Help! Weight Loss Not Working

Jan 24, 2014
freyasam said:
I have to disagree with the claim that you get a free pass for fructose when it comes to weight loss. I gained 25 pounds of fat, very quickly, by adding fruit and fruit juice to my diet when I started Peating last year. My total caloric intake went down, because the fruit was replacing some of my meat and fat intake. Yet I still got overweight from increasing fruit and juice.

It's very misleading to claim that people don't gain weight from fructose.

I think it all depends on the health of your liver, stored PUFA and one's ability to oxidize glucose. If you came to Peat with a sluggish liver AND not burning sugars properly then you will be in for a rude awakening (as I was). I too gained a ton of fat immediately. The fat gain contributed to the estrogen load and caused even more problems with my ability to clear estrogen by my already sluggish liver...ends up being a downward spiral from there.


Jan 3, 2014
This is exactly what happened to me. In a nutshell I'm having to fix health especially liver, and reduce inflammation before I think the weight will come off.


Jul 29, 2014
freyasam said:
Also, what about the people eating Peat-inspired for years with weight that won't budge, and when they cut down on juice and fruit, they lose the weight?

A question like this is a bit unfair given that there are many variables to consider. One persons idea of a "Peat inspired" diet may be different from another persons. If you had cronometer logs and we could compare the "lots of juice" logs with the "cut down on juice" logs we might be able to see what caused the person to lose weight. Maybe it was an inadvertent drop in calories, you started exercising more without realizing it, getting better sleep, getting more calcium (more milk, less juice), taking a new supplement, going from winter months to summer months, etc.

It takes a pretty organized, almost obsessive person, to be able to pinpoint what caused a change in physiology. Someone like Ray I guess :lol:

Or it could simply be the the juice thing. You never know! :shock:


May 31, 2013
ok seriously this is so ******* easy that i kind of get frustrated. People that are interested in RP work and read his work should know how weight loss works, since its the easiest thing there is.


get enough protein, focus on carbs and limit fat. Track your calories and find how many calories you need to loose weight or maintain weight and then reduce calories.

Please dont think you can just smash down "RP foods" and you want store fat. You will get fat as **** no matter how nice the ice cream is if you eat to much of it. Its not fancy, its just simple hard facts. There are no fancy smancy fat burning foods, or ***t like that. Focus on RP foods and track calories


Jan 1, 2015
superhuman said:
ok seriously this is so f***ing easy that i kind of get frustrated. People that are interested in RP work and read his work should know how weight loss works, since its the easiest thing there is.


get enough protein, focus on carbs and limit fat. Track your calories and find how many calories you need to loose weight or maintain weight and then reduce calories.

Please dont think you can just smash down "RP foods" and you want store fat. You will get fat as f*** no matter how nice the ice cream is if you eat to much of it. Its not fancy, its just simple hard facts. There are no fancy smancy fat burning foods, or s*** like that. Focus on RP foods and track calories

The thing that concerns me though is are you healthier at 20% BF eating 3k calories a day, or at 10% BF eating 2.5k calories a day. From what I read it seems like the more you eat the healthier you are, so it's kind of scary to restrict calories. Especially sugar and protein calories. Fat not so much.


Apr 21, 2014
superhuman said:
ok seriously this is so f***ing easy that i kind of get frustrated. People that are interested in RP work and read his work should know how weight loss works, since its the easiest thing there is.


get enough protein, focus on carbs and limit fat. Track your calories and find how many calories you need to loose weight or maintain weight and then reduce calories.

Please dont think you can just smash down "RP foods" and you want store fat. You will get fat as f*** no matter how nice the ice cream is if you eat to much of it. Its not fancy, its just simple hard facts. There are no fancy smancy fat burning foods, or s*** like that. Focus on RP foods and track calories

If it was the case I would be lean as s***! I eat 3000kcal I don't gain weight, I eat 2000kcal I don't lose weight.


Aug 9, 2013
superhuman said:

get enough protein, focus on carbs and limit fat.

These 2 sentences contradict each other. If it's just a case of CICO, then the second sentence would be untrue/unneccessary.

And if the second sentence is true, then you're saying CICO does not apply.


May 31, 2013
aquaman: WTF are you talking about?

