Vitamin K2-Mk4 Now Available!



Aug 15, 2014
Depends on your philosophy.
Does this oil Vitamin K works as potent as Kuinone on the scrotum?
I honestly don't know. Sorry that I can't be of any further help.


Sep 25, 2019
I used waybackmachine to dig up the detailed explanation of why your product is better (than whose?) And now your new trace mk7 form contradicts your own claims that puryifying the mk7 etc out damages the mk4? You made these interesting and important claims and then the product changed and the old page went offline because why? I dont get a good gut feeling. Cynic me thinks you lost access to old formula ans new one is inferior so you removed the page with your own words explaining why. But im willing to learn.
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Aug 15, 2014
Depends on your philosophy.
I used waybackmachine to dig up the detailed explanation of why your product is better (than whose?) And now your new trace mk7 form contradicts your own claims that puryifying the mk7 etc out damages the mk4? You made these interesting and important claims and then the product changed and the old page went offline because why? I dont get a good gut feeling. Cynic me thinks you lost access to old formula ans new one is inferior so you removed the page with your own words explaining why. But im willing to learn.

You are correct that we lost our manufacturer for our original formula. Their reasoning was that they improved their process, but when we asked for a special run of the old product they refused and then suddenly stopped doing business with us entirely. We suspect it was due to our original article and the industry blow back we received after releasing it. The article was pulled do to threats we received about publishing the truth. For a time we allowed ourselves to run out of product till we could find a new source, without luck. We then moved forward with developing our own refinement process that yields a 99% pure Mk4 with a 98% true, undamaged trans isomer. I like control when it comes to sensitive materials and going in house was a solid solution to my supply conundrum. Our current True K2 Mk7 1mg is formulated to provide 1mg of cis-isomer. We went this way first due to market demand. Other than just for the fun of doing what hadn't been done yet and I was bored at the time.

My family has a rich background in chemistry, physics, engineering, rocket sciences, high speed guidance systems. At one time or another, one or more of my family has had a hand in work for NOAA, NASA, DOD, DOE, nuclear energy, natural and artificial effects of high energy radiation and atmospheric water and weather propagation and more. My grandfather played a hand in developing and stabilizing the first solid rocket fuels. In fact, he was the first author to contribute to chemistry textbooks about the highly unstable nature of this family of chemicals. Which was learned the hard way, personally losing a hand in the process. Just for fun, in his retirement, we played with how explosive can we make water through ultra refinement and then playing with energy yields per gram, containment materials and the rates at which those materials were dissolved by the water rendering it inert as an explosive material. FYI refined water can be a high explosive if you want it to be, just a very impractical short lived one. We were only able to maintain a viable state for a few hours. Water dissolves everything and is truly the ultimate solvent. Us kids weren't allowed to handle explosives so we had the inconvenient fun of building the robotics so we could do more than observe. My father and I did resin density and gas propagation in wood under structural stress in various wood materials for fun on weekends. Building everything we needed to do the tests. Let's just say I had an unusually interesting childhood playing with a PhD rich family that did research and experiments with the kids just for the fun of it and since we were free labor, we built most all of our homes from clearing the land to putting on the roof. Learning along the way about how each material was made in addition to how to use it. A family tradition that serves me well in life through my formal schooling and now in the nutricutial field.

I've still been playing with the Vitamin K family and we will be having a few new products coming out soon including our original formula, an Mk7 and a "master" blend. They would have been out sooner but I got distracted by hemp and CBD recently. So, for those out there interested in CBD let me know if you have any requests or ideas you would like me to play with. Our understanding on CBD's potential is just beginning.
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Sep 25, 2019
Wait, don't you mean trans isomer? I thought cis is the one we don't want?

Thank you for the detailed reply, in any case. I would like to know more about your sourcing and refining process without prying into private business details, if i may. Are you saying you do the extraction process now from plant to supplement? How do you confirm the quality of the finished product? The jump from mixing and bottling a manufacturer's product to now doing the refinement (and it sounds like extraction and synthesis maybe) seems like a big jump, but your background explanation of your experience is sure in support of that. You previously claimed other companies use your material for their own brand, is this true now for k2?

