My Very Positive Experience And How I Did It



Dec 4, 2014
So I inexplicably began to not feel too good, in contrast to the self-confidence that the title of this thread exudes. Apologies.

But the good news is that I seem to have troubleshooted the issue after tracking back through my routines. What I noticed was that the thing I valued the least, had the most importance. The taurine in the tea that I consumed each evening was the factor that seemed to be making me subjectively feel the happiest. When the taurine ran out a few weeks back, I stopped drinking tea completely. Not long after, sleeplessness crept up, Pansterone didn't make me feel good, casein didn't make me feel good, gummy bears gave me groggy high insulin-like feelings, which was bizarre considering how many of them I was accustomed to consuming.

So anyway, it took me a while to work this out, and I thought I would post an update in case anyone else runs into this issue. Took 2g of taurine morning and night the last two days, and immediately felt cheerful and energetic, slept like a rock. Took another 2g with protein shake this morning, and mood is back on track like no interruption ever occurred. It's truly bizarre - like flicking a switch to "ON".

What I noticed in the past (while taking taurine) is that I was given to these amazingly insurpressable bursts of laughter that I could hardly control, especially following the consumption of coffee and gummy bears around morning tea. This laughter is truly infectious and makes me feel great, and it can begin from the slightest thing. When the taurine ran out, the lack of laughter was the first thing I noticed and I mistakenly thought it meant I wasn't eating right, or perhaps I was ill. I explored consuming different variations of foods with coffee in an attempt to try to regain the laughter and good feelings that this used to elicit - but to no avail. Also, it was around this time that many of my staple foods left me feeling indifferent, and I stopped enjoying them. I started to dislike cheese sticks, dates, cranberries, gummy bears and eggs, which made me wonder about my food choices and appetite.

Anyway, 48 hours after consuming 4 separate doses of taurine (morning and evening across two days) and the laughter and good feelings are back. Also, incidentally black circles around my eyes are gone. Sleep is back to normal. Drift off fast, and feel bright when I get up. This morning I was reading some Nasrudin stories and I had tears of laughter - girlfriend just looked at me nonplussed because it really wasn't that funny.

It's like my brain is getting tickled and I simply cannot prevent the laughter from coming on, it's like an avalanche. Perhaps the taurine is enabling the protein to be absorbed better, and enabling glucose to get to my brain better...not sure.

For the record, the laughter I'm talking about here is the effect of pregnenolone, and I'm still not sure why taurine would have played a role.


Dec 4, 2014
Changed my diet slightly.

As my metabolism improved, I found it necessary to eat more. The morning OJ/protein shake wasn't filling me up. I also got a bit tired of supps and cut them all out.

What I do now is:

1. Eat as many fruity and sugary carbs as possible upon waking up. I achieve this by eating an 800g can of stewed fruits (drained), with golden syrup generously poured on top. I then wash it down with a small glass of juice. Usually I hate yoghurt because it gives me headaches like Peat also has experienced, however, if I buy a brand of yoghurt without all the stupid bacteria in it, a little bit is fine. This is a huge meal of sugariness that goes down well, especially when the pears are heated in the microwave.

2. Once this has digested, I have a casein protein drink, with Ceylon cinnamon. I also still eat medjool dates and cheese. Started again with organic raisins, which seem to be fine.

3. Started on a new idea that maybe boiled starch, aka vermicelli, rice noodles or similar, are easy to digest. So far, these seem to be fine in meals at lunch/dinner. Still eat lamb, chicken, steak. Still have glycine in my coffee.

4. I don't have too many liquids anymore, it was driving me nuts.

5. I just eat salty macadamias now instead of putting salt in my juice. Far tastier.

Other notes:

I have learnt that if I feel stressed, Gatorade/Powerade is one of the best things to bring me back to normality.

Read on the **** Portion Control blog that B2 can help with weight loss, but am too nervous to try it.

Haven't gained weight or lost weight.

I consume water only when really thirsty, which is hardly ever. I probably have one glass of water per day.


Dec 4, 2014
Learnt that sodium with so called "anti-caking agent" (which I assume is bicarb soda) is a lot more "warming" than iodided salt, or even rock salt. Never going back to other salts.

Stopped with consuming milk/casein combo and increased low fat cheese. Easier to digest 3x cheese sticks than 600ml of 40g casein protein liquid.

