Where Are The Before And Afters In This , Peat World"?


Oct 16, 2017
Didn't you just say that was your idea? You literally @ the mods to make the anti-ray peat

As seen here:

Idk how I feel about a guy saying Ray Peat is better than god and has a profile picture that looks like a swastika
People interpretation is something funny, people like to kidding
Yeah swastika, even sound funny, Swastika, Such_Entertaining thing, you can terrorize people, with a symbol used primarily by ancient religions, fantastic! My first version of this masterpiece, was with a swastika I won the election with her at school


Dec 17, 2018
Same here. I've taken even more that 500 mg's daily, and I notice nothing.

Possibly thiamine is not being activated to its useable form in the body, I recall sufficient magnesium is needed to activate thiamine. Even when I used to use thiamine mononitrate tablets(250mg) so even cheaper versions are supposed to work. I would get increased CO2 which I knew as it cleared the nostrils allowing fuller breathing. I am no expert on thiamine by any means so I dont know what else could be causing lack of effects. Its possible thiamine may not be helping because you may need other B vitamins. Protein and folate improve thiamine absorption as well.


Aug 7, 2013
Possibly thiamine is not being activated to its useable form in the body, I recall sufficient magnesium is needed to activate thiamine. Even when I used to use thiamine mononitrate tablets(250mg) so even cheaper versions are supposed to work. I would get increased CO2 which I knew as it cleared the nostrils allowing fuller breathing. I am no expert on thiamine by any means so I dont know what else could be causing lack of effects. Its possible thiamine may not be helping because you may need other B vitamins. Protein and folate improve thiamine absorption as well.

Thanks for your reply. I believe I was getting enough of the other B's and protein at that time, but you could be right on the magnesium. I've recently upped my mag intake, so I'll give it a go again. I never got any of the nostril fuller breathing effect, even when I went up to 1500 mg's of Thiamine HCL daily when I tried that awhile back.


Dec 17, 2018
Thanks for your reply. I believe I was getting enough of the other B's and protein at that time, but you could be right on the magnesium. I've recently upped my mag intake, so I'll give it a go again. I never got any of the nostril fuller breathing effect, even when I went up to 1500 mg's of Thiamine HCL daily when I tried that awhile back.

Yeh it will clear your nose and open up blocked nostrils if you have any allowing you to breathe deeply with just your nose which is how we're supposed to be breathing.

According to hans website(one of the users here), B1, B2, B3, B5, and biotin are needed for making CO2.

8 best ways to increase CO2 and gain its benefits


Jun 5, 2019
You keep lying, despicable. I read the fish thread after posting. PurpleHeart said that Peat isn't an all knowing god he is just a man like all of us, so I said:
"Yeah, Ray isn't a god, even being better than the christian god, he wouldn't like to be an authoritative figure, he have aversion to authoritarianism. Most people on this forum consider he doesn't know all truth and can be wrong in some affirmations"

The truth, my real post:

An idea to mitigate attacks and misinformation

Create an anti-peat subforum, where mainly, studies and hypotheses repeated and "unpeaty", that have previously been here: solved, clarified and that have been shown to be incorrect or frail. Be moved there.
If you will put something "anti-peat" in the main forum, then that be something well-founded and not yet clarified, cleared up

What kind of ideas would be moved there? These: Estrogen inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids and their oxidation, and is anti-cancerous. Eating 0.4g of PUFA is bad. Serotonin is the happy hormone. Progesterone is immunosuppressive in a bad way, makes you susceptible to infection. Estrogen is good to give for menopause women. Estriol and Estrone is bad, but estradiol is good even considering they convert in each other etc.

To concretize it or to assess whether it may be necessary, I would recommend a meeting with honorable members
Why concretize it? Because the mining for the gold would be more easily and the information, the message of this forum would not be misrepresented, deturped. Is an countermeasure against trolls

Saying that serotonin isn't bad isn't an anti ray peat thing.

Ray never said that serotonin is bad he just said that an excess of serotonin is a sign of bad metabolism which is a bad thing.
This isn't the same thing as saying that serotonin is bad.

The majority of life forms on earth whether plant or animal produce serotonin or serotonin-like substances
Which makes it pretty clear that serotonin is mandatory for life.
As are most stress hormones.

Stress is inevitable and stress hormones play a role in homeostasis so saying something as simplistic and reductionist as serotonin is bad is actually an anti ray peat thing to say.

