Gotta Leave Ray Peat


Nov 29, 2017
@Jessie I tried a half teaspoon of baking soda in my diffuser over night yesterday. I woke up this morning with a ton of energy. Not attributing it to diffusing the baking soda just yet but I will continue this experiment and see how I feel.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@Jessie I tried a half teaspoon of baking soda in my diffuser over night yesterday. I woke up this morning with a ton of energy. Not attributing it to diffusing the baking soda just yet but I will continue this experiment and see how I feel.
This really needs its own thread. Hope @Jessie will consider it.


Dec 3, 2015
There's like 5 total success stories from people who have resolved serious health issues by just eating a "Ray Peat Diet." Most people here who resolved serious issues got better with vitamin/mineral supplements, antimicrobials, or lifestyle changes that they came up with having been inspired by Peat's ideas. What Peat (and for that matter the Ray Peat Forum) offers is a paradigm shift in thinking about health and healing, his optimal food choices only work under the assumption that a LOT of conditions (metabolism, deficiency, and gut health being the biggest factors) are met. Your average sick (or even relatively healthy) person who's suddenly starts eating a diet entirely consisting of mostly of OJ, Mexi-Cokes, Milkshakes, Coconut Oil, Eggs, Milk, Liver, Oysters, and a raw Carrot is probably going to get much worse. It's sustainable for a mildly hyperthyroid person who is very in tune with what supplements, hormones, and antibiotics he consistently needs (in consistently varying degrees, depending on everything from self-diagnostics to the amount of sun he received that day) to keep himself functioning at a high level, i.e. - Ray Peat.

If you felt better on low carb, personally, I would continue eating that way.
I'ts all about context!


Jul 9, 2020
Thanks. Apologies as this is a little off topic but have you ever considered / read about adding citric acid to the baking soda bath to further increase C02 levels? I guess they are called bath bombs. Just curious if this actually has additional benefits

Idk, would be interesting to try though. I guess the acid component to "citric acid" is neutralizing the bicarbonate in the baking soda. So, I suppose certain people could probably benefit more from the acidic CO2, rather then the alkalizing effects bicarbonate. Particularly if they have PH problems (which could hint at underlying kidney issues).

However, our kidneys are pretty efficient at regulating the bicarbonates, so I would think you need A LOT of baking soda to mess up your PH. Also, I'm pretty sure the carbonic anhydrase enzyme is what will convert CO2 back to bicarbonate, so if you inhibit this you'll probably be able to maximize CO2 conversion from bicarbonate. Thiamine, for example, is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.

@Jessie I tried a half teaspoon of baking soda in my diffuser over night yesterday. I woke up this morning with a ton of energy. Not attributing it to diffusing the baking soda just yet but I will continue this experiment and see how I feel.

Awesome! Please do keep us informed. I could definitely see this working if the baking soda is increasing your CO2/lactate ratio, which results in better energy. Lactic acid, along with serotonin, seems to be one of the most central deterrents to proper energy production.

This really needs its own thread. Hope @Jessie will consider it.

Yeah I can do that. Or we can use this thread that I started: Has Anyone Tried Diffusing Baking Soda?
I originally used it as a question thread, seeing if other people have tried this. But it can be used to log people's experiences if they want!


Jul 9, 2020
I’ve tried diffusing baking soda like this and the bottle breathing (bag breathing) stuff recommended and it doesn’t seem to do me much good. There are some benefits, but my eyes get a bit irritated, I get some minor dark circles under my eyes and my face just looks a bit tired and red afterwards.

Someone else suggested low sodium, but I’m not sure. Any idea what might be at play?
I've not noticed these effects yet. How much were you diffusing? Probably best to start out slow, 1/2 tsp would work. Maybe even a 1/4 tsp. Inhaling it provides a very fast delivery system, so you're likely to notice fast-acting effects from just a small amount. When I tried this the 1st time I dissolved like 1-2 tbsps in a glass of water, maybe slightly more. I put so much in it that there was extra in the bottom of the glass that couldn't dissolve. This was WAY too much, lol. After about 10 minutes my diffuser turned my bedroom into a white cloud, lmao. That might could cause eye irritation, similar to smoke or something. So definitely start out small, like 1/4-1/2 tsp.


Aug 5, 2015
Sorry guys,but i dont think Ray peat dieting is for me ,i come from a background of IF and keto but i followed Ray peat principles for a year and a half,i initially felt good,but now i descovered i have high blood pressure out of nowhere at only 20 years old and i remember it was perfect when doing keto. How can you guys consider that Ray peat is a legend when so much people in here developped problems eating this way.

PS. I've tried everything ,vitamin d , taurine,salt literly everything.

The safest things ive kept: 10yrs
Keep the Coconut Oil/Butter/Olive Oil. (No Veg or Fish Oil)
Shredded White Carrot Salad, ACV, Ginger. Salt
Quality Lamb/Beef or Liver, Eggs, Some Cheese & Milk
Don't Rely on Starches (Well Cooked Potato has value)
Sunshine, outdoor activities.

The supplements are on you, the purity, necessity, frequency ect.
or.... ditch them.



Aug 5, 2015
When someone says "I did everything but nothing worked" sorry but it always means they didn't do everything and instead tried things and gave up too quickly.

This is a journey not a destination, to use a worn out cliche. You are either improving your health or making it worse. Nothing goes in a straight line either.

You have "high blood pressure" -- first, what is your BP? Second, how do you know that's a bad thing right now? Maybe your body is better off with high blood pressure right now?

I agree with the above mention of carbon dioxide, baking soda, and I'll add bag breathing.