Im saying find your calories that makes you loose weight, get enough protein when you are eating your calories with are at least 80-100 gram wich is 400 kcals. So that liver can detox, and all that ***t RP talks about.
Focus rest on your calorie budget on carbs instead of fat since carb stimulate metabolism and are harder to store as fat then fat.

So please read what im writing ffs. jeezus


May 31, 2013
nikotrope: no way, track EVERYTHING you eat for a week and see what your daily calorie intake REALLY is. So many people just throw out random shitty numbers so i dont believe you for 1 second


Apr 21, 2014
superhuman said:
nikotrope: no way, track EVERYTHING you eat for a week and see what your daily calorie intake REALLY is. So many people just throw out random s****y numbers so i dont believe you for 1 second

I agree a lot of people don't track their calorie intake and post things that aren't true. But not me. I use cronometer everyday, eat plenty of protein (~100g each day), just finished a month of low fat (10% of calories) and I eat lots of carbs as fruits, sugar, rice, potatoes.

I have been down the road of undereating, never again!

Last time you were talking about your protein was because you were feeling better with 250g of protein (in december), now you say that 100g is enough, could you describe you current diet, calories, weight and how much fat (or water) did you lose?


Oct 18, 2013
I agree with Superhuman with the calorie in and calorie out. Only time I can reliably lose weight is when I go below 1000 calories, regardless of which diet it is. For the record I am 5 foot 10.

Only time I believe this worked differently was after surgery and I was on antibiotics for a month while being more or less confined to bed. Then I managed to lose a lot(10 kg) on a 2000 calorie diet. After I went back to work and off the antibiotics I began to gain kilos again.


May 31, 2013
when i give someone advice on this site im giving it as ive heard from RP when talking, listen or reading his work. Im not giving advice to somebody based on my own ***t like so many people here do.

RP advices to get 80-100g protein a day as a minimum so thats what i said that, what i eat does not matter.

If you eat 3000 kcals and dont gain weight and eat 2000 kcals and not loose weight, you should contact some science lab because you would make so many million dollars if they could study you a bit. Because you are the only person in the world that has a metabolism like that, wich again brings me to this point. I dont believe what you are saying. You are not tracking everything you eat.


Mar 21, 2014
superhuman said:
ok seriously this is so f***ing easy that i kind of get frustrated. People that are interested in RP work and read his work should know how weight loss works, since its the easiest thing there is.


get enough protein, focus on carbs and limit fat. Track your calories and find how many calories you need to loose weight or maintain weight and then reduce calories.

Please dont think you can just smash down "RP foods" and you want store fat. You will get fat as f*** no matter how nice the ice cream is if you eat to much of it. Its not fancy, its just simple hard facts. There are no fancy smancy fat burning foods, or s*** like that. Focus on RP foods and track calories

I gained 25 pounds when switching to a RP inspired diet even while my total caloric intake went down. Pre Peat, I'd been eating two pounds of meat a day due to insatiable appetite. When I started eating lots of fruit, I was able to reduce my intake of (fatty) meat substantially. So total calories went down. And I still gained a lot of fat. Waist measurement went up considerably. I did not gain muscle--I became even weaker.

So I guess it's not as easy as you write.


Apr 21, 2014
freyasam said:
So I guess it's not as easy as you write.

It's futile to keep arguing with him, he's going to say that you didn't track your calories correctly because obviously we are all incapable of doing math.

This past weekend I ate 3000kcal of junk food and lost a pound, but I surely didn't know how to read the scale or I probably ate less calories that I thought I was (yeah clearly pizzas, donuts and stuff don't provide enough calories so I lost weight). It is surely not a combination of more salt and less fluids that made me lose water weight.


May 31, 2013
freyasam said:
superhuman said:
ok seriously this is so f***ing easy that i kind of get frustrated. People that are interested in RP work and read his work should know how weight loss works, since its the easiest thing there is.


get enough protein, focus on carbs and limit fat. Track your calories and find how many calories you need to loose weight or maintain weight and then reduce calories.

Please dont think you can just smash down "RP foods" and you want store fat. You will get fat as f*** no matter how nice the ice cream is if you eat to much of it. Its not fancy, its just simple hard facts. There are no fancy smancy fat burning foods, or s*** like that. Focus on RP foods and track calories

I gained 25 pounds when switching to a RP inspired diet even while my total caloric intake went down. Pre Peat, I'd been eating two pounds of meat a day due to insatiable appetite. When I started eating lots of fruit, I was able to reduce my intake of (fatty) meat substantially. So total calories went down. And I still gained a lot of fat. Waist measurement went up considerably. I did not gain muscle--I became even weaker.

