Aajonus Vonderplanitz remedy index (A-Z)

Apr 22, 2019
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"Primal Diet Remedies"

+The "page" references are for the book, "We Want to Live" by Aajonus Vonderplanitz - We Want to Live | The Primal Diet TM | By Aajonus Vonderplanitz

INDEX - hit ctrl + f (both buttons pressed together) to type in a search box and quickly navigate these topics printed below


Aajonus Quote - Neutralize Viral Epidemic
Adrenal Exhaustion
ALD (Adrenoleukodystrophy)
Angina Pectoris (Heart/Chest pain)
Athlete’s Foot


Bacterial food-poisoning
Bad breath
Bell’s Palsy
Bitot’s Spots
Bladder Infection
Blood pressure
Blood sugar
Body odor
Brittle bones
Broken bone


Canker sore
Celiac disease
Chicken pox
Cholesterol level, high and low
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Cirrhosis of the liver
Cold, common
Congestive heart failure
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Crohn’s Disease
Cystic fibrosis


Detoxification of drugs
Detoxification of radiation
Detoxification, stopping it
Dry skin & general dryness


Ear infection
Eye inflammation and irritation


Fat deficiency
Fever blister
Food addiction
Foot problems (Aching/burning, cold feet, corns)


Gums, sore


Hair problems
Hay fever
Heart attack
Heart disease


Infant problems
Influenza (flu)
Insect bites
Intestinal cramps
Intestinal infection
Itchy skin




Kidney infection
Kidney stones


Liver problems
Low blood sugar
Lyme disease
Lymphatic congestion


Memory loss
Meniére’s Syndrome
Menstrual cramps
Menstrual, late
Mental illness
Mineral deficiency
Motion sickness
Multiple sclerosis
Muscle cramp
Muscle soreness
Muscular dystrophy


Nail biting
Nail problems
Neural problems
Night blindness
Nut Formula - 2 ounces of nuts, 4 tablespoons raw butter, 1 raw egg, 2 tablespoons raw honey > mix together




Parkinson’s disease
Pernicious anemia
Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac
Pollution from vehicles
Premenstrual syndrome


Radiation burn
Rectal itching
Rheumatic fever
Rheumatoid arthritis


Salt craving
Smoking addiction
Sore throat
Spinal meningitis
Stomach, acid
Swollen glands


Thyroid problem
Tooth and gum disorders


Urethra infection or pain


Vaccine-induced diseases (VID)
Varicose veins
Veneral disease
Vision and focus disorders
Vitamin deficiencies


Water retention




Yeast infection
Aajonus Quote – Neutralize Viral Epidemic

Aajonus is quoted in Early Training with Aajonus with the simple remedy in the unusual case where someone relatively new to the Primal Diet needs a remedy for 'serious viral epidemic'. This excerpt is now made available to subscribers although I highly suggest you click here to get Early Training with Aajonus to find the many hidden gems like this. The dash -- shows statements/questions from the interviewer.

. — If you were in a situation where some serious viral epidemic was occurring, like Ebola or something like that, what would you do? Would you submit to antibiotic, or ozone or any of the things that are used in those situations?

Aajonus: You mean if I were handling people who were not on a healthy diet?

— Yes, that’s one question. Or if somebody that were on this diet and had been for a while was suddenly...

Aajonus: It wouldn’t affect them.

— It wouldn’t affect them?! In other words...

Aajonus: It couldn’t thrive in their body.

— Really?

Aajonus: Just like the syphilis couldn’t thrive in that person’s - Byron’s,- body. And that’s a rough one.

— Syphilis?

Aajonus: Yes. It’s a rough one.

— It couldn’t be any rougher than Ebola.

Aajonus: About the same probably.

— Internal hemorrhaging. Then there’s that bacteria, the flesh eating bacteria. Remember that one in England. An inch an hour! And so none of that would thrive.

Aajonus: No.

— Because of the high fat content of the tissues?

The actual remedy
Aajonus: Yes. And the strength of the proteins in the body. Your immune system would just neutralize it. However, let’s say somebody hasn’t been on the diet that long and they are exposed to it and it does take a hold in their system. Have them drink lots of beet juice. Beet juice, about two ounces every two to three hours. Lots of cheese with it. Have them have some flax oil. Probably one tablespoon every three or four hours. The beet juice has the hydrochloric acid, so that helps dissolve any matter that has formed in the system. Helps dissolve it. That’s what the body uses it for.
ABORTION: Scraping of the uterus (D&C) may cause scarring; See Stretch Marks, Scars And Wrinkles, page 338, about removing scar tissue. See Hemorrhage, page 210, to stop an excessive bleed.
ABSCESS is a localized infection (detoxification) accompanied by pus externally or internally. An abscess is helpful because it is a process of dissolving and discarding volatile toxins from tissues.

Externally, packing the abscess with a little clay that has been pre-mixed with good mineral water into a thin paste, and then applying a bandage over it absorbs and neutralizes volatile toxins. Clay is best premixed as instructed under Clay. The abscess will, most often, come to a head in a couple of days and burst on its own when as much toxicity as the body plans to remove is brought to the surface. See Clay, page 181.
In the case of an abscessed tooth, eating at least 15 medium-sized tomatoes per day neutralizes the condition. Eating no-salt-added raw cheese with tomatoes helps to reduce abscessed tooth pain and promotes healing. With an abscessed tooth, blending the tomatoes into puree makes them drinkable. The cheese may be blended with tomatoes. Also, see Pain Formula, Chapter 15 in the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease.
feeling chemically unbalanced no matter what you eat. People who have adrenal exhaustion often have an energy drop within 15 minutes of the same time every day.

Eating the Nut Formula (page 194), or, less preferably, a cooked starch, like French, sourdough, and Italian breads with raw fat, 15 minutes before the energy drop is due each day, usually allows for normal energy levels. Eating a raw diet with plenty of fat, fish, vegetable juices and alkalizing foods gradually heals this condition in most cases. See Alkalizing Food, page 178.

Also see Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, page 247.
See Eating Schedules in my book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, pages 40-42.
AGING in our “advanced†society is basically a process of body deterioration leading toward disease and death. That deterioration is caused by accumulated toxicity, limited cellular reproduction, cellular mutations, and cellular exhaustion. Aging and deterioration do not have to be synonymous.
Symptoms: loss of hair moisture, dexterity, skin tone, muscle tone, flesh tone, and strength.

Consuming a raw diet in which 40% of calories are raw fat prevents the “normal†process of body deterioration. The body gradually or quickly deteriorates without fat. At least 3% and up to 30% of that raw fat should be from raw milk, that is unsalted raw butter, raw cream, no-saltadded raw cheese, full-fat raw milk and raw plain kefir. Raw full-fat milk soothes tissues best.

About 50% of the human race needs starches to prevent aging. Those people need starches to bind with toxins (including excess hormones) that stress the body. We may obtain that starch by eating a Nut Formula (page 194) once or twice each week. Some people may need to eat a little cooked starch if they cannot digest the Nut Formula. That may be determined by eating the Nut Formula when you are extra-stressed. If you become more self-controlled within 12 hours after eating the Nut Formula, you do not need to eat any cooked starch.

Aging men and women could create and maintain youth by eating meat twice daily, about 1 pound daily. Men do better when they drink 1 cup raw plain kefir, if available, as often as possible with meat.
AGORAPHOBIA is a pronounced fear of leaving a safe familiar home to go anywhere. More often, this is from a severe chemical imbalance due to allergies to pesticides, preservatives, medications and other chemical toxins.

Primal diet treatment includes eating (separately or together) mushrooms, naturally sparkling mineral water, raw baby spinach, fresh raw fruit and 5 raw eggs each day calms this condition. See Eating Schedules, in my recipe book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12. In most cases, avoiding chemicals (including household chemicals) and any gases they produce, relieves agoraphobia. Avoid all cleaning compounds and fluids, hairspray, insecticides and aerosol sprays.
AIDS: Owanza, a colleague, has observed that advanced symptoms of AIDS is partially related to the destruction of melanin. Melanin stagnates when the lymph is in poor condition due to chemical inundation and clogging. Melanin also stagnates from lack of enzyme-mutations, lack of lysine in unaltered states, poor retention of phosphorus due to liver damage, and ingestion of swollen, ruptured and corrupted molecules (nutrients) from heat processing. The loss of the melanin creates impairment of oxygen absorption and prevents photosynthesis of light from the sun. Advanced AIDS seems to be a disease of isolation, the person being unable to interact internally and externally, bio-chemically and ecologically. The result is death through cellular suffocation. AIDS is not contagious. For the direct man-made scientific cause of AIDS, see the book BIO-ATTACK ALERT, Theodore A. Strecker, LL.D.

I have not had enough nutritional experience with AIDS to be comfortable with my knowledge of it. My observation has been that most of those with HIV positive who developed AIDS-like symptoms developed them only after medical treatment for AIDS. There is overwhelming evidence that the theory that HIV is a precursor to AIDS is flimsy. Individuals who have AIDS lack enzyme-mutations to practically all cooked foods, and extreme allergies to pollution. People with those conditions would improve if they would eat a raw balanced diet daily, including the Nut Formula once or twice weekly. See Nut Formula, page 194. If the Nut Formula is not effective, an AIDS sufferer may help her/himself by eating a little cooked white gluten starch (that is, no baked yams, purple potatoes, yellow corn, including yellow popcorn, and other colored starches) with plenty of raw fat.
That may stabilize the condition and very gradually reverse it. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174; and HIV, page 272. Lysine in an unaltered state can be found only in unprocessed raw foods, not in supplements.
ALCOHOLISM is a disease that involves compulsively craving and drinking alcoholic beverages. Most alcoholics do not breakdown cooked fat properly, so they crave alcohol to help breakdown cooked fat. However, the side effects are most often traumatic.

When an alcoholic stops drinking, he or she should consider that the liver goes through a drastic temperature drop (liquors artificially heat the liver). The temperature drop causes the liver to go into shock (d.t.’s).

Eating at least ¼ pound (4 ounces) of raw fish twice daily for three days helps the liver and most often prevents the d.t.’s. Continuing to eat raw fish for another week helps the transition from alcohol.

Processed alcohol destroys liver, pancreas and brain cells by the millions and robs tissues and cells of fluids. Eating raw meats and unheated honey replaces the enzymes and sugars absent in the radical alcohol (distilled or pasteurized liquors) that destroy the membranes around cells. Raw meats and unheated honey also promote the chemical breakdown of radical alcohol. A diet that is 45% raw fat would be the most healing for an alcoholic. Eating ½ cup non-steamed dates with a raw fat in the mornings restores the thyroid and balances the sugar level. Then eating small amounts of raw meats with raw fat, alternating with very small amounts of whatever fresh fruits (preferably unripe) that are appealing with raw fat throughout the day keeps the blood sugar level balanced. If a craving for alcohol hits, blend a raw drink consisting of the juice of 5 limes, an avocado, 4 kiwis and 4 tablespoons of unheated honey to satisfy the craving. When fresh kiwis are not available, sun-dried non-sulfured kiwis are okay, or substitute 1 cup of live pineapple in place of the kiwis.

Some people crave alcohol because they lack certain enzymes that digest fat - the alcohol helps break down fat. This particular type of individual is prone to hepatitis. For this type, eating a little unripe pineapple with raw fat usually supplies enzymes for fat digestion and stops the craving for alcohol. For those few who cannot produce their own body alcohol, drinking 2 ounces of organic raw wine once or twice weekly supplies the alcohol that is needed. Eating raw cheese or raw fat immediately before drinking alcohol prevents a lot of damage.
ALCOHOLISM is a disease that involves compulsively craving and drinking alcoholic beverages. Most alcoholics do not breakdown cooked fat properly, so they crave alcohol to help breakdown cooked fat. However, the side effects are most often traumatic.

When an alcoholic stops drinking, he or she should consider that the liver goes through a drastic temperature drop (liquors artificially heat the liver). The temperature drop causes the liver to go into shock (d.t.’s).

Eating at least ¼ pound (4 ounces) of raw fish twice daily for three days helps the liver and most often prevents the d.t.’s. Continuing to eat raw fish for another week helps the transition from alcohol.

Processed alcohol destroys liver, pancreas and brain cells by the millions and robs tissues and cells of fluids. Eating raw meats and unheated honey replaces the enzymes and sugars absent in the radical alcohol (distilled or pasteurized liquors) that destroy the membranes around cells. Raw meats and unheated honey also promote the chemical breakdown of radical alcohol. A diet that is 45% raw fat would be the most healing for an alcoholic. Eating ½ cup non-steamed dates with a raw fat in the mornings restores the thyroid and balances the sugar level. Then eating small amounts of raw meats with raw fat, alternating with very small amounts of whatever fresh fruits (preferably unripe) that are appealing with raw fat throughout the day keeps the blood sugar level balanced. If a craving for alcohol hits, blend a raw drink consisting of the juice of 5 limes, an avocado, 4 kiwis and 4 tablespoons of unheated honey to satisfy the craving. When fresh kiwis are not available, sun-dried non-sulfured kiwis are okay, or substitute 1 cup of live pineapple in place of the kiwis.

Some people crave alcohol because they lack certain enzymes that digest fat - the alcohol helps break down fat. This particular type of individual is prone to hepatitis. For this type, eating a little unripe pineapple with raw fat usually supplies enzymes for fat digestion and stops the craving for alcohol. For those few who cannot produce their own body alcohol, drinking 2 ounces of organic raw wine once or twice weekly supplies the alcohol that is needed. Eating raw cheese or raw fat immediately before drinking alcohol prevents a lot of damage.
ALD is an accelerated deterioration of myelin (the covering over nerve networks) causing loss of concentration, uncommon dazes, convulsions, unmotivated fits, loss of motor control and coma. This is usually diagnosed in an advanced stage in children when the symptoms are very pronounced (as are most diseases). It has been lethal in children because without myelin the nerves have no protection or buffer.

Eating stone-pressed olive oil, fresh raw fish and red meat or poultry at the same meal daily provides the body with the nutrients it needs to regenerate the myelin. The key to these nutrients being properly utilized is drinking 1 drop of homeopathic quinine up to 5 times daily and eating up to 4 ounces of unheated honey daily.
ALLERGIES are disagreeable sensitivities to particular foods, light rays or pollutants (including vapors from magazine and newspaper print, perfumes and colognes). Some allergies are the result of airborne pollutants that the body cannot neutralize or detoxify and eliminate, including fibers from synthetic clothing (plastic). Other allergies result from substances in foods, natural or man-made, that the body cannot digest, assimilate, or utilize. These substances become radical toxins that severely damage tissues with which they come in contact. The same goes for allergies to cosmetics and soaps - if you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin.

Symptoms from airborne allergies: rash, sinus congestion, sneezing, coughing, headache, hay fever, asthma, high blood pressure, abnormal fatigue, dizziness and mental depression, and bleeds from mucus membranes, like nose bleeds and considerable blood in the feces.

Symptoms from food allergies: all of the above plus loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach and intestinal ulcers.

Eating plenty of raw fat with a Nut Formula, or a cooked starch, unheated honey and fruit (frequently live pineapple) most often corrects allergies. Another reason for allergies is that a body may lack the enzyme-mutations to digest and utilize cooked minerals. People who lack mineral enzyme-mutations often have premature graying.

Drinking naturally carbonated mineral waters is helpful. Some people who lack enzyme-mutations for cooked minerals have severe reactions to cooked fish. Eating raw fish with unheated honey heals this allergy.

Eating no-salt-added raw cheese with raw fish and honey usually speeds healing. (That does not mean that a person develops a mutation to digest and utilize cooked minerals. It means the toxic minerals that are stored in the body are gradually removed. Then symptoms of allergy subside.)

Another reason for allergies is that some people allow the body to get too cold, causing the body to burn all its blood fat. That leaves radical minerals and toxins free to damage and constrict cells to the extent that they cannot absorb nutrients. Taking care to keep the body warm with clothing or heat, and to feed the body raw fat alleviates this allergy-to-cold-weather condition.

Pollen-related allergies can most often be alleviated by eating up to ½ cup of fresh local pollen daily until symptoms subside. Mix pollen in anything that’s appealing, e.g. sprinkle it on a raw salad, or blend it with raw milk or raw juice. See Hay Fever, page 268.
ALZHEIMER'S disease is presenile dementia usually occurring in middle age and associated with sclerosis and nerve deterioration. The hardening is in the nerves of the brain that delineate motor impulses, preventing proper association with motor commands. In advanced cases, hardening has extended to ganglia, disrupting sensory as well as motor response patterns. Alzheimer's is mainly the result of low blood protein levels over long periods, such as in vegetarianism or fruitarianism, or in someone who lacks enzyme-mutations for digesting and assimilating cooked or processed protein, or lacks enzyme-mutations for digesting and assimilating cooked or processed sugar, forming calcification along nerves, which erodes nerve tissue. Another factor that causes Alzheimer’s is accumulated aluminum from vaccines, canned food and beverages, aluminum cook-wear and chemtrails.
Aluminum destroys Zeta Potential causing high sediment in blood and neuro-serums and excessive clotting. That often causes hardening and scarring in the brain.

Avoiding cooked and processed protein, including all meat, eggs, roasted nuts and nut butters, and avoiding cooked and processed sugar, including drinks, jams or jellies, steamed and/or sulfured fruits, any canned food, and deodorants that contain aluminum stops progression of this malady. Usually, by the time Alzheimer's symptoms manifest, hardening and deterioration of nerve tissue is too advanced to reverse.
However, recent indications lead me to believe that frequently eating fresh raw coconut cream with cucumber dissolves the hardening of nerves that causes Alzheimer’s, effecting reversal in its early stages.

Eating fresh raw coconut cream with banana, or eating 1 tablespoon daily of cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit peanut oil with 5 drops of quinine water, gradually dissolves hardening of the arteries that feed the brain. Also, drinking moldy water from rinsing moldy raw grains every 3 weeks for the rest of one’s life, and eating moldy grains once every 6 months for the rest of one’s life removes some hardening.

Eating a raw-food diet with plenty of raw meats, especially fish, fresh raw fruit and Nut Formula strengthens mental functions.

Moldy grains are made by soaking 1/3 cup of one or more kinds of grain in a glass or ceramic vessel containing 6 ounces mineral water for three days, then pouring off the fermented water and drinking it immediately. Then let the fermented grains stand for 6-8 days in a place with little natural light with a cloth covering the vessel. After 6-8 days, pour ½ cup distilled water over the moldy grains and stir until the mold is mixed into the water, pour off and drink. Once every six months, moldy grains may be eaten after blending only 3 ounces of moldy grains with ½ cup distilled water.
ANEMIA is a low red blood cell level or weak red blood cells that cause oxygen deficiencies. That results in carbon dioxide accumulations in cells, decreased blood and general body efficiency, general weakness, paleness, brittle nails, loss of appetite, fatigue, abdominal pain, and lower rates of bodily processes. If affecting the brain, anemia causes dizziness. If a person is exhausted all of the time, usually she or he is anemic.

Choosing whichever meat is appropriate for a person’s type and eating it raw daily, or at least three times weekly, usually corrects anemia. (See Appendix P, page 150, for your type.)
ANGER is emotional feedback that something in a person’s life needs to change. Realize what is making you angry and resolve it rationally.

Leaving a situation that is inappropriate for you, or is irresolvable, may be the best choice. Letting go of concepts, desires, things and people that are not good for you and that you can’t change with love and compassion, opens doors for better opportunities. An overly acidic system causes irritability that can evolve into anger and violence.

Cooking meat forms heterocyclic amines and lipid peroxides that irritate nerves in many people. I suggest that you eat raw white meats.
Anger expressed as violence usually perpetuates violence and fear. Therefore, be certain that violent words or actions are constructive and the only option.

Nutritionally, eating a Nut Formula, or cooked starch with raw fat and raw fresh fruit helps eliminate excess adrenaline, calming anger in about 20-40 minutes. Exercise is extremely helpful, especially one you enjoy. See Appendix G, page 138.
ANGINA PECTORIS is the cramping of muscles in or around the heart. Most always, the cramps are a natural process by which the body tries to increase circulation and remove toxins and hardened fat from muscles and arteries. A lack of enzyme-mutations for digesting, assimilating and utilizing cooked green foods and mostly vegetable oils are responsible for most hardening of the arteries that causes heart muscle spasms. Avoiding cooked green foods and vegetable oils stops the accumulations. See 'If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174'

Eating raw green foods (salads) with a fat-free dressing as the last meal of the day helps remove the resins and residues that cause this type of hardening of the arteries. A preferred dressing would be raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, or a mixture of fresh lemon juice and raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. Some people would benefit from using a raw wine/vinegar dressing, that is, an organic raw wine (pesticide-free, chemical fertilizer-free and preservative-free) and an organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.

Eating raw fat with other foods, especially with a little lemon juice, helps lubricate the hardened arteries. See Drink for Moisturizing and Lubrication, page 210.

Eating raw coconut cream with cucumbers helps remove hardened resins. Eating bananas, nonsteamed dates, tomatoes, melons or unripe pineapple with plenty of raw fat, especially raw coconut cream helps to relieve the lactic acid build-up and the resulting soreness from muscle spasms.
ANXIOUSNESS expressed as unsettled desire or fear is often caused by excess adrenaline or other hormones or toxins.

Eating no-salt-added raw cheese and/or the Nut Formula, or small amounts of cooked starch with plenty of raw fat usually calms this condition. Drinking naturally sparkling mineral waters helps to calm the adrenals. Eating salt is especially toxic here and should be avoided.

Eating raw meats, especially white with red and plenty of raw fat helps mitigate and soothe this condition. Eating unheated honey or a few nonsteamed dates with raw fat help maintain enzymes and blood-sugar level during anxious times when tremendous amounts of blood sugars and enzymes are utilized. See Anger, page 224, and Appendix G, page 138.

If accompanied with the shakes, anxiety is often caused by a low protein level. Eating raw meats, especially white meats, no-salt-added raw cheeses or cooked starch with raw fat calm this condition.
APPENDICITIS is an inflammation in the appendix.

Symptoms: pain in the lower abdominal area that graduates to severe is most common; also nausea, sometimes high fevers with sweating, and feelings of failure accompanied with feelings of low self-esteem.

Drinking a large glass of raw fresh tomatoes (for some people the Roman variety is more effective) blended with at least 5 tablespoons of unheated honey and 5 teaspoons of the fresh juice of lemons neutralizes this volatile toxic condition and calms the infection without antibiotics. Drinking this concoction every four hours until symptoms are gone usually relieves pain and heals this condition quickly.
Also, eating 1 tablespoon raw unsalted butter with 1 tablespoon of no-salt-added raw cheese every hour helps absorb toxins discharged from the appendix.
If nervousness is experienced, eating some French bread with avocado (or other raw fat if avocado is not available) usually settles the body’s systems.
Drinking 2 ounces of fresh raw lime or beet juices every 4 hours and/or eating fresh raw corn, on or off the cob, helps to regulate infection and control toxins.
See the Shakes, page 310.
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS is a condition of mineral build-up in the arteries.
Symptoms: frequent nausea, sharp pains without apparent cause, feelings of deep fear and despair, pronounced indignation on all subjects, quivering hands and feet and life is viewed as stressful.

Eating ½-1 cup unripe pineapple with ¼ cup coconut cream daily for up to 7 days in a row helps digestion, assimilation, and utilization.
However, pineapple often causes over-emotionality. Therefore, be aware of your moods and eat pineapple cautiously. Raw fats are soluble, easily soothing and lubricating to the entire body. Eating plenty of raw fat ensures that mineral toxicity is very gradually removed from the body, not reabsorbed.

Eating fresh raw coconut cream with banana gradually dissolves hardened mineral build-up. This can also be achieved, more slowly, by eating raw citrus and raw fat together, such as live pineapple with avocado, or live pineapple with raw cream, or raw eggs with raw orange juice, or raw orange and avocado, or raw orange and raw cream.
ARTHRITIS is inflammation in the joints or the connective tissue that is accompanied by soreness or pain. Arthritis is usually caused by volatile toxins that cause decay in the joints. Often, bacteria results that try to help the body remove joint toxicity by eating decayed cells.

Drinking a blend of 2 raw tomatoes with 4 tablespoons fresh raw lemon juice most often relieves pain within several hours. All foods which help alkalize the blood are helpful in this condition, especially raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. See Alkalizing Food, page 178.

If you have a taste for cherries, eating raw cherries helps to prevent uric acid deposits in joints. Or eating raw celery or drinking raw celery juice does the same.

Drinking 6-8 ounces of raw milk blended with 1 tablespoon of coldpressed-below-96° Fahrenheit flax seed oil, peanut oil, or unheatedabove-96° Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil helps lubricate and strengthen joints. The best recipe for lubricating and strengthening joints is the Drink for Moisturizing and Lubrication, page 210.

Applying a poultice made of 1 raw celery stalk blended with 2 tablespoons grated raw horseradish root to a painful joint most often reduces pain within 20 minutes.
ASPHYXIATION occurs when high levels of pollutants are breathed causing exhaustion, shortness of breath, claustrophobia, headache, dizziness, fainting, choking, nausea, and vomit. Even a so-called minor asphyxiation - breathing air in a theater or office building that uses gaseous formaldehyde in the ventilation system to retard molds - produces nausea, claustrophobia and headache in some people.

Eating whatever raw fats that are appealing to you, with raw meat or a little unripe fresh raw fruit clears toxins from the blood. Avocado and no-salt-added raw cheeses are two raw fats that are especially helpful.

