I am so confused about weight loss


Feb 14, 2022
Detox is indeed important when reducing the body fat level. Apart from lipophilc toxins, heavy metals may be also released on heavy diets.

Therefore, whenever I diet hard I'm following Andy Cuttler's protocol with alpha lipoic acid: Using the Andy Cutler Protocol to Address Mercury Poisoning

I'm using self-made capsules with ~150mg ALA and a timer to remind me to take one capsule every 3 hours, when possible also during sleep


Jan 17, 2020
Have you tried a diet fairly balanced in all 3 macros? I have a history of never feeling satiated and after experimenting for years, I find what I feel my healthiest and most satisfied on, and actually enjoy my meals (just as important, IMO), is a fairly equal amount of all 3 macros. I’ve been tracking my food intake on cronometer for about 20 years now and the times I’ve averaged around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat, I’ve been satisfied on much less food. The worst for me is high-carb, low-protein and low-fat fruit-based and root-based diets. I averaged over 3,000 calories daily and still felt ravenous after meals. On 40/30/30, I only need around 2,500 calories. For context, I’m 5’1” and train for 1 hour 3x a week
I feel weird saying this but I have never tried an equal split of macros. I'm always attracted to the extremes and think something needs to be cut out to get results. I will give this a try. I suppose the idea of eating fat and carbs together has always been made out to be uniquely fattening too


May 13, 2015
Thanks @mostlylurking for this reminder. I think the question is how to detox if this is the issue, especially for PUFA and estrogen if all mentioned in this forum solutions failed.
Slow and steady wins the race. Niacinamide is helpful. When I changed how I take it (from 200mg, 2Xday to 100mg, 4Xday) I lost around 35 pounds in about 4 months WITHOUT CHANGING my already healthy diet. I had already fixed my metabolism via prescription desiccated thyroid (135mg NP Thyroid by Acella) AND high dose thiamine hcl. I had been taking the high dose thiamine (and the NP Thyroid) for around 18 months when I changed how I take niacinamide which, finally reduced my weight. I had packed on 25 of the extra pounds in 25 days 2 years earlier when my thiamine function got blocked by Bactrim antibiotic.

Niacinamide for PUFA, and coconut oil and butter for cooking.

Progesterone for estrogen dominance.


Jan 14, 2020
Slow and steady wins the race. Niacinamide is helpful. When I changed how I take it (from 200mg, 2Xday to 100mg, 4Xday) I lost around 35 pounds in about 4 months WITHOUT CHANGING my already healthy diet. I had already fixed my metabolism via prescription desiccated thyroid (135mg NP Thyroid by Acella) AND high dose thiamine hcl. I had been taking the high dose thiamine (and the NP Thyroid) for around 18 months when I changed how I take niacinamide which, finally reduced my weight. I had packed on 25 of the extra pounds in 25 days 2 years earlier when my thiamine function got blocked by Bactrim antibiotic.

Niacinamide for PUFA, and coconut oil and butter for cooking.

Progesterone for estrogen dominance.
Awesome. Thank you @mostlylurking . I haven't neen taking niacinamide like that, just Energin. Will look up the links you shared to see if I missed anything


May 13, 2015
Awesome. Thank you @mostlylurking . I haven't neen taking niacinamide like that, just Energin. Will look up the links you shared to see if I missed anything
I need to add that I had removed PUFA from my diet 6-7 years prior to my experience with the benefit of niacinamide, 100mg, 4Xday. I've been following Ray Peat's knowledge since 2015.


May 13, 2015
Thank you @mostlylurking - I will test your niacinamide protocol (currently taking 1x / day 500mg).

Are you taking other B vitamins in high dose?
I take high dose thiamine hcl, 1 gram, 2Xday. I take 100mg niacinamide 4Xday and around 50mg of riboflavin 4Xday. I was taking 10mg of B6 1Xday, but I ran out recently.


Feb 14, 2022
Great, thank you!
I have all B-vitamins as separate powders but was always too lazy to test multiple doses each day. I will test if I feel better by using multiple doses.


May 13, 2015
Detox is indeed important when reducing the body fat level. Apart from lipophilc toxins, heavy metals may be also released on heavy diets.

Therefore, whenever I diet hard I'm following Andy Cuttler's protocol with alpha lipoic acid: Using the Andy Cutler Protocol to Address Mercury Poisoning

I'm using self-made capsules with ~150mg ALA and a timer to remind me to take one capsule every 3 hours, when possible also during sleep
I've got mercury poisoning too. I am doing well now though. I found that high dose thiamine hcl helped me a great deal. Thanks for the link; although I had bookmarked that article months ago I had forgotten about it. Helpful info there.

I found the info on Dr. Costantini's website very helpful. He successfully treated thousands of Parkinson's Disease patients with high dose thiamine hcl. There's a connection between mercury poisoning/heavy metal poisoning and Parkinson's Disease.
Jun 26, 2023
Just eat a whole lot of protein, in form of meats mostly or not a lot of plant protein. Eat regularly vitamin and mineral rich foods that are not too acidic and maybe have some cellulose, add some bamboo shoots with your meat or make a salad with it. Drink caffeine, smoke or vape nicotine if you want or other measures to reduce estrogen, do things that increase metabolic rate and/or take thyroid hormones. Dont do cardio at all, lift some weight periodically throughout the day or do bodyweight exercises, or at least 1-2 times per day do some pushups and pullups.
If you are not against it as some people are for some reason, you can use fat burning compounds growth hormone or fragment of growth hormone that only or mostly just increases fat burning, T3, caffeine, cold showers, any compound that makes mitochondria waste more energy. In addition to keeping fats on the low side, you will be burning fat from storage in fat cells, so probably counterproductive to add more fat in exogenously that will get burned, that way you keep unnecessary fat oxidation to a minimum, other than what is required to burned the stored fat.