Salty things are great consumed with Coke! Drinking a Coke a day feels healthy. Sad to see an advertisement for No Sugar Coke last night.

The rest of the time, still coffee with glycine, medjool dates, gummy bears, etc. Bought a slow cooker for $20 and it makes meat taste delicious. Still zero vegetables except potato and carrot.

Lost all appetite for eggs and liverwurst, which is very strange. Feels like high sodium is doing more for my libido and sense of wellness than even vitamin A was. Dandruff vanished despite no high retinol consumption. In the past, only eggs or liverwurst could resolve it.


Jan 7, 2016
Learnt that sodium with so called "anti-caking agent" (which I assume is bicarb soda) is a lot more "warming" than iodided salt, or even rock salt. Never going back to other salts.

Stopped with consuming milk/casein combo and increased low fat cheese. Easier to digest 3x cheese sticks than 600ml of 40g casein protein liquid.

Salty things are great consumed with Coke! Drinking a Coke a day feels healthy. Sad to see an advertisement for No Sugar Coke last night.

The rest of the time, still coffee with glycine, medjool dates, gummy bears, etc. Bought a slow cooker for $20 and it makes meat taste delicious. Still zero vegetables except potato and carrot.

Lost all appetite for eggs and liverwurst, which is very strange. Feels like high sodium is doing more for my libido and sense of wellness than even vitamin A was. Dandruff vanished despite no high retinol consumption. In the past, only eggs or liverwurst could resolve it.

@Dan Wich has some good info on salts here: Salts (table or cooking) with the fewest additives - Toxinless. I don't think it would be sodium bi carb. I'm not personally comfortable eating any of the common anti-caking ingredients in any quantity, but if you can narrow it down to a particular ingredient, perhaps by calling the company, you could do your own research and make sure you are comfortable with it.
Nov 27, 2017
I feel great eating the Ray Peat way, so I thought I would share a post explaining my understanding of Dr Peat’s views, and what I have done to implement them.

I’ve read (mostly) all of Ray Peat’s work (books and articles both) but I’m not a scientist, and find it all quite challenging to comprehend. Below I have attempted to outline what I understand of Ray Peat’s dietary principles (of which I may be quite wrong), and describe my experience.

What I think Ray Peat says:

1. Low consumption or elimination of PUFA will promote an environment where the organism inclines toward a hyperthyroid state, where the metabolic rate quickens, body temperature increases, mitochondrial respiration is optimal, and available energy is used properly throughout the body.
2. Consumption of easily digestible simple sugars support the complexity of mitochondrial efficiency (as opposed to glycation processes, which are in Peat’s view better suited to “less advanced” organisms, and can be attributed to the formation of ‘advanced-glycation-end-products’, aging and degeneration).
3. Sufficient protein enables proper liver function and amino acid balance, preferably with supplemental use of glycine/gelatine.
4. Sufficient aversion of heavy metals, thyroid-suppressing environmental factors and serotonin-raising foods will make us function better.
5. Sufficient promotion of B-vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, magnesium, and additional ‘mitochondrial uncouplers’ such as aspirin, caffeine, magnesium, fructose, progesterone, thyroid, etc. will also make us function better.

My experience:

1. Carbohydrate: I consume many pieces of fruit a day (sometimes over 10) from sources that are FODMAP safe and/or don’t create digestive discomfort. At the beginning, I gave myself a yeast infection by eating too many fruits that were unripe, and which severely disturbed the balance of bacteria in my gut. Now I just stick to kiwi fruit, oranges, mandarins, and dates. Any other fruits I cook. I also drink orange juice – pulp or no pulp doesn’t seem to bother me. I eat white rice, no pasta, and little potato or sweet potato (even though it doesn’t bother me at all). I eat rice at dinner only, the rest of the day is fruit.

