Apr 22, 2019
This is a cross-post that was originally written for the laypeople on the Facebook platform.

It's put here in the defense of raw starch and an assertion that if you can't drink milk, there's likely something very wrong with your digestive tract and it should call into question whether or not there even is such a thing as "lactose intolerance."
Solving Psoriasis; a Testimony of the Realness of God
Cutting milk from my diet was the first cause-and-effect health choice I ever made at the age of 17 because I correlated it to causing acne. As my condition worsened, I became increasingly sensitive to milk after more and more low-carb diet, drug, and enema experiences.

Every time I touched the stuff it would wreck me with bloating, brain fog, joint pain, skin flares, itching.

For 2 years I told people that I would happily trade the ability to eat all other foods if I could just regain the ability to drink milk and live on that alone.

Fast forward ten years and, though I had made substantial progress with fruit, herbs, castor oil, and turpentine... I was clearly still missing something. I was still in the darkness albeit I had a small flashlight.

Some 1 or 2 months after coming to Christ, there had finally come a day in which I truly believed that I had walked in the Holy Spirit from sun-up to sun-down and delivered all of the word(s) that I could have.

I fell asleep only for a few hours and began hour #1,508 of 'health research' back on the usual grind, this time gathering what information I could about stomach acid.

And within an hour, I came across (by the gift of God) an extensive article detailing how lactose (milk sugar) and raw starch are the only two kinds of sugars which can make it all the way to the end of the digestive tract whereby the bacteria of the colon can be fed.

Every other kind of sugar - honey, fruit, processed, etc - is absorbed quickly in the upper intestine.

There are a number of details and pre-requisites that accompany this experiment, but the basic idea is to essentially drink nothing but milk so that the starving bacteria at the end of the tube can be fed. Raw starch isolates can also be used for this purpose. It's dubbed "the milch regimen," and was practiced around the year 1920.

And so...

This was the last piece of the puzzle: feed the bacteria at the end so that the ones at the beginning will work properly again.

The pre-requisites to this were only that a person fasts on fruit until their tongue is clean and their bowel movements no longer have a putrid odor. I checked both of these boxes and dove in with nothing to lose, drinking only milk, really expecting to cripple myself... But within a few hours I knew that this was the answer.

I stayed up overnight drinking a cup of milk every 30 minutes until going into the grocery store early in the morning to pick up 2 more gallons.

I was too excited for words, so I abruptly dropped these fresh discoveries on the cashier:

I said, "I've spent the last ten years avoiding milk and telling people that if I could trade the ability to eat all other foods just to be able to live on milk, I would... And it turns out that that was actually the solution. That if you drink NOTHING BUT milk, then it's a completely different digestive effect than drinking it when there are still other foods in your body.

Then I spewed out another 30 seconds explaining why milk is inflammatory to a lot of people using scientific vernacular--

And him, being probably 19 or 20 - had a moment of insecurity as I would call it - and he condescendingly said these words with all slowness and annunciation of speech:

"You know what I heard?
That dairy... Causes acne."

And as if God were emphasizing the punchline right before my very eyes, right after he said this, one of his co-workers came fluttering over and she asked him, "I didn't hear that, what did you just say?"

And his eyes squinted low as if he were annoyed but he repeated the words again, even more pointedly but just as slowly,

"You know what I heard?
That dairy... Causes acne."
Glory to the God of Israel. By Him, I was blinded by reason of my own pride of believing that I could heal myself. When I accepted Him, He gave me life. Hallelujah.
Proverbs 4:20-22

[20] My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
[21] Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
[22] For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.
A special thanks to @Amazoniac and @TheSir for their insights and selfless contributions.



Feb 18, 2018
How do you consume the starch raw? I've made a "porridge" before of dissolving some corn flour into whole milk by using a low heat setting on the stove top. I acheived a very nice warming effect on my body and hands, which I always attribute with high health states, but I didn't feel fully satiated as I normally would if I devoured a big ole starch plate with some meat.
Apr 22, 2019
How do you consume the starch raw? I've made a "porridge" before of dissolving some corn flour into whole milk by using a low heat setting on the stove top. I acheived a very nice warming effect on my body and hands, which I always attribute with high health states, but I didn't feel fully satiated as I normally would if I devoured a big ole starch plate with some meat.

