Bulging Veins Female


Mar 29, 2014
Thank you Tara:)
My diet right now is pretty simple; OJ, ripe fruits (mostly mango, oranges, grapes) wellcooked potatoes + coconut oil, occasionally basmati rice for extra carbs, shrimps, cod, gelatin, some greens, dates + dried apricots, pecorino cheese..
Hi Vida,
Have you had a go at figuring what a typical average day's calories are? And how much protein? Some of find cronometer.com a useful tool for estimating this. Can also give a rough idea of whether one is meeting most basic micronutrient needs. (Don't believe it's calorie recommendations, though - they are often too low.)
Peat usually recommends about 80-100g good quality protein for people with low metabolism (healthier people may be able to use more).


Apr 15, 2013
So I have a hard time with the estrogen connection. If veins on women are typically less pronounced and more difficult to wrangle then there just couldn't be an estrogen connection. Anecdotal, I know, but thought I would throw it out there.

Thats what I thought also. If it is estrogen, more women should have prominent veins. Also, I work with females who are chunky and eat a regular american(high PUFA) diet and their hands are always nice and smooth. Of course, that doesn't mean they have more estrogen than me, there could be something in my environment thats giving me high estrogen that I don't know about, I've never measured it.

I just got Haiduts Progestene in the mail. I'm going to try it on my hands to see if it helps with the large veins, especially after drinking OJ. I tried it before with Progest-E with no results, maybe it doesn't absorb well enough or the formulation is different? I will report back my results.


Jul 26, 2020
I do have a problem with bulging veins in my hands and have asked about it before. Someone said I have too much estrogen and to apply progesterone. I also remember Peat said a lady would rub progesterone on her hands and in 20 minutes the veins would go down. It never worked for me so I dont think its an estrogen issue. If it was an estrogen issue, I think we would see more ladies with bulging veins. One thing I figured out is that orange juice causes major vein bulging in my hands. I drank a lot of OJ at work and my hands were so embarrassing, I would hide my hands in my pockets or hold something so I could have my hands elevated when around people. When I stopped the OJ at work and drink coffee and milk instead, my hand veins are finally normal. I do drink a lot of OJ at home and have the bulging veins. I just wonder why OJ does this to me and if something bad is going on. Maybe the fructose?
Do you drink a lot of OJ? Are your bulging veins always there or are there certain times of the day when you dont have them?
I’ve never had bulging veins until I started peating, and I think it’s because I drink a ton of OJ! Very interesting. I wonder what it is in the OJ that does this?


Dec 27, 2021
Hi all,
Recently joined this forum although I have been reading here for a while:) If anyone has any thoughts/constructive feedback on this topic, please help out:)
I wonder if anyone knows what/or if bulging veins on arms and stomach is a sign of something? It seems as if it doesnt matter how much I eat, my veins still keep bulging and I can literally feel the blood pumping in my arms. I think it looks very masculine and not feminine at all:(
I understand that it can be due to low body fat but my legs are not that skinny for example in proportion to my upper body. I may add that I don't exercise at the moment, haven't done it for about 2 years now since I get really exhausted afterwards.
My body feels so tired, and it has been going on for too long now, it feels as if I'm lacking strenght. Im thinking if this has to do with low cortisol, maybe something with my sex hormones as not producing adequate amounts of progesterone throughout my cycle, too high estrogen, low thyroid or something else. But would bulging veins be a symptom of any of this?! Or maybe its normal, but I feel so exhausted every day. So sick of this and want to get better. I'm 33 years old. My HDL/LDL cholesterol have been low last time I checked a few months ago. My DHEAS are in the low range. My SHBG are in the higher range. Low sodium, normal potassium. My thyroid profile is normal/high TSH, normal/high T4, low T3. Have had a few other tests as well but don't know if they are relevant.
Hi Vida

May I please ask if you managed to resolve this issue please? Thank you.
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