Hypothyroid, Anxiety, Insomnia, Cellulite, Dental Decay Log 1



Oct 17, 2016
Long post. I have debated a lot as to whether to put this up but it will be cathartic in the end. If you have problems with reproductibe rights probably don't read below.

Health had been steadily improving, had the basics down pat. Little bit of NDT and red light, plenty of fat soluables and a nice diet of fruit, dairy protein and fish/meat with some taurine on the go really making me feel good etc. Still having digestive issues, needing to lose a small amount of weight, still working on liver with suspected infections and mental health improving for the first time in years. Female cycle issues still a problem with heavy loss each month and some PMS.

I was about to get married and was using high dose progesterone to try to move my period to the middle of the month so it wouldn't fall on my wedding day because it was truly impossible to manage heavy bleeding in a wedding dress. Unfortunately I seemed to have become too fertile because I fell pregnant. If you have problems with women's reproductive rights please don't read any further.

Only just having my life back from ten years of illness, and not wanting children at all (probably ever), we decided to terminate. It was very early. Despite firmly being in favor of reproductive rights, and not wanting a child, and strongly believing children should be WANTED before they are born, it was still an awful decision and horrible weight. I had two bad decisions and I took the slightly less bad one. I hated the time between the decision and the termination, was extremely depressed, couldn't eat and couldn't sleep. I chose the RU486 option because it seemed less invasive and less hard on the body (General Anesthetic is hard on the body, plus the risks of internal surgery of any kind aren't great). Anyway. It was still a terrible day of extreme pain for about four hours. After a week I felt much better, I 100% know it was the right thing for us and I felt relief and I don't even think about it anymore.

Three weeks later I began suffering significant blood loss and headaches and dizzyness. This was two weeks before our wedding. Scans showed that the termination/miscarriage had not been 100% successful and I had an infection in my uterus. I was admitted to hospital and given IV saline and multiple antibiotics. The next day I had to go in for surgery to have my poor uterus cleaned out. The pain was extreme following this so I was giving fentanil, tramadol, endone, neurofen AND finally morphine. Poor body. They sent me home the following day with more antibiotics. So far it was Broad Spec Amoxicillin and Flagyl IV, and sent home with Amoxycillin with Clauvanic Acid. Didn't make me feel healthy :( I also had a few anti nausea tablets but I don't know what they were. I kept asking the nurses what they were putting in me but often they wouldn't know. Hospital system is not great... but the hemorrhaging stopped and I felt better.

I then got terrible oral thrush, which I treated with nyastin mouth drops, then vaginal trush which I had oral flucanozone for. Oral thrush symptoms gone, however still have downstairs problems so I went back to the doctor and have been diagnosed with VB, opvergrowth of the wrong bacteria in the downstairs area. Have a presciption for that but haven't started it yet, was using red light and sunlight over the weekend and it seems a little improved.

Unfortunately I also began to feel sick again, with more pain and discharge, and there is a suspected ongoing infection in my uterus. back on antibiotics and going in for another space probe to check what's going on.

I'm a bit lost as to what to do, as so many people on the forum are all for the sterile gut and using these types of antibiotics can help with that. Unfortunately the side effects of VB, thrush and oral thrush (and probably internal fungal overgrowth) are quite significant. I'm still wondering how bad all the pain killers affected me. Any advice would be helpful. I'm feeling mentally quite well and positive (I just quit my job, I'm having a sea change and a career change and a four month honeymoon in europe) but body is quite sick still.


Oct 17, 2016
The past few months caught up with me - My cortisol levels have been annoying (high at night, low in the morning), but gut problems are not so great, and I gained a few kilos. I understand there is a price to pay for stress! The most annoying thing has been the return of difficulty in getting to sleep, and early waking. I have too much on so I spend a few days REALLY trying to destress - relaxing, warm baths, stretching... But once you get in a state like this it's hard to get out. I did it before but I had two months off work. This time, I have three months til a big overseas trip! I have to move house and finish up at work in that time, plus christmas.

I know I'm "sick" again - because whenever I eat I get leg itches and scalp psoriasis. I associate that with "leaky gut". I am also struggling with energy again and definitely feel more anxious.

I have made up a big batch of mineral broth from organic Kale, and organic potato protein soup and have been drinking that for a few days, as well as colostrum, carrot salad, MCT (topical and oral) NAC and preg in low doses. I'm going to try and use that for my main food source and have some fruit, warm milk (easier to digest) and sweet potato when I NEED starch. I will also have a little kombucha (no lactic acid bacteria added!), and my red light mini daily on thyroid and itchy legs.

I know more milk, protein and sugar really helped me last time, but I'm concerned that being a little ill having bulk dairy and casein isn't going to be helpful if my digestion is off. I'll slowly add it back in next week.

I have noticed, since I found a source of mct that I swish in my mouth for 5-10 mins and swallow, my singing voice has improved!? I was really belting out the songs yesterday and I sounded good... usually not a smooth/in tune vocalist!