2. Protein: Consuming protein is easy for me. I only eat grass-fed meat (nothing processed, no sausages, no bacon, no sandwich meats) and don’t worry about it as much as Peat does. I don’t eat pork because it has a tendency to give me a stuffy nose (perhaps too much methionine or cysteine in pork, I don’t know?). I consume 1500 – 3000mg of glycine per day, and it makes me feel great – a subjective sense of being calm, even when doing heavy weightlifting. I used to eat four eggs a day, now I don’t. Now it’s more about cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast. I drink full fat milk because skim is gross. I eat cheese, but not heaps. It’s hard to get authentic rennet-based cheese. I’m a big believer in organic micellar casein. As a supplement, it is not denatured and has no additives. I would never consume whey or any other protein powder; I also avoid powdered milk because of the oxidised cholesterol. I hardly eat fish, but I do eat prawns a couple of times a week. Prawns make me feel warm. I experimented with very low protein once, and it didn’t work out. I did however feel happy and euphoric for a few days, as the residual protein left my body. Perhaps protein elimination could be good once a week?

3. Vegetables: I concentrate mostly on well-cooked vegetables, but in recent weeks, I have to admit that peas are the absolute best. No other vegetable (in my opinion) comes close to the awesomeness of peas, except maybe asparagus. I highly recommend eating peas. Broccoli and cauliflower well-streamed and fried brussel sprouts are also good, but I don’t bother with much else. I eat a raw carrot every day – maybe it does something, I don’t know. I feel healthy doing it and it goes well with cheese and dates! I used to eat a lot of sauerkraut, but I don’t think it ever did anything much. There is a link between lactobacillus and the production of DHEA, so it does demand more investigation.

4. Fats: I don’t bother with coconut oil, or much olive oil. I used to eat a tonne of grass-fed butter, but didn’t notice much health benefits. I understand Weston A Price’s research on butter for good teeth.

5. Supplement experiences: I consume glycine in my coffee. I’m going to experiment soon with adding taurine. I consume creatine twice or three times throughout the day – I don’t know why Peat doesn’t place more emphasis on the value of creatine, as it is proven to increase testosterone very effectively. I try to remember to take vitamin D daily. I will take niacinamide with B1 and B6 at night, if I am feeling abnormally stressed (but I never am). I will take aspirin if I have a headache, but I never do. I have a bottle of diosgenin which is a topical precursor to pregnenolone. I’ve applied it a couple of times only to feel hotter, and get a headache. I understand I could probably eat a bit more sugar around the time of applying it and avoid the headache. I have yet to see any biological changes from pregnenolone. I hardly drink any tap water – just mostly juice, coffee and milk (and sparkling water). I will take zinc if I notice any spots on my face (generally above my eyebrows), and this makes it go away again. Once when I had bleeding gums, I took B12 and it vanished overnight. I had a dentist appointment the next day, and even the dentist couldn’t detect anything wrong with the gum, which shocked me. I haven’t found a good quality vitamin E supplement – so can’t report anything. I drink about three cups of strong instant coffee every day with about three sugars.

6. Calories: I don’t notice the difference between consuming high calorie or low calorie – I seem to be OK in any case. If I notice that I start to breathe through my mouth during exercise, I stop and get something calorific and sugary to give me energy. This hardly happens though – even doing hill sprints, which is very surprising to me.

7. Thyroid/progesterone: Have not used at all, except for the topical diosgenin, which I need to experiment with more. However I feel so good, I wonder what the benefits could possibly be.

Overall, I feel great. My blood test is immaculate. I have no fillings in my teeth, and no cavities on the come-up. I have no physical injuries, and am gaining strength and muscle quite quickly doing only a little bit of exercise every day. I sleep like a log, feel extremely calm, and surprisingly confident in intimidating situations. Furthermore, for one of the first times in my life I actually feel like I really like being the “sense” of the person that I am – I feel very good in my own body – a truly positive sense of vitality and abundance. Can’t even remember how bad my anxiety and panic attacks used to me – and I’m glad I’ve forgotten.

My own non-scientific thoughts: We are all different. Peat is clearly an older man, and as such, we can’t put too much faith in his own anecdotal experiences. My girlfriend has had far different experiences to me on a Peat protocol, and her experimentation continues. I don’t encourage anyone to go too hard on any imagined Peat-style of eating. I did, and I got a yeast infection.

Hope this record helps someone.
I am confused as to why you would use diosgenin. Peat doesn't recommend using it as it is potent estrogenic... I thought it was only a precursor to pregnenolone in the sense of being a precursor for industrial synthesis... I haven't found any sources claiming that it would be converted in vivo to pregnenolone.


Mar 5, 2018
Changed my diet slightly.

