Why Do Some People Require Or Benefit From Huge Amounts Of Vitamin A?


May 31, 2015
I'm having a lot of success with vitamin A very rapidly... My dry acneic skin is glowing and clearing up, my allergy to perfume is disappearing , I feel calmer and can see an increase in progesterone from some signs i recognize having taken progest-e with success in the past. Small doses previously did nothing for me so I've been experimenting with high doses balanced with the other fat solubles. (Ive also done extensive zinc experiments over the years as well as used the other fat soluble vitamins, none of it ever helped my skin) I am on 2 grains of thyroid and do well with it but I didn't think my thyroid status was good enough to explain needing large amounts of this substance, and I don't get a lot of sun. However I do not get thyroid suppression symptoms from this much A, on the contrary I get a thyroid boost. I am considering sticking with close to 100000 iu a day for a month and then tapering off to 5000 based on a few studies but I wanna know more about what I'm doing before I proceed.

I submit this topic for discussion: what factors besides thyroid status influence a person's vitamin A needs?


Oct 21, 2013
One factor could be Vitamin D/Vitamin K status. Vitamin A may be needed in larger amounts to spare Vitamin K if there's Vitamin D excess and Vitamin K shortage.

Vitamin D toxicity redefined: vitamin K and the molecular mechanism.

Although the toxicity of vitamin D has conventionally been attributed to its induction of hypercalcemia, animal studies show that the toxic endpoints observed in response to hypervitaminosis D such as anorexia, lethargy, growth retardation, bone resorption, soft tissue calcification, and death can be dissociated from the hypercalcemia that usually accompanies them, demanding that an alternative explanation for the mechanism of vitamin D toxicity be developed.The hypothesis presented in this paper proposes the novel understanding that vitamin D exerts toxicity by inducing a deficiency of vitamin K.According to this model, vitamin D increases the expression of proteins whose activation depends on vitamin K-mediated carboxylation; as the demand for carboxylation increases, the pool of vitamin K is depleted. Since vitamin K is essential to the nervous system and plays important roles in protecting against bone loss and calcification of the peripheral soft tissues, its deficiency results in the symptoms associated with hypervitaminosis D. This hypothesis is circumstantially supported by the observation that animals deficient in vitamin K or vitamin K-dependent proteins exhibit remarkable similarities to animals fed toxic doses of vitamin D, and the observation that vitamin D and the vitamin K-inhibitor Warfarin have similar toxicity profiles and exert toxicity synergistically when combined. The hypothesis further proposes that vitamin A protects against the toxicity of vitamin D by decreasing the expression of vitamin K-dependent proteins and thereby exerting a vitamin K-sparing effect.


May 31, 2015
Awesome, thank you. Would not be surprised at all if this were true in my case
Nov 21, 2015
I always take A with K2 and D3. I have frequently taken 50K units of A and 50K units of D3, with 200mcg or K2 (mk7) and it seems to really help get rid of colds or flu.


Sep 16, 2015
Do we must take all together at the same time or is it okay if taken during the day. Vit k and d in the morning. A for the lunch etc...?
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