Amish Mechanics' Laug


Apr 30, 2015
Youreatopia is a pretty awesome site. I disagree a bit with her counsel to avoid water as I think drinking water with salt added has reduced edema that comes along with eating sugar quite a bit for me.

30 lbs sounds like a lot, but once it's on it feels pretty good if you can handle the psychological aspects. Since starting to peat i have gained 50 lbs, but a good amount of that is in muscle in my shoulders, legs, and I swear my jaw has gained three pounds in bone mass. I actually found that if I lower edema through salt intake I look pretty good. It's the water swelling that really makes you feel big and bloated.

The fact that you have been bloated is a good sign that your body is having difficulty with the carb basically have to decide whether to hold on to how you are or to push through. On the other hand, you could be just reacting to an allergen.

What I want to emphasize is that "eating peat," whatever that is for you, is going to change your body drastically. That can be tough, and you can only hold onto the idea that "this is good for me I'll look good after a couple years," for so long before you start to realize how drastic the changes are. Just remember, our society's ideal of healthy usually ends in cancer and early death.


Sep 1, 2013
Moss ~ "Hoof stock".
Ha! LOL! I meant as in hoofed animal meats, not as in making hoof soup... If that is what you meant. LOL! ;oD
You could have made up some elaborate story! :shame:

I did manage to stop my night sweats that started up again three weeks ago buy adding a Tbs of sugar to my OJ/Milk bedtime drink. :) Muahhh haaa haaa!!!!

I started getting hot flashes in early Jan and haidut posted a article earlier in the year on menopause and increasing protein to lessen symptoms, if I recall?
Motivated from that article, I experimented increasing gelatin powder (approx 50g) daily to my usual diet and they stopped mid Feb and I believe this may have contributed to eliminating them completely (so far) and I have reduced the Gelatin powder down to about 20g daily and upped the 'hoof broths' and particularly seafood as we have just finished Summer.

I hate to admit it, but the weight gain is getting to me... Please somebody, gals especially, will I get to see my muscles again feeding my body the RP way? I have great muscle mass and would love to say hello to it in the mirror one day. I know, sorry, wahhh, wahhh wahh...... Just feeling frumpy.

FWIW, it took awhile for me to accept that I was actually under weight for most of my life and truly I had no idea, which is a little sad. It has been a monumental and fundamental reorientation of my body in so many ways and does take time to adjust. I did gain more than I would have liked at one point and yet I am all but a few pounds over than I feel comfortable with and I will lose the weight in time. This is manageable and the positives SO far outweigh the negatives for sure. Take it slowly would be my advice.


Mar 29, 2014
I disagree a bit with her counsel to avoid water as I think drinking water with salt added has reduced edema that comes along with eating sugar quite a bit for me.
I wonder if this advice might be useful for some people who have been very depleted just in the beginning, to help avoid getting too diluted and low in various electrolytes just in the initial period while getting calories up? Eventually, I imagine thirst and taste would start to be more reliable guides. Some people in the grip of anorexia etc may have some heavy drinking (H2O) habits that may be safer to curb?

I'm still wondering if, for people who have been severely undereating for a while, it's possible that some initial bloating may be an inevitable part of recovery while the most urgent repairs are made? I'm just speculating - this seems to be the way Olwyn sees it, but there may be more Peaty ideas that would be consistent with good recovery and less bloating.


Dec 2, 2015
I wonder if this advice might be useful for some people who have been very depleted just in the beginning, to help avoid getting too diluted and low in various electrolytes just in the initial period while getting calories up? Eventually, I imagine thirst and taste would start to be more reliable guides. Some people in the grip of anorexia etc may have some heavy drinking (H2O) habits that may be safer to curb?

I'm still wondering if, for people who have been severely undereating for a while, it's possible that some initial bloating may be an inevitable part of recovery while the most urgent repairs are made? I'm just speculating - this seems to be the way Olwyn sees it, but there may be more Peaty ideas that would be consistent with good recovery and less bloating.

I recognized the link of drinking to much water at the end of last summer. I was never one to walk around the gym with a one gallon jug, but I tried to drink more water even though I just didn't desire any and frankly it made me sick to my stomach at times. No matter the source. In days after drinking to effect so to speak, I felt so much better.

Recently, cutting back on the fiber has been a godsend.

When I started living "Peaty", I did bloat a bit and gained a bit but I felt better and that was fine by me. I knew the physiology would need some time to adjust. I always tell clients, "If it took a while to occur, it will take a while to correct". So, I do remind myself.

Funny thing though, a day after I made that "post of woe", the bloating went away and my temps are up beyond my normal post ovulation expectations. Resting pulses are up as well! I almost did not want to begin taking the progest-e and Haiduts thyroid. But I did. Still no more night sweats. My body feels like it is just humming right along. It is indeed very nice. :)

I think its a combination of having been eating low PUFA and higher fructose/sucrose and the kick over the wall being regular strength aspirin BID. So I will coast for another month before I change anything other than transitioning slowly from Armour to Haiduts thyroid product. If still stable, I will begin to reduce the dose of thyroid with hopes of D/C it eventually.