A raw diet in which at least 40% of calories are from raw fat (including no-salt-added raw cheese) eaten for at least 10 days has produced the best results. Drinking 2 cups of naturally sparkling water daily helps restore the electrolyte balance and oxygen level of the blood.
ASTHMA is a chronic respiratory condition that is both allergy and emotionally related. It often occurs in individuals who are, or feel that they are repressed. Finding a way to express yourself creatively and to communicate helps to heal asthma.
Symptoms: chest tightness, frequent coughing, wheezing or whistling sounds that, all together, make a sufferer feel as if he or she is suffocating.

Avoid processed cheeses and caffeine in any form, such as coffee, chocolate, medications, soft drinks and teas, all of which are especially poisonous to an asthmatic condition. Avoid store-bought mayonnaise and mustard - they prevent proper digestion and the metabolism of certain minerals.

Eating plenty of raw fish, plenty of raw eggs, and plenty of tomatoes helps heal asthma. Raw tomatoes may be juiced or made into a raw sauce. When available, drinking raw milk with eating raw fish, or drinking raw milk with raw eggs speeds the healing process. Getting plenty of sunshine, fresh air and enjoying open places also helps.

These foods help relieve asthmatic symptoms: eggs, unripe raw apricots, fresh raw garlic, fresh raw horseradish, raw Jerusalem artichokes, and sunflower seeds used as the nut in the Nut Formula, or a little raw potato juice. Eating 1-2 eggs every hour relieves asthmatic fits.
ATHEROSCLEROSIS is hardened fat build-up in the arteries.
Symptoms: high blood pressure, pink or flushed complexion, deep grooves across the nails, difficulty urinating; feeling very bloated, making faces at sour foods, viewing life as overwhelming, making or seeming to make little headway although working hard, and fussing over nothing.

The Drink for Moisturizing and Lubrication, page 210, should be consumed daily. Drinking 2-4 cups of good mineral water and eating plenty of raw fat with most foods gradually correct this problem.

Frequently eating fresh raw coconut cream with unripe banana gradually dissolves hardened fats.
Sometimes the body manifests muscle spasms to help increase circulation, and the dissolution and removal of hardened fat accumulations, for example, the muscle spasms experienced with angina pectoris.
If spasms occur, it is best to sit, eat some unheated honey and relax. Eating plenty of raw fat, especially coconut cream, with any of the following: unripe bananas, nonsteamed dates, unripe melons or unripe pineapple, helps to relieve the lactic acid build-up that causes muscle soreness.
ATHLETE’S FOOT is a fungus under and in the skin characterized by itchy, peeling skin that has a sour odor. I have found two basic causes for it: high adrenaline level, or accumulated volatile toxins (including vaccines and antibiotics).

Coffee, chocolate, cooked soups, cooked teas, and cooked meat create volatile toxic conditions in most people, as well as overstimulate adrenals, causing decay to cells. The fungus tries to help by eating decaying cells or the decaying parts of cells. Avoiding those foods and all medications usually stops a tendency to produce foot fungi.
However, as long as toxins remain in the area causing the decay, the fungus will continue to do its job unless it is poisoned by medication.

Eating foods that alkalize minimizes discomfort. See Alkalizing Food, page 178.

Letting fungus run its course increases health, but if that is not possible, coating the feet with unheated honey and covering them with clean white cotton socks for four consecutive nights smother and stop fungus for awhile. See Fungus, page 265. Also, applying the Primal Facial Body Care Cream (recipe from the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease) soothes itching and usually allows fungus to work without excessive discomfort.
BACKACHE: There are many causes for this, from spinal detoxification and tension, to accidents. Often, backaches happen in conjunction with emotional exhaustion.

Drinking plenty of raw milk, a little good mineral water (see Appendix M, page 143, about water) and, when available, plenty of raw cream help relax the spine. During a backache, eating several smoothies daily made with 2-3 raw eggs, ¼ cup unheated honey, either 2 tablespoons unsalted raw butter or 5 tablespoons raw cream or coconut cream, and either ½-1 cup unripe papaya or unripe banana helps remove toxicity and soreness. Eating nonsteamed dates or pineapple helps remove soreness. Eating no-salt-added raw cheeses with equal amounts of fat, especially raw butter, helps strengthen the back. (Note: Eating too many papayas can cause intense back detoxification and therefore too much pain.)

Hot baths and very gentle back massages are helpful. Lying on one side and applying a hot water bottle propped between your spine and a pillow speeds circulation and nutrients to the effected area, relaxing muscles, and taking pressure off nerves, especially while sleeping.

Also, enjoying one’s self speeds healing.
BACTERIAL FOOD-POISONING that causes disease is caused by cooked or processed food. The belief that raw food causes bacterial food-poisoning is nonscientific myth and hysteria. All epidemic food-poisoning that has occurred was caused by bacteria feeding on cooked food.

The bacteria feeding on cooked and/or chemically treated food develops disease and mutates. The mutant/diseased bacteria excrete volatile toxins that cause poisoning that result in vomit and/or diarrhea and intestinal damage, including decay. The Jack-in-the-Box epidemic was caused by cooked meat, not raw meat. No one ate any of those burgers raw.

For bacterial food-poisoning data regarding pasteurized milk products, see Chapter 31, Infant Safety, Health Benefits, Propagandized False Risks From Feeding Raw Milk, And The Harm Of Feeding Infants Pasteurized And Processed Milk, in my book The Recipe For Living Without Disease.

Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, high blood pressure, abnormal fatigue, dizziness, mental depression, and loss of appetite.

The myth that raw foods cause bacterial disease was ingrained into society when two giant food manufacturers paid fortunes in research from 1928-1938 to prove that bacteria in food causes disease. They wanted to prove that their cooked and processed foods were cleaner, healthier and safer than raw foods. Animals were separated into two groups. Several groups were fed raw food and others were fed cooked, processed food. The companies’ officers released to the press, the conclusion based on mere speculation and belief that the theory that bacteria in raw food caused disease. When the long-term results of that research proved that the raw-food-fed groups did not develop any disease, and that the cooked/processed-fed groups developed most of the diseases that humans suffer, the two companies burned all of the research and hid the results from the public in 1940.38

Only bacteria feeding on cooked, non-organic foods are likely to turn pathogenic. E. coli feeds rapidly on frozen meat but is not dangerous if eaten raw. The worst that could happen from eating raw meat with a high bacteria count is vomit or diarrhea, yet that response is very rare, and not from poisoning. Instead, it is a radical detoxification of the liver, pancreas or intestines. The toxins are potentially damaging and so the body must flush them quickly.

Eating raw food, including raw meats, with or without high bacterial counts has proved to promote good health and not cause disease in humans. (Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, July 17, 2002, featuring Aajonus and 3 patients.) See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapters 25-31.

38 That information was reported to me in 1975 in Louisiana at the home of one of the retired scientists who worked on the project at one of the companies. He stated that he felt great remorse for not coming forward to contest the propaganda. He did not because he feared for the life of his family.
BAD BREATH: See Halitosis, page 267.
BALDING is the rapid or gradual loss of hair growth, usually occurring from metal-poisoning from canned foods, aluminum cooking utensils, deodorants, shampoos, soaps, and medication. Poor oxygen utilization is sometimes causative. It is also believed that poor thyroid function is causative, but my experiments disproved that theory.

Eating raw berries with raw coconut cream, a little unsalted raw butter and a little raw cream helps bind with the metals so that they do not cause as much damage to follicles.

Topically, rubbing into the scalp a blended mixture of 1 ounce fresh raw aloe vera gel (directly from the inside of the leaf) and 2 ounces never-been-heated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil helps protect the scalp and follicles. That usually stops hair loss and sometimes promotes hair growth within several weeks, unless you have an allergy to shampoo.

Drinking naturally carbonated waters helps oxygen absorption.
Drinking some parsley juice with celery juice helps oxygen absorption.
Eating non-steamed dates helps thyroid functions.
Eating 2 ounces of stone-pressed olive oil with meat 3 times each week helps remove dead cells in and around follicles.
A good shampoo is whipped raw egg. Wet hair, apply and rub whipped raw egg to hair and scalp, let stand for 1-5 minutes and rinse.
BEDWETTING is the inability to control the bladder during sleep because of nutrient losses during stressful waking hours, usually when toxic blood conditions exist. Blood sugar problems are commonly causative, such as in childhood diabetes.

Drinking the combination of 3 ounces fresh raw cabbage juice, 2 ounces fresh raw cucumber juice, 2 ounces fresh raw carrot juice, 2 ounces fresh raw parsley juice and 3 tablespoons unheated honey supplies nutrients for nerves and bladder control. Drinking that juice combination once early in the day every 3rd day, and eating unsalted raw cheeses, raw eggs blended with unripe banana (or other appealing unripe fruit), raw fish and celery daily usually correct this condition within several weeks.
BELL’S PALSY is paralysis of some facial muscles, resulting from facial nerve damage.
This is most often due to excess adrenaline produced from toxic diets and/or environmental pollution. When adrenaline utilizes all of the blood fat, it seeks other fats. For example, adrenaline may eat at the nerve coatings (myelin), and leach fat from the myelin. The result is neural lesions and scarring.

Eating the Nut Formula (see page 194) every other day, or very small amounts of cooked starch with plenty of raw fats, especially avocado, unsalted raw butter, or raw cream, helps neutralize excess adrenaline and prevents nerve damage. Eating raw fish with raw red meat or with raw poultry helps heal and restore nerves and replenish myelin.
BERIBERI is a form of severe malnutrition. Correcting beriberi requires adherence to a well-balanced dietary regime for a long time. See Eating Schedules, pages 40-42 in the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease.

In adults: appetite and weight loss, diarrhea, edema, fatigue, heart failure, nerve dysfunction causing paralysis and wasting of limbs.
In children: abdominal discomfort, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, respiratory difficulties and vomiting.

Eating plenty of tomatoes with raw mushrooms, some fresh whole raw parsley in the late afternoon with a little French bread with plenty of avocado, 3 ounces unheated honey each day, and raw milk, when available, helps detoxify the digestive system in preparation for handling a balanced diet.
BITOT’S SPOTS are white, foamy elevations on the whites of the eyes.

Drinking raw fresh parsley juice helps to prevent and correct this condition. Parsley juice should be consumed with celery and can be combined with a mixture of other juices to make it more palatable. A drop of filtered fresh parsley juice dropped in the eyes is helpful to reverse this condition. A balanced healthy diet, such as this Primal Diet helps remove toxins and rebuild the eyes.
BLADDER INFECTION is a detoxification of the urinary bladder characterized by pain in the lower abdomen and back, sometimes fever, and an urgent, most often painful, frequent need to urinate.

Drinking raw fresh grapefruit juice throughout the day, and eating the butter/honey mixture every ½ hour for as long as it takes to calm the bladder, relieve bladder infections. For people prone to bladder infections, drinking 4 ounces of raw fresh beet juice twice weekly, or 4 ounces fresh raw lime juice blended with 2 tablespoons unheated honey added to 4 ounces of good mineral water keeps bacteria levels low and helps detoxify the bladder a little every day so that discomforting, exorbitant infection is rarely, if ever, necessary.
See Kidney Infection page 282, Kidney Stones page 282, Urethra Infection page 319.
High blood pressure:
High blood pressure is the body’s method of stretching, cleaning and healing congested arteries and veins. Unlike what is said in the media and portrayed on television, many heart attacks occur during times of low blood pressure and low cholesterol levels. High blood pressure is necessary to vital arterial health when blood passages are congested from overweight or hardened arteries and veins. I suggest that high blood pressure should not be suppressed with drugs.

Fresh raw grapefruit or fresh raw grapefruit juice lowers blood pressure. One half of a grapefruit may be adequate, but some people may need more. Eating raw cucumbers or fresh raw cucumber juice helps soothe stretched arteries, veins, capillaries and nerves. Eating fresh raw garlic helps stabilize high or low blood pressure.

Low blood pressure:
Fresh raw garlic, or fresh raw onions, or fresh raw hot peppers raises blood pressure. A small amount of any of those is usually adequate, although some people will need to eat substantial amounts.
High: See Diabetes, page 258.
Low: See Hypoglycemia, page 274.
BODY ODOR indicates that putrid gases have formed inside the body by toxic chemical changes, or by eating foods with strong odors, for instance, garlic or broccoli.

Avoiding foods that easily putrefy in your body (cooked and/or processed foods) eliminates body odor. Putrid gases produced by the body when dissolving and eliminating old toxic storages can be eliminated, or at least mitigated, by eating fresh raw parsley, or ginger, or peppermint, or spearmint, or fresh raw juice from any of them. Celery juice and unripe pineapple relieve foul body odor.
BRITTLE BONES is a condition of the bones where there is little or no flexibility. It is caused by a lack of utilizable fat (and other nutrients as a result of a fat deficiency).
Symptoms: fear of jumping short heights, and easily breaking bones.

Drinking fresh full-fat raw milk gradually corrects this problem. If raw milk isn’t available, eating 4 ounces fresh raw organic carrot juice with avocado, or with unsalted raw butter, or with another raw fat daily will be effective but may take a little longer. Eating fresh and unfrozen organic bone marrow with raw beef speeds healing. The texture and taste of beef bone marrow is similar to butter. It is best eaten with a raw meat meal. It may be made as part of a meat sauce. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease for raw meat sauces.
BROKEN BONE: Make sure bone is properly set for healing.

Unripe pineapple has enzymes that help heal bone. Eating ½ unripe pineapple each day for 1 week, and then every third day for 5 more weeks works the best, especially in conjunction with a balanced raw diet and the foods recommended for Brittle Bones.
BRONCHITIS is an inflammation (cleanse) of the air passages to the lungs because of toxin-damaged bronchial cells. It is exacerbated by suppression of what needs to be said, that is, suppressed emotions turned against one’s self. The resultant tension in the chest is often secondarily causative because it spends fat in the bronchi, drying them. It is then difficult to produce protective mucus and the bronchi become susceptible to irritation from airborne substances.

Symptoms: back and muscle pain, sore throat, dry coughs that are followed by coughing up mucus.
Finding a form of artistic expression that suits a person’s nature begins a more expansive approach to life and health.

Eating raw fats, especially unsalted raw butter, raw cream and raw eggs, soothes this condition. Drinking fresh raw carrot juice mixed with raw cream or raw eggs soothes and nourishes the bronchi very quickly.
Smoking and other airborne pollution worsen this condition.
See Anger, page 224; and the Drink for Moisturizing, page 210.
BRUISE is ruptured veins and cells causing internal bleeding in small or large damaged areas of the body that turn black/blue. As the blood in the tissues is dissolved, absorbed or excreted, the bruised area turns yellow and finally clears to normal.

Applying a thin slice of raw beef to a bruise for at least 5 hours and up to 24 hours helps soothe, reduce swelling and speed healing. If a large area is bruised, like a foot, you may apply ground beef. Thinly pack the area with sliced or ground red meat and cover with a sock or bandage.

Eating raw eggs blended with unripe banana or unripe pineapple helps clear damaged cells and toxicity from injury. Eating raw meat helps heal and replace damaged cells.

See Appendix P, page 150.
BURNS: Eating avocados and fresh raw aloe vera gel directly from the leaf for several days helps soothe burned cells and eliminate scars.

For SUNBURN, topically apply the Primal Facial Body Care Cream from the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, or make a mixture by stirring 2 tablespoons fresh raw aloe gel (best taken directly from leaf), 1/6 teaspoon fresh royal jelly, ¼ teaspoon sun-dried powdered clay and 1 teaspoon stone-pressed olive oil. Or simply apply raw egg white to sunburn. Any of those will often make sunburn disappear magically. They quickly soothe and heal other first degree burns. They increase relief and healing to second-degree burns.

Another remedy for sunburn is to bathe as soon as possible in a bath with at least 1 cup of raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and, if available, 2 cups raw milk stirred into the bath water. Then, very gently rub plain raw kefir, raw milk, or egg white into sunburn every 2-6 hours and let it stay on the skin. That soothes the skin and relieves pain.

SECOND AND THIRD DEGREE, OR DEEPER BURN OR ABRASION may be quickly healed WITHOUT skin-grafts. First, remove as much burned tissue or dirt-filled abrasion as possible and apply a thin layer of unheated honey over burn or abrasion. That may cause 2-5 minutes of intense stinging. Over the layer of unheated honey, apply a thin slice of raw beef and cover with a damp cotton cloth to prevent the meat from drying quickly. Then wrap a bandage to hold the meat and damp cloth in place. Remove the dressing and reapply the same way every 24 hours for 2 days. On the 3rd day, eliminate the honey layer and continue to apply raw beef, damp cloth and bandage every 24 hours for at least 14 days. If pus appears in areas, clean those areas before reapplying the layers. Do not let the wound dry between applications. Usually, if a person has been following the Primal Diet for 2 or more years, a third-degree or deeper burn or abrasion will heal in approximately 3-4 weeks. If a person has recently begun eating the diet, it may take as long as 4-6 weeks to completely heal a serious third degree burn or abrasion.

James had been on the diet approximately 6 years when he was in a truck accident. His skin was scraped from his right wrist to nearly his shoulder. The abrasion was deep enough to expose his muscles, and in some areas his tendons. He instinctively designed and utilized the procedures in the above paragraph for 14 days. In 14 days, his body completely refilled the abrasion with healthy live cells without skin-grafts. After three weeks, I witnessed that the abrasion looked as if it had never occurred. The skin looked slightly pinkish at the spot that had been scraped deepest. There was no scar whatsoever. That proved to me that medical treatment for burns and abrasions was harmful, disfiguring, physically and psychologically crippling, expensive, and in many serious cases caused long-term pain from skin-grafts and scars.
BURSITIS is an inflammation of the sacks (bursas) that lubricate joints, muscles, tendons, and bronchi.

Symptoms: swelling and tenderness of the hip, shoulder, elbows or feet. Symptoms during infection: extreme tenderness and sharp severe localized pain.

During inflammation, eating beef with avocado at least twice daily soothes the condition. Eating small amounts of food more often is better unless you have a healthy appetite. Consuming the Drink for Moisturizing/Lubrication after meat meals speeds healing of bursitis (see page 210). Adding 1 tablespoon of bee pollen to that drink, and eating 1-2 tablespoons of no-salt-added raw cheese with the drink helps relieve pain quicker and for longer periods.

Drinking live orange, lemon or lime juices no sooner than two hours after having meat and avocado mitigates detoxification and alkalizes blood and lymph. Waiting at least one hour after drinking citrus juice before eating beef is better for digestion.
CANCER is basically the body’s inability to discard dead cells. The body gathers those cells in a particular area, called a tumor, until it can later dissolve those cells.

Whether before or after a tumor forms, dead and degeneratively toxic cells must be dissolved and neutralized. Then the waste must be excreted and secreted. The body has two basic methods for dissolving those cells. The body’s natural and first choice is the action of bacteria, parasites and/or fungi. Its second choice seems to be through the action of viruses. Bacteria, parasites and fungi can consume degenerated or dead cells quickly, and the volume of the waste products produced by their cleansing action constitutes a mere fraction of the volume of the original toxic cells. It is then relatively easy for our bodies to eliminate that waste. The opposite is true with the action of viruses because viruses are crystalline solvents manufactured within poisonous toxic cells. The waste from viruses is magnified and grossly distributed throughout the body.

Here, I will explain why the body develops and employs viruses.
Poisonously degenerative cells often kill bacteria, parasites and fungi. When that occurs, our bodies no longer have the preferred assistance of those helpful agents in dissolving toxically sick or dead cells for elimination. Resultantly, our bodies resort to manufacturing viruses to do that job. Unlike the reduction of waste produced by bacteria, parasites and fungi, the waste produced by viruses increases because viruses utilize volumes of H2O to dissolve and dilute dead and degenerative cells. That grossly toxic wastewater contaminates the various circulatory systems (blood, nervous and lymphatic), spreading the toxicity throughout the body. The actions of bacteria, parasites and fungi are always the most natural and preferred methods used by the body to detoxify dead and degenerative cells.

When our bodies are overly contaminated with pollution and too deficient in vital nutrients, bacteria, parasites, fungi, nor viruses can dissolve all the dead and degenerated cells. So our bodies must embalm those cells and contain them. First, the embalmed cells are dispersed throughout our bodies, intermixed with live cells, sometimes creating thick fibroids. When our bodies reach the limit of their ability to tolerate so much dispersed dead cell structure, our bodies must construct tumors to contain the embalmed (dead) cells. Building tumors is a means of isolating dead cells into a localized area so that the dead cells will have less impact on the functions of living tissue and bodily functions.

Tumors are built as benign or malignant. In the case of malignant tumors, our bodies sparsely intermix live young mutated cells with many times more of the embalmed cells. The young mutated cells are phenomenally designed to produce and contain potent solvents within themselves. Those young mutated cells have been termed by medicine as cancer cells. In the case of benign tumors, our bodies do not incorporate those young mutated cells that produce and contain solvents.

The difference between benign and malignant tumors is dramatic. Our bodies, with the help of those young mutated (cancer) cells, can dissolve tumors rapidly, in 2 days to 5 years, depending on the size and number of tumors. Without the help of cancer cells in benign tumors, most often our bodies must manufacture extra-cellular solvents to dissolve those benign tumors, from the outer edges inward, slowly.

Often, that can take from 5-40 years or never, if our bodies do not receive proper nutrients. Therefore, idealistically, malignant tumors are preferable to benign tumors, as long as our bodies receive enough nutrients to neutralize and eliminate the tremendous amount of acrid waste that results from the quick dissolution of malignant tumors. If our bodies cannot neutralize that acrid waste, the waste will injure, damage and dissolve adjacent living cells, such as in the case of an open cancerous lesion that grows and stinks. Read Appendix O now, pages 145-150, and return here.

According to the conclusions of Dr. Harbin B. Jones, emeritus professor from University of California, Berkeley, cancer is like the flu: Let it run its course, and 76% of the time it will reverse itself, even if you do not improve your diet or lifestyle. He made that statement in 1972, when we were less inundated with carcinogens. Nowadays, we may have to change our diets and lifestyles to reverse cancers. Dr. Jones said that although you may temporarily stop cancer, we cannot heal the body with medical treatments for cancer. He testified before the congress that medical treatments were dangerous and always harmful long-term.

There are three factors to address when eliminating and healing cancers. The first is to stop eating cooked, processed and contaminated food that weakens or kills cells with toxicity and debris. Avoiding fried foods is imperative because so many active and volatile toxins are byproducts of frying. (For identified toxins, see the book, The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapters 17 and 18.) The second is to fill the blood and body with raw fats that will dissolve and bind with dead cells and carry them from the body, or at least will neutralize toxicity, so that tumors will cease to grow. A very high blood-cholesterol level (between 250-400) made of raw fats, is almost always necessary. The third is to dissolve tumorous tissue as safely as possible by eating fresh raw citrus or other fruit that is appealing. However, if the tumor has broken the skin and is festering, it is already in the process of dissolving too rapidly. In such a situation, restricting fruit and consuming large quantities of honey would be best to reduce acidity.

Following a balanced raw diet as suggested in the book, The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapters 8-12, has helped hundreds of people develop a high rate of cancer reversal if the cancer has not broken the skin. The lowest reversal rate for cancer on the Primal Diet for people who did not receive any medical treatments has been approximately 90% for all cancers except lung and esophageal. The reversal rate for lung and esophageal cancers has been approximately 60% without any medical treatments. With medical treatments, sadly, reversal rates decrease astoundingly.

To reverse cancer, the best results have been obtained by keeping the diet simple, even though, at times, it is monotonous. (The exceptions were in cases that involved cirrhosis of tissues. Then the diet had to be more complex.) Usually, indications of reversal were achieved within three months of beginning the diet. Some cases took as long as thirty months; they were 4 cases of breast cancer. Only 1 of 239 cases did not achieve indications of reversal. Of those 239 cases, 223 have survived.

Fourteen of those who died were malnourished and very thin. They either refused to eat because of nausea or were unable to eat enough because of pain medication that destroyed their appetites and/or made them nauseous. Vomit is a very healthy aspect of cancer reversal in many instances. Vomit indicates that toxins dump into the stomach and our bodies want to expel them immediately. As I mentioned, Owanza intermittently vomited up to 11 times daily for up to a 5-weeks cycle.
She recovered from 63 tumors. It took her 11 years. She is living and happy to this day, 24 years later.

Raw fats, including some oils, are tantamount for eliminating cancers and should be 30-45% of caloric intake. Raw dairy products are very soothing to cancerous conditions, especially raw cream and unsalted raw butter. Although fats are 80% responsible for eliminating the accumulated dead cells that cause cancer, fats do not work alone.
Protein, unripe fruit and green vegetable juices are essential catalysts.

Eating fatty raw ground beef, and raw unripe oranges or fresh raw unripe orange juice (but not meat and oranges at the same meal) have brought about excellent results toward healing, as well as detoxifying cancers that have not broken the skin. Unripe pineapple, or any unripe fruit that is appealing, can often be substituted for orange. For some people, drinking fresh raw vegetable juices may be more healing than oranges. If experiencing anxiety, eating raw fish with whipped raw cream acts as a calmative. Also, consuming the Nut Formula twice weekly helps to calm anxiety. If those are not immediately available, eating raw fish with a little cooked starch and raw butter or with avocado or with another raw fat or raw oil works as a calmative.

In one case, breast cancer continued to advance to the point it broke the skin, becoming overly acidic. I suggested an alkaline raw milk diet for 3 days with extra raw cream and unheated honey. Also, I suggested fresh raw green vegetable juices. The patient became severely painful, unable to move. Her voice quivered from intensity of pain. Prior to that dietary experiment, her pain had been isolated mainly to the chest and arm. Afterward, the pain moved to her back and then all over her body.
I suggested that she immediately resume eating the normal Primal Diet suggestions for cancer and her pain mitigated within hours.

