Dean Ornish Diet - Worst Ever! And Sadly Featured On TED

Feb 4, 2015
Their regimen mix the antidote with the poison (vegetable oils inhibit the thyroid

- Max Gerson was curing heart disease back in the 1930's with a 12 months partly vegetarian diet excluding vegetable oils


"Olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil, Sunflower oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, any oil – Which oil is best?"

"Avoid oils. They injure the endothelium, the innermost lining of the artery, and that injury is the gateway to vascular disease. All oil is also empty calories."

"Why does the diet eliminate oil entirely?"

"NO OIL! Not even olive oil, which goes against a lot of other advice out there about so-called good fats. The reality is that oils are extremely low in terms of nutritive value. They contain no fiber, no minerals and are 100% fat calories. Both the mono unsaturated and saturated fat contained in oils is harmful to the endothelium, the innermost lining of the artery, and that injury is the gateway to vascular disease. It doesn’t matter whether it’s olive oil, corn oil, coconut oil, canola oil, or any other kind. Avoid ALL oil."

And Ornish: "No more than 10% of calories are from fat. This is achieved by not adding any fats, oils, avocados, coconut and olives to a mostly plant-based diet. The 10% of calories from fat comes from fat that occurs naturally in grains, vegetables, fruit, beans, legumes, soy foods — and small amounts of nuts & seeds." " To maintain the low-fat goal of 10 % of calories from fat, servings sizes for nuts are limited since they are very concentrated in fat."

without ever crediting the original discoverers.

Odd statement.

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Jan 1, 2013

From Esselstyn's site:

From Ornish's site:


Both of them promote plant-based omega3 which poison the thyroid.
Both of them claim saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease.
Both of them claim the lower the cholesterol, the less heart disease, tacitly endorsing statins without emphasizing them too overtly.

Both of them medical prostitutes.

(but high class ones)
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Nov 21, 2015
Ray wrote about Gerson something relevant (I will post this in the email thread)...could apply to the "Ornish" diet just as easily methinks:

The ratio of potassium to sodium, and the avoidance of polyunsaturated oils, were basic principles of Gerson’s. I think his objection to milk and cheese was based on their high fat content, and the addition of salt to cheese. The nutritional composition of milk from grass fed animals is very similar to that of the grass they ate, apart from the saturation of the fatty acids. The current ideas of the Gerson diet don’t accurately reflect Gerson’s ideas; for example, the book his daughter published about 20 years after his death advocated using linseed oil, on the pages where he had warned in capital letters against using any oil, and she claimed that she had found information in his office indicating admiration for Johanna Budwig’s ideas, including the use of linseed oil.
Feb 4, 2015
I was gong by Aquamans thread starter:

"Here's the full list, Ornish Lifestyle Medicine | Nutrition (scroll down to the Spectrum Food choices). Here are some of the highlights from each section:
2) More healthful
All the vegetables oils, nuts, nut butter etc"

Going by Ornish's site, he does promote omegas 3:

"mostly unsaturated with some nuts such as walnuts providing a good sources of heart-healthy omega 3s."

He's promoting flax seeds,..
".2.5 tsp flax seeds, ground
.2 tsp chia seeds or sunflower seeds, shelled
.pumpkin seeds"

And then fish oils:

"We recommend a low dose multivitamin and mineral supplement with B-12 (without iron, if not of childbearing age), fish oil and, possibly upon the advice of a physician, calcium supplements."

It doesn't say that anywhere. It only says "These low-fat foods may contain a minimum amount of added mostly unsaturated fat such as olive or canola oil," which also shows the difference between Ornish and Esselstyn. It reminds me of a Peat quote:

"A small amount of these oils won't kill you. It is the proportion of them in your diet that matters. A little extra vitamin E (such as 100 units per day) will take care of an occasional American restaurant meal. Based on animal studies, it would take a teaspoonful per day of corn or soy oil added to a fat-free diet to significantly increase our risk of cancer. Unfortunately, it is impossible to devise a fat-free diet outside of a laboratory."-RP


Jan 1, 2013
It doesn't say that anywhere. It only says "These low-fat foods may contain a minimum amount of added mostly unsaturated fat such as olive or canola oil," which also shows the difference between Ornish and Esselstyn. It reminds me of a Peat quote:

"A small amount of these oils won't kill you. It is the proportion of them in your diet that matters. A little extra vitamin E (such as 100 units per day) will take care of an occasional American restaurant meal. Based on animal studies, it would take a teaspoonful per day of corn or soy oil added to a fat-free diet to significantly increase our risk of cancer. Unfortunately, it is impossible to devise a fat-free diet outside of a laboratory."-RP

4 gr a day of "good fats" taken daily does constitute a toxic dose.
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burtlancast, thanks for your comments and the Uffe Ravnskov pdf...