Yeah cooked starch is a completely different process than raw starch.

I've been doing about 3 tablespoons every 4 hours of raw potato starch straight from the bag to my mouth while drinking about 8 cups of milk throughout the day away from other major meals, whether it be steak or eggs, etc.


Feb 18, 2018
Yeah cooked starch is a completely different process than raw starch.

I've been doing about 3 tablespoons every 4 hours of raw potato starch straight from the bag to my mouth while drinking about 8 cups of milk throughout the day away from other major meals, whether it be steak or eggs, etc.

Something about raw starch seems wrong, but I’m always one to experiment. I’ve been snacking on m&ms whenever my body begins to feel stress from my environment and I’m not in a position to remove myself from it. Perhaps raw starch may be the healthier solution...theoretically would it matter if it were potato vs corn vs wheat starch?
Apr 22, 2019
theoretically would it matter if it were potato vs corn vs wheat starch?

I don't know of anything that says that one is safer or more useful than another.

This research used multiple kinds of starch on rabbits, dogs, pigs, guinea pigs. I believe it notes potato, wheat, corn, and oat at the very least:

But in humans dunno. Whatever you can get your hands on will probably work, though I've only ever heard of benefits associated with use of potato starch specifically.


Mar 1, 2020
Did you ever try antibiotics before all the experiments with turpentine or milch regimen ? Just wondering if they could have achieved the same thing.

It's cool and all with the photos and hope it works out for you longterm, but I know I can do the same with seb derm within 1 week. It can be really bad one day and look completely healed 2 days later.

Your real test will also be when you have some days with suboptimal nutrition. But definitely interested to hear the longterm outcome of this.


Mar 15, 2014
I'm confused. So is the fruit fast and all-milk diet something you did? Or from the random guy on facebook? And are the pictures of you?


Jan 6, 2019

Interestingly, lately I've been praying to God a lot, asking how I could be of use to Him, with undertones of desperation since I have nothing else going on with my life. It warms my heart how just off-handedly mentioning an experiment I was planning on doing might have led to a chain of events that culminated with the healing process of someone who has just recently come to faith.
I’ve been snacking on m&ms whenever my body begins to feel stress from my environment and I’m not in a position to remove myself from it. Perhaps raw starch may be the healthier solution...
Wheras snacking on m&m gives you energy, raw starch is not your food per se, feeding only the beneficial bacteria in your colon. That being said, with a well-fed colon your blood sugar regulation should improve significantly, allowing you to gain more freedom from frequent snacking.
Did you ever try antibiotics before all the experiments with turpentine or milch regimen ? Just wondering if they could have achieved the same thing.
Antibiotics will thoroughly clean the intestines, but unless the good bacteria are properly fed, nothing will be stopping the bad bacteria from reasserting their dominance. Whereas the bad guys require an alkaline gut environment, the good bacteria create, through their metabolic byproducts, an acidic environment. Supplementing with lactose and raw starch feeds precisely those bacteria that are responsible for turning the gut more acidic.
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Feb 23, 2020

Interestingly, lately I've been praying to God a lot, asking how I could be of use to Him, with undertones of desperation since I have nothing else going on with my life. It warms my heart how just off-handedly mentioning an experiment I was planning on doing might have led to a chain of events that culminated with the healing process of someone who has just recently come to faith.

Wheras snacking on m&m gives you energy, raw starch is not your food per se, feeding only the beneficial bacteria in your colon. That being said, with a well-fed colon your blood sugar regulation should improve significantly, allowing you to gain more freedom from frequent snacking.

Antibiotics will thoroughly clean the intestines, but unless the good bacteria are properly fed, nothing will be stopping the bad bacteria from reasserting their dominance. Whereas the bad guys require an alkaline gut environment, the good bacteria create, through their metabolic byproducts, an acidic environment. Supplementing with lactose and raw starch feeds precisely those bacteria that are responsible for turning the gut more acidic.
So, why do bad bacteria appear and become unbalanced?


