SPEAK THE TRUTH! And Redeem This World From Hell


Jan 23, 2017
One needs to apply careful selectivity in using MSM and alt sources. I would rarely go to NYT on foreign affairs, politics, military. But the CIA is not going to bribe them on every article, which is ludicrous to suggest, especially on this subject matter. Because this article does nothing to advance the feminist-globalist-oligarchical (all of a piece and more) agenda, quite the contrary. (Maybe CIA agent Gloria Steinem was on vacation or retired when this article got published.) If it was an article arguing against an objective standard of female beauty, then I'd suspect CIA placed it, as it would be ideal for feminist propaganda purposes.

BTW, the idea that everything that appears in the MSM is disinformation is itself disinformation. Conversely, the claim that everything that appears in your favorite alternative outlet, such as World Socialist WS, is true information is itself disinformation too. There's no sources that gives shortcuts for using your brain less when evaluating veracity.

Leading German Journalist Admits CIA 'Bribed' Him and Other Leaders of the Western 'Press'

The New York Times and “disinformation”

Maybe you could borrow his xray machine? Or you guys could take a parachute to Germany and talk about all the things you have in common on your way there.
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Jan 23, 2017
Here's evidence that beauty in art is objective, based in biology, supporting the idea that female beauty is objective, and the NYT is not involved this time (my bolding):

"There is now a growing body of studies in the neurosciences to buttress casual observation that not only is female beauty objective, but so is beauty in the arts. This study found that an abstract sense of beauty is at least partly innate. When people were shown pictures of sculptures in a new study, brain scans suggest they judged beauty by at least partly hard-wired standards. Researchers in Italy showed volunteers original and distorted images of Classical and Renaissance sculptures. The scientists picked 14 volunteers with no experience in art theory to try to see what role pure biology had to do with judging art. The proportions of the sculptures in the study followed the golden ratio. And the original images of them strongly activated sets of brain cells that the distorted images did not—including the insula, a brain structure that mediates emotions. “We were very surprised that very small modifications to images of the sculptures led to very strong modifications in brain activity,” researcher Giacomo Rizzolatti, a neuroscientist at the University of Parma, told LiveScience.

In addition, instead of asking volunteers to simply enjoy these pictures, the researchers also had them judge how beautiful or ugly each was. The images thought of as beautiful activated the right amygdala, a brain structure that responds to memories laden with emotional value. (The original images were often judged by the test subjects as more beautiful than distorted ones.) The results indicate that the sense of beauty is based on hard-wired notions triggered in the insula and one’s experiences, and then activated in the amygdala. Still, the scientists caution the findings cannot necessarily be generalized across cultures.

The conclusions of this study support the notion that the fingerpainting known as modern “art” is a fraud perpetrated on the masses by elitist snobs who needed to devise a false criteria for separating themselves from the gauche plebes.

Here is a study that shows men’s preferences for a female 0.7 waist to hip ratio has a real basis in biological necessity. Controlling for other correlates of cognitive ability, women with lower WHRs and their children have significantly higher cognitive test scores, and teenage mothers with lower WHRs and their children are protected from cognitive decrements associated with teen births. These findings support the idea that WHR reflects the availability of neurodevelopmental resources and thus offer a new explanation for men’s preference for low WHR. Summary: evolution designed men to prefer sexy hourglass figures because women who have them give birth to smarter babies.

This archaeological discovery suggests that prehistoric women shared the same tastes in slutty fashion as modern women. “According to the figurines we found, young women were beautifully dressed, like today’s girls in short tops and mini skirts, and wore bracelets around their arms,” said archaeologist Julka Kuzmanovic-Cvetkovic.


prehistoric boy shorts underneath

She looks pretty thin. So much for the hypothesis that men used to like fat girls before the evil fashion industry warped their minds to chase after thin girls. 7,500 hundred years ago men lusted for a hot bod in a mini skirt, same as today. And, same as today, women knew what turned men on."

If you want to read about fascistic conventions of human beauty then yea starting with the NYT is an excellent first step.


