Lowering starch and muscle meat making fat loss easy


Aug 27, 2022
A mostly-milk diet removed fat from my body quickly, and the fat has not come back over a year later
Did you use low fat, skim, or whole? did you eat fruit and other foods? I'm trying to stick with it but it is really hard when eating out/parties/weddings etc. I try to be consistent at home but like I said I crave meat, and I also crave chocolate.


May 10, 2020
Did you use low fat, skim, or whole? did you eat fruit and other foods? I'm trying to stick with it but it is really hard when eating out/parties/weddings etc. I try to be consistent at home but like I said I crave meat, and I also crave chocolate.
High sodium and high calcium promoves reduction of fat


Jun 10, 2020
Did you use low fat, skim, or whole? did you eat fruit and other foods? I'm trying to stick with it but it is really hard when eating out/parties/weddings etc. I try to be consistent at home but like I said I crave meat, and I also crave chocolate.
I use whole goat milk. The A2 makes a big difference, since commercial A1 cow's milk makes me constipated.

I understand the craving for meat, but do you think another salty food could substitute? Maybe it's a craving for salt? Whenever I get a salt craving, I eat some salty cheese like goat gouda, manchego, or pecorino romano. Parmiggiano Reggiano would be good too.

I understand the difficulty about eating out, but I usually just bring a cooler of my own stuff. I even brought a cooler of milk to my friend's wedding, haha. Anyway, even if you ate whatever once or twice a week, I don't think this would throw off gains as long as you were very consistent with calcium-rich, easily digestible foods the rest of the time. I do eat fruit, like 6-8 cups a day so a good amount, but I only keep it to ripe frozen fruits that digest well.


Aug 27, 2022
I use whole goat milk. The A2 makes a big difference, since commercial A1 cow's milk makes me constipated.

I understand the craving for meat, but do you think another salty food could substitute? Maybe it's a craving for salt? Whenever I get a salt craving, I eat some salty cheese like goat gouda, manchego, or pecorino romano. Parmiggiano Reggiano would be good too.

I understand the difficulty about eating out, but I usually just bring a cooler of my own stuff. I even brought a cooler of milk to my friend's wedding, haha. Anyway, even if you ate whatever once or twice a week, I don't think this would throw off gains as long as you were very consistent with calcium-rich, easily digestible foods the rest of the time. I do eat fruit, like 6-8 cups a day so a good amount, but I only keep it to ripe frozen fruits that digest well.
I don't think cheese satisfies that craving. Unless it is a craving for fat and I'm currently denying myself that. I don't think this super low fat is sustainable for more than a couple weeks. I just really want the fat loss to continue and not stall. I used to drink all raw, organic, A2 cow's milk when pregnant and breastfeeding. I drank up to probably 2 quarts a day at the end of pregnancy. And I gained a LOT of weight. I'm hoping to re-introduce raw whole milk again once I lose the weight but for now I'm doing skim, Greek yogurt, and low fat cottage cheese.


Jun 10, 2020
I don't think cheese satisfies that craving. Unless it is a craving for fat and I'm currently denying myself that. I don't think this super low fat is sustainable for more than a couple weeks. I just really want the fat loss to continue and not stall. I used to drink all raw, organic, A2 cow's milk when pregnant and breastfeeding. I drank up to probably 2 quarts a day at the end of pregnancy. And I gained a LOT of weight. I'm hoping to re-introduce raw whole milk again once I lose the weight but for now I'm doing skim, Greek yogurt, and low fat cottage cheese.
Ah, if you gained a lot of weight previously on whole A2 milk, that's a good reason not to try that strategy again. From what I've read on the forum, some members do well with super-low fat, but many report problems developing after too long on very low fat. I don't think meat avoidance is critical for weight loss--plenty of forum members have discussed physique improvement with meat in the diet.

How's your digestion, sleep, and body temp? Optimizing those will help with weight loss. I think part of the reason I lost weight with A2 milk is that my digestion got a lot better with the change. I stopped consuming so much honey and unripe fruit, which were messing up my digestion.


Aug 27, 2022
Ah, if you gained a lot of weight previously on whole A2 milk, that's a good reason not to try that strategy again. From what I've read on the forum, some members do well with super-low fat, but many report problems developing after too long on very low fat. I don't think meat avoidance is critical for weight loss--plenty of forum members have discussed physique improvement with meat in the diet.