Through circulation, the body gets its nutrients. Swimming or gentle movement on a regular or daily basis increases circulation to cancer-congested areas of the body. Applying heat to tumorous areas with a hot water bottle helps blood and lymph circulate to those areas, and once there, to cleanse and heal. (Electrical heating pads emit electromagnetic fields that can interfere with neural functions and healing.)

For health’s sake, have some fun on a regular basis, even if you have to work at it at first. Focusing on the positive, even if it’s fantasy, promotes creativity, satisfaction and well-being. Sex is good fun and is good exercise as long as it is not accompanied with anxiety.

Tomatoes contain lycopene that shrinks tumors, including prostate cancer, in cases when cancers have not broken skin. Owanza discovered that eating 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit flax seed oil each day helps prevent tumor development. I noticed that she drank 2 ounces of fresh raw lemon juice blended with 2 ounces of unheated honey and mixed with 4 ounces of naturally sparkling water 3-4 days weekly. None of her cancers broke the skin.

Remember, cancers that break skin are already too intensely dissolving tumors, so the object with those cancers is to slow the dissolution process by alkalizing the body with non-acidic and non-detoxifying foods. That eliminates oils and reduces fruit consumption.

Along with what is suggested above, full-fat raw milk is very helpful for people who have cancer in and around the spine. I suggest adding 3-4 tablespoons raw cream and 2 tablespoons unheated honey to each quart of milk for spinal problems, including cancer.

For cancers in the groin area, such as prostate and lymph, eating raw fish with a Nut Formula, or a little cooked potato, as well as all that is suggested above, can be more effective.

It has been Owanza’s experience that breast cancer in people who have consumed aspirin, other medications, and food additives and preservatives, or have been exposed to toxic chemicals for many years, requires surgical removal. I have not yet come to that conclusion, even though I know that in many people, certain chemicals, like the compounds in aspirin, turn some cells into cement. It is sometimes impossible to dissolve those cells to removable substances. Unlike most tumorous tissue, cement-like cells cannot be dissolved and eliminated by the body.

I have lost only two clients to breast cancer who refused surgery. One was in her sixties and was 135 pounds overweight. For a period of 43 years, she had consumed several bottles of aspirin each week for headaches. As soon as she began the Primal Diet, her headaches stopped and never returned, and her weight normalized within 4½ years. But her breast cancer could not be stopped because of 43 years of accumulated cemented cells. When she died, her chest was overgrown with tumorous sores. The other client was in her forties and in advanced stages by the time she came to me. She was consuming appetite-suppressing dosages of morphine for pain. After four months of eating as much as she could of what I suggested, her tumors began to dissolve (by more than 35%). But she could not eat enough to get strong enough. The one client who Owanza lost to breast cancer was in her late thirties when she died. She was raised and played next to a farm where the crops were dusted with pesticides. A biopsy done and specifically analyzed for toxic substances that occur in many pesticides showed a very dense ratio of those compounds. It had been about eighteen years since she had lived on that farm.

Another client I lost to cancer (not breast) was in her seventies and would not stop taking chemotherapy. She went into a coma on the colonic table (I cautioned her about chemotherapy and colonics). She was the first and last cancer-sufferer I accepted as a client who took chemotherapy and radiation during the experimental period where over 3,000 people tired the effectiveness of my Primal Diet (1984-2005).

Chemo- and radiation therapies are toxic and cause cellular genocide, amassing dead cells that are likely to be built into tumors throughout the body (metastasis), usually within 7 years of treatment. See pages 22-25.

When cancer occurs in an individual who has progressed cirrhosis of tissues throughout his or her body (or in one or more areas), it indicates that tissues are unnaturally polluted with compounds that cannot be easily eliminated. If the body were to dissolve those tissues (cells), the by-products could be so poisonous that the body’s systems could be severely damaged or the person could suffer anaphylaxis. Under such conditions, cancer remission has been questionable, and reversal (cure) has remained doubtful. That is often the case in cancers that have broken the skin. However, two such cases surprised me after six years, by at least beginning to dissolve hardened tissues and creating soft new tissue.

Bone deterioration that is sometimes found in conjunction with some cancers is not directly part of the cancerous process (the process of containing - tumor - and then dissolving dead cells). Bone deterioration results from a severe fat and mineral deficiency that is exacerbated in cancerous cases. In those cases, the body leaches minerals and fat from bones to facilitate the isolation and neutralization of the waste from dissolved cells. Eating unsalted raw cheese with unsalted raw butter (or other raw fat) and raw ocean fish, especially raw scallops, oysters, clams and urchin, supplies fats and concentrated minerals so that the body does not have to leach them from bone. Also, see Clay, page 181.
CANDIDA is a yeast-like condition (detoxification) that eats little stagnant pools of blood that result from internal lesions caused by dryness and cracking of the tissues within the body. Candida fungus cleans the system by eating degenerated tissue damaged by accumulated cooked carbohydrate-based, adrenaline- or insulin-related chemicals. Candida is helpful and should have its cycle. The worst thing anyone can do if he or she wants to improve his or her health is to destroy Candida. Smoking puts a person at higher risk of developing Candida. If a person has a high adrenaline level and drinks alcohol, he or she is putting herself at great risk of developing Candida.

Symptoms: a somewhat pallid complexion, sensitive and swollen extremities, dry skin, extreme lethargy, critical attitude, a general dislike for people, and a tendency toward isolation.

Soft drinks with caffeine, salt, alcohol, smoke, coffee, teas, and aspirin are all poisonous because they overstimulate the adrenals and pancreas, causing excess adrenaline and insulin that spends fat, creating the dryness that causes lesions, the storage of volatile toxins in tissues, and disturbing blood sugar levels.

When experiencing extreme symptoms, eating half of a Nut Formula once daily in the afternoon for 3 days helps remove toxic adrenalin and insulin.

Eating a raw diet with cooked starch in combination with plenty of raw fat eliminates high adrenaline and insulin levels. Eating raw tomatoes, fresh or nonsteamed unsulfured sun-dried figs, fresh raw green vegetable juices, raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and fresh unripe pineapple neutralizes and soothes the condition over a period of years. Eating raw fish or organic raw chicken or turkey helps heal and restore damaged and dead nerve tissue and skin. Raw beef and other red meat may be eaten when the condition is neutralized enough. A sign that a person is too toxic to eat beef is severe itching and irritability, accompanied with nausea after eating beef.

Drinking the freshest raw juice of 1 yam once every 4 days helps produce hormones that reduce the swelling and soreness in the joints as a result of Candida. Yam juice should be consumed within 10 minutes after juicing. To re-lubricate the joints and body, I suggest daily consuming the Drink for Moisturizing and Lubrication, page 210, but made with only 1-3 teaspoons of fresh raw lemon juice.

To temporarily reduce rampant Candida, I suggest that you blend 4 tablespoons fresh lime juice, 1-2 tablespoons unheated honey and 1-2 tablespoons raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar together, add that to 4 ounces of naturally sparkling water, and drink 2 ounces every 4 hours for no more than 3 consecutive days. In some individuals, that may cause increased symptoms for the several days but ultimately it reduces Candida proliferation.
CANKER SORE is an open sore on the mouth that usually burns and tingles.

Topically, it is best not to apply anything. Cankers heal best when left to air. Sometimes though, the burning and sensitivity can be too much.
Applying a thin layer of unheated honey soothes this condition.
CARBUNCLES are deep pus-filled infections under the skin.

Topically, make a poultice with 1 tablespoon powdered mustard seeds, ¼ teaspoon powdered sun-dried clay, 2 drops of royal jelly (optional), and 1 ounce of good mineral water. Applying it to the carbuncle and surrounding area and letting the poultice remain on for 80-90 minutes once or twice daily until it subsides, attracts and absorbs toxins and soothes the tissues.
CATARACTS are the collection of organic waste clouding the cornea and/or crystalline lens of the eye. Most blindness is a result of cataracts. Cataracts are usually found in hyperactive individuals with high adrenaline levels who constantly exhaust blood and body fat levels, or in diabetics as a result of improperly assimilated sugars and medicinal insulin. Their eyes are completely deprived of certain utilizable fats. The body can’t clean debris from the eyes properly and cataracts form.

Consuming 1-3 tablespoons of stone-pressed olive oil every day for the rest of a person’s life stops further development of cataracts, and sometimes reverses cataracts. Eating plenty of raw fat and the foods suggested in Alkalizing Food, page 178, soothes the overall toxic condition of the body due to excess adrenaline. Eating raw salmon several times weekly, and drinking a combination of 2 ounces carrot and 2 ounces beet juices 3-4 days weekly speed healing.
CELIAC DISEASE is said to be the inability to digest gluten. That is part fallacy. Most often, Celiac is caused by the chemicals created from combining certain foods with foods containing gluten.
Symptoms: diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, anemia and weight loss.

If a person with celiac avoids eating the following foods cooked or raw in combination with wheat or corn, celiac will usually be eliminated: tomatoes (including catsup), strawberries (including jellies and jams), apples (including sauces and pies), pineapple, citrus and apple cider vinegar. Starches are usually necessary for people with celiac disease. Therefore, eating a Nut Formula (page 194) at least twice weekly usually prevents extreme anxiety. However, if the Nut Formula does not satisfy starch cravings or settle extreme anxiety, try eating bread or pasta made with refined unbleached nonfortified wheat.

People with celiac may become extremely anxious without the Nut Formula or cooked gluten. When starch cravings strike and the Nut Formula fails, eating small amounts of breads with plenty of raw fat and avoiding the foods listed above in combination with breads usually resolve the problem.
CHICKEN POX is a viral detoxification in the lymph and skin, particularly detoxifying the nerve endings characterized by rashes, and is sometimes accompanied with headache and slight fever. The skin eruptions eventually break and fluid leaks, turning crusty. Usually, the nerve damage results from metal toxicity.

Raw hormone- and antibiotic-free chicken eaten with avocado soothes, heals and regenerates the tissues. Getting a lot of sleep is best.
Eating the foods suggested for Fever eases discomfort (see page 262).
Eating fresh raw unripe pineapple or unripe banana with unheated honey relieves soreness. Eating raw eggs before sleep helps cleanse toxins from tissues.
CHOLESTEROL LEVEL, HIGH AND LOW: Cholesterol are necessary fatty-based substances that help fuel (for example, cholesterol needed for the body to develop sex and adrenal hormones) clean, lubricate, and protect the entire body. Cholesterol that the liver forms from raw fat, or cholesterol that we consume in raw foods like meat, dairy and coconut are all beneficial. It is necessary and desirable for our bodies to produce and consume cholesterol in large quantities.

It is the cholesterol that the liver makes from cooked fat and cooked cholesterol we consume that is the problem. On a raw diet with plenty of raw fat, a high cholesterol level is wonderful and desirable, indicating that we are digesting, cleansing, lubricating, fueling and protecting the body. See Appendix O, pages 145-150, and Appendix W, page 162, to understand why most people have problems with cooked cholesterol.

In all cholesterol problems, whether high or low, there is a deficiency in utilizable blood fat, lacteal fat and lymphatic fat. Usually, those conditions are due to eating cooked oils, especially safflower, margarine, vegetable oils, and any hydrogenated oil. Those oils readily harden and crystallize, turning into rock-like substances, such as amber stone that was once tree oil.

Eating plenty of raw fats, like unsalted raw butter, raw eggs, raw cream, no-salt-added raw cheeses, fresh raw coconut, avocados, stonepressed or small amounts of below-96°-pressed oils provide healthgiving raw fats, making a high cholesterol level beneficial. Many years of eating those fats, raw meats and fresh unripe pineapple gradually remove stored cooked cholesterol (toxins) from body tissues. Note that while a person detoxifies the stored toxic cholesterol, the blood cholesterol level soars because some toxic cholesterol enters the blood to be carried to the bowels and dumped there, or through the skin.

There is no cause for alarm; it is cause for celebration. That process rids the body of cellulite and other toxic fatty storages.
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME is an almost constant feeling of physical, emotional and mental weariness. Often chronic fatigue syndrome is from not having the enzyme-mutation to digest cooked green foods. Avoid cooked green foods. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Eating raw meat 2-4 times daily on a balanced raw diet corrects this condition, sometimes quickly but most often gradually. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12
CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER is a condition of degeneration and hardening of the liver. Although it may not have been caused by the usual volatile toxic condition of excess hormone-related toxins, it is a volatile toxic condition, usually accompanied by frequent nausea.

Early symptoms: indigestion, diarrhea or constipation, fever, yellowish complexion, liver pain and spasms.

Progressed symptoms: anemia, edema, spider-shaped bruises (i.e., internal bleeding) and heaviness throughout the liver area.

For those who experience extreme nausea, eating plenty of raw tomatoes or fresh raw tomato puree throughout each day for as many days as it takes to quiet nausea works best. After that, and for those who have lighter nausea, drinking the fresh juice from about 6 lemons, and at other times of the day, eating plenty of raw fat (especially raw eggs) with small amounts of cooked starches every day helps clean and tone the liver. Eating fresh raw coconut cream with cucumbers dissolves hardening the quickest. Healing the liver is a very long process because, similar to the heart, it is almost constantly working. Eating raw meat twice daily with raw fat also helps restore the liver and liver functions.
Usually, eating unheated honey with every food that is consumed provides the liver with a supply of enzymes to make its work easier.

Most often, it is vital that raw fruit, or raw vegetable juice or unheated honey is eaten with raw fat. That is because the liver’s most complex task is preparing fat that will lubricate, clean, protect and fuel the body.
Raw fruit, especially unripe fruit, raw vegetable juices and unheated honey supply enzymes to make those processes as easy as possible.

When lacking an appetite for any food, eating the butter/honey mixture satisfies the liver’s frequent need for fresh nutrients. Eating a little live parsley helps cleanse the blood and liver, and increases appetite. Eating a little live ginger helps liver functions, and increases digestion and appetite.

Nausea may occur frequently, accompanied by mild or extreme depression. Eating small amounts of no-salt-added raw cheese with equal amounts of raw fat, raw fruit and unheated honey throughout each day, and, alternately, eating raw tomatoes or raw lemon juice reduce nausea and depression. If the raw cheese with raw fat does not reduce nausea, try a little cooked starch with plenty of raw fat.

Also, developing and enjoying a creative distraction is helpful.
COLD, COMMON, is mainly a bacterial detoxification (yellow to clear mucus) that is sometimes accompanied by fungi (green to clear mucus) and very little or no virus. Cold detoxification cleanses the respiratory system, connected lymphatic glands and nodes, and brain.

Bacteria and fungi stir from hibernation to consume damaged, decaying and dead cells. That is the natural function of bacteria and fungi in the human body. After they complete their natural function of consuming degenerated organic matter, our bodies enter an intense healing cycle, usually indicated by fever. When that is complete, our bodies have finished a cycle of improvements. Let colds run their course by supplying nutrients that best facilitates cleansing and healing.

Symptoms: chills, cough, fever, headache, muscle soreness, nose and throat draining, sore throat, temporary loss of smell and taste, and watery eyes.

Drinking a blend of 4 tablespoons raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, juice of ½ lemon and 4 tablespoons of unheated honey the first thing in the morning helps neutralize toxins. Eating smoothies that are made by blending 2-3 raw eggs and ½-1 fresh raw unripe banana or ½ cup raw fresh orange juice helps the body make this detoxification through the mucous membranes easier. Unheated honey may be added if desired. Getting plenty of sleep allows the respiratory system to rest and clean and if that means taking a day or three off work, all the better for excellent health. Eating the butter/honey mixture soothes membranes. Mixing and drinking 1 tablespoon grated raw horseradish root and 2 tablespoons fresh raw lemon juice helps thin mucus that is too thick to cough up.

See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 15, Diet During Symptoms Of Cold, Flu Or Severe Pain.

As soon as fever begins, taking warm baths relaxes us and stimulates perspiration and circulation to cleanse and nourish us.
COLITIS: This inflamed intestinal condition is medically diagnosed far too often among people with intestinal problems. Most often, I have found that people who are diagnosed with colitis have a poor intestinal environment and ineffective intestinal fluids. Colitis is caused by cooked food byproducts and chemicals, including household cleansers that contacted food, absorbed through skin or inhaled.

Early symptoms: abdominal cramps or pain, and frequent diarrhea.

Progressed symptom: rectal bleeding.

Eating raw fresh grapefruit juice, raw tomatoes or raw fresh tomato puree, and small amounts of no-salt-added raw cheese or cooked pasta with a raw fresh tomato sauce made with raw tomatoes and unsalted raw butter and/or stone-pressed olive oil neutralizes volatile substances in intestinal walls and improves intestinal environment. As intestinal discomfort subsides, larger meals may be eaten. Pasteurized milk and its products of any kind can cause mild to severe intestinal discomfort.

Drinking raw plain kefir, when available, or soured raw milk helps restore intestinal flora. (Drinking raw milk that is not soured or predigested by kefir bacillus sometimes causes a problem with colitis.)

See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease for the recipe for making natural raw kefir from raw milk. Eating the fresh raw gel from aloe vera plants is very soothing to intestines.

When volatile and ineffective fluid conditions have been corrected, colitis subsides. Then eating a smoothie made with eggs and unripe pineapple once daily helps to cleanse other toxins from intestines. If the combination of pineapple and eggs continually causes flatulence, eating them separately usually resolves the problem.
CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE is a condition where the heart is unable to pump blood through the body properly. Seek medical help to stay alive.

Eating a strict raw diet that includes a little cooked starch eaten with plenty of raw fat gradually cleanses and heals the heart.
Eating two Nut Formulas weekly helps restore heart nerves.
Eating two smoothies daily (one made with unripe pineapple) helps cleanse and tone the heart. Eating the honey/butter mixture helps soothe it. Eating unheated honey with meat strengthens and gradually restores the heart.
CONJUNCTIVITIS, also called “pink eye’, is an inflammation of the whites of the eyes and eyelids.

Sipping 2-3 smoothies (each made with 4 raw eggs blended with 3/4 cup of fresh unripe pineapple and 8 tablespoons of unheated honey) throughout the day for several days helps the eyes cleanse during this radical detoxification. Getting rest, relaxing the eyes and avoiding sunshine make this process tolerable. Then for ten days more, eating a balanced raw diet and drinking one pineapple smoothie once daily ensure healing.

Topically, applying a poultice made by blending 1 raw apple and ½ teaspoon unheated honey, or a poultice made of 1 red potato or yam by itself on your closed eyes and letting it stay there for at least 20 minutes soothes and relaxes the condition while the diet heals the eyes.
CONSTIPATION is a condition where fecal matter collects, dries out and is difficult to expel.

For temporary relief: Blending a green apple with 5-8 tablespoons of cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit oil, the juice of ½ lemon or lime and 1-2 tablespoons unheated honey usually gets fecal matter moving quickly. Owanza’s remedy is to drink raw fresh grapefruit juice.

Another is to drink the mixture of 6 ounces hot water (no hotter than a finger can stand when immersed for 3 seconds), 4 tablespoons unheated honey, 3 tablespoons raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and the juice of ½ lemon or lime. A less comfortable remedy would be to eat unripe pineapple while drinking 5-8 tablespoons stone-pressed raw olive oil, or 4 tablespoons cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit raw flax seed oil.

Constipation indicates that a person is not eating enough fat, or that he or she is eating too many cooked foods that are drying and hardening because they are indigestible, inassimilable and unutilizable. Eating plenty of fresh raw foods, including plenty of raw fat, usually eliminates constipation.

Chronic constipation results from too little E.coli bacteria in the digestive tract, usually caused by antibiotics, vaccines, food additives and preservatives. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 15.
COUGHS are the body’s way of loosening and eliminating toxic mucus, or increasing circulation to the torso, including respiratory and cardiac systems, intestines and gonads. However, if the mucous membranes cannot produce enough mucus to bind with the toxins, they become dry, and convulsive coughs may result.

Drinking smoothies made of 2-3 raw eggs, ½ cup fresh raw fruit and 2-4 tablespoons unheated honey supplies the nutrients to form healthy mucus and lubricate mucous membranes. Eating equal portions of grated raw horseradish root or ginger root and fresh raw lemon juice helps thin toxic mucus so coughs don’t have to be as violent.
CROHN’S DISEASE is an inability to digest many cooked foods and the inability of the body to prevent undigested food from entering the blood, lymphatic and nervous systems. When undigested food particles enter those systems, they cause extreme reactions, such as painfully swollen and enlarged joints, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Most cooked grains and potatoes are poisonous in cases of Crohn’s.

Crohn’s disease is usually caused by medicinal antibiotics, especially in infancy and childhood, and vaccines. When antibiotic and vaccine toxins enter the intestines, they destroy the healthy bacterial environment of the intestines. That chemical damage to intestines may reach as deeply as intestinal DNA, preventing the natural bacterial environment of the intestines from perpetuating digestive bacteria. In such a case, unless a raw food diet is continuously consumed, symptoms of Crohn’s will persist throughout life.

Eating an all raw food diet is vital to reversal and recovery. Raw animal products, with their natural beneficial bacteria and enzymes have helped restore digestion in all cases, but did not completely reverse Crohn’s in a few cases where chemicals had caused genetic damage to the intestines.

Eating 1-2 cage-free raw eggs every 1-2 hours followed by ¼ teaspoon unheated honey for 3-5 days usually restores some digestion. Then, daily, adding early morning and evening raw meat meals, an afternoon raw custard (see custard recipe page 56, footnote), and 1-2 cups fresh raw celery juice, 4 ounces at a time helps restore strength and bring life to normalcy.
CROUP is a high-pitched cough that is accompanied by difficult breathing. A sore throat usually precedes the cough. This type of cough generally affects children under age five. The cough is necessary to bring circulation to toxin-blocked tissue of the lungs, heart and throat.

Eating honey/butter mix soothes the tissue and eases difficult breathing. Drinking smoothies and eating citrus fruits help cleanse the mucous membranes. Eating antibiotic-free and hormone-free raw chicken or turkey helps to strengthen and rebuild the affected tissue.
CYSTIC FIBROSIS is a hardening and thickening of glands, such as gallbladder, lungs, pancreas, and sweat glands, similar to keloidal tissue. It is thought to be an hereditary inability to digest foods, causing failure of normal growth and development. (It is only hereditary in that the genes have lost access to the plan for synthesizing many enzymes.)
The enzyme-mutations for digesting, assimilating and utilizing cooked green and red fruits and vegetables are not produced, causing dryness, lesions and scarring, eventually producing thick mucus in an attempt to harness and eliminate the resultant toxicity.

Symptoms: poor circulation, respiratory difficulties (especially in the later part of the day), sour palate, mustard taste in the mouth, eyes that have difficulty focusing in bright light, difficulty in communicating, and a feeling of isolation.

Avoiding cooked green foods, and cooked red and orange fruits and vegetables, stops the general hardening of glands. See If I Lack Enzyme-mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.
Eating raw green salads with a raw unpasteurized vinegar dressing helps cleanse the residues and resins that have scarred the glands. Eating all foods raw, except some cooked starches if necessary, supplies the body with plenty of enzymes for digestion. Eating plenty of raw fat and unheated honey with everything, especially with cooked starch if necessary, supplies the body with the nutrients to lubricate the body and make and replace most enzymes that may be missing in glands and throughout the body.
CYSTITIS: See Bladder infection, page 232
DANDRUFF is one layer or more of dry dead skin on the scalp that cracks and flakes. Hardened fat or unutilizable fluid fat are the cause.
The bacteria that usually accompanies this condition are a result of the body trying to detoxify the fat. Some people use antibacterial shampoos. These shampoos poison the scalp. The poisons are often absorbed into the body/brain, causing impatience, discontent and irritability.

Eating plenty of raw fat and alkalizing foods usually ends dandruff within 1-2 months. Occasionally it may return for a week or two as the body discards old stored unutilizable fat and other toxins through the scalp. Those toxins cause the scalp to dry and the upper layer to flake.

During these times, a topical remedy can be applied. Once every second or third day, massage 1½ tablespoons of cold-pressed-below-96° fermented coconut oil or stone-pressed olive oil blended with 1 teaspoon fresh cucumber into the scalp and let stand over night. Then wet hair, wash hair and scalp with a whipped raw whole egg, let egg remain for 3-5 minutes, and rinse hair and scalp thoroughly.
DEHYDRATION is a deficiency of H2O in cells. Drinking water does not supply cells with absorbable H2O. Drinking water causes cellular drying and bloating in the body’s fluid systems. For H2O to be properly absorbed, H2O must be bound to nutrients other than minerals in water.

The only way to properly hydrate the body, is to eat and drink raw foods. Eating tomatoes hydrates cells best. Or blending 3 cups tomatoes, 1-2 teaspoons raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, 2-4 tablespoons unheated honey and either 4 tablespoons unsalted raw butter, or 6 tablespoons raw cream, or 4 tablespoons raw coconut cream, or 8 tablespoons avocado, and drinking it throughout the day hydrates cells wonderfully. A less desirable alternative would be to drink the mixture of at least 2 tablespoons of unheated honey, 2 tablespoons fresh raw lemon or lime juice and 1 cup naturally sparkling water.
See Water page 202.
Transient depression is most often caused by low blood sugar.

Chronic depression is most often caused by low bacterial levels in the digestive tract and/or protein deficiencies.

