Jordan Peterson finally shares what he thinks of the pandemic


Nov 22, 2015
I commend Jordan on this presentation.


I'm not a fan of JP, I think his health and decision making to that regard speaks volumes of his thought procesess (takes finasteride, takes ssri's, benzos, carvivore diet, etc).. but it's worth acknowledgling that he is highly influencial among a specific demographic in society (albiet low hanging fruit for his basic philosophies and books about life being unfair on young males, standard anti-SJW crap and so forth).. So one has to ask why did it take him so long to speak out publicly about this? From this video he seems pretty convicted in his beliefs on the pandemic and the response, and everything he says here has been said by other highly intelligent experts in the field and other scientists with rational thinking abilities since the beginning of 2020.. So why is he only speaking about it publicly late Jan 2022 when this has been going on for years now and he has remained silent... Peculiar.

Lord Cola

I'm not a fan of JP, I think his health and decision making to that regard speaks volumes of his thought procesess (takes finasteride, takes ssri's, benzos, carvivore diet, etc).. but it's worth acknowledgling that he is highly influencial among a specific demographic in society (albiet low hanging fruit for his basic philosophies and books about life being unfair on young males, standard anti-SJW crap and so forth).. So one has to ask why did it take him so long to speak out publicly about this? From this video he seems pretty convicted in his beliefs on the pandemic and the response, and everything he says here has been said by other highly intelligent experts in the field and other scientists with rational thinking abilities since the beginning of 2020.. So why is he only speaking about it publicly late Jan 2022 when this has been going on for years now and he has remained silent... Peculiar.
Because he is controlled opposition. Him and Zizek make up a nice pair of controlled opposition, the go-to public intellectuals for the so-called left and right to identify with, idolize, and parrot.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Its much better than judging someone on one sentence and inferring what thay implied... That is what you did. Your pathetic staltic

An ignorant statement true to your character. I can discern your spirit/mind/character from your words, as any evolved, non-neanderthal person can. But you gots to work with what you got, I guess lol.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
So why is he only speaking about it publicly late Jan 2022 when this has been going on for years now and he has remained silent... Peculiar.

Were you born perfect and never learned new things that changed your worldview?


Jun 7, 2016
I followed JP years ago before he got popular and read the gulag archipelago because of him. I was studying a related field to his at the time and that’s how I found him.

He did go through a time which I didn’t agree with a lot of things either and spent years trying to get videos of him out of my YouTube feed but this video I posted is good because of things he brings up about the pandemic.

I wish that people commented on what he said in this particular video instead of fobbing him off because of some past mistake he made or something he said which may have been taken out of context anyway.


Oct 18, 2021
An ignorant statement true to your character. I can discern your spirit/mind/character from your words, as any evolved, non-neanderthal person can. But you gots to work with what you got, I guess lol.
If only my favorite Uncle had actually dealt with your kind completely. You really needed to smell those bitter almonds. The long nose and square faced person really is the worst kind.


Oct 18, 2021
Staltic how close is your hair line to your eyebrows? Im guessing you have a sloped in and very small forehead. With no occipital lobe and very very small chin.


New Member
Dec 22, 2019
If only my favorite Uncle had actually dealt with your kind completely. You really needed to smell those bitter almonds. The long nose and square faced person really is the worst kind.

I rarely log in, but I felt the need after reading this thread.

You started off by calling Peterson a "zionist shill", then posted a video of him refusing to answer a question about potential ethnic cleansing by the modern jewish elite.

Please enlighten us on how he was supposed to answer that atom bomb of a question.

He did the right thing here. He preserved his career.

You seem disappointed that Peterson didn’t leap into a racist tirade against jews.

You then went on to show yourself as a racist troll who judges people based on the way that they physically look, and even mentioned wishing that your weird uncle had "dealt with” someone’s “kind” completely.

The idea that anyone needs to prove anything to you regarding their ethnicity, physical attributes, or age is embarrassing.

The idea that you consider yourself some kind of authority when it comes to judging anyone is embarrassing.

