James Sloane - Ozone Therapy At Home, Hydrogen Peroxide, Most Cancer's Have A Viral Origin


Jul 3, 2016
Hey everyone. So after researching alot, I started listening in-depth to a guy I had known for a while from the internet, his name is James Sloane and he worked for 13 years in the medical field, but quit because he didn't agree with it supposedly. He then went on the specialize in herbs, but he also studied cancer in medical school, in sharks too, so he knows alot about cancer. He gave multiple interviews to a nutritionist coach/expert who makes videos on YouTube called Markus Rothkranz. James Sloane seems to be very knowledgeable and states that if you study all the studies out there, that you will find that perhaps 95% of all cancers have a viral origin. He speaks about estrogens being able to activate these viruses and thus causing cancer indirectly. His main therapy if he had cancer would be ozone therapy. Ozone, is O3, instead of the familiar O2. It is also called trioxygen. It is found in nature when lightning zaps the air, creating O3.

Ozone stimulates all the natural anti-cancer immune reactions in the body and directly is able to make cancer cells burst, killing them through the creation of lipid peroxides at the cancer cell membrane.

He also advices a whole treatment with multiple things instead of just one thing if you have cancer. Such as ozone therapy + anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-pathogen etc herbs. He also mentions hydrogen peroxide as a treatment method but says that this can take up to 8 to 9 months to have therapeutic effects, and therefore is much slower than ozone. He talks about using a catheter/enema for administering the ozone, but Markus Rothkranz mentions a method which is very smart too, ozonating a glass of water and then drinking it up. Both agree that the stomach is permeable and will absorb things into the blood faster than the lungs do when inhaling. For things like prostate cancer for example the catheter is an effective way for treatment. He also mentions that prostate cancer is most of the times caused by the HPV virus. He states that injecting a tumor directly if possible will cause it to burst/disintegrate. He also recommends to have the immune system functioning as best as possible. I really like the ozonated water idea. Both state that ozone can harm lung tissue when inhaled. Also there are some safety warning and guidelines on the internet that can be found for ozone.

I'd like to point out to the following interview as most relevant with alot of information, regarding these things I've just mentioned. This man has alot of knowledge:

I highly recommend listening to it completely. This man really knows his stuff, or so it sounds.

I also recommend this interview with him, where he names anti-viral and anti-cancer herbs that would work together with the ozone. This interview is only 5 minutes, so won't take much of your time, but is also definitely worth listening to:

James Sloane was/is also active on the CureZone forum, under the name of Hveragerthi where he gave advice to people. He has his own website too with a forum apparently, at www.medcapsules.com and where he can perhaps be contacted by e-mail or message, to ask questions.

I leave this topic open for you to discuss James Sloane his work and advice, and to discuss ozone therapy, anti-virals and hydrogen peroxide and related things too.

I don't necessarily endorse James Sloane or Markus Rothkranz' works though and it is unclear wether or not it is true, but James Sloane is worth listening to and to review what he has to say. James Sloane seems to have studied tumors extensively in person, having witnessed injections of hydrogen peroxide into a tumor. He also speaks about free radicals, and about hydrogen peroxide being made naturally by the body itself to kill cancer cells. He used to be a MD.

And watch out with mastic gum, which James Sloane once recommended on the internet, but with unclear doses, stating it had to be a low dose later and that high doses weren't necessary, as 1 person said it damaged her kidneys permanently!

James Sloane and Markus Rothkranz also speak about non-Peaty stuff, I don't recommend those but I do recommend into what is significant of James Sloane in particular on cancer and therapy with Rothkranz! Again, I like the ozonate water. And apparently ozone stimulates alot of the body's own natural anti-cancer and anti-tumor systems. If you're able to get an ozone device, you could ozonate water at home to drink. Markus and James explain how to do this in the interview.

I repeat, James Sloane knows his stuff and I highly recommend for you to review what he has to say! James Sloane also names nitric acids as very irritating to the tissues. (With regards to Ray Peat stating that nitric oxide is damaging to the tissues)

Most cancers are caused by viruses, according to Sloane. Ozone destroys viruses, ozone destroys bacteria, ozone destroys fungi. So it will destroy cancer pathogens. It also forms peroxides, peroxides activate your white blood cells so it is actually boosting your immune system. It will stimulate the formation of interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor, all immune factors for the body. It will destroy the cancer cells directly through the direct formation of peroxides (which obliterate cancer cells according to James). On your cancer cell membrane you have lipids on there, the ozone will go on there, create lipid peroxides, the lipid peroxides go into the cancer cell, the cancer can't break down the peroxides, they swell and they burst. According to James Sloane. When the ozone touches your healthy cells, the healthy cells will simply break down the peroxide into water and oxygen. So the ozone is selective to the cancer cells. It does not destroy your healthy tissue at therapeutic doses. According to James Sloane. James also mentions Russian studies where the stomach wall absorbed oxygen in water directly into the bloodsteam 40% faster than the lungs. James Sloane advices ozonated water to drink and explains the best way of making it.

Ozone machines can be purchased online.

James Sloane is a former cancer researcher!

Human papillomavirus infection - Wikipedia
Ozone - Wikipedia (Ozone, also named Trioxygen)
www.medcapsules.com Website of James Sloane
Markus Rothkranz Markus Rothkranz his YouTube channel where the interviews with James Sloane can be found.
Alt/Trad Medical Review Webpage with all articles written by James Sloane

From James his website which is no longer online but can be found back through the Wayback Machine:

Ozone therapy is the safest and most effective cancer therapy I have ever found. An interesting aspect of ozone therapy is that ozone has the ability to selectively destroy cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue.

Science. 1980 Aug 22;209(4459):931-3.

Ozone selectively inhibits growth of human cancer cells.

Sweet F, Kao MS, Lee SC, Hagar WL, Sweet WE.


The growth of human cancer cells from lung, breast, and uterine tumors was selectively inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by ozone at 0.3 to 0.8 part per million of ozone in ambient air during 8 days of culture. Human lung diploid fibroblasts served as noncancerous control cells. The presence of ozone at 0.3 to 0.5 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth 40 and 60 percent, respectively. The noncancerous lung cells were unaffected at these levels. Exposure to ozone at 0.8 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth more than 90 percent and control cell growth less than 50 percent. Evidently, the mechanisms for defense against ozone damage are impaired in human cancer cells.

Source of study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7403859

Another interesting aspect of ozone when dealing with cancer is that the ozone fights cancer through a variety of mechanisms. Some of the anticancer effects of ozone include:

  • Destruction of cancer producing pathogens.
  • Oxidative destruction of xenoestrogens and other carcinogens.
  • Increasing levels of immune stimulating and cancer fighting cytokines.
  • Increasing levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD).
  • Increasing white blood cell activity.
  • Decreasing lactic acid levels preventing its conversion back in to glucose through gluconogenesis.
  • Direct destruction of cancer cells through an overload of peroxide within the cancerous cells.
Advantages of ozone over allopathic treatments include:

  • Cancerous cells cannot build up a tolerance to ozone the way it can to chemotherapy or radiation therapy. This is especially useful for destroying metastasized cells that can migrate in to the brain or bone where they are hard to treat with allopathic methods.
  • Ozone therapy does not cause metastases of cancer cells like biopsies and radiation therapy can.
  • Ozone therapy is not carcinogenic (cancer causing) or immune suppressing like radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
  • Ozone stimulates the healing of damaged tissues.
  • Ozone treatments can be self administered at home.
  • Ozone therapy is cost efficient. Cold corona units needed for therapy can be purchased for between $500-1500, with an additional $200 for an oxygen tank and regulator. The cost of oxygen and electricity averages less than $0.10 per treatment.

To understand how ozone directly destroys cancer cells we first need to go over some basic chemistry. Ozone is generally accepted as being O3, although higher allotropes (O4 and up) do exist. If I write up the formula this way O=O_O we can see that two of the oxygen atoms are stable due to paired electrons, but the third oxygen atom is not. This makes the ozone molecule itself unstable and reactive. As the ozone molecule is broken down singlet oxygen (O1 or O_) is formed. Singlet oxygen is one of the strongest oxidizers known, with only fluorine exceeding it in oxidation power.
The oxygen we breath, O2, is stable because it has paired balancing electrons (O=O). Singlet oxygen (O_) on the other hand does not have a paired electron to stabilize it. This makes the singlet oxygen highly reactive since it is needs to seek out an electron it can steal so it can stabilize itself. For example, as ozone breaks down the singlet oxygen atoms released can react with each other to form a more stable O2.

Other sources for singlet oxygen to steal electrons to stabilize can include carcinogens, cancer microbes, water and lipids (fats). It is this reactivity that allows ozone to have so many anticancer properties.

Ozone can kill cancer pathogens by either reacting with the lipids in the membranes of the pathogen creating lipid peroxides destroying the pathogen directly, or by reacting with water to form hydrogen peroxide that in turn destroys the pathogen.
Carcinogens, such as xenoestrogens, can be destroyed through oxidative destruction by ozone.
Peroxides formed by ozone increase production of immune supporting cytokines.

Peroxides created by the reaction of ozone on water lead to cellular apoptosis (self destruction) of low adenosine triphosphate (ATP) containing cells such as aged cells and cancerous tumor cells.

Both lipid peroxides and hydrogen peroxide created during ozone therapy increase white blood activity, which are a primary component of the immune system.

It is the formation of peroxides that also leads to the selective destruction of cancerous tumor cells.

Before we go any further though, I need to point out a key difference between cancerous tumor cells and healthy cells.
Healthy cells contain antioxidant enzymes known as catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). All of these enzymes help to break down peroxides to protect healthy cells from oxidative damage by these peroxides.
Peroxides though are required for a number of functions within the body. These functions include destruction of pathogens, activation of white blood cells, stimulating production of immune enhancing cytokines and destruction of cancerous cells by Natural Killer (NK) cells. Therefore, SOD not only helps to break down peroxides, but this enzyme also generates hydrogen peroxide for the body.

Cancerous cells are often hard for the immune system to detect since they can “shield” themselves from the immune system to avoid detection. When the immune system is able to detect cancerous tumor cells, NK cells attach to the cells. Once attached NK cells inject peroxide in to these cancerous cells. Unlike healthy cells though, cancerous cells lack CAT, GPx and SOD. This is an Achilles’ heel for cancerous cells. Because cancerous cells lack the enzymes needed to break down the peroxide, the peroxide entering the cancerous cells swell the cancerous to the point of rupturing. This kills the cancer cells without destroying the healthy cells, which use these enzymes to break down the peroxides in to water and oxygen.

Ozone has a very similar effect on cancer cells. When ozone reacts with the lipids (fats) of cancer cell membranes lipid peroxides are formed. Singlet oxygen formed from the breakdown of ozone will also form some hydrogen peroxide by reaction with extracellular water. These peroxides enter cancer cells causing them to swell until the cancerous cells burst. In the process more singlet oxygen is generated, which in turn creates more peroxides leading to a chain reaction. Therefore, very small amounts of ozone are capable of destroying extensive amounts of cancer cells upon contact.

One study performed in Germany found that when ozone was injected in to mammary carcinomas of mice that the tumors were completely destroyed within 5 minutes of injection. There was no damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

Healthy cells exposed to the peroxides simply break down these peroxides in to water and oxygen. This is why therapeutic levels of ozone kill cancer cells selectively without harming healthy cells.

Source: Alt/Trad Medical Review

He also wrote this down on Cancer and naming several herbs for it among more, although info might be dated, see his latest interview in 2016 above for his thoughts on herbs in that year. These articles were online on his website in January 2013:


Cancer is an uncontrolled division of anaerobic cells, which are cells that thrive in the absence of oxygen. When aerobic cells, which require oxygen, grow out of control the mass is called a benign tumor. A common myth is that everyone has cancer cells, but the immune system keeps the cancer cells in check in most people. Though as stated above not all cellular overgrowth is cancer. The biggest difference between cancer cells and normal cells is that cancer cells are anaerobic, and they ferment sugars for their fuel source. During the fermentation a form of lactic acid is formed that is converted by a liver enzyme back in to glucose, which in turn feeds the cancer cells. Normal cells are aerobic and create their energy from sugar through respiration instead of fermentation.

The most common triggers for cancers are microbes, especially viruses. Bacterial and fungal-based cancers are less common. Other common causes of cancer include carcinogens including chemotherapy drugs, radiation exposure including radiation therapy, and hormones, especially xenoestrogens (herbicides, pesticides, some plastics, dioxins from paper mills, etc.) and estrogen replacement therapy. Parasitical infections may cause some cancers though these forms of cancer are extremely rare. Human genetics are believed to play a role in the development of some cancers, though the evidence for this hypothesis is very weak. Many of the so-called oncogenes (cancer genes) have actually been discovered to be of viral, not human, origin. By inserting their DNA in to healthy cells the viruses change the chemistry of the cell, and stimulate the production of excess cellular division hormones.

Many herbs have antitumor effects through different mechanisms. Chaparral prevents the cellular division of cancer cells, and is a strong antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. Chaparral boosts the immune system by raising vitamin C levels in the adrenal glands, and is the strongest herbal antioxidant known. Pau d' arco (lapacho, ipe roxo, tabuei, taheebo) is another excellent anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal herb, though it is more suited for leukemias and lymphomas. Combining chaparral and pau d' arco together increases the antiviral effect of the pau d' arco. Myrrh kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Myrrh also stimulates white blood cell activity due to the polysaccharides in the herb.

