How to be seen as the "alpha male" sorta guy other than with looks?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
On the shift in mindset from consumer to producer, a shortcut alternative to what Lee mentioned exists: kill the leader and take his position in the group.

You can reframe it as not being ready to have the attention on you, so, staying under the radar may actually be a good thing because you can develop yourself without being bothered. If suddenly you had all the attention that you want, what you would have to offer and would it be sustainable? People get used to looks. The bioenergetic parasites tend to be drawn spontaneously once you become a valuable entity.

You can visualize yourself with whatever you believe that's missing and think if there would be fulfillment. Unearned status is shallow, you'd need to be accustomed to it since a young age to have it as a reality standard or be a narcissist to not suffer (if you manage to sustain it against odds).

For an overthinker, sometimes it's better to just take action and figure things out along the way.

In these kind of threads, there's always a mindless poster sharing the picture of the Call of Duty guy (again). What proper presentation can do:


Ignore widening and color changes in spite of both being manipulable in reality.



Jan 25, 2014
Neil and Owen both lived and partied together for quiet some time - is that not flocking together ?

This is what Neil Strauss means when he says looks matter and to "improve your looks"

View attachment 35002

An absolute utter joke
Are you seriously claiming that he didn't look better after making the decision to shave his head? Are you criticizing him for not just deciding to look exactly like Jon Hamm and then not somehow magically transforming into that?

This is what I mean when I say looks matter and you should absolutely be trying to restore your face, spine, body to it's full potential:

Oh great, a you post a photo of a really good looking guy looking good in two photos. Stauss's transformation is easily more dramatic. Although the guy in your example also appears to shave, so doesn't this go against your "hair is everything to metabolism" theory?

He says "Good looks aren't enough" -

How would he ever know ? He's never stepped foot in the shoes of an attractive man - He's never known the feeling of literally walking down the street and getting approached by a decent girl every time he stepped outside without even opening his mouth.
So then, why don't you share your "magic formula" for balding men to magically regrow a full head of thick hair? Why don't you share your magic formula for someone with Cushings to magically become a lean male model, without any medical treatment or surgery?

He says that because his version of "improving his looks" is a clown show

When I say looks I am talking about genuinely good epigenetic quality. You cannot fake this with a "haircut" and a "tan" - you need to actually do the work to achieve this
How is a "tan" faking anything?

You say you have never seen anything close to this well I claim I have seen everything close to this
Okay, prove it. I want you to post a video of a guy going from slovenly to ridiculously handsome, and make sure he is jobless, homeless, has zero sense of humor, no friends, who never showers, with a terrible personality, and show all the women that just throw themselves at him after he makes this one single improvement.
- if you are good-looking enough - you can bypass just about everything - it's DIFFICULT to lose and a lot of what you say and do doesn't actually matter
And if you have a billion dollars and are a titan of industry, you can bypass just about everything. If you have enough charisma, you can bypass just about everything.

Why are human men encouraged to have short hair ?

I have never seen a monkey ask another monkey for a haircut - maybe a grooming, but that's about it.
I mean, I've also never seen a monkey build a skyscraper or use the internet, or do anything in the realm of banking either. Maybe they just would open up a hair salon if they could just figure out the permit process.

In every other mammalian species (males and females) - hair is treated as vital to the survival of that animal and both sexes are encouraged to grow their hair.
Ridiculous. You're on the Ray Peat Forum, and you never bothered to look up the Naked Mole Rat?

They have little hair (hence the common name) and wrinkled pink or yellowish skin.

The naked mole-rat is also of interest because it is extraordinarily long-lived for a rodent of its size (up to 32 years[15][34]) and holds the record for the longest-living rodent.[35] The mortality rate of the species does not increase with age, and thus does not conform to that of most mammals (as frequently defined by the Gompertz-Makeham law of mortality).[36] Naked mole-rats are highly resistant to cancer[37] and maintain healthy vascular function longer in their lifespan than shorter-living rats.[38]
Naked mole-rat - Wikipedia
My argument in relation to head insulation is that hair is utilized to insulate the head and keep the brain warm - i.e. that it actually serves a vital purpose and should be grown out to fulfill that purpose.
Oh, that's it? So basically, you could just wear a hat to replicate the benefits? What if you live in a hot climate, like Arizona? Aren't you worried about your brain potentially overheating? Or is it just "The warmer, the better?"