It's summer now too, so more time outside in the sun will help as well, hopefully.


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Jun 5, 2017
The past few months caught up with me - My cortisol levels have been annoying (high at night, low in the morning), but gut problems are not so great, and I gained a few kilos. I understand there is a price to pay for stress! The most annoying thing has been the return of difficulty in getting to sleep, and early waking. I have too much on so I spend a few days REALLY trying to destress - relaxing, warm baths, stretching... But once you get in a state like this it's hard to get out. I did it before but I had two months off work. This time, I have three months til a big overseas trip! I have to move house and finish up at work in that time, plus christmas.

I know I'm "sick" again - because whenever I eat I get leg itches and scalp psoriasis. I associate that with "leaky gut". I am also struggling with energy again and definitely feel more anxious.

I have made up a big batch of mineral broth from organic Kale, and organic potato protein soup and have been drinking that for a few days, as well as colostrum, carrot salad, MCT (topical and oral) NAC and preg in low doses. I'm going to try and use that for my main food source and have some fruit, warm milk (easier to digest) and sweet potato when I NEED starch. I will also have a little kombucha (no lactic acid bacteria added!), and my red light mini daily on thyroid and itchy legs.

I know more milk, protein and sugar really helped me last time, but I'm concerned that being a little ill having bulk dairy and casein isn't going to be helpful if my digestion is off. I'll slowly add it back in next week.

I have noticed, since I found a source of mct that I swish in my mouth for 5-10 mins and swallow, my singing voice has improved!? I was really belting out the songs yesterday and I sounded good... usually not a smooth/in tune vocalist!

It's summer now too, so more time outside in the sun will help as well, hopefully.
when did you last get some osteo treatment? Seems like you're past breaking point..


Oct 17, 2016
when did you last get some osteo treatment? Seems like you're past breaking point..
No, not past breaking point just a little down that I have fallen back down the ladder a little again. Actually not that long ago, my jaw was out.


Oct 17, 2016
Turned the corner again :)

I was definately not taking care of myself (perhaps self punishment for being careless/PTSD from hospital) and as soon as I started having regular milk + protein and preg again, I lost my water weight, and a few cm, and got my sunny disposition back. Still having some on and off anxiety and insomnia but a few weeks holiday will help.

My partner and I decided to move to a beautiful part of our country by the seaside and get out of our office jobs. We've talked about it for years, literally months after starting "dream" graduate jobs, but were stuck in the rut of doing the right thing (good education, good job, financial security). We've decided to bugger that because neither of us are happy enough to get out of bed in the morning. We live a low cost lifestyle and on averages wages have saved enough money for a trip to europe and a wedding so we figure we can take a pay cut and not feel deprived, probably just not be able to afford several months in europe every year. Besides, moving to the beach will save us money on our health and our entertainment (no need to binge watch TV when you can watch the ocean!)

I'm now looking forward to it instead of feeling dread at the logistics, so I take that as a positive.

I also wanted to make a note - I bought an acupressure mat. I am terrified of needles but have had friends have great acupuncture experiences. I lay on my mat last night and it goes from pain to warm delightful pressure after a few minutes. After 10 minutes I felt like I'd had an opiate based painkiller and my legs felt all gooey and relaxed. Highly recommend!


Oct 17, 2016
Log update after a long break - in the meantime I finished my job, started my study and went on a long overseas trip, and had bum surgery.

It's been ages because I guess, things have been pretty good. I finally moved to the coast and lived the life I believed would make me feel better. It did!

Hypothyroid: I was taking NDT ages ago but stopped because I was just too stressed and disorganised and thought I might be doing more damage than good messing around with it. But I have my own red light now, and I've done a few temperature resets, and my morning and afternoon temps have been nearly up to where I'd like, so not worring so much about thyroid supplements. I still have dry heels, and sometimes I have to make sure I'm warm before I get into bed, but I think it's going much better this way.

Anxiety: Barely an issue now really, I know I have it lurking but it's not a regular problem at all. I have been using stressnon and progestene (with my cycle) and that is probably helping aLOT. I've also had the easiest last few menstrual cycles. So that's great!

Dental Decay: Haven't been to the dentist, but have six months off daily k2 and saw plaque creeping back. Have been back on it again and having lots of organic non homogenised milk and plaque has gone again. Probably will still need a filling based on previous annual tooth issues but I'm broke so it can wait.

Cellulite: Combination of red light, stretching, progesterone and protein, and general health has turned my legs from 45 year old crepe to early twenties firm. It's not gone but my skin is SO firm and smooth. I love it.

