Biofilm Annihilation



Weird reaction #1: A patch of dry, itchy skin on my left calf, just to the side of my knee.


Oct 11, 2015
Nice. I forgot to mention that I might take a couple of digestive enzyme capsules on an empty stomach before bed.
There's no point in trying to deal with pests unless you've braced yourself for the hit... This is not a simple undertaking. Be very careful. A weak body is a perfect breeding ground for parasites and one could potentially make it weaker by not being careful. I am not saying "go slow", just be careful.


There's no point in trying to deal with pests unless you've braced yourself for the hit... This is not a simple undertaking. Be very careful. A weak body is a perfect breeding ground for parasites and one could potentially make it weaker by not being careful. I am not saying "go slow", just be careful.
I'm trying to be careful. I'm deliberately avoiding herbal remedies because I've had bad experiences. The riskiest parts of my regimen are turpentine and rifixamin, turpentine being the most suspect. But two people here have had great success with it. If anyone has had similar success with something else, I'm all ears.


May 6, 2016
@oldfriend: activated charcoal can help sop up endotoxin and heavy metals let loose by biofilm destruction. That was part of my regimen when I was addressing biofilms and also when I chelated. I think I sometimes forget to mention it but it just occurred so thought I'd drop it in. I consider it really useful when used in conjunction with turpentine.

Take it at night, before bed, several hours away from any nutrients or supplments that it could bind with. If you take something like MB at night it should be fine with charcoal, but minerals especially are prone to be rendered useless if taken with it. Extra mineral supps in general may be called for when takign charcoal, too.

Re: dose of turpentine: 1 teaspoon per day for a couple weeks, then take a break. It's powerful stuff. And you know to get pure gum spirits, not stuff from the hardware store, right...? LOL

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.


Apr 19, 2017
I'm going to start a regimen for tackling gut dysbiosis this month. Any recommendations / insights from personal experience are much appreciated.

For the first two weeks I'm taking:

Methylene Blue - about 10mg in the morning with OJ for vitamin C
2-3 raw carrots in the AM
Nutrivee Prebiotic and a probiotic with lunch
Sodium Acetate after most meals

2nd two weeks will continue with my plan from the first two weeks, except for maybe probiotics, and add:
Turpentine ( recommend a dose?)
Pepto-bismol ( " " )

Follow up with an antibiotic like rifixamin
Follow that with Miyarisan (Clostridium Butyricum), and Equilibrium Probiotic

I would add Cascara to the mix, but the carrots have things moving along much quicker than I'm used to and I don't want tax my digestive capabilities too much. Maybe it won't have a bad effect?

For anybody who's struggling with fungus, I highly recommend Sodium Acetate which I discovered in an article about SIBO on I've had a patch of fungus on my pubic area for years, and after supplementing with Sodium Acetate for a few days it completely disappeared.

I will be using prepared horseradish once or twice a day for endotoxin relief

Careful with the horseradish. It helped my sinus symptoms for a little while but then I started to actually get worse symptoms over time. I was only using it as needed, too. I think it might be doing a little too good of a job at destroying everything, perhaps including good bacteria? I'm not sure, perhaps it was just too hard on the digestion. The only thing that has really helped me overcome sinus pain is progesterone and thiamine (b1), perhaps by increasing CO2 levels and fighting estrogen.


May 6, 2016
Careful with the horseradish. It helped my sinus symptoms for a little while but then I started to actually get worse symptoms over time. I was only using it as needed, too. I think it might be doing a little too good of a job at destroying everything, perhaps including good bacteria?
Sinus problems are often a symptom of silent acid reflux.

I found this out quite by accident, due to some recent dental problems I had. Turns out that over-acidity (brought about in part by a high acid diet with too much sugar and coffee) and silent acid reflux go hand in hand. Acid reflux can play a part in dental issues. When I surgically addressed the dental issue, and got everything cleaned out of my sinuses in the process, my chronic sinus issues (rhinitis and the need to use nosedrops every night) unexpectedly went away. But when I backslide into a high-acid forming diet for a few days, or if I eat too much too close to bedtime, I get a stuffy nose again and my rhinitis can reappear. After doing some digging it turns out that many chronic sinus issues are linked to silent acid reflux, but most of us just don't make the connection. We don't necessarily get the burning in our throats but it's creeping all the way up the throat and causing damage nonetheless.

So perhaps horseradish causes over acidity and some bit of acid reflux...?


Earlier in the month I'd made some changes to my diet to incorporate some of the FODMAP ideas. I cut out my staple applesauce and started drinking lots of fresh OJ as oranges are in season. My bloating and gas reduced significantly (but I've been having issues with histamine that I'm considering a 'detox' symptom). As I've been experimenting with other carbs, I realized I'd been distracted from my focus on getting broth and gelatin in the diet. Yesterday I decided to add have some gelatin for the first time in over a month. The result was terrible gas, inflamed gut, tightness in the chest that I'm attributing to gas, waking at 4am from nightmares / cortisol, and a urge to purge my bowels immediately upon waking. Suffice it to say I think I'll be cutting out gelatin from my diet. I used to do well on free aminos a long time before I discovered Peat, so I think I'll try that again.


Apr 19, 2017
Sinus problems are often a symptom of silent acid reflux.

