Air Ionizer Log


New Member
Mar 4, 2014
Hi Dan
Have you considered tianeptine to reduce serotonin?
Sold as Stablon in Europe but is accessible in North America.
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Hi sswain, thanks for the suggestion, I'll send you a PM about it.


Mar 9, 2014
Hi, i want to buy an ionizer, only for my room for now. My room is not very big, 3.10m x 3.20m. This one looks good, no ozone and has 3 meter spread ... ts_03.html

do you think it's good quality, or there are better alternatives?

also, what do your friends say when they see it on the room? i've shown some studies about the benefits of negative ions but they think im crazy. Thats why im not really combinced about that ionizer's design, the technology looks good but the design stands out too much.

I have never tried a ionizer before. I hope it helps with my constant head ache and fatigue. My room has no ventilation so I have to open my living room to get some ventilation, I hope this helps clearling the air here. Air feels heavy and my head feels heavy. I can feel how I feel a bit better on the living room.


Oct 21, 2013
I can highly recommend ionizers from
The guy started with building his own ionizers for his own health and knows his stuff. Also he is super friendly, I ordered five ionizers to Europe and he adjusted the circuitry for 230V with no extra cost! That's what I call customer service. Please note that his ionizers are very strong, he also has a weaker one that can be used in the bedroom. When I was dependent on serotonin for bowel movements a single half an hour session caused severe constipation for days. Also note that ionizers deplete Dopamine along with Serotonin, so if you have dopaminergic issues or are a smoker, be aware of the side-effects. See referenced study and discussion here: ... 931#a28931
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
goofy said:
Hi, i want to buy an ionizer, only for my room for now. My room is not very big, 3.10m x 3.20m. This one looks good, no ozone and has 3 meter spread ... ts_03.html

do you think it's good quality, or there are better alternatives?
Are you in Asia, as that company appears to be? If you don't mind the shipping costs from the US, I really like the one I got from because it has trimmable and replaceable emitters, something I haven't seen in anything except the extremely expensive Elanra brand.

also, what do your friends say when they see it on the room? i've shown some studies about the benefits of negative ions but they think im crazy. Thats why im not really combinced about that ionizer's design, the technology looks good but the design stands out too much.
I just distract visitors with my ridiculous system of high-wattage light bulbs hanging around me :lol: And I don't think there's too much stigma to explaining that you're trying something out because you've heard about early experimental data on it...


Mar 9, 2014
Dan Wich said:
goofy said:
Hi, i want to buy an ionizer, only for my room for now. My room is not very big, 3.10m x 3.20m. This one looks good, no ozone and has 3 meter spread ... ts_03.html

do you think it's good quality, or there are better alternatives?
Are you in Asia, as that company appears to be? If you don't mind the shipping costs from the US, I really like the one I got from because it has trimmable and replaceable emitters, something I haven't seen in anything except the extremely expensive Elanra brand.

also, what do your friends say when they see it on the room? i've shown some studies about the benefits of negative ions but they think im crazy. Thats why im not really combinced about that ionizer's design, the technology looks good but the design stands out too much.
I just distract visitors with my ridiculous system of high-wattage light bulbs hanging around me :lol: And I don't think there's too much stigma to explaining that you're trying something out because you've heard about early experimental data on it...

Hi, i will buy the one you recomend. Is the "happy machine plus" worth it tho? (the one with the dustgrabber thing) or its overkill? also wouldn't having all that ***t stuck on there compromise the negative ion emission? i can see you would need to constantly clean that because of dust quickly building up on there.

Also, i am scare because of what the other guy said. The studies on dopamine depletion... is this really healthy? i have never smoked but i dont know if my dopamine levels are OK. I have a bit of motivation problems.. but then again at the same time ionizers are advertised as something that will help with depression due cleaning air and so on so lol

I have never done a test on dopamina and serotonin levels, is it blood? how is it done


Aug 9, 2012
goofy said:
Also, i am scare because of what the other guy said. The studies on dopamine depletion... is this really healthy? i have never smoked but i dont know if my dopamine levels are OK. I have a bit of motivation problems.. but then again at the same time ionizers are advertised as something that will help with depression due cleaning air and so on so lol

I have never done a test on dopamina and serotonin levels, is it blood? how is it done

I've tried the ionizer thing, but I was wondering why I never got good results from it. The effect on dopamine is probably the reason.

You can find a whole blood serotonin test provider here:

I'm not aware of any test for dopamine.
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
goofy said:
Hi, i will buy the one you recomend. Is the "happy machine plus" worth it tho? (the one with the dustgrabber thing) or its overkill? also wouldn't having all that s*** stuck on there compromise the negative ion emission? i can see you would need to constantly clean that because of dust quickly building up on there.
I'm fuzzy on the difference between the IG-133A (which I bought) and the IG-133DG ("happy machine plus"). Mine has the single metal plate (whereas the Dust Grabber version looks like it has 2), but the plate seems to be collecting plenty of dust/gunk. And yes, it's a bit of a hassle to clean, but I think you could get away with just doing it once a month.

Also, i am scare because of what the other guy said. The studies on dopamine depletion... is this really healthy? i have never smoked but i dont know if my dopamine levels are OK. I have a bit of motivation problems.. but then again at the same time ionizers are advertised as something that will help with depression due cleaning air and so on so lol
I'm not sure about this stuff. In my case, I don't think it ultimately affected my mood (or motivation) in either direction.


