Gotta Leave Ray Peat


Mar 29, 2013
I will, I'm highly encouraged to try it. It's the version of thiamine that Lonsdale recommends, and I think his work is absolutely brilliant. I definitely think he's right about thiamine deficiency in the western world.

I've never diffused it, but it definitely works great as a general magnesium supplement. Magnesium does tend to relax me, and I think it would probably have a synergistic effect with bicarbonate therapy. I've mixed epsom salt with baking soda in my baths before with good results. I've noticed magnesium is really good for my erectile health. I can get better erections easier and faster. This is kind of odd, and not something you hear about a lot in regards to magnesium. I suspect I must not be retaining magnesium well due to hypothyroid and thus whenever I load up on it I get some really pronounced side effects, erections being one of them.

Oh definitely +1 on magnesium for erectile health. Same results with continuous usage here.

I’m curious if Mag Bicarb orally would give you the same relief as diffused Bicarb or Bicarbonate baths. Going to make my first batch of Mag Bicarb in a couple days, after getting good results from epsom salt and Baking Soda baths for the past few months. Thanks for sharing you experience!


Jul 9, 2020
@jamies33 glad I could help!

@gately I definitely think it's one of the most effective forms of magnesium. I like it better then mag-glycinate or mag-lysinate, and those are two really good versions of mag.


Feb 12, 2020
Yeah it happens.

We are really only seeing part of the picture with Peat's work. It is a good and interesting part but if you tunnel vision on it, the chance of you getting out unscathed is slim.

My last microbiome test showed these things to avoid:


Kind of makes sense why many of Peat's substances did not do much for me. Maybe you are the same? Who knows. 1.5 years is enough in my book

Even if you don't follow Peat's recos, you should stick around the forum and keep experimenting and sharing. This is a good place to do it
Is transdermal delivery of those (vitamins) undesirable too?


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
There is no such thing as a Ray Peat diet.
There is such a thing as Ray Peat principles - which is generally to lower stress.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Yeah it happens.

We are really only seeing part of the picture with Peat's work. It is a good and interesting part but if you tunnel vision on it, the chance of you getting out unscathed is slim.

My last microbiome test showed these things to avoid:


Kind of makes sense why many of Peat's substances did not do much for me. Maybe you are the same? Who knows. 1.5 years is enough in my book

Even if you don't follow Peat's recos, you should stick around the forum and keep experimenting and sharing. This is a good place to do it
Man, microbiome adapt to the environment, not that you adapt to it....


May 11, 2020
Anyone on a high carb diet absolutely needs to make sure they have enough thiamine and magnesium, and probably niacinamide. Any peat diet will fail without sufficient thiamine and magnesium (or any diet realistically). Also, as was pointed out, your blood pressure isn't even high. How do you actually feel?


Aug 19, 2020
I find magnesium very effective against high blood pressure. My high blood pressure was never really severe, but it was very resistant to drugs or supplements. I tried a lot. In the end, the most effective substances for me were doxazosin and magnesium.


Mar 9, 2018
I've noticed a few newbee members come here and declare that Ray Peat diet ruined their health. And I've noticed how the old guard rush to do damage control, not paying attention to the possibility that the OP is just undermining Ray Peat and this forum. With the increasing number of "health" gurus online who are hungry for readers and members, the very old marketing trick "I tried this and it didn't work" succeed in drawing away some members to other forums and so-called gurus. To such posters I'd just say ta-ta!


Mar 27, 2018
How often do you have elevated BP?

All the time? Several times a day? Once a day? Once a week?

Not convinced the RP diet gave you high BP.

Dylan Ashcroft

New Member
Jul 30, 2020
High blood pressure is a good thing.
What actual problems do you have?
Also lol at all of you for falling for these trolls!
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May 8, 2017
I've done it 3 times a week without any problem before. I've never done it everyday, but I would think it's okay.