I also recommend the use of myrrh for the treatment of cancer because of its ability to inhibit the enzyme hyaluronidase, which is needed by cancer cells to allow the cancer cells to spread. Poke root is another very important herb for the treatment of cancer, though it should be used with caution since it can be toxic. Poke root contains a protein called PAF (poke activating factor) that is structurally similar to interferon. Though unlike interferons PAF is not tissue specific. In other words interferons only work for the same tissues they were derived from, which is why interferon therapy rarely works. Since PAF is not tissue specific it will have an interferon-like effect on all tissues. I like to combine amla berries with the poke root for a synergistic effect. Amla berry is the highest herbal source of vitamin C, which supports the immune system through the adrenal glands and the thymus gland. Vitamin C is also required for the activation of white blood cells. In addition amla kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi, all of which have been linked to the formation of cancers. The synergy between amla and poke occurs because amla increases the levels of an enzyme, known as superoxide dismutase (SOD) about 80%. SOD responds to the presence of interferons, or in this case PAF, by producing hydrogen peroxide, which activates white blood cells including natural killer (NK) cells that destroy cancer cells.

Certain cells in the body also generate hydrogen peroxide to directly kill harmful microbes and cancer cells. Hydrazine sulfate (HS) is used primarily in Europe to treat some forms of cancer. HS works because cancer cells feed off of sugar (glucose). When cancer cells utilize sugar for their fuel through anaerobic glycolysis the byproduct is lactic acid. Lactic acid is then converted by back in to glucose, which again feeds the cancer cells. HS blocks the liver enzyme than converts the lactic acid back in to glucose, which helps cut off much of the cancer's food supply. I prefer to use nettle leaves and juniper berries in place of hydrazine sulfate. Nettle leaves remove lactic acid from the body so it cannot be converted back in to glucose. Juniper berries contain an insulin-like compound that lowers the blood sugar. Therefore both nettle leaves and juniper berries help to starve the cancer cells.

Various mushrooms have shown strong antitumor properties including maitake, shiitake, reishi, oyster, agaricus, black fungus, enoki, and artist's conk. My personal favorites are the mushrooms turkey tails and chagas. Turkey tails contain two separate polysaccharides, polysaccharides K and P that stimulate white blood cell activity. Turkey tails contain the highest level of organic germanium of all the mushrooms. Organic germanium helps the cells to utilize oxygen and been demonstrated to be highly antitumor. Chagas are not well known, but in my opinion this black conk mushroom has the strongest antitumor properties of all the mushrooms. Chagas not only contain immune stimulating polysaccharides, but also contains high levels of betulinic acid, another compound shown to have extremely high antitumor activity. Chagas grow on birch trees, which contain high levels of betulinic acid as well. Suma is the highest herbal source of organic germanium. Several other herbs that are not well known, thought that have shown strong antitumor activity, are andrographis and jiaogulan. I also highly recommend turmeric, which has been shown to stop cancer growth through various mechanisms.

Recommended minerals are 50mg zinc daily, 200mcg selenium three times daily, and 40mg organic germanium three times daily all with meals. When using germanium make sure that it is organic germanium (Bis betacarboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide), and not elemental germanium or germanium dioxide, both of which are highly toxic to the kidneys. Recommended vitamins are 10,000IU of vitamin A twice daily, and 1,000mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids 3 times daily both with meals. Amla berry is the preferred source of vitamin C since the vitamin C in amla is stabilized by the polyphenols in the berries, and it is 12 times stronger than synthetic vitamin C. Most of the vitamin C on the market is synthesized from sugar, and is not very stable and therefore breaks down fairly quickly.

Pancreatic glandulars are also recommended to assist other therapies in their job. The theory is that the glandulars help to break down the cell membranes of cancer cells making them more susceptible to the actions of herbs, laetrile, or chemotherapy. Ginger, which contains the strongest digestive enzymes in the plant kingdom, can be substituted for the pancreatic glandular. Both should be taken on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before meals, otherwise they will just digest the proteins in your meal. Ozone therapy is the most effective, and one of the safest, therapies I have found for cancer. Ozone works through several mechanisms:

  1. Direct destruction of cancer cells from peroxide overload. Unlike healthy cells cancerous tumors lack the antioxidant enzymes (catalase, glutathione peroxidase, selenium methionine peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase) needed to break down peroxides. Since cancer cells cannot break down peroxides the high levels of hydrogen and lipid peroxides produced during ozone therapy swell the cancer cells until they burst apart. Healthy cells use their antioxidant enzymes to break these peroxides down in to water and oxygen. In one German study tumors directly injected with ozone were completely destroyed within 5 minutes with no damage to surrounding healthy tissues.
  2. Destruction of cancer forming microbes, xenoestrogens, and many carcinogens.
  3. Removal of lactic acid.
  4. Stimulation of the immune system by increasing levels of interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), peroxides, and superoxide dismutase, all of which stimulate white blood cell activity.
For further information I recommend reading The Use of Ozone in Medicine (highly technical, written for doctors), or Oxygen Healing Therapies. Additional information may also be found at http://www.oxytherapy.com Ozone can be harmful if administered improperly. Only minute concentrations can be used internally, and it must be produced with pure oxygen for internal use. In addition it is recommended that only cold corona ozone generators be used for internal use, and never a hot corona or ultraviolet (UV) unit. Hot corona and UV units are for external use only. I have seen some units being sold as cold corona units that were actually hot corona, so it is important to learn how to tell the difference and to buy from a reputable company. Diet is very important. Cancer patients should eliminate sugars from their diets as much as possible. Sugars suppress white blood cell activity and feed cancer cells. Farm raised meats and dairy should be avoided because of hormones and antibiotics in these products, and because of the formaldehyde found in homogenized milk. Aspartame (Equal, Nutrasweet) should be avoided because aspartame breaks down quickly under body heat and other heat sources releasing highly toxic methanol. Methanol then metabolizes in to formic acid, an organ irritant, and strongly carcinogenic formaldehyde. In addition packets of sweeteners containing aspartame, such as Equal contain dextrose (sugar) as the first ingredient to make the product sweet. The second ingredient, maltodextrin, is also a sugar molecule used as a flow agent. Peanuts should be avoided since they tend to contain high levels of aflatoxins produced from a fungus known as Aspergillus niger. Aflatoxins are well known for causing liver cancer in immunosuppressed people. The diet should consist primarily of vegetables, especially those in the cabbage family, which contain antitumor compounds. Seeds are also beneficial because they contain antiviral protease inhibitors. I recommend drinking plenty of spring water, not distilled or reverse osmosis (RO) water. Distilled and RO water are very solvent and therefore can pull beneficial minerals from the body. If you are going to use distilled or RO water I recommend adding trace mineral drops or silica to the water first so it loses some of its solvency. Spring water is less solvent and provides beneficial minerals, which help neutralize lactic acid in the blood. Green tea contains antitumor polyphenols, though alkaline substances, such as milk, neutralize these beneficial compounds. Rooibos is a more pleasant tasting tea that also has string antitumor compounds.


All of these herbs should be blended together thoroughly to make the formula. The recommended dosage is 1/2 teaspoon taken 3 times daily on an empty stomach a minimum of 30 minutes before eating a meal. The formula can be mixed in a small amount of unsweetened cinnamon applesauce to make it more palatable.

Source: Alt/Trad Medical Review

Source for finding snapshots of his now offline website from any year:

Wayback Machine

Click ''James' articles'' down left to get to his articles.

EDIT: His articles are still online on his website, see Alt/Trad Medical Review

What's funny is, the only difference between the 2013 version of his Ozone for cancer article and the one you can find right now, is that the one right now has the sentence

"Ozone therapy must be properly administrated with the proper dosage for the therapy to be safe and effective. Therefore, ozone therapy should not be applied without proper knowledge and training."

at the end of the article. The rest of the articles are identical to eachother.

Drinking ozonated water seems to be popular in health use and in cancer treatment.

Sloane mentions using a plastic diffuser in the interview at 29:40. This website mentions

First, the container the purified or spring water is in, that the ozone will be bubbled into, absolutely MUST be made of glass. Ozone will tear apart a plastic container or plastic tube and you will end up drinking plastic.

Second, the cancer patient should drink the ozonated water as soon as it is made because the ozone only lasts about 10 minutes. You should bubble the ozonated water for 7 to 10 minutes before drinking.

Source: Ozonated Water: Supplemental Treatment for Cancer - Cancer Tutor
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Jul 3, 2016
Here's a showcase how easy it basically is to ozonate water at home to drink. I've looked up devices and they range from 30$ to 800$ the one the guy in the video had looks cheap yet does it job properly or so it seems. So you don't have to pay alot if you look for the right device. Alot of people on YouTube have mentioned health benefits and even reversal of degenerative diseases using ozone, like ozone water:

Feb 26, 2018
I drink ozonated water from time to time, it’s good, it feels a lot like how going for a nice short walk in a thriving park makes you feel. If you mix some white distilled vinegar in the water - the ozone absorbs much better and remains stable longer in the water, this also allows it to reach deeper in to the gut. I like drinking ozone and wish I were doing it more often as the good effects really builds over repeat use, the trouble is I understand it should always be taken on an empty stomach - the only time that works for me is the morning but that is when I take a lot of supplements and coffee... so basically I only get a chance to take it on weekends which are usually off days from supplements. The violet-wand / violet-ray device also is a good way of delivering ozone to the body. Breathing a little ozone is basically only irritating the first few times, afterwords your lungs adapt and it is really not irritating. This is my own experience at least. Ozone machine in bathroom
running while taking a shower is really awesome too. RP does not agree with ozone therapy.


Jul 3, 2016
I drink ozonated water from time to time, it’s good, it feels a lot like how going for a nice short walk in a thriving park makes you feel. If you mix some white distilled vinegar in the water - the ozone absorbs much better and remains stable longer in the water, this also allows it to reach deeper in to the gut. I like drinking ozone and wish I were doing it more often as the good effects really builds over repeat use, the trouble is I understand it should always be taken on an empty stomach - the only time that works for me is the morning but that is when I take a lot of supplements and coffee... so basically I only get a chance to take it on weekends which are usually off days from supplements. The violet-wand / violet-ray device also is a good way of delivering ozone to the body. Breathing a little ozone is basically only irritating the first few times, afterwords your lungs adapt and it is really not irritating. This is my own experience at least. Ozone machine in bathroom
running while taking a shower is really awesome too. RP does not agree with ozone therapy.
Wow, do you actually feel a difference in your body after drinking ozonated water compared to drinking a regular glass of water? Like do you feel stuff happening, processes being put into activation, die-off symptoms of pathogens?

Why does RP not agree with ozone therapy, do you have a source where he talked about it?

Thanks for sharing!

Edit: Ozone appears to be used in cancer clinics in Europe, where success with it has been reported. There's alot of information on it on YouTube by various practitioners who use ozone therapy, and also alot of testimonials of miraculous improvement in disease of people and people showing themselves simply how they are using ozone.
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Feb 26, 2018
Wow, do you actually feel a difference in your body after drinking ozonated water compared to drinking a regular glass of water? Like do you feel stuff happening, processes being put into activation, die-off symptoms of pathogens?

Why does RP not agree with ozone therapy, do you have a source where he talked about it?

Thanks for sharing!

It has a body warming effect, ups my temperature and gets me sweating a little, and a mood boost, similar to going for a nice walk. I definitely feel immediate effects from it, which last about 3 hours. I’ve never had die-off from it, but already was in to drinking vinegar daily around the time I got started on it.

I emailed Ray on this:


Hello again Ray,

I have another question for you, regarding a point you made about serotonin and negative ionized air on this radio show:

If I am correct you are saying that if ones appendix is producing excess serotonin which is entering the blood stream, that the lungs produce peroxide / enzymes which detoxify serotonin, and that ionized air can be helpful in assisting this process. Until today I was unaware of the connection between the lungs and serotonin elimination. I have experienced apendix troubles so this all intrigues me. I would like to know your thoughts on nebulizing hydrogen peroxide, as well as inhaling small amounts of ozone (which I think partially breaks down in to hydrogen peroxide); do you think these would also help similarly to how ionized air helps / is sitting near an air ionizer superior to this? Hydrogen peroxide and ozonetherapy I have used occasionally - which I have used to assist my immune system for things like fighting off a sore throat or a cold. I'd like to know if you think employing something like nebulizing hydrogen peroxide daily for 30 minutes would be helpful to lower excess serotonin, would it provide comparable results to say eating raw carrot salad daily?

Thank you!!!


I think it’s a risky way to accelerate serotonin metabolism; the lungs do it naturally, and the powerful oxidants can cause lipid peroxidation and decrease lung function. Low thyroid function is often responsible for appendix inflammation and excessive serotonin.

Mechanism of action of ozone on the human lung
M. J. Hazucha, D. V. Bates, and P. A. Bromberg
1 J. Applied Physiology Volume 67Issue 4October 1989 Pages 1535-1541
Fourteen healthy normal volunteers were randomly exposed to air and 0.5 ppm of ozone (O3) in a controlled exposure chamber for a 2-h period during which 15 min of treadmill exercise sufficient to produce a ventilation of approximately 40 l/min was alternated with 15-min rest periods. Before testing an esophageal balloon was inserted, and lung volumes, flow rates, maximal inspiratory (at residual volume and functional residual capacity) and expiratory (at total lung capacity and functional residual capacity) mouth pressures, and pulmonary mechanics (static and dynamic compliance and airway resistance) were measured before and immediately after the exposure period. After the postexposure measurements had been completed, the subjects inhaled an aerosol of 20% lidocaine until response to citric acid aerosol inhalation was abolished. All of the measurements were immediately repeated. We found that the O3 exposure 1) induced a significant mean decrement of 17.8% in vital capacity (this change was the result of a marked fall in inspiratory capacity without significant increase in residual volume), 2) significantly increased mean airway resistance and specific airway resistance but did not change dynamic or static pulmonary compliance or viscous or elastic work, 3) significantly reduced maximal transpulmonary pressure (by 19%) but produced no changes in inspiratory or expiratory maximal mouth pressures, and 4) significantly increased respiratory rate (in 5 subjects by more than 6 breaths/min) and decreased tidal volume.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


Thank you Ray. Would you also say that using an air ionizer is a risky way to accelerate serotonin metabolism?

