Getting Started The Peaty Way-All Advice Welcome!


New Member
Nov 13, 2015
Hi all! I have posted various questions on the Facebook Pages but thought it would be of help to start a conversation on the forum. I have been adopting some of the principals you guys talk about over the last 2-3 weeks.

A little background info on my health:
I am a 23 year old female who grew up in TX and now living over a mile high in Colorado. I grew up eating a Standard American Diet but my family was extremely good about cooking at home-lots of whole foods. I did however always have an addictive relationship to sweets/carbs (cookies, donuts, crackers etc). Eating disorders are common in my family (anorexia, bulimia, binging, etc). I was always average size but thought I was fat. When I was 15 I developed anorexia and lost probably 40-50lbs very quickly. Then I picked up habits like partying (limited to alcohol) and I started binging on foods. This created a bulimic cycle where I would starve myself, binge, maybe purge, and then repeat. I eventually got to where I felt as if I was overheating everyday. I gained all the weight back and then some. After about 2 years I started learning about holistic health & nutrition so I became what you may call 'orthorexic' for about 3+ years. I also lost another 40-50lbs. I lived off of 1300 calories a day, weight lifted several times a week and for the most part ate balanced micros. Specifically, I ate winter squash (japanese pumpkin) every single night as dinner. I also was tolerant of things like whey protein, chocolate, nightshades, fruit, etc during this time. I continued to try different methods, however. I tried keto a time or two, IFing, AIP, etc etc! Eventually after 3 years or so I started binging again. I got my period back. In about 1-2 months I gained maybe 50lbs. I was binging on things like gluten free snacks, coconut ice cream, chips, peanut butter, etc. When I am in binge periods I experience incredible differences in mood/personality/thinking. I used to call it the 'sugar demon' because I in many ways felt possessed :( . I went to a Natural MD (Feb 2014) and my labs showed:
high LDL and HDL
Low cortisol
Low CO2
Slightly elevatedLiver enzymes
Adrenal fatigue, likely low DHEA, low progesterone..

I was put on an antibiotic for candida, B vitamins, zinc, iodine, cortisol, progesterone, and some other things I don't remember. I was told to eat a Candida Diet. I did this for maybe 5 months and did not notice improvements in my metabolism but my mental health improved greatly. I eventually started eating more veggies and less 'paleo desserts', moved to Colorado and started loosing a little weight. I got back to eating about 1300 calories or so on a high cooked veggie diet, some potato/sweet potato, meat, coconut oil diet. I was loosing some weight. Then I started reading Jack Kruse's blog again and decided to use some of his principals. So I ultimately switched to a high seafood/fat diet. For the last 9-10 months I was eating fish/oysters, coconut oil, avocado, kale....and that is about it. My bloating came back and my frustration with an inability to loose weight at a normal rate brought me to see a Digestive Counselor. I got a DiagnosTechs Stool Test done (June 2015). This showed a pathogenic bacteria called -- Veronii (in the class of Salmonella) and 'scant' good bacteria. It showed that my enzyme production was normal but my inflammation markers were high which may be the reason there was a little blood found in my stool sample. So with these findings I took herbal antibacterials for a couple weeks, started MegaSpore Pribiotc and took a Zinc supplement. I was told not to change my diet yet because it could cause more problems. Well, I sort of did anyway. I had a few episodes of eating what i would of maybe considered to be 'junk' foods. Things like chocolate chips, Quest bars, etc. I think this was because the probiotic allowed me to eat what was normally problematic to me (things like immune triggering foods) without issue and induced cravings. I got this under control in a month or two and was able to avoid much if any weight gain. I kept with the Kruse inspired diet but eventually added in sweet potato in the evenings. This was my diet for a month or so before I was introduced to the Peaty way a couple weeks ago.