Jan 6, 2019
So, why do bad bacteria appear and become unbalanced?
Antibiotics in most cases. I imagine processed food devoid of fermentable material is another cause. Though bad bacteria, yeasts and fungi like candida are always present in the gut, they're kept in check by the acidic environment which is maintained by the fermentative bacteria. When you nuke the gut with antibiotics, you end up destroying the good and bad guys alike, leveling the playfield so that the bad guys get a chance to gain dominance and alkalize the gut.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Interesting experiment.
I cured my psoriasis/seb. dermatitis by eliminating starch, nightshade, and lectins, while keeping in the milk. With meat, fruit, and milk my digestion and transit time is very good.
It's interesting how people's digestion respond differently to different treatments. Some people cure their gut issues with carnivore and others on a fruitarian diet, however, both those are not sustainable IMO. A starch free diet is much more sustainable in my experience.
If I were to introduce a lot of fiber, especially from raw tubers/grains/starches, my digestion would go downhill pretty fast as they are much more gut-irritating for me.
Apr 22, 2019
Did you ever try antibiotics before all the experiments with turpentine or milch regimen ? Just wondering if they could have achieved the same thing.

The last time I had pharmaceutical antibiotics was in my early teens. The closest thing to that was P73 oil of oregano (and later a traditional oil of oregano) about 2 years ago. I don't recommend oil of oregano based on personal experiences. It was a benefit until it wasn't.

And it's not just turpentine. It's a heavy dose of castor oil +100% pure gum spirits of turpentine taken together.

It's cool and all with the photos and hope it works out for you longterm, but I know I can do the same with seb derm within 1 week. It can be really bad one day and look completely healed 2 days later.

I've taken hundreds of similar photos over the past two years and I know exactly what you mean. I've had 80% rebounds in 24 hours but the core problem was never fixed because if I had two slices of pizza, two cups of coffee, 4 eggs, bread, beans, seeds, or tomatoes, the inflammation would sprout up back to the 50% mark within hours.

Like I've done enemas, used activated charcoal, fasted, megadosed on bone broth and vitamin C, gotten sunburnt every day, and these things produced almost-reversed states but I was still quite sensitive to many foods and would relapse quickly.

I am now no longer sensitive to these foods as of supplementing with 200g of combined lactose + starch daily for the last 5 days.

I understand your skepticism and I could prove your point... But with that said I'm saying that feeding the colon was the official root fix. Up until this, you could probably name it and I've tried it. Temporary relief with nutrient repletion or toxin stripping or parasite purging but always had the food sensitivities. These sensitivities no longer exist.

Believe me, I've been wanting to post this for a long time but I was never certain. Now I am.

Your real test will also be when you have some days with suboptimal nutrition. But definitely interested to hear the longterm outcome of this.

You know it's interesting because historically I've always experienced healing when fruit or bone broth fasting with minimal nutrition. You can eat all the liver and oysters you want, but if it's more than can be handled, it'll induce a stress response... I speak from experience.

Oh... Eating raw liver and oysters together twice a day, not recommended. *shivers*

I'm confused. So is the fruit fast and all-milk diet something you did? Or from the random guy on facebook? And are the pictures of you?

The pictures are of me, yes. Fruit and milk fasting to correct gut dysbiosis is outlined in the thread,
"When A Turk's Bowels Move Less Than Three Times A Day, He Consults A Physician."

Interestingly, lately I've been praying to God a lot, asking how I could be of use to Him, with undertones of desperation since I have nothing else going on with my life. It warms my heart how just off-handedly mentioning an experiment I was planning on doing might have led to a chain of events that culminated with the healing process of someone who has just recently come to faith.

Faith validating faith. God never ceases to amaze. So cool to hear.


