Starting To Hate Sugar


Jun 24, 2015
I think I recognise this.

I'm can't speak to quality - don't know how it compares, but I've used NOW foods capsules from iherb. There may be better sources, but this one was easy to get. I open the capsules and brew the contents into tea, and mostly avoid drinking the sediment - I figure this way I probably avoid most of the particulate. 1/2 capsule is usually enough to help get things moving for me, and I only use it occasionally.
Ok, great ! Thanks :)


Feb 13, 2016
Bump. I didn't experience this problem for a while, but I recently started using red light, and it's making me dislike sugar again. I don't want fruits or milk anymore, I want salt, eggs, meat (especially red meat), and vegetables. Black coffee as well. I think the reason is something hormonal, but I can't figure out what hormonal shifts red light causes.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Bump. I didn't experience this problem for a while, but I recently started using red light, and it's making me dislike sugar again. I don't want fruits or milk anymore, I want salt, eggs, meat (especially red meat), and vegetables. Black coffee as well. I think the reason is something hormonal, but I can't figure out what hormonal shifts red light causes.

If you are consuming sugar through liquids than it may be that you desire more salt because one must maintain a steady fluid to salt ratio. Also the body would like some degree of calories to come from fat...

A. squamosa

Sep 27, 2016
also, what about papaya? I know it's a fruit but I find it to be one of the less overwhelmingly sweet fruits; I'd classify the very sweet fruits as something like custard apple, very ripe pineapple, etc.
You could try stewing some pears with no additional sugar and see if that's too sweet?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I'm getting more and more disgusted by sweet things for some reason. I used to love milk with sugar when I started following Peat but now even milk by itself is too sweet for me. Orange juice is too sweet, apples and blueberries are too sweet, etc. Coke is still good but that's because I enjoy mainly the carbonation. Coke is the only source of sugar I can still stand. I can't drink milk and OJ without wanting to throw up, and I drink my coffee black now.

On the other hand, I'm not sick of starch (potatoes, rice), so it's just the fructose that I don't like anymore. I also have a mild craving for fries/fried chicken with ketchup. Basically deep fried and salty food in general. I'm thinking about just going for it because as much as I like and trust Peat, I trust my cravings more.

What does it mean that I don't like fructose anymore? Is my sugar oxidation getting worse?
Good! cutting hairs in 4 leads to small pieces we donot understand and it is never ending!
Follow your instinct is the best Peat advice!

What you want to eat indicate that you have to care for you liver/gall bladder and you stomach acidity! That is why you want the Cl.... to make HCl and digest your food.
Sugar gave me stomach problems.
You also want the carbonation for help to digest, and also because coke is so acid that it helps you...
If you cannot stand betaine hcl to increase acid, take aloe vera to repair your stomach, and increase your protein intake, and go for gelatine too! Fried skin shicken and salt gives you waht you want but drink broth if you can, and salt to taste.
Be careful if you have insuline problem that high carbs and proteins at the same meal are not good for this. better separate them in 2 meals.

Luming Zhou

Feb 22, 2014
I'm getting more and more disgusted by sweet things for some reason. I used to love milk with sugar when I started following Peat but now even milk by itself is too sweet for me. Orange juice is too sweet, apples and blueberries are too sweet, etc. Coke is still good but that's because I enjoy mainly the carbonation. Coke is the only source of sugar I can still stand. I can't drink milk and OJ without wanting to throw up, and I drink my coffee black now.

On the other hand, I'm not sick of starch (potatoes, rice), so it's just the fructose that I don't like anymore. I also have a mild craving for fries/fried chicken with ketchup. Basically deep fried and salty food in general. I'm thinking about just going for it because as much as I like and trust Peat, I trust my cravings more.

What does it mean that I don't like fructose anymore? Is my sugar oxidation getting worse?

I have the same problem. I get nauseous and have poor digestion if I eat too much sucrose at once especially without any acidic foods like vinegar. I also will have intense cravings for acidic foods during and after I eat too much sugar. So I always eat sugar along with acidic foods.

Even with acid I still experience some poor digestion and nausea.

I thought the problem was sucrose intolerance. So I tried invert syrup (the sucrose split into glucose and fructose). I feel a little better with invert syrup instead of sucrose. I have better digestion but I still feel nauseous when I consume a lot of it.

Also, when I eat sugar added to milk or juice, I will crave sour foods intensely. Eating sour foods like pickles, sour fruits and vinegar will reduce the nausea. But I have to add A LOT of acidic foods to the sugar to satisfy my craving (two teaspoons of vinegar for half a cup of sugar). Even after I still will crave some acidic foods. I do not think having that much acidic foods at once is healthy.

