Why Does Sleep Leave Me Feeling Exhausted?


Jan 14, 2020
For years I feel like I was run over by a Mack Truck when I wake up. I'm 81 and was given the Fibromyalgia dx in 1999, so there is a connection I'm sure. Since I've been taking Now Foods Super Cortisol Support, says to take 1 three times daily. I take that and make sure I take one close to bedtime.

I have a sleep combo and sleep good and dream and since using HGH Homeopathic Gel for close to a year I sleep even better but I'd like to be more energy when I wake...but the Cortisol support seems to be helping. Give it a try for a few months....


Jan 13, 2018
Have you had any success ?? I am in the same boat. It’s worse if I have caffine. I feel great with a little caffine but next morning, I’m so down and exhausted I don’t want to go on .

I'm almost certain that it's down to chronic hyperventilation (an excess breathing volume throughout night and day), your mouth should be closed and you should breathe like a baby throughout the night. That's why usually supplements don't work for sleep because as far as I know there is no supplement to reduce breathing during sleep - only your daytime breathing determines this.

How is your breathing in general?


Jun 24, 2015
I'm almost certain that it's down to chronic hyperventilation (an excess breathing volume throughout night and day), your mouth should be closed and you should breathe like a baby throughout the night. That's why usually supplements don't work for sleep because as far as I know there is no supplement to reduce breathing during sleep - only your daytime breathing determines this.

How is your breathing in general?
Very normal. Night time breathing very quiet and seems shallow- according to hubby. I taped my mouth shut just in case, for about a yr. with no difference. I have just concluded after a little caffine experiment, that it’s not just the caffine. It is happening only when I am having migraine/vertigo activity. I take caffine for pain control so I thought caffine was a big problem. But after 4 days of 50mg a day, I didn’t have the morning symptoms. I’m wondering if migraines decreases CO2. And during the night it’s causing a hyperventilating situation. .


Jun 24, 2015
For years I feel like I was run over by a Mack Truck when I wake up. I'm 81 and was given the Fibromyalgia dx in 1999, so there is a connection I'm sure. Since I've been taking Now Foods Super Cortisol Support, says to take 1 three times daily. I take that and make sure I take one close to bedtime.

I have a sleep combo and sleep good and dream and since using HGH Homeopathic Gel for close to a year I sleep even better but I'd like to be more energy when I wake...but the Cortisol support seems to be helping. Give it a try for a few months....
Well, this is good to know. Thank you. My doctor just ordered a cortisol test, that I’m doing this coming week, So she is thinking the same. And totally agree with how fibro just slams ya like a Mack Truck. I have to take pain medicine or I’d have no life.


Jan 14, 2020
Well, this is good to know. Thank you. My doctor just ordered a cortisol test, that I’m doing this coming week, So she is thinking the same. And totally agree with how fibro just slams ya like a Mack Truck. I have to take pain medicine or I’d have no life.

My strongest pain meds are 1 ibuprofen and 1 arthritis tylenol every 6 hours, this gets me thru my life with the OA I live with too. Get me away from all those other hard type pain meds.


Jun 24, 2015
My strongest pain meds are 1 ibuprofen and 1 arthritis tylenol every 6 hours, this gets me thru my life with the OA I live with too. Get me away from all those other hard type pain meds.
That’s good you found over the counter medicine that helps.


Jan 14, 2020
That’s good you found over the counter medicine that helps.

Oh I'm never totally pain free, but I've learned to live with a lot. At least I sleep 10 good hrs and that is restorative sleep, healing sleep. This is all due to my sleep combo and the new HGH gel I use.


Jan 14, 2020
And doing meditation off and on during the day, plus deep breathing helps release pain. Don't hold your breath.


Jun 24, 2015
Oh I'm never totally pain free, but I've learned to live with a lot. At least I sleep 10 good hrs and that is restorative sleep, healing sleep. This is all due to my sleep combo and the new HGH gel I use.
Yes ... I can relate . Except for the sleep... that’s a miracle. What Hgh gel do you use ? I need to also try it


Aug 14, 2019
My problem is a little unusual in that I CAN sleep relatively OK when a room is dark, quiet and comfortable, BUT I wake up feeling absolutely dreadful. This has been going on for decades now, and I am left feeling desperate since the chronic fatigue that gets worse year on year is affecting everything from quality of life, to job prospects, to general relationships with others. I found this wonderful forum due to Ray's brilliant articles on ferritin and iron (my ferritin is usually low, though haemoglobin normal, and the doctor's usual 'cure' in giving out iron pills like sweets has not helped at all). After years of trying everything, I am certain now that the fatigue has something to do with sleep quality and cycles.

I am really desperate to find out what on earth is happening when I sleep, to create the morning fatigue that I am experiencing. Everyone I know wakes up feeling refreshed (given that they've had a good night's sleep) yet in my case, it seems sleep is making me so tired. I've already had tests for sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome, both of which were negative. I cannot remember the last time I woke up feeling refreshed and I'm so tired of having to lie in bed until mid-morning just trying to find the energy to move when it feels as though the rest of the world is turning without me :-(

How is your B12, folate and iron panels? Iron problems can be tied to retinol and copper deficiency. Low folate and B12 is quite common to be deficient in. B12 is one of those that the reference range is way to broad. Should be close to upper side of the reference range. Anyway sounds like you have a dysregulation of morning dopamine release. This makes you feel tired and crap. Dopamine is supposed to be released in the morning and agonise D1 receptors which is responsible for making you feel awake, alert, fresh and motivated. Light is also important for this. Getting light in your eyes every morning helps stimulate this system in your brain since its cicardian controlled. During the day till evening dopamine levels drop off and the opposite serotonin/hibernation hormone increases. Around bed time that serotonin then gets converted to melatonin to help you go to sleep. Dopamine D2 agonism also helps you sleep during night. Thats why some dopamine agonist can actually make you calm and sleepy. Low dopamine activity in the brain equalls more D2 activity. While once dopamine reaches a certain peak level D1 activity overtakes D2 and this causes wakefullness. If your dopamine activity never reach high activity in the morning this D1 over take doesnt happen and you’re stuck sleepy and tired in the D2 state. I think its something that dopamine in general has higher affinity for the D2 receptor than the D1. So a certain level of dopamine is needed to get alert and energized and to stimulate D1 receptors.

ps same with blue light. It activates dopamine so should be avoided in the evening

sorry mixed up actually D2 promotes wakefullness and D1 & D3 promotes sleepyness

its why some dopamine agonists like pramipexole can induce narcolepsy symptoms
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Mar 6, 2022
Maybe. Caffeine is actually an adenosine antagonist and should produce effects as if your adenosine was low. But since antagonists usually raise the receptor density and also increase the levels of the ligand they antagonize, caffeine may raise adenosine levels and when you stop it then you'd have the effects of multiday sleep deprivation :): The adenosine would then quickly drop as the receptor density and sensitivity has been increased by caffeine but for a few days you'd have very pronounced adenosergic effects. Maybe this is why in clinical trials caffeine actually protects from depression instead of producing it. But in the short run, caffeine seems to drop mood and then elevate it in the long run. The change in adenosine receptor sensitivity is probably why this difference of short-term vs. long-term effects occurs.
@haidut , I have fully misunderstood you. Why do you think that adenosine has antidepressant properties, if adenosine is known depressant and it lowers dopamine as well. I think caffeine has antidepressant activity till it save its antiadenosinergic effect
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