to the condiments that we add to starch which causes such amazing taste experiences (thinking your favourite pizza for example), and cravings. These experiences undoubtably increase the activity (neurologically) in our reward centres.

But I’m the same. Without starch I feel so much better spiritually (which I presume is down to lowered serotonin from endotoxin exposure). It’s just so hard to say no to the ‘delicious devil’, haha.
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Jan 11, 2019
Starches are acutely warming because they are generally cooked (temperature wise) and able to soak up flavours (for brain chemistry enhancement) and salt. All things which should warm the body up. They also provide that instant glucose hit, which can instantly relax you. They can also provide a big hit of calories which can instantly lower stress hormones (if the organism is hungry).

Despite all of this, I still think gut bacteria play a big role in our cravings for starch. If you go starch free for a while the cravings can become quite strong. But then, nobody craves rice or bread by itself. Unless you are a starving peasant with no other options. So perhaps it really is down to the condiments that we add to starch which causes such amazing taste experiences (thinking your favourite pizza for example), and cravings. These experiences undoubtably increase the activity (neurologically) in our reward centres.

But I’m the same. Without starch I feel so much better spiritually (which I presume is down to lowered serotonin from endotoxin exposure). It’s just so hard to say no to the ‘delicious devil’, haha.
yeah i have like starch once every other day sometimes once a day i dont think theres a reason to be strictly no starch ever but here and there its cool.


Mar 12, 2016
If removing starch is so great, how come threads like this one exist, where people are starting and stopping 50 times? Why would you stop avoiding starch if the improvements are so notable?


Sep 22, 2020
If removing starch is so great, how come threads like this one exist, where people are starting and stopping 50 times? Why would you stop avoiding starch if the improvements are so notable?

You’re obviously somebody who has never gone ‘no starch’. Or you’re somebody who hasn’t noticed anything from abstaining from starch. And if that’s the case, you should load up on pizza, pasta, potato, rice and enjoy my friend.


Sep 22, 2020
The issues with starch intake (if done too much) are obvious to me. Endotoxin (therefore feelings of increased serotonin) and blood sugar issues. My post spoke about the ‘acute’ benefits of starch. That’s the feelings you immediately feel from eating it. But if you eat a delicious pizza and then after an hour, your temps decrease (extremities get cooler), and you start feeling like ***t (blood sugar dropping), then that’s the reason that these threads (in a Peat forum) get posted in the first place.


Mar 12, 2016
You’re obviously somebody who has never gone ‘no starch’. Or you’re somebody who hasn’t noticed anything from abstaining from starch. And if that’s the case, you should load up on pizza, pasta, potato, rice and enjoy my friend.

I've done zero starch multiple times, and didn't notice anything. Now, I do notice things from abstaining from certain starches, for not all starches are the same. You can't compare pizza to a potato. Wheat definitely causes me issues, well-cooked potatoes do not. The reason I quit my zero starch experiments is because the foods replacing the starches tend to be problematic in other ways.

What are the no-starch people eating? Either more fat than Peat recommends, or more white sugar than he recommends, in my experience.


Sep 22, 2020
I've done zero starch multiple times, and didn't notice anything. Now, I do notice things from abstaining from certain starches, for not all starches are the same. You can't compare pizza to a potato. Wheat definitely causes me issues, well-cooked potatoes do not. The reason I quit my zero starch experiments is because the foods replacing the starches tend to be problematic in other ways.

What are the no-starch people eating? Either more fat than Peat recommends, or more white sugar than he recommends, in my experience.

Well potatoes are a different breed because, despite the love they get here (from certain people), they are inflammatory to certain persons (allergenic compounds) and contain (non Peat approved) fibres. Try going on a fibre free diet. You will also notice a rise in mood and wellbeing. But if you get on fine with them, carry on!

If you don’t believe in Peat’s starch article then that’s cool. We do what works for our body. Personally, I notice benefits from eliminating ALL starches.


Aug 9, 2019
I noticed yesterday that while starch is satiating and grounding, it also gives me a subtle dull and empty feeling, like it zaps the joy about life and makes everything more boring.