Transient depression is most often caused by low blood sugar. Drinking a blenderized mixture of ½ cup of raw fresh fruit (such as orange, or pineapple, or whatever fruit appeals to you) and ½ cup unheated honey usually brings immediate relief. Drinking a little and then sipping the rest over a 1-to-2-hour period often creates better results. If hypoglycemia or diabetes is involved, 1-3 ounces raw cream or ½-1 avocado or other raw fat (e.g., raw coconut cream, unsalted raw cheese) should be blended in or eaten with the fruit and honey mixture.
To handle repeated and extended spells of depression, see Appendix H, page 138, and Appendix L, page 141.

Chronic depression is most often caused by low bacterial levels in the digestive tract and/or protein deficiencies. Eating at least 1 pound of raw meat and ½ cup raw cream daily helps ease chronic depression.
To completely resolve it, I suggest eating “high†meat. (See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, High Meat, Chapter 15.

Doing something creative inspires creative thinking for problem solving instead of worrying. Concentrating on creating positive things and experiences helps create a better future. Then making choices based on yourself experiencing a more suitable future makes your future a better reality. Believing in sayings like "too good to be true" closes the door to wonderful experience. Inventions are rarely made by proving something can't be done. Inventions are made by focusing on the possibilities that something can be done. If I had believed what the doctors said about my probabilities, I would be dead. If I had listened to what most of my teachers and counselors told me my aptitudes were, I would not have been able to read a book, much less write this one.

What will you invent or create of your future? For suggestions on creating happiness, see Awareness, page 325, and Mental illness, page 290.
DERMATITIS applies to various inflammations in the skin. These inflammations are detoxification of the lymph and the skin.

Eating 2-4 smoothies daily blended with red or yellow fresh raw unripe fruit (like tomato, or papaya, or pineapple) and getting plenty of sunshine assist this detoxification. If the taste of tomatoes blended with eggs is repulsive, the smoothie can be made with another fruit. Then, in between smoothies, eating plenty of raw tomatoes or a raw tomato drink (2-5 tomatoes blended with 1-4 tablespoons unheated honey and 1-2 tablespoons of raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar) neutralizes toxins that cause this condition.

Topically, rinsing the skin with a mixture of 2 ounces water and 1 tablespoon raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar provides the skin with nutrients to detoxify more easily so that large skin eruptions are not as necessary, if at all. See Acne, page 216, and Fever blister, page 263.
DETOXIFICATION is the metabolic process by which toxins are changed into less toxic or more excrescent substances. Bacteria, parasites, fungi and virus perform many types of detoxification.
Stopping detoxifications will cause toxic build-ups that become disease. It is much healthier in most circumstances to let detoxification run its course while we nurture our bodies with the best raw diet.

I don’t suggest that anybody force any type of detoxification, including by fast or colonic (see Colonic, page 330, and Fasts, page 334 and page 70). Everybody will have enough colds, flu, occasional vomit and/or diarrhea, skin eruptions and sores, and short-term aches and pains (which are all detoxification) throughout his or her lifetime without forcing any more. However, if someone is feeling extra strong, has 30 days when he or she can afford to be lethargic, and wants to rid himself or herself of some of the mutant antibodies caused by vaccines, eating moldy raspberry juice as mentioned in Appendix D, pages 132-137, frees many blood proteins to speed his or her journey to optimal health instead of being utilized by needless mutant antibodies. An orange, or lemon, or lime, or strawberries may be molded and the juice drunk instead of raspberries - whichever is more appealing to you will be the one that is right for you. Note that if lethargy strikes, usually it strikes 3-4 weeks after drinking the moldy juice, and lethargy can last for at least 30 days and, in rare cases, up to 1 year. Sometimes lethargy is accompanied by mild to severe depression. If anyone is going to drink moldy juice he or she should be prepared.
DETOXIFICATION OF DRUGS is characterized by coating on the tongue, sour taste in the mouth, chemical-smelling urine, skin eruptions, nausea and/or headache, and often by the returning of symptoms that had occurred at the time a drug had been taken. See Detoxification, page 255.

Drinking a mixture of 2 tablespoons of unheated honey per 1 cup of raw fresh orange juice helps the body neutralize drugs. Here are the foods that have helped to bind with the following toxic substances and remove them from your body:

Amphetamines, caffeine - carob powder, raw kefir, unheated honey.

Antibiotics - fresh parsley.

Antihistamines - sun-dried powdered clay (twice daily, drinking 2 ounces of good mineral water with ¼ teaspoon clay mixed in, works best). See Clay, page 181.

Aspirin, cocaine (including Novocain) - avocados.

Cough medications, sedatives - yellow banana pepper (yellow chili) eaten with ½ avocado and some raw meat.

Drugs in general - smoothies made with raspberries. See Smoothies, page 200.

Nail polish on nails - (very toxic!) 25% more fat, fresh parsley (15 sprigs daily), and put coconut or olive oil on nails instead of nail polish.

Salt - naturally sparkling mineral water, ripe tomatoes.

Vitamin C supplements - oranges.
DETOXIFICATION OF RADIATION is characterized by nausea, nervousness, and a feeling of extreme sensitivity in the body. Radiation-poisoning can come from medication, medical testing, X-rays, fluorescent lighting, television, computer monitors, laser printers, cellular phones, Bluetooth tech, irradiated food, microwaves, scanners, industrial pollution, jewelry, building material, and EMF’s from improperly grounded electrical connections and operating machinery.

Eating avocado with orange, or with melons facilitates the body’s ability to discard stored radiation. If a person received barium or iodine as an x-ray contrast, eating a combination of raw meat with plenty of beef fat, and in the afternoon, eating 3 ounces coconut cream blended with either ¾-1 cup dark berries (such as blue, black and boysenberries) or 1/3 cup raspberries and 1/3 cup dark berries helps detoxify it. For individuals who have taken radioactive medication, drinking raw milk with unheated honey helps detoxify it.
See Radiation Burn, page 306.
DETOXIFICATION, STOPPING IT. A person who needs temporary relief from a continually heavy painful detoxification may discourage that detoxification by taking 102º-107º Fahrenheit, 1-1½-hours baths 3 days apart. Immediately before each bath, the bather should drink a blended mixture of ¼-1 cup unripe lime juice, 3-7 tablespoons coconut cream, 1-6 teaspoons raw dairy cream or 2-6 tablespoons avocado.

Measured ingredients should be equal for suggested amounts, that is, for a person who is 4’-4’6†the smallest amounts of each ingredient to be blended is 1/3 cup lime juice, 3 tablespoons coconut cream, 1 teaspoon dairy cream or 2 tablespoons avocado.
A person who is 4’6â€-5’2†should blend ½ cup lime juice, 4 tablespoons coconut cream, 2 teaspoons dairy cream or 3 tablespoons avocado.
A person who is 5’3â€-5’9†should blend 2/3 cup lime juice, 5 tablespoons coconut cream, 3 teaspoons dairy cream or 4 tablespoons avocado.
A person who is 5’10â€-6’2†should blend about ¾ cup lime juice, 6 tablespoons coconut cream, 5 teaspoons dairy cream or 6 tablespoons avocado.
A person who is 6’3â€-6’10†should blend about 1 cup lime juice, 7 tablespoons coconut cream, 2 tablespoons dairy cream or 7 tablespoons avocado.
After the bath, the bather will be weak. The bather should move slowly from the bath, and sit to dry. Bundle in very warm natural clothing and take a 30-45-minute easy walk.

The hot-bath routine above works by instigating the healing cycle that relaxes bacteria, putting them in hibernation, and discouraging cells from producing virus. Those are the same effects produced by fever. Fever is an important and beneficial feat of the body. Fever ends microbe and viral proliferation and initiates intense healing (cellular division/reproduction). Usually, fever is accompanied by necessary lethargy that transforms into tiredness. Rest, relaxation and sleep are important because most healing occurs during those states.

Or a less beneficial alternative for stopping painful persistent detoxification for the elderly, is to eat a cooked meal once weekly. A cooked meal discourages continual detoxification of old stored toxins. One cooked meal of baked chicken once weekly usually stops and prevents extreme detoxification of old toxins stored in the body.
DIABETES is an impaired ability to utilize carbohydrate blood-sugar or protein blood-sugar (pyruvate) because of insufficient production of insulin or faulty insulin manufactured by the pancreas.

Symptoms: frequent hunger and urination, impaired vision, muscle cramps shortly after eating sweets, and wounds that heal slowly and poorly.

Medicinal insulin causes poor sugar assimilation and metabolism, and causes the pancreas to further deteriorate. The poorly assimilated and metabolized sugars most often store in the extremities, causing deterioration of tissue and eventual gangrene and amputation.

Eating tremendous amounts of unheated honey (about 3/4 cup throughout each day) replaces the functions of insulin missing in the blood while it heals the pancreas and encourages pancreatic functions.
The best honey for this is a partially crystallized completely unheated honey. Unheated honeys naturally crystallize within a year, unless exposed to hot weather conditions. Refrigerating honey speeds crystallization but remove from refrigeration when crystallization begins.

Eating plenty of raw fat strengthens glandular cells. Eating plenty of the particular meats that are right for you rebuilds the pancreas over a period of 2-5 years. If diabetes is accompanied with other ailments, rebuilding the pancreas may take many more years. If a person is suited for eating red meat, eating raw red fish (like tuna or salmon) with raw beef at least once weekly helps rebuild the nerves in the pancreas. (See Appendix P, page 150.)
When a pronounced decrease in energy occurs, eating avocado (or other raw fat) with raw fresh unripe fruit and unheated honey raises the energy level.

When clients had been taking insulin for at least two years, he or she did best by weaning himself gradually off insulin over a long period - up to two years; it usually took that long before the pancreas worked well enough. When an insulin-taker started experiencing itching of the skin, it was an indication to decrease his or her insulin intake.
DIARRHEA is the frequent elimination of watery fecal matter. Diarrhea should be welcomed (see Detoxification).

Eating plenty of raw fats, especially no-salt-added raw cheeses or raw eggs with raw unripe banana and unheated honey absorbs radical toxins causing diarrhea, soothes membranes and replenishes lost nutrients.
One to three tablespoons of raw carob powder may be added to that combination if it is a smoothie. Avoid apples; they have a tendency to overstimulate the adrenals which often causes more diarrhea. Drinking soured milk such as raw plain kefir helps restore intestinal flora lost in diarrhea.
DIVERTICULITIS is inflammation in one or more of the sacs of the intestines. It can result from food that has collected and adhered to the sac, or toxins within the intestinal walls in a given area. It most often results from a fat-deficiency, usually accompanied by protein deficiency. Often that results in the body’s inability to produce proper or enough mucus to protect intestinal walls. There may be several reasons for fat deficiencies; see Appendix O, pages 145-150.

Symptoms: abdominal cramps or pain, irregular bowel movements, gas, lethargy and continued abdominal bloating.

Eating 1-2 eggs every 1-2 hours following that with ½ tablespoon of butter/honey mixture for 3-7 days calms this condition. Afterward, eating more raw fat with everything that is eaten, and eating raw meat corrects diverticulitis. Eating vegetable salads often slows digestion and irritates the intestines; it is healthiest not to eat salads except as the very last food of the day. Drinking raw fresh vegetable juices soothes intestines. If experiencing intestinal cramps, eating ½ raw papaya with ½ avocado, or other raw fat (except cheeses) usually relieves cramps.
Eating whichever raw meats that are appropriate for you will strengthen and tone your intestines.
DIZZINESS is most often from low blood sugar; see Hypoglycemia, page 274. Dizziness may be caused by swelling in one ear and not the other ear; see Ear Infections, page 260.
DRY SKIN & GENERAL DRYNESS: See Fat deficiency, page 262, and Aging, page 218.
DYSPEPSIA: See Indigestion, page 275.
EAR INFECTION: Resting a hot-water bottle next to the entire side of the head increases circulation, speeds nutrients to the area and soothes pained tissue during this detoxification. Eating tomatoes reduces fever and minimizes swelling. Eating citrus (as well as tomatoes) helps neutralize toxins in the effected area so that healing progresses more quickly.

If experiencing severe pain, eating a golf ball-sized amount of ground meat with ½ tablespoon unsalted raw butter and ½ teaspoon unheated honey every 4-6 hours helps relieve pain and speed healing. Drinking a mixture of raw milk and bee pollen, or raw carrot juice and bee pollen (see Pain, page 297), also relieves pain.

More immediate relief may be obtained by pressing the juice from fresh garlic or onion, mixing 4 drops into 1 teaspoon of room temperature unheated-above-96° Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil, or cold-pressed peanut oil or stone-pressed olive oil, slowly putting drops into the ear and gently plugging the ear with a puff of cotton. Then apply heat with a hot water bottle (not an electric heating pad). Electric pads generate electromagnetic fields that may interfere with neural function and healing.
EARACHE: See Ear infection, below.
ECZEMA is an inflammation of the skin accompanied by itching and scales. See Dermatitis, page 254.
EDEMA is the retention of fluids in the body. It is sometimes a mineral deficiency or mineral imbalance where cells are unable to utilize water.

Avoid salt! See Appendix M, page 143. Drinking honey mixed with fresh raw vegetable juices or fresh raw tomato puree, and eating nosalt-added raw cheese at the same time correct many mineral imbalances. Eating raw fish and getting fresh air and sunshine are helpful.

Nowadays, a major contributing cause of edema is volatile compounds and fluids collecting in the body. They must be diluted or they will irritate, burn and kill cells. See Overweight, page 296, on how to neutralize volatile substances. Read all of: Specifics About Particular Foods, pages 178-207, to know what foods to avoid that create volatile toxins, for instance, coffee, canned food, pesticides and household chemicals.
EMPHYSEMA is swelling and destruction of the sacs in the lungs, usually brought on by airborne pollution (for instance, tobacco smoke, including secondary smoke, smog, and prolonged inhalation of dusts – such as lint from synthetic fibers from bedding, clothing, carpets and rugs, and coal dust). The lungs have become loaded with garbage that they cannot easily detoxify and discharge.

If a person stops smoking, stays away from airborne toxins, including synthetic fibers, and eats a raw diet with plenty of raw fat and raw meat, he or she may have a good chance of living with emphysema. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12.
EPILEPSY is characterized by sensory seizures (change in sensation or loss of consciousness) or convulsive seizures (involuntary muscle movement). This is an ailment that mainly results from a lack of enzyme-mutations, to digest, assimilate, and utilize both cooked fat and proteins. It is dangerous for people with epilepsy to eat cooked meat and cooked fat. In infants and children, I have observed that antibiotics caused frequent or constant grand mal and petite mal seizures.

Eating plenty of raw fat and raw meat has corrected this problem within 9 months to 2 years (that is, unless a person continued to eat cooked fat and meat and take medication). When a person had taken medication for a longtime, it worked best to wean herself or himself over a comfortable period of time by reducing the dosage every three to four months. In infants, I suggest that medication be immediately discontinued and 1 teaspoon of the mixture of 2 parts unsalted raw butter to 1 part completely unheated honey be given every 20-40 minutes until seizures subside. It was best for infants to receive meals of only raw milk blended with unsalted raw butter and completely unheated honey (2 tablespoons butter and ¼ teaspoon honey to 7 ounces milk). In one case, an infant experienced seizures only when she nursed from her mother; her mother took medication.
EYE INFLAMMATION AND IRRITATION: The same remedy suggestions for Conjunctivitis has soothed and healed those conditions. See Conjunctivitis, page 250.
EYESTRAIN: Getting sleep, plenty of sunshine, and eating red and orange live foods, such as raw fresh tuna, salmon, tomatoes, raw carrot juice, oranges, watermelon, and cantaloupe soothe and heal eyestrain.
Eating unsalted raw butter is also helpful. Blurred vision accompanying eyestrain is often a red-meat deficiency. Eating red meat with unheated honey corrects blurred vision.
FAT DEFICIENCY results from either not eating enough fat or lacking the enzyme-mutations for digesting, assimilating and utilizing cooked fat.
Eating plenty of raw fat with unheated honey eventually and properly lubricates and strengthens cells. For a quick body-lubricating drink see the Drink for Moisturizing and Lubrication, page 210.
FATIGUE is the “normal†feeling of physical, emotional and mental weariness at the end of a day. However, if fatigue happens during the day, it frequently results from self-criticism.
Focusing on one’s talents and accomplishments develops and continues them. (If you don’t know you have a talent, you could develop one to which you are attracted.)
Also, see Depression, page 254, and Mental illness, page 290, about creative suggestions.
Drinking a mixture of ½ cup raw fresh juice mixed with ½ cup unheated honey usually brings immediate relief. Sleep is both healing and energizing. See Stress, page 313, and Chronic fatigue syndrome, page 247.
FEVER is a body temperature above the body’s normal temperature.

Fever ends proliferation of bacteria and other detoxification microbes, stops cells from producing virus and initiates intense healing (cellular division/reproduction). Usually, fever is accompanied by necessary lethargy that transforms into tiredness. Rest, relaxation and sleep are important because most healing occurs during those states.

Getting plenty of sleep, fresh air, and eating red and orange live foods, such as raw fresh tuna, salmon, tomatoes, carrot juice, oranges, unripe watermelon and cantaloupe soothe tissues and prevent cellular destruction. If blood-sugar problems exist, add 4-6 tablespoons raw fat to any high-carbohydrate fruit. Eating fresh raw aloe vera gel also soothes tissues, especially mucous membranes, and prevents cellular destruction. Consuming raw cream or unsalted raw butter also helps. If there is not an appetite, drink the freshest raw juices mixed with unheated honey. Raw cream mixed in equal proportions with the freshest raw carrot juice, or cream mixed with orange or watermelon juice is often the most soothing. If a fever rises above 105° Fahrenheit, drink chilled fresh blended raw tomatoes, or fresh raw fruit purees of red and orange raw foods. Don’t panic; when eating a predominantly raw diet convulsion and irreversible brain damage has not happened from fever.

Night fevers - night sweats - are usually a combination of friction from mass cellular division (cellular reproduction) and cessation of intense detoxification. That is cause for joy. It is a time of intense rejuvenation when an individual becomes more alive with new cells.
Sleeping more, getting fresh air and sunshine, and eating plenty of raw meat during and after these cycles bring youth and strength. Eating 1/8 teaspoon of royal jelly with raw meat and with raw fat daily during those cycles increases the body’s ability to reproduce and strengthen cells.
FEVER BLISTER is a sore in or around the mouth characterized by inflammation, swelling and sensitivity. Fever blisters are the result of too many free volatile toxins in the serums in the mouth (including blood). This results from a deficiency of nutrients that neutralize and bind with toxins. A person not getting enough sleep can cause fever blisters and acne because the body spends all available nutrients on physical activity, resulting in excessive accumulated toxins throughout the body.

Drinking the following mixtures usually has healed fever blisters within 36 hours but in a few instances has taken up to 5 days. First food in the morning: heat good mineral water until it is no hotter than an immersed finger can tolerate for 3 seconds. Stir in 2-5 tablespoons unheated honey. Then stir in 1-2 tablespoons raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, 4-6 tablespoons fresh raw lemon or lime juice, and 2 tablespoons raw cream (if available). Last food before sleep: blend 1 tomato, 1-2 tablespoons raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, 2-4 tablespoons unheated honey and 4-6 tablespoons fresh raw lemon or lime juice, and 2 tablespoons raw cream (if available).

See Acne, 216, Dermatitis, page 254, Preservatives and pesticides, page 196.
FLU: See Influenza, page 278.
FOOD ADDICTION is the frequent craving for a particular food or foods. Most people can’t digest, assimilate, and utilize what their bodies need from cooked foods, so they overeat.

It is almost impossible for a person to overeat when on a raw diet that includes meat. The body loses its appetite when its needs are satisfied. If someone deprives her or his body of what it needs, she will experience emotional deprivation (depression), or anxiety (anxiousness and irritability) and malnutrition. Eating the foods a person craves fresh and raw brings on a degree of physical and emotional satisfaction that would not have ill repercussions. For people who crave chocolate, I have included a recipe for a substitute (see Chocolate Substitutes, page 181).

Everyone should trust his or her cravings. Cravings are the body telling a person that it needs the nutrients in the food(s) craved. If a person craves ice cream and raw cream is not available, she or he could eat other raw fat with unheated honey, such as avocados and unheated honey, or fresh raw coconut cream with unheated honey.

Owanza, a nutritional colleague, has found a relationship between emotional needs and physical needs. She has found that people who are overaggressive - trying to sink their teeth into things - have a protein deficiency and need to eat more raw meat, especially white meat. People who crave sweets have a need for a sweet life. Finding and interacting with sweet people will be as emotionally nourishing as raw fresh fruits and unheated honey will be physically nourishing.
Aching or burning feet: Drinking a combination of raw tomato, raw cucumber and raw carrot juices helps soothe the feet. Applying cold slices of fresh raw tomato, or cucumber or potato to the soles of your feet soothe and relax the feet. Or soaking your feet alternately for two minutes in cold and then in warm water as many times as you like stimulates circulation and relaxes the feet.

Athlete’s foot: See Athlete’s foot, page 228.

Cold feet: Drinking a combination of raw tomato, raw spinach, raw carrot juices with the juice of ½-1 hot fresh raw pepper (chile, jalapeño, etc.) and 2 tablespoons unheated honey increases body temperature. Alternately standing on your toes for 1-2 minutes and then on your heels for 30 seconds increases circulation to the feet, warming them.

Corns: Alternately rubbing stone-pressed olive oil twice daily for 1 day and then rubbing cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit peanut oil twice daily for 3 days gradually causes the corn to let go. Peel off the corn and you will find smooth skin. Or, bandage a piece of fresh raw lemon peel or pineapple peel on the corn (inside of peel against the corn) overnight for several nights until the corn comes off leaving smooth skin.
FRACTURE: See Brittle bones, page 234, and Broken bone, page 234.
FROSTBITE: The remedy suggestions for burns are effective for frost-bite. See Burns, page 235.
FUNGUS is characterized by itching and peeling of the skin. All fungi naturally appearing in the body are beneficial. They consume intercellular toxicity, including toxicity caused by antibiotics. Consequently, fungi detoxify antibiotics.

Eating foods that alkalize facilitates the cleansing and healing processes (see Alkalizing food, page 178), reducing the need for fungi. Cooked acidic foods, like coffee, chocolate, teas (including herbal), soups and meat should not be eaten. It is best to let a fungus run its course, usually in 5-6 weeks. If that is impossible, coating the area with unheated honey and covering it with a clean cotton cloth will smother the fungus and stop it for a period of time.
GALLSTONES are deposits of crystallized resins and minerals, the same as kidney stones but combined with bile in the gall bladder.

Along with the suggestions for Kidney Stones, see page 282, eating foods containing a lot of minerals, that is, fresh raw vegetable juices, raw eggs, raw milk (preferably full-fat), raw plain kefir, tomatoes, melons, no-salt-added raw cheeses and fresh raw fish, especially raw oysters and clams with raw fat soothes the condition. Drinking 2 ounces of fresh raw beet juice mixed in other vegetable juices and eaten with no-salt-added raw cheese once daily speeds the process. A raw milk eggnog made by blending 2 raw eggs, ½ cup raw milk and ¼ banana (nutmeg isn’t necessary) works just a little bit slower but sometimes is more soothing.
GASTRITIS is inflamed stomach walls. If a person is paunchy, he or she lacks the enzyme-mutations to digest, assimilate, and utilize cooked green foods. Avoid eating cooked green foods. See If I Lack Enzymemutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Another cause is drinking alcohol, see Alcohol, page 178. Other causes are eating processed sugars, and taking antibiotics.

Eating plenty of unheated honey and raw fat has corrected this condition, that is, as long as cooked green foods and alcohol were not ingested.
GINGIVITIS is an inflammation of the gums. See Pyorrhea, page 305
GLAUCOMA is edema in the eyeball and hardening of the conjuncttiva. Eating raw red meat daily helps reverse glaucoma.
Avoid all cheese for 6 months. Eating ¼ cup stone-pressed olive oil daily, several fresh raw tomatoes blended into puree with plenty of unheated honey and a little fresh live hot pepper once or twice daily, and fresh raw fish at least once daily usually heals this condition in several months. If you are diabetic, glaucoma is probably due to poorly assimilated or metabolized sugars (see Diabetes, page 258).
GOITER is the enlargement of the thyroid. Eating raw fish everyday for five weeks has corrected this mineral-imbalanced condition and helped fortify the thyroid gland. See Thyroid problem, page 315.
GONORRHEA is an inflammation of the urethra and or vagina accompanied with pus. It is a necessary detoxification of the tissues that is usually caused by the inability to utilize caffeine and cooked green foods. Avoiding caffeine and cooked green foods stops the accumulation of these toxins.

See If I Lack Enzyme-mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

It is best to be celibate for 10 days. Getting a lot of sunshine and drinking 2 quarts of raw fresh orange juice throughout the first part of the day and then a balanced raw diet for the remainder of the day has brought this detoxification to a quicker end.
GOUT is a condition in which volatile substances (e.g., uric acid) collects in the blood and around the joints, causing swelling, especially in the fingers and toes. Gout occurs in people who can handle very little, if any, uric acid. Cooked and processed meats produce tremendous amounts of volatile toxins; avoid cooked and processed meats.

Eating plenty of raw meat with raw fat, however, helps remove the saturation of volatile toxins and strengthens the body. Eating raw fresh tomatoes, pineapple and melons, and drinking raw fresh carrot juice mixed with other raw fresh vegetable juices alkalize, cleanse and soothe this condition. See Alkalizing food, page 178.
GUMS, SORE: See Pain, page 297, and Pyorrhea, page 305.
HAIR PROBLEMS: See Balding, page 231.
HALITOSIS is a foul odor emanating from the mouth. In hygienic people, only 1% of “bad breath†comes from decaying teeth. The other 99% of “bad breath†comes from a toxic intestine where foods have putrefied. Some putrid gases in the intestines pass into the blood and expel from the lungs.