Jan 23, 2017
"Asked Jordan Peterson on the Joe Rogan show. The Professor’s belief is that Women’s Studies and related fields are intrinsically teaching Identity Politics. They indoctrinate students to group people up and turn them against each other and against civilised society as a whole.

Well there are tentative signs that the Professors actions are having real world results. Especially in America the birthplace of the ‘Women’s Studies’ meme. The Indiana University Southeast, facing a budget shortfall of $7 million decided to phase out the Women’s Studies program. Nothing of value was lost. Western Illinois University administrators have recently recommended cutting the Women’s Studies Major due to poor enrollment. Women’s Studies Professors are also reporting outbreaks of less naivety amongst their students. Stephany Rose Director of Women’s and Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado is quoted in the The Chronicle of Higher Education as saying “Students who once might have been simply skeptical of my course now walk into the classroom feeling emboldened by what they’re hearing from the top levels of government. They feel they can resist what we are teaching that much more.” Carly Thomsen a Professor of ‘Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies’ at Middlebury College in Vermont was shocked that one of her courses was described as “categorically insane.” The course’s title? “Queering Food.” Some Women’s Studies professors even admit to seeing the programs in the same way. Breanne Fahs and Michael Karger of Arizona State University wrote a paper that called “to train students not only to master a body of knowledge but also to serve as symbolic ‘viruses’ that infect, unsettle, and disrupt traditional and entrenched fields.” They went all on to call Women’s Studies an “insurrectionary field,” using stronger language even than the Dark Professor.
(my bolding above)

Dr Peterson’s fight to shut down Women’s Studies Departments may already be working “Why the hell are we subsidising revolution?”

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
"Asked Jordan Peterson on the Joe Rogan show. The Professor’s belief is that Women’s Studies and related fields are intrinsically teaching Identity Politics. They indoctrinate students to group people up and turn them against each other and against civilised society as a whole.

Well there are tentative signs that the Professors actions are having real world results. Especially in America the birthplace of the ‘Women’s Studies’ meme. The Indiana University Southeast, facing a budget shortfall of $7 million decided to phase out the Women’s Studies program. Nothing of value was lost. Western Illinois University administrators have recently recommended cutting the Women’s Studies Major due to poor enrollment. Women’s Studies Professors are also reporting outbreaks of less naivety amongst their students. Stephany Rose Director of Women’s and Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado is quoted in the The Chronicle of Higher Education as saying “Students who once might have been simply skeptical of my course now walk into the classroom feeling emboldened by what they’re hearing from the top levels of government. They feel they can resist what we are teaching that much more.” Carly Thomsen a Professor of ‘Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies’ at Middlebury College in Vermont was shocked that one of her courses was described as “categorically insane.” The course’s title? “Queering Food.” Some Women’s Studies professors even admit to seeing the programs in the same way. Breanne Fahs and Michael Karger of Arizona State University wrote a paper that called “to train students not only to master a body of knowledge but also to serve as symbolic ‘viruses’ that infect, unsettle, and disrupt traditional and entrenched fields.” They went all on to call Women’s Studies an “insurrectionary field,” using stronger language even than the Dark Professor.
(my bolding above)

Dr Peterson’s fight to shut down Women’s Studies Departments may already be working “Why the hell are we subsidising revolution?”
The world famous Islamic Sufi poet Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi (1207 - 1273) writes: "Woman is the radiance of God; she is not your beloved. She is the Creator—you could say that she is not created."

Rumi > Jordan son of Peder

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Here's evidence that beauty in art is objective, based in biology, supporting the idea that female beauty is objective, and the NYT is not involved this time (my bolding):

"There is now a growing body of studies in the neurosciences to buttress casual observation that not only is female beauty objective, but so is beauty in the arts. This study found that an abstract sense of beauty is at least partly innate. When people were shown pictures of sculptures in a new study, brain scans suggest they judged beauty by at least partly hard-wired standards. Researchers in Italy showed volunteers original and distorted images of Classical and Renaissance sculptures. The scientists picked 14 volunteers with no experience in art theory to try to see what role pure biology had to do with judging art. The proportions of the sculptures in the study followed the golden ratio. And the original images of them strongly activated sets of brain cells that the distorted images did not—including the insula, a brain structure that mediates emotions. “We were very surprised that very small modifications to images of the sculptures led to very strong modifications in brain activity,” researcher Giacomo Rizzolatti, a neuroscientist at the University of Parma, told LiveScience.