Noone disagrees with the fact that excess stress hormones are bad
And a sign of poor health.

And we all want to keep cortisol estrogen serotonin prolactin .etc as low as possible.

But context is everything and the possibility of certain circumstances
Which create an environment where a stress hormone could help and a protective hormone could harm is in fact possible so in order to get a good understanding of the underlying mechanisms we need to investigate every possibility and your biased attitude doesn't really help in creating a productive conversation.

That's all also I don't want to insult anyone and trust me I am the calmest person on earth when it comes to conversation.


Oct 16, 2017
Saying that serotonin isn't bad isn't an anti ray peat thing.

Ray never said that serotonin is bad he just said that an excess of serotonin is a sign of bad metabolism which is a bad thing.
This isn't the same thing as saying that serotonin is bad.

The majority of life forms on earth whether plant or animal produce serotonin or serotonin-like substances
Which makes it pretty clear that serotonin is mandatory for life.
As are most stress hormones.

Stress is inevitable and stress hormones play a role in homeostasis so saying something as simplistic and reductionist as serotonin is bad is actually an anti ray peat thing to say.

Noone disagrees with the fact that excess stress hormones are bad
And a sign of poor health.

And we all want to keep cortisol estrogen serotonin prolactin .etc as low as possible.

But context is everything and the possibility of certain circumstances
Which create an environment where a stress hormone could help and a protective hormone could harm is in fact possible so in order to get a good understanding of the underlying mechanisms we need to investigate every possibility and your biased attitude doesn't really help in creating a productive conversation.

That's all also I don't want to insult anyone and trust me I am the calmest person on earth when it comes to conversation.
I said serotonin isn't the happy hormone, very different than you interpreted! Serotonin is much more to be the numbness hormone. Ok, tranquil
Homeostasis is generally the correct answer, the balance. In regards to happy essentially of serotonin in one animal: https://www.researchgate.net/public...isplay_a_Depression-like_Behavioral_Phenotype
Probably we need very little serotonin
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Jun 5, 2019
I said serotonin isn't the happy hormone, very different than you interpreted! Serotonin is much more to be the numbness hormone. Ok, tranquil
Homeostasis is generally the correct answer, the balance. In regards to happy essentially of serotonin in one animal: https://www.researchgate.net/public...isplay_a_Depression-like_Behavioral_Phenotype
Probably we need very little serotonin

I am not saying that you specifically said anything I am speaking generally not personally.

Also studies about serotonin melatonin etc.
That are performed on mice say nothing about humans.

Mice are nocturnal we are not.

So melatonin and serotonin could work in a completely opposite way than it does on day dwellers like humans. So again context.


Feb 3, 2019
I am not saying that you specifically said anything I am speaking generally not personally.

Also studies about serotonin melatonin etc.
That are performed on mice say nothing about humans.

Mice are nocturnal we are not.

So melatonin and serotonin could work in a completely opposite way than it does on day dwellers like humans. So again context.
Nice. People jsut want to annihalte estrogen/serotonin on this forum so it's nice to hear some perspective. I myself thought you would probably need some serotonin to function optimally, it's hard to believe the body would produce it just for it to be a toxin


Jun 5, 2019
Nice. People jsut want to annihalte estrogen/serotonin on this forum so it's nice to hear some perspective. I myself thought you would probably need some serotonin to function optimally, it's hard to believe the body would produce it just for it to be a toxin

The point I'm trying to make is that as much as we want to simplify things and make them understandable
Our bodies are pretty complex.

For example serotonin might work differently in your gut than in your brain or other tissue.
Also most of the serotonin is gut controlled so bacteria could play a role too and we know very little about bacteria.

The same goes for every substance in our bodies including possibly unidentified substances that we don't even know about.

Also since serotonin is influenced by light it could work differently in nocturnal creatures like I stated above.

What I am saying is that's so much more to find out about our bodies.
That we should be open to the possibility that many of the things we think we know could be very different.

Another important thing I wanted to say is that since humans are split into male/female and both are needed for procreation and continuation of the tribe.
We should take into account that the whole tribe could be seen as one organism.
So maybe some things that don't make sense from an individual perspective could make sense if you look at the bigger picture and perceive the human tribe as one big organism.


Aug 9, 2013
Yea, BUT! as i see it the general rule would be if you eat 100 gram of sat. fat and 400 gram (or more) of juice carbs (many times a day)... you will get fat... adding proteins does not change that, or salt or taurine, b vitamins, or whatever...