Eating unheated honey often (and, when available, plain raw kefir) supplies enzymes necessary for better digestion. Eating fresh raw parsley, or other fresh raw aromatic herbs, or fresh raw vegetable juices or fresh raw pineapple or papaya aids digestion and sweetens breath. Very seldom does anyone on a raw diet have bad breath, and only during detoxification.

Some people are ill-effected by the putrid gases of bad breath that are emitted by other people. Those people get a headache when they are within two feet from someone who has bad breath. Many people who drink alcohol have a destructive chemical reaction that causes their breath to smell like airplane glue. Many people who do not drink alcohol have breath that smells like airplane glue. Some people get nauseous, claustrophobic and headachy when enclosed in an unventilated room with someone whom has breath that smells like airplane glue.
Following the same suggestions above alleviates the gaseous ill effects suffered from someone else’s bad breath.
HAY FEVER is an extreme sensitivity to airborne substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the air passages and eyes.

Immediate relief can be obtained by eating a little honeycomb. Eating plenty of raw fat daily, especially eggs, with red and orange fresh raw foods eventually resolves this problem. For example, a fresh raw orange, carrot or tomato smoothie (see Smoothies, page 200) soothes and sets a condition for healing the sinuses. Fresh raw meat, like tuna and swordfish, help heal and strengthen sinuses.

Also, eating fresh local bee pollen can help reverse this condition. If a person starts by eating ¼-½ teaspoon unheated bee pollen at a time, six times daily, there will be only a remote chance of the rare incidence of anaphylactic shock. If hay fever is severe, working up to ½ cup of unheated bee pollen daily with at least 1/3 teaspoon royal jelly and 1 tablespoon unheated honey mixed with 12 ounces of fresh raw vegetable juice (including carrot) and sipping it throughout the day may be a more palatable form to consume the pollen. Drinking 1/6 of this mixture 6 times daily has stopped sneezing and headache. Avoid cheeses during hay fever season; they can cause dryness of the sinuses.
HEADACHES: The common headache is from either high blood pressure (most often caused by eating salt), or low blood circulation, or toxic blood stream.

High blood pressure headache: Mix 2 ounces of naturally sparkling water with 2 tablespoons of unheated honey and the juice of 1 lemon. Add 6 ounces more of naturally sparkling water and drink. Usually, that relieves this headache in 20-40 minutes.

Low blood circulation headache is accompanied by sluggishness: Mix 2 ounces of naturally sparkling water with 2 tablespoons of unheated honey. Add 6 ounces more of naturally sparkling water and drink.
Usually, that relieves this headache in 20-40 minutes.

Toxic blood stream headache is accompanied by nausea: Drinking 1 cup fresh raw orange juice mixed with 3 tablespoons unheated honey usually relieves this headache in 20-40 minutes. Or drinking 6 ounces good mineral water mixed with 2 tablespoons of raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, fresh raw juice of ½ lemon and 3 tablespoons unheated honey usually relieves this headache in 20 minutes.

Cluster headaches (also called “suicide headachesâ€) are successively occurring headaches that grow in intensity, usually immobilizing the sufferer. Cluster headaches occur in a body laced with volatile toxins, usually from excessive adrenaline, accompanied by low blood fat and low body fat levels. Cluster headaches are somewhat allergy related.
Avoiding the following foods and substances usually solves the problem: caffeine (including aspirin, coffee, chocolate, and sodas), alcohol, processed sugars, cheddar and jack cheeses (even if cheeses are raw), salt and anything made with baking soda. For cluster sufferers over age 25, following these suggestions for at least 3 days weekly for several months before the cluster season begins usually prevents reoccurrence: abstain from the foods listed above and eat cooked starches with plenty of raw fat and tomatoes, and eat fresh raw fish (salmon is more often the most effective).

Migraines are sudden headaches that fluctuate in intensity, usually occurring on one side of the head. Sleeping is the best relief. When awake, eating a little spoonful of unheated honey every five minutes and avoiding all other food, especially avoiding meat and dairy, eventually relieves migraines. If thirsty, sipping some good mineral water, or some fresh raw orange juice with an equal amount of unheated honey is helpful.
HEART ATTACK: Get medical help to stay alive. Then, eating a healthy raw diet gradually restores the heart. See Heart disease, below; Angina pectoris, page 224, Arteriosclerosis, page 226, and Atherosclerosis, page 228.
HEART DISEASE: Eating plenty of raw meat, raw eggs, raw dairy, stone-pressed olive oil, raw pineapple, raw fresh onions and unheated honey very gradually restores the heart. See Angina pectoris, page 224, Arteriosclerosis, page 226, Atherosclerosis, page 228.
HEMOPHILIA is an inability to properly coagulate blood, characterized by bleeding easily and difficulty in stopping a bleed. Heredity or taking medications causes this condition.

Eating a high raw meat diet, preferably a combination of fish with another raw meat of choice, restores health to platelets, and strengthens tissues. Hemophiliacs do not digest, assimilate, or utilize cooked fat properly. The thyroid is sometimes at fault. See Thyroid problem, page 246. Eating plenty of unheated honey and pineapple with raw fat and with raw meat helps digestion, assimilation, and utilization.

During a bleed, drinking 1 cup of raw white cabbage juice mixed with 7 tablespoons of honey helps coagulation. The juice mixtures suggested in Hemorrhage sometimes work better. See Hemorrhage, below.

Aspirin and aspirin-based medications prevent blood clotting, damage platelets and cause skin to easily tear. Avoid those poisons.
HEMORRHAGE is profuse bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel, wound or discharge. To promote and speed clotting: drink 1 cup of raw white cabbage juice blended with 7 tablespoons unheated honey.

Consuming white cabbage will stop hemorrhage even without unheated honey, however, unheated honey speeds general healing. (If you are alone and unable to juice the cabbage, eat the whole cabbage. Eat the honey before, while or after you eat the cabbage.) Mixing 3 ounces of fresh raw carrot juice and 5 teaspoons lime juice to the cabbage juice and honey mixture improves taste for some people as well as speeds healing. Lime juice is the key to preventing excessive infection.

Drinking over a period of 16 hours, a blend of 18 raw eggs, 2 small tomatoes and 2-4 tablespoons of unheated honey usually prevents rehemorrhage.
HEMORRHOID is a distended or ruptured vein in or around the anus. This is a condition caused by the accumulation of volatile toxins.

Eating alkalizing foods soothes and gradually heals the condition. See Alkalizing food, page 178. Avoid black pepper, marshmallows, and store-bought mustard, because they often cause chronic hemorrhoids.

The most effective remedy for speeding detoxification and healing the rectum has been to insert a small-finger-sized slice of raw beef into the rectum, leaving only 1/8 inch protruding from the anus day and night until hemorrhoids disappear. A fresh slice of meat should be inserted every 24 hours.
HEPATITIS is an infection in the liver. This severe liver detoxification occurs in people who lack a particular fat processing enzyme, and is usually brought on by drinking alcohol, or taking legal or recreational drugs (including vaccines, eating cooked marijuana or smoking marijuana).

The missing enzyme can be replaced by eating raw fresh unripe pineapple often. Getting plenty of rest and sunshine, and eating no more than two foods in combination (like a smoothie made with 2-3 raw eggs and 3/4 cup pineapple), and no more than one cup of food at a time, make the liver strong again. Eating pineapple twice daily as often as possible supplies the liver with enzymes that make its work easier while it cleanses and rebuilds itself. Eating fresh raw fish at least three times weekly for the first three weeks, then at least twice weekly for another 6 weeks, helps regenerate nerves in the liver.
HERPES is an inflammation of the skin or mucous membrane, characterized by clusters of blisters that seem to spread. This is sometimes a condition that results from taking medication during chicken pox. Sometimes it is a condition resulting from taking the small pox vaccine. Another cause is very high adrenaline saturation (volatile toxic condition) in the nerve endings.

For six weeks, drinking 1 level teaspoon of powdered sun-dried clay mixed in 2-6 ounces of good mineral water or raw fresh juice helps attract and absorb toxins that cause herpes. Eating raw fresh fish and raw chicken several times weekly with no-salt-added raw cheese and an equal portion of unsalted raw butter for eight weeks helps soothe and heal the nerves. Eating fresh raw unripe pineapple with unheated honey relieves soreness. For many years thereafter, and in general, following a balanced Primal Diet, mainly utilizing alkalizing foods, helps heal the liver and other affected areas. See Alkalizing Food, page 178.
HICCOUGHS are spasms of the diaphragm muscles causing abrupt short inhalations with a slight gasping sound.

Sipping 1 cup of very warm good mineral water mixed with 3 tablespoons unheated honey relaxes the diaphragm muscles within a few minutes.

Applying warmth with a hot-water bottle and gently massaging the diaphragm and the upper spine just below the neck helps relax the affected muscles.
HIV is toxic and exhausted condition affecting lymphatic, nervous and blood systems that are failing, caused by caffeine, medical and recreational drugs, alcohol, smoke tars and other chemicals (including from cooked food). HIV is not AIDS which involves a different virus.

The one client who I followed the longest did very well living with HIV positive for almost ten years. He followed my raw food suggestions only sporadically but they were always helpful. Then he panicked during a three-month bout with tiredness and exhaustion. He underwent chemotherapy that thinned him of his healthy constitution.

Consequently, he died from medical-poisoning within a year. Owanza has found that eating 3-6 tablespoons of cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit flax seed oil a day several days weekly helps strengthen all systems. Adhering to a balanced raw diet makes living with HIV easy and asymptomatic.
HIVES: see Itchy skin, page 281.
HYPERACTIVE individuals are unusually active and are unable to relax, often feeling anxious.

I hope by now people realize that children are not hyperactive because they are deficient in sedatives, drugs, or abuse. Children who are hyperactive lack the enzyme-mutation for digesting, assimilating and utilizing cooked proteins, especially in cooked and processed meat and eggs. Also, hyperactive children lack the utilizable proteins necessary to deal with irritants like mustard, alcohol, caffeine, preservatives, additives and pesticides. Many tests from Canada and the USA show that preservatives and malnutrition cause hyperactivity in children that leads to violence in adulthood. Avoiding cooked and processed meat and eggs, mustard, alcoholic and caffeine beverages (including sodas), preservatives, food coloring and other additives help settle this condition.

Eating raw fresh meat with raw eggs, or raw meat with lots of raw fats alone, usually makes hyperactivity disappear. Also, getting lots of sunshine and fresh air helps the body utilize proteins.

If people are hyperactive because they have high adrenaline levels rather than because of the cooked-protein allergy mentioned above (children of this type are usually thin until at least teenage), eating a Nut Formula at least twice weekly subdues the excess adrenaline. If the Nut Formula fails to subdue hyperactivity, try eating some cooked starch with plenty of raw fat. Eating 3-4 ounces of the Nut Formula or cooked starch with raw fat thirty minutes before homework time, or a test, allows the mind to work without being distracted by excess adrenaline. A hobby, creative pursuit or sport is also helpful for high adrenaline types.

All hyperactive children have potential genius, but unless they can utilize proteins or harness adrenaline, their genius may turn into antisocial behavior. If the excess adrenaline is not spent in physical activity, the body will spend it in anxiety, irritability, bullying or arrogant bravado.
HYPERTENSION is either from high blood pressure or the same causes as hyperactivity. High blood pressure is mainly caused by the lack of enzyme-mutations to digest, assimilate, and utilize cooked fats.

Eating plenty of raw fats with raw fresh tomatoes, eating other raw foods, especially unheated honey, and following the suggestions for high blood pressure, alleviate hypertension. See Blood pressure, High, page 233. See Hyperactivity page 272.
HYPERTHYROID: Hyperthyroid is a condition where the thyroid overproduces hormones.
The same causes and suggestions as hyperactivity usually works. See Hyperactive, page 272.
HYPOGLYCEMIA (low blood sugar): This is very often a condition where the pancreas over-secretes insulin. The excess insulin binds with sugars and turns them into glycogen (a storable sugar), causing low blood sugar, and is often the precursor to diabetes because the pancreas becomes exhausted from overproducing insulin. This in turn overworks the liver.

Along with the suggestions in Appendices H and L, eating 3-4 ounces of unheated honey daily supplies enzymes to regulate and heal the pancreas and liver. Also, eating small amounts of food frequently, instead of normal meals, makes the entire body work more easily and efficiently. Eating raw meat, including raw fish, gradually rebuilds the pancreas. See Appendix H, page 138, and Appendix L, page 141.
IMPETIGO is an inflammation in the skin characterized by itchy sores that tend to spread and ooze yellow pus that turns crusty.

Impetigo usually results from a loss of melanin, resulting from metal and chemical toxicity, especially from injections such as dental and vaccines. Following the suggestions in Diabetes (for different reasons) heals this severe skin infection (see Diabetes, page 258).
IMPOTENCY: Owanza says, “Relax.â€

Most often this is not just a physiological problem. If a person finds himself or herself in a relationship where sex is no longer exciting, letting the imagination run wild with fantasy before and during sex usually gets the juices going again. In some relationships it may be best not to tell your mate your imagined fantasies because your mate may become insecure or offended. For some people, telling a fantasy ruins its potency. For others, sharing your fantasies is exciting and causes sexual arousal.

Physiological impotency occurs from deterioration in the nervous system, medication that lowers blood pressure, psychotherapeutic drugs, genital-related problems, including prostatitis and vaginitis, childbirth, and surgeries or injuries that have damaged nerves.
Spermicides, lubricants, birth control pills and chemical douches absorbed into vaginal and uterine walls cause poor mucus formation and/or production, and nerve damage. A pure unheated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil is the best lubricant that will not cause side effects.

Eating plenty of raw fat with raw fresh unripe fruit (non-steamed dates may be included) and having at least ¼ cup of unheated honey daily stop nerve deterioration. Eating, or blending and drinking, 4-8 tablespoons raw coconut cream with ½-1 cup peeled cucumber helps dissolve hardened nerves. Regularly, eating raw fresh fish heals and rebuilds deteriorated nerve tissue over time.

Another reason for physiological impotency is an intolerance for milk heated above 100° Fahrenheit (pasteurization is about 160° Fahrenheit). If a person suspects that he or she may have a milk intolerance, abstaining from drinking and eating milk products for 2-3 months usually restores potency. Then, for most of those people, drinking and eating only room-temperature or warmer raw milk products will not affect potency as long as unheated honey is eaten with them (for example, up to 2 tablespoons of honey per 1 cup of raw milk or raw plain kefir).

See also pages 123-124. In cases of low sexual hormone production, eating plenty of raw shell fish, like oysters, clams, scallops, and urchin with other raw fats often increases hormone production and sexual appetite. Another aphrodisiac is 2 ounces of cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit peanut oil, 1 raw fertile egg, 1 tablespoon raw carob powder and 1/8- ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract. Eating enough raw meat and 1 cup unheated honey daily usually sustains erection for an hour or more.

Drinking 2 cups of hard peeled cucumbers blended with 2-3 ounces fresh raw coconut cream and 3 ounces of unheated honey usually helps to develop and sustain erections. Adding 1 teaspoon bee pollen to the cucumber/coconut cream mixture strengthens erections for many men but not for others. Experiment and discover for yourself. For some men, raw garlic or red onion is also effective in maintaining erection; for others, garlic has the opposite effect.
INDIGESTION is poor digestion accompanied by a feeling of fullness, discomfort, and any or all of the following symptoms: pain, cramps, heartburn, nausea, belching, flatulence.

Eating a diet of unheated honey with warm or room temperature raw milk for 2-6 weeks quickly aids digestion. If raw milk is problematic, eat a diet of 1 raw egg every 1-1½ hours followed with 1 teaspoon raw cream and 1/8 teaspoon unheated honey for 2-6 weeks, until symptoms subside. If more fluid is needed, see Dehydration page 253. Someone who does not synthesize enzymes well would be much healthier if she or he would eat a balanced raw-food diet only.
INFANT PROBLEMS: There is a terror among doctors about babies under 1 year old eating honey. One-point-one percent of all babies have been known to react badly to honey, causing a few deaths. However, I was unable to find one scientifically proved infant death that was attributed to honey. Those that claimed honey responsible were mere conclusions from surveys that noted the infant had been fed honey. The cause of death was probably medicinal but the doctors were not going to accept responsibility. I wish doctors would react that way with all of their medications and vaccines because the risks of side effects from pharmaceuticals are astronomical. See Vaccine Induce Diseases, page 319.

Since unheated honey is such an energizing and healing food in our fast polluted environments, we would be negligent to deprive our infants of completely unheated honey. If there were any ill reaction to honey in infants, it was probably from heated honeys. A rare infant may have a slight allergy to unheated honey but I have never seen any conclusive evidence of an ill reaction from unheated honey in over 120 infants. To test this without risk, I have put 1 drop of honey in 3 ounces of raw milk or good mineral water. In only one instance, a baby cried continuously for 15 minutes. I tried the 1-drop-of-honey test in a week and there was no ill reaction.

Colic: When an infant enters this world he or she does so as a rawfood eater. The mother’s blood has not been cooked or sterilized even though the mother may have been eating cooked foods. However, babies always developed better when drinking raw cow or raw goat milk because those animals ate only raw food. When a baby had colic and continuous diarrhea for 36 hours with raw cow or goat milk, blending 2 tablespoons unsalted raw butter and ½-1 teaspoon unheated honey into every cup of warm raw milk usually corrected colic.
Sometimes, blending ¼ teaspoon of raw ginger root juice (pressed with a garlic press) with every cup of raw milk helped. If colic persisted even after unsalted raw butter, or unheated honey or raw ginger juice was added, feeding the baby 1 raw fertile egg blended with 2 ounces of good mineral water nourished the baby. However, the immature protein from eggs does not supply much body-building material. Therefore, after a week of raw eggs and water, raw cow or raw goat milk was tried again.

Diaper Rash: Applying a little of the mixture of ½ cup good mineral water and 1 tablespoon unheated honey has usually promoted healing. When rashes had persisted, applying salves for rash usually relieved discomfort immediately (see Rash, page 306). Getting a little direct sunshine discourages the yeast involved in diaper rash. Letting baby’s skin breathe without a diaper as often as possible also discourages yeast.

Diarrhea: Feeding 2-3 tablespoons unripe banana blended with 2-3 ounces raw plain kefir or raw milk stops diarrhea and replaces nutrients lost as a result of diarrhea. If raw plain kefir or raw milk is not available, replace the kefir with good mineral water. Do not feed apples in any form to a baby suffering diarrhea because apples overstimulate adrenaline production, which often causes diarrhea in infants.

Fever: It has been my experience that fevers below 104.5° Fahrenheit are important to healing and do not result in brain damage when babies are eating a raw-food diet; that is, mother’s or raw cow or raw goat milk. Feeding a blend of 2 ounces fresh raw celery juice, 1 ounce fresh raw carrot juice, 1 ounce fresh raw tomato puree and 1 raw egg keeps fever at a comfortable temperature without danger. Feeding that drink slightly chilled or applying moist cool compresses (not cold) to the forehead reduces fever in the head if fever reaches 104-105° Fahrenheit.

Hiccups: See Hiccups, page 272.

Teething: Feeding ½ teaspoon of the butter/honey mixture every 20-30 minutes during obvious gum pain eliminates or reduces pain to bearable. Drinking a blended mixture of 1 cup raw milk and ½ teaspoon bee pollen, or ½ cup raw milk, ½ cup raw carrot juice and ½ teaspoon bee pollen has relieved teething pain. Gently rubbing unheated-above-96° Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or peanut oil on the gums soothes them. See Pain page 297.
INFERTILITY is the inability to produce offspring. If a woman’s reproductive organs are properly formed, infertility generally results from poor mucus production in the ovaries and uterus. The mucus or its fiber is too sparse, or too thin, or too short, or weak. Fertility clinics are usually unnecessary. Spermicides, lubricants, birth control pills and chemical douches absorbed into the uterine walls cause poor mucus formation and/or production, and damage ovaries and ovum quality and production. An unheated-above-96° Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil is the best lubricant that will not cause side effects.

Drinking 2 smoothies daily, 5 days weekly for 6 months, or 1 smoothie daily, 5 days weekly for up to 2 years, along with a healthy raw diet that includes raw meat, corrects the mucus formation and ovum problems. Foods and substances to avoid that interfere with mucus and ovum productions and quality are: coffee (including decaffeinated), caffeine, aspirin, sodas, teas, horseradish and mustard. Caffeine also disturbs the spermatozoa’s swim. See Eggs, page 184.

Occasionally, simply douching with a raw fertile egg at fertility time will suffice. If the mucus quality remains insufficient during pregnancy, miscarriage may result.

I have had clients who had not been able to get pregnant for up to 16 years. They became impregnated after two years or less on a healthy raw diet that included raw meat.
INFLUENZA (FLU): This is mainly a viral detoxification of the respiratory, intestinal and/or lymphatic systems, like cleaning the carbon from a car’s engine. Influenza flushes the body of many accessible stored toxins and allows for a fresher, cleaner-running body. Rejoice and see them through. Increased vitality follows if flu are not stopped with drugs and a healthful diet is eaten that helps the flu process.

Viruses are not living organisms. They are solvents manufactured within cells. They do not self-replicate as believed. Viruses are body soaps. They cleanse contaminated cells, or parts of cells, from the body. When damaged, decaying or dead cells are so polluted that microbes, such as bacteria, parasites and fungi, cannot eat and eliminate the contaminated damaged, decaying or dead tissue, cells manufacture viruses (solvents) to dissolve and dilute the chemically contaminated waste for elimination through mucous membranes, skin, tear ducts, ear wax, gums and tongue.

I reiterate, when damaged, decaying and dead cells are too toxic from chemical pollution (from shampoos, cosmetics, medication, preservatives and pesticides in food, processed foods, and pollution of water, air and land), bacteria and fungi cannot survive to eat and discard those contaminated damaged, decaying and dead cells. The body almost exclusively uses viruses (solvents) to dissolve, and hopefully neutralize and eliminate those contaminated damaged, decaying and dead cells. Science knows that viruses are NOT living organisms. They cannot reproduce so, the belief that they self-replicate is preposterous. Cells manufacture viruses. Viruses are solvents. Saying that viruses self-replicate is the same as saying soap self-replicates.

Eating plenty of smoothies all day long for as long as flu endures facilitates that detoxification process. See Smoothies, page 200.

Stomach flu: Drinking plenty of naturally carbonated water with plenty of unheated honey for a day or so allows the stomach and intestines to cleanse. Then drinking plenty of smoothies, such as eggs blended with unripe banana, facilitates the detoxification and elimination processes.
INSECT BITES: Applying raw fresh raw lime juice helps dissolve and neutralize insect’s saliva. Applying a mixture of ½ teaspoon powdered sun-dried clay, 1½ tablespoons of water and 1 drop of stone-pressed olive oil, attracts and absorbs poisons and soothes the area. Or, if fresh raw corn on the cob is available, simply chew some and apply it to the bitten area. If the bitten area continues to swell, make a poultice with 1 tablespoon corn starch, 2 teaspoons good mineral water, 1 pinch of powdered mustard, 2 drops stone-pressed olive oil and ½ pinch of fresh self-grated nutmeg.

If it is a poisonous bite, apply a poultice made of 1 teaspoon fresh shredded and minced beet, 1½ teaspoon fresh raw lime juice and ½ teaspoon powdered sun-dried clay.

Another poisonous bite poultice is: 1 teaspoon normally cooked moist coffee grounds, 1 teaspoon fresh raw lime juice and ¼ teaspoon powdered sun-dried clay. (I never suggest that anyone drink coffee of any sort, but topically it works for poisonous bites in an emergency.)
INSOMNIA is the inability to sleep soundly characterized by frequent waking and restlessness.

For those who had raw milk available, slowly drinking a blended mixture of 1 cup warm raw milk and 1-3 tablespoons unheated honey immediately before bedtime relaxed them for the night. For those who did not have fresh raw dairy, a smoothie made with 2-3 raw eggs, ½ to 1 whole unripe raw unripe banana and as much unheated honey as desired usually took them through the night. If bananas were not appealing, another fresh unripe raw fruit mixed with 3-4 tablespoons unheated honey worked. (Do not make a smoothie with berries or apple. Berries mixed with raw egg often causes drugs and toxic minerals to detoxify from glands, and apple excites adrenals. Either combination may interfere with sleep.)

For people who felt wired, eating raw fish a few hours before bedtime, and then drinking one of the suggestions in the paragraph above near bedtime got them through the night.

Another choice was a piece of toast with plenty of raw jam made of equal parts fresh raw berries and unheated honey. (Berries, especially raspberries, eaten with the Nut Formula made without egg, or eaten with unheated honey and toast supplies minerals that relax the body, and do not cause detoxification as berries do when eaten with egg or coconut cream.)
INTESTINAL CRAMPS: Eating ½ an avocado with ½ a papaya usually stopped cramping within 20 minutes. Eating honey/butter mixture (1 part honey to 4 parts butter) often throughout the day soothes the intestines. Eating raw custard once daily improves digestion and intestinal ease. See custard recipe page 56, footnote. See Colitis, page 249.
INTESTINAL INFECTION (a detoxification) is characterized by abdominal swelling and discomfort, poor digestion, flatulence, cramps, diarrhea and sometimes headache.