Yeah a diffuser that's designed for essential oils. Some use water and some don't, so make sure to get a water based one. The one I use is from the NOW company, model number 00950MJ. You can also use a nebulizer, which is where I originally got the idea from this person's thread: The Only Hormone Or Anti-Oxidant You Actually Need

However, I think a diffuser is probably even better. There's just something about turning a machine on and forgetting about it. Nebulizers are probably really good, but there's something about having to wear masks that's just stressful and inconvenient. Same with holding brown bags up to your face. I like just sitting back and doing my normal thing while benefiting from bicarbonate rich atmosphere.
Thanks. Apologies as this is a little off topic but have you ever considered / read about adding citric acid to the baking soda bath to further increase C02 levels? I guess they are called bath bombs. Just curious if this actually has additional benefits


May 7, 2017
Molecular hydrogen would work wonders for a lot of this forum. Odd it's not talked about more. Up there with CO2 , in my experience.


Mar 27, 2018
Molecular hydrogen would work wonders for a lot of this forum. Odd it's not talked about more. Up there with CO2 , in my experience.

I spoke with a manufacturer of those Molecular Hydrogen generators and informed me 1 pill (H2) pill is equivalent to running 8 cycles on the Molecular Hydrogen generator...assuming all of the previous cycles accumulate.

Those devices can also produce O-.


Apr 7, 2017
I've done it 3 times a week without any problem before. I've never done it everyday, but I would think it's okay.

Yeah a diffuser that's designed for essential oils. Some use water and some don't, so make sure to get a water based one. The one I use is from the NOW company, model number 00950MJ. You can also use a nebulizer, which is where I originally got the idea from this person's thread: The Only Hormone Or Anti-Oxidant You Actually Need

However, I think a diffuser is probably even better. There's just something about turning a machine on and forgetting about it. Nebulizers are probably really good, but there's something about having to wear masks that's just stressful and inconvenient. Same with holding brown bags up to your face. I like just sitting back and doing my normal thing while benefiting from bicarbonate rich atmosphere.

I’ve tried diffusing baking soda like this and the bottle breathing (bag breathing) stuff recommended and it doesn’t seem to do me much good. There are some benefits, but my eyes get a bit irritated, I get some minor dark circles under my eyes and my face just looks a bit tired and red afterwards.

Someone else suggested low sodium, but I’m not sure. Any idea what might be at play?


May 7, 2017
I spoke with a manufacturer of those Molecular Hydrogen generators and informed me 1 pill (H2) pill is equivalent to running 8 cycles on the Molecular Hydrogen generator...assuming all of the previous cycles accumulate.

Those devices can also produce O-.

What type of generator? Which manufacturer? You mention cycles so I'm assuming you mean the portable water bottles? One H2 pill does offer high ppm (the popular brands got up to 5ppm IIRC), but most of the studies showing benefits were only between 1.0-2.0 ppm. Pills are also limited in their use. Breathing is a massive component, IME.


Jul 29, 2014
I've noticed a few newbee members come here and declare that Ray Peat diet ruined their health. And I've noticed how the old guard rush to do damage control, not paying attention to the possibility that the OP is just undermining Ray Peat and this forum. With the increasing number of "health" gurus online who are hungry for readers and members, the very old marketing trick "I tried this and it didn't work" succeed in drawing away some members to other forums and so-called gurus. To such posters I'd just say ta-ta!

I've noticed this to. I like to try and ignore those types of posts because they tend to be a bit ridiculous. A lot of people seem to get their information about Peat simply from the forum alone. It's important to read his articles, then listen to the podcasts. After that you can go on the forum.

Regarding blood pressure: Ray mentioned numerous times on podcasts that calcium was important for lowering blood pressure based on the work of David McCarron.

Role of adequate dietary calcium intake in the prevention and management of salt-sensitive hypertension - PubMed

Calcium and magnesium nutrition in human hypertension - PubMed
"Of the 17 nutrients analyzed, only calcium distinguished hypertensive persons from normotensive persons in all subgroups. Of all nutritional factors assessed, reduced consumption of calcium most consistently distinguishes hypertensive persons from normotensive persons."

Edit: For clarity, I wasn't saying the OP was ridiculous...
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