How's your digestion, sleep, and body temp? Optimizing those will help with weight loss. I think part of the reason I lost weight with A2 milk is that my digestion got a lot better with the change. I stopped consuming so much honey and unripe fruit, which were messing up my digestion.
Interesting! My digestion has never been terrible, I don't get stomach aches or anything. Maybe tend more toward constipation but not often. I do the raw carrots most days and try to do cooked mushrooms a few days also. I haven't started taking my Temps yet because it is just overwhelming to think about. I have 4 children and life is so busy. Sleep is better than it used to be, I fall asleep pretty quickly around 11 and sleep til about 6 when I have to pee then I try to go back to sleep til 7...need to get in bed earlier for sure. Again, hard with kids. I take a while to destress/decompress after they go to bed.


Aug 27, 2022
I'm sure I should start taking Temps. Right now I am crashing hard every afternoon...coincidentally, I crash from about 3-6 pm, basically from school pickup until dinnertime....which is the busiest time of the day. So my kids only see me when I'm struggling to stay awake while driving, and a little short tempered at all their noise and questions. I really want to give them my best but I feel awful at that time of day and just want to crawl into bed. It's so sad.


Aug 27, 2022
I also get this heart-racing feeling almost every afternoon. It's almost always when I'm driving the kids somewhere, trying to make dinner, or whatever and I have 4 people trying to talk to me and also trying to focus on my task at hand...how can I fix this? It is an awful feeling. It doesn't seem to matter if I've had a snack recently or not. Any help will be most welcome. I'm getting so snappy with the kids because I feel awful and don't have patience when my heart is racing. When things are really stressful it can be almost like a panic attack.


Jun 10, 2020
I also get this heart-racing feeling almost every afternoon. It's almost always when I'm driving the kids somewhere, trying to make dinner, or whatever and I have 4 people trying to talk to me and also trying to focus on my task at hand...how can I fix this? It is an awful feeling. It doesn't seem to matter if I've had a snack recently or not. Any help will be most welcome. I'm getting so snappy with the kids because I feel awful and don't have patience when my heart is racing. When things are really stressful it can be almost like a panic attack.
I used to get something similar around the same time of day, and I also use to have panic attacks every morning. My resting heart rate was very high during this time period, usually over 100 bpm resting in the afternoons. Do you ever get the chance to take your heart rate in the afternoon when feeling panicky, or upon waking?

For me, taking Cynomel T3 (a few mcg at a time, spread out by a few hours) resolved the panic attacks and I stopped having them in the morning and afternoon. The T3 also lowered my heart rate. However, my heart rate slowly started to ramp back up again in the months following. I resolved this second wave by replacing a meat+fruit-based diet with a goat milk+sugar-based one, which digested way better.

Can you describe a general day of eating?


Aug 27, 2022
I used to get something similar around the same time of day, and I also use to have panic attacks every morning. My resting heart rate was very high during this time period, usually over 100 bpm resting in the afternoons. Do you ever get the chance to take your heart rate in the afternoon when feeling panicky, or upon waking?

For me, taking Cynomel T3 (a few mcg at a time, spread out by a few hours) resolved the panic attacks and I stopped having them in the morning and afternoon. The T3 also lowered my heart rate. However, my heart rate slowly started to ramp back up again in the months following. I resolved this second wave by replacing a meat+fruit-based diet with a goat milk+sugar-based one, which digested way better.

Can you describe a general day of eating?

FYI, I just started another thread about my issues because I felt bad highjacking this one. 😅

I am taking Ancestral Supplements Desiccated liver+thyroid currently. 3 in the morning and 1 with lunch. I'm trying to gradually increase. I'm not sure it actually helps though, so when I run out of this bottle I may get a liquid natural thyroid elsewhere....not sure.

Still trying to find my groove with eating but roughly:

1 egg or 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1 cup OJ with vitamin B drops and aspirin powder in it
Coffee with 20g collagen, 3 tablespoons skim sweetened condensed milk
3 Thyroid/liver caps, 1 ashwagandha cap, 1 oyster cap

Another cup of coffee, same

Raw carrot
1/2 cup nonfat greek yogurt with jam or honey
1 cup grapes
Jarlsberg low fat Swiss cheese
(Or leftovers or a smoothie or something)
Another cup OJ with more B vitamin drops, 1 cap thyroid/liver, 1 cap ashwagandha, 1 cap oyster

1 cup coffee with 1 cup nonfat milk, 3 tbsp maple syrup
some more cottage cheese or greek yogurt with jam
Dark chocolate

Ground beef or chicken or shrimp or white fish cooked in coconut oil with cooked veggies like zucchini, bell pepper, mushrooms, onions, and a side of fruit or fruit juice

Nonfat ice cream (Slimbirdy recipe)
Homemade brownie (no starch) or melted chocolate chips with coconut oil

4 caps magnesium before bed


Jul 25, 2013
Here is his exact quote….

