Why I Believe Very Low Fat ("carbosis") May Be Superior For Lean Bulking


Jun 19, 2014
Just finished reading this. Hope nobody minds reviving it, as its very interesting.

My question is, @Westside PUFAs or anybody, how would you compare and contrast this with the "potato diet" made semi-famous by Penn Jillette?


Aug 9, 2019
I believe a lowish fat diet might be worth experimenting with.
However, I wouldn't go lower than 15% fat intake, of one wants to have an optimal hormonal and testosterone profile. I'd consider 15 - 20% fat intake the lowest one should ever go.
If we learned anything from the vegans, is that a low-protein and very-low fat is not sustainable.

You need both adequate protein and adequate fats.

High carb, low protein, low fat < High carb, moderate protein, low fat < High carb, moderate protein, low-moderate fat.


Feb 16, 2017
Your on to something.

I started to incorporate 2-3 large pressure cooked/boiled starches(potato/oats) as the base of my meals and found plethora of benefits. The benefits range from stable mental health, stable blood sugar, libido, more glycogen, more desire to workout, caffeine tolerance increased, decreased hunger..etc.

One time after a workout, I had 3 large potatos pressure cooked in salt water . My heart rate hit 100bpm and found a full skin flushing/warmth like the body was adequately fueled for once, even small hairs started sprouting on my balding temples.

Glucose is king.

Use to think you were a loose nut, but experimented and found you were right all along.

It takes months for new hairs to sprout when hair loss is reversed. I do not believe that this happened after one meal of 3 potatoes. The hair cycle is too slow.


Feb 16, 2017
I believe a lowish fat diet might be worth experimenting with.
However, I wouldn't go lower than 15% fat intake, of one wants to have an optimal hormonal and testosterone profile. I'd consider 15 - 20% fat intake the lowest one should ever go.
If we learned anything from the vegans, is that a low-protein and very-low fat is not sustainable.

You need both adequate protein and adequate fats.

High carb, low protein, low fat < High carb, moderate protein, low fat < High carb, moderate protein, low-moderate fat.

There are several societies of people who thrive on fat percentages as low as 3% of calories. The Pima indians and the Papua New Guinea traditional diets are examples of this.

Acetyl-CoA is the only substance needed to produce testosterone and you get this from any of the three macronutrients, not just fat. The only macronutrient that really seems to lower testosterone is PUFA and that is likely because of its cytotoxic and metabolism slowing properties.


Feb 16, 2017
For some, it can take a long time to adapt to low fat if they come from eating high fat. Very few have the dedication to get past the adaptation phase. I've been low fat since mid-2014 but I will soon go on the ultimate low fat experiment where I will consume no overt fats for 90 days. I'm putting the idea of no overt fat satiation after 3 months to the test. I will eat only rice, potatoes, other starches, cooked greens, lentils and beans, fruit and other fibrous foods like raw carrot/celery etc. To make it even harder, I'll be doing no added salt. It takes about 30 days to adapt to no salt. It's the natural hygiene philosophy of "hygienists" though some of them were raw foodists others included cooked foods. And some ate fat. I will lose a ton of water weight from no salt. There is some salt in cooked greens and other foods. Distilled water when thirsty and for cooking. Small amounts of fresh fruit juice but I'm limiting all fructose but should get enough vitamin C. It's the ultimate test to see if it's true that there will be no craving for coconut sorbet or peanut butter after a filling meal. There's that special hunger people have after they're full. More carrots and potatoes or fruit won't do it. It's something else. They want fat. Ice cream, nut butter, peanut brittle etc. Sweet fat but still fat. Fat proponents will exclaim "well that must mean that fat is healthy if they crave it. listen to your body.." and to that I say hogwash. It's that people are adapted to it but they can change that. I will put it to the test. And I predict that I'll find that after the adaptation phase, a coconut sorbet will make me vomit or at least very nauseous.

"why would you wanna do that?"

To prove to myself that fat is the least important macornutirent and more importantly that I can feel even more amazing than I already do without it. Same for salt. There is a small amount of fat naturally in the foods I'll be eating but I will consume nothing on this list and no animal fats, not even "lean" protein which often isn't even lean. Peat thinks there is no such thing as an essential fatty acid and that we make our own fats from sugar, starch and amino acids. So my body will use the small amount of fat in the foods I'll eat and make the amount of fat it needs. No need to ingest overt fats.

Natural Hygiene Movement | National Health Association

I started extremely low fat a week ago and feel amazing. I'm down to 3% of calories. The key to my being able to tolerate it well so quickly this time is the addition of fiber and starch (particularly vegetable fiber).

I recently made a post claiming that I need at least 80-100 grams of fat or my brain shuts down. It turns out that this is not true. For years, every time I tried very low fat, my memory and mood would suffer as well as my digestive system. My dietary history is complicated and full of mistakes.