Jun 9, 2013
Ion generation measured around a garden, small waterfall: ... 7-2006.pdf

Ion generation from an ultrasonic mist maker:{B3DB3073-3D1B-4A4E-A755-C4CC122EF291}

Apparently even a sprinkler will work: ... %9E%8B.pdf

Air Ion Concentrations in Various Urban Outdoor Environments:
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
I might've figured out a solution to my myofascial issues: tons of bag breathing. So far, 40 minutes a day of bag breathing correlates with near-0 myofascial pain for me. I've got my fingers crossed that it's a long-term fix.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Great news! You know I love hearing that! Seriously though I'm glad you have found something that is benefiting you. Bag breathing is so affordable too. I think that CO2 is easily under appreciated just because it is simply an invisible gas. It sounds silly but people just don't seem to give it the credit or attention it deserves so I appreciate you telling us how it helped you. It is very powerful imo.
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Thanks Blossom and Peata.

And Blossom, you're right about CO2 being under-appreciated. My mind wants to latch onto something more tangible, like food/supplements.


Feb 20, 2013
Dan Wich said:
I might've figured out a solution to my myofascial issues: tons of bag breathing. So far, 40 minutes a day of bag breathing correlates with near-0 myofascial pain for me. I've got my fingers crossed that it's a long-term fix.
That is a wonderful news. I was curious why you did not have major improvement with this health
issue. My wild guess was that your PTH was high. I hope 40 minutes of bag breathing does not cause any
adverse effects. I think by improving metabolism and burning energy efficiently you can increase
your internal CO2 production. You can also try few simple yogic breathing exercise.
I believe these exercise improves CO2 retention and strengthen whole body, especially lungs.
I have noticed that my breathing became naturally shallow when i was doing regular breathing exercise.
I have found that i was having less problem with carbonated water when i increased
alkaline mineral intakes,mainly calcium. I also think in some people calcium absorption
is not always efficient. Experimenting with different source of calcium is a good idea.
But, you need to check your PTH to see if things are working or not.
Maintaining a good calcium to phosphorus ratio is very important.
I am seeing better result from taking more calcium than phosphorus.
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Mittir, thank you for the valuable info as always, I will think about your suggestions. I have been trying to improve my calcium to phosphorus ratio. Earlier today I tried your technique of boiling milk to reduce the water content, but failed to stir it enough and made a burnt mess :) I'm also trying to make eggshell calcium acetate (Dewitt has mentioned this for binding phosphate), but haven't gotten the eggshells to dissolve properly in vinegar.

Goofy, I bet those purifiers are useful, though I don't see information on the amount of ion output (which for my goal of lowering serotonin is probably more important than the air purification).


Feb 20, 2013
Boiling milk in thick bottomed pan is safer. You can also use non-stick pan.
I think calcium phosphorus ratio is one of the corner stone of RP's recommendation.
It is an accepted fact that ratio of calcium to phosphorus controls PTH.
I have never seen anyone talking about this ratio except Ray Peat.
I have tried those on line recipe of dissolving egg shell in vinegar.
It did not work even after a week. I have been using food grade slaked lime dissolved in
vinegar or lemon juice/orange juice. 1 gram of slaked lime/calcium hydroixde has
about 550 mg of calcium. It instantly dissolves in vinegar.I use this form with
meat and fish, so it would bind phosphorus. This form is used in kidney patient.
I think just getting 500 mg of extra pure calcium change the ratio significantly.
I get about 1500-2000 mg of calcium from dairy . I try to not exceed 2500 mg.
RP recommends 1200-2000 mg. If your vitamin D level is good you can possibly
get away with a lower calcium intake. I have noticed if the calcium hydroxide
(a strong base) is not neutralized properly, it can cause gut irritation.
Mix of calcium hydroxide and acid should taste bland or little acidic.
Do not take slaked lime without neutralizing.


Aug 9, 2013
Dan Wich said:
Mittir, thank you for the valuable info as always, I will think about your suggestions. I have been trying to improve my calcium to phosphorus ratio. Earlier today I tried your technique of boiling milk to reduce the water content, but failed to stir it enough and made a burnt mess :) I'm also trying to make eggshell calcium acetate (Dewitt has mentioned this for binding phosphate), but haven't gotten the eggshells to dissolve properly in vinegar.

Goofy, I bet those purifiers are useful, though I don't see information on the amount of ion output (which for my goal of lowering serotonin is probably more important than the air purification).

You could try adding organic skim milk powder into the milk to increase the nutrient density and calorie density


Mar 9, 2014
Dan Wich said:
Mittir, thank you for the valuable info as always, I will think about your suggestions. I have been trying to improve my calcium to phosphorus ratio. Earlier today I tried your technique of boiling milk to reduce the water content, but failed to stir it enough and made a burnt mess :) I'm also trying to make eggshell calcium acetate (Dewitt has mentioned this for binding phosphate), but haven't gotten the eggshells to dissolve properly in vinegar.

Goofy, I bet those purifiers are useful, though I don't see information on the amount of ion output (which for my goal of lowering serotonin is probably more important than the air purification).

They say in the website it launches more than 2 million anions per second


What the **** do I do? serious. Do I buy the air filter version only, or do I buy the air filter + ionizer one?

Also, what about the Elanra one saying that the ions need to be a certain small size to penetrate and be useful beyond being just air dust collectors? (because they don't penetrate the body as they are not small enough).

[offtopic]"Only small (ingestible) negative ions can be inhaled. When they are inhaled they can have positive biological effects on your body. If they cannot be inhaled, as is the case with larger clusters of negative ions, they are simply air cleaners and have no biological effect on your body [although, they do decrease the percentage of ingestible negative ions]."[/offtopic]

Also, how in hell are you measuring serotonin, dopamine, histamine... in accurate ways? all the docs i've talked to said, "it's imposible to have accurate measurements of these, because they fluctuate way too much".

So what in hell do I do? the only thing I know is, my room feels dead, while my living room feels more fresh.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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