As my metabolism improved, I found it necessary to eat more. The morning OJ/protein shake wasn't filling me up. I also got a bit tired of supps and cut them all out.

What I do now is:

1. Eat as many fruity and sugary carbs as possible upon waking up. I achieve this by eating an 800g can of stewed fruits (drained), with golden syrup generously poured on top. I then wash it down with a small glass of juice. Usually I hate yoghurt because it gives me headaches like Peat also has experienced, however, if I buy a brand of yoghurt without all the stupid bacteria in it, a little bit is fine. This is a huge meal of sugariness that goes down well, especially when the pears are heated in the microwave.

2. Once this has digested, I have a casein protein drink, with Ceylon cinnamon. I also still eat medjool dates and cheese. Started again with organic raisins, which seem to be fine.

3. Started on a new idea that maybe boiled starch, aka vermicelli, rice noodles or similar, are easy to digest. So far, these seem to be fine in meals at lunch/dinner. Still eat lamb, chicken, steak. Still have glycine in my coffee.

4. I don't have too many liquids anymore, it was driving me nuts.

5. I just eat salty macadamias now instead of putting salt in my juice. Far tastier.

Other notes:

I have learnt that if I feel stressed, Gatorade/Powerade is one of the best things to bring me back to normality.

Read on the **** Portion Control blog that B2 can help with weight loss, but am too nervous to try it.

Haven't gained weight or lost weight.

I consume water only when really thirsty, which is hardly ever. I probably have one glass of water per day.
chispas, it's being more than a year since last update :) any new lessons / changes to the diet?


Jul 17, 2018
Coffee is stimulating for some. Glycine is inhibitory. Doesn't seem that odd.

Glycine can also be excitatory. It inhibits the cell by letting chloride in and excite it by letting chloride out. To me glycine works better with mineral drops high in gchloride. Some GABA receptors work the same way.

larry h

May 27, 2018
need some feedback, saw bamboo shoots vacuum packed in the asian store, from thailand, just wondering if they were boiled first or they raw? I am looking for raw, because of the thiocyanate content.


" Peat is clearly an older man, and as such, we can’t put too much faith in his own anecdotal experiences." major EYEROLL. what does his age have to do with anything? actually is give him more knowledge and experience.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I feel great eating the Ray Peat way, so I thought I would share a post explaining my understanding of Dr Peat’s views, and what I have done to implement them.

I’ve read (mostly) all of Ray Peat’s work (books and articles both) but I’m not a scientist, and find it all quite challenging to comprehend. Below I have attempted to outline what I understand of Ray Peat’s dietary principles (of which I may be quite wrong), and describe my experience.

What I think Ray Peat says:

1. Low consumption or elimination of PUFA will promote an environment where the organism inclines toward a hyperthyroid state, where the metabolic rate quickens, body temperature increases, mitochondrial respiration is optimal, and available energy is used properly throughout the body.
2. Consumption of easily digestible simple sugars support the complexity of mitochondrial efficiency (as opposed to glycation processes, which are in Peat’s view better suited to “less advanced” organisms, and can be attributed to the formation of ‘advanced-glycation-end-products’, aging and degeneration).
3. Sufficient protein enables proper liver function and amino acid balance, preferably with supplemental use of glycine/gelatine.
4. Sufficient aversion of heavy metals, thyroid-suppressing environmental factors and serotonin-raising foods will make us function better.
5. Sufficient promotion of B-vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, magnesium, and additional ‘mitochondrial uncouplers’ such as aspirin, caffeine, magnesium, fructose, progesterone, thyroid, etc. will also make us function better.

My experience:

1. Carbohydrate: I consume many pieces of fruit a day (sometimes over 10) from sources that are FODMAP safe and/or don’t create digestive discomfort. At the beginning, I gave myself a yeast infection by eating too many fruits that were unripe, and which severely disturbed the balance of bacteria in my gut. Now I just stick to kiwi fruit, oranges, mandarins, and dates. Any other fruits I cook. I also drink orange juice – pulp or no pulp doesn’t seem to bother me. I eat white rice, no pasta, and little potato or sweet potato (even though it doesn’t bother me at all). I eat rice at dinner only, the rest of the day is fruit.