Eating 1-2 smoothies made with ½ raw unripe banana and 1-3 raw eggs, 1 tablespoon unheated honey and, when available, 2-4 tablespoons raw cream daily, and 2 raw custards daily soothes and heals the intestines during infection. Avoid any whole vegetables, lettuce, spinach, carrots, parsley, etc., until several days after the intestinal discomfort has subsided. However, drinking the raw juice of predominantly low-carbohydrate vegetables such as celery and parsley promotes a healthier intestinal environment, but not in children under 15 years of age. See also Peritonitis for the tomato drink, page 36-43.
ITCHY SKIN: This is a condition usually caused by high adrenaline, drugs (medical or recreational), pesticides, preservatives and condiment salt including sea salt (Celtic or other). The excess adrenaline, salt and chemicals utilize all available fats, or fats are not available because they are not eaten, or fats are not digested, assimilated or utilized properly and leave the skin dry. As toxins leave through the skin, they cause excessive dryness that results in itchy skin and sometimes hives.

Eating plenty of raw fat gradually lubricates the skin. Topically, blend ¼ cup of good mineral water, 1 small tomato, or ¼ cup of melon with 1 tablespoon unsalted raw butter, unheated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or 1 tablespoon stone-pressed olive oil. So that the oils are properly homogenized, blend until ingredients are warm to the touch. Pouring this mixture into a hot bath - no hotter than the body is comfortable in - and soaking for 15-30 minutes usually bring immediate relief.

If suffering with hives, pour into a not-too-hot bath the mixture of tomato or melon blended with butter, coconut or olive oil (recipe given above), then add ½ cup sun-dried clay or corn starch, and soak in the bath for 20 minutes. That will draw the toxicity from the skin as well as soothe it. The warmth of the bath increases circulation and hydrates the skin which is usually dehydrated from excess adrenaline or drugs, pesticides and preservatives. See Baths/Sauna/Steam, page 326.

Some people would be relieved of itchy skin simply by pouring 1/3 cup raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar into a hot bath and soaking for 15-30 minutes. To lubricate the skin, add 3-4 tablespoons of raw coconut cream to the bath water.

For people with overactive adrenals (hyperactivity), eating a Nut Formula (page 194) usually resolves itchy skin caused by excess adrenaline. Or a less healthy alternative that works is eating a combination 1-2 pieces of toast, a jam (made by blending 4 ounces raw fresh fruit with 2 tablespoons unheated honey and 2-4 nonsteamed dates) and a fat (½-1 avocado, or 4-8 tablespoons unsalted raw butter, or 4-6 tablespoons coconut cream).
JAUNDICE usually results from liver contamination, exhaustion and malfunction from pasteurized dairy, most medication and chemicals.

Sometimes kidney dysfunction causes jaundice, and sometimes the inability to digest cooked lactate (the milk sugar in pasteurized milk) is responsible. Undigested lactate strains the liver. The same applies to carbohydrates in grains, such as rice, that cannot be completely digested or assimilated, and collect in the liver and kidneys.

Avoid medication, chemicals, including foods grown with pesticides and herbicides, food treated with additives and preservatives, and avoid drinking any milk that has been heated above 100° Fahrenheit for the rest of your life. Avoid drinking raw milk for 3-7 days while the liver gets cleansed and alkalized. Drinking ½ cup of raw fresh carrot juice, preferably with 2 tablespoons raw coconut cream or raw dairy cream the first thing every morning for 3 weeks supplies the liver and blood with missing nutrients during this disorder. See the foods suggested in Alkalizing food, page 178.
KIDNEY INFECTION (a detoxification) is characterized by pain originating in the middle back that reaches around to the lower abdominal area, frequent urination, sometimes blood or pus in the urine, nausea, and vomit.

Throughout each day of infection, drinking a large glass of good mineral water with 3 tablespoons fresh raw lime juice and beet or ½ cup raw fresh vegetable juices (that includes 1 ounce beet juice) with 3 ounces of good mineral water ½ hour before eating has nurtured and soothed the kidneys. (The juice and water were mixed or drunk separately.)

Raw lime and beet juices and fresh raw corn on the cob regulate bacteria levels so that infection does not become excessive. If there is blood in the urine, it is best to stay off the feet and remain sedentary.
KIDNEY STONES are crystallized cooked vegetable-fat resins and crystallized hydrogenated fats and oils, and mineral salts that collect and form into clusters and clumps in the kidneys. I have had many kidney stones analyzed. Most were composed of food additives such as flavor and fragrance oils. Many were composed of crystallized oils from syrups and candies.

Most stones are formed during sleep. Kidney stones cause pain originating in the middle back that reaches around to the lower abdominal area, increased urination that sometimes contains blood or pus, sometimes sharp pains in the kidneys, and nausea and vomiting.

Two to three hours before sleep, abstaining from solid food and drinking a mixture of 1 cup warm raw milk with 4 tablespoons raw cream and 2 tablespoons unheated honey relaxes kidneys during sleep. Drinking a blended mixture of ½ cup raw unripe pineapple, 1 tablespoon raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, 3 tablespoons fresh raw lemon juice and 4-6 tablespoons raw coconut cream helps gradually dissolves kidney stones. Or 6-8 tablespoons of fresh raw lemon or lime juice mixed with 6 tablespoons fresh raw beet juice, 2 ounces fresh raw carrot juice and 4-6 tablespoons raw coconut cream 2-3 hours before sleep gradually dissolves kidney stones. Eating at least ½ cup of raw fat (for instance, avocado or unsalted raw butter) daily usually prevents large kidney stones.

When stones are being dissolved, there may be some discomfort. Drinking plenty of raw milk to which you have added 4-6 tablespoons raw cream and 2 tablespoons unheated honey per 28 ounces of raw milk, and staying in bed for 1-2 days allows the body to use all of its accessible nutrients and energies for dissolving stones, making the process easier.
KWASHIORKOR is another severe form of malnutrition. It occurs in people who live primarily on starches and sugars, especially cooked.

Symptoms: diarrhea, edema, loss of appetite, nervous irritability, poor skin and hair conditions; and in children, the symptoms are retarded mental and physical growth.

Eating a balanced raw diet with plenty of raw fish and/or raw fowl for 3-6 months settles that condition. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12. If after 6 months (when the protein levels are built-up or restored) lethargy continues, eating red meat, like beef, corrects the problem (anemia).
LICE: There are several ways of dealing with these little creatures. It is difficult to ascertain which will work for whom. Use your instincts and intuition.

Vigorously oiling the body, especially the hairy areas, with a mixture of 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar with 4 tablespoons unheated-above-below-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or stone-pressed olive oil or cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit flax oil, and leaving it on thickly for several hours and then wiping excess (without washing) and leaving it on for twenty-four hours smothers lice and retards the eggs from hatching. (Clothes and bed sheets might get stained.) After twenty-four hours, slicing the oily part of the rind of a lime, eliminating the white pulp, and juicing or blending the rind with the meat of the lime, and then rubbing the oily lime juice over the entire body, vigorously over hairy areas, removes lice and eggs.

In case the oil and lime don’t work, simply applying urine three times daily without washing at all for twenty-four hours gets rid of lice and eggs easily. (The odor can be endured.)

The standard chemical attack of poisoning the skin along with the lice may be easier for some people but I certainly do not recommend it. If you use a chemical to rid lice, after use, rinse with a mixture of ½ cup raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and 4 cups water to remove the loose chemical. Then whip 2-3 raw eggs and vigorously rub the eggs into the skin and let them remain on the skin for 20-40 minutes; the eggs will absorb some of the chemical poison that has penetrated the skin. Rinse again with the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. Then apply unheated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or stone-pressed olive oil to help soothe chemically poisoned and burned skin.
LIVER PROBLEMS: Alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, sodas, coffees and teas complicate liver problems and should not be consumed.

Eating ½ pound nonsteamed dates with 12 tablespoons unsalted raw butter or with 1 cup raw cream or with 9 tablespoons never-heated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or stone-pressed olive oil each day until problems cease, helps the liver work easier. (Dates and oil can be eaten together or at separate times.) Then eating plenty of unheated honey with everything, and in between, supplies the liver with plenty of enzymes for its work. Eating 10-15 raw tomatoes for 1-2 days weekly alkalizes the liver. Normally, eating a balanced raw diet with plenty of raw meat over many years rebuilds the liver.

When feeling nauseous, it is helpful to eat 1-2 teaspoons of no-salt-added raw unheated cheese with an equal quantity of fat, especially unsalted raw butter every 2-3 hours.

See suggestions for Cirrhosis of the Liver, page 248, and Hepatitis, page 271.
LOW BLOOD SUGAR: See Hypoglycemia, page 274
LYME DISEASE seems to be another smokescreen to blame nature for disease that is actually created by accumulated toxicity from medical and industrial chemicals, and poor diets. There are only conflicting reports and far-fetched stretches of scientific fantasy that support claims that Lyme Disease exists and comes from ticks. The debilitating symptoms that are attributed to Lyme Disease are common symptoms of severe toxicity. Since the medical community is unwilling to acknowledge that medicine and industry cause most diseases, they search for any relationship between us and other creatures. If they find anything similar, they vigorously attempt to blame that for a disease that they have no success identifying, labeling and treating.

Many desperate people believe the medical community’s weak explanations of the varied tests for and symptoms of Lyme Disease and accept poisonous medication. I have observed approximately 14 people who were medically diagnosed with Lyme Disease and adhered to the Primal Diet. All of them reversed their symptoms within 2½ years. Most felt much better within 3 months on the balanced Primal Diet. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12 for balanced diet.

If you truly have an allergy to the saliva of a tick, following the recommendations for bites would help. Also, blend a mixture of 10 ounces of lime juice, 10 ounces unheated honey and 3½ ounces of raw cream or never-heated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or stone-pressed olive oil. Drinking 4 ounces at a time every 3-4 hours daily for 10 days usually resolves any allergy to insect fluids.
LYMPHATIC CONGESTION is caused by toxicity accumulated in the lymphatic system, especially glands and nodes. The lymph system feeds every cell in the body except red and white blood cells. Additionally, the lymphatic system is responsible for neutralizing toxins, reducing toxins to smaller substances and eliminating them through tear ducts, ears (wax), mucous membranes, bowels, vagina, urinary tract and especially skin. Reversing lymphatic congestion takes time.

Symptoms: muscle and/or bone soreness, skin problems including psoriasis and eczema, chronic fatigue and chemical sensitivity.

From laboratory analysis, I observed that much lymphatic congestion results from chemicals such as medications, preservatives, pesticides and herbicides, in combination with hydrogenated oils such as margarine, soy, flavoring additives, safflower oils, and peanut butter. Those oils and combinations harden over time (5-20 years) and are not fluid at body temperature. Eating a balanced Primal Diet is important for slowly reversing lymphatic congestion (see the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12).

To help our bodies melt and dissolve hardened lymphatic congestion, I suggest taking 1-1½ hours hot baths every 3-4 days. Drinking the following blended mixture immediately upon entering a hot [102º F (39º C) to 105º F (41º C] bath helps prevent the melted lymphatic congestion from hardening as much when the body temperature later normalizes: ¼-1 cup of unripe pineapple, 3-6 tablespoons coconut cream, 1-3 tablespoons unsalted raw butter, and 1-2 tablespoons raw dairy cream.

Measured ingredients should be equal for suggested amounts, that is:
* For a person who is 4’-4’6†tall, the smallest amounts of each ingredient to be blended are ¼ cup pineapple, 3 tablespoons coconut cream, 1 tablespoon butter, and 1 tablespoon cream.
* A person who is 4’6â€-5’2†tall should blend ½ cup pineapple, 3 tablespoons coconut cream, 1 tablespoon butter, and 1 tablespoon cream.
* A person who is 5’3â€-5’9†tall should blend 2/3 cup pineapple, 4 tablespoons coconut cream, 1½ tablespoons butter, and 1½ tablespoons cream.
* A person who is 5’10â€-6’2†tall should blend about ¾ cup pineapple, 6 tablespoons coconut cream, 2 tablespoons butter, and 2 tablespoons cream.
* A person who is 6’3â€-6’10†tall should blend 1 cup pineapple, 6 tablespoons coconut cream, 3 tablespoons butter, and 2 tablespoons cream.

After the bath, the bather will be weak. The bather should leave the bath slowly, and sit to dry. Then bundle in very warm natural clothing and take a 30-45-minute easy walk.

Standard lymphatic massages that are offered by alternative practitioners are brutal, causing internal lacerations, and dried and hardened lymphatic networks to break and leak into connective tissue. The best lymphatic massage is to touch the skin so lightly that it almost tickles, causing great neuro-stimulation between the brain and whole body that stimulates and relaxes all circulatory systems.
MALNUTRITION: Practically everyone is suffering to some extent from eating cooked and processed foods and pollution. Eating a raw diet of fresh fruit with plenty of raw fat, raw vegetable juices, and raw meat strengthens the body.
See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12.
MEASLES are viral infections that detoxify the lymph system and strengthen the whole body. Measles should be allowed to run their course.

Common measles: Early symptoms are fever, cough and eye inflammation. Within 48 hours, red spots appear on the cheeks. Within 5 days from the early symptoms, a rash forms that usually starts on the neck and spreads to the rest of the body. Fever declines as the rash spreads.

To prevent any damage to organs and cells during measles, it is important to drink good mineral waters with fresh raw lemon juice. Drinking smoothies made of raw eggs blended with fresh raw fruit and unheated honey and, if available, raw milk helps to speed this detoxification. After measles have run their course, eating plenty of fresh raw tomatoes soothes and relaxes membranes. Eating a balanced raw diet with plenty of raw fat and raw meat feeds, rebuilds and strengthens the lymph.

German measles (this is the milder of the measles detoxifications):
Symptoms may include fever, headache, stiff joints, and a rash that lasts about three days appearing on arms, chest and forehead. German measles is a thyroid detoxification that causes localized lymph glands to detoxify simultaneously.

Making a poultice of 3 tablespoons powdered sun-dried clay mixed with 2 ounces good mineral water and applying it to the entire neck, especially the thyroid area, for 35 minutes supplies minerals to facilitate detoxification. It is best to rap a damp cloth around the neck to keep the clay pack moist. See Clay, page 181.

Drinking raw milk helps this condition best. However, if raw milk is not available, drinking smoothies made of raw eggs blended with raw unripe banana and unheated honey speeds this detoxification. After this detoxification has run its course, eating plenty of fresh raw tomatoes soothes and relaxes membranes. Eating a balanced raw diet with plenty of raw fat and raw meat feeds, rebuilds and strengthens the lymph.
MEMORY LOSS AND OTHER SIMPLE MENTAL MALFUNCTIONS: Drinking fresh raw carrot juice or other fresh raw vegetable juices with raw milk, if available, daily, restores mental functions.
Drinking fresh raw ginger root blended in raw juices or grated and eaten with other foods helps to stimulate mental functions. Drinking fresh raw asparagus juice with other vegetable juices helps mental functions. A lot of memory problems result from concentrations of accumulated toxins, especially aluminum from vaccines, cooking utensils, canned food and drinks, and packaging, including aluminum foil. Eating ½-1 cup organic raspberries blended with 4-6 tablespoons raw coconut cream, 1 tablespoon unsalted raw butter, 1½ tablespoons raw dairy cream and 1 tablespoon unheated honey helps remove aluminum from the body. Adding ½ teaspoon clay to that drink increases its effectiveness. If you do not like the taste with clay added to it, you could put the clay in your mouth and wash it down with the raspberry drink. See Clay page 181.
See Hypoglycemia, page 274.
MENIÈRE’S SYNDROME is a disease of the labyrinth of the ear characterized by recurrent deafness, ringing in the ear, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. It is chiefly caused by lack of enzyme-mutations for assimilating and utilizing minerals in cooked and processed foods.
Eating plenty of full-fat raw milk, no-salt-added raw cheeses and raw meat heal this mineral imbalance in time. See Mineral Deficiency, page 291.
MENINGITIS is a detoxification of the two inner coatings of the brain (cerebral), or spinal cord (spinal), more commonly occurring in children. Meningitis detoxifications are either bacterial or viral, and are mainly caused by metal toxicity that settled in the brain or spinal cord. Often, they are caused by the mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde in vaccines. The reason so many children develop meningitis is because they receive vaccines that damage nerve and brain cells.

Symptoms: fluctuating high fever, chills, headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, sometimes pneumonia-like symptoms and temporary excruciatingly crippling pain in back and/or legs, and rarely coma.

Eating ½ cup unheated honey in good mineral water every hour for 8 hours has eased congestion. Then eating 4-6 tablespoons of Pain formula every 2-3 hours remarkably eases pain. Eating a little alkalizing food and raw meat, especially fish, every 2-3 hours (between Pain Formulas) has healed the membranes.

See Alkalizing Food, page 178. See Pain, page 297 for recipe, and Pain Formula in the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 15.
MENOPAUSE is the cessation of the menstrual cycle. There is so much psychological baggage with this change (for instance, women fear loss of hormones, youth and sexual appeal), but the only natural loss in this life cycle is the ability to have children.

As long as a woman can digest properly, if she eats a predominantly raw diet with full-fat raw milk (when available), 2-4 raw eggs, raw meat twice daily, and no-salt-added raw cheese, her body will continue to produce hormones and keep her glands and organs from drying.

Eating fresh raw peppermint leaves or fresh raw cucumber (or the fresh raw juice of both) soothes, relaxes, helps digestion, and rids her of the bloated feeling. Eating raw melons, including unripe banana, eases the ill side effects of hormonal changes. If available, drinking 1-2 cups of raw yam juice with 3 tablespoons raw coconut cream with each cup of yam juice once every 3-8 days ensures hormonal production that balances mineral levels after menopause. Yam juice should be consumed within 1 hour after juicing.

For some women, having sex is beneficial because it flushes hormones and expedites the hormonal changes of menopause (not hormonal cessation). If lacking a sex partner during this cycle, self-sex is helpful for some people. Although a woman may have completed menopause, she may occasionally experience menstruation. That is a healthy function where the body cleanses those tissues.
MENSTRUAL CRAMPS are abdominal muscle contractions that sometimes accompany menstruation, and are usually painful. These cramps are directly related to a lack of utilizable proteins in the blood. Either a sufferer is not eating enough meat or she doesn’t digest, assimilate, or utilize cooked meat.

Eating at least 5 raw mushrooms daily for 5 days before menstrual onset with a raw green salad, and eating raw red meat, like tuna, beef, or lamb, usually prevents these cramps. (Raw mushrooms contain enzymes that facilitate protein utilization.) See Premenstrual Syndrome, page 304. Drinking the blended mixture of raw milk and bee pollen, or raw carrot juice and bee pollen relieves pain. See Pain, page 297. For another Pain Formula, see the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 15.
MENSTRUATION, LATE: Drinking 1 cup of fresh raw beet juice with 2 tablespoons unheated honey helps bring on and regulate menstruation unless you are pregnant; or eating grated fresh raw ginger root or fresh raw horseradish root with other foods usually brings on and regulates menstruation.
MENTAL ILLNESS is a condition in which a person has tremendous difficulty dealing “rationally†with problems and stress. Although the problems may be normal, the emotionally challenged individual is overwhelmed by them. Some people react antisocially. That usually occurs in very sensitive, overly criticized individuals who are in constant fear of making disastrous decisions. I have found that the resultant stress overtaxes the nervous and glandular systems. Neural and glandular irritation and exhaustion result in actual physiological imbalances, such as: hypoglycemia, diabetes, thinning of neural membranes, and thyroid malfunction. Unless physical health is restored, psychotherapy of any kind is not likely to be complete or long-lasting.

Eating a raw diet that includes some cooked starch with plenty of raw fat and some raw unripe fruit 1-2 times daily helps balance hormonal levels. Eating plenty of raw fat, including no-salt-added raw cheese and raw cream (when available), and meat, especially fish, gradually restores health to glands and nerves.

A fun deficiency is also the cause. If you are not having enough fun you are probably criticizing yourself and others. Be a cheerleader for yourself. Trust and encourage yourself and others in whatever is right for each of you as individuals. Although education and science try to formulate everything and everybody, no two people will ever think or act alike, or have the same tastes. Just as two flowers on the same stem are different, both are beautiful and right. Only machines that have no choice follow formulas. If you try to validate yourself by comparing yourself to other people’s thinking and talents, you will always be confused and insecure. When you have a taste (a need) for strawberries and someone else has a taste (a need) for oranges, each of you is right for yourself.

Listening to one’s self, discovering one’s likes and dislikes, and trusting one’s choices based on those likes and dislikes are important to liking yourself. Finding an appealing creative outlet, not comparing one’s creativity to anyone else’s, and pursuing that creative outlet help build self-esteem. See Depression, page 254, and Awareness, page 325.

See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapters 12 and 15.
MIGRAINES: See Headaches, Migraines, page 268.
MINERAL DEFICIENCY is the lack of minerals needed to provide for proper body development and/or functions.

Symptoms: very warped and grooved nails, chapped lips, reserved attitude toward people, and lots of fecal matter produced because food doesn’t digest well.

For several days weekly, drinking ¼ teaspoon clay with a little mineral water, usually corrects mineral deficiencies. Most people have benefited best by drinking this in the mornings. Although fresh raw juices, especially vegetable, are high in minerals, the body uses most of those vitamin-coupled minerals in solution to transport glucose to the brain and bind with toxins. Therefore, drinking clay in water, rather than in juices, works best.

Some people need to eat several fertile raw eggs with good mineral water to correct this deficiency. Drinking two eggs and chasing them with mineral water may be an easier way of taking this combination.
Another way would be to blend and drink a combination of 2-3 fertile raw eggs with ½ cup good mineral water, juice of ½ fresh raw lemon, 1-2 tablespoons unheated honey and 1 teaspoon clay. See Clay, page 181.

Some people need to eat fresh raw celery too, to correct this imbalance. Whole celery, not just the juice, should be eaten. Eating no-salt-added raw cheeses also supplies needed concentrations of minerals.
MISCARRIAGE: To stop bleeds or hemorrhage, see Hemorrhage, page 270.

Eating eggs, even when raw, more than 5 days in succession sometimes causes uterine mucus to thin, becoming watery, and increases the possibility of miscarriage. However, eating raw eggs (as in milk shakes and smoothies) for 5 days, then not eating eggs for 2 days, and repeating this cycle helps build and sustain the strong stable mucus needed to maintain pregnancy. Eating a balanced raw diet helps support stable pregnancy. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12.

Too much horseradish may cause mucus to thin and should not be eaten too frequently by women prone to miscarriage, unless they crave it.

Sexual intercourse with orgasm during the eighth month often makes the blood too rich in hormones for the fetus to properly establish brain functions. Sometimes this results in miscarriage. Kissing and petting without orgasm are good. (It might be a sensitive gesture for the man to refrain from having orgasm also.)

Moldy foods and moldy environments can cause miscarriage.

Women who are prone to miscarriage can maintain pregnancy better by remaining flat on their backs as much as possible. Doing Hatha yoga stretch exercises (except for the Sun-salutation) stimulates circulation and tone while being sedentary.
MONONUCLEOSIS often coincides with depressed states of being. Finding a creative outlet, or doing something that is enjoyable everyday, enriches life. Food-poisoning is often misdiagnosed as mononucleosis because the maladies sometimes produce similar virus.

Eating plenty of raw meat helps correct this mineral-imbalance-related virus, that is, detoxification. Drinking raw milk, when available, at the same meal with raw meat helps mineral absorption.

Avoid smoking for the rest of life and try to avoid smoky places. Smoking is especially harmful for people who have had this detoxification. The best healing results are achieved by not exercising for a 5-weeks period during mononucleosis, and afterward exercise plenty.
MOTION SICKNESS is intense nausea caused by involuntary constant fluctuations of the fluids in the inner ear, as experienced in the motion of an airplane, boat or car.

Drinking a blend of 6 ounces warm good mineral water, the fresh juice of a whole lemon and 2 tablespoons unheated honey every 1-2 hours helps relax this condition. Deep slow breathing also helps. Applying gentle pressure to the insides of the wrists gives immediate relief. You may have to continue the pressure for awhile.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS is a disease that deteriorates the protective coating of the nerves in the brain and spinal cord, causing scars or lesions and hardening of the affected nerves. This is similar to ALD which occurs in children, but multiple sclerosis usually develops more gradually in adults between the ages of 25 and 40. It is chiefly caused by metal- and chemical-toxicity, and by lack of enzyme-mutations for digesting, assimilating and utilizing cooked and processed green and red foods.

Symptoms include bowel and bladder problems, dizziness, loss of balance and coordination, emotional, visual and speech disturbances, and paralysis.

Avoiding cooked and processed green and red foods, and eating plenty of raw fats, like raw cream, full-fat raw milk, no-salt-added raw cheeses, 4 tablespoons of stone-pressed olive oil with each of 4 meat meals weekly, and at least ½ avocado daily, eventually stops the progression of multiple sclerosis. Eating fresh raw fish, antibiotic-free and hormone-free raw poultry, raw red meat, and raw eggs provides the body with the nutrients it needs to regenerate nerves and myelin tissue. Physical activity is important to dissolve scar-blocked circulation to nerves. Eating ½-1 cup cucumber with 4-6 tablespoons raw coconut cream and 1 tablespoon unheated honey helps dissolve hardened nerve cells.

Drinking 2 cups of naturally sparkling mineral water daily for 5-10 days restores the electrolyte balance and oxygen level, and reduces adrenaline production that often deteriorates myelin.
MUSCLE CRAMP (“Charley Horseâ€) is a muscle contraction, or spasm, that is most often painful. Arch your foot or hand backward while gently rubbing your leg or arm. There are a variety of deficiencies that cause cramps, but usually cramps occur when there are high concentrations of uric acid in the muscle accompanied with low blood fat or sugar or mineral levels. Eating concentrated carbohydrate foods without fat can cause cramps in hand, legs and feet.