And how would Neil's hair in the "before" picture do anything to help keep his brain warm?
My metabolic health vastly improved and suffered when I had long (hair past my shoulders) and short hair (near a buzzcut)
Wild anecdotal claims like this is why we ask for studies on this forum. Even if this is true, how do we know you weren't on 4 grains of thyroid when your hair was long, and stopped taking it when you buzzed it?


Jan 22, 2021
make sure he is jobless, homeless, has zero sense of humor, no friends, who never showers, with a terrible personality, and show all the women that just throw themselves at him
Hahah, i just remembered this:

take the hobo pill


Jan 25, 2014
Neil and Owen both lived and partied together for quiet some time - is that not flocking together ?​
A ridiculous claim. They never "partied" together, not according to Neil's book. And as for "living together," Owen basically became an unwanted couch surfer, crashing at the house for months, despite never being on the lease, nor paying rent while Neil lived there, nor ever being formally invited in. Also, according to the book, Owen basically schemed to get Mystery and Neil kicked out of "Project Hollywood," and was apparently successful.


Sep 15, 2021
United States
Get really good at something, so that you become defacto leader amongst a team of people looking to solve an issue or learn something from you (best network engineer, best mechanic, best CAD designer, whatever).

Competence = automatic alpha leader status. Maybe not in the high school lunch room or at the bar, but it’s a great feeling and that confidence will spill into other areas of life.


Jun 22, 2021
Are you seriously claiming that he didn't look better after making the decision to shave his head? Are you criticizing him for not just deciding to look exactly like Jon Hamm and then not somehow magically transforming into that?

Oh great, a you post a photo of a really good looking guy looking good in two photos. Stauss's transformation is easily more dramatic. Although the guy in your example also appears to shave, so doesn't this go against your "hair is everything to metabolism" theory?

So then, why don't you share your "magic formula" for balding men to magically regrow a full head of thick hair? Why don't you share your magic formula for someone with Cushings to magically become a lean male model, without any medical treatment or surgery?

How is a "tan" faking anything?

Okay, prove it. I want you to post a video of a guy going from slovenly to ridiculously handsome, and make sure he is jobless, homeless, has zero sense of humor, no friends, who never showers, with a terrible personality, and show all the women that just throw themselves at him after he makes this one single improvement.

And if you have a billion dollars and are a titan of industry, you can bypass just about everything. If you have enough charisma, you can bypass just about everything.

I mean, I've also never seen a monkey build a skyscraper or use the internet, or do anything in the realm of banking either. Maybe they just would open up a hair salon if they could just figure out the permit process.

Ridiculous. You're on the Ray Peat Forum, and you never bothered to look up the Naked Mole Rat?

Naked mole-rat - Wikipedia

Oh, that's it? So basically, you could just wear a hat to replicate the benefits? What if you live in a hot climate, like Arizona? Aren't you worried about your brain potentially overheating? Or is it just "The warmer, the better?"

And how would Neil's hair in the "before" picture do anything to help keep his brain warm?

Wild anecdotal claims like this is why we ask for studies on this forum. Even if this is true, how do we know you weren't on 4 grains of thyroid when your hair was long, and stopped taking it when you buzzed it?
I criticize him because he defines improving his looks as shaving his head and getting a fake tan. When we talk about looks, we need to bring up actual objective measures that people universally define as a nice face - this is actual bone structure and forward growth that Neil knows nothing about.

Strauss's transformation is more dramatic ? The guy I posted went from a normal-looking guy to a top-tier male - the guy I posted actually made a tremendous differences in forward growth and adding actual bone mass

It's worth noting that the guy I posted not only improved his appearance - but increased the size of his airways and food passageways as well - benefits that actually matter to your health and that you cannot fake.

Are we going to pretend that people subconsciously look for a nice face for no reason ?

There is clearly an evolutionary important reason for finding a nice face attractive

You cannot fake these differences in your airways and these vast improvements of health happen when you decide to take the step to expand and push your jaws for forward growth


- unlike Neal, these are factors he cannot change in the span of 30 minutes - these are factors that a man really has to strive to change over-time and putting the work in.

The Naked Mole Rat ? Are we going to start pinpointing the 1 species out of millions (especially considering it lives underground) and act like this has any relation to us? There is an exception to every rule, but the exception is not the rule, every other rodent, primate, animal species grows hair and keeps it.

