Hungry Yet Gaining Weight


Feb 13, 2016
I think more and more that thinking too much is one of the most detrimental things to health. Thinking as a whole seems to be stressful to the organism.

I also am starting to think this is extremely true. I think mental chatter is inversely related to thyroid function. Estrogen and PUFA stimulate the part of your brain responsible for mental chatter. Conversely, keeping an empty mind nullifies the effects of estrogen and PUFA. This is why mental chatter gets worse with age and kids don't really live in their heads. Of course, the fact that their parents are caring for them and they have no stress/responsibility plays a role in this, but I think there is a more physical/biological reason as well.


Apr 7, 2017
Chiming back in to say the reduced fluid intake and hydration cycling has allowed me to eat whatever I want and not get any bloating or stomach discomfort, and my stomach is flat again.

My food cravings or appetite have changed too. I no longer crave orange juice, and milk does nothing for me anymore. I used to absolutely love milk, my favourite food, and I was drinking heaps of oj every day too.

I pretty much eat whatever I want this past month, but I don’t believe that is the key - the key was cycling fluid intake and having an overall decrease in the amount of fluids I consume. Sugar is still the bees knees, 1/2tsp regularly throughout the day is very helpful for healing and for keeping energy up for healing internally.

So I do think there’s something to eating intuitively according to desire, but I don’t believe you need to get fat to heal at all. I was getting fat eating the peat foods, and I was eating intuitively then. All I wanted was milk and oj, coffee and occasional meat. My meal sizes were getting smaller and smaller as I consumed so much fluid throughout the day. Drop the fluids, my food cravings changed, I eat full meals 3-4 times a day and let my digestive system relax in between (not snacking at all really, much less than before).

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Chiming back in to say the reduced fluid intake and hydration cycling has allowed me to eat whatever I want and not get any bloating or stomach discomfort, and my stomach is flat again.

My food cravings or appetite have changed too. I no longer crave orange juice, and milk does nothing for me anymore. I used to absolutely love milk, my favourite food, and I was drinking heaps of oj every day too.

I pretty much eat whatever I want this past month, but I don’t believe that is the key - the key was cycling fluid intake and having an overall decrease in the amount of fluids I consume. Sugar is still the bees knees, 1/2tsp regularly throughout the day is very helpful for healing and for keeping energy up for healing internally.

So I do think there’s something to eating intuitively according to desire, but I don’t believe you need to get fat to heal at all. I was getting fat eating the peat foods, and I was eating intuitively then. All I wanted was milk and oj, coffee and occasional meat. My meal sizes were getting smaller and smaller as I consumed so much fluid throughout the day. Drop the fluids, my food cravings changed, I eat full meals 3-4 times a day and let my digestive system relax in between (not snacking at all really, much less than before).
You may be on to something with this and I am considering trying it. I drank mostly milk and oj yesterday because I was too tired to cook or food shop. Anyway I weighed myself on Tuesday and I was 142lbs and this morning I was 146lbs.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
You may be on to something with this and I am considering trying it. I drank mostly milk and oj yesterday because I was too tired to cook or food shop. Anyway I weighed myself on Tuesday and I was 142lbs and this morning I was 146lbs.

Again I don't believe it's just liquids. In the case of milk and OJ it's:

- Not enough salt to liquid ratio (drinking a lot more fluids, without adding additional salt, will cause this ratio to decrease). Probably most people who increase liquids, rarely increase salt enough to compensate.
- Commercial milk and OJ are strongly estrogenic, causing the fluid retention problems I mentioned before. Plus, milk is high in tryptophan, so even pure, fresh, raw milk is somewhat estrogenic but much less so than commercial milk. I still have OJ in the form of home-made jello, but I haven't yet thought of ways to alleviate the problem of OJ, maybe squeezing my own OJ from actual oranges. OJ isn't quite as estrogenic as milk though. IMO the most bloating food you can possibly eat is whole milk. It's got tryptophan and fat mixed with sugar. Tryptophan is bloating, fat is bloating, and fat mixed with sugar is more bloating still. And more bloating still if you don't get enough salt.

Just plain ol' water will increase bloating, if not accompanied by sufficient salt. You absolutely will see a reduce in bloat getting rid of milk and OJ though, for the above reasons.
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Apr 7, 2017
Again I don't believe it's just liquids. In the case of milk and OJ it's:

- Not enough salt to liquid ratio (drinking a lot more fluids, without adding additional salt, will cause this ratio to decrease). Probably most people who increase liquids, rarely increase salt enough to compensate.
- Commercial milk and OJ are strongly estrogenic, causing the fluid retention problems I mentioned before. Plus, milk is high in tryptophan, so even pure, fresh, raw milk is somewhat estrogenic but much less so than commercial milk. I still have OJ in the form of home-made jello, but I haven't yet thought of ways to alleviate the problem of OJ, maybe squeezing my own OJ from actual oranges. OJ isn't quite as estrogenic as milk though. IMO the most bloating food you can possibly eat is whole milk. It's got tryptophan and fat mixed with sugar. Tryptophan is bloating, fat is bloating, and fat mixed with sugar is more bloating still. And more bloating still if you don't get enough salt.

Just plain ol' water will increase bloating, if not accompanied by sufficient salt. You absolutely will see a reduce in bloat getting rid of milk and OJ though, for the above reasons.

No doubt milk and oj can be bloating but that wasn’t the issue for me. I had adapted to the peat foods - I wasn’t bloating, I was just fat. My digestion was actually fine. I had daily bowel movements, though I did need to use activated charcoal a bit and found it often brought immediate improvements.