Mar 29, 2014
Funny thing though, a day after I made that "post of woe", the bloating went away and my temps are up beyond my normal post ovulation expectations. Resting pulses are up as well! I almost did not want to begin taking the progest-e and Haiduts thyroid. But I did. Still no more night sweats. My body feels like it is just humming right along. It is indeed very nice. :)


Apr 30, 2015
I wonder if this advice might be useful for some people who have been very depleted just in the beginning, to help avoid getting too diluted and low in various electrolytes just in the initial period while getting calories up? Eventually, I imagine thirst and taste would start to be more reliable guides. Some people in the grip of anorexia etc may have some heavy drinking (H2O) habits that may be safer to curb?

I'm still wondering if, for people who have been severely undereating for a while, it's possible that some initial bloating may be an inevitable part of recovery while the most urgent repairs are made? I'm just speculating - this seems to be the way Olwyn sees it, but there may be more Peaty ideas that would be consistent with good recovery and less bloating.

Olwyn is coming from the perspective of eating disorders, and people who are so skinny and depleted. They also have shrunken stomachs and have a hard time eating much, so getting your liquids in a non water form like chocolate shakes and the other things she recommends makes a kind of sense. Like you said, especially true of people who are forcing themselves to drink water because it is "healthy." When you are really depleted like that, carbs seem to dehydrate you so easily. Or maybe it is because your salt levels are so low. I don't really know. I think some of those women over there may run into trouble because they are continuing to not drink water/salt a year or more into recovery. They still have bloating, they still have water swelling, and they are still hanging on for some how it to resolve itself through eating more and more.

Recently, I have been making this mixture of half water, half orange juice, and adding a decent amount of salt. It is amazing how much less bloating I have on this concoction then on straight orange juice. In some ways, I am actually drinking more of this mix then I was drinking straight orange juice and milk, and I am still getting less bloating.


Mar 29, 2014
Olwyn is coming from the perspective of eating disorders, and people who are so skinny and depleted.
Yeah, and that won't apply to everyone here (but probably does to a few).

I think some of those women over there may run into trouble because they are continuing to not drink water/salt a year or more into recovery.
Are they being advised not to salt their food? Why would they not be getting enough salt if they are not restricting it? I can imagine running into trouble if one ignored/overrode thirst for a long time.

I was adding salt to my OJ for a while too, but eventually got to where I don't like it any more, so I figure I may be getting enough from my other food. I sometimes dilute my juice with water, sometimes not, according to thirst.


Dec 2, 2015
I was never skinny that is for sure! I got to @10% body fat( for about two weeks in time for a contest) but I ate constantly and had great muscle mass. I gained about 10 POUNDS in 48 hrs after contest, all water. I was down to <40g of carbs per day. I'd carb load then over weeks slowly drive my carb load back up to about 100g per day, mostly fruit and potato. Just too much PUFA and not enough carb over-all. Then I got a "trainer" and all hell broke loose. Worst decision of my life. Ugh.... That really pushed my poor body over the edge and had never been able to get right again. Until now. Better late than never and I have learned a lot along the way. :)


Apr 30, 2015
Are they being advised not to salt their food? Why would they not be getting enough salt if they are not restricting it? I can imagine running into trouble if one ignored/overrode thirst for a long time.

It's not that they are advised not to salt their food. I salt my food all the time, but what happens is that they are then advised not to drink water. Salt and water go hand in hand. So if they salt their food, and then get thirsty from the salt, they won't drink water but will probably drink more carbs, which may further exacerbate dehydration and bloating.

Olwyn advises to override hunger a lot, some times for years because of how broken their hunger ques are. I think the trap they may get into is constantly overfeeding to get out of the eating disorder hole, but not drinking water when that water would actually help hydrate them and lower swelling and bloating. It's almost like going from one extreme to another. i am just guessing here, but given my recent experience adding back in some water and increasing salt, I think it might have some basis.


Mar 29, 2014
Olwyn advises to override hunger a lot, some times for years because of how broken their hunger ques are.
I think the trap they may get into is constantly overfeeding to get out of the eating disorder hole, but not drinking water when that water would actually help hydrate them and lower swelling and bloating. It's almost like going from one extreme to another. i am just guessing here, but given my recent experience adding back in some water and increasing salt, I think it might have some basis.
I can kind of imagine that possibility.
Thirst cues can get deranged, too. I've experienced distress from both over- and under-drinking water - neither of them good.