Few other updates - my digestion has been bugging me still, but I did spend four months travelling and not really being in control of what I eat. I also had surgery on the fistula and post surgery didn't eat much other than Haagen Daaz, stewed apples and bone broth for a week. I thought this would help but it did not. So after many years of thinking about it, I did my own potato hack for a few days. Potatos with some butter and parmesan and SHITE LOADS of salt for three days. I had so much energy, my skin glowed, I had normal bowel movements and my bloating went down HEAPS despite being in optimal bloat time for a woman. I took some Dr. Ohiras probiotics on the last day too, I know it's contraversial but I've had so many antibiotics in the last 12 months and they definately didn't help me like they help others. It seems to be going well too. Potato hacks are cheap! I also noticed that I had so much excess energy that I did like 100 squats and five mins of skipping, and I just didn't get sore muscles the next day. Winner!

Insomnia - It still happens to me once or twice a month, but it's just not chronic and terrible and physically draining. I am a lot calmer so I don't react to it as badly. I had a few bad patches but they aren't month long anxiety sweat fests so I am quite happy.

All in all, going good.

I should note, I am house sitting and just spent six weeks in a small coastal town. My fitness regime (post surgery) was a walk, a dip in the ocean and an icecream every day. I didn't lose many kilos, but my hips have shrunk, my breasts have grown and I feel really attractive and good! My new life goal as a nutritionist (studying) is to start a coastal health retreat where people come and I feed them icecream, prawns and chocolate, and take them swimming and walking every day! Plus red light. I'm also looking to work in aged care nutrition so our super old population can live better, longer.

Hope everyone is slowly improving, and feeling good and positive where they can :)


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Jun 5, 2017
hey- great update and glad things are going well! Are you using mitogen or did you get your own set up for red light? What are you using if that's the case? I've recently been rediscovering potatos after being scarred off them due to the starch and my body love love loves them!


Oct 17, 2016
hey- great update and glad things are going well! Are you using mitogen or did you get your own set up for red light? What are you using if that's the case? I've recently been rediscovering potatos after being scarred off them due to the starch and my body love love loves them!

I got a full body light from Mitogen as a wedding present, it's red and infrared, but mostly I just use the red every evening for about 7 mins in total. :)

Yeah I mean I'm half scottish and half irish so potatoes make me happy - but I think it helps living near heaps of markets where organic yellow potatos are cheap as well!


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Jun 5, 2017
I got a full body light from Mitogen as a wedding present, it's red and infrared, but mostly I just use the red every evening for about 7 mins in total. :)

Yeah I mean I'm half scottish and half irish so potatoes make me happy - but I think it helps living near heaps of markets where organic yellow potatos are cheap as well!
wow that's quite a wedding present! Amazing! :)


Oct 17, 2016
wow that's quite a wedding present! Amazing! :)
yes I am really spoiled! It was from my parents. I also made them buy one for themselves because they are falling to bits. My mum noticed her cracked shin skin disappeared in just a week!
Don't think my dad uses it he gives it the evil eye.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
yes I am really spoiled! It was from my parents. I also made them buy one for themselves because they are falling to bits. My mum noticed her cracked shin skin disappeared in just a week!
Don't think my dad uses it he gives it the evil eye.
well at 60K you'd be lookin' at with some sort of somethin'!


I would give a DIM supplement a go. It really helped me with acne - I like the one from Genius Supplements on Amazon.


Oct 17, 2016
I wanted to do a post about exercise pre and post a pro-metabolic diet. I used to work out either training for triathlons or doing circuit based weight training/aerobic classes. I had a trainer for six months trying to get me strong enough to do a pull up (never got there!). I found the DOMS terrible, I'd be struggling for days post workouts, and I didn't put on muscle easily. I remember training for a 5km run once and smelling weird afterwards. I realised the smell was like ammonia. Most of the boot camp classes I went to, I was so wrecked afterwards it was hard to function.
After a few health problems, and seeing a Function Medicine guy, I stopped doing exercise aside from yoga and walking, for about three years now. Body composition changed a little, more fat at the top (yay boobs, but boo to having a little tummy) and smaller hips over a year or so. Generally only gained about 5kgs.
Anyway after a few years of eating more sugar and low pufas etc, I felt like getting back into it. Wanted not to do any cardio, just strength training at as low stress as possible.
Now I go to a gym max three times a week, for half an hour to 45 mins. I lift heavy weights, I get warm but not seriously aerobically puffing, I feel great!
I do not get sore muscles anymore. Sometimes I am a little stiff the next day, but nothing at all like I used to be.
I am lifting to a point where it becomes very difficult to finish the last few reps. I go slowly and carefully with as best form as I can. I am enjoying myself and feel better! I'm tracking my nutrition and trying to eat more and better, and I've lost a few cm in my fourth week.
But I couldn't have done this three years ago! And all the people who told me to exercise more and eat less sugar to fix things like insomnia, weight gain, depression and anxiety were wrong. Taking my body out of a constantly stressed state has been great. I will be keeping an eye on thinks like sleep and mood, and exercise less if they are affected, but so far it's going well. Exercise is GREAT, if you are healthy enough to do it to start with!
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