Supplementing Zinc & TMG has eliminated a lot of my issues


Jun 15, 2022
United States
I started taking TMG again in early June after quitting it a few years ago. In january of this year I was taking a lot of magnesium (sometimes up to 1000 mg) in pill form and bicarbonate. I was also drinking a lot of milk and occasional beef liver. Then I began introducing B vitamins into my routine with copper supplementation as well. Some of the "everyone is deficient in copper" posts