Not to say I think ozone is perfectly safe, but I feel it has some benefits if used occasionally, after reading about rats adapting to breathing ozone I was inspired to experiment on myself ( I recall a study where their markers of lung condition first declined and then improved back to baseline after several weeks).. so I have experimented with inhaling ozone at a higher ppm ~1 ppm, for several minutes at a time, the first few times I gasped right away and my throat closed up, it was obviously irritating and I could still feel some irritation the following day... I tried again every other day, by the 4th session it no longer bothered me and did not leave me with any noticeable damage. So by about a week I could sit and breath the ozone for 15 minutes easily without any noticeable irritation or downside. I was working a very physical and aerobic job, running up and down stairs a lot so I would have noticed if something were off. I have since reacted fine with the same treatment even with breaks of 4 months. Inhaling ozone at that concentration not something I do often, but I was recovering from toxic mold exposure and felt I had little to lose at the time.

This might be the study. There are several like this..

Aha and a similar study with humans:


I think the only danger from a negative air ionizer is the ozone some of them make.

This Week
27 May 1995
Ozone alert follows cancer warning
By Rob Edwards

OZONE, as well as causing breathing difficulties, could give you cancer. Government researchers in the US have uncovered the first serious evidence that the highly reactive gas, which is used in industry and which forms photochemical smogs in summer, might be carcinogenic. Although British government advisers are playing down the findings, Germany’s health and safety scientists are recommending that ozone should be reclassified as a “suspected carcinogen”.

A study for the US Department of Health’s National Toxicology Program, funded partly by the car industry, found “some evidence of carcinogenic activity of ozone” in female mice. Females that inhaled air containing 2000 micrograms per cubic metre of ozone for two years developed tumours of the lung and bronchial tubes at twice the rate of female mice that inhaled no ozone. Smaller increases in cancer rates were found among females exposed to 1000 micrograms per cubic metre.

Although the same exposures produced an increased incidence of cancers in male mice, the trend was “less striking”. The researchers found no evidence of a carcinogenic effect in rats. “There appears to be a consistent increase in the incidence of pulmonary neoplasms in mice with increasing ozone exposure, and it is more pronounced in females than in males,” they conclude.

But in Britain, the Health and Safety Executive’s latest review of occupational ozone exposure, published this month, plays down the American results, arguing that it “showed no carcinogenicity in rats and male mice and only equivocal response for lung tumours in female mice”. The HSE has decided not to classify ozone as a carcinogen, and in fact plans to abolish the present limit of 200 micrograms per cubic metre averaged over eight hours for people who are exposed to ozone at work.

At the same time, because ozone is a known lung irritant, the HSE wants the present exposure limit averaged over 15 minutes to be reduced from 600 micrograms per cubic metre to 400. According to the HSE, welders and some workers in the water, printing and food industries can be exposed to ozone. Office workers who use photocopiers are the largest group at risk. If photocopiers are kept in poorly ventilated rooms, levels of ozone can reach 1000 micrograms per cubic metre. “We have considered the very limited evidence in the US report and we think that our proposed new limit should be adequate,” says a spokesman for the HSE.

By contrast, the German government’s scientific advisory committee on occupational health standards says that the American findings have convinced it to recommend that ozone be redefined as a “suspected carcinogen”. In standards due to be published in July, the committee will press for Germany’s eight-hour occupational safety limit of 200 micrograms per cubic metre to be lowered, although it will not recommend a specific alternative.

There is not enough evidence on ozone’s carcinogenicity to support a specific standard, says one of the committee’s toxicologists, Hermann Kappus of Berlin University’s Virchow Clinic. But he expects the German government to take a political decision to tighten the existing limit. He says that there is also laboratory evidence that ozone can damage DNA in mammalian cells. “We must take these indications of a carcinogenic effect seriously,” Kappus says.

Kappus says that one potential problem, to which little attention has been paid, is the ozone concentrations that passengers and crew are exposed to in high-flying aircraft. Air circulated in the cabins of modern aircraft is taken from the stratosphere, where ozone concentrations can be high. The German airline Lufthansa says it introduced catalytic converters six years ago to reduce ozone intake on its long-haul flights. British Airways cannot say what the ozone levels in its aircraft are, but insists that they are “not a problem”.

The American study, which became available to health and safety experts in Europe two months ago, found no significant evidence of carcinogenic effects on mice exposed to 240 micrograms of ozone per cubic metre of air. Because of ozone’s ability to cause breathing difficulties at such levels, the WHO’s safety guideline is 100 micrograms per cubic metre – a concentration that is often exceeded during long sunny spells in Europe. Ozone is a particular problem during still summer weather because the gas is generated by the action of sunlight on hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in traffic fumes.

Levels of up to 240 micrograms per cubic metre were measured in Britain and Germany during the hot spell in the first week of May. In response to public anxiety, German federal environment minister, Angela Merkel, promised action before the end of this month. She wants to ban older, dirtier vehicles whenever ozone concentrations exceed a certain limit.

But what the trigger level might be and what exceptions might be allowed are the subject of fierce dispute in the German Cabinet. Last week, objections from the industry minister Günter Rexrodt and the transport minister Matthias Wissmann, forced Merkel to cancel a press conference at the last minute, just as she was about to announce details of her proposals.

So yeah, he is pretty against ozone therapy, at least as it relates to inhaling any. I suspect many of the studies saying it is harmful are probably backed in some way by big pharma or the traditional medical establishment... It is odd to me RP does not seem more skeptical on this matter, same can be sad for his stance on DMSO... btw mother’s milk is high in h2o2 and many helpul gut bacteria produce h2o2, and h2o2 is produced cellularly in great amounts as part of the immune response (too much is not a good thing though, it is an oxidant after all and can set of a chain reaction of ros)... so yeah I agree, to be safe you want to take antioxidants later in the day after oxygen therapy, however I do not think they should be taken at the same time.
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Jul 3, 2016
It has a body warming effect, ups my temperature and gets me sweating a little, and a mood boost, similar to going for a nice walk. I definitely feel immediate effects from it, which last about 3 hours. I’ve never had die-off from it, but already was in to drinking vinegar daily around the time I got started on it.

I emailed Ray on this:


Hello again Ray,

I have another question for you, regarding a point you made about serotonin and negative ionized air on this radio show:

If I am correct you are saying that if ones appendix is producing excess serotonin which is entering the blood stream, that the lungs produce peroxide / enzymes which detoxify serotonin, and that ionized air can be helpful in assisting this process. Until today I was unaware of the connection between the lungs and serotonin elimination. I have experienced apendix troubles so this all intrigues me. I would like to know your thoughts on nebulizing hydrogen peroxide, as well as inhaling small amounts of ozone (which I think partially breaks down in to hydrogen peroxide); do you think these would also help similarly to how ionized air helps / is sitting near an air ionizer superior to this? Hydrogen peroxide and ozonetherapy I have used occasionally - which I have used to assist my immune system for things like fighting off a sore throat or a cold. I'd like to know if you think employing something like nebulizing hydrogen peroxide daily for 30 minutes would be helpful to lower excess serotonin, would it provide comparable results to say eating raw carrot salad daily?

Thank you!!!


I think it’s a risky way to accelerate serotonin metabolism; the lungs do it naturally, and the powerful oxidants can cause lipid peroxidation and decrease lung function. Low thyroid function is often responsible for appendix inflammation and excessive serotonin.

Mechanism of action of ozone on the human lung
M. J. Hazucha, D. V. Bates, and P. A. Bromberg
1 J. Applied Physiology Volume 67Issue 4October 1989 Pages 1535-1541
Fourteen healthy normal volunteers were randomly exposed to air and 0.5 ppm of ozone (O3) in a controlled exposure chamber for a 2-h period during which 15 min of treadmill exercise sufficient to produce a ventilation of approximately 40 l/min was alternated with 15-min rest periods. Before testing an esophageal balloon was inserted, and lung volumes, flow rates, maximal inspiratory (at residual volume and functional residual capacity) and expiratory (at total lung capacity and functional residual capacity) mouth pressures, and pulmonary mechanics (static and dynamic compliance and airway resistance) were measured before and immediately after the exposure period. After the postexposure measurements had been completed, the subjects inhaled an aerosol of 20% lidocaine until response to citric acid aerosol inhalation was abolished. All of the measurements were immediately repeated. We found that the O3 exposure 1) induced a significant mean decrement of 17.8% in vital capacity (this change was the result of a marked fall in inspiratory capacity without significant increase in residual volume), 2) significantly increased mean airway resistance and specific airway resistance but did not change dynamic or static pulmonary compliance or viscous or elastic work, 3) significantly reduced maximal transpulmonary pressure (by 19%) but produced no changes in inspiratory or expiratory maximal mouth pressures, and 4) significantly increased respiratory rate (in 5 subjects by more than 6 breaths/min) and decreased tidal volume.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


Thank you Ray. Would you also say that using an air ionizer is a risky way to accelerate serotonin metabolism?

Not to say I think ozone is perfectly safe, but I feel it has some benefits if used occasionally, after reading about rats adapting to breathing ozone I was inspired to experiment on myself ( I recall a study where their markers of lung condition first declined and then improved back to baseline after several weeks).. so I have experimented with inhaling ozone at a higher ppm ~1 ppm, for several minutes at a time, the first few times I gasped right away and my throat closed up, it was obviously irritating and I could still feel some irritation the following day... I tried again every other day, by the 4th session it no longer bothered me and did not leave me with any noticeable damage. So by about a week I could sit and breath the ozone for 15 minutes easily without any noticeable irritation or downside. I was working a very physical and aerobic job, running up and down stairs a lot so I would have noticed if something were off. I have since reacted fine with the same treatment even with breaks of 4 months. Inhaling ozone at that concentration not something I do often, but I was recovering from toxic mold exposure and felt I had little to lose at the time.

This might be the study. There are several like this..

Aha and a similar study with humans:


I think the only danger from a negative air ionizer is the ozone some of them make.

This Week
27 May 1995
Ozone alert follows cancer warning
By Rob Edwards

OZONE, as well as causing breathing difficulties, could give you cancer. Government researchers in the US have uncovered the first serious evidence that the highly reactive gas, which is used in industry and which forms photochemical smogs in summer, might be carcinogenic. Although British government advisers are playing down the findings, Germany’s health and safety scientists are recommending that ozone should be reclassified as a “suspected carcinogen”.

A study for the US Department of Health’s National Toxicology Program, funded partly by the car industry, found “some evidence of carcinogenic activity of ozone” in female mice. Females that inhaled air containing 2000 micrograms per cubic metre of ozone for two years developed tumours of the lung and bronchial tubes at twice the rate of female mice that inhaled no ozone. Smaller increases in cancer rates were found among females exposed to 1000 micrograms per cubic metre.

Although the same exposures produced an increased incidence of cancers in male mice, the trend was “less striking”. The researchers found no evidence of a carcinogenic effect in rats. “There appears to be a consistent increase in the incidence of pulmonary neoplasms in mice with increasing ozone exposure, and it is more pronounced in females than in males,” they conclude.

But in Britain, the Health and Safety Executive’s latest review of occupational ozone exposure, published this month, plays down the American results, arguing that it “showed no carcinogenicity in rats and male mice and only equivocal response for lung tumours in female mice”. The HSE has decided not to classify ozone as a carcinogen, and in fact plans to abolish the present limit of 200 micrograms per cubic metre averaged over eight hours for people who are exposed to ozone at work.

At the same time, because ozone is a known lung irritant, the HSE wants the present exposure limit averaged over 15 minutes to be reduced from 600 micrograms per cubic metre to 400. According to the HSE, welders and some workers in the water, printing and food industries can be exposed to ozone. Office workers who use photocopiers are the largest group at risk. If photocopiers are kept in poorly ventilated rooms, levels of ozone can reach 1000 micrograms per cubic metre. “We have considered the very limited evidence in the US report and we think that our proposed new limit should be adequate,” says a spokesman for the HSE.

By contrast, the German government’s scientific advisory committee on occupational health standards says that the American findings have convinced it to recommend that ozone be redefined as a “suspected carcinogen”. In standards due to be published in July, the committee will press for Germany’s eight-hour occupational safety limit of 200 micrograms per cubic metre to be lowered, although it will not recommend a specific alternative.

There is not enough evidence on ozone’s carcinogenicity to support a specific standard, says one of the committee’s toxicologists, Hermann Kappus of Berlin University’s Virchow Clinic. But he expects the German government to take a political decision to tighten the existing limit. He says that there is also laboratory evidence that ozone can damage DNA in mammalian cells. “We must take these indications of a carcinogenic effect seriously,” Kappus says.