If I was significantly overweight I would use any compound that speeds the process and doesnt cause long lasting side-effects. I think that being fat for longer, or being in a caloric deficit and losing weight slowly for a long time, is worse for health than if you take some compounds that will drastically accelerate the fat loss or at least prevent fat loss progress to slow down from metabolic downregulation when in a deficit for a long time. Less time in a caloric deficit, less time being overweight, less time under stress


Jun 7, 2016

Once people turn off the fat oxidation and get out of stress, the body is much more stable and won't burn off fat heaps fast.

This is why I always stick up for haidut when people judge him.


Mar 26, 2014

Once people turn off the fat oxidation and get out of stress, the body is much more stable and won't burn off fat heaps fast.

This is why I always stick up for haidut when people judge him.

Just goes to show how different we all are - I definitely am prone to stress "cortisol belly".


Jul 8, 2014
I feel weird saying this but I have never tried an equal split of macros. I'm always attracted to the extremes and think something needs to be cut out to get results. I will give this a try. I suppose the idea of eating fat and carbs together has always been made out to be uniquely fattening too

I understand. Restriction is the prevailing message among health “experts,” and the no pain, no gain mindset is something so many of us have wrestled with. There’s this common belief in hellth circles that if a food is highly palatable, it will lead to overeating, but overeating could very well be a consequence for those with a history of restriction/dieting, and only temporary. Something I don’t see mentioned here much is how Ray talked about the importance of enjoying the food we eat as this starts the digestive process. If there’s one thing I’ve learned experimenting with different diets, it’s that my body has the final say. If my diet takes willpower to follow, it means it’s not healthy for me or sustainable long-term. It’s one thing if I avoid a food because it genuinely makes me feel like rubbish, but if I’m avoiding it based on some unproven theory made out to be fact, my body doesn’t care about theories and my cravings (I see them as my body’s needs) will win out in the end. I’ll be thinking about that food and overeating my “allowed” foods until I finally cave in and have the food I was trying to avoid, to the point of eating it in excess, and then I really feel like rubbish. I think of it like this—if I was on my death bed, which would I regret more, not having a visible six pack or ice cream? Definitely the ice cream. :happy:
Nov 21, 2015
@ecstatichamster did you also change your protein sources or amount of protein before you started loosing weight?
I’ve tried lowering protein but I use a lot of collagen. I get about 80 - 100g per day. The key is complex carbs friendly to digestion and minimizing (but not eliminating) fat calories. Aim for 65% of calories from carbs.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
I understand. Restriction is the prevailing message among health “experts,” and the no pain, no gain mindset is something so many of us have wrestled with. There’s this common belief in hellth circles that if a food is highly palatable, it will lead to overeating, but overeating could very well be a consequence for those with a history of restriction/dieting, and only temporary. Something I don’t see mentioned here much is how Ray talked about the importance of enjoying the food we eat as this starts the digestive process. If there’s one thing I’ve learned experimenting with different diets, it’s that my body has the final say. If my diet takes willpower to follow, it means it’s not healthy for me or sustainable long-term. It’s one thing if I avoid a food because it genuinely makes me feel like rubbish, but if I’m avoiding it based on some unproven theory made out to be fact, my body doesn’t care about theories and my cravings (I see them as my body’s needs) will win out in the end. I’ll be thinking about that food and overeating my “allowed” foods until I finally cave in and have the food I was trying to avoid, to the point of eating it in excess, and then I really feel like rubbish. I think of it like this—if I was on my death bed, which would I regret more, not having a visible six pack or ice cream? Definitely the ice cream. :happy:
Dieting makes me feel horrible ( weak, tired, unmotivated) and specific food avoidance makes me crazy/neurotic. At this point in my life, my body seems to reject dietary or caloric gymnastics. I just don’t have the tolerance for even the mild abuse dieting or macros manipulation involves.


Jan 29, 2022
Can anyone here help me understand how to eat in a way that helps me lise weight without constant portion control or hunger? I find fruit makes me hungry, fat free makes me hungry. I am just hungry if I want to lose weight. There isn't much discussion about weight problems but I hope someone can respond
It's not very prometabolic, but you have to eat a lot of protein and low carb to curb hunger. I lost 52 lbs in 4 months this way. I felt bad the entire time cuz it was so anti-Peat, but actually, I feel pretty good. Probably because I supplemented progesterone (my ovaries shut down from starvation :) and I already take a full replacement dose of T3 (I have Hashi's).


Jan 17, 2020
It's not very prometabolic, but you have to eat a lot of protein and low carb to curb hunger. I lost 52 lbs in 4 months this way. I felt bad the entire time cuz it was so anti-Peat, but actually, I feel pretty good. Probably because I supplemented progesterone (my ovaries shut down from starvation :) and I already take a full replacement dose of T3 (I have Hashi's).
Did you go low fat too? And did you restrict calories?


Jul 8, 2014
Dieting makes me feel horrible ( weak, tired, unmotivated) and specific food avoidance makes me crazy/neurotic. At this point in my life, my body seems to reject dietary or caloric gymnastics. I just don’t have the tolerance for even the mild abuse dieting or macros manipulation involves.

Same here. It took me over a decade to tolerate the many foods I had become intolerant to due to a diet mistake I made in my 20s so I have no plans of going back there by restricting, in my case, specific foods and macros, again.
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