Interesting experiment.
I cured my psoriasis/seb. dermatitis by eliminating starch, nightshade, and lectins, while keeping in the milk. With meat, fruit, and milk my digestion and transit time is very good.
It's interesting how people's digestion respond differently to different treatments. Some people cure their gut issues with carnivore and others on a fruitarian diet, however, both those are not sustainable IMO. A starch free diet is much more sustainable in my experience.
If I were to introduce a lot of fiber, especially from raw tubers/grains/starches, my digestion would go downhill pretty fast as they are much more gut-irritating for me.

Hans, are you drinking coffee too?
I’ve noticed that too much coffee can actually constipate me, counteracting all the good effects of reducing starch and fibre.
Just curious.
Apr 22, 2019
I cured my psoriasis/seb. dermatitis by eliminating starch, nightshade, and lectins, while keeping in the milk. With meat, fruit, and milk my digestion and transit time is very good.
It's interesting how people's digestion respond differently to different treatments. Some people cure their gut issues with carnivore and others on a fruitarian diet, however, both those are not sustainable IMO. A starch free diet is much more sustainable in my experience.
If I were to introduce a lot of fiber, especially from raw tubers/grains/starches, my digestion would go downhill pretty fast as they are much more gut-irritating for me.

Yeah man it's a peculiar thing. Though I'm crediting the seal of permanent restoration to raw potato starch, I've never had a positive experience by adding in 3x/day high fiber meals. The starch isolate I'm taking is listed to only be 10g of carbohydrate per tablespoon with no fiber listed.

If there actually were several grams of fiber in there, then my bowel movements would look like pool noodles, but they've stayed at about average size despite the 100g of starch isolate taken in each day for the last 4 days.

Historically for me it's been exactly the same with all of the foods that you listed which give you grief... And I've also felt great benefit from going starch free... But I've also always believed there's something wrong if I can't eat those foods without substantial drawback... Particularly looking at high level athletes who put away rice like they've got a farm of it on their property.

Suffice it to say, the starch megadosing has dramatically improved my ability to handle all foods almost overnight.


Nov 29, 2017
@Twohandsondeck another good thread/experiment Sir!

Resistant starch helps with magnesium retention and vitamin D levels. I’ve tried this experiment in the past but gave up on it for some reason. Am willing to give this another go as I think it could be very beneficial as there are countless accounts of success. I wonder if this will help with hair loss...?? For some reason I’m correlating this to fecal transplants restoring the “soil” (minus the poop)

Studied effects of RS to (The Potato Hack, pg. 171):

- Improve bowel health

- Lower pH

- Increase epitheleal thickness

- Kill cancer cells

- Lower postprandial glycemia

- Increase insulin sensitivity

- Reduce body weight and prevent weight regain

- Decrease inflammation in the intestines and entire body

- Reduce the risk of breast cancer and colorectal cancer

- Reduce cholesterol/triglycerides

- Increase production of brain neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin

- Remove certain pathogens from small intestine

- Preserve Vitamin D in the body

- Increase mineral and vitamin production and uptake

- Remove toxins and heavy metals from the bloodstream

- Increase satiety and regulate hunger hormones

- Reduce fat storage after meals

- Improve gut microbiome (synergy, prebiotic, symbiotic)

- Protect probiotic bacteria
Apr 22, 2019
@Twohandsondeck another good thread/experiment Sir!


Resistant starch helps with magnesium retention and vitamin D levels. I’ve tried this experiment in the past but gave up on it for some reason. Am willing to give this another go as I think it could be very beneficial as there are countless accounts of success. I wonder if this will help with hair loss...?? For some reason I’m correlating this to fecal transplants restoring the “soil” (minus the poop)

I have to think that it's a universal benefactor. I've actually started to feel like I've been getting sleep again in these last few days. I've been routinely sleeping for 10 hours and waking up dead everyday for over a couple months now and I thought it was just an adrenal problem but... Nope, it's all interconnected.

Anything that raises vitamin D probably helps everything by that metric alone. I see you went on to list basically a benefit for the entire body lol.

Same thing for hair. Seems that hair is indicative of systemic health.