Kappus says that one potential problem, to which little attention has been paid, is the ozone concentrations that passengers and crew are exposed to in high-flying aircraft. Air circulated in the cabins of modern aircraft is taken from the stratosphere, where ozone concentrations can be high. The German airline Lufthansa says it introduced catalytic converters six years ago to reduce ozone intake on its long-haul flights. British Airways cannot say what the ozone levels in its aircraft are, but insists that they are “not a problem”.

The American study, which became available to health and safety experts in Europe two months ago, found no significant evidence of carcinogenic effects on mice exposed to 240 micrograms of ozone per cubic metre of air. Because of ozone’s ability to cause breathing difficulties at such levels, the WHO’s safety guideline is 100 micrograms per cubic metre – a concentration that is often exceeded during long sunny spells in Europe. Ozone is a particular problem during still summer weather because the gas is generated by the action of sunlight on hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in traffic fumes.

Levels of up to 240 micrograms per cubic metre were measured in Britain and Germany during the hot spell in the first week of May. In response to public anxiety, German federal environment minister, Angela Merkel, promised action before the end of this month. She wants to ban older, dirtier vehicles whenever ozone concentrations exceed a certain limit.

But what the trigger level might be and what exceptions might be allowed are the subject of fierce dispute in the German Cabinet. Last week, objections from the industry minister Günter Rexrodt and the transport minister Matthias Wissmann, forced Merkel to cancel a press conference at the last minute, just as she was about to announce details of her proposals.

So yeah, he is pretty against ozone therapy, at least as it relates to inhaling any. I suspect many of the studies saying it is harmful are probably backed in some way by big pharma or the traditional medical establishment... It is odd to me RP does not seem more skeptical on this matter, same can be sad for his stance on DMSO... btw mother’s milk is high in h2o2 and many helpul gut bacteria produce h2o2, and h2o2 is produced cellularly in great amounts as part of the immune response (too much is not a good thing though, it is an oxidant after all and can set of a chain reaction of ros)... so yeah I agree, to be safe you want to take antioxidants later in the day after oxygen therapy, however I do not think they should be taken at the same time.

Hmm, but all of that is about ozone inhalation, which Sloane also named as damaging to the lung tissue. Nothing however about oral use of it. Any substance that is damaging to tissue when inhaled can technically be labeled as "potential carcinogen" because there is always a chance of a cell becoming dysfunctional due to the damage, or DNA being damaged. The effects you've described are very impressive. Thanks for sharing!

Again, there's this study which shows anti-cancer effects:

Ozone selectively inhibits growth of human cancer cells

There's also this guy who shows up on ads on YouTube when watching ozone therapy videos:

He makes recent videos promoting ozone therapy.

Also a quick YouTube search will show up lots of results on ozone therapy:

ozone therapy - YouTube

A YouTube comment:

John Walker
Sorry, but until you have seen someone experience real relief from MS pain by drinking ozone water, only for the pain to come back when the generator went on the blink and then disappear again when it was fixed and she started using it again then please convince me it is quackery. Yes, that is anecdotal, but I have seen a LOT of anecdotal evidence, not least someone I work with, who often feels nauseous due to an underlying medical condition, whenever I give her ozone water (cold, made within 20 minutes of drinking), within minutes the nausea is gone. So, be a critic if you like and keep taking your pain killers to cover up symptoms, rather than treating the cause and I will keep recommending this to people and keep seeing their reactions to it.

Source, comment section under following video: Link A video trying to "debunk" ozone therapy.

Also a good discussion thread from a YouTube comment section:

Esh T
Why is it toxic to breath but not toxic to put in your body elsewhere?

David Benjamin - Healthy Wild And Free
Great question. My understanding is that the ozone is toxic to breathe because its oxidizing. It's too much for the lungs to take in at once. The lungs only need 02 (2 oxygen molecules, not 3)... Ozone is 03 (3 oxygen molecules)... In the colon for example the body uses the 3rd oxygen molecule immediately to fight infections, parasites, boost immunity etc... It's like a donor oxygen molecule whereas in the lungs it's too much and too overwhelming. They can probably explain better at the company though. Here's the link: http://lddy.no/13k9

Jolez _
It is toxic to your entire body. Free oxygen radicals react with ANYTHING, including your cell membranes, your DNA, etc. Killing bacteria with ozone is the same as nuking a bank with a hostage situation in it. Yea you kill the terrorists, but the hostages and the bank go off with it. This entire thing is a scam. This link can provide more info: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=801.415

David Benjamin - Healthy Wild And Free3 maanden geleden
You're linking to the FDA, who is backed by big pharma and the GMO industry. Dude, you are incorrect. The 3rd oxygen molecule acts as a donor molecule.

Jolez _
First of all, it is not a third molecule, it is the third atom. And because it is an atom, it is dangerous since it hasn't bonded to anything. When those unbonded atoms bond again, they don't ask if they are bonding to a bacteria or a your own sell. It is completely uncontrolable and dangerous. And then your only defence to this is that GMO industries and big pharma are evil and not to be trusted? You don't even try to adress what I am saying, instead you just say "trust me guys!" and continue to direct people to your own website where you sell this stuff. If you guys don't see the scam here, there is no hope for you.

David Benjamin - Healthy Wild And Free
The chemical formula is 03 (3 oxygen molecules) Oxygen is 02. The point is to have the 3rd oxygen molecule unbonded because oxygen in the body attacks bacteria, virusus, even cancer cells. Do a little more research please! :) GOod luck!

An irritant to the lungs is more accurate. However, high concentrations to the lungs would be toxic in the sense that you would be coughing so much that it could be damaging to you. It's only bad for the lungs at high concentrations not low concentrations. In fact, an ozone breathing oil bubbler is the best way to breathe ozone. See www.promolife.com for more on breathing it correctly. Get the book Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe for the bible of ozone and other oxygen therapies which includes the proper protocols for the various methods of getting activated oxygen in your body. Check out the documentary: Ozone a Medical Breakthrough. Also, Dr. Rowan has great material on the subject. I personally do Direct IV which is not recommended for people still learning but once you do, it is the cheapest and most effective for extreme diseases such as Cancer, chronic fatigue, AIDS and more. Keep researching, the truth is out there!

Source: Comment section under video, link
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Feb 26, 2018
Hmm, but all of that is about ozone inhalation, which Sloane also named as damaging to the lung tissue. Nothing however about oral use of it. Any substance that is damaging to tissue when inhaled can technically be labeled as "potential carcinogen" because there is always a chance of a cell becoming dysfunctional due to the damage, or DNA being damaged. The effects you've described are very impressive. Thanks for sharing!

Again, there's this study which shows anti-cancer effects:

Ozone selectively inhibits growth of human cancer cells

There's also this guy who shows up on ads on YouTube when watching ozone therapy videos:

He makes recent videos promoting ozone therapy.

Also a quick YouTube search will show up lots of results on ozone therapy:

ozone therapy - YouTube

A YouTube comment:

John Walker
Sorry, but until you have seen someone experience real relief from MS pain by drinking ozone water, only for the pain to come back when the generator went on the blink and then disappear again when it was fixed and she started using it again then please convince me it is quackery. Yes, that is anecdotal, but I have seen a LOT of anecdotal evidence, not least someone I work with, who often feels nauseous due to an underlying medical condition, whenever I give her ozone water (cold, made within 20 minutes of drinking), within minutes the nausea is gone. So, be a critic if you like and keep taking your pain killers to cover up symptoms, rather than treating the cause and I will keep recommending this to people and keep seeing their reactions to it.

Source, comment section under following video: Link A video trying to "debunk" ozone therapy.

Also a good discussion thread from a YouTube comment section:

Esh T
Why is it toxic to breath but not toxic to put in your body elsewhere?

David Benjamin - Healthy Wild And Free
Great question. My understanding is that the ozone is toxic to breathe because its oxidizing. It's too much for the lungs to take in at once. The lungs only need 02 (2 oxygen molecules, not 3)... Ozone is 03 (3 oxygen molecules)... In the colon for example the body uses the 3rd oxygen molecule immediately to fight infections, parasites, boost immunity etc... It's like a donor oxygen molecule whereas in the lungs it's too much and too overwhelming. They can probably explain better at the company though. Here's the link: http://lddy.no/13k9

Jolez _
It is toxic to your entire body. Free oxygen radicals react with ANYTHING, including your cell membranes, your DNA, etc. Killing bacteria with ozone is the same as nuking a bank with a hostage situation in it. Yea you kill the terrorists, but the hostages and the bank go off with it. This entire thing is a scam. This link can provide more info: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=801.415

David Benjamin - Healthy Wild And Free3 maanden geleden
You're linking to the FDA, who is backed by big pharma and the GMO industry. Dude, you are incorrect. The 3rd oxygen molecule acts as a donor molecule.

Jolez _
First of all, it is not a third molecule, it is the third atom. And because it is an atom, it is dangerous since it hasn't bonded to anything. When those unbonded atoms bond again, they don't ask if they are bonding to a bacteria or a your own sell. It is completely uncontrolable and dangerous. And then your only defence to this is that GMO industries and big pharma are evil and not to be trusted? You don't even try to adress what I am saying, instead you just say "trust me guys!" and continue to direct people to your own website where you sell this stuff. If you guys don't see the scam here, there is no hope for you.

David Benjamin - Healthy Wild And Free
The chemical formula is 03 (3 oxygen molecules) Oxygen is 02. The point is to have the 3rd oxygen molecule unbonded because oxygen in the body attacks bacteria, virusus, even cancer cells. Do a little more research please! :) GOod luck!

An irritant to the lungs is more accurate. However, high concentrations to the lungs would be toxic in the sense that you would be coughing so much that it could be damaging to you. It's only bad for the lungs at high concentrations not low concentrations. In fact, an ozone breathing oil bubbler is the best way to breathe ozone. See www.promolife.com for more on breathing it correctly. Get the book Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe for the bible of ozone and other oxygen therapies which includes the proper protocols for the various methods of getting activated oxygen in your body. Check out the documentary: Ozone a Medical Breakthrough. Also, Dr. Rowan has great material on the subject. I personally do Direct IV which is not recommended for people still learning but once you do, it is the cheapest and most effective for extreme diseases such as Cancer, chronic fatigue, AIDS and more. Keep researching, the truth is out there!

Source: Comment section under video, link

Yes RP only mentioned being against inhalation, but if he is worried about ozone that an air ionizer can put out then seemingly he would be against any ozone use as inevitably you will inhale some even if the application is for another use - unless you are in a very controlled lab setting. The ozone being bad for your lungs reminds me of the old iodine is thyroid poison argument, the body reacts extremely the first few times but then actually is made stronger.

I agree with the last comment, ozone in small amounts is good for the lungs. I have cleared up a bad wheeze by doing short ozone inhalation sessions. Also have seen great benefits from doing nasal cavity ozone insufflation. I have also nebulized hydrogen peroxide with good results.


Jan 26, 2016
@Captain_Coconut excess iodine IS bad for the thyroid. Yeah let’s read some doctor brownstein bull****. That bromine detox tho :p. I LOL I Lol hard at all the stupid ***t that gets thrown around on this forum. It’s like no one here even reads ray peat.

Dr. Peat: “A dosage of 150 mcg (micrograms, not milligrams, e.g., ug not mg) is a safe amount of iodine. There are excellent references describing the effect of a moderate iodine excess (even below a milligram per day) on the thyroid. An iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism (rare now), but so can an excess. Iodine deficiency is an unusual cause of hypothyroidism, except in a few places, like the mountains of Mexico and China, and the Andes.

“Most goiters now are from estrogen-like effects, but they used to be from iodine deficiency. Chronic excess iodine tends to cause thyroiditis, regardless of the gland’s size. The amounts used by Abraham and Flechas are much larger than this — very toxic doses, enough to cause severe thyroid problems.”

Is the Iodine Test Kit (from Dr. Abraham) valid and does it reveal thyroid deficiency?

“Guy Abraham and some of his followers claim that an iodine deficiency can be shown by the quick disappearance of a spot of iodine painted on the skin. The skin test of iodine deficiency is completely unscientific. Iodine is converted to colorless iodide by reductants, including vitamin C, glutathione, and thiosulphate. “G. Abraham’s Iodine Test Kit contains iodine overdose pills. The test is completely irrational. It implies that the body should be saturated with iodine.”

Is there a rational way to determine iodine deficiency or excess?

“It’s easy to recognize a chronic iodine deficiency, because it causes the thyroid gland to enlarge. Goiters can be caused in various ways, for example by being exposed to various goitrogens, including excess iodine, or by excessive estrogen and deficient progesterone, as well as by an iodine deficiency. “However, a chronic excess of iodine is harder to recognize, because it can produce a variety of degenerative changes. Measurement of the average daily iodine intake or excretion in the urine would be needed to confirm an excess. High iodine intake can suppress TSH, and since high TSH is pro-inflammatory, the iodine can have some protective anti-inflammatory actions, but in the long run, the thyroid suppression becomes a problem.”


Jul 3, 2016
@Captain_Coconut excess iodine IS bad for the thyroid. Yeah let’s read some doctor brownstein bull****. That bromine detox tho :p. I LOL I Lol hard at all the stupid ***t that gets thrown around on this forum. It’s like no one here even reads ray peat.

Dr. Peat: “A dosage of 150 mcg (micrograms, not milligrams, e.g., ug not mg) is a safe amount of iodine. There are excellent references describing the effect of a moderate iodine excess (even below a milligram per day) on the thyroid. An iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism (rare now), but so can an excess. Iodine deficiency is an unusual cause of hypothyroidism, except in a few places, like the mountains of Mexico and China, and the Andes.