So the old general rules, counting calories, and not stimulating insulin 100 times a day, or siping carbs like a ,,hero" didnt change with peating...

Still i get you, nice response ;)

Yes, high fat and high sugar will almost certainly make you fat.

15-20% of calories from fat plus high sugar will not

So out of 3000 calories, 15% is 50grams of fat


Oct 16, 2017
I am not saying that you specifically said anything I am speaking generally not personally.

Also studies about serotonin melatonin etc.
That are performed on mice say nothing about humans.

Mice are nocturnal we are not.

So melatonin and serotonin could work in a completely opposite way than it does on day dwellers like humans. So again context.
You chimed in an conversation where I was affirming that I have an idea to mitigate attacks and create a countermeasure is the best, quoted me and was in relation to my quote, also you said that "Saying that serotonin isn't bad isn't an anti ray peat thing." Which I agree.
So you quoted me to just say something related to it? If you didn't chimed in that conversation or said that wasn't related to the conversation between me and ShotTrue I would understand that it wasn't related to my idea and wouldn't say that you interpreted me badly; I am not a magician
You chimed in a conversation and said something related to it

Why these studies didn't say nothing about humans?
Most studies done on mice that can produce melatonin, the night melatonin was higher than the day melatonin production, alike humans. Some mice are diurnal

I liked your last post
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Jun 5, 2019
You chimed in an conversation where I was affirming that I have an idea to mitigate attacks and create a countermeasure is the best, quoted me and was in relation to my quote, also you said that "Saying that serotonin isn't bad isn't an anti ray peat thing." Which I agree.
So you quoted me to just say something related to it? If you didn't chimed in that conversation or said that wasn't related to the conversation between me and ShotTrue I would understand that it wasn't related to my idea and wouldn't say that you interpreted me badly; I am not a magician
You chimed in a conversation and said something related to it

Why these studies didn't say nothing about humans?
Most studies done on mice that can produce melatonin, the night melatonin was higher than the day melatonin production, alike humans. Some mice are diurnal

I liked your last post

I mean that even though mice produce melatonin in darkness they do not sleep they actually become more active during night time while melatonin induces sleep in our species.

So maybe melatonin has the complete opposite effect on the human brain.

Which makes mice studies about melatonin at least untrustworthy in my opinion.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
I only see complex theories here...
It goes super deep...
But does it work in practice?

The results are just more and more endless theories, more complex ,,individual problems" and people getting fatter, staying the same, or whatever... long years of talking and supplementing...

People who have some succes, are having if because of some super individual way that worked for them and not because of anything that could be ,, a peat way" or a general rule (like on keto, dont eat carbs and 95% of people have results (good or bad) but something happends and you have nowdays milions before and after photos from them, and it starts working fast... I asked this before, this forum takes so much of my energy and nothing trully works... and what works is not at all from this forum or peat... like NO COFFEE, taking iron, taking whey, not eating dairy, skiping meals, not to much salt and so on... all of that fixed me somewhat, but i cant say its from a peat diet or even a peat principle... this forum has not one general way at all, i get nothing here, always just 5 ,,oposite" advices... thats like no advice at all... and the peaty ones never work... many claim a lot of things and after a few months they swear different things... and so on... where is your proof that this is trully working?

I know its not everything about weightloss, but getting fater is 100% NOT IT! No before and after here, no proves, just high end bla bla

Sorry 4 the rant, i like many of you... :) its not like youre bad people, its the oposite, super smart and nice people, but i think the forum is to much bla bla and its not that helpful in practice/in real life, but nice theories ;)
It’s sounds like the process that you’ve implemented is based on what other people are saying/recommending.. if there’s one thing I’ve learned here is that this is actually about paying attention to yourself. Not others. Context is everything (not original to me.. said by many).. so you have to do what works for you. Self responsibility. Paying attention. Lastly- if this forum is frustrating you and is taking a lot of your energy and what you’re after is photos of people showing a physical transformation then I’m going to suggest you should stop visiting the forum. Why keep banging your head on that brick wall?

I’ll also add- for me anyway- my transformations would have include a few cups of menstrual blood ‘before’ and ‘after’ which wouldn’t bring me any joy. I’d also have to post photos of the lines on my face before and after.. which I would never do on the internet... hormones, sleep, skin etc.. these are part of my personal (operative word there) journey. The forum is here for discussion, questions etc etc.. but anything you hear here needs to be then taken into context for your personal situation .. paying attention to yourself..

