How to be seen as the "alpha male" sorta guy other than with looks?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
The question “How to be seen as an alpha male” is one that involves an assumption that being seen a certain way is a benefit.

When I lived in L.A., people would lease an expensive car they could not afford. So they could appear affluent and successful.

This is the answer to being seen as an alpha male. Simply live beyond your means in how you dress, your car, etc.

Of course, the better question is, how to become an alpha male? But that requires actual accomplishment.
if you are not perceived as an alpha male and are not treated as such, you are not an alpha male, the "alpha male" does not exist outside of a group of at least two people and apart from the perception and treatment of others.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
The fact that you feel a need to say that means you are probably not.

little boi,chill,i did not "feel the need"to say what you quoted,i mentionned it with the rest of my comment that you did not quoted only to demonstrate how "moral values"have 0 absolute value,so if i said "peoples perceive me as a person with "moral values" "thats not a self compliment,thats to demonstrate how many peoples are confused about that,as i have 0 "moral values". you start to sound bitter.

in your answer you ignored the first part of my comment where i debunked "moral values",and only quoted one part of my comment,to then assume something risible about me,which is not the point of the discussion
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May 10, 2018
little boi,chill,i did not "feel the need"to say what you quoted,i mentionned it with the rest of my comment that you did not quoted only to demonstrate how "moral values"have 0 absolute value,so if i said "peoples perceive me as a person with "moral values" "thats not a self compliment,thats to demonstrate how many peoples are confused about that,as i have 0 "moral values". you start to sound bitter.

in your answer you ignored the first part of my comment where i debunked "moral values",and only quoted one part of my comment,to then assume something risible about me,which is not the point of the discussion
Nomane, like I said in the other thread last week. Most of your time spent on this forum is spent writing paragraph long sentences which are difficult to read and often skewed in a negative direction. You continue to bring out the worst in people.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Nomane, like I said in the other thread last week. Most of your time spent on this forum is spent writing paragraph long sentences which are difficult to read and often skewed in a negative direction.
You continue to bring out the worst in people.
i do not care about your irelevant opinions, it will have 0 influence on me,spare your time specifically if its something you already claimed are assuming that you did read most of my comments, wich you did not,therefore your claim is risible, thats why i dont consider pick some isolated events wich you witnessed,and make it a gross generalization,and confirm your biais.
the fact that some peoples reacted poorly to a few of my comments does not demonstrate in it self that it was my fault,some peoples have poor energy,poor tolerance,therefore they react badly.
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May 10, 2018
i do not care about your irelevant opinions, it will have 0 influence on me,spare your time specifically if its something you already claimed are assuming that you did read most of my comments, wich you did not,therefore your claim is risible, thats why i dont consider pick some isolated events wich you witnessed,and make it a gross generalization,and confirm your biais.
the fact that some peoples reacted poorly to a few of my comments does not demonstrate in it self that it was my fault,some peoples have poor energy,poor tolerance,therefore they react badly.
You edited this post four times. On the final iteration you removed all the questions and added ‘I do not care about your opinion’. This speaks volumes about you.

You then proceed to private message me, telling me that all our engagements on the public forum will leave me feeling worse off. Your arrogance and hubris embodies the perfect antithesis of what this forum is all about.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
You edited this post four times. On the final iteration you removed all the questions and added ‘I do not care about your opinion’. This speaks volumes about you.
i dont even remember how i iterated it,and i dont care,it does not even matter,what matter is that my comment convey what I have in mind as precisely as does not speak anything about me,exept the fact that i change my comment if i want to do so.
You then proceed to private message me, telling me that all our engagements on the public forum will leave me feeling worse off. Your arrogance and hubris embodies the perfect antithesis of what this forum is all about.
because i do still care about your some of your low digestion, low energy,low tolerances kids,so i am trying to prevent you from hurting your self.
arrogance is in the eye of the beholder,you are insecure,you find me arrogant,as simple as that.your appeals to "ray peat spirit" are ridicule boy.
one quote from ray"There is real uniqueness in everything a healthy person says and aaa eeee,when the mental energy is lower what you get is strings of clichés"

you have 0 arguments,only unfounded claims that either do not matter,or get debunked
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
High testosterone + high DHT + moderate E2 + High GABA/Glutamate ratio + low cortisol
if you induce this hormonal profile to a baby boi ,will he become instantly a alpha male?loool

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020


Jan 12, 2021
Nomane is a stereotype of what is wrong with some french people: only viewing world by their very limited experience and considering themselves to be entitled to the ultimate knowledge. His arrogance and lack of communication skills suggest also some autistic traits.


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
Nomane is a stereotype of what is wrong with some french people: only viewing world by their very limited experience and considering themselves to be entitled to the ultimate knowledge. His arrogance and lack of communication skills suggest also some autistic traits.
Trust your instincts and what really works rather than following directions from an authority figure like a sheep? Whooa what arrogance

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Nomane is a stereotype of what is wrong with some french people: only viewing world by their very limited experience and considering themselves to be entitled to the ultimate knowledge.
I am an exellent example of what is good with certain French people and certain men in general: I have impartial experiences, I share them, when my experiences have a sufficient degree of rigor, I no longer consider them associations, I consider them as truth,as everyone have their truth, and anyone can question me on these perspectives.