“Most goiters now are from estrogen-like effects, but they used to be from iodine deficiency. Chronic excess iodine tends to cause thyroiditis, regardless of the gland’s size. The amounts used by Abraham and Flechas are much larger than this — very toxic doses, enough to cause severe thyroid problems.”

Is the Iodine Test Kit (from Dr. Abraham) valid and does it reveal thyroid deficiency?

“Guy Abraham and some of his followers claim that an iodine deficiency can be shown by the quick disappearance of a spot of iodine painted on the skin. The skin test of iodine deficiency is completely unscientific. Iodine is converted to colorless iodide by reductants, including vitamin C, glutathione, and thiosulphate. “G. Abraham’s Iodine Test Kit contains iodine overdose pills. The test is completely irrational. It implies that the body should be saturated with iodine.”

Is there a rational way to determine iodine deficiency or excess?

“It’s easy to recognize a chronic iodine deficiency, because it causes the thyroid gland to enlarge. Goiters can be caused in various ways, for example by being exposed to various goitrogens, including excess iodine, or by excessive estrogen and deficient progesterone, as well as by an iodine deficiency. “However, a chronic excess of iodine is harder to recognize, because it can produce a variety of degenerative changes. Measurement of the average daily iodine intake or excretion in the urine would be needed to confirm an excess. High iodine intake can suppress TSH, and since high TSH is pro-inflammatory, the iodine can have some protective anti-inflammatory actions, but in the long run, the thyroid suppression becomes a problem.”
I'm against iodine supplementation and have voiced that opinion multiple times on here warning people for it, as I have bad experiences with it. Ozone is a whole different story though, it doesn't harm normal cells, supposedly.


Jan 26, 2016
@TreasureVibe gotcha I experimented with iodine for half a year and it caused nothing but problems. Didnt mean to come off as a **** to anyone I just get angry sometimes at the state of things. The incredible ineffectiveness of mainstream medicine/nutrition really allows for all these different quacky ideas to thrive and become marketable and popular. I can’t speak for ozone therapy I haven’t looked into it at all but rays always so on the money it’s not even funny. I personally would investigate his statements about it further.


Jul 3, 2016
@TreasureVibe gotcha I experimented with iodine for half a year and it caused nothing but problems. Didnt mean to come off as a **** to anyone I just get angry sometimes at the state of things. The incredible ineffectiveness of mainstream medicine/nutrition really allows for all these different quacky ideas to thrive and become marketable and popular. I can’t speak for ozone therapy I haven’t looked into it at all but rays always so on the money it’s not even funny. I personally would investigate his statements about it further.
Yeah I understand. I will investigate Ray Peat's statements on ozone therapy. I think the premise on ozone so far is promising though!
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Feb 26, 2018
Not to hijack the thread but taking large amounts of iodine needs large amounts of selenium. Frankly I've never had any bad responses from iodine, maybe because I have always accompanied it with a lot of selenium, I have gone over 50mg a day before with no signs of thyroid trouble - my temperatures stayed up at 98.6 and I woke up feeling fine the next day too. I am not saying everyone needs iodine in large amounts and I understand people can have a bad reaction as well, regardless of this I think RP is way off on the dangers of iodine (and dmso and ozone too lol), I agree with 95% of his writing though! Personally I think iodine is one of the best ways to protect against PUFA.

To quote an old post from @haidut
There are also studies showing serum iodine adaptively decreases in a state of EFA deficiency as its main purposes in the body is saturating PUFA and protecting from its peroxidation. Of course, it could also mean iodine deficiency, but my number simply dropped without going into the deficiency range.
I need to ask Peat to send me the studies on iodine. I got this idea from him and he quoted old studies from the 1940s saying iodine contribution to thyroid function is rather small, and iodine's main purposes was protection from PUFA. Higher PUFA intake would raise serum iodine and low PUFA intake would lower it. Don't quote me on that before I get the studies from Peat, but I think you guys may find them before he responds.


Nov 10, 2014
The point of iodine therapy/supplementation is not that people are deficient in the milligram or gram range, but that it antagonizes a lot of the nasty ***t that *actually* is responsible for sub-optimal endocrine function - as opposed to dealing with the problem downstream with diet. The more problems people have with iodine the more it has hit the target.


Jul 3, 2016
Ozone (not inhalatory but ozone water oral, injection or insufflation) cured/drastically improved lung cancer in this patient:

Also see here for more testimonials of people being cured/improving from disease with ozone:


Ozone therapy short documentary:

Dr. Howard Liebowitz MD on ozone therapy:

Informative video showcasing multiple studies on ozone and an ozone setup at home, topical ozone oil like ozonated coconut oil:

Maybe using a gasmask/mouth mask to avoid ozone lung exposure during the use of an ozone generator is a good idea.

Anthony Kiedis, lead singer and lyricist of famous band Red Hot Chili Peppers, said in an interview he received ozone injections.

See: Ozone (O3) Treatments kept a secret from Americans?

Maybe ozone is used alot among celebrities?


When you are on the path to find something (that something being health in my case), you will always find clues along the way! I was reading Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis (the front man of my favorite band, Red Hot Chilli Peppers), and right in the first few pages I am exposed to O3, or Ozone which Anthony used to detox from Heroin and a host of other drugs and treat a case of Hepatitis C he contracted from shooting up!

So of course I Googled it!

On article I found was by Dr. Howard Robins: (view full article here)
Here is some info I found about Ozone Therapy from this article:

“Ozone is a super-antioxidant and super-detoxifier that selectively, and literally like a claw, eliminates viruses, bacteria, toxic metals, and other pathogens from the body,” explains Dr. Robins. As ozone therapy wipes out these evil invaders—along with other harmful microorganisms and fungi—it effectively treats hundreds of conditions by addressing their true “root cause.”

“The list of conditions ozone treats is very long,” continues Dr. Robins. “AIDS and Hepatitis B and C, for example, are life-threatening diseases that ozone addresses with dramatic results; everyone with these conditions gets well with ozone therapy. Everyone. Ozone is also probably the only substance that will get rid of herpes completely; I’ve seen it in hundreds of patients.”

Ozone therapy also effectively treats multiple sclerosis, lupus, arthritic diseases, scleroderma, eczema, acne, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and countless other conditions. Ozone has even been used to treat cancer around the world for the past 50 years, with impressive success rates achieved by flooding the body with oxygen and ozone.

Even in later stages of sickness, ozone is remarkably effective. “The majority of patients don’t come in at the beginning of their illness; they usually try ozone therapy because they’ve tried everything else and have nowhere else to turn,” says Dr. Robins. “Ozone therapy is like a miracle for them.”

More intriguing was this paragraph:

Though ozone’s health impact is new to many Americans, ozone has been used medicinally since the 1870s, and promising ozone studies are regularly published in dozens of medical journals across the globe. So when it comes to ozone, why is the United States so far behind?Part of the problem is the fact that ozone is not a patentable substance, and therefore holds no profit potential for giant pharmaceutical corporations. Ozone’s significant health-promoting activity only worsens its standing with the traditional healthcare institutions that profit off sickness

That’s right! Americas Government does profit off of health citizens, so while you wait for Obama Care, Ill be contacting Dr. Howards to see when I can set up an interview/ treatment. I want to see what this is about! Remember Superhumans, Self Care is the new Health Care.

Contact the doc…
The Healing Center
Dr. Howard Robins D.P.M.
200 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-581-0101


Direct I.V. Ozone

Clinic Hours:

Mon – Wed – Thur – Fri 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM


We have been doing ozone therapy since 1990. We have done over 45,000 major auto-hemotherapies and over 65,000 direct I.V. ozone therapies.

See: Sat Hari: She’s Leading Me to Ozone

Sat Hari: She’s Leading Me to Ozone
So smart she’s leading me to ozone…”

from ‘Can’t Stop’

Who is Sat Hari?
Sat Hari is a nurse who accompanied the band on tour and administered intravenous ozone To Flea and then to Anthony:

One of my main soul mates is Sat Hari. Flea brought her on tour to administer intravenous ozone therapy to him. Sat Hari is a nurse, an American Sikh, a sweet, incredibly sheltered, turban-wearing young lady. She looks like a female version of Flea, with the same gap-toothed smile, the same shape of face, the same color eyes, the same little pug nose. She’s maternal and she’s warm and she’s loving and she’s unassuming, a complete breath of fresh air and female energy, and I don’t mean sexual energy, at least not for me. For me she’s like a sister and mother and caretaker and nurse all in one.

Sat Hari endeared herself to everybody in the band and the crew, and she became the den mother to the entire organization. Everyone used her as their ultimate confident, spilling their guts to her all day and all night about their deepest, darkest, most untellable secrets… During the By The Waytour, Sat Hari and John and I shared a bus, and it was a cozy, moving cocoon of happiness.

Scar Tissue; page 462

Source: Q (216) July 2004

Kiedis still gets injections of ozone, a controversial treatment he believes “eradicates bacteria and viruses from the system."

Source: GQ November 2004

He used the treatment to give him energy to perform on stage too:

Anthony sits back; a nurse in a hot-pink sweater, who travels with them, is kneeling with a syringe, injecting pure ozone into his bloodstream. It purifies, she says, destroys viral infections; soon his blood will be full of energy.

Source: The Sunday Times Culture Magazine 2003

See this article on his health:
Anthony Kiedis Turns 50–Still The World’s Healthiest Rock Star

bad examples? Especially in matters of health? Hard to remember that far back, now, perhaps, but there was a time when, if we were to think of a 50-ish rocker, we'd gently hum that Pink Floyd song about being "shorter of breath and one day closer to death."" data-reactid="19" style="margin-bottom: 1em; color: rgb(38, 40, 42); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Remember when rock stars used to be bad examples? Especially in matters of health? Hard to remember that far back, now, perhaps, but there was a time when, if we were to think of a 50-ish rocker, we'd gently hum that Pink Floyd song about being "shorter of breath and one day closer to death."

But Anthony Kiedis, who turns 50 this week, represents the new paradigm of the anti-geezer, middle-age-defying rock god. He's buffer than buff, held up as the model of healthy living by Men's Fitness magazine, and very likely to outlive the cockroaches that will outlive the apocalypse.

Asked about approaching the big five-oh, Kiedis recently told England's Q magazine: "I like the idea of defying the convention of what it is to be in your 40s, or 50s, or 60s. Discovering surfing at this stage of my life is definitely going to keep me active till the day I die. So, yeah, I accept the challenge… In the same way that [the late American exercise and nutritional guru] Jack LaLanne did—doing things in his 70's that no man on earth could do: pulling tugboats across the San Francisco Bay with his teeth."

in a gym." data-reactid="22" style="margin-bottom: 1em; color: rgb(38, 40, 42); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Whatever other purposes the Red Hot Chili Peppers' frontman has used gym socks for over the years, he has clearly used them in a gym.

So when Men's Fitness put him high atop their ranking of the "best rock star abs," it represented a long journey down the road of health from the guy who, when the Chili Peppers were starting out in the 1980s, once told an interviewer that "the only exercise I ever get is sex." Because you can't aspire to pulling a tugboat across the bay based solely on that regimen.

What's most remarkable is that this 50-year-old remains that musclebound body while eating a mostly vegetarian diet. We say "mostly" because Kiedis has admitted to some exceptions."I'm not a true vegan," he told Maxim in 2008. "I dabble in sustainable fish and dawdle in the consumption of eggs. Steak doesn't speak to me, and tempeh is so-so."

So far, PETA, which named Kiedis the world's sexiest male vegan, has refrained from retroactively stripping him of that title, Lance Armstrong-style.

He's also regarded as one of rock's sexier single dads. His son, Everly Bear, turned 5 last month, and they're regularly photographed together, whether it's at beach outings or book signings. The boy was only 9 months old when Kiedis and the child's mother, former model Heather Christie, split up. ("Anthony is a great dad and I will love him forever for giving me the gift of life. I really hope he finds what he's looking for," Christie, then 22, told People magazine after the 2008 split.) Since then, the rocker hasn't been publicly linked with any one gal for long.

But maybe fitness is his real first love.

When he was turning 40, Kiedis was already being asked about how he kept it up. His answer then: "I take my dog, Buster, and run in the Hollywood Hills. And I swim if I'm near a clean ocean or a pool that doesn't have chlorine." (He is a sustainable fish, so to speak.) "I'm a vegetarian. I start every day by drinking water, then an enzyme protein powdered thing and then a pot of green tea. I'm trying not to eat late at night; James Brown once said the secret to his success was not to eat after 6 p.m."

Scar Tissue, Kiedis pointed out the irony of how, in the '80s and '90s, he was maintaining a lot of the staples of keeping his body healthy while at the same time ravaging it with a level of drug abuse that might have easily killed someone less fit." data-reactid="42" style="margin-bottom: 1em; color: rgb(38, 40, 42); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Scoring after 6 p.m. was another thing, back in the day. In his autobiography, Scar Tissue, Kiedis pointed out the irony of how, in the '80s and '90s, he was maintaining a lot of the staples of keeping his body healthy while at the same time ravaging it with a level of drug abuse that might have easily killed someone less fit.

"It's weird," he wrote in the memoir. "I was such a survivor and so wanted to be a part of life while I was trying to snuff out the life that was inside of me. I had this duality of trying to kill myself with drugs, then eating really good food and exercising and going swimming and trying to be a part of life. I was always going back and forth on some level."