But I never said insulation for the brain was the only evolutionary advantage of hair - I believe it's electroconductive effects are also inherently useful and then there's the fact that hair actually protects the brain from the radiation you'd be blasted with on a hot sun so if anything people in Arizona would experience positive effects from growing out their hair.


Jan 25, 2014
I criticize him because he defines improving his looks as shaving his head and getting a fake tan.
Ridiculous, again. That is not the only thing he did, nor his "definition." Again, if you had bothered to read the page or two of his book that I referenced you to, you would understand this. Maybe you need to stop making wild, inaccurate claims about what other people "say," and actually read or listen to what they said about a certain topic.

Strauss's transformation is more dramatic ? The guy I posted went from a normal-looking guy to a top-tier male - the guy I posted actually made a tremendous differences in forward growth and adding actual bone mass
Lol, of course it is. The pictures of the guy you posted when from about a 9 to a 9.2 (he was very good looking in both the photos). Strauss, in his own estimation, went from a 5 to a 6.5 just based getting a haircut and a tan. That wasn't the only change he made, and he evolved his look over time. If you watch his appearance on GMA in 2015, you can see (and he states himself) that he evolved beyond some of the "ridiculous clothes" that he wore early on.


He obviously looks way better in that appearance (more than a decade later) than he did in his "before" pictures, prior to shaving his head and being much younger.
It's worth noting that the guy I posted not only improved his appearance - but increased the size of his airways and food passageways as well - benefits that actually matter to your health and that you cannot fake.

Are we going to pretend that people subconsciously look for a nice face for no reason ?
Literally no one here is "pretending" or even suggesting this.
There is clearly an evolutionary important reason for finding a nice face attractive

You cannot fake these differences in your airways and these vast improvements of health happen when you decide to take the step to expand and push your jaws for forward growth

View attachment 35015

- unlike Neal, these are factors he cannot change in the span of 30 minutes - these are factors that a man really has to strive to change over-time and putting the work in.
Okay, so what, exactly, is your problem with doing both? Maybe you can radically change your look in one afternoon, while you work on other parts of yourself that might take 3-6 months or more.
The Naked Mole Rat ? Are we going to start pinpointing the 1 species out of millions (especially considering it lives underground) and act like this has any relation to us? There is an exception to every rule, but the exception is not the rule, every other rodent, primate, animal species grows hair and keeps it.
I mean, this is the Ray Peat Forum, and Ray Peat himself has brought up the Naked Mole Rat several times-

Animals that naturally have a relatively low level of the highly unsaturated fats in their tissues have the greatest longevity. For example, the naked mole rate has a life expectancy of more than 28 years, about 9 times as long as other rodents of a similar size. Only about 2% to 6% of its phospholipids contain DHA, while about 27% to 57% of the phospholipids of mice contain DHA Mitchell, et al., 2007).

The naked mole rat, another small animal with an extremely long lifespan (in captivity they have lived up to 30 years, 9 or 10 times longer than mice of the same size) has a low basal metabolic rate, but I think measurements made in laboratories might not represent their metabolic rate in their natural habitat. They live in burrows that are kept closed, so the percentage of oxygen is lower than in the outside air, and the percentage of carbon dioxide ranges from 0.2% to 5% (atmospheric CO2 is about 0.038). The temperature and humidity in their burrows can be extremely high, and to be very meaningful their metabolic rate would have to be measured when their body temperature is raised by the heat in the burrow.

Considering the Naked Mole Rat can have a lifespan of 9 times longer than other rodents (that have hair), this seems to blow your "hair hypothesis" out of the water.

But I never said insulation for the brain was the only evolutionary advantage of hair - I believe it's electroconductive effects are also inherently useful and then there's the fact that hair actually protects the brain from the radiation you'd be blasted with on a hot sun so if anything people in Arizona would experience positive effects from growing out their hair.
Again, even if this is true..... how could someone like Neil, suffering from Male Pattern Baldness at a young age, take advantage of this? Sure, you love to yack on about how hair causes high metabolism (with zero objective evidence to back it up), but make no claim on how someone like Strauss can regrow his hair in the first place. Since you seem to have this entire hair and metabolism thing figured out, please share your techniques as to how a balding man can easily regrow his hair, and turn his metabolism into a raging inferno.


Jan 25, 2014
I criticize him because he defines improving his looks as shaving his head and getting a fake tan. When we talk about looks, we need to bring up actual objective measures that people universally define as a nice face - this is actual bone structure and forward growth that Neil knows nothing about.