Mar 12, 2016
Well potatoes are a different breed because, despite the love they get here (from certain people), they are inflammatory to certain persons (allergenic compounds) and contain (non Peat approved) fibres. Try going on a fibre free diet. You will also notice a rise in mood and wellbeing. But if you get on fine with them, carry on!

If you don’t believe in Peat’s starch article then that’s cool. We do what works for our body. Personally, I notice benefits from eliminating ALL starches.

I "believe" Peat's article, I just don't live in a fantasy land where every food is as perfect as it can be at an affordable price. People here say "sugar is better than starch," yet don't realise that people eat neither (other than white sugar). Is an unripe imported fruit better than a well-grown native potato? Those are the real questions. I have no interest in my diet being 'Peat approved,' because my context is different to his. Peat has called potatoes a perfect food, but doesn't eat them because of allergies. I'm sure if he wasn't allergic, perhaps he would consider eating them.


Jan 3, 2022
I don't understand why/how starch is so detrimental for some of us? I could never have believed this before.
So i continued eating this for years without really giving it up (white potatoes mainly). Should have experimented a few years back.

Without starch my blood sugar/insulin control has been steady as hell. Before I'd be constantly snacking due to hypoglycemia and now that's cured. My liver before couldn't store much glucose at all now i can get through the days amazingly well.
Substances like caffeine are now processed very thoroughly. Used to get jitters after even tiny amounts.
Feels like quitting starch has healed my pancreas and liver?

My stress levels have dropped substantially I'm much calmer and feel great... Just peaceful. I can see this in my eyes, they're so relaxed now.
My voice is at peace, and deeper. No trembling or muffling.
Physically also losing weight (water) and believe I'll lose a lot more belly fat secondary to improved glucose regulation and other unknown avenues.

Everyone who hasn't should definitely give this a go.
i need to get help with this stuff. cant really go a day without starch. and my guts in a bad way. found fasting for a day helps. im just compelled to eat starch when I have a meal.


Dec 17, 2018
Every damn time i ditch the starch (potatoes, white rice) my well-being improves in every aspect. I once again noticed this and it surprises me every time but i quess i'll never learn. For few months i was eating potatoes daily ranging from 500-1000g. For one day i ditched them and next day is like waking up from a dream. The difference is so baffling. It's hard to explain but you feel like different person. Does it heal all problems? No, but it sure as hell improves your well-being. Now if you do fine with starches, i believe you. But many of us don't, and ditching them can make a big difference.
Thats a lot of potatoes which translates to a lot of solanine, a toxin found in nightshades. Potatoes should be consumed skinless and very infrequently because of this. The half life is quite long (~24 hours) so regular consumption will cause problems. It is damaging to mitochondria and cells in general and overtime you can get very strong acetylcholinesterase inhibition, giving you cholinergic toxicity like symptoms.

This is why you would feel like a different person from it. Excessively high Ach levels in the synapse due to solanine inhibit Ach breakdown will depress the nervous system, mainly strongly reducing norepinephrine but also dopaminergic, and glutamatergic neurotransmission drastically.
Mar 10, 2021
If removing starch is so great, how come threads like this one exist, where people are starting and stopping 50 times? Why would you stop avoiding starch if the improvements are so notable?
They have an addictive quality and stimulate the opiod receptors in the brain.

"Exogenous opioid substances are called exorphins, as opposed to endorphines. Exorphins include opioid food peptides like Gluten exorphin and opioid food peptides and are mostly contained in cereals and animal milk. They mimic the actions of endorphines because they bind to the same opioid receptors in the brain.