But by the time his book was published in 2004, he was able to write, "I spent most of my life looking for the quick fix and the deep kick. I shot drugs under freeway off-ramps with Mexican gang-bangers and in thousand-dollar-a-day hotel suites. Now I sip vitamin-infused water and seek out wild, as opposed to farm-raised, salmon."

In his autobiography's introduction, he described getting shot up with a needle in the present day. "Three years ago, there might have been China White heroin in that syringe. For years and years, I filled syringes and injected myself with cocaine, speed, Black Tar heroin, Persian heroin, and once even LSD. But today I get my injections from my beautiful nurse… And the substance that she injects into my bloodstream is ozone, a wonderful-smelling gas that has been used legally in Europe for years to treat everything from strokes to cancer. I'm taking ozone intravenously because somewhere along the line, I contracted hepatitis C from my drug experimentation. When I found out that I had it sometime in the early '90s, I immediately researched the topic and found a herbal regimen that would cleanse my liver and eradicate the hepatitis. And it worked…"

An armchair psychoanalyst might make an obvious observation: Kiedis is an addict, and he's transferred some of his former mania about drugs to his diet and exercise regimens. That may explain something, although it's worth noting again that he was already something of a health nut even when he was at his lowest.

Kiedis spoke of that nadir when he recently engaged his producer buddy Rick Rubin in conversation for Interview magazine.

"I was bouncing on my trampoline yesterday for about 25 minutes straight— which I've never done in my life," he told Rubin in the Q&A. "But I started thinking about topics to discuss with you as I was bouncing. One of the things I thought of was a message that Yehuda Berg, a Kabbalah teacher] had sent me last week on the topic of transformation. He asked, 'Why are we here? What the hell are we all doing, running around?' And he said that the reason we're here is to transform. Then I started thinking of some of the miraculous transformations that I've witnessed from my circle of friends." When he first met Rubin in 1985 or '86, he said, "I think that you literally walked in on one of our lowest, darkest, most drug-addled points. To me, it was odd—and remarkable—that we were still showing up and practicing, because both Hillel and I were very involved in pursuing self-destruction and copious consumption of narcotics to the point where you didn't know what was going on when you walked in that room. And now we live a block away from each other and we get to go surfing together."

Kiedis had been through some harrowing times. In his book, he describes an automobile accident in which "my hand had been shoved up into my forearm." In the worst agony of his life, he got himself to a hospital emergency room, where the usual pain-relief efforts brought no results: "I felt nothing. I turned to the nurse and said, 'Unfortunately, over a lifetime of misbehavior, I've attained a rather enormous resistance to the opiate family of drugs. You're probably going to have to go ahead and double that dose right away.' Another shot. Nothing… They wound up giving me seven doses of morphine before I got some relief."

Scar Tissue. "He not only fixed my back, he gave me a new exercise regimen—swimming—that I'd stick with up to the present day."" data-reactid="68" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">A different kind of needles helped him out in the '90s. "Flea turned me on to an old Chinese acupuncturist named Zion," he recalled in Scar Tissue. "He not only fixed my back, he gave me a new exercise regimen—swimming—that I'd stick with up to the present day."

So if you're looking to have Kiedis' bod at 50, to recap, here's a short list of tips: chlorine-free swimming, drinking lots of water in the morning, surfing, vegetables, salmon whose lineage has been carefully tracked, acupuncture, Kaballah instruction, more swimming, and—for the love of Flea—dinner before 6. Also, coming up with good genes might not hurt.

This is not to neglect the importance of exercise equipment, especially when there's no ocean around.

The writer Dean Wareham, in his memoir Black Postcards, described his memories of sharing a hotel workout room with Kiedis and the rocker's then-girlfriend.

"Anthony worked out on the rowing machine and his girlfriend rode the stationary bike," Wareham wrote. "It was quiet, until Anthony spoke. 'Baby? Do you think we should get some of these exercise machines for the guest house?'

"'I wanted to put a sewing machine in the guest house, honey'," spoke Kiedis' girlfriend.

"'I think some exercise machines would be cool, baby'," Kiedis responded.

Staying fit: it can be hell on a relationship, even if it's heaven for the abs.

I think a filter mask with charcoal filter is a must when using ozone and that one should use precise precautions and measures to avoid any organism inhaling ozone. Ozone when inhaled can cause chronic lung disease like lung inflammation, COPD and emphysema.


Heal Yourself With Ozone: Practical Suggestions For Oxygen Based Approaches To Healing Paperback – November 16, 2016
by Dr Paula Horan Ph.D (Author)

Medical Ozone a Hidden Source of Disease Prevention and Treatment Paperback – July 20, 2011
by Dr. Jacob Swilling Ph.D. (Author)

Amazon review excerpt:

Dr. Jacob clearly warns against self-application of ozone, and I am inclined to listen. Those of us who are not scientists or doctors, and are wanting to DIY oxegenate our bodies, can, in our eagerness, fail to realize that ozone and oxygen are not the same thing (and also that hydrogen peroxide and oxygen are not the same thing). Ozone-infused oils and such used topically seem to be safe enough for general public use, but internal use is not a simple protocol, and should definitely be overseen by a licensed practitioner. Sadly, when folks are desperate they may move forward without taking heed, such as in the case of Amazon user, DeCourcy W. Orrick, an HIV sufferer who posted his intent to use ozone therapy in January of 2003. According to his cousin he died in early 2008 after D.I.Y. ozone treatment failed him. Link: HIV and ozone therapy
Source: Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Medical Ozone a Hidden Source of Disease Prevention and Treatment

Principles and Applications of ozone therapy - a practical guideline for physicians 1st Edition
by M.D., HMD, ABAAM, Frank Shallenberger (Author)

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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
It has a body warming effect, ups my temperature and gets me sweating a little, and a mood boost, similar to going for a nice walk. I definitely feel immediate effects from it, which last about 3 hours. I’ve never had die-off from it, but already was in to drinking vinegar daily around the time I got started on it.

I emailed Ray on this:


Hello again Ray,

I have another question for you, regarding a point you made about serotonin and negative ionized air on this radio show:

If I am correct you are saying that if ones appendix is producing excess serotonin which is entering the blood stream, that the lungs produce peroxide / enzymes which detoxify serotonin, and that ionized air can be helpful in assisting this process. Until today I was unaware of the connection between the lungs and serotonin elimination. I have experienced apendix troubles so this all intrigues me. I would like to know your thoughts on nebulizing hydrogen peroxide, as well as inhaling small amounts of ozone (which I think partially breaks down in to hydrogen peroxide); do you think these would also help similarly to how ionized air helps / is sitting near an air ionizer superior to this? Hydrogen peroxide and ozonetherapy I have used occasionally - which I have used to assist my immune system for things like fighting off a sore throat or a cold. I'd like to know if you think employing something like nebulizing hydrogen peroxide daily for 30 minutes would be helpful to lower excess serotonin, would it provide comparable results to say eating raw carrot salad daily?

Thank you!!!


I think it’s a risky way to accelerate serotonin metabolism; the lungs do it naturally, and the powerful oxidants can cause lipid peroxidation and decrease lung function. Low thyroid function is often responsible for appendix inflammation and excessive serotonin.

Mechanism of action of ozone on the human lung
M. J. Hazucha, D. V. Bates, and P. A. Bromberg
1 J. Applied Physiology Volume 67Issue 4October 1989 Pages 1535-1541
Fourteen healthy normal volunteers were randomly exposed to air and 0.5 ppm of ozone (O3) in a controlled exposure chamber for a 2-h period during which 15 min of treadmill exercise sufficient to produce a ventilation of approximately 40 l/min was alternated with 15-min rest periods. Before testing an esophageal balloon was inserted, and lung volumes, flow rates, maximal inspiratory (at residual volume and functional residual capacity) and expiratory (at total lung capacity and functional residual capacity) mouth pressures, and pulmonary mechanics (static and dynamic compliance and airway resistance) were measured before and immediately after the exposure period. After the postexposure measurements had been completed, the subjects inhaled an aerosol of 20% lidocaine until response to citric acid aerosol inhalation was abolished. All of the measurements were immediately repeated. We found that the O3 exposure 1) induced a significant mean decrement of 17.8% in vital capacity (this change was the result of a marked fall in inspiratory capacity without significant increase in residual volume), 2) significantly increased mean airway resistance and specific airway resistance but did not change dynamic or static pulmonary compliance or viscous or elastic work, 3) significantly reduced maximal transpulmonary pressure (by 19%) but produced no changes in inspiratory or expiratory maximal mouth pressures, and 4) significantly increased respiratory rate (in 5 subjects by more than 6 breaths/min) and decreased tidal volume.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


Thank you Ray. Would you also say that using an air ionizer is a risky way to accelerate serotonin metabolism?

Not to say I think ozone is perfectly safe, but I feel it has some benefits if used occasionally, after reading about rats adapting to breathing ozone I was inspired to experiment on myself ( I recall a study where their markers of lung condition first declined and then improved back to baseline after several weeks).. so I have experimented with inhaling ozone at a higher ppm ~1 ppm, for several minutes at a time, the first few times I gasped right away and my throat closed up, it was obviously irritating and I could still feel some irritation the following day... I tried again every other day, by the 4th session it no longer bothered me and did not leave me with any noticeable damage. So by about a week I could sit and breath the ozone for 15 minutes easily without any noticeable irritation or downside. I was working a very physical and aerobic job, running up and down stairs a lot so I would have noticed if something were off. I have since reacted fine with the same treatment even with breaks of 4 months. Inhaling ozone at that concentration not something I do often, but I was recovering from toxic mold exposure and felt I had little to lose at the time.

This might be the study. There are several like this..

Aha and a similar study with humans:


I think the only danger from a negative air ionizer is the ozone some of them make.

This Week
27 May 1995
Ozone alert follows cancer warning
By Rob Edwards

OZONE, as well as causing breathing difficulties, could give you cancer. Government researchers in the US have uncovered the first serious evidence that the highly reactive gas, which is used in industry and which forms photochemical smogs in summer, might be carcinogenic. Although British government advisers are playing down the findings, Germany’s health and safety scientists are recommending that ozone should be reclassified as a “suspected carcinogen”.

A study for the US Department of Health’s National Toxicology Program, funded partly by the car industry, found “some evidence of carcinogenic activity of ozone” in female mice. Females that inhaled air containing 2000 micrograms per cubic metre of ozone for two years developed tumours of the lung and bronchial tubes at twice the rate of female mice that inhaled no ozone. Smaller increases in cancer rates were found among females exposed to 1000 micrograms per cubic metre.

Although the same exposures produced an increased incidence of cancers in male mice, the trend was “less striking”. The researchers found no evidence of a carcinogenic effect in rats. “There appears to be a consistent increase in the incidence of pulmonary neoplasms in mice with increasing ozone exposure, and it is more pronounced in females than in males,” they conclude.

But in Britain, the Health and Safety Executive’s latest review of occupational ozone exposure, published this month, plays down the American results, arguing that it “showed no carcinogenicity in rats and male mice and only equivocal response for lung tumours in female mice”. The HSE has decided not to classify ozone as a carcinogen, and in fact plans to abolish the present limit of 200 micrograms per cubic metre averaged over eight hours for people who are exposed to ozone at work.

At the same time, because ozone is a known lung irritant, the HSE wants the present exposure limit averaged over 15 minutes to be reduced from 600 micrograms per cubic metre to 400. According to the HSE, welders and some workers in the water, printing and food industries can be exposed to ozone. Office workers who use photocopiers are the largest group at risk. If photocopiers are kept in poorly ventilated rooms, levels of ozone can reach 1000 micrograms per cubic metre. “We have considered the very limited evidence in the US report and we think that our proposed new limit should be adequate,” says a spokesman for the HSE.

By contrast, the German government’s scientific advisory committee on occupational health standards says that the American findings have convinced it to recommend that ozone be redefined as a “suspected carcinogen”. In standards due to be published in July, the committee will press for Germany’s eight-hour occupational safety limit of 200 micrograms per cubic metre to be lowered, although it will not recommend a specific alternative.

There is not enough evidence on ozone’s carcinogenicity to support a specific standard, says one of the committee’s toxicologists, Hermann Kappus of Berlin University’s Virchow Clinic. But he expects the German government to take a political decision to tighten the existing limit. He says that there is also laboratory evidence that ozone can damage DNA in mammalian cells. “We must take these indications of a carcinogenic effect seriously,” Kappus says.

Kappus says that one potential problem, to which little attention has been paid, is the ozone concentrations that passengers and crew are exposed to in high-flying aircraft. Air circulated in the cabins of modern aircraft is taken from the stratosphere, where ozone concentrations can be high. The German airline Lufthansa says it introduced catalytic converters six years ago to reduce ozone intake on its long-haul flights. British Airways cannot say what the ozone levels in its aircraft are, but insists that they are “not a problem”.

The American study, which became available to health and safety experts in Europe two months ago, found no significant evidence of carcinogenic effects on mice exposed to 240 micrograms of ozone per cubic metre of air. Because of ozone’s ability to cause breathing difficulties at such levels, the WHO’s safety guideline is 100 micrograms per cubic metre – a concentration that is often exceeded during long sunny spells in Europe. Ozone is a particular problem during still summer weather because the gas is generated by the action of sunlight on hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in traffic fumes.

Levels of up to 240 micrograms per cubic metre were measured in Britain and Germany during the hot spell in the first week of May. In response to public anxiety, German federal environment minister, Angela Merkel, promised action before the end of this month. She wants to ban older, dirtier vehicles whenever ozone concentrations exceed a certain limit.