Strauss's transformation is more dramatic ? The guy I posted went from a normal-looking guy to a top-tier male - the guy I posted actually made a tremendous differences in forward growth and adding actual bone mass

It's worth noting that the guy I posted not only improved his appearance - but increased the size of his airways and food passageways as well - benefits that actually matter to your health and that you cannot fake.

Are we going to pretend that people subconsciously look for a nice face for no reason ?

There is clearly an evolutionary important reason for finding a nice face attractive

You cannot fake these differences in your airways and these vast improvements of health happen when you decide to take the step to expand and push your jaws for forward growth

View attachment 35015

- unlike Neal, these are factors he cannot change in the span of 30 minutes - these are factors that a man really has to strive to change over-time and putting the work in.

The Naked Mole Rat ? Are we going to start pinpointing the 1 species out of millions (especially considering it lives underground) and act like this has any relation to us? There is an exception to every rule, but the exception is not the rule, every other rodent, primate, animal species grows hair and keeps it.

But I never said insulation for the brain was the only evolutionary advantage of hair - I believe it's electroconductive effects are also inherently useful and then there's the fact that hair actually protects the brain from the radiation you'd be blasted with on a hot sun so if anything people in Arizona would experience positive effects from growing out their hair.

Really, we both got off topic here. Tell ya what, if you are so confident in your jaw expansion and hair skills in regards to having women just approach men and give them the relationship of their dreams, why not really put it to the test?

Send a Private Message to the OP, @ScurveDream, and offer to coach him in this regard for free for the next six months. I'm sure you can set up some sort of schedule, like a 1 hour skype call once every week or so. It's obvious he's looking for help in this matter. Then, both of you can report back in August or September or whatever.


Jun 22, 2021
Really, we both got off topic here. Tell ya what, if you are so confident in your jaw expansion and hair skills in regards to having women just approach men and give them the relationship of their dreams, why not really put it to the test?

Send a Private Message to the OP, @ScurveDream, and offer to coach him in this regard for free for the next six months. I'm sure you can set up some sort of schedule, like a 1 hour skype call once every week or so. It's obvious he's looking for help in this matter. Then, both of you can report back in August or September or whatever.
True - I 100% believe I can make a major life-changing transformation in face, spine, skull, etc in any man/woman with everything I know now - I certainly believe no one is ever too far gone to save and I genuinely think a major transformation is absolutely possible within a year or two depending on where you're starting from

But they also don't need me. Everything I learned is online and there to see/find it just really is a question of how bad do you want it.

It's difficult to imagine myself dedicating time to any person consistently each week for free with nothing for me to gain except for "proving that I'm right" because I already know I'm right - If anyone wants to test If I'm actually right you can easily jump down the same rabbit hole and prove it to yourself.

Everything I would guide the person through I post for free on here anyway - the people that helped me the most on this journey did it for free so I return the favor by giving it away for free as well.


Jan 12, 2021
The "alpha-male" concept is wrong. Women are naturally more attracted to men in whom instincts dominate over intellect and education. By being on this forum you're not one of them, and you cannot fake it, so you can attract them by looks for example. Also for women looks are not quite the same as for men. To put it simple face proportions are less important than a look of self-assure / self-satisfaction.
Bear in mind women need relations/men more than vice-versa, it's just current matriarchal society organization that gives them the upper hand.


Jan 25, 2014
True - I 100% believe I can make a major life-changing transformation in face, spine, skull, etc in any man/woman with everything I know now - I certainly believe no one is ever too far gone to save and I genuinely think a major transformation is absolutely possible within a year or two depending on where you're starting from

But they also don't need me. Everything I learned is online and there to see/find it just really is a question of how bad do you want it.
I mean, you could at least put together a guide on how to do this, or a "Check out these ten posts/sources."
It's difficult to imagine myself dedicating time to any person consistently each week for free with nothing for me to gain except for "proving that I'm right" because I already know I'm right
Wow! Much Arrogance.

Seriously though, this attitude turns a lot of people off. You're in your 20s, right? Ray Peat is in his mid 80s, and after decades of study and research, he never makes a claim like this. Life certainly has a way of humbling this sort of attitude.
- If anyone wants to test If I'm actually right you can easily jump down the same rabbit hole and prove it to yourself.