“50% of the animal is glycine and collagen. ancient cultures ate the whole animal and prized the organs and skin, and gave most of the muscle meat to the dogs.” Ray Peat
The Apache lived almost exclusively on the buffalo They gave most of the meat to their dogs not all of it but they kept the organs ,fat and bone marrow for themselves



FYI, I just started another thread about my issues because I felt bad highjacking this one. 😅

I am taking Ancestral Supplements Desiccated liver+thyroid currently. 3 in the morning and 1 with lunch. I'm trying to gradually increase. I'm not sure it actually helps though, so when I run out of this bottle I may get a liquid natural thyroid elsewhere....not sure.

Still trying to find my groove with eating but roughly:

1 egg or 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1 cup OJ with vitamin B drops and aspirin powder in it
Coffee with 20g collagen, 3 tablespoons skim sweetened condensed milk
3 Thyroid/liver caps, 1 ashwagandha cap, 1 oyster cap

Another cup of coffee, same

Raw carrot
1/2 cup nonfat greek yogurt with jam or honey
1 cup grapes
Jarlsberg low fat Swiss cheese
(Or leftovers or a smoothie or something)
Another cup OJ with more B vitamin drops, 1 cap thyroid/liver, 1 cap ashwagandha, 1 cap oyster

1 cup coffee with 1 cup nonfat milk, 3 tbsp maple syrup
some more cottage cheese or greek yogurt with jam
Dark chocolate

Ground beef or chicken or shrimp or white fish cooked in coconut oil with cooked veggies like zucchini, bell pepper, mushrooms, onions, and a side of fruit or fruit juice

Nonfat ice cream (Slimbirdy recipe)
Homemade brownie (no starch) or melted chocolate chips with coconut oil

4 caps magnesium before bed
This breakfast with those supplements will tank your blood sugar. I'm not a expert on this but I do know how easy it is to tank blood sugar.


The egg, vitamin b drops, ashwagandha and aspirin all lower blood sugar.

Do you need all those supplements in the morning? You are actually eating a good breakfast.

Try keeping the food and removing some of the supplements and see how you feel.
Mar 10, 2021
The egg, vitamin b drops, ashwagandha and aspirin all lower blood sugar.

Do you need all those supplements in the morning? You are actually eating a good breakfast.

Try keeping the food and removing some of the supplements and see how you feel.
You are so right about those eggs. Ray wrote me and said just one egg needs about two cups of orange juice to balance it. He also said the first half of the day that blood sugar levels are low already, so putting the egg later might be better. He doesn’t eat more than one a day, if that, because of the feed. He said when he is in Mexico and he knows what they are fed he eats more of them. I eat my egg at night and it gives me good sleep.


Aug 27, 2022
The egg, vitamin b drops, ashwagandha and aspirin all lower blood sugar.

Do you need all those supplements in the morning? You are actually eating a good breakfast.

Try keeping the food and removing some of the supplements and see how you feel.
I've been doing the thyroid to try to help weight loss and energy. I've always had hypothyroid symptoms but blood tests were "fine".

Just added B drops because I am eating lots more carbs than I used to and I read that the Bs help you metabolize carbs better...also, for my whole life I've felt better with B vitamins.
Ashwagandha for stress and mood, oyster capsules and liver capsules for nutrition. If you don't have egg for breakfast where is the protein coming from? I'm eating so much more carbs at breakfast than I used to. So I'm not sure, should I increase protein, fat, or carbs at breakfast?


I've been doing the thyroid to try to help weight loss and energy. I've always had hypothyroid symptoms but blood tests were "fine".

Just added B drops because I am eating lots more carbs than I used to and I read that the Bs help you metabolize carbs better...also, for my whole life I've felt better with B vitamins.
Ashwagandha for stress and mood, oyster capsules and liver capsules for nutrition. If you don't have egg for breakfast where is the protein coming from? I'm eating so much more carbs at breakfast than I used to. So I'm not sure, should I increase protein, fat, or carbs at breakfast?
Egg is fine to include at breakfast because you are balancing it with carbs. The symptoms you are having could be a result of reactive low blood sugar due to the added supplements or it could be your thyroid supplement.


You are so right about those eggs. Ray wrote me and said just one egg needs about two cups of orange juice to balance it. He also said the first half of the day that blood sugar levels are low already, so putting the egg later might be better. He doesn’t eat more than one a day, if that, because of the feed. He said when he is in Mexico and he knows what they are fed he eats more of them. I eat my egg at night and it gives me good sleep.
Same with me. At night. Works well…
I don't have eggs in the morning. I normally have it at lunch and not at night. What do you have for breakfast?
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