I found this out quite by accident, due to some recent dental problems I had. Turns out that over-acidity (brought about in part by a high acid diet with too much sugar and coffee) and silent acid reflux go hand in hand. Acid reflux can play a part in dental issues. When I surgically addressed the dental issue, and got everything cleaned out of my sinuses in the process, my chronic sinus issues (rhinitis and the need to use nosedrops every night) unexpectedly went away. But when I backslide into a high-acid forming diet for a few days, or if I eat too much too close to bedtime, I get a stuffy nose again and my rhinitis can reappear. After doing some digging it turns out that many chronic sinus issues are linked to silent acid reflux, but most of us just don't make the connection. We don't necessarily get the burning in our throats but it's creeping all the way up the throat and causing damage nonetheless.

So perhaps horseradish causes over acidity and some bit of acid reflux...?

That's really interesting and makes sense! I never connected the sinus to the reflux, although I have had pretty bad reflux at times and the two do seem to occur together. Interestingly raw honey has been really helping my reflux when I take it right before bed or even during the night if I wake up. Perhaps fructose is ok where sucrose isn't for reflux? I guess I shouldn't assume that just because the reflux isn't obvious that it's not still an issue! Perhaps I need to cut down on the coffee and use honey for more of my sweetening needs. I've also been doing the whole xylitol mouth rinse thing so that's supposed to balance the mouth bacteria for the better.


Oct 18, 2013
Good questions. I do notice more bloating in the day than the night. I feel like I am a night person, and that my mood and metabolism are ramped up after dark.

I wouldn't say I am too heavy limbed, but do have some face puffiness upon waking. I also never like waking up early, no matter how much sleep I get. I would rather sleep, for example, 8 hours from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. than 8 hours from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

I had some basic blood work done in July, what assays are you wondering about? I also had a stool test done (again) to show that (again) I don't have parasites.

Kyle do you have any good recent results? I hate bloating, and I am planning to start interfase plus and artemisinin soon to tackle biofilms.


May 1, 2016
Back in the late 1980's I developed a chronic crack on the right corner of my mouth. It was painful and sometimes bled. From time to time both corners were cracked. Other times the cracks simply disappeared but always returned. I never nailed down any dietary changes that would improve the situation. Doctors couldn't help. It just became something I lived with. Then, just a few years ago I began to experiment with resistant starch in the form of unmodified potato starch and the crack(s) began to stay healed for longer periods of time than they ever had before. That is when I knew I was onto something. So I added other forms of resistant starch and other fermentable fibers. And the healing periods got longer. Then I added various "primal" probiotics and the healing improved even more. Later I read about something I had never heard of before, something called a "biofilm" that was disrupted by NAC. Intuitively I knew this was the direction to move. And it was. Healed. Later I read about how Accutane can damage the gut. Well, I took Accutane for a short time just before the cracks began ... My hypothesis is this: the Accutane disrupted the gut biome and created conditions that led to the formation of a biofilm which somehow interfered with my digestion thus causing the cracks. At first I would pound NAC but I don't need to do that anymore. A single pill 2-3 times a week is enough. Sometimes I forget and go quite some time without taking it and a micro-crack appears and NAC always takes care of it. There you are :)

What was your dosing amount and protocol for the NAC? Sorry I'm not able to read the rest of the thread right now to check if you answered that. And was it a delayed release form?


I've used AllDayChemist (Indian), Farmacia del Niño (Mexican), and InHousePharmacy (Vanuatu) at different times for different things.

Did your courses of antibiotics create long lasting positive change in your digestion and bloating?


As far as minimizing gut bacteria to limit endotoxins, would it be better to take penicillin and doxicycline on empty stomachs?

The leaflets mention to take them with food to increase absorption, but absorption is not our goal here, we want a localized gut action.

If there is no food in the way, they could potentially act more efficiently?


Mar 10, 2016
Earlier in the month I'd made some changes to my diet to incorporate some of the FODMAP ideas. I cut out my staple applesauce and started drinking lots of fresh OJ as oranges are in season. My bloating and gas reduced significantly (but I've been having issues with histamine that I'm considering a 'detox' symptom). As I've been experimenting with other carbs, I realized I'd been distracted from my focus on getting broth and gelatin in the diet. Yesterday I decided to add have some gelatin for the first time in over a month. The result was terrible gas, inflamed gut, tightness in the chest that I'm attributing to gas, waking at 4am from nightmares / cortisol, and a urge to purge my bowels immediately upon waking. Suffice it to say I think I'll be cutting out gelatin from my diet. I used to do well on free aminos a long time before I discovered Peat, so I think I'll try that again.

Gelatin, I think, can be high in histamine. I hope that histamine is just a detox issue for you like you said. I have learned to stay away from it for the long run :/


Jan 9, 2019
Dry fasting seems to be the answer to a lot of this for me. Peat like eating around the dry fast with an emphasis on cellulose with olive oil, AC-vinegar and ripe fruit/ lean protein. I did/do no more than 2 days a week 16 or 18 or 20 hours depending on how I felt/feel. Sometimes I'd bloat right after the "breakfast" but would almost always wake up with a flat belly. Whenever I don't get to sleep before 11pm-ish, I bloat. Kyle, I'm very inclined to be a 3am-11am type of person like you, but that always makes me bloat, our circadian rhythms don't seem to like that even though our personalities do... I think there's definitely something to the Chinese Medicine body clock. I know this is anecdote heavy, but it has worked for me.
Jun 16, 2017
I've used AllDayChemist (Indian), Farmacia del Niño (Mexican), and InHousePharmacy (Vanuatu) at different times for different things.
How are you doing nowadays, Kyle? Especially gut- wise?
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