There’s one thing mentioned in that video that you posted may be helpful to you:

“One cannot simply say a given ethnic group is evil. Every individual must struggle with the good and evil in their own heart.”

Everyone - have a nice day. Don’t feed the troll.



Apr 6, 2020
jordan peterson is a joke. there are some insights worth taking on, but he is not as insightful as many take him to be. ie serotonin, alcoholism, vax, diet. Also not that anyone is perfect, but for someone who tells you to man up and take life's hardship he didnt do that well.


Jun 7, 2016
This thread is insane, no one even watched watched the video.


May 17, 2021
So why is he only speaking about it publicly late Jan 2022 when this has been going on for years now and he has remained silent... Peculiar.
I think he was quite sick for most of 2020 (not sure when in 2021 he recovered)?

I am not a fan particularly, and neither do I want to sit in judgement of him.
But he is one of the few outspoken critics of the tyranny being perpetrated by government here in Canada.

This thread is insane, no one even watched watched the video.

I did - I had watched it before it was posted here.


Nov 22, 2015
I wish that people commented on what he said in this particular video instead of fobbing him off because of some past mistake he made or something he said which may have been taken out of context anyway.

This thread is insane, no one even watched watched the video.
C'mon dude, people on this forum have been saying what he says in that video, and way more, since the beginning. Thousands of experts and outspoken scientists from all around the globe that dissent from the mainstream narrative have been saying this stuff, in way more detail, for years since the beginning of this saga, sometimes at their peril... What is it that you think he's saying that's new to the conversation? Like I said in my previous comment, the only reason this is relevant is because JP influences a particular demographic in society, so in that sense it's great that he is adding to the conversation and opposing the main stream narrative. But it's nothing new to anyone on this forum.

And, of course, very strange that he has taken so long to say it. He's been dead silent on one of the biggest public policy controversies of our lifetimes, for the entire time. For someone that has made a career out of being highly vocal with his public commentary on political, social and policy issues, that is very curious.
Last edited:
Apr 4, 2021
This thread is insane, no one even watched watched the video.
So they pulled the virus out of their arse with an in silico study, made some fake or overblown videos in wuhan, stepped up their propaganda machine several thousand notches, incentivised hospitals and doctors to use the fraudulent pcr tests (you can create a pcr positive from a potato), paid them money per positive covid case, ventilated patients with pure oxygen, continued propaganda for lockdowns and masking "to save others" which then their minions executed and are now plundering state treasuries and weird backroom contracts in exchange for gene therapies which they prepared before hand with very dubious or unknown ingredients and are starting to detain people because they partially normalised that unvaccinated are in a lesser caste after dozens of false popular consensus votes around media platforms etc. (while they do strange bailouts, mowing down genuine worker protests in Khazakstan etc. in the background)

I know I do not have to explain this to you but in reference to what Peterson said about fear and overreacting. Well, of course fear plays part of it but the main problem is that this is definitely the CLUDGE of the elite. The only thing Peterson talked about which comes close to this is maybe the part about big pharma.


It's funny how many people are so sure about their belief. There is absolutely no other way except for their belief. Like the guys saying Jordan Peterson is 100% a shill and liar.

Did Jordan Peterson himself tell you this? No? Then you cannot be 100% sure that he is a shill.

Man(kind) is not perfect, man makes mistakes. Man makes choices that don't always align with other Man's beliefs.

Some mistakes or choices are being taken as irrefutable evidence of foulplay/controlled opposition. I'm not saying Peterson is NOT a shill or controlled opposition. I'm saying I don't believe he is.

What you SHOULD be saying is,
"Because of (insert reason) I BELIEVE this person to be a shill/controlled opposition".

When someone debates that belief, you SHOULD then say
"I appreciate your point, however there is also (insert other reason to validate your claim)."

That is a civil debate.

Instead people say "This is 100% reality, I am right because of this reason, and nothing you say to challenge that is relevant at all. You are a dumb child and I will insult you now for challenging my belief".

Sadly this is how most of the population communicate. This is not intelligent debate and nobody grows or learns by acting this way.
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