UK Guy - I'm Afraid Of Eating Raw Meat - Want To Eat Raw Lamb Liver


New Member
Aug 19, 2018
Hi there,

I am very new to all of this. I am interested in eating raw Lamb liver but i'm scared. I've read stories where people have become paralysed because of eating meat that wasn't cooked enough. I am from the UK and plan on buying some raw lamb liver from an organic website called 'Abel and Cole'. Here is the liver (not sure if i can post links):

Lamb Liver, Organic (300g) | Abel & Cole

The lamb liver is organic and grass fed. Would it be alright to eat raw? Maybe I should just eat a tiny bit of it raw to begin with and cook the rest?

I'm just terrified of becoming paralysed or being put into a coma! Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks alot.


Feb 9, 2014
Hi there,

I am very new to all of this. I am interested in eating raw Lamb liver but i'm scared. I've read stories where people have become paralysed because of eating meat that wasn't cooked enough. I am from the UK and plan on buying some raw lamb liver from an organic website called 'Abel and Cole'. Here is the liver (not sure if i can post links):

Lamb Liver, Organic (300g) | Abel & Cole

The lamb liver is organic and grass fed. Would it be alright to eat raw? Maybe I should just eat a tiny bit of it raw to begin with and cook the rest?

I'm just terrified of becoming paralysed or being put into a coma! Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks alot.

I ate raw paleo for years and never got sick. Made sure my meat was well sourced, however. As long as your meat is fresh as can be and well sourced/organic/grass fed, you should be fine. If you're that worried, soak it overnight in raw lemon juice or raw vinegar and salt. Liver looks decent. Local is best but if you can't get it, that one looks good.

Funny time you asked this question as it's a time when I am contemplating going back to/experimenting with a Peat version of a raw paleo diet (raw paleo + higher carb + Peat inspired). My diet is mostly raw already anyway (raw dairy, raw liver, occasional raw egg yolk, fresh pineapple and orange juices and some green/cucumber juices, dates, bananas). I would mostly include some raw meats and organs.
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Mar 26, 2014
Isn't freezing for 2 weeks meant to kill parasites? Worth double checking so don't quote me


Jan 25, 2014
I'd be wary of any raw liver, due to the high iron content. This is the main reason liver should be stored frozen, I believe. If you should decide to consume it, be very confident in your source, and be sure to store it properly.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
Ray just flash pan fries his liver in butter. If you are in the UK Waitrose has venison liver and calves liver. Both very good.


Feb 9, 2014
I'd be wary of any raw liver, due to the high iron content. This is the main reason liver should be stored frozen, I believe. If you should decide to consume it, be very confident in your source, and be sure to store it properly.

Drinking raw milk with raw liver will block a good portion of the iron. If you're only eating a few ounces or times per week with a calcium source, that isn't very much iron actually.


Apr 2, 2016
Hi there,

I am very new to all of this. I am interested in eating raw Lamb liver but i'm scared. I've read stories where people have become paralysed because of eating meat that wasn't cooked enough. I am from the UK and plan on buying some raw lamb liver from an organic website called 'Abel and Cole'. Here is the liver (not sure if i can post links):

Lamb Liver, Organic (300g) | Abel & Cole

The lamb liver is organic and grass fed. Would it be alright to eat raw? Maybe I should just eat a tiny bit of it raw to begin with and cook the rest?

I'm just terrified of becoming paralysed or being put into a coma! Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks alot.

You might get more information if you ask in a raw paleo forum. Ray Peat never advocated for raw meat consumption. I see nothing in your post that relates to Ray Peat's work actually. Peat warned that some people got hepatitis after consumption of raw seafood.


Feb 9, 2014

Depends on the parasites. Some are far more harmful than others. Some believe that if you have a strong enough immue system/gut flora, it won't be an issue and may be good. There is some evidence that seems to indicate that having some parasites may be good for you. If it it's locally sourced, fresh and grass fed/organic, the chances of getting something really bad that kills you is very low. Many people have been eating raw liver around the world for a long time. And til this day many cultures eat popular raw meat dishes around the world. If someone is that concerned, they can soak their liver in raw milk for 24 hours or so. The beneficial bacteria in the raw milk will probably help populate the liver surface where most of the bacteria would be anyway. But I don't buy the all bacteria is bad hypothesis and think the bacteria on raw meat can be beneficial. People do this anyway to get rid of the liver taste to make it more 'palatable.'