There is a common pattern, the only very rare people with whom conversation escalates are usually people who seem to manifest one or more of these characteristics (they are still living beings like woodlice):
insecurity, intolerance, authoritarianism, hypocrite with a paradoxical speech, 0 empathy and no intention to help by commenting they just seem to want to put themselves forward, cantor of "virtue",very bitter toward women,low energy and low digestion, a tendency to submit to certains choosen authorities or idols(and others stuffs).Most of these peoples are not ready to get their claims questionned,or to receive a single joke,despit that it was respectfull,because they are insecure and their claims are dubious and have very little to no basis,therefore they get frustrated extremely quickly.
His arrogance and lack of communication skills suggest also some autistic traits.
our exchange started on page 5 of this very thread,in which you were very bitter with the user Focusedonhealth in some of your comments,the exact same behavior that would fill in this category"arrogance and lack of communication skills",and while we were exchanging, you changed your speech and admitted some of the things you denied just before under the weight of my heavy "communications skills".your "incels"rants on this very thread would fill your "autistic traits" quite good.(more than half than the rare people that got mad at me were very bitter to women)

another exemple,on this very post and others James B blame me for the same risible things as you do"oooooh Nomane you are so arrogant",on other posts he also blamed the user Matestube for the same thing,even worst,he was bitter with him for a good while,and then James B filled his anus with Raw Organic,apple cider vinegar, on the order of the "arrogant" Matestube, it is an excellent demonstration of the eratic state of some of my rare detractors
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Jan 12, 2021
Trust your instincts and what really works rather than following directions from an authority figure like a sheep? Whooa what arrogance
I don't know what you're talking about, Nomane is thinking that he is some kind of authority. He says he "debunks" what other people say and constantly belittles other members in troll like style. While being obsessed wiith what other people say (look at the post above) he fails to understand the essence of their words.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I don't know what you're talking about, Nomane is thinking that he is some kind of authority. He says he "debunks" what other people say and constantly belittles other members in troll like style. While being obsessed wiith what other people say (look at the post above) he fails to understand the essence of their words.
use the search tool with the word "debunk"and my member name,i used the word debunk twice in all my comments,it was yesterday,twice i was exchanging with an agressive boy making dubious claims,i troll only the very few members that get agressive,less than 10 of them total,the troll part is to add some fine humor,still factual.yourself you fail to understand the essence of your words,as there is none,just strings of clichés
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Jun 30, 2020
I think young men’s take, opinion, perception of what an alpha male is, is incorrect. Go back to the “founder” of the alpha male wording, which he used to describe certain males in a group od chimpanzees I think. His name is Frans de Waal. His TED talk is probably all you need to put yourself on the right track.


Dec 28, 2021
another exemple,on this very post and others James B blame me for the same risible things as you do"oooooh Nomane you are so arrogant",on other posts he also blamed the user Matestube for the same thing,even worst,he was bitter with him for a good while,and then James B filled his anus with Raw Organic,apple cider vinegar, on the order of the "arrogant" Matestube, it is an excellent demonstration of the eratic state of some of my rare detractors

Haha ... my man.
Nomane is going to be missed on this forum, it's a shame that he should be banned, his interventions always denoted a sense of self awareness and intelligence.
He reported his experiments and opinions, unlike most here who don't have the guts to tell things like they are unless it comes from a study.

Back to the topic of being an alpha male :

- thinking you are an alpha male doesn't automatically remove you from the candidates to the alpha maleness
- being an alpha male depends both on physiological parameters and character parameters : you need a minimum amount of androgens to feel stable and have energy. You need this stability and energy to build a form of intelligence and curiosity that lets you have enough knowledge and thinking capacity, that later gives you a solid reasoning ground in life.
Once you have the calm and collected capacity to make decisions, ideally the good ones, and not let anyone come in the way of these decisions, you are an alpha male.

Someone who has tried to built a perfect character without the help of the adequate hormones, won't be able to stand their ground when adversity comes.


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
Haha ... my man.
Nomane is going to be missed on this forum, it's a shame that he should be banned, his interventions always denoted a sense of self awareness and intelligence.
He reported his experiments and opinions, unlike most here who don't have the guts to tell things like they are unless it comes from a study.
The last time I "saw" him he came in a private message telling me to be careful with the moderators because I said that Haidut had lied on one of his posts, do you know if he recreated an account?
Someone who has tried to built a perfect character without the help of the adequate hormones, won't be able to stand their ground when adversity comes.
I don't know, I remember an acquaintance from high school with certainly a low testosterone level (gay attitude, high-pitched voice, beardless, etc.) who didn't hesitate to confront teachers, other men and had no no problems having girlfriends.
Besides I had more virile but yet more shy friends, even I don't like confrontation and I naturally have a high testosterone level, even with higher testosterone levels it makes me more intransigent and physically strong but overall I remain the same.

In primary school, there are already "alphas", sometimes able to attack adults, and yet everyone has testosterone levels close to nothing.
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