Everything I would guide the person through I post for free on here anyway - the people that helped me the most on this journey did it for free so I return the favor by giving it away for free as well.
I don't doubt that some of the things you talk about would indeed be helpful, but I don't think it's a "cure all." Even if the OP does all the jaw and posture development you talk about, and radically improves his looks, he could still sabotage any success with a negative attitude.


Jan 28, 2021
The alpha male stuff is appropriated from wolf packs and the guy who made it up for wolf packs retracted the whole thing after observing wolfs more.

Alpha in human probably denotes to no1 narcissist in the group.
Ok, after reading this I think we have to speak about what really means to be Alpha. For me numer one alpha trait is to worry about others, take care of your pack. For this you need to learn to listen and ask right cuestions. You know why? Because like a male man you supposed to lead, and your pack “belongs” to you.
So the OPs cuestion is lil tricky, he wants to be seen as alpha without being one. Well you can fake it for a while, but you have to become a alpha man to be seen as one.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
The "alpha-male" concept is wrong. Women are naturally more attracted to men in whom instincts dominate over intellect and education. By being on this forum you're not one of them, and you cannot fake it, so you can attract them by looks for example. Also for women looks are not quite the same as for men. To put it simple face proportions are less important than a look of self-assure / self-satisfaction.
Bear in mind women need relations/men more than vice-versa, it's just current matriarchal society organization that gives them the upper hand.
hi,do you perceive as opposition between "alpha male" and men following their instincts?reading a forum or sharing ideas doesnt exclude being a "men in whom instincts dominate over intellect and education"most of the times.increasing ideal men physical characteristics are the mid/long term manifestation ofyour inner state,there is no man that tend toward ideal men characteristics that wasnt a "men in whom instincts dominate over intellect and education"most of the times at least during the period he was developing positively his cant be someone that cant fake"men in whom instincts dominate over intellect and education"and at the same time being someone that is evolving physically toward ideal men characteristics,the same cause for these optimal physical/mental characteristics
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Jun 7, 2016
Ok, after reading this I think we have to speak about what really means to be Alpha. For me numer one alpha trait is to worry about others, take care of your pack. For this you need to learn to listen and ask right cuestions. You know why? Because like a male man you supposed to lead, and your pack “belongs” to you.
So the OPs cuestion is lil tricky, he wants to be seen as alpha without being one. Well you can fake it for a while, but you have to become a alpha man to be seen as one.
Ok the wolf pack is the alpha male wolf, his female partner wolf and his children wolfs.

Translated into human he is a beta provider.

Wolf beta male is the child wolf who is beta to his father the alpha.

See how stupid this stuff is.

But what is an alpha in human? Some guy who goes around impregnating all the fertile women and running away and letting the beta males raise his offspring?


Jan 28, 2021
Ok the wolf pack is the alpha male wolf, his female partner wolf and his children wolfs.

Translated into human he is a beta provider.

Wolf beta male is the child wolf who is beta to his father the alpha.

See how stupid this stuff is.

But what is an alpha in human? Some guy who goes around impregnating all the fertile women and running away and letting the beta males raise his offspring?
You dont know to read? Wtf?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Ok, after reading this I think we have to speak about what really means to be Alpha. For me numer one alpha trait is to worry about others, take care of your pack. For this you need to learn to listen and ask right cuestions. You know why? Because like a male man you supposed to lead, and your pack “belongs” to you.
So the OPs cuestion is lil tricky, he wants to be seen as alpha without being one. Well you can fake it for a while, but you have to become a alpha man to be seen as one.
hi,how can the main characteristic of the "alpha"be being good at listening to other and asking the right question,considering that even if you know what a person want,you dont necessary have the ability to provide it?


Jan 28, 2021
Not necessarely. I think learning to control your instincts and thoughts is the main think, you can’t be alpha without that. If you control them, you know the right time to let your instincts dominate the situation.
hi,do you perceive as opposition between "alpha male" and men following their instincts?reading a forum or sharing ideas doesnt exclude being a "men in whom instincts dominate over intellect and education"most of the times.increasing ideal men physical characteristics are the mid/long term manifestation ofyour inner state,there is no man that tend toward ideal men characteristics that wasnt a "men in whom instincts dominate over intellect and education"most of the times at least during the period he were developing positively his cant be someone that cant fake"men in whom instincts dominate over intellect and education"and at the same time being someone that is evolving physically toward ideal men characteristics,the same cause for these optimal physical/mental characteristics
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