In addition, instead of asking volunteers to simply enjoy these pictures, the researchers also had them judge how beautiful or ugly each was. The images thought of as beautiful activated the right amygdala, a brain structure that responds to memories laden with emotional value. (The original images were often judged by the test subjects as more beautiful than distorted ones.) The results indicate that the sense of beauty is based on hard-wired notions triggered in the insula and one’s experiences, and then activated in the amygdala. Still, the scientists caution the findings cannot necessarily be generalized across cultures.

The conclusions of this study support the notion that the fingerpainting known as modern “art” is a fraud perpetrated on the masses by elitist snobs who needed to devise a false criteria for separating themselves from the gauche plebes.

Here is a study that shows men’s preferences for a female 0.7 waist to hip ratio has a real basis in biological necessity. Controlling for other correlates of cognitive ability, women with lower WHRs and their children have significantly higher cognitive test scores, and teenage mothers with lower WHRs and their children are protected from cognitive decrements associated with teen births. These findings support the idea that WHR reflects the availability of neurodevelopmental resources and thus offer a new explanation for men’s preference for low WHR. Summary: evolution designed men to prefer sexy hourglass figures because women who have them give birth to smarter babies.

This archaeological discovery suggests that prehistoric women shared the same tastes in slutty fashion as modern women. “According to the figurines we found, young women were beautifully dressed, like today’s girls in short tops and mini skirts, and wore bracelets around their arms,” said archaeologist Julka Kuzmanovic-Cvetkovic.


prehistoric boy shorts underneath

She looks pretty thin. So much for the hypothesis that men used to like fat girls before the evil fashion industry warped their minds to chase after thin girls. 7,500 hundred years ago men lusted for a hot bod in a mini skirt, same as today. And, same as today, women knew what turned men on."
Female-oriented religions are directly connected with birth and the body, nurturing, fecundity, nonviolence, wholeness, spirals, circles and the Underworld. Perhaps this is the profound insight that the Prophet Muhammad had when he said, 'Paradise is found at the feet of The Mother.' The secret Sufi understanding of this hadith is that the Arabic word for foot is the same word for the female pubic bone, suggesting that illumination can be found through sexual intercourse between two married Sufis in the station of Haqq. The great Sufi Sheikh, Ibn 'Arabi, 'practiced ... the exaltation of sexual intercourse as a supreme method of realization,' [83] and transmitted his direct knowledge from Allah to fourteen women, eight of whom received this transmission in dreams.[84]

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
"Asked Jordan Peterson on the Joe Rogan show. The Professor’s belief is that Women’s Studies and related fields are intrinsically teaching Identity Politics. They indoctrinate students to group people up and turn them against each other and against civilised society as a whole.

Well there are tentative signs that the Professors actions are having real world results. Especially in America the birthplace of the ‘Women’s Studies’ meme. The Indiana University Southeast, facing a budget shortfall of $7 million decided to phase out the Women’s Studies program. Nothing of value was lost. Western Illinois University administrators have recently recommended cutting the Women’s Studies Major due to poor enrollment. Women’s Studies Professors are also reporting outbreaks of less naivety amongst their students. Stephany Rose Director of Women’s and Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado is quoted in the The Chronicle of Higher Education as saying “Students who once might have been simply skeptical of my course now walk into the classroom feeling emboldened by what they’re hearing from the top levels of government. They feel they can resist what we are teaching that much more.” Carly Thomsen a Professor of ‘Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies’ at Middlebury College in Vermont was shocked that one of her courses was described as “categorically insane.” The course’s title? “Queering Food.” Some Women’s Studies professors even admit to seeing the programs in the same way. Breanne Fahs and Michael Karger of Arizona State University wrote a paper that called “to train students not only to master a body of knowledge but also to serve as symbolic ‘viruses’ that infect, unsettle, and disrupt traditional and entrenched fields.” They went all on to call Women’s Studies an “insurrectionary field,” using stronger language even than the Dark Professor.
(my bolding above)