You know, funny thing about hair...
In my life, my hair has always been the most voluminous and apparently-appealing when I was clearly estrogen dominant looking back on it... But if I pulled hard on it, my scalp would hurt a bit. I always thought that was normal until I started fruit fasting and herb dosing in accordance with Robert Morse's recommendations and after a few days of grape fasting, beyond the bowel purging that happened, I developed several grey hairs all of sudden while feeling like pseudo-sick for about a week. Went from fever to oily skin to toothache on one side to toothache on the other, kept going until it leveled out. There was also some minor hair loss that accompanied this short time.

At which point when things stabilized, my hair was noticeably thinner and wispier. Was just flat and matted where it used to carry a natural kind of oil and hold to it when I was uber stressed all the time.

But here's the peculiar thing: my scalp wasn't sensitive at all anymore. I could pull really hard on my hair and it felt like it was deeply rooted at the base. Hard to explain, but it was a great improvement overall.

Since then it's returned to the previous thickness though not as heavily oiled as it was whenever I was 17-21~

And yeah man, if you've got $10 to lose, maybe try out an oral version of a starch transplant lol


Feb 18, 2018
Just got done eating raw starch experiment. It was weird. While I was able to palate it and get it down, I didn’t really feel satiated from eating it, nor did I feel like I was bringing energy into my being. I then proceeded to down copious amounts of bread, cream, and mushroom dip, and I felt miles better. All of this was after about an 8 hour fast, so my body was definitely beginning to feel the effects of not having nourishment and I was becoming increasingly more agitated for food. I can see the appeal because the raw starch didn’t really mess me up, but I also didn’t feel energized by it. It was only when I consumed the starch, fat, and fungi that I felt energized and satiated.


Nov 29, 2017
Constipation, Fecal Transplants, Fiber Myths, Resistant Starch, Probiotics & More With Konstantin Monastyrsky. - Ben Greenfield Fitness - Diet, Fat Loss and Performance Advice

I’m not a big fan of Ben but worth listening to Konstantin... just started listening but so far Konstantin says fibre is bad... even insoluable (but insoluable is much less concerning and mostly inert). Waiting to hear his perspective on RS

Edit** Konstantin says that RS is not good to take and compares it to a garden compost (gas and alcohol production). If you are healthy it won’t bother you but if you aren’t like most of us, it’s bad news. He basically says the most important thing is restoring mucosal lining as that’s where the beneficial bacteria reside. The only way to do that is through fecal transplants
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Jan 6, 2019
Just got done eating raw starch experiment. It was weird. While I was able to palate it and get it down, I didn’t really feel satiated from eating it, nor did I feel like I was bringing energy into my being. I then proceeded to down copious amounts of bread, cream, and mushroom dip, and I felt miles better. All of this was after about an 8 hour fast, so my body was definitely beginning to feel the effects of not having nourishment and I was becoming increasingly more agitated for food. I can see the appeal because the raw starch didn’t really mess me up, but I also didn’t feel energized by it. It was only when I consumed the starch, fat, and fungi that I felt energized and satiated.
I don't know if you missed what I wrote above, but raw starch is not food. You are not supposed to feel satiated from it in the first place -- it has no digestible energy in it as far as your intestines are concerned. You are correct in your observation that it doesn't bring energy into your being. This is because it doesn't feed you, but the bacteria within you. It's a therapeutic supplement the purpose of which is to heal your gut.
Apr 22, 2019
Edit** Konstantin says that RS is not good to take and compares it to a garden compost (gas and alcohol production). If you are healthy it won’t bother you but if you aren’t like most of us, it’s bad news. He basically says the most important thing is restoring mucosal lining as that’s where the beneficial bacteria reside. The only way to do that is through fecal transplants

Lol ok. Sounds like a Ben Greenfield podcast alright.

I think bone broth (glycine, collagen), vitamin C, and outright fasting are all regenerative to the mucosal lining, but I could be wrong.

It's so laughable to think that a person reaches prestige by advocating such ridiculous procedures as if a person's body isn't smart enough to regain homeostasis given the appropriate foundation. It's hard not to be critical of such a statement.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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