I think it is the sweetness itself that causes the nausea. Sour foods will hide a lot of the sweetness. You said you tolerate coke. I think that it is because coke is very acidic (more acidic than orange juice) and the acidic taste hides some of the sweetness. I also think your craving for "fried foods with ketchup" might be the acidic content of these foods (acetic acid in vinegar, chloride in table salt, citric acid in tomato sauce and ketchup)

I had a urine test and my urine pH came out to be 14. 14 is very alkaline. My diet at that time was high in alkaline minerals and low in acidic minerals. I ate mostly white rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit and eggs. I also supplemented with calcium carbonate. Salt has chloride which is acidic but I eat relatively little salt. I also get symptoms of milk-alkali syndrome when I supplement with 2 grams of calcium. Perhaps I am too alkaline.
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Feb 13, 2016
I have the same problem. I get nauseous and have poor digestion if I eat too much sucrose at once especially without any acidic foods like vinegar. I also will have intense cravings for acidic foods during and after I eat too much sugar. So I always eat sugar along with acidic foods.

Even with acid I still experience some poor digestion and nausea.

I thought the problem was sucrose intolerance. So I tried invert syrup (the sucrose split into glucose and fructose). I feel a little better with invert syrup instead of sucrose. I have better digestion but I still feel nauseous when I consume a lot of it.

Also, when I eat sugar added to milk or juice, I will crave sour foods intensely. Eating sour foods like pickles, sour fruits and vinegar will reduce the nausea. But I have to add A LOT of acidic foods to the sugar to satisfy my craving (two teaspoons of vinegar for half a cup of sugar). Even after I still will crave some acidic foods. I do not think having that much acidic foods at once is healthy.

I think it is the sweetness itself that causes the nausea. Sour foods will hide a lot of the sweetness. You said you tolerate coke. I think that it is because coke is very acidic (more acidic than orange juice) and the acidic taste hides some of the sweetness. I also think your craving for "fried foods with ketchup" might be the acidic content of these foods (acetic acid in vinegar, chloride in table salt, citric acid in tomato sauce and ketchup)

I had a urine test and my urine pH came out to be 14. 14 is very alkaline. My diet at that time was high in alkaline minerals and low in acidic minerals. I ate mostly white rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit and eggs. I also supplemented with calcium carbonate. Salt has chloride which is acidic but I eat relatively little salt. I also get symptoms of milk-alkali syndrome when I supplement with 2 grams of calcium. Perhaps I am too alkaline.

I don't have this issue anymore but my guess is that it might have been due to poor salt/CO2 retention, both of which are highly acidifying.


Mar 29, 2014
I had a urine test and my urine pH came out to be 14. 14 is very alkaline. My diet at that time was high in alkaline minerals and low in acidic minerals. I ate mostly white rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit and eggs. I also supplemented with calcium carbonate. Salt has chloride which is acidic but I eat relatively little salt. I also get symptoms of milk-alkali syndrome when I supplement with 2 grams of calcium. Perhaps I am too alkaline.
I am no expert, so don't take my thoughts as adequate medical advice, but I know milk-alkali syndrome is potentially dangerous.
If I were you, I'd back right off the calcium supplements immediately, until pH returns to a more normal level. Continuing to monitor UpH may be useful. If there are any ongoing symptoms of milk-alkali, and UpH stays that high, I'd consider getting lab tests and medical advice too.

I have the same problem. I get nauseous and have poor digestion if I eat too much sucrose at once especially without any acidic foods like vinegar. I also will have intense cravings for acidic foods during and after I eat too much sugar. So I always eat sugar along with acidic foods.
I wonder if this is the body's signal that it wants more vit C? Could possibly afford to supplement some?


Aug 23, 2018
I find that I start to crave salty foods if I eat too much sweets. I also feel that too much sugar can cause nausea.

I've mitigated this issue mainly by having part of my meal as salty and the other part sweet.


Mar 27, 2021
Never really ate sugar growing up, always preferred salty snacks. When I started peating 3 years ago is when I started eating lots of honey, fruit, maple syrup, etc. My gut has progressively gotten worse and I developed a dairy intolerance. I now have liver and thyroid issues.

Whenever I eat fruit I feel freezing, like bone chilling coldness. Stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, flushing, low blood sugar, etc. I’ve tried ever remedy I’ve seen on this forum and none of them have helped me expect avoiding all fructose. Within a week of eating just rice, meat/organs/seafood, butter I start to feel like my thyroid is working again. My hands start to warm up naturally and it doesn’t feel like a stress heat surge like I’d get eating fructose.

Other than hereditary fructose intolerance which I would like to get tested for, I have no idea what my issue is. I guess my next experiment is to see how my health fares after a couple months of 0 fructose.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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