I Have Started And Stopped Starch Like 50 Times And The End Result Is Always The Same


Sep 13, 2012
Doubt a cold potato will heat you up. The juice cools you down in summer so it wont increase ya body temp, the summer does that if you heat the juice then it will make you warm..
Thermogenic foods for me have both carbs and fats, but have to be careful with that kind of diet. I get a large flush of heat after half hour from eating melted haagen dazs. It's the caloric density. See Matt Stone.


Oct 4, 2019
Thermogenic foods for me have both carbs and fats, but have to be careful with that kind of diet. I get a large flush of heat after half hour from eating melted haagen dazs. It's the caloric density. See Matt Stone.
With that large amount of calories, do you feel slow afterwards?
Mar 10, 2021
Exactly, and I don't tolerate a high liquid diet very well. I know a dude on here who consumes only milk, some liver, some seafood and is doing great, but I think he's the exception because he has fructose intolerance and probably would rather consume lactose for sugar than all starch. And if you optimize milk digestion it can be a good diet, but extremely monotonous! And I just wonder how it works out over the course of a lifetime. Whether it is the perfect diet or not. I tried making milk work and felt awful. Too much liquid for my kidneys.
I don't think milk, liver and seafood would be enough for health. I couldn't live like that, but then again if you feel that terrible and those three things make you feel good, what could ever taste better than feeling good? I do not look at food the way I use to. I don't see it's whole I see all of it's disgusting parts. Restaurant's literally repulse me.
Mar 10, 2021
Doubt a cold potato will heat you up. The juice cools you down in summer so it wont increase ya body temp, the summer does that if you heat the juice then it will make you warm..
I don't get cold and I don't get hot so food doesn't make any difference to me where that is concerned. For me it is heavy food for cold weather and lighter foods for hot weather. I use to do mono potato fasts and I loved it! I would roast a bunch of baby red potatoes in the morning and eat them at room temperature all day long. When you don't have your taste buds bombarded with a bunch of flavors you can really taste the sugar in those plain potatoes, bread not so much.


Sep 13, 2012
With that large amount of calories, do you feel slow afterwards?
No, I should have said it gives that feeling of warmth you get from good thyroid function. But I am a chronic undereater who tends towards obsessions and anxiety.
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Sep 13, 2012
I don't think milk, liver and seafood would be enough for health. I couldn't live like that, but then again if you feel that terrible and those three things make you feel good, what could ever taste better than feeling good? I do not look at food the way I use to. I don't see it's whole I see all of it's disgusting parts. Restaurant's literally repulse me.
Yeah for him feeling good will trump all else. I will just lose my appetite if I don't enjoy my food.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The traditional Okinawa diet gave them protection from most diseases that plagued the western world. They eat differently now than they did a hundred yrs ago. They eat more calories and foods they never ate before. And yet they still suffer less dementias than Americans. Indians also suffer way less dementias and they owe it to turmeric.

No idea where the idea that starch increases Alzheimer's came from. I presume because Peat believes the starch particles are absorbed intact and block capillaries, but there's no proof this is the cause of disease. I don't see too many healthy fruitarians which are eating practically zero starch, they should be the healthiest on the planet. Also we should be seeing the world's healthiest people on this forum who consume very little starch and loads of fruit sugar, but I'd argue it's the direct opposite unfortunately even if there are people doing wonderfully without starch.

A dude I knew in the Ray Peat facebook world in the last yr or two nearly died of a heart attack, he had extremely blocked arteries. So much for sugar and high protein protecting your arteries. He's the dude who sold the Aminos. Also another dude named Kevin who was a prominent figure died suddenly and left behind multiple children. I presume heart attack or stroke as his wife was hush hush about it after. Then there was the trainer Zachariah Salazar who had kidney failure, never came out saying what caused it but he was doing the Ray Peat stuff to a 'T' and then some. I'd love to believe fructose, sugar, and lactose (and also high protein) vs starch for fuel is healthy but I'm just not seeing it too often.


Apr 14, 2013
I guess you wait until the bananas are very generously flecked with brown spots? Because unripe bananas are very starchy. Dates too have a lot of fiber and I know some people get serotonin reactions from them. I love both, especially with some milk and ice in a shake.
Yes, very speckled. By that point they are usually too soft to eat normally so I put them in a bowl and eat with a fork (also I sprinkle salt on them... Sounds weird but so good).
As soon as they get really speckled they go bad really quickly so I put them in the fridge and they last a few more days. At the end of the week I take the leftover ones, mash them up, whisk together with eggs and make pancakes.
True, dates can be too high fiber. I find the medjool ones are much softer (and some other varieties as well, I avoid the deglet noor). I always soak them in water before eating them, seems to help with digestion.