Jan 1, 2013
The current ideas of the Gerson diet don’t accurately reflect Gerson’s ideas; for example, the book his daughter published about 20 years after his death advocated using linseed oil, on the pages where he had warned in capital letters against using any oil, and she claimed that she had found information in his office indicating admiration for Johanna Budwig’s ideas, including the use of linseed oil.

I understand Ray's doubts over the sudden reversal of Gerson's therapy by his daughter Charlotte.
But for once i believe he's overly suspicious; flaxseed oil contains a form of Vit B17 (linmarin); in 2010, polish researchers also serendipitously discovered CBD, known to fight cancer.

This is why Budwig got such good results in cancer despite giving so much omegas3.
And i also believe William Koch considered unsaturated, non-oxydized polyunsaturated fats to be compatible with his reactant.
Feb 4, 2015
From Esselstyn's site:

Both of them promote plant-based omega3 which poison the thyroid.
Both of them claim saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease.
Both of them claim the lower the cholesterol, the less heart disease, tacitly endorsing statins without emphasizing them too overtly.

Both of them medical prostitutes.

(but high class ones)

Instead of correcting what you said about Esselstyn that was false, you just call him a prostitute. Productive. You ignore nuance. You and the OP completely misrepresented their positions. The main point I made was that they have real data on reversing the number one killer. Either debunk their studies specifically or just keep using ad hominem. Also, you ignore the similarities between Peat and the pro-sugar plant docs. Instead of talking about the similarities, you just go back to the nonsense notion of "the establishment" Alex Jones style. I could post things about Uffe Ravnskov's view on sugar and "carbs" but that's not the point.



Jan 1, 2013
Instead of correcting what you said about Esselstyn that was false, you just call him a prostitute. Productive. You ignore nuance. You and the OP completely misrepresented their positions.

OP's post was about Ornish, not Esselstyn.

The OP could have mentioned "omega 3 vegetable oils", instead of just "vegetable oils" to be entirely correct.

Ornish promotes canola oil, rich in omega 3 and low on saturated fats.

"Three or less servings from low-fat foods or nuts can be included per day. Low-fat foods such as packaged foods like veggie burgers, low fat whole-grain crackers or cereals that contain ≤ 3 gm fat per serving. These low-fat foods may contain a minimum amount of added mostly unsaturated fat such as olive or canola oil."

This trend of emphasizing the benefits of omegas 3 rather than omegas 6 has been exposed by Peat:
The “balance” between the omega -3 and the omega -6 fatty acids is increasingly being presented as a defense against the toxic omega -6 fats. But the accumulation of unsaturated fats with aging makes any defense increasingly difficult, and the extreme instability of the highly unsaturated omega -3 fats creates additional problems.
Fats and degeneration

Although Ornish on his website advertises fish oil and flaxseed oil, for purely quantitative reasons he advises to get the later from seeds instead of pure oils.

Esselstyn contradicts Ornish about eating fish oils or supplementng with any oil, but agrees with him when it comes to eating foods rich in omega 3 oils, and on heart disease being caused by animal cholesterol.

Both Esselstyn and Ornish ignore the scientific evidence of omega 3 being deleterious, because both choose to perpetuate the 50 year old lie claiming vegetable oils lower cholesterol and therefore are good for the heart.
This 50 year old lie has enabled pharmaceutical firms to make a killing.

While calling them names, i apologize to this age old profession for associating it with both of them.
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Jan 1, 2013
burtlancast, thanks for your comments and the Uffe Ravnskov pdf...

You welcome, Bzmazu

Here's Uffe's summary of his last book on the cholesterol scam, "Ignore the Awkward.: How the Cholesterol Myths Are Kept Alive"


The cholesterol campaign is the greatest medical scandal in modern time. If you have read the author's previous books "The Cholesteol Myths" (out of print) or 'Fat and Cholesterol are GOOD for You', you should know that for certain. For instance, according to more than 25 scientific studies old people with high cholesterol live the longest. Another shocking fact is that the authors of a recent American study of more than 130,000 patients with acute myocardial infarction found that on average, their cholesterol was lower than normally. Their finding has already been confirmed by others. What they also found was that three years later, mortality was twice as high among those whose cholesterol was the lowest. Their conclusion? We must lower cholesterol even more! But there is much, much more. The author's aim with this book is to show how prominent scientists have turned white into black by ignoring all conflicting observations; by twisting and exaggerating trivial findings; by citing studies with opposing results in a way to make them look supportive; and by ignoring or scorning the work of critical scientists. Those who have not read his previous books may not quite understand the width of these misleading processes. He has therefore included a short and simplified review of the most obvious contradictions to the cholesterol hypothesis. At the end he presents what he and his colleague Kilmer McCully think is the real cause, here told in a more simple way than in his previous book.