I started this approach by adding in a bit more sweet potato, drastically minimizing seafood, having more meats like beef/chicken/turkey/oz liver a week/shrimp, adding in fruits. After about a week or two of unpleasant symptoms of itching/mind fog etc it went away but I developed trapped gas that gave me painful cramps for several days. I realized this is what was being referred to as 'fructose malabsorption'. So, this week I cut out the fruit and increased white sugar. I also cut out sweet potatoes and replaced them with white potatoes.

My daily diet looks something like:
4 oz meat
small white potato with coconut oil, white sugar and salt
raw carrot
1/2 T gelatin
t colostrum

espresso+1-2 packets sugar

4 oz meat
1 packet sugar
maybe small white potato

4 oz meat
small white potato, sugar salt and coconut oil
few grapes

....and a few margaritas here and there on occasion

My calories aren't very high, maybe average at 1500 but I feel satiated and full, and not sure where to increase them anyway. I went from Kruse way 50g carbs a day to about 150g in a couple weeks so I am trying to increase slowly.

I feel like I am doing good but a bit stuck considering I react to a lot of foods. Sensitive to dairy, fruit, grains, etc. Weight seems to be stable (would like to loose about 15-20 lbs though). However, I do experience bloating at times.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be highly appreciated.


Aug 14, 2015
Hello :) i'm no expert here but I'm a similar age to you and have had similar crazy background diets! The things which are helping me, and which I'd suggest to you are:

Eating about a thousand more calories than you've mentioned! (2500~)

Increasing the carbs a bit, otherwise your adrenals will be responsible for keeping your blood sugars up, and that's never going to heal you or feel good!

Eating intuitively. Don't think about Peat's research as a rule book - if you don't feel good with coffee, don't drink coffee. If you feel good with sweet potato, eat sweet potato. Basically, follow his principles in a broad sense, but at the stage you're at, it's much more stressful living so rigidly than just eating whatever you feel like! The way I get around this is by going to buffet-style places (e.g. whole foods) and just piling food into my box depending on whatever my body craves until I'm full - if it's PUFA, I avoid it, if it's cruciferous vegetables, I'll avoid em (mainly because I'm wasting money and fibrous calories), but if it's starch/seafood, I'm not gonna sweat. Also eating out like that means I can't track calories or macros accurately, so those kinds of obsessions melt away. I honestly feel better than ever like this. Good luck to you :)


Aug 7, 2014
As I began my experience following Dr. Peat's ideals, I made sure to track temperature and resting heart rate pretty consistently in order to monitor metabolic rate. I used to be on a paleo, low carb, high fat diet that put me at 178lbs, 6-8% body fat male; took in only 2000 kcals a day. My temperature and pulse were 96 F and 60 bpm upon waking every day (if not lower). For the first year, in order to get my temperature and heart rate to 97.9 and 78 bpm upon waking, I would have to take in 5,000 kcals a day and 500 grams of sugar from fruit, milk, ice cream, honey, sugar, and sweet potato. I am not saying this is the right approach but i was determined to get out of a low metabolic state and willing to do whatever it takes. Since beginning 2 years ago, I've gone from 178-222lbs; initially it was lots of fat but now I am putting on muscle like wild fire from stretching daily and only lifting 1x a week. My blood sugar has improved and now take in 3,000 kcals a day and way less sugar and fat. Emstar brings up a good point that raising calories can be beneficial in raising the metabolism; temperature and pulse can be good measures. But most importantly quality over quantity. My current diet consists:

Energy Enhancing Foods (Anecdotal)

Grass fed milk (no added gums or beans)
Fruit (Orange Juice that is not from concentrate/pulp free has been my go to)
Ice cream
Coconut oil
Beef liver 1x a week
Oysters 2x a week
Parmesiano Reggiano Cheese
Grassfed Butter (Kalona)

Favorite Digestive Aids (Anecdotal)

Raw Carrot
Mushrooms (boiled)
Bamboo Shoots (boiled)
Coffee (Unflavored)

I use all 4 of these foods on a daily basis and its beyond helpful.

Let us know how we can continue to be supportive Rnoelle!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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