Nov 18, 2012
Olwyn is coming from the perspective of eating disorders, and people who are so skinny and depleted. They also have shrunken stomachs and have a hard time eating much, so getting your liquids in a non water form like chocolate shakes and the other things she recommends makes a kind of sense. Like you said, especially true of people who are forcing themselves to drink water because it is "healthy." When you are really depleted like that, carbs seem to dehydrate you so easily. Or maybe it is because your salt levels are so low. I don't really know. I think some of those women over there may run into trouble because they are continuing to not drink water/salt a year or more into recovery. They still have bloating, they still have water swelling, and they are still hanging on for some how it to resolve itself through eating more and more.

Recently, I have been making this mixture of half water, half orange juice, and adding a decent amount of salt. It is amazing how much less bloating I have on this concoction then on straight orange juice. In some ways, I am actually drinking more of this mix then I was drinking straight orange juice and milk, and I am still getting less bloating.
I recently was in pretty bad situation and in stress that depleted my energy reserves to zero. I wasn't rehydrating properly on straight juice and food, but diluting juice to half and adding salt gave immediate relief. Basically it becomes a sports rehydrating drink (i think basic formula is 5g sugars/100ml and about 1g (or up to 3g) salt per liter)


Apr 30, 2015
I recently was in pretty bad situation and in stress that depleted my energy reserves to zero. I wasn't rehydrating properly on straight juice and food, but diluting juice to half and adding salt gave immediate relief. Basically it becomes a sports rehydrating drink (i think basic formula is 5g sugars/100ml and about 1g (or up to 3g) salt per liter)

nice! Yeah it is kind of like a natural Gatorade. Gatorade is just basically water, sodium, potassium, and sugar. So orange juice combined with sodium and water pretty much mimics it. The real question is, is water by itself estrogenic? Are some of the benefits from diluting orange juice with water from raised estrogen? I dunno


Dec 2, 2015
What a confusing username. You look 35. I'd drop the 2% and go with 1% or skim.

Why thank you DaveFoster! Despite how I have crashed my metabolism, I can not complain about how my body has aged at this point.

My user name is confusing? I fix broken horses, you know, the Amish still use horses as their transportation? Amish Mechanic.... No? :beatdeadhorse

And you are right about the 2% and have switched to the 1%. My temps and HR are pretty excellent this past week.


Nov 2, 2015
I am recovering from a trashed metabolism that began from several years of Figure competition and the subsequent dieting in my early 40's. I was never into the super low calorie thing but definitely into the low carb debacle. All of you here know what that does... Add in intense training oh, 5-7 days a week, for years.

I know your pain. I thought I was healthy training all of the time, and getting all "shreddy" for olly lifting comps. It wasn't until I crashed and burned that I really stopped to look back and see how much stress I was putting my body through.

Today I ordered Haidut's product and am looking forward to trying it out.

How did you get on with Tyromax?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
35 year-olds must look great where you come from. I'd honestly have said she looks 30.
My family ages slowly.

I was going to put 30, but I didn't want to seem facetious.

What a gif. That's a keeper.


Nov 2, 2015
My family ages slowly.

I was going to put 30, but I didn't want to seem facetious.

I'm from a place called Fife, Scotland (think Ewan McGregor & Sean Connery). Unfortunately, there's an acronym used in hospitals there: NFF. NFF stands for "Normal For Fife", and is used in the context:

"Male patient, 40, has had three heart bypasses and two strokes (NFF)"


Dec 2, 2015
I know your pain. I thought I was healthy training all of the time, and getting all "shreddy" for olly lifting comps. It wasn't until I crashed and burned that I really stopped to look back and see how much stress I was putting my body through.

I competed in Figure, so at least there was no oil involved but that hideous fake tan!!! LOL I did and felt much better, and placed better, when I trained myself. Other than the PUFA's I was eating, I was consuming a lot of calories in comparison to the others! @ 1500-1600 kcals for a 42 year old 5'2" gal seemed like a lot! I was using fruit as my main carb source with one starchy carb post training. The fruit may have saved me!

So you used to compete in lifting or bodybuilding? I would love to do another NPC Figure competition. It suits me, I gain muscle easily, am curvy and can rock 5" hooker heels. I think I could do it with minimal metabolic damage and readjust back to stable if I approached it from the Peatusphere. I won't even think about it until I know that I have reached "stable-healthy" though.

How did you get on with Tyromax?

So far the TyroMax seems to be holding me fine. I have been taking Armour three times a day and substituted TyroMax for the noon dose. I am about to use it to replace the evening dose and glide on that for awhile. I'm betting that eventually I can come off of thyroid completely! Nice goal and I hope it happens. I'll keep you all posted.

And, again, thank you for the kind words. Other than some laugh lines and a streak of grey on my forehead, my bods been good to me, despite me...:hourglasssand:


Nov 2, 2015
So far the TyroMax seems to be holding me fine. I have been taking Armour three times a day and substituted TyroMax for the noon dose.

OK, I've just purchased some TyroMax! I was reluctant, because I know Ray has said that desiccated thyroid has to be ingested, and that topical application won't work—but people seem to be getting great results from it.
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