Jul 8, 2016
Depends on the parasites. Some are far more harmful than others. Some believe that if you have a strong enough immue system/gut flora, it won't be an issue and may be good. There is some evidence that seems to indicate that having some parasites may be good for you. If it it's locally sourced, fresh and grass fed/organic, the chances of getting something really bad that kills you is very low. Many people have been eating raw liver around the world for a long time. And til this day many cultures eat popular raw meat dishes around the world. If someone is that concerned, they can soak their liver in raw milk for 24 hours or so. People do this anyway to get rid of the liver taste to make it more 'palatable.'

Okay, but whats the benefit of raw liver, over cooking it for a few minutes? I don't believe raw liver would be any better than slightly cooked liver, and also avoids the risk of "getting something really bad that kills you." Ray doesn't recommend raw liver, I don't see people on here talking about raw liver often. This is potentially dangerous advice that could lead to various health issues, with, as far as I can tell, no benefit over simply cooking the liver.


Feb 9, 2014
Okay, but whats the benefit of raw liver, over cooking it for a few minutes? I don't believe raw liver would be any better than slightly cooked liver, and also avoids the risk of "getting something really bad that kills you."

I never said not to cook it. The original poster mentioned that he wanted to eat raw liver and was interested. And so I gave him my opinion on eating raw liver. If he wants to, he could cook lightly on the surface. I wouldn't be against that. I personally think raw meat digests better and that the natural bacteria on it aids in digestion. After having been raw paleo for years after being vegan before that, and going to Ray Peats work and eating cooked meat again, I have noticed that cooked meat makes me feel different over the long run. Raw meat digests better for me by far. And I also crave it. Cooked meat doesn't taste all that good to me. Not worried about dying from raw meat, personally, as someone who has consumed it for many years regularly without any problems. I think that is largely overblown due to mass factory farmed low quality meat. I've traveled to many parts of the world and it was very common for people to eat raw meat while butchering their cuts, or just plain out right eat it and to my knowledge they never had issues either. Only in parts of America, for the most part, is eating raw meat looked down upon.


Jul 8, 2016
I never said not to cook it. The original poster mentioned that he wanted to eat raw liver and was interested. And so I gave him my opinion on eating raw liver. If he wants to, he could cook lightly on the surface. I wouldn't be against that. I personally think raw meat digests better and that the natural bacteria on it aids in digestion. After having been raw paleo for years after being vegan before that, and going to Ray Peats work and eating cooked meat again, I have noticed that cooked meat makes me feel different over the long run. Raw meat digests better for me by far. And I also crave it. Cooked meat doesn't taste all that good to me. Not worried about dying from raw meat, personally, as someone who has consumed it for many years regularly without any problems. I think that is largely overblown due to mass factory farmed low quality meat. I've traveled to many parts of the world and it was very common for people to eat raw meat while butchering their cuts, or just plain out right eat it and to my knowledge they never had issues either. Only in parts of America, for the most part, is eating raw meat looked down upon.

Thank you for the answer. I still personally wouldn't risk it, but people have different risk thresholds I guess. :nailbiting:


Jul 13, 2014
I'd be wary of any raw liver, due to the high iron content. This is the main reason liver should be stored frozen, I believe. If you should decide to consume it, be very confident in your source, and be sure to store it properly.
Cooked liver has less iron?


Jun 29, 2017
Not worth it man, there's nothing so profound in raw liver that makes it so much better than cooked. Anyway you can just sear the outside and eat it medium rare, then atleast your risk of food poisoning for next to nil. This is how most liver recipies tell you to cook it anyway. Vitamin K2, vitamin A, and all the minerals stand up to heat quite well. The B vitamins will be at the MOST decreased by 30%ish and I'm not really sure about the nucleosides. You should just cook it man lol it tastes better seasoned and cooked with onions anyway!


Jul 8, 2018
I feed my dogs a raw meat diet. Included are some veggies, raw chicken necks, and organ meat, liver included.

Don't know if this means much but they will eat hearts and gizzards raw but NEVER raw liver....same with the cats.


Jun 29, 2017
No less iron in cooked liver. It's just that bacteria are known to thrive on iron is what I think he was alluding to. Cooking the liver would kill said bacteria.

Doesn't cooking it make the iron less absorbable? I remember reading some such thing.


Jul 13, 2014
Just do what peat says and drink coffee with it to stop iron absorption
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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