You being threatened to take the page down sounds terrible. Can you really be sued for making such claims? I do not recall you naming any one company.

Do you think the reason Thorne and AOR charge so much for their mk4 is because simply they can or is their own sourcing somehow so much more expensive? It sounds like your old source now has an agreement with a higher volume company only to deal with them.

Much appreciated
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Aug 15, 2014
Depends on your philosophy.
Wait, don't you mean trans isomer? I thought cis is the one we don't want?

Thank you for the detailed reply, in any case. I would like to know more about your sourcing and refining process without prying into private business details, if i may. Are you saying you do the extraction process now from plant to supplement? How do you confirm the quality of the finished product? The jump from mixing and bottling a manufacturer's product to now doing the refinement (and it sounds like extraction and synthesis maybe) seems like a big jump, but your background explanation of your experience is sure in support of that. You previously claimed other companies use your material for their own brand, is this true now for k2?

You being threatened to take the page down sounds terrible. Can you really be sued for making such claims? I do not recall you naming any one company.

Do you think the reason Thorne and AOR charge so much for their mk4 is because simply they can or is their own sourcing somehow so much more expensive? It sounds like your old source now has an agreement with a higher volume company only to deal with them.

Much appreciated

My apologies, trans isomer. I made an edit to correct the oversight. Thank you for pointing out the type-o.

Yes, we jumped from buying our finished Mk4 concentrate to refining it from a partially refined natto material that we buy. True, that is a big jump but a strong foundation anything is possible. Consultants, good machinists, knowing who to hire and brushing up on the science of any particular manufacturing process make these kinds of projects go smoothly. Since we're only looking to service our needs and those we private label for you won't see us losing our focus on retail products. Once we've work out the kinks to a new process I hire it out to be run by a private pharmaceutical company I know. Once we have them set up and trained I'll move onto the next project.

Our Mk4 cost basis is roughly double that of high volume market. Mk4 wholesales for around $4000 to $6000 per kg, our runs around $14,000. We mark it up far less than industry and we have lower overhead. Just a heads up, we are due for a price increase and will be offering different options to lower the price point.

You asked about quality confirmation. We use a combination of TLC (thin layer chromatography), HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and infrared laser spectrometry at different stages of the process. Followed by standard COA testing of the final product.

As for the process it is proprietary. Mk4 already exists in the raw material, we use a selective filtering process and run it extremely slow. We created an automated system that allows us to "set and forget" a number of processes. It's cost effective for us, but would never be competitive on the global market where you're trying to manufacture several tons a year.

As far as threats go, most of the flack we get is from untraceable sources hired by industry interests. We're essentially nobodies in the big scheme of things.


Sep 25, 2019
Such a great reply! I know natto is a rich source of mk7 but never heard it mentioned to contain mk4 before. Thorne says theirs is from Geraniol. 45g of natto supposedly contains approx 0.4-0.5mg mk7 iirc, do you know how much mk4 would be in there? I would like to be able to be accurate when I reccomend foods as sources for particular nutrients, plus I just find this fascinating.

I am looking to source products for our health store brand and my own use. I had never heard of your company before and this exchange has given me confidence in your reputability. I have some other products than k2 mk4 I want to have for retail sale as well. I am going to make an order for my own use and then contact you for further business after trying out the products on myself.


Aug 15, 2014
Depends on your philosophy.
Such a great reply! I know natto is a rich source of mk7 but never heard it mentioned to contain mk4 before. Thorne says theirs is from Geraniol. 45g of natto supposedly contains approx 0.4-0.5mg mk7 iirc, do you know how much mk4 would be in there? I would like to be able to be accurate when I reccomend foods as sources for particular nutrients, plus I just find this fascinating.