Dr Peterson’s fight to shut down Women’s Studies Departments may already be working “Why the hell are we subsidising revolution?”
All hail Progesterone! (Sync to RPs most recent newsletter)


Mar 3, 2016
Jordan Peterson is a total hypocrite who is banning people because he finds their speech offensive. He's also unable to tell the truth when faced with hard questions, probably because it would hurt his career and his income.


x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Jordan Peterson is a total hypocrite who is banning people because he finds their speech offensive. He's also unable to tell the truth when faced with hard questions, probably because it would hurt his career and his income.

One thing I do agree with you that Peterson is not who he claims to be. He has been purposely promoted to be the new pied-piper of disaffected white young males who are getting screwed by the system. If he doles out good advice along the way, all the better as he becomes that more believable. Anyone who knows how to recognize a Freemason can easily see that he is part of the club by his many uses of their various masonic signs of recognition. The truth is that nobody who is not part of the system can rise up to such prominence. It would be far too risky to allow someone who is not under their control to become a media star as they might start talking about 911 or the NWO etc.

Peterson's role therefore is not to defeat the ongoing stereotyping of the Jews. That would be counterproductive to the overall goals of the NWO. Peterson also has a video that tries to completely discredit the existence of Satanic cults and promotes the False Memory syndrome bs.

As for the guys question, yes there were a lot of Jews who took place in the Russian revolution but they were still a small minority (about 10% according to Wikipedia). The Russian Tsar had persecuted them for hundreds of years so they were ripe for any change that was offered but they were mostly useful idiots who were purged as soon as the revolution was secured.

The starvation of the Ukrainian people occurred under Stalin's order from 1932-1933. By that time Stalin had been Dictator for several years and had purged all of the Jews in leadership positions in the mid and late 1920s. He went on to purge Jews from the party and the military in several more purges and killed millions of Jews in the Gulags. Stalin by the way was trained to be a Jesuit Priest at the Tiflis Seminary, the real powers behind the Communists.

The Jesuits had purposely staffed the NKVD with a disproportionate number of Jews so that they would be hated and blamed for Communism. Trotsky complained about this but couldnt get it changed. He, like most other Jews, was not a true insider and didn't realize that he too was just another useful idiot.

“The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict.” Edmond Paris Former Catholic Priest and Historian

edit: not surprisingly I had to find a new source for the above video as the previous channel was removed by Youtube for policy violations. Ask yourself if the Jews run the world or the media why are there so many anti-Jewish videos all over youtube and youtube refuses to remove even the worst ones such as claiming that Jews use Christian blood in their rituals. Google lets antisemitic videos stay on YouTube
Placing Jews in prominent positions is part of the scapegoating strategy. These Jews are just Freemasons doing what they are told.
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May 26, 2016
One thing I do agree with you that Peterson is not who he claims to be. He has been purposely promoted to be the new pied-piper of disaffected white young males who are getting screwed by the system. If he doles out good advice along the way, all the better as he becomes that more believable. Anyone who knows how to recognize a Freemason can easily see that he is part of the club by his many uses of their various masonic signs of recognition. The truth is that nobody who is not part of the system can rise up to such prominence. It would be far too risky to allow someone who is not under their control to become a media star as they might start talking about 911 or the NWO etc.

Peterson's role therefore is not to defeat the ongoing stereotyping of the Jews. That would be counterproductive to the overall goals of the NWO. Peterson also has a video that tries to completely discredit the existence of Satanic cults and promotes the False Memory syndrome bs.

As for the guys question, yes there were a lot of Jews who took place in the Russian revolution but they were still a small minority (about 10% according to Wikipedia). The Russian Tsar had persecuted them for hundreds of years so they were ripe for any change that was offered but they were mostly useful idiots who were purged as soon as the revolution was secured.