So I guess it's not as easy as you write.

haha sure. You switched to RP foods wich is more metabolic and you dropped your total calories and you gained weight. Haha please this is just to dumb. I guess just today we have 2 people on this forum that science and the world never have seen. The internet is awesome, special snowflakes just around the corner.

Again you are not tracking everything correctly and are lying


May 31, 2013
nikotrope said:
freyasam said:
So I guess it's not as easy as you write.

It's futile to keep arguing with him, he's going to say that you didn't track your calories correctly because obviously we are all incapable of doing math.

This past weekend I ate 3000kcal of junk food and lost a pound, but I surely didn't know how to read the scale or I probably ate less calories that I thought I was (yeah clearly pizzas, donuts and stuff don't provide enough calories so I lost weight). It is surely not a combination of more salt and less fluids that made me lose water weight.

You know scale weight can fluctuate 5 lbs EASY on a day to day basis, based on hydration and fluid. THAT MEANS ITS NOT FAT LOSS OR GAIN.

Again you write here to tell yourself or feel good about yourself that you ate x amount of calories of junk and not gained weight and all that but when you starve yourself you dont loose weight. I bet it sounds all good in your head and make you feel good.
Remember that science and the world HAS NEVER SEEN THIS HAPPEN!!
Get your ***t together and be honest with yourself, you are only fooling yourself at the end of the day. Even tho many people on the forum will give you hugs and kisses, it means nothing when you take your face away from the computer screen and face reality.

Fat loss is hard, its no way around it. Loose fat slowly and it might not suck as much but restricting food intake will always suck


May 31, 2013
i dont mean to be an idiot. I just want to help people, and so many people esp girls need a smack in the face because the answers are really easy in theory but hard in practice.

So many people just end up spinning their wheels searching for the next magical food, book, supplement or fat loss gimmick or whatever.

But no one wants to look them selves in the mirror and weigh and track their food and calories to actually see what they consume.

So the answer is so easy but its so hard to do for many


Oct 18, 2013
superhuman said:
i dont mean to be an idiot. I just want to help people, and so many people esp girls need a smack in the face because the answers are really easy in theory but hard in practice.

Wow, girls must be really stupid since you have to qualify them as needing an extra dish of violence. How nice and magnanimous of you.

So do you by any chance subscribe to Red Pill/MRA type of ideologies? Wouldn't be too far fetched considering what you wrote.

Also, you are actually arguing against the science as scientists are still unsure about what causes weight gain( ... esity-era/), but hey, you are obviously more talented, more intelligent, than the entire research community. Perhaps you should offer yourself as the prime ruler of Terra? Maybe you can rewrite everything with your absolute knowledge, the North Korean way.

Hell, the science shows that your heavy handed method of admonishment is actually detrimental to weight loss for overweight people, but apparently they haven't read your neo-science manifesto.

I actually like that you call yourself "superhuman". It makes it obvious the "herrenmensch" leanings that seem to reside within you.


Mar 21, 2014
Charlie, didn't you ban superhuman? What happened to that comment you wrote?

Those are some pretty insulting and abusive comments. Especially coming from someone who can't distinguish the use of to/too or figure out that there are plenty of medical conditions that would cause a person to gain weight or be unable to lose weight even when their caloric intake is low.


Aug 18, 2013
superhuman said:
nikotrope said:
freyasam said:
Remember that science and the world HAS NEVER SEEN THIS HAPPEN!!
Get your s*** together and be honest with yourself, you are only fooling yourself at the end of the day. Even tho many people on the forum will give you hugs and kisses, it means nothing when you take your face away from the computer screen and face reality.

Fat loss is hard, its no way around it. Loose fat slowly and it might not suck as much but restricting food intake will always suck

See this is what I mean. The topic of weight loss draws behavior like this, especially online. I think it's because it's such a huge freakout in our culture to be fat. But also because there have been deliberate manipulations of our common food supply since at least world war 2, when there was rationing and nutrient replacement. There has been so much disinformation released into the cultural stream that people feel a huge loss of control, and when they think they know THE ANSWER they go batshit with evangelism like superhuman up there.
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