There is a reason your blood pressure is higher -- but instead of saying "it's high" how about telling us some facts about it so we can better help?

@Tarmander that's very sciency looking but how much can you trust something like that? Seems very pseudo science to me because I lack an understanding of how a "microbiome" test can determine all that. Just seems p-science.

Well said


May 30, 2018
What type of generator? Which manufacturer? You mention cycles so I'm assuming you mean the portable water bottles? One H2 pill does offer high ppm (the popular brands got up to 5ppm IIRC), but most of the studies showing benefits were only between 1.0-2.0 ppm. Pills are also limited in their use. Breathing is a massive component, IME.
I saw your brief review of the Aquacure for hydrogen inhalation. I’d be interested in a more in detailed review when you have time as I’m considering a machine to buy.

If you have time a few questions I was wondering about are:
What’s your opinion on it’s durability?
How loud is the machine while it’s operating? I’m wondering for use while sleeping.
What health effects have you noticed from regular inhalation?
Is there another hydrogen generator that you think might be superior for a similar price?



Nov 19, 2020
My blood pressure in the morning is 123/65 after starting to eat usually gets up to 135-140/75 but sometimes is 130/70 and than in the evening again starts to rise at 140/75 ,at night i woke up and i saw i had 105/55.

Honestly, I wouldn't consider this as pathological high Blood Pressure. The "optimum" is considered 120/80, so your ranges look quite fine I'd say. Also, 105/55 after waking up at night is also really normal. When lying down for hours your body doesn't need so much pressure.
I doubt that any general practitioner would say anything about your blood pressure.


Nov 1, 2021
None of those numbers are "high blood pressure," FWIW, at least not by standards prior to 2017. 140 and 90 used to be the the start of high blood pressure readings. The only reason it was revised downwards in 2017 was to sell more blood pressure drugs.

High blood pressure redefined for first time in 14 years: 130 is the new high
Normal values of blood pressure self-measurement in view of the 1999 World Health Organization-International Society of Hypertension guidelines.

When you monitor your blood pressure, you are supposed to take the average over time. All sorts of normal activities will affect your BP. Resting lowers it, the simple act of eating will raise it, as will walking, and so on. If you did some running or sprints and took your BP, you might notice it goes up to something like 160/99 for a bit. But would likely normalize within a half hour.
Thanks for the links, very interesting. Although my father has had hypertension for decades and I remember them always saying 120/80 was optimal.
What do you think causes high blood pressure upon waking up in the morning?


Nov 1, 2021
Yeah Peat likes to have his cake and eat it too.

He will say avoid all supplements and write about pregnenolone, DHEA, B2, B1, specific aminos, etc etc.

Or he will talk about how great something is, but hidden additives make it no longer work.

I think you have to get past this sleight of hand stuff to really get into the meat of Peat's work.
So, do you have any recommendations for lowering blood pressure?


Sep 22, 2020
yeah,i Red every peat article,i applied everything but nothing worked ,my blood pressure seemed going up and dropped only in the morning when i wasnt eating.when i started eating my blood pressure would rise so much especially after carbs.

I had the exact same issue. Never had this problem in my life until I started Peating. Normally when you eat, I was under the impression that blood pressure should actually drop. But mine was high and, like you, it only dropped in the morning when I was in a fasted state. As soon as I start eating, it goes back up again.

These days I have lowered it with potassium citrate, chronic garlic supplementation and trying to avoid Peaty things that apparently lower nitric oxide. Also Taurine.

Taking thyroid did nothing to improve the situation. The only thing thyroid does for me is making me unbearably hot.


Sep 27, 2015
Yeah it happens.

We are really only seeing part of the picture with Peat's work. It is a good and interesting part but if you tunnel vision on it, the chance of you getting out unscathed is slim.

My last microbiome test showed these things to avoid:


Kind of makes sense why many of Peat's substances did not do much for me. Maybe you are the same? Who knows. 1.5 years is enough in my book

Even if you don't follow Peat's recos, you should stick around the forum and keep experimenting and sharing. This is a good place to do it
This kind of biometric based A.I. generated health advice is being pushed by the same organizations as transhumanism and technocracy and seems super sketchy to me. Maybe sometimes it could be useful but given how bad the prevailing models of biology are, I doubt there's much to it other than persuading people to feed more biometric data to the A.I. datasets, whether it is genetic data or microbiome data or something else.


Apr 30, 2015
This kind of biometric based A.I. generated health advice is being pushed by the same organizations as transhumanism and technocracy and seems super sketchy to me. Maybe sometimes it could be useful but given how bad the prevailing models of biology are, I doubt there's much to it other than persuading people to feed more biometric data to the A.I. datasets, whether it is genetic data or microbiome data or something else.
Well I have been using Ken Lassesen's site now for years, and it is one of the best things I do for my health. I am sure there are these things you are talking about out there, but I am pragmatic.

So, do you have any recommendations for lowering blood pressure?
I like Emerald Lab's Blood Pressure Health Formula. It is simple but a good place to start. Past that, olmesartan is good, especially if you have auto immune issues as well


Nov 1, 2021
Well I have been using Ken Lassesen's site now for years, and it is one of the best things I do for my health. I am sure there are these things you are talking about out there, but I am pragmatic.

I like Emerald Lab's Blood Pressure Health Formula. It is simple but a good place to start. Past that, olmesartan is good, especially if you have auto immune issues as well
Thank you, I’ll look for the formula. I hope I find it in Canada.
Is olmestran a drug? I don’t have any auto immune issues.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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