The starvation of the Ukrainian people occurred under Stalin's order from 1932-1933. By that time Stalin had been Dictator for several years and had purged all of the Jews in leadership positions in the mid and late 1920s. He went on to purge Jews from the party and the military in several more purges and killed millions of Jews in the Gulags. Stalin by the way was trained to be a Jesuit Priest at the Tiflis Seminary, the real powers behind the Communists.

The Jesuits had purposely staffed the NKVD with a disproportionate number of Jews so that they would be hated and blamed for Communism. Trotsky complained about this but couldnt get it changed. He, like most other Jews, was not a true insider and didn't realize that he too was just another useful idiot.

“The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict.” Edmond Paris Former Catholic Priest and Historian

edit: not surprisingly I had to find a new source for the above video as the previous channel was removed by Youtube for policy violations. Ask yourself if the Jews run the world or the media why are there so many anti-Jewish videos all over youtube and youtube refuses to remove even the worst ones such as claiming that Jews use Christian blood in their rituals. Google lets antisemitic videos stay on YouTube
Placing Jews in prominent positions is part of the scapegoating strategy. These Jews are just Freemasons doing what they are told.

Are you saying Peterson is a pawn?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Are you saying Peterson is a pawn?
I think just about anyone who has his level of celebrity gained through significant media attention is definitely a pawn. His celebrity was manufactured and for a purpose. Whether he fully understands what’s going on or the big picture doesn’t really matter as long as he doesn’t stray from the script and does what he’s told. He probably thinks he is helping to usher in a golden age of reason led by the illuminated ones, i.e. the Freemasons.

I think you've gone native having spent so much time in Rome.

Israel like just about every other country is controlled by the Jesuits so yes Mossad was probably used on 9/11. However 9/11 could never have taken place unless all of the US was controlled as well. Despite what the scapegoating propagandist may claim the US is not controlled by a tiny minority of 15 million Jews who collectively can’t agree on anything.

The Jesuits in contrast have the collective power of over a billion Catholics under the control of one man and the largest system of universities and schools in the world to create their useful minions. The historical evidence pointing towards their political machinations throughout history, and the warnings given to us, are unprecedented and certainly far more persuasive than any of the no-name cranks on Youtube who dont bother to reference anything you can check.

All the major players involved in 9/11 are all Knights of Malta who have sworn loyalty to the Vatican or high level freemasons who are controlled by the Jesuits. This includes CIA Head, George Tenet who is a Knight of Malta and Jesuit trained at Georgetown; the head of the NSA, Michael Hayden, also Roman Catholic and Catholic trained; and Secretary of Defense Rumsfield Jesuit trained at Georgetown. All of these people were required to be in on it from in the beginning and have no meaningful;l connections to Israel but rather powerful connections to the Jesuits.

And btw the purposely leaked film of the three Israelis filming the WTC’s collapse was a Masonic joke. They were portraying the three Ruffians, known as the three Ju’s (Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum).

Here is some real historical information if interested.

Nov 26, 2013
And btw the purposely leaked film of the three Israelis filming the WTC’s collapse was a Masonic joke. They were portraying the three Ruffians, known as the three Ju’s (Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum).
Thought it was five of them? :emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking:

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Thought it was five of them? :emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking:
Three were dancing, 5 were later found in the same van on the highway. Anyway, this is just a distraction from the main evidence that it was an inside job by the US governmental leadership. The Israelis couldn't have gotten the entire US military to stand down while 9/11 unfolded. The Jesuit controlled insiders could.
Nov 26, 2013
Three were dancing, 5 were later found in the same van on the highway. Anyway, this is just a distraction from the main evidence that it was an inside job by the US governmental leadership. The Israelis couldn't have gotten the entire US military to stand down while 9/11 unfolded. The Jesuit controlled insiders could.
So that massive network that he documented at his own danger, just PRETENDS to be jewish, but is jesuit?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
So that massive network that he documented at his own danger, just PRETENDS to be jewish, but is jesuit?
what massive network are you talking about? The billion plus Catholics or the largest and most powerful religious/military order in Catholicism? Only propagandists claim them to be Jewsuits.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Didnt you say you were going to read some of those books I referenced? That is real documentation.
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