These are the most common exorphins:



Sep 13, 2012
I hate the black and white about sugars/starches on this forum. There are extremely different sources of starches and how they are cooked and how they interact with the gut and our blood sugar. Pasta for instance is a slower carb and won't cause an insulin crash. A baked potato absolutely will unless loaded up with fats. That's why starches are more associated with problems because many of the ways we cook them need a lot fat. White rice for me can cause a severe insulin crash. But pasta doesn't. Fructose needs plenty of choline to prevent fatty liver.
Mar 10, 2021
I hate the black and white about sugars/starches on this forum. There are extremely different sources of starches and how they are cooked and how they interact with the gut and our blood sugar. Pasta for instance is a slower carb and won't cause an insulin crash. A baked potato absolutely will unless loaded up with fats. That's why starches are more associated with problems because many of the ways we cook them need a lot fat. White rice for me can cause a severe insulin crash. But pasta doesn't. Fructose needs plenty of choline to prevent fatty liver.

I find wet starches like pasta versus dry starches like bread to be more digestible too, because of the water content. Can't get around that once I eat them, I crave them more. It isn't like that with sugar. Ray Peat says once your liver is fueled up sugar won't sound appealing, I find that to be true. I don't crave sugar much. Starches like potatoes are so satiating, for me that I find it hard to get an appetite back to get enough protein in a day. I can see why Ray Peat calls them poor people food.

“When a person has limited money for food, potatoes are a better staple than beans or oats. Starches associated with saponins, alkaloids, and other potentially pro-inflammatory things make them a less than ideal food, if you have digestion-related health problems, and if you can afford to choose. New potatoes are tastier, less starchy, and probably less likely to cause digestive irritation.” -Ray Peat
Mar 10, 2021
I hate the black and white about sugars/starches on this forum. There are extremely different sources of starches and how they are cooked and how they interact with the gut and our blood sugar. Pasta for instance is a slower carb and won't cause an insulin crash. A baked potato absolutely will unless loaded up with fats. That's why starches are more associated with problems because many of the ways we cook them need a lot fat. White rice for me can cause a severe insulin crash. But pasta doesn't. Fructose needs plenty of choline to prevent fatty liver.
To your point about sugar and starches being black and white on this forum is because the science says so. If you went onto Jenny Craig, Keto/Low Carb forums and such they are saying the same thing about starches. I wish everyone was wrong because a loaded baked potato or fresh out of the oven croissants are the bomb!


Sep 13, 2012
To your point about sugar and starches being black and white on this forum is because the science says so. If you went onto Jenny Craig, Keto/Low Carb forums and such they are saying the same thing about starches. I wish everyone was wrong because a loaded baked potato or fresh out of the oven croissants are the bomb!
I guess my point was it isn't the starch per se, it is how each individual reacts to each starch and how they are prepared. Asians have been using rice as a staple food for millenia and I just don't see how they are all dying of endotexmia and diabetes- because they aren't. Also we can't forget the French paradox with their traditional bread, croissants, and good health. A common theme for them is enjoying their food as more of a lifestyle and being more active. Low carb causes insulin resistance so it's no surprise those websites say bread is bad.


Sep 13, 2012
A loaded potato for me is the most thermogenic food out there. Juice.... not so much.


Sep 13, 2012
Okinawans eat a high carb plant based diet with sweet potatoes as their staple and have the longest life expectancy of anyone on the planet. They eat a 10:1 carb to protein ratio with 11% less calories than most countries. They also value community far more than Americans. They'd probably think we are all insane here arguing about whether starch is healthy or not.
A high-carb diet may explain why Okinawans live so long

Kitavans are another very healthy traditional people group that also eat high carb starch based diet. (yam, sweet potato and taro).
Mar 10, 2021
I guess my point was it isn't the starch per se, it is how each individual reacts to each starch and how they are prepared. Asians have been using rice as a staple food for millenia and I just don't see how they are all dying of endotexmia and diabetes- because they aren't. Also we can't forget the French paradox with their traditional bread, croissants, and good health. A common theme for them is enjoying their food as more of a lifestyle and being more active. Low carb causes insulin resistance so it's no surprise those websites say bread is bad.
Nobody is dying from eating starch. The French aren't more healthy because they eat starch, it is because they eat more healthy fats, organ meats, red wine, smaller portions and they walk everywhere. It allows them to splurge on floury things that are void of nutrition, like white sugar too.
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