Anyway- like I said, you should probably just leave the forum- at least for a while.


Jun 7, 2013
Just 10 of.10.000.000... and i doubt that those are people whose health declined and that they were helthier before...

But all these say Keto gains?! Regardless...I subsist on .5% milk, oj, liver, and oysters with 8 drops a day of tyromix and i have seen dramatic results in weight loss and stopping mpb. Keeping Rays diet simple and eating to satiety frequently on low fat diet has worked wonders for me.
Feb 26, 2018
I mean that even though mice produce melatonin in darkness they do not sleep they actually become more active during night time while melatonin induces sleep in our species.

So maybe melatonin has the complete opposite effect on the human brain.

Which makes mice studies about melatonin at least untrustworthy in my opinion.

Melatonin acts to regulate circadian rhythm in animals, it is misconstrued as a sleep hormone but that really is a crummy simplification, it is more of a clock hormone, it serves many functions and cannot be described well in simplified terms. I have experimented with taking melatonin during the middle of the day and it does not make me sleepy at all. It can be used as a pre-workout supplement. If I take it at night it does help me fall asleep but has little effect on staying asleep, I think gaba and balanced serotonin and dopamine has more importance for sustained sleep. Melatonin is like the signal for daily physiological regime change. When the clock becomes disregulated then stress and aging are accelerated, as the various cycles our organs rely on to operate efficiently grow disharmonious.
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Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Peat way of living put more effort on individuals than other diets which can be exhausting.


Jun 26, 2017
I mean that even though mice produce melatonin in darkness they do not sleep they actually become more active during night time while melatonin induces sleep in our species.

So maybe melatonin has the complete opposite effect on the human brain.

Which makes mice studies about melatonin at least untrustworthy in my opinion.

I tried melatonin, looking for a sleep aid. In any quantity, it made my insomnia worse. So I guess I am more like a mouse!
Dino D

Dino D

Nov 14, 2017
I will just answer some of the comments related to me...
Yes, this is a great science-based forum, why not ask for proves (before and afters)... is my attitude that bad if i asked 4 it...
- this forum is the only hope we have, so its great... i think this forum is amazing for people who have super specific condition so they can ask and find advices... for common fat and low energy people it isnt great and it does not produce results with some average forum members... like if we would have 3 of 10 making it every month that would be nice, but we have 1 of 100 in one year... or whatever, so the forum could be even bad in general, if 9 off 10 people come here and fail or get misguided with complex ideas with refined sugar, diary and OJ that sound sophisticated and truth, but end up being a FAIL!, the statistic numbers are just guessed, heavily guessed...
The thing is i was heavily afraid of carbs, then i got fat here, and yes, some improvements but as i said, it not something that I would put in a ,,peaty" box, and saying that everything is peaty is not ok, than whatever I do is peaty and peat is allways right and every advice is peats advice... yea, ok... some middle road could be it for me... but it is almost the same advice that i got at every bodybuilding forum like 4 every... it goes like this: those macros look 150 gram of protein (meat, dairy, eggs), 70gram of fat (eggs, meat, coconut, maybe olive oil), carbs from 50 to 400 (rice, fruit) depending on activity and cut/bulk... ///2-3000 calories... and veggies stay debatable...
train like a man but dont overtrain especially while dieting7cuting... for knowing ,,that" I really dont need such and endless overhinking forum with endless possibilities...
Also i never said that i dont got help or good advices here, but I'm just saying that i dont see any general direction that could be contributed to some general ,,peat way" that gives consistent results here that can be SEEN ;)
I know all the reasons why NOT, but i know many reasons why it should be also YES (in theory) but I dont see those YES, success stories...
OF COURSE, i have like many (endomorfs (yea, thats also that we dont realy can say here, there seam to be people who are ectomorfs and who are endomorfs, so ectomorfs seamingly can eat 800 gram of sugar and stay lean or lose weigt, but endos cant) problems wihh weight and it always hard to lose...
if suddenly i would start losing weight by overiting what ever i like (carbs, salt fat) i would yell it out on every place that the cure to fat loss is to eat like crazy and never to fast, avoid carbs, while eating lost of fat, and so on... however there are no such stories because such a theory is not true, and i will say that it is true when i see it...
i just dont know poeple who long therm went from 1500 calories to 4000 and got lean... and soooo ... enought for me, dont need to replay, i get you, you get me... lets move on ;)
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