2. Protein: Consuming protein is easy for me. I only eat grass-fed meat (nothing processed, no sausages, no bacon, no sandwich meats) and don’t worry about it as much as Peat does. I don’t eat pork because it has a tendency to give me a stuffy nose (perhaps too much methionine or cysteine in pork, I don’t know?). I consume 1500 – 3000mg of glycine per day, and it makes me feel great – a subjective sense of being calm, even when doing heavy weightlifting. I used to eat four eggs a day, now I don’t. Now it’s more about cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast. I drink full fat milk because skim is gross. I eat cheese, but not heaps. It’s hard to get authentic rennet-based cheese. I’m a big believer in organic micellar casein. As a supplement, it is not denatured and has no additives. I would never consume whey or any other protein powder; I also avoid powdered milk because of the oxidised cholesterol. I hardly eat fish, but I do eat prawns a couple of times a week. Prawns make me feel warm. I experimented with very low protein once, and it didn’t work out. I did however feel happy and euphoric for a few days, as the residual protein left my body. Perhaps protein elimination could be good once a week?

3. Vegetables: I concentrate mostly on well-cooked vegetables, but in recent weeks, I have to admit that peas are the absolute best. No other vegetable (in my opinion) comes close to the awesomeness of peas, except maybe asparagus. I highly recommend eating peas. Broccoli and cauliflower well-streamed and fried brussel sprouts are also good, but I don’t bother with much else. I eat a raw carrot every day – maybe it does something, I don’t know. I feel healthy doing it and it goes well with cheese and dates! I used to eat a lot of sauerkraut, but I don’t think it ever did anything much. There is a link between lactobacillus and the production of DHEA, so it does demand more investigation.

4. Fats: I don’t bother with coconut oil, or much olive oil. I used to eat a tonne of grass-fed butter, but didn’t notice much health benefits. I understand Weston A Price’s research on butter for good teeth.

5. Supplement experiences: I consume glycine in my coffee. I’m going to experiment soon with adding taurine. I consume creatine twice or three times throughout the day – I don’t know why Peat doesn’t place more emphasis on the value of creatine, as it is proven to increase testosterone very effectively. I try to remember to take vitamin D daily. I will take niacinamide with B1 and B6 at night, if I am feeling abnormally stressed (but I never am). I will take aspirin if I have a headache, but I never do. I have a bottle of diosgenin which is a topical precursor to pregnenolone. I’ve applied it a couple of times only to feel hotter, and get a headache. I understand I could probably eat a bit more sugar around the time of applying it and avoid the headache. I have yet to see any biological changes from pregnenolone. I hardly drink any tap water – just mostly juice, coffee and milk (and sparkling water). I will take zinc if I notice any spots on my face (generally above my eyebrows), and this makes it go away again. Once when I had bleeding gums, I took B12 and it vanished overnight. I had a dentist appointment the next day, and even the dentist couldn’t detect anything wrong with the gum, which shocked me. I haven’t found a good quality vitamin E supplement – so can’t report anything. I drink about three cups of strong instant coffee every day with about three sugars.

6. Calories: I don’t notice the difference between consuming high calorie or low calorie – I seem to be OK in any case. If I notice that I start to breathe through my mouth during exercise, I stop and get something calorific and sugary to give me energy. This hardly happens though – even doing hill sprints, which is very surprising to me.

7. Thyroid/progesterone: Have not used at all, except for the topical diosgenin, which I need to experiment with more. However I feel so good, I wonder what the benefits could possibly be.

Overall, I feel great. My blood test is immaculate. I have no fillings in my teeth, and no cavities on the come-up. I have no physical injuries, and am gaining strength and muscle quite quickly doing only a little bit of exercise every day. I sleep like a log, feel extremely calm, and surprisingly confident in intimidating situations. Furthermore, for one of the first times in my life I actually feel like I really like being the “sense” of the person that I am – I feel very good in my own body – a truly positive sense of vitality and abundance. Can’t even remember how bad my anxiety and panic attacks used to me – and I’m glad I’ve forgotten.

My own non-scientific thoughts: We are all different. Peat is clearly an older man, and as such, we can’t put too much faith in his own anecdotal experiences. My girlfriend has had far different experiences to me on a Peat protocol, and her experimentation continues. I don’t encourage anyone to go too hard on any imagined Peat-style of eating. I did, and I got a yeast infection.

Hope this record helps someone.
Can I ask you where you bought diosgenin? Thank you.
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