I realized about 8-9 days ago that two things cause reactive hypoglycemia in me. Too much starch and/or too much fat. So, I decided to once and for all try very low fat and see what happens. Additionally, I had the hunch that my higher-fat leanings for the past 15 years may be behind my food intolerances, particularly to fibrous vegetables and resistant starches. It turns out that if I eliminate the fat from my diet, I can tolerate all the fiber and resistant starch I want with zero problems.

Adding the fibrous veggies and resistant starch to the low-fat diet has prevented the brain fog and digestive shut down I used to see when trying low-fat. In fact, it seems like a number of psychological conditions I suffered from for years are progressively disappearing eating this way. I'm not as deluded or moody and my anger has suddenly vanished. Also, pardon the TMI, but I had sex 4 times in a row a few days ago and only a little bit of tiredness followed. ZERO POIS symptoms at all and I feel totally recovered today after only a couple of days.

It looks like fat was my problem all along. It causes the blood sugar problems, POIS symptoms, food intolerances, and psychological problems. Not sure why. Maybe I just have a fat metabolism problem. I mistakenly blamed this all on carbs for years. This also explains why the keto diet just made me extremely ill. The high fat intake was just making me sicker and sicker because it was the fat causing these problems all along.


Here is what I'm eating for the last week or so:

Lean chicken breast
Crab meat (real, not imitation)
Fresh squeezed orange juice (all store-bought juice still bothers me for some reason)
White sugar (12 tablespoons, sometimes more)
Fat-free milk (Bob's Red Mill brand)
Maple syrup candies
Lots of salt (several teaspoons, iodized)
Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce for flavor.
Veggies: well-cooked broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, raw carrots
Cold, cooked rice (cold to create more resistant starch)

This is the best I've felt since about 2003. Hopefully, it continues. Hopefully, I lose some weight as well. Doing the Peat stuff along with the moderately high fat intake caused significant weight gain.
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Mar 25, 2020
So what about... say...eating very low fat most of the day?...to take advantage of the Randall cycle and massively increase insulin resistance not to mention no fatty acids in the blood etc....and then a bit more fat in the evening...?.....one thing I always wondered about the whole carbosis thing is that the whole 10 percent completely changes it you change your calories.....on a 3000 calorie day it's ok to get 300 from fat but suddenly you can get 400 from fat on a 4000 calorie and still get the benefits?....doesn't make sense to me.....but eating all of your daily fat in the evening meal potentially does ....and...yes...would love to hear other people's thoughts


Mar 25, 2020
Plus.....does taking aspirin and niacinamide not essentially put one into more of a carbosis type state even with more fat?......as you are being more towards glycolysis and away from fat burning....


Mar 5, 2018
I started extremely low fat a week ago and feel amazing. I'm down to 3% of calories. The key to my being able to tolerate it well so quickly this time is the addition of fiber and starch (particularly vegetable fiber).

I recently made a post claiming that I need at least 80-100 grams of fat or my brain shuts down. It turns out that this is not true. For years, every time I tried very low fat, my memory and mood would suffer as well as my digestive system. My dietary history is complicated and full of mistakes.

I realized about 8-9 days ago that two things cause reactive hypoglycemia in me. Too much starch and/or too much fat. So, I decided to once and for all try very low fat and see what happens. Additionally, I had the hunch that my higher-fat leanings for the past 15 years may be behind my food intolerances, particularly to fibrous vegetables and resistant starches. It turns out that if I eliminate the fat from my diet, I can tolerate all the fiber and resistant starch I want with zero problems.

Adding the fibrous veggies and resistant starch to the low-fat diet has prevented the brain fog and digestive shut down I used to see when trying low-fat. In fact, it seems like a number of psychological conditions I suffered from for years are progressively disappearing eating this way. I'm not as deluded or moody and my anger has suddenly vanished. Also, pardon the TMI, but I had sex 4 times in a row a few days ago and only a little bit of tiredness followed. ZERO POIS symptoms at all and I feel totally recovered today after only a couple of days.

It looks like fat was my problem all along. It causes the blood sugar problems, POIS symptoms, food intolerances, and psychological problems. Not sure why. Maybe I just have a fat metabolism problem. I mistakenly blamed this all on carbs for years. This also explains why the keto diet just made me extremely ill. The high fat intake was just making me sicker and sicker because it was the fat causing these problems all along.


Here is what I'm eating for the last week or so:

Lean chicken breast
Crab meat (real, not imitation)
Fresh squeezed orange juice (all store-bought juice still bothers me for some reason)
White sugar (12 tablespoons, sometimes more)
Fat-free milk (Bob's Red Mill brand)
Maple syrup candies
Lots of salt (several teaspoons, iodized)
Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce for flavor.
Veggies: well-cooked broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, raw carrots
Cold, cooked rice (cold to create more resistant starch)

This is the best I've felt since about 2003. Hopefully, it continues. Hopefully, I lose some weight as well. Doing the Peat stuff along with the moderately high fat intake caused significant weight gain.
How did it go?


Apr 11, 2020
Necromancing this thread. Do you have guys any success stories with lean bulking? What approach would you recommend?
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