"Both Esselstyn and Ornish ignore the scientific evidence of omega 3 being deleterious, because both choose to perpetuate the 50 year old lie claiming vegetable oils lower cholesterol and therefore are good for the heart.
This 50 year old lie has enabled pharmaceutical firms to make a killing."

How can these guys be so blind to the facts?...and not even willing to re evaluate/adjust their position? Nowhere have I seen them debate this issue honestly.....even in light of recent cholesterol/fat revelations.


Jan 1, 2013
Well, it's very simple; they know fully well any licensed cardiologist treating heart disease without statins is bound to kiss his medical licence goodbye and look for another line of work.

That's the current state of affairs in the art of healing.

But of course they will never tell you that.


Jul 31, 2015
Ornish (and his partner in deception Esselstyn) have been trying hard to resurrect the old, disproven theory of cholesterol causing heart disease.

Both promote cholesterol lowering statins, and both claim the erroneous and irresponsible doctrine of low cholesterol being healthy.

For the past 50 years, the famed Framingham study has been hailed by the establishment as the definitive proof on the causative role of cholesterol. Until in the 80's, danish epidemiologist Uffe Ravnskov combed painstakingly through the actual data and demonstrated it actually totally disproved the starting assertion; he exposed the final conclusions advertised in the medias and medical schools as a total fabrication and misrepresentation. A fraud, in simple terms. Perpetrated in order to promote patented pharmaceuticals, and unable to cure or prevent the disease. It's all in the open and free for anyone caring to read it.

Ornish and Eselstyn are the latest attempts by the establishment to resurrect this dead cholesterol scam and perpetuate the ongoing lucrative drug business. And to keep the deception alive, they are covertly using the discoveries of genuine medical researchers .

- Max Gerson was curing heart disease back in the 1930's with a 12 months partly vegetarian diet excluding vegetable oils (it used animal liver and cottage cheese, as well as niacin and thyroid hormone), publishing his results in the journals who would accept them. That's 50 years before Ornish' "discoveries". The mechanism of this reversal was unclear at the time, but following pioneers brought answers to these matters.

- Back in the forties, the Shute brothers treated 10.000 heart patients exclusively with high dose Vit E, boasting exceptional results. Vit E, abundant in grains, is an estrogen antagonist, an antioxydant and a vasodilatator of the small vessels and micro-circulation; it promotes the development of collateral vessels. Their work got published but was totally ignored by the establishment.

- At the same time, Broda Barnes had phenomenal success treating hypothyroid heart patients with thyroid hormone. Over 3000 cases showed almost total disparition of symptoms, the failures being numbered on a single hand. Even though the scientific research in unimpeachable, the establishment refuses to investigate it.

- Abram Hoffer used in the sixties high dose niacin and niacinamide to treat heart disease with excellent results. Vit B3 has been scientifically proven to efficiently lower atherosclerosis and to normalize elevated blood lipids; Hoffer reported his findings in numerous scientific articles for these past 40 years, but is still ignored by mainstream research (The benefits of niacin in atherosclerosis)

- Linus Paulng reported back in the eighties that high dosage Vitamin C reversed atherosclerosis in animals. His work was corroborated by human anecdoctical cases (Owen Fonorow "Practicing medicine without a licence: The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease"). Yet the human trials are still blocked to this day by Big Pharma.

- Magnesium has been shown since the sixties to lower and prevent atherosclerosis, normalize elevated blood lipids and prevent death from heart attacks. The establishment criminally swept the discovery under the carpet.

- Hans Nieper picked up on this magnesium research and designed back in the 70's mineral transporters to more efficiently deliver it to the heart muscle. His research was totally ignored by the establishment, but got confirmed by new investigators in the years 2000.

- Mexican cardiologist Sodi-Pallares published in the 50's results proving Potassium helps injured cardiac muscular cells while sodium harms them, and can halve the deaths from heart attacks and cardiac failure with a simple infusion of potassium, glucose and insulin. His results have been recently confirmed in large scale trials, without the establishment ever sounding a beep for decades.

Both Ornish and Eselstyn incorporate these findings through a vegetarian diet, naturally rich in vitamins B, C, E, magnesium and potassium, without ever crediting the original discoverers.

In a case of textbook, standard protocol of swindlers and scammers, they use the modest good results of their diet to shift the causative role of heart disease back to "the bad saturated fats and cholesterol", in fact innocent bystanders, rather than recognizing the good heart protecting effects of the vitamins and minerals, the true healing agents of their protocol.

By mixing the antidotes with the poisons (omegas 3, fish oils inhibit the thyroid, statins poison the whole body, while vitamins and minerals help it) it can only show a minimal beneficial effect, compared to the original researchers.

Using the ignorance of the taxpayer and everyday common people against themselves to intoxicate and to fleece them in the process.

Machiavelli would be proud.

Whether this conduct deserves respect and admiration, as aguilaroja hinted, is for everyone to consider...

Bump, bump,bump...

Great Post, Thanks Burt
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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