But what the trigger level might be and what exceptions might be allowed are the subject of fierce dispute in the German Cabinet. Last week, objections from the industry minister Günter Rexrodt and the transport minister Matthias Wissmann, forced Merkel to cancel a press conference at the last minute, just as she was about to announce details of her proposals.

So yeah, he is pretty against ozone therapy, at least as it relates to inhaling any. I suspect many of the studies saying it is harmful are probably backed in some way by big pharma or the traditional medical establishment... It is odd to me RP does not seem more skeptical on this matter, same can be sad for his stance on DMSO... btw mother’s milk is high in h2o2 and many helpul gut bacteria produce h2o2, and h2o2 is produced cellularly in great amounts as part of the immune response (too much is not a good thing though, it is an oxidant after all and can set of a chain reaction of ros)... so yeah I agree, to be safe you want to take antioxidants later in the day after oxygen therapy, however I do not think they should be taken at the same time.

You do know that ozone is not to be breathed in straight up? When doing ozone inhalation, the ozone has to be bubbled through olive oil which converts the ozone into safer ozonides for breathing. Research it, or give Promolife a call and they can give you info and the necessary equipment to do the inhalations in a safe way. Do not breath in straight ozone, it can damage your lungs. As far as Peat being against ozone, all I can say is there is a century of clinical and empirical data showing it's effectiveness for many things. It is used by many countries around the world with success. On paper, ozone looks like an oxidant that is bad, but in the body, a lot of beneficial things happen, and science is finding out more about them as more clinicians are using ozone.
Feb 26, 2018
You do know that ozone is not to be breathed in straight up? When doing ozone inhalation, the ozone has to be bubbled through olive oil which converts the ozone into safer ozonides for breathing. Research it, or give Promolife a call and they can give you info and the necessary equipment to do the inhalations in a safe way. Do not breath in straight ozone, it can damage your lungs. As far as Peat being against ozone, all I can say is there is a century of clinical and empirical data showing it's effectiveness for many things. It is used by many countries around the world with success. On paper, ozone looks like an oxidant that is bad, but in the body, a lot of beneficial things happen, and science is finding out more about them as more clinicians are using ozone.

I've done it straight up without any regrets. The key is to keep exposure low until your system has adapted, which takes around a week. The olive oil thing makes no sense to me, how could it be filtering it? I think it simply limits the rate of release. I suppose I must need an olive oil gas mask if I am to go outside after a lightning storm too. ;)
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Jul 3, 2016
Feb 26, 2018
I’ve had this one a couple years, it’s good for a cheap device.

A2Z Ozone Aqua 6 Multi Purpose Ozone Generator


May 7, 2017
Ozone therapy confused me after reading Peat's work.

CO2 optimization is paramount under Peat, whether its through breathing, diffusion through skin, or physiological byproduct. Blood flow and overall metabolism improve under optimal CO2 conditions. Older posts where users tracked their oxygen saturation during CO2 exercises also noted they felt better with slightly lower saturation levels.

Where does ozone supplementation fit into this? Wouldn't ozone therapy undo the progress made trying to optimize CO2? Is this like the reports of ketogenic diets being beneficial for epilepsy, but is metabolically damaging in the grand scheme of things?


Jul 3, 2016
Ozone therapy confused me after reading Peat's work.

CO2 optimization is paramount under Peat, whether its through breathing, diffusion through skin, or physiological byproduct. Blood flow and overall metabolism improve under optimal CO2 conditions. Older posts where users tracked their oxygen saturation during CO2 exercises also noted they felt better with slightly lower saturation levels.

Where does ozone supplementation fit into this? Wouldn't ozone therapy undo the progress made trying to optimize CO2? Is this like the reports of ketogenic diets being beneficial for epilepsy, but is metabolically damaging in the grand scheme of things?
A youtube comment:

Far Mur
+Christian You are wrong on so many levels, first of all, no one has ever suggested to breathe ozone because we all know that breathing ozone in high concentration will damage our lungs, but putting ozone in our body in a proper way has an amazing benefits. Ozone is a highly reactive oxidator gas, so when there is an electrical storm thunder and lightning strike, you smell this scent outside and that is ozone. We breathe oxygen which is stable, but singlet oxygen is highly reactive because of an unpaired electron. It seeks out an electron it can steal so it can stabilize itself. For example, as ozone breaks down the singlet oxygen atoms released can react with each other to form a more stable oxygen/O2. Other sources for singlet oxygen to obtain electrons from to stabilize can include carcinogens, cancer microbes, water and fats. It is this reactivity that allows ozone to have so many anticancer properties.

We all know that our healthy cells has antioxidant enzymes activities inside which are glutathione peroxidase and catalase. these 2 plays an important role by breaking down the peroxides to protect healthy cells from oxidative damage by these peroxides. These perodixes are actually required for a number of functions within the body. These functions include destruction of pathogens, activation of white blood cells, stimulating production of immune enhancing cytokines and destruction of cancerous cells by natural killer (NK) cells. So we have NK cells, sometimes cancers can be hard to detect, but the NK cell will attack a cancer cell and will inject peroxide into a cancer cell and the reason why it works and kills them is because cancer cells has an extremely lack of these 2 enzymes called catalase and glutathione peroxidase, because they are deficient of it; they will die by peroxides.

Ozone has a very similar effect on cancer cells as NK cells do. When ozone reacts with the fats of cancer cell membranes, the lipid peroxides are formed. Singlet oxygen formed from the breakdown of ozone will also form some hydrogen peroxide by reaction with extracellular water. These peroxides enter cancer cells causing the cancer cells to swell until they burst. During the process more singlet oxygen is generated, which in turn creates more peroxides leading to a chain reaction. Therefore, very small amounts of ozone can already destroy pathogens and cancer cells directly without harming the healthy cells because it contains sufficient levels of these enzymes to break down the peroxides harmlessly in to water and oxygen. This is simple basic explanation. Ozone simply does not harm the healthy cells because of those antioxidants enzymes that breaks down peroxides and turn them in to oxygen and water without any harm whatsoever.


Magic Johnson, a basketball player, used ozone IV therapy for his HIV virus. (he had AIDS back in 1991). He's still alive today.

Articles on Magic Johnson and ozone therapy:
Mr Oxygen

What is Ozone? How Safe and Affordable is it to Use Ozone At Home to Fight Candida, the Flu or other Infections? | Advanced Home Wellness

YouTube comments section conversation with James Sloane (Hveragerthi) on ozone:

It also kills your cells.

Not at proper levels used therapeutically.

It does not matter who did the video or who is responding. Neither changes the chemistry or other science behind it. Do you realize how many times you have inhaled ozone throughout your life? And yet you are still alive.

+Hveragerthi Chemistry? Chemistry tells that it oxidizes everything. There is no science behind it, it's a simple chemical substance. That is, everything. Not just the cancer cells, it's not bloody nano technology or intelligent in any way to tell which cells are cancer cells. Interferon kills everything as well, but takes cancer cells with it. Naturally occuring ozone is in very low concentrations, it has nothing to do with it. Even tiniest amount of education will tell you that.


FrozenHaxor: "Hveragerthi Chemistry? Chemistry tells that it oxidizes everything. There is no science behind it"

Don't be such an idiot. The whole thing is science. And yes, there is all sorts of science behind it. There is basic science behind how it works, how it selectively kills cancer cells, how it stimulates the immune system, how it protects the body from oxidative stress, etc. Again, do some real research instead of just guessing. Real scientists don't just guess they do real research. And real research already exists on ozone and its beneficial effects.

FrozenHaxor: "Interferon kills everything as well"

You obviously do not understand interferons either. FrozenHaxor: "Naturally occuring ozone is in very low concentrations, it has nothing to do with it." Wrong yet again. It has EVERYTHING to do with it. It is the concentration that makes it helpful or harmful Again, at least do some basic research on chemistry and human physiology before posting so you at least get something right!!!!

+Hveragerthi I'm not gonna comment to that anymore. This is pointless.

FrozenHaxor: "I'm not gonna comment to that anymore. This is pointless."

Yes, especially when you don't have the faintest clue what you are talking about. This is why we have REAL scientists doing REAL research such as:

Science. 1980 Aug 22;209(4459):931-3.

Ozone selectively inhibits growth of human cancer cells.

Sweet F, Kao MS, Lee SC, Hagar WL, Sweet WE.


The growth of human cancer cells from lung, breast, and uterine tumors was selectively inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by ozone at 0.3 to 0.8 part per million of ozone in ambient air during 8 days of culture. Human lung diploid fibroblasts served as noncancerous control cells. The presence of ozone at 0.3 to 0.5 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth 40 and 60 percent, respectively. The noncancerous lung cells were unaffected at these levels. Exposure to ozone at 0.8 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth more than 90 percent and control cell growth less than 50 percent. Evidently, the mechanisms for defense against ozone damage are impaired in human cancer cells.

Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18224691


Ozone therapy: A clinical review.

Elvis AM1, Ekta JS. Author information


Ozone (O(3)) gas discovered in the mid-nineteenth century is a molecule consisting of three atoms of oxygen in a dynamically unstable structure due to the presence of mesomeric states. Although O(3) has dangerous effects, yet researchers believe it has many therapeutic effects. Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Medical O(3) is used to disinfect and treat disease. Mechanism of actions is by inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system. Medication forms in a gaseous state are somewhat unusual, and it is for this reason that special application techniques have had to be developed for the safe use of O(3). In local applications as in the treatment of external wounds, its application in the form of a transcutaneous O(3) gas bath has established itself as being the most practical and useful method, for example at low (sub-atmospheric) pressure in a closed system guaranteeing no escape of O(3) into the surrounding air. Ozonized water, whose use is particularly known in dental medicine, is optimally applied as a spray or compress. Diseases treated are infected wounds, circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism/arthritis, cancer, SARS and AIDS.

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Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22470237

Treatment with ozone/oxygen-pneumoperitoneum results in complete remission of rabbit squamous cell carcinomas.

Int J Cancer. 2008 May 15;122(10):2360-7.
doi: 10.1002/ijc.23382.

Schulz S1, Häussler U, Mandic R, Heverhagen JT, Neubauer A, Dünne AA, Werner JA, Weihe E, Bette M. Author information


Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) represent a group of metastasizing tumors with a high mortality rate in man and animals. Since the biomolecule ozone was found to inhibit growth of various carcinoma cells in vitro we here applied the highly aggressive and lethal VX2 carcinoma HNSCC tumor model of the New Zealand White rabbit to test whether ozone exerts antitumorous effects in vivo. Therapeutic insufflation of medical ozone/oxygen (O(3)/O(2)) gas mixture into the peritoneum (O(3)/O(2)-pneumoperitoneum) at an advanced stage of tumor disease led to a survival rate of 7/14 rabbits. Six of the seven surviving rabbits presented full tumor regression and the absence of local or distant lung metastases. Insufflation of pure oxygen (O(2)) resulted in a survival rate of 3/13 animals accompanied by full tumor remission in 2 of the 3 surviving animals. Of the 14 sham-treated animals only 1 had spontaneous tumor remission and survived. No adverse effects or changes in standard blood parameters were observed after repeated intraperitoneal insufflations of the O(3)/O(2) or O(2) gas. Animals with O(3)/O(2)-induced tumor eradication developed tolerance against reimplantation of the VX2 tumor. This could be reversed by immune suppression with a combination of dexamethasone and cyclosporin A suggesting an antitumorous effect of O(3)/O(2)-mediated activation of the body's own immunosurveillance. Although the exact mechanisms of action are still unclear the present data point to O(3)/O(2)-pneumoperitoneum as a promising new strategy in anticancer therapy. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ijc.23382

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 1 (2004), Issue 3, Pages 321-325
Original Article
Adjuvant Ozonetherapy in Advanced Head and Neck Tumors: A Comparative Study

Bernardino Clavo,1,7 Ana Ruiz,1,7 Marta Lloret,1,7 Laura López,1,7 Gerardo Suárez,1,7 David Macías,2,7 Victor Rodríguez,6 Maria A. Hernández,1,7 Roberto Martín-Oliva,2 Santiago Quintero,3 José M. Cuyás,4 and Francisco Robaina5,7

1Department of Radiation Oncology-Research Unit, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain 2Department of Medical Physics, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain 3Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain 4Department of Otolaryngology, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain 5Department of Neurosurgery and Chronic Pain Unit of the Dr Negrín Hospital, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain 6La Paterna Medical Center Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain 7Canary Islands Institute for Cancer Research (ICIC), Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain

Received 13 March 2004; Accepted 20 August 2004

Copyright © 2004 Bernardino Clavo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Advanced head and neck (H&N) tumors have a poor prognosis, and this is worsened by the occurrence of hypoxia and ischemia in the tumors. Ozonetherapy has proved useful in the treatment of ischemic syndromes, and several studies have described a potential increase of oxygenation in tissues and tumors. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical effect of ozonetherapy in patients with advanced H&N cancer in the course of their scheduled radiotherapy. Over a period of 3 years, 19 patients with advanced H&N tumors who were undergoing treatment in our department with non-standard fractionated radiotherapy plus oral tegafur. A group of 12 patients was additionally treated with intravenous chemotherapy before and/or during radiotherapy. In the other group of seven patients, systemic ozonetherapy was administered twice weekly during radiotherapy. The ozonetherapy group was older (64 versus 54 years old, P = 0.006), with a higher percentage of lymph node involvement (71% versus 8%, P = 0.019) and with a trend to more unfavorable tumor stage (57% versus 8% IVb + IVc stages, P = 0.073). However, there was no significant difference in overall survival between the chemotherapy (median 6 months) and ozonetherapy (8 months) groups. Although these results have to be viewed with caution because of the limited number of patients, they suggest that ozonetherapy could have had some positive effect during the treatment of our patients with advanced H&N tumors. The adjuvant administration of ozonetherapy during the chemo–radiotherapy for these tumors merits further research. Full article and citing articles available- http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2004/581750/abs/