Oct 18, 2021
Ha! Ha! Ha! I love it! I have been taking some croissant shortcuts myself lately.
The All-Butter Croissants in the Walmart bakery have zero oils just flour, sugar and butter. I can eat one for breakfast with a pad of grass-fed butter and I'm not hungry until maybe 4 or 5pm...delicious!
Mar 10, 2021
The All-Butter Croissants in the Walmart bakery have zero oils just flour, sugar and butter. I can eat one for breakfast with a pad of grass-fed butter and I'm not hungry until maybe 4 or 5pm...delicious!
Me too! I get an organic version, and yes the high butter content is much more satiating that even yeast free sourdough.


Aug 9, 2019
High Sugar / fruits / juice: higher self-esteem, more zen-like feeling. But also lazy and unmotivated and low physical and mental energy.
Starch + Sugar: more intrusive thoughts, more introvert. Better physical and mental energy. More motivated, but it’s coming from a negative place


Jan 11, 2019
i think your climate plays a big role in what youre going to feel. if its colder temperature outside of your body youre going to want a more osmotic pressure within your body, leading to feeling better/warmer with salty and starchy meals. but if its hot outside you obviously will prefer juicy fruit. starch doesnt digest as well for me though, it always gives me less formed giant stools that make me wipe a lot. fruit gives me quick, low wipe stools that have good shape and consistency. i dont think humans live optimally in cold environments. we can survive there with technology and clothing, but being somewhere warm is far more comfortable imo if you are eating the native foods of whichever region youre in. just my opinion though, i cant speak for everyone.


May 31, 2015
i find it a bit annoying that we have to make these blanket pronouncements about starch just to admit it causes symptoms for one individual. There are a lot of people on here with damaged health, unusual genetics, pharmaceutical victims, people with PTSD, bad childhood diet, former eating disorders. I tick a lot of those boxes. I can’t make starch work for me but I can’t make a lot of things work for me, because I’m sickly lol. Everyone around me can eat bread just fine.


Aug 9, 2019
Can someone really thrive and have high thyroid function, euphoria and great digestion with high starch consumption in diet?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Can someone really thrive and have high thyroid function, euphoria and great digestion with high starch consumption in diet?
a frequent very high degree of euphoria is the lonely one of the attributes you mentionned that i doubt to be possible with high starch,in comparaison the the highest degree you can reach with out starchs
Mar 10, 2021
Can someone really thrive and have high thyroid function, euphoria and great digestion with high starch consumption in diet?
You know I would have said yes to your question, before I went Paleo and rid myself of grains. I never had digestive issues with starches and I lived on them heavily my whole life. Starches are a slow decline, their issues just sneak up on you one day and their resulting issues aren’t really questioned, getting chalked up to being normal issues everybody gets as you get older. The weight gain is blamed on genetics, having kids, menopause, old age or various ailments, and people just get in line for their assigned medications. It all seems natural. I think most people that love their starches were probably like me, feeling fine with them, and never knowing how much better they CAN feel without them. It is a hard addiction to break, plus our grains aren’t the grains they use to be. So in your original question I would say starch eaters can be euphoric on grains that is for sure! I sure was euphoric having a croissant the other day! Starch will always be the great debate on this forum. The funny thing is it only a debate on this forum, go to paleo, keto and many other diet sites and they are all in harmony on the subject and nobody is as tubby as the people on this site. This site people want to eat all their ice cream, potatoes, meat and whatever else they desire and wonder why they aren’t getting anywhere with it. The most interesting part is they turn around and give advice. It is interesting to watch, all in black and white.


Jan 4, 2021
If I removed startch, that would mean removing potatoes and rice. I already removed milk because of how ive read the iodine on it can be bad for thyroid, as well as not a good digestion for some people. Then I removed yogurt because of acid lactic. I wouldn't know wtf to eat at some point you just keep removing everything because you read something about it. Im not removing potatoes and rice. At some point it just becomes absurd and you end up with a weird diet eating raw carros and coconut oil only.
Mar 10, 2021
If I removed startch, that would mean removing potatoes and rice. I already removed milk because of how ive read the iodine on it can be bad for thyroid, as well as not a good digestion for some people. Then I removed yogurt because of acid lactic. I wouldn't know wtf to eat at some point you just keep removing everything because you read something about it. Im not removing potatoes and rice. At some point it just becomes absurd and you end up with a weird diet eating raw carros and coconut oil only.

Here are my recipe threads. There is more to eat than you think without starches.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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