Eating a combination of fresh raw unripe fruit (especially banana or pineapple or melon or tomato), raw fat, unheated honey and no-salt-added raw cheese quickly alleviates cramps. Or drinking 6-8 ounces of raw milk blended with 2 ounces bee pollen, or fresh raw juice blended with 2 ounces bee pollen or good mineral water blended with 3 tablespoons grated fresh raw ginger root quickly alleviates cramps.
See Clay, page 181. Simply drinking ½-1 cup raw cream eases a cramp.
MUSCLE SORENESS usually results from uric acid concentrations in muscles from lack of enough utilizable blood and lymph nutrients, especially enzymes, fat, minerals and fruit sugar.

Taking long hot baths, and eating plenty of raw fish with raw avocado, and eating raw unripe bananas and melons relieve muscle soreness.
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY is a condition chiefly caused by the lack of enzyme-mutations for eating cooked meat and cooked proteins, resulting in atrophy. Antibiotics and vaccines often cause loss of enzyme-mutations or the inability to produce enzyme-mutations.

Physical therapy in conjunction with hot baths and a diet consisting of plenty of raw eggs, raw meat (including raw fish), raw milk before sleep, and at least ½ cup unheated honey daily has stopped and often reversed degeneration. Drinking raw milk, when available, along with eating raw meat (including raw fish) has helped mineral absorption in this disease. Eating ½ unripe banana with 4-6 tablespoons raw coconut cream and 1½ tablespoons unheated honey helps dissolve hardened muscle cells. Getting as much sunlight as possible without sunblocks (lotions) and without sun glasses speeds the healing processes. See Fresh Air and Sunshine, page 334.
NAIL BITING is caused by mineral deficiencies or severe mineral imbalance. A person eats finger and/or toenails, instinctively, to recycle minerals in the nails. Eating any or all of the following usually corrects this mineral deficiency within 3 months: no-salt-added raw cheeses with an equal quantity of fat, especially unsalted raw butter, fresh raw ocean fish (including scallops, oysters or clams), whole raw milk, and, occasionally, ¼ teaspoon of clay. See Clay, page 181.
NAIL PROBLEMS: Avoiding salt most often settles this condition. Salt dries cells and interferes with mineral and fat utilization and the process of building nails. Ridges in the nails mainly result from mineral deficiencies. See Mineral Deficiency, page 291.

Drinking fresh raw milk within 2 hours after eating raw meat helps mineral assimilation and utilization, and consequently this condition.

Topically, making a balm of 5 parts unheated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or stone-pressed olive oil and 1 part unsalted raw butter, when available, and rubbing it into the nails 2-3 times daily is helpful.
NAUSEA is the result of toxins dumping into the stomach to be neutralized or vomited. Drinking ½ cup unheated honey mixed with ¼ cup naturally sparkling mineral water helps ease nausea. The next best remedy is drinking the fresh juice of 1 lemon mixed with 4 tablespoons unheated honey and ¼ cup good mineral water. When experiencing frequent nausea, eating a little no-salt-added raw cheese with an equal quantity of raw fat, especially unsalted raw butter, and a little unheated honey will absorb toxins that dumped into the stomach.
NEURAL PROBLEMS: See Pain, page 297.
NIGHT BLINDNESS is distorted vision, including depth perception, in dark or dim light.

Drinking a blended combination of fresh raw lemon juice, 2-3 raw eggs and 1-3 tablespoons unheated honey alkalizes fluids in the eyeballs. Generally, though, this condition mainly results from low protein levels in the blood. Eating raw red meat gradually improves vision, including depth perception. Drinking raw carrot juice improves the general health of the eyes. Adding a little raw watercress juice to raw carrot juice increases healing of this condition. For better eye health, add 4 tablespoons raw cream or 2 tablespoons unsalted raw butter to 1 cup carrot juice.
NUT FORMULA - blend 2 ounces of nuts, 4 tablespoons raw butter, 1 raw egg, and 2 tablespoons raw honey together.
OBESITY: See Overweight.
OVEREATING: See Food Addiction, page 264.
OVERWEIGHT: Being fat is not a “bad†condition. Fat storages are protective to all body systems and provide stamina. But if stored fat cannot be utilized, it can be burdensome, as it overtaxes the entire body, causes general exhaustion and may harden, causing build-ups, dryness and blockages.

Low thyroxin production often results from overweight. Overweight often results from the inability to utilize fat, resulting in dry skin and listless hair. See the suggestions for Thyroid Problem, page 315.

Overweight often results from the lack of the enzyme-mutations for eating cooked green foods. People who have that enzyme-mutation deficiency often have little white spots on the finger nails or toe nails. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Some people who have excessive insulin production have very watery fat (if slapped, it jiggles like gelatin). The extra water in their fat dilutes the toxicity produced by excessive hormones. Two foods that are especially helpful in reducing watery fat storages are fresh raw lime juice with good mineral water, or fresh raw lemon juice with good mineral water. Raw lemons and limes alkalize the tissues and neutralize volatile substances, reducing the need for edema.

Eating 40% of the daily calories consumed as raw fat supplies the body with healthy fat that gradually cleanses the system of useless fat or fat that has bound with toxins and stored by the body. See Fat For Great Health, page 185, Appendix O, pages 145-150, and Appendix W, page 162.

For people with firm or solid corpulence, eating ½ raw unripe pineapple daily for 2 weeks supplies the liver and pancreas with the enzymes they need to remove hardened fat properly. That regime may cause over-emotionality, so be certain to consume enough raw cheese with unsalted raw butter, raw cream and lots of raw meat. It takes 2 weeks on a raw diet before the liver and pancreas are balanced enough to begin gradually removing hardened-fat storages. Years are required to cleanse those glands of hardened fat. Eating plenty of raw fat ensures that hardened fat will be removed from the body. See Edema, page 260.
PAIN: Avoiding salt helps prevent the swelling and pressure on nerves that increase pain. A very effective pain remedy has been a blended mixture of 7-8 ounces full fat raw milk, 2 ounces fresh bee pollen and 1-2 tablespoons unheated honey. Drink 2-4 ounces immediately and refrigerate remainder. Sip 1-2 tablespoons every 20 minutes until pain is gone. Shake each time before drinking. Repeat the entire procedure if pain returns.

General pain will also be alleviated by eating raw butter, or raw eggs, or any other raw fat, especially when combined with unheated honey. Eating eggs is usually necessary during pain for binding with toxins and removing them from the body. Released toxins cause swelling and therefore pain. However, sometimes eating eggs causes more detoxification, which increases or prolongs pain. If pain increases rather than decreases 20 minutes after eating eggs, stop eating eggs until pain has ceased. After pain has stopped, wait 2 days before eating eggs again.

Pain from broken bones: Alex was a seven-year-old boy who completely broke and dislocated both bones in his forearm and experienced a lot of pain. To make his pain tolerable, he ate a golfball-sized amount of fresh antibiotic-free and hormone-free ground turkey with unheated honey and unsalted raw butter, then waited 2 hours and ate some unripe banana, then waited 2 hours and ate raw turkey, honey and butter again, and 2 hours later he ate banana. He continued eating like that and within 12 hours, his pain was minimal.

Tooth pain: Eating plenty of fish and avoiding citrus and ripe fruit, avoiding exercise and avoiding strenuous activities speed this detoxification and reduce pain.
However, once when I had an excruciatingly painful toothache, to make the pain tolerable, I ate ½ cup of raw ground beef with honey and butter, waited two hours and ate ½ unripe banana. Like Alex did for broken bones, I alternated those foods continuously for eight hours until the pain subsided. If a person is acidic, eating beef can increase pain rather than alleviate it by raising the adrenaline level and blood pressure. If a person is high in adrenaline (an indication that a person is inclined to be acidic), eating beef may increase pain. Therefore, drinking full-fat raw milk blended with fresh bee pollen, and eating raw fish, butter/honey mix, and no-salt-added raw cheese mitigate pain.

Gum sensitivity is most often the result of low blood protein level accompanied by low blood sugar level. Eating plenty of unheated honey and drinking raw milk with raw meat (or within 2 hours after eating raw meat) mitigate gum pain.

Chest pains around the heart: See Angina Pectoris, page 224.

Growing pains are mitigated by drinking plenty of full-fat raw milk, and getting fresh air and sunshine.

Muscular pain: Drinking plenty of full-fat raw milk, unripe bananas, fresh raw unripe pineapple, unripe melon, non-steamed dates and figs, and plenty of raw eggs most often mitigates muscular pain.

Pain caused by fissures in the finger tips: Drinking a quart of raw cream daily for 1-2 weeks, when available, then ½ cup daily until the condition stabilizes, relieves fissures and pain. If raw cream is not available, drinking the juice of fresh whole coconut meat (raw coconut cream) mixed with unheated honey gradually relieves the pain and heals the fissures.

Pain behind the knees is often related to anemia. Eating raw meat mitigates that pain.

Pain in the temples is indicative of toxic blood. Drinking the fresh raw juice of lemons between meals mitigates that pain. See Headache, page 268.

Pains in hands and feet are very often from low blood mineral absorption. Consuming plenty of unheated honey with food and in between eating foods, most often mitigates hand and foot pain. Eating raw fish and no-salt-added raw cheeses with an equal quantity of unsalted raw butter help correct mineral balances. See Clay, page 181.

Pain in the eyes and throat is often from a cooked lactose (pasteurized milk) intolerance. Drinking full-fat raw milk mixed with plenty of unheated honey and avoiding raw eggs until pain is gone mitigate those pains. If raw milk is not available, eating raw meat and drinking the fresh raw coconut cream with unheated honey mitigates pain.

Pain from shingles: See Shingles, page 310.

General tightness in the body often occurs from deteriorated nerve coatings (myelin). Eating plenty of raw fat, raw fish and as much unheated honey as possible with all food mitigates this pain and gradually restores the myelin.

For a general pain formula that has worked for almost every type of pain, See Pain Formula in the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 15.
PARANOIA is an exaggerated fear that someone, something, or life in general is going to destroy you. The psychological cause is cynicism. The physiological cause is low blood pressure, caused by allergies to pollutants, including medical or recreational drugs and pollution, and/or poor diet.

Eating the Nut Formula (page 194) or fresh raw garlic with a cooked starch and/or raw meat usually raises blood pressure within minutes and dissolves paranoia within 40 minutes. If drugs are continued, garlic has a limited effect on raising blood pressure and removing paranoia.
PARASITES that live in the body are friendly and should be allowed to run their course. They eat weak, damaged and decaying tissue.
Parasites usually occur in individuals lacking enzyme-mutations for eating cooked green and red fruits and vegetables. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174. Caffeine causes weakening and decaying of tissue.

If you get too weak during a tape worm detoxification, eating plenty of fresh raw onions with meat usually forces a tapeworm to evacuate with feces. Drinking lime juice usually prevents or minimizes any parasite’s ability to reproduce. Avoiding cooked green and cooked red fruits and vegetables (including caffeine) and eating plenty of fresh raw red, orange and green foods, raw vegetable juices, unheated honey and fresh raw lemon juice cleanse the tissues and stop future need for parasites.
PARKINSON’S DISEASE is the slow destruction of an essential type of nerve cell. Overproduction of adrenaline, accompanied by metal toxicity, is often the major cause. Nerve cells spend too much fat trying to protect themselves from the high adrenaline acidity. Consequently, nerve cells are left deficient and vulnerable to toxins. Compoundedly, adrenaline often leaches fat from nerve cells.

Symptoms: rigidity, cramps and involuntary movements.

Eating a Nut Formula (page 194) or small amounts of cooked starches with plenty of raw fat at least three times daily reduces the high adrenaline that leads to nerve damage. Avoid cooked meats (except cooked chicken once weekly if necessary; see page 255-256). For Parkinson’s, eating cooked meat creates too many volatile toxins, causing irritation to nerves and glands, dryness and overproduction of adrenaline. Eating plenty of raw meat, especially fresh raw fish and/or raw fowl, allows for healing and regeneration of nerve tissue. Processed sugars very often cause adrenaline and insulin overproduction. Therefore, avoiding cooked and processed sugars is essential in correcting Parkinson’s disease.
PELLAGRA is severe malnutrition that is most common among people who mainly eat corn. However, low-grade pellagra is common with all people who have not developed enzyme-mutations for eating cooked or processed greens.

Early symptoms: anxiety, depression, loss of appetite and weight, reddened and swollen tongue, and weakness.

Progressed symptoms: skin changes, severe nerve dysfunction, and diarrhea.

Pellagra can most often be alleviated if the sufferer avoids eating or drinking cooked green foods. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Eating fresh raw greens or the juice of raw greens, if desired, helps flush the accumulated resins that are a major factor in this disease.

Eating a raw diet restores health.
PERITONITIS: See pages 36-43.
PERNICIOUS ANEMIA is the gradual reduction in the numbers of blood cells because the bone marrow fails to produce mature red blood cells. Pernicious anemia most often develops from low blood sugar, usually because of the inability to digest or utilize cooked and processed sugars.

Symptoms: weakness, gastrointestinal problems, sore tongue, sallow skin, and tingling extremities.

Avoid cooked and processed sugars. Eating raw meats, a little raw unripe fruit, and a minimum of ½ cup unheated honey daily supplies the nutrients necessary to reverse that condition. Since many other malfunctions are the result of pernicious anemia, eating small amounts of raw foods every few hours, instead of large meals, keeps the body freshly supplied with nutrients. Eating raw meat, especially beef, at least once daily with a Nut Formula (see page 194) or a little cooked starch with plenty of raw fat inspires healing. When the body begins to have hot flashes, pernicious anemia has begun to reverse. During hot flashes it is beneficial to consume unheated honey in good mineral water, or in raw milk.
PHLEBITIS is inflammation of vein walls, most commonly occurring in the legs. This is a fat and protein deficiency most often resulting from the inability to digest or assimilate or utilize cooked fat and cooked proteins. In many cases oral (birth control pills) and injected contraceptives cause phlebitis. Many cases are results of sulfa drugs or other medications taken to reduce water retention, and aluminum poisoning (see Edema, page 260).

Symptoms: swollen and reddened veins, increased pulse rate, slight fever, and pain.

Consuming plenty of raw meat, including raw fish with raw milk, no-salt-added unheated cheese with an equal quantity of raw fat strengthens the veins. Pain can be minimized by eating the honey/butter mixture or raw milk blended with bee pollen. If feeling nervous, drinking a raw fertile egg by itself is calming.
PNEUMONIA is inflammation of the tiny air sacs in the lungs that fill with fluids and mucus. This usually happens following a severely stressful detoxification or medical procedure that has consumed all available nutrients. Consequently, mucus cannot be properly constructed to protect the lungs. Then, even a particle of dust or lint in the lungs causes fluids to collect, trying to cleanse the lungs. Pneumonia is always associated with internal or airborne toxins that irritate lungs and result in allergy.

Symptoms: fever and chills, more mucus, fatigue, rapid respiration, cough, sharp chest pains and sometimes headache.

Eating a little raw fish every couple of hours and drinking plenty of orange smoothies, that is, 2-4 raw eggs blended with raw fresh orange juice usually has ended this severe detoxification in two days. Continuing to drink the raw orange smoothies daily and eating only 1 cup of raw meat for one week has brought the mucous membranes to a healing state. After that, eating a balanced raw diet that included raw eggs and plenty of raw meat, including raw fish, strengthened and restored the mucous membranes to very good health.
POISON IVY, POISON OAK, and POISON SUMAC are itchy skin rashes that ooze when those plants’ oils contact the skin. They do not bother everybody. Those easily vaporized oils land on the skin or enter the respiratory system and burn the skin, causing blisters that ooze, itch and seem to spread. The body absorbs, dilutes and distributes the oils over the largest area necessary to exhaust the volatility of the oils. The way to remove the oils is to absorb and dissolve them.

Firstly, rubbing raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar into affected and surrounding areas helps neutralize the oils. Secondly, applying clay thickly to affected and surrounding areas, letting it dry and rinsing helps draw the oils from the skin. Thirdly, the Ayurvedic and tribal healing approach works best: Rubbing your urine onto the affected and surrounding areas once or twice daily and leaving it on all day and night usually subdues irritation and heals the condition. Urine, with its ammonia and proteins, helps dilute and neutralize the oils that have penetrated deep into skin. Fourthly, 1½-2 hours after urine has been on the skin, applying the Primal Facial Body Care Cream helps further neutralize the oils, and soothe and protect the skin from additional burn. For the Primal Facial Body Care Cream recipe, see the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 15.
POLIO is a viral detoxification of the spinal cord. Polio occurs in an individual who has an allergy to eating cooked green foods and cooked red fruits and vegetables. His or her digestion has not mutated to fractionate, assimilate or utilize those foods properly. Consequently, resins and residues collect in the spinal cord. However, most often polio has been caused by metal toxicity, especially from vaccines and household and agricultural pesticides that embed, contaminate and degenerate spinal tissue. In all cases of spinal cord contamination in which the body utilizes the poliomyelitis virus for detoxification, poor nutrition during that detoxification often results in massive nerve-cell destruction, resulting in partial paralysis. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Symptoms at the viral stage: nausea, fever, diarrhea, irritability and headache.

Eating raw greens, raw red fruits and vegetables, plenty of smoothies, unheated honey, raw fat and raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar has helped remove the resins that have collected in the spine and nervous system (that the poliomyelitis detoxifies) without causing permanent paralysis. Eating raw meat often, including raw fish and/or raw fowl, restored nerve health. When a person already had paralysis from polio, eating those foods that were suggested above and avoiding those that should be avoided, gradually reversed some paralysis in every case.
POLLUTION FROM VEHICLES: See Asphyxiation, page 227, and Nausea, page 295.
PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS): Low pyruvate (protein sugar) level in the blood is the main problem in PMS. Coffee and substances with caffeine, such as sodas, aspirin, and chocolate, irritate glands and nerves, creating toxicity, low blood sugar and irritability. (If you eat or drink a substance with caffeine during PMS, you are likely to hate everyone.) Also, avoiding processed, cooked and even raw sweets (unless it is raw unripe fruit with raw fat) helps prevent hormonal imbalances associated with PMS. Avoid eating cooked meats because, they create too many volatile toxins, drying and irritating the entire body. Women with too high adrenaline levels should eat mostly white raw meats during PMS.

Eating raw unripe fruit, raw green vegetable juices, and unheated honey encourages alkalinity and psychological stability. Drinking fullfat raw milk (when available), and eating fresh raw fish, raw mushrooms, and a diet that is high in raw fat works wonders. Women who get listless during and after menstruation develop a type of anemia during their cycle. Eating plenty of raw meat alleviates that condition. Eating white with red meat helps prevent irritability. For a balanced diet, see the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12. See Menstrual Cramps, page 290.
PROSTATITIS is a detoxification of the prostate gland. This is primarily related to the lack of enzyme-mutations for eating cooked and processed greens; the resins and residues have collected in the prostate. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174. When prostatitis is compounded with pollution, prostate cancer often results.

Symptoms: pain between the scrotum and rectum, frequent urination accompanied by a burning sensation, blood or pus in the urine and fever. Add the following symptoms for long term prostatitis: lower back pain, premature ejaculation, or loss of potency.

Drinking 8-12 ounces raw green vegetable juices with ½ teaspoon raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar once or twice daily helps cleanse resins and residues that have collected in the prostate over many years of eating cooked greens. Eating zucchini, pumpkin seeds, and unheated bee pollen helps to revitalize the prostate gland.
PSORIASIS is characterized by patches of red eruptions on the skin that are sometimes covered with dry, silvery scales. These sores usually grow in size without healing. Psoriasis is mainly from lack of enzyme-mutations for eating cooked red fruits and vegetables; those resins congest the lymphatic system. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Allergies to volatile toxins is also a factor in many cases. See Preservatives and Pesticides, page 196, Edema, page 260, and Overweight, page 296.

Eating plenty of raw fat, fresh raw tomato puree and other raw red and orange foods (like strawberries, cherries, red bell peppers, oranges and carrot juice) along with a balanced raw diet reverses this condition in time. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12.
PYORRHEA is most often a detoxification of the brain and glands in the mouth that eliminates through the gums, often forming pus and causing loosening of teeth. Some times that condition is caused by lactose intolerance. Pyorrhea can be controlled by improving mineral absorption. See Mineral Deficiency, page 291.

Avoiding pasteurized dairy is essential. When drinking raw milk (preferably with extra cream), blending in unheated honey usually promotes lactose digestion. However, if there is still some upset from drinking milk, avoiding milk altogether and eating plenty of raw fish settles pyorrhea.

Drinking juices too quickly can cause blood pressure to rise too quickly and make teeth and gums more sensitive. Therefore it is better to sip juices. Or eating no-salt-added raw cheese with raw juices prevents the blood pressure problem, and this combination supplies added raw minerals that are so lacking in pyorrhea.

Drinking fresh raw ginger root and unheated honey mixed in good mineral water or fresh raw vegetable juices soothes and promotes healing of the gums. The ginger may be pressed with a garlic press, juiced or shredded, and set to stand in water or in juice for an hour or more.

Because of the solidity of gums and associated nerves, it takes at least three months to stabilize this condition. Having patience and eating properly will see a person through without having to have teeth extracted. Inflammation usually prevents chewing, so blending raw foods and making raw meat into pâté makes eating easier. See Pâté, page 211. For a balanced diet, see the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12.

General gum sensitivity is most often the result of low blood protein level accompanied by low blood sugar level. General gum sensitivity should not be confused with pyorrhea. See Pain, Gum Sensitivity, page 298.
RADIATION BURN: Topically, applying a poultice made of 1 cup raw coconut cream, unheated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or stone-pressed olive oil, ½ cup fresh raw tomato puree, 1 raw fertile egg and ½ tablespoon of sun-dried powdered clay on radiation burn, covering with a white cotton or silk cloth, for at least 1 hour 4 times daily soothes and promotes healing. Fresh raw aloe vera gel, taken directly from a leaf, may be added to that formula for better results.

Drinking within 4 hours of making a mixture of 15 raw eggs, 2 unripe bananas, and ½ cup unheated honey blended together helps heal and strengthen burned cells. Adding fresh raw aloe vera gel to that recipe improves results. For the rest of the day, eating plenty of raw full-fat milk and honey, or raw fresh unripe fruit and raw fish, and getting plenty of fresh air in the shade soothes and refreshes the body. See Burns, page 235.
RADIATION-POISONING: See Detoxification of Radiation, page 257.
RAGE: See Anger, page 224, and Hypoglycemia, page 274.
RASH is a detoxification of or through the skin, often involving yeast. The remedies for burns usually effect immediate relief from itching and aid healing. Another effective salve can be made by blending ½ tomato, 1 teaspoon unheated-abovve-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil, or raw coconut cream or stone-pressed olive oil, ¼ teaspoon sun-dried clay and 1/8 teaspoon royal jelly. Alternating these two salves speeds detoxification and usually prevents thickened and hardened tissue (scarring). See Infant Problems, Diaper Rash, page 277.
RECTAL ITCHING is most often unidentified yeast cleaning the area. Soak a cotton or silk cloth in a mixture of equal portions of plain raw kefir and raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, and slightly tuck the cloth into the rectum. Let it stay over night and all day for constant relief until the rectal detoxification stops. For longer-lasting relief with only nightly insertion of the cloth, add to that mixture, unheated-above-96º Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil or cold-pressed-below-96° Fahrenheit peanut oil. Either oil may be used by itself but itching may be persistent. The most effective remedy for speeding detoxification and healing the rectum has been to insert a small-finger-sized slice of raw beef into the rectum, leaving only 1/8 inch protruding from the anus all day and night.
RHEUMATIC FEVER is a detoxification of connective tissue linking muscles, cartilage, and bone. It occurs mainly in children, ages 4-18, whose lymph systems are impaired. Rheumatic fever is characterized by fever, swelling and pain in joints, sore throat, and heart complications, and often is caused by vaccines, antibiotics, medications, or toxins consumed by the mother during fetal development. When a wholesome raw diet had not been adhered to during this process, the RNA and DNA were further damaged, causing residual problems, such as heart disease, arthritis, chorea, tissue and skin problems. Rheumatic fever occurs in people who lack enzyme-mutations for eating cooked green and cooked red fruits and vegetables, causing acidity and other volatile toxins that damage cells. Usually, molds are active in this condition, affecting connective tissue and the heart.

Avoiding cooked green and cooked red fruits and vegetables is a start.
See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.
Eating plenty of fresh raw alkalizing foods most often relaxed symptoms within three weeks. However, the energy level often remained low until the heart was repaired. Eating a balanced raw diet, including raw meat at least 5 days weekly, usually stabilized the heart within six months. Complete healing takes many years.
RHEUMATISM is acute and chronic stiffness of the muscles with pain in the joints. Usually, that results from low blood protein sugar accompanied by lack of enzyme-mutations for eating cooked green and yellow foods. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174. Avoiding cooked green and cooked yellow foods, and eating raw foods, including raw pineapple with raw meat and raw fat usually resolve rheumatism.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: see Rheumatism, above, and Arthritis, page 226.
RHINITIS is a detoxification of the nasal mucosa that causes increased mucous secretions and nasal congestion. That condition is related to brain toxicity and lack of enzyme-mutations for eating cooked red fruits and vegetables and sometimes cooked yellow foods.

See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174. Avoiding cooked red and cooked yellow fruits and vegetables stops the build-up of cooked resins and residues, reducing damage from detoxifying through the nasal passages. The flow of mucus is necessary to free the body of toxins. Eating smoothies and raw red and raw yellow fruits and vegetables, including juices, helps to soothe nasal passages.

Poor thyroid function usually accompanies rhinitis. See Thyroid Problem, page 315.
RICKETS is severe malnutrition characterized in children by soft weak bones causing malformations like: bowlegs, knock-knees, narrow rib cage, bony beads along the ribs and protruded breast plate. In adults it occurs during severe bodily stress such as pregnancy and breastfeeding, and is accompanied by weakness and aching joints. Generally, rickets is caused by the same mineral toxicity and deficiency that creates low thyroid production. See Thyroid Problem, Underactive, page 315.
SALT CRAVING: Generally, a craving for salt is caused by poor thyroxin production (a thyroid hormone). See Thyroid Problem, page 315, Appendix I, page 139, and Appendix M, page 143.

Raw glandular thyroid supplements are helpful, enabling the thyroid to relearn the chemical structure of thyroxin so that it can produce it.
Eating raw deep sea fish (tuna, salmon, swordfish), raw oysters, raw scallops, raw clams, no-salt-added raw cheese, unripe melons with an equal quantity of raw fat, plenty of raw tomatoes, and fresh raw celery, supply the body with minerals necessary to stabilize mineral balance and for the thyroid to produce thyroxin. See Mineral Deficiency, page 291.

However, about 0.5% of the human population needs salt once weekly. Therefore, if after two months of eating the foods suggested above, you continue to have an unusual craving for salt, eating only two grains of unprocessed salt once or twice weekly usually satisfies and calms the system and settles the craving with little or no cellular destruction.
SCIATICA is characterized by tenderness or pain in the sciatic nerve that runs from the back at the waist, down the hip and thigh to the ankle. Tenderness or pain can occur at any point along the sciatic nerve.

Drinking full-fat raw milk is very helpful for people with spinal problems. I suggest adding 3-4 tablespoons raw cream and 2 tablespoons unheated honey to each quart of milk.
Often, sciatica is associated with liver problems. When functions of the liver improve, symptoms of sciatica usually disappear. See Liver Problems, page 285 (the remedy suggestions are the same for sciatica, even if you don’t have a liver problem).

Most sciatica problems result from metal or chemical toxicity in the bones and/or tendons in the spine and sciatic nerves. That toxicity enters the sciatic nerves, causing cellular damage and swelling.
Usually, infection results to remove cellular decay. Drinking any of the remedies for pain every 2-3 hours mitigates pain. Soaking for about an hour in a hot bath helps relax the back. Following a balanced raw diet as suggested under Mineral Deficiency (page 291) will cleanse and strengthen the sciatic nerves.

Enjoying hot baths for up to 8 hours helps discharge electricity from back pain into the water instead of into the brain. See Bath, page 326.
SCOLIOSIS is curvature of the spine that sometimes causes pinched nerves and pain.

On a balanced raw diet with Nut Formula (page 194) or a little cooked starches, the spine straightens itself over a period of several years. Although completely straightening of the spine can’t always be expected, you can eliminate the pain that periodically accompanies scoliosis.
Eating raw meat, including raw fish and/or raw fowl, helps to relax the tension and discomfort, and rebuild the spine.
SCURVY is a form of malnutrition, characterized by swollen and bleeding gums, rough dry discolored skin, tenderness of joints and muscles, bruising easily, poor healing of wounds, and susceptibility to frequent detoxification (infections, parasites, virus, etc.). Scurvy occurs in individuals who lack the ability to assimilate cooked sugars and cooked fat properly. A lack of enzyme-mutations for eating cooked yellow foods is sometimes also a factor in scurvy. (Cooked yellow foods in some people rob blood sugars that are needed throughout the body.)

Avoiding cooked and processed sugars and fat and cooked yellow foods settles scurvy. Eating plenty of fresh unripe fruit and fresh parsley leaves usually relaxes symptoms in a few days. Eating plenty of unheated honey helps the utilization or elimination of stored processed sugars (such as glycogen). Then eating a balanced raw diet that includes raw meat corrects scurvy. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12.
The SHAKES are a sensation of inner or outer trembling that often makes a person feel uncontrollable. Usually this is a condition resulting from low blood protein.

Eating raw meat with raw fat usually calms the shakes within 30 minutes. However, some people need to eat 1-4 raw eggs without any other foods for a period of ½-1 hour. If you have a protein assimilation problem, regularly eating raw mushrooms and unheated honey with raw meat usually resolves it.
SHINGLES is a detoxification of the skin’s nerve endings, resulting in blisters, crustiness, and pain that can last for weeks. Shingles directly relates to a lack of enzyme-mutations for eliminating cooked and processed sugars. Those sharp crystallized toxins then store in the skin, irritating nerve endings, causing shingles.

Avoiding cooked and processed sugars, and eating plenty of unheated honey (1-1½ cups daily for 2-3 weeks), and fresh unripe fruit, especially bananas, resolve this condition within a few days. Eating plenty of raw meat gradually heals the damage done by the cooked and processed radical sugars. If the nerves are scarred, eating cucumber with coconut meat or raw coconut cream gradually dissolves scars.
SINUSITIS is a mild detoxification of the sinus passages, causing mucus congestion and discharge, earache, headache, pain in or around the eyes, fatigue, cough, low fever and susceptibility to other detoxification (infections).

Avoiding coffee, teas and all substances that contain caffeine eliminates ½ of the toxins being discharged during sinusitis. Sunshine helps heal this condition. Eating plenty of raw fish, plenty of fresh raw lemon juice, 3-6 raw eggs daily, and not drinking much milk until the condition clears, speeds this detoxification. Eating equal portions of grated raw horseradish root, fresh raw lemon juice and unheated honey helps thin mucus.

See suggestions for Thyroid, Underactive, page 315.
SLEEPLESSNESS: See Insomnia, page 280.
SMOKING ADDICTION is rarely an addiction to nicotine. It is always a need for enzymes and blood sugar. Smoking causes a toxic response in the body that forces the liver to produce hormones that call for stored sugars. The preferred blood sugar glycogen is made of the protein sugar pyruvate that is best obtained from eating raw meat. It can enter the blood to help arrest monoxides and tars. The raised blood sugar level causes a rush of energy. The rush from smoking is not a healthy way to raise blood sugar and enzymes to increase energy because monoxides and tars poison and kill cells and clog the body. Over many years, if those tars remain in the body, they crystallize and clog and dry many bodily systems, especially kidneys and lungs.

A raw diet high in unheated honey, raw unripe fruit, raw fat, and raw meat is a preferable way to keep blood sugar levels and energy high. Eating unripe melons and pink grapefruit help the body remove tars from membranes and blood. Drinking a blended mixture of ½-1 cup fresh unripe pineapple or apple, ½-1 cup peeled cucumber, ¼-½ cup unheated honey, ½ teaspoon raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and 4 tablespoons raw coconut cream 3 days weekly helps dissolve tars and tar crystals. Drinking that mixture and eating fresh raw fruit in combination with raw fat every 3-4 hours, and whenever you crave a smoke, and taking deep breaths of air, especially fresh air, usually alleviate the craving for a smoke.
SORE THROAT: Drinking a mixture of 4 ounces warm good mineral water, 1-2 tablespoons raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, 2-3 tablespoons fresh raw lemon juice, and 2-4 tablespoons unheated honey several times daily usually relieves sore throat in minutes and keeps the symptoms relatively unnoticeable. If not, see Pain, page 297. See the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 15.
SPINAL MENINGITIS: see Meningitis, page 289.
SPRAIN: Warmth increases circulation and healing. Cold compresses reduce circulation and healing. Therefore, to promote healing to the area, apply warm compresses over a liniment made of leek.

To make the liniment, juice 1 leek and 1 tablespoon fresh raw ginger root (or blend and strain), and mix with either 4 tablespoons of raw coconut cream, or unheated-above-96° Fahrenheit fermented coconut oil, peanut oil or olive oil. For preferred healing, wrap the sprain in thinly sliced warm raw steak. To warm the steak, place it in a closed glass jar and immerse in a hot bowl of water (not too hot).

Following the same suggestions for bruises will heal sprains (see Bruise, page 235).
STIFFNESS: The Drink for Moisturizing and Lubrication relaxes the body (see page 210). Drinking that before bedtime has produced the best results.

If a person is chronically stiff, most often she or he lacks enzyme-mutations for eating cooked red fruits and vegetables that results in toxicity and mineral deficiency. Avoiding cooked red fruits and vegetables and having the raw egg/butter/honey/lemon drink (given in the preceding paragraph) at least once daily relieves stiffness. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174. See Mineral Deficiency, page 291.
STOMACH, ACID: Eating no-salt-added raw cheese, or raw fresh coconut, or bread (unbleached and nonfortified), and sipping honey usually absorbs stomach acidity. Drinking a mixture of 1 cup good mineral water with ¼ teaspoon sun-dried powdered clay, 2 tablespoons of honey and the juice of 1-2 lemons (or limes) neutralizes stomach over-acidity. Sometimes it is best to neutralize the acidity first and then absorb it with no-salt-added raw cheese or bread.
STRESS: Eating a Nut Formula (page 194) or cooked starch with raw fat and fresh unripe fruit raises blood sugar and neutralizes overproduction of hormones that accompany stress. Eating raw meat supplies the proteins, and drinking fresh vegetable juice supplies the concentrated vitamins and minerals needed during stress. Drinking 4-8 ounces of raw cream helps immediate relaxation. Doing something that is fun or relaxing stimulates confidence and creative problem-solving.

For suggestions on reducing stress and enjoying life, first see Awareness, page 325, then see Depression, page 254, and Mental Illness, page 290.
STROKE: A stroke results when blood is blocked from some part of the brain, killing cells in the area. Strokes occur when heterocyclic amines and other residues from eating cooked meat accumulate in the brain, usually caused by a lack of enzyme-mutations for eating cooked meat.

Symptoms warning of this condition are low blood pressure (not high, as the myth states) accompanied with severe sluggishness and irritability, anxiousness, chronic fear, constant stress, poor muscle tone, and general debilitating health.

Eating plenty of fresh raw meat, raw mushrooms and an alkalizing raw diet usually prevents stroke or corrects the results of stroke. See Alkalizing Food, page 178.
SUNBURN: See Burns, page 235. Also, avocado or raw milk rubbed on the skin is healing. (Caution: avocado stains clothes.)
SURGERY: Eating plenty of unheated honey and getting into fresh air and sunshine facilitate healing. For at least 10 days, drinking plenty of smoothies has helped to arrest toxic medication and anesthesia. Eating 3 smoothies daily for one week before surgery, each consisting of 3 eggs, reduced damage from medication and anesthesia. Eating raw meat facilitated healing.
SWOLLEN GLANDS is a condition from accumulated volatile toxins and resins in lymph glands. Drinking plenty of unheated honey, fresh raw orange or lemon juices and tomato puree alkalizes the blood. If a person suffers chronically with swollen glands, he or she probably lacks enzyme-mutations for eating cooked green foods. Avoiding cooked greens and eating raw greens help eliminate stored resins and residues caused by eating cooked greens. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.
SYPHILIS is a viral detoxification affecting almost any organ or tissue in the body, especially genitals, skin, mucous membranes, aorta, brain, liver, bones and nerves, and is caused by the inability to utilize caffeine and cooked green foods. Extreme acidity and accumulation of volatile toxins deteriorate cells, forcing the body to manufacture this virus en masse. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Strictly adhering to the following regime for at least 8 days has worked the best without having to use harmful drug therapy. Drinking a blend of 18 tomatoes (Roman variety work a little more quickly) with at least 5 tablespoons of unheated honey and 5 teaspoons fresh raw lemon juice neutralizes toxins and has eliminated the body’s need for the virus. Eating other foods that are alkalizing reinforced the effects of the tomato/honey/lemon drink. Eating very little meat during the eight-day period prevented the blood from getting acidic, which would have irritated the condition. See Alkalizing Food, page 178.

After the eight days, eating plenty of raw meat, including raw fish, and raw eggs gradually healed the deterioration and breakdown from this severe detoxification. See Appendix Q, page 151.
TEETH: See Tooth And Gum Disorders, page 316.
Underactive: Symptoms: poor-looking hair, low energy level, fearful nature.

Eating unsulfured non-steamed dates with no-salt-added raw cheese with an equal quantity of raw fat energizes the thyroid. Eating plenty of alkalizing foods (like tomato) cleanses the thyroid, especially of toxic minerals, including those caused by table salts. See Alkalizing Food, page 178. For a balanced diet, see the book The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Chapter 12.

Eating no-salt-added raw cheeses, fresh raw ocean fish (including scallops, oysters or clams), whole raw milk, Nut Formula (page 194) and, occasionally, ¼ teaspoon of sun-dried clay mixed in fresh raw vegetable juices or smoothies supplies the thyroid with minerals it needs to properly function and produce hormones. Mixing 5 drops of organically grown vanilla extract into fresh raw juice or smoothies helps stimulate the thyroid. See Vanilla Extract, page 201.

If headaches are experienced, tomatoes should not be eaten for a week or more. In that circumstance, tomatoes may produce too heavy of detoxification, causing the blood to become too toxic and raising blood pressure.

If this diet doesn’t correct the condition within eleven weeks, eating a natural raw thyroid glandular supplement may be necessary. However, if neither the diet nor the glandular supplement helps, going to a doctor for prescription thyroid hormones may be required for proper hormonal balance.

Overactive: See Hyperactive, page 272, and Hyperthyroid, page 273.
TONSILLITIS is a detoxification of the tonsils, causing reddened and swollen tonsils and throat, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, coughing, fever, headache, earache, nausea, vomiting, sinus congestion and discharge, and swollen lymphatic glands throughout the body. Tonsils mainly protect the brain by dissolving and neutralizing degenerative brain cells. Therefore, it is preferable to keep your tonsils. If the brain cells are toxic with metals or other toxins, the tonsils may frequently inflame and are damaged. Tonsillitis usually occurs in individuals lacking enzyme-mutations for eating cooked red fruits and vegetables. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Eating salt or caffeine interferes with and irritates this detoxification. Avoiding salt, anything with caffeine, including soft drinks and chocolate, and cooked red fruits and vegetables minimizes tonsil infections.

Drinking a blend of 3 cups fresh raw tomatoes and 4 tablespoons fresh raw lemon juice has helped neutralize the volatile toxins. Best results have come from drinking the mixture within one hour of making it, and then 4 hours later making and drinking another of the same mixture. Eating other raw foods, if desired, is fine. That regime followed for one day usually relieved tonsillitis on the third day.

For an accompanying sore throat, drinking unheated honey mixed with a good mineral water (“Naturally Sparkling†water is best) usually brings relief. If not, see Pain, page 297.
TOOTH AND GUM DISORDERS usually occur from poor assimilation of minerals. Processed minerals, including metallic, from canned food, Novocain, vaccines, medical or recreational drugs, chlorinated and fluorinated waters, processed cheese, and caffeine (including chocolate) are especially harmful for, and often causative in, tooth and gum conditions.

Root canals sometimes result in large deep abscesses that affect the entire body. Those abscesses can cause general fatigue, neck and shoulder soreness and stiffness, and reddened eye(s). I have seen very debilitating conditions as a result of the body trying to dissolve and remove nerve and bone toxicity around teeth, especially root canals. Fatigue that results may continue for years as long as the infection continues. Even on a healthy diet, the toxicity around the teeth may require more nutrients than most people can eat. Therefore, if persistent infection occurs, it may be preferable to have a root-canal tooth extracted.

Amalgam fillings, called silver fillings, contain large quantities of toxic mercury and should not be used to fill teeth. The best dental filling material is porcelain or ceramic inlays. For crowns and bridges, I suggest using those that are reinforced with gold because so much more of your tooth will remain. I have seen gold-reinforced crowns last 30 years. If you use only ceramic or porcelain crowns or bridges, each tooth must be severely ground to a small post. That little post of a tooth that remains may easily break in 1-5 years. Then, if you want to have a stable tooth, you must have a root canal or an artificial tooth must be drilled and screwed into the jaw bone.

Drinking plenty of full-fat raw milk begins reversing those problems. If raw milk is not available, eating raw fish works almost as well. Drinking raw milk and eating raw fish speed the healing process in most people. See Pyorrhea, page 305. See Mineral Deficiency, page 291.
TOOTHACHE: See Pain, page 297. See Tooth And Gum Disorder, page 316.
VARICOSE VEINS are veins that have become swollen, enlarged and twisted (vascular flabbiness). (A friend calls these “very close†veins - close to the surface.) Caffeine is the greatest cause of flabby veins in most people. Bodies that have varicose veins have irritating storages of caffeine or other toxins in the veins making them water-bloated and sluggish. Oral (birth control pills) and injected contraceptives also cause varicose veins. Avoiding caffeine in beverages and medications, and dried peppers (including black and cayenne) is important to healing.

Eating raw unripe pineapple with raw cream, when available, or stone-pressed olive oil, and taking plenty of warm baths, soothe and strengthen varicose veins. Eating plenty of raw meat, including fish, helps regenerate veins, making them strong and perky over a period of many years.
VENEREAL DISEASE is a detoxification of the genitals usually caused by the inability to utilize caffeine and cooked green foods. See If I Lack Enzyme-Mutations, What Foods Should I Avoid?, page 174.

Avoiding caffeine and cooked green foods, and drinking plenty of raw milk with added raw cream and unheated honey soothe the tissues and make those detoxifications easier.

See Gonorrhea, page 266.

See Syphilis, page 314, and Appendix Q, pages 151-153.
VERTIGO is a condition in which a person or his surroundings seem to whirl. Excess adrenaline is usually a factor. In vertigo, adrenaline utilized all blood sugar, fat and protein, and saturated nerves relating to balance with acidity. In every case I have seen, some type of industrial chemical, including medication, poisoned those nerves. If the DNA was damaged before the toxicity was removed, reversal was extremely slow or did not occur.

Eating raw meat and unheated honey, small amounts of Nut Formula (page 194) frequently, or a small amount of cooked starch in combination with plenty of raw fats and raw fruit re-supplies the blood with nutrients, and usually vertigo subsides.
VISION AND FOCUS DISORDERS are characterized by blurred vision, eye fatigue, inability to see far or near, squinting, light sensitivity, itchy, bloodshot or burning eyes and lids. Caffeine in any form, including chocolate, coffee, tea and soda, damages nerves and brain. In many people it damages eyes. Caffeine consumed by a mother during pregnancy and breast-feeding can cause poor vision in her child. Excess adrenaline causes dryness, nerve damage, and in some people creates poor vision. Medicinal insulin also causes vision disorders. See Cataracts, page 244.

Eating plenty of live foods, especially raw fats with foods that are red or orange (indicating abundant vitamin A content), such as carrot juice, apricots, watermelon and raw tuna, soothes and nourishes eyes. As a result of eating a raw diet, especially raw red meat, most vision disorders have stopped the “normal†progression toward poorer vision.
I have seen few instances where vision disorders completely reversed.

Adding 1-2 drops of raw egg white (from antibiotic-free and hormone-free chickens) to the eyes once or twice daily gradually and continuously improved vision. Those who continued to consume caffeine on a predominantly raw diet did not improve their vision. Either their eyesight remained poor or it continued a slower progression toward poorer eyesight.
VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES, when severe, are indicated by dark circles under eyes, pallid face, poor energy, sleeplessness for people who are usually able to sleep, and fearful attitudes.

Eating plenty of fresh raw unripe fruits, unheated honey, vegetable juices and sometimes salads supplies naturally bioactive, enzyme-bound vitamins for proper assimilation and utilization.

Symptoms of chronic vitamin deficiency are powdery tongue in the morning, loss of peripheral vision, flatulence, nervous and fearful thoughts about the future and related psychological complications (like making difficulties where none exist). A chronic vitamin deficiency is often misdiagnosed as a severe potassium deficiency. Ironically, consuming vitamin supplements increase those symptoms rather than mitigate symptoms.

Eating plenty of fresh raw vegetable juices, raw unripe fruit, especially banana and melon, and frequently eating small amounts of Nut Formula (page 194), or a little cooked starch with plenty of raw fat (e.g., unsalted raw butter, avocado, stone-pressed olive oil) and sometimes a fresh raw salad gradually replenishes missing vitamins.

Avoid eating salads with oils of any kind (olive, peanut, etc.) - the combination prevents the vitamins in salads from being digested. However, raw oils may be eaten with cooked starches at the same meal with a salad.
WARTS: The same remedy for corns. See Corns, page 265.
WATER RETENTION: see Edema, page 260.
WORMS, see Parasites, page 299.
X-RAYS: See Detoxification of Radiation, page 257, and Radiation Burn, page 306.
YEAST INFECTION is characterized by swollen, inflamed and itchy skin. Yeast eat tissue toxins and alkalize the system. Yeast are helpful and should be allowed to run their cycle. Medication poisons the already toxic and hardened tissue, causing it to remain toxic and hardened. If your goal is to improve your health, the worst thing you can do is to destroy a yeast infection with medications.

Alcohol, coffee, teas, aspirin, soft drinks with caffeine and salt consumed in large quantities over years are all poisonous, overstimulating adrenals and pancreas. The high levels of adrenaline and insulin create toxic conditions and dryness that cause lesions, thereby creating conditions where yeast are necessary for cleansing.

Eating a raw diet that contains regular meals, small quantities of Nut Formula (page 194) or some cooked starch with plenty of raw fat eliminates the excess adrenaline and insulin levels. Eating raw tomatoes, nonsteamed figs, fresh vegetable juices, especially green, and raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar alkalizes and soothes tissues and reverses the toxic condition.

Vaginal yeast infection: All of the above applies. Drinking 2-3 raw eggs blended with 2-3 tablespoons unheated honey and ½ unripe banana provides the vagina with a constant supply of healthy nutrients to build mucus that flushes and removes toxicity with the help of smaller colonies of yeast (less itching, too). Eating raw fish and/or raw fowl 3-4 times weekly strengthens the tissues and replaces destroyed nerve tissue and skin, increasing sensuality.

Douching with one of the following eliminates discomfort: ½ tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar mixed in 4 ounces of water, or 4 ounces plain raw kefir, or 3 ounces of your own urine.

A woman who had suffered vaginal yeast infections every time she had sex throughout her life had tried everything suggested above. Those mitigated the yeast infections, but she still experienced pain after sex. As a last resort, she tried an Ayurvedic medical method: she drank her first urine of each day for several weeks. Within two weeks, the recurring infections completely ceased.


Jun 17, 2020
I have lost only two clients to breast cancer who refused surgery. One was in her sixties and was 135 pounds overweight. For a period of 43 years, she had consumed several bottles of aspirin each week for headaches. As soon as she began the Primal Diet, her headaches stopped and never returned, and her weight normalized within 4½ years. But her breast cancer could not be stopped because of 43 years of accumulated cemented cells. When she died, her chest was overgrown with tumorous sores

So let me understand that aspirin is carcinogenic? I really wanted to give my wife aspirin because she has breast cancer of 5 cm


Apr 26, 2018
I have lost only two clients to breast cancer who refused surgery. One was in her sixties and was 135 pounds overweight. For a period of 43 years, she had consumed several bottles of aspirin each week for headaches. As soon as she began the Primal Diet, her headaches stopped and never returned, and her weight normalized within 4½ years. But her breast cancer could not be stopped because of 43 years of accumulated cemented cells. When she died, her chest was overgrown with tumorous sores

So let me understand that aspirin is carcinogenic? I really wanted to give my wife aspirin because she has breast cancer of 5 cm
Artemesia Annua can kill breast cancer cells immediately. research it please, also castor oil packs on the tumorous areas, .... I am not a medical doctor.


May 3, 2015
But her breast cancer could not be stopped because of 43 years of accumulated cemented cells.
Are you talking about calcium compounds in her breast tissue?

Do you think aspirin had something to do with this?

Isn’t vitamin k2 supposed to move calcium out of tissue and into bones?

How is your wife going now?


Jun 17, 2020
Are you talking about calcium compounds in her breast tissue?

Do you think aspirin had something to do with this?

Isn’t vitamin k2 supposed to move calcium out of tissue and into bones?

How is your wife going now?
I don't understand why Aajonus is against aspirin. This is what I would like to understand. My wife is fine now. He had a 6 cm tumor that has now almost disappeared. It was very serious bleeding from her left breast and pain . She injected into the tumor


May 3, 2015
That’s great news @Raymond

Did your wife have any other therapies with the mistletoe extract?

I assume you put her on a primal diet…?
Apr 22, 2019
I don't understand why Aajonus is against aspirin. This is what I would like to understand.

He thought it thinned the mucus membranes, took the fat out of blood, caused blood sugar and adrenal dysregulation, and often classified it with alcohol, coffee, and soda as if it were a type of stimulant.


Jun 17, 2020
That’s great news @Raymond

Did your wife have any other therapies with the mistletoe extract?

I assume you put her on a primal diet…?
He followed several protocols but mistletoe had the best effect. Injected directly into the tumor.Now he feels very well. He is no longer in pain, the tumor has almost disappeared and is no longer bleeding.Only PUFA eliminated and processed foods. She tries to follow the Ray Peat diet.


Jun 17, 2020

He thought it thinned the mucus membranes, took the fat out of blood, caused blood sugar and adrenal dysregulation, and often classified it with alcohol, coffee, and soda as if it were a type of stimulant.
Thanks for that link.


Apr 26, 2018
I don't understand why Aajonus is against aspirin. This is what I would like to understand. My wife is fine now. He had a 6 cm tumor that has now almost disappeared. It was very serious bleeding from her left breast and pain . She injected into the tumor
Did she ever try the Artemesia Annua?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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