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 1 (2004), Issue 1, Pages 93-98

Original Article Ozone Therapy for Tumor Oxygenation: a Pilot Study

Bernardino Clavo,1,5 Juan L. Pérez,2,5 Laura López,1,5 Gerardo Suárez,1,5 Marta Lloret,1,5 Victor Rodríguez,3 David Macías,2,5 Maite Santana,1,5 María A. Hernández,1 Roberto Martín-Oliva,2 and Francisco Robaina4,5

1Radiation Oncology and Research Unit, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain 2Medical Physics, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain 3La Paterna Medical Center, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain 4Chronic Pain Unit, Dr Negrín Hospital, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain 5Canary Islands Institute for Cancer Research (ICIC), Las Palmas (Canary Islands), Spain

Received 17 November 2003; Accepted 4 February 2004

Copyright © 2004 Bernardino Clavo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Tumor hypoxia is an adverse factor for chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ozone therapy is a non-conventional form of medicine that has been used successfully in the treatment of ischemic disorders. This prospective study was designed to assess the effect of ozone therapy on tumor oxygenation. Eighteen subjects were recruited for the study. Systemic ozone therapy was administered by autohemotransfusion on three alternate days over one week. Tumor oxygenation levels were measured using polarographic needle probes before and after the first and the third ozone therapy session. Overall, no statistically significant change was observed in the tumor oxygenation in the 18 patients. However, a significant decrease was observed in hypoxic values ≤10 and ≤5 mmHg of pO2. When individually assessed, a significant and inverse non-linear correlation was observed between increase in oxygenation and the initial tumor pO2 values at each measuring time-point, thus indicating that the more poorly-oxygenated tumors benefited most (rho = −0.725; P = 0.001). Additionally, the effect of ozone therapy was found to be lower in patients with higher hemoglobin concentrations (rho = −0.531; P < 0.034). Despite being administered over a very short period, ozone therapy improved oxygenation in the most hypoxic tumors. Ozone therapy as adjuvant in chemo-radiotherapy warrants further research. Full article and citing articles available- http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2004/437019/citations/

Mediators Inflamm. 1998;7(5):313-7.
Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 8. Effects on the total antioxidant status and on interleukin-8 production.

Bocci V1, Valacchi G, Corradeschi F, Fanetti G. Author information


Ozone (O3) is a controversial gas because, owing to its potent oxidant properties, it exerts damaging effects on the respiratory tract and yet it has been used for four decades as a therapy. While the disinfectant activity of O3 is understandable, it is less clear how other biological effects can be elicited in human blood with practically no toxicity. On the other hand plasma and cells are endowed with a powerful antioxidant system so that a fairly wide range of O3 concentrations between 40 and 80 microg/ml per gram of blood (approximately 0.83-1.66 mM) are effective but not deleterious. After blood ozonation total antioxidant status (TAS) and plasma protein thiol groups (PTG) decrease by 20% and 25%, respectively, while thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) increases up to five-fold. The increase of haemolysis is negligible suggesting that the erythrocyte membrane is spared at the expense of other sacrificial substrates. While there is a clear relationship between the ozone dose and IL-8 levels, we have noticed that high TAS and PTG values inhibit the cytokine production. This is in line with the current idea that hydrogen peroxide, as a byproduct of O3 decomposition, acts as a messenger for the cytokine induction.

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Source: Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 8. Effects on the total antioxidant status and on interleukin-8 production.

J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 1998 Jul-Sep;12(3):67-75.

Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 7. Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after exposure of human blood to ozone.

Bocci V1, Valacchi G, Corradeschi F, Aldinucci C, Silvestri S, Paccagnini E, Gerli R. Author information


The acceptance of any complementary medical approach is conditioned by the results obtained after the same scientific scrutiny applied in orthodox medicine. Otherwise any claim of efficacy remains in the realm of fiction. In the case of ozone therapy, the mechanisms of action have remained nebulous and in a series of publications we are trying to present the biochemical, immunological and morphological evidence in favour or against ozone therapy. We have now shown that ozone (O3) dissolved in the water of either plasma or serum or physiological saline generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), of which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can be unequivocally demonstrated by using specific methods for its detection. Lipids present in plasma preferentially those present in lipoproteins, undergo peroxidation that is somewhat O3-dose dependent and can be observed by the measurement of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). While the generation of H2O2 is crucial in activating both biochemical (hexose monophosphate shunt) and immunological (via the transcription factor NF-kB) mechanisms, the role of lipid oxidation products (LOP) remains to be investigated. We have shown here that there is a small but consistent induction of some cytokines (TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-2) when human blood is directly exposed to O3 concentrations up to 100 micrograms/ml per g of blood. On the other hand, isolated blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in tissue culture medium are far more sensitive to the oxidant action of O3 as shown by a progressive reduction of the proliferation index with comparatively far lower O3, concentrations. On the whole, these results support the concept that much of the O3 toxicity is neutralized by the powerful antioxidant system of blood. The minimal hemolysis supports this idea but as far as platelets are concerned, we must mention that they tend to aggregate in heparinized blood, even when it is exposed to an O3 concentration of 40 micrograms/ml. In spite of the lack of side-effects after autohemotherapy, this drawback must be kept in mind and avoided in clinical practice.

Source: Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 7. Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) after exposure of human blood to ozone. - PubMed - NCBI

Oxygen-ozone therapy in medicine: an update http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19752...00m,isrctn

Ozone therapy: A clinical review.

Elvis AM1, Ekta JS. Author information


Ozone (O(3)) gas discovered in the mid-nineteenth century is a molecule consisting of three atoms of oxygen in a dynamically unstable structure due to the presence of mesomeric states. Although O(3) has dangerous effects, yet researchers believe it has many therapeutic effects. Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. Medical O(3) is used to disinfect and treat disease. Mechanism of actions is by inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa, stimulation of oxygen metabolism, activation of the immune system. Medication forms in a gaseous state are somewhat unusual, and it is for this reason that special application techniques have had to be developed for the safe use of O(3). In local applications as in the treatment of external wounds, its application in the form of a transcutaneous O(3) gas bath has established itself as being the most practical and useful method, for example at low (sub-atmospheric) pressure in a closed system guaranteeing no escape of O(3) into the surrounding air. Ozonized water, whose use is particularly known in dental medicine, is optimally applied as a spray or compress. Diseases treated are infected wounds, circulatory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism/arthritis, cancer, SARS and AIDS.

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Source: Ozone therapy: A clinical review. - PubMed - NCBI

Does ozone therapy normalize the cellular redox balance? Implications for therapy of human immunodeficiency virus infection and several other diseases.
Med Hypotheses. 1996 Feb;46(2):150-4.
Bocci V1.

The role of ozone on earth is controversial, as in the stratosphere it is protective against excessive ultra violet irradiation, and in the troposphere it is toxic for animals and plants. The effectiveness of ozone against pathogens is well recognized and ozone appears to be the best agent for sterilization of water. In spite of this, the use of ozone in medicine has been overlooked or despised, mostly because it has been either misused or used without appropriate controls. Studies carried out in our laboratory have revealed that ozone can display relevant biological effects and that, having defined its therapeutic index, can become an important and reliable drug for the treatment of several diseases. An exciting new aspect is that ozone, being a strong oxidizer, can stimulate the increase of cellular anti-oxidant enzymes, eventually inhibiting the oxidative stress.

Source: Does ozone therapy normalize the cellular redox balance? Implications for therapy of human immunodeficiency virus infection and several other disea... - PubMed - NCBI

Mediators Inflamm. 2004 Dec;13(5-6):307-12.

Reversion by ozone treatment of acute nephrotoxicity induced by cisplatin in rats.

González R1, Borrego A, Zamora Z, Romay C, Hernández F, Menéndez S, Montero T, Rojas E.


BACKGROUND: Ozone therapy has become a useful treatment for pathological processes, in which the damage mediated by reactive oxygen species is involved. Several lines of evidence suggest that cisplatin-induced acute nephrotoxicity is partially mediated by reactive oxygen species

AIMS: To analyze the effect of ozone administration after cisplatin-induced acute nephrotoxicity.

METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with five intra-rectal applications of ozone/oxygen mixture at 0.36, 1.1 and 1.8 mg/kg after cisplatin intraperitoneal injection (6 mg/kg). Serum and kidneys were taken off 5 days after cisplatin treatment. Creatinine was measured in the serum and the activities of antioxidant enzymes and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and glutathione content were analyzed in renal homogenate.

RESULTS: Ozone treatment diminished the increase in serum creatinine levels, the glutathione depletion and also reversed the inhibition of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities induced by cisplatin in the rat kidney. Also, the renal content of thiobarbituric reactive substances was decreased by ozone/oxygen mixture applied after cisplatin.

CONCLUSION: Intrarectal applications of ozone reversed the renal pro-oxidant unbalance induced by cisplatin treatment by the way of stimulation to some constituents of antioxidant system in the kidney, and thereby it decreased the renal damage.

Source: Reversion by ozone treatment of acute nephrotoxicity induced by cisplatin in rats.

Mediators Inflamm. 2004 Feb;13(1):13-9.

Protection by ozone preconditioning is mediated by the antioxidant system in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats.

Borrego A1, Zamora ZB, González R, Romay C, Menéndez S, Hernández F, Montero T, Rojas E. Author information


BACKGROUND: Acute renal failure is a dose-limiting factor of cisplatin chemotherapy. Here, we show the protective effect of ozone oxidative preconditioning against cisplatin-induced renal dysfunction in rats. Ozone oxidative preconditioning is a prophylactic approach, which favors the antioxidant-pro-oxidant balance for preservation of the cell redox state by increasing antioxidant endogenous systems in various in vivo and in vitro experimental models.

AIMS: To analyze the protective role of ozone oxidative preconditioning against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity.

METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were pretreated with 15 intrarectal applications of ozone/oxygen mixture at 0.36, 0.72, 1.1, 1.8 and 2.5 mg/kg before cisplatin intraperitoneal injection (6 mg/kg). Serum and kidneys were extracted and analyzed 5 days after cisplatin treatment for determinations of the renal content of glutathione, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, renal concentration and enzymatic activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

RESULTS: Ozone pretreatment prevented the increase in serum creatinine levels, the glutathione depletion and the inhibition of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities induced by cisplatin in the rat kidney. Also, the renal content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances was decreased by ozone therapy. These protective effects of ozone were dose dependent.

CONCLUSIONS: Intrarectal ozone therapy prevented effectively the renal antioxidant unbalance induced by cisplatin treatment.

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Source: Protection by ozone preconditioning is mediated by the antioxidant system in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. - PubMed - NCBI

Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J. 2014 Aug;14(3):e342-8. Epub 2014 Jul 24.

Ozone-Oxidative Preconditioning Prevents Doxorubicin-induced Cardiotoxicity in Sprague-Dawley Rats.

Delgado-Roche L1, Hernández-Matos Y1, Medina EA1, Morejón DÁ1, González MR2, Martínez-Sánchez G3.


OBJECTIVES: Induced dilated cardiomyopathy is the main limitation of the anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, which causes oxidative stress and cardiomyocyte death. As ozone therapy can activate the antioxidant systems, this study aimed to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of ozone-oxidative preconditioning against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.

METHODS: The study was carried out from September 2013 to January 2014. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly distributed in the following treatment groups: Group 1 were treated with 2 mg/kg intraperitoneal (i.p.) of doxorubicin twice a week for 50 days; Group 2 were treated with 0.3 mg of ozone/oxygen mixture at 50 μg/mL of ozone per 6 mL of oxygen by rectal insufflation and then treated with doxorubicin; Group 3 were treated as Group 2 but only with the oxygen, and Group 4 were treated with oxygen first, and then with sodium chloride i.p. as the control group.

RESULTS: The results showed that ozone therapy preserved left ventricle morphology which was accompanied by a reduction of serum pro-brain natriuretic peptide levels. The cardioprotective effects of ozone-oxidative preconditioning were associated with a significant increase (P <0.05) of antioxidant enzymes activities and a reduction of lipid and protein oxidation (P <0.05).

CONCLUSION: Ozone-oxidative preconditioning prevents doxorubicin-induced dilated cardiomyopathy through an increase of antioxidant enzymes and a reduction of oxidised macromolecules. This establishes the background for future studies to determine if ozone therapy can be used as a complementary treatment for attenuating doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in cancer patients.

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Source: Ozone-Oxidative Preconditioning Prevents Doxorubicin-induced Cardiotoxicity in Sprague-Dawley Rats. - PubMed - NCBI







And there is still so much more actual research readily available to real scientists who know how to do at least basic research!!!

Den May
+FrozenHaxor with as much ozonated water , and saunas as I have done, instead of getting healthier it would seem I would be dead if that were true. Breathing it is harmful but if it penetrates the skin it is enriched O2.search youtube for benefits of O3 or ozone and see others experiences not hearsayI have spoken to Drs in several countries that use it all the time. One Dr uses it in ozonated oils for skin issues and another injects into spines and many other health related issues.I assume you mean well but please do your research. Maybe you will understand others stand on this.thx

Source of this YouTube comment conversation

Hveragerthi = James Sloane his official YouTube account.
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