I’m on no supplements now except 1/2tsp sugar every couple of hours, moreso because I like it than I need it.

In terms of the estrogenic nature of milk and oj, you would argue the foods I’m eating now are far worse. I’m eating whatever - doesn’t seem to effect me in the slightest. On the salt thing, I increased salt as per peat recommendations but never had much of an appetite for it. Salting water made me bloated and too much salt on food just didn’t take my fancy.

The reduced fluid intake has made all the difference for me.
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Nov 28, 2014
No doubt milk and oj can be bloating but that wasn’t the issue for me. I had adapted to the peat foods - I wasn’t bloating, I was just fat. My digestion was actually fine. I had daily bowel movements, though I did need to use activated charcoal a bit and found it often brought immediate improvements.

I’m on no supplements now except 1/2tsp sugar every couple of hours, moreso because I like it than I need it.

In terms of the estrogenic nature of milk and oj, you would argue the foods I’m eating now are far worse. I’m eating whatever - doesn’t seem to effect me in the slightest. On the salt thing, I increased salt as per peat recommendations but never had much of an appetite for it. Salting water made me bloated and too much salt on food just didn’t take my fancy.

The reduced fluid intake has made all the difference for me.
Just curious what you're doing for calcium in place of the milk since it sound like you were drinking a lot. Cheese? Or are you not worrying about it?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I personally am starting to think calcium is overrated. @charlie no longer has a calcium source and he says he is in the best health of his life


Apr 7, 2017
No doubt milk and oj can be bloating but that wasn’t the issue for me. I had adapted to the peat foods - I wasn’t bloating, I was just fat. My digestion was actually fine. I had daily bowel movements, though I did need to use activated charcoal a bit and found it often brought immediate improvements.

I’m on no supplements now except 1/2tsp sugar every couple of hours, moreso because I like it than I need it.
Just curious what you're doing for calcium in place of the milk since it sound like you were drinking a lot. Cheese? Or are you not worrying about it?

Not worrying at all. I never did well on calcium carbonate when I tried it.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I have my own theories as to why calcium may seemingly be a net negative even if the mineral has some uses in the body, which I'm sure it does. And I think a lot of it comes down to EMF's. One of the main ways EMF's cause havoc on our bodies is through the voltage gate calcium channel disruption. This is where Jack Kruse is 100% on the money IMO. The effects of EMF's are huge and most people under-estimate them when it comes to a holistic picture on health and metabolism. Ray Peat does talk about EMF's, but not enough IMO. I know someone who emailed Ray Peat about this, and I was very disappointed in Ray's answer which was basically - drink more milk...


May 30, 2018
Chiming back in to say the reduced fluid intake and hydration cycling has allowed me to eat whatever I want and not get any bloating or stomach discomfort, and my stomach is flat again.

My food cravings or appetite have changed too. I no longer crave orange juice, and milk does nothing for me anymore. I used to absolutely love milk, my favourite food, and I was drinking heaps of oj every day too.

I pretty much eat whatever I want this past month, but I don’t believe that is the key - the key was cycling fluid intake and having an overall decrease in the amount of fluids I consume. Sugar is still the bees knees, 1/2tsp regularly throughout the day is very helpful for healing and for keeping energy up for healing internally.

So I do think there’s something to eating intuitively according to desire, but I don’t believe you need to get fat to heal at all. I was getting fat eating the peat foods, and I was eating intuitively then. All I wanted was milk and oj, coffee and occasional meat. My meal sizes were getting smaller and smaller as I consumed so much fluid throughout the day. Drop the fluids, my food cravings changed, I eat full meals 3-4 times a day and let my digestive system relax in between (not snacking at all really, much less than before).


Are you still on a reduced fluid diet? Did it continue to work for you?



Apr 7, 2017

Are you still on a reduced fluid diet? Did it continue to work for you?

Worked great for me while I did it, but I veered back toward a more typical peat diet gradually. I had emailed peat and Roddy and Nathan hatch and they all said the low liquids thing is a red herring, and any benefit just reflects low blood volume, which can be remedied by reducing stimulants (caffeine mostly) and increasing salt intake.

You can read more on the whole low fluid diet on healthyindianow. I’m not sure if it works like he says, but believes the body will balance all its minerals by itself if we stop consuming an excess of fluid and we do hydration/dehydration cycles.

I liked the basis of his theory as he recognised that the body needs glucose as the primary mediator of metabolism, and also that every disease comes down to fixing metabolism and the body will do the rest.


May 30, 2018
Worked great for me while I did it, but I veered back toward a more typical peat diet gradually. I had emailed peat and Roddy and Nathan hatch and they all said the low liquids thing is a red herring, and any benefit just reflects low blood volume, which can be remedied by reducing stimulants (caffeine mostly) and increasing salt intake.

You can read more on the whole low fluid diet on healthyindianow. I’m not sure if it works like he says, but believes the body will balance all its minerals by itself if we stop consuming an excess of fluid and we do hydration/dehydration cycles.

I liked the basis of his theory as he recognised that the body needs glucose as the primary mediator of metabolism, and also that every disease comes down to fixing metabolism and the body will do the rest.

Ok, thanks for the info.

Have to read the HealthyIndiaNow theory but if you want another version of why it can work, please read the parallel I did with the Marshall Protocol: Water Structure, Osmolytes And Cancer

I hope you are well now.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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