I am looking to source products for our health store brand and my own use. I had never heard of your company before and this exchange has given me confidence in your reputability. I have some other products than k2 mk4 I want to have for retail sale as well. I am going to make an order for my own use and then contact you for further business after trying out the products on myself.

We do offer wholesale, private labeling and contract manufacturing for a variety of supplements. It is true, Natto contains mostly Mk7, but it is also the only viable source material for Mk4 for us. The other options are all animal sources. Geraniol is a terpene oil and I have never heard of it being a source of vitamin K. Is it possible you are using a wrong name for the material?


Sep 25, 2019
We do offer wholesale, private labeling and contract manufacturing for a variety of supplements. It is true, Natto contains mostly Mk7, but it is also the only viable source material for Mk4 for us. The other options are all animal sources. Geraniol is a terpene oil and I have never heard of it being a source of vitamin K. Is it possible you are using a wrong name for the material?

Geraniol is what their email customer service told me, and it is listed on their iherb listing as well, i have also heard it repeated on forums.


Nov 22, 2017
Northeast US
A recent bottle of True K2, purchased May 2020, tastes and smells soapy. A bottle purchased January 2020 has no taste or smell at all. Is there anything you can tell me about this inconsistency? Is it safe to use? Thank you.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Identification of cis/trans isomers of menaquinone-7 in food as exemplified by dietary supplements.
Szterk A1, Zmysłowski A2, Bus K2.
For the first time, the cis/trans isomer content of menaquinone-7 in food products has been identified and marked. A novel method of marking isomers of vitamin K2MK-7 in dietary supplements was developed and validated. Five different isomers of cis/trans vitamin K2MK-7 were identified. Identification of cis/trans isomers was performed by HRMS-QTOF, whereas their quantities were determined by using CAD and DAD detectors. In the majority of cases, the content of biologically active all trans vitamin K2MK-7 was below its declared content. The content of all trans K2MK-7 was in the range between 5.5 and 49 µg in pills. In one of the studied supplements, this vitamin was not found, regardless of the claim on the product label. The content of cis/trans isomers in certain dietary supplements exceeded the content of all trans K2MK-7 by up to 3.7 times.
- Commentary on method for detection of menaquinone-7 in dietary supplements

"Szterk et al. (Food Chemistry 243 (2018) 403-409) have recently analyzed the content of menaquinone-7 (MK-7) in eight dietary supplements. The authors concluded that five out of eight were below the declared content. For all samples, the authors used tetrahydrofuran (THF) to extract MK-7 prior to analysis. Two of the tested products that were below the declared content were microencapsulated MK-7 which had a coating with limited solubility in THF. By dissolving the coating with water and ethanol prior to extraction with ethyl acetate, all MK-7 will be made accessible prior to analysis by HPLC. We have repeated the analysis of the two microencapsulated products that Szterk et al. claimed were below the declared content, and have shown they contain 102% and 105% of the label claim. Since Szterk et al. have used a solvent that does not dissolve the coating on microencapsulated MK-7, their conclusion is not justified and is thus misleading."​

- Cis and trans isomers of the vitamin menaquinone-7: which one is biologically significant?
- Development of a menaquinone-7 enriched functional food (stability)


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Does this oil Vitamin K works as potent as Kuinone on the scrotum?

Yeah but the question should be if Kuinone only comes in MCT oil .... I think alcohol carriers get into the skin better... this health natura product is MCT oil.... I’m not vouching for anyone, just asking if the carrier oil should be what’s looked at instead of product quality for scrotum


Sep 12, 2015
We do offer wholesale, private labeling and contract manufacturing for a variety of supplements. It is true, Natto contains mostly Mk7, but it is also the only viable source material for Mk4 for us. The other options are all animal sources. Geraniol is a terpene oil and I have never heard of it being a source of vitamin K. Is it possible you are using a wrong name for the material?
Have you considered offering your True K2 in its raw form (i.e., in no solvent)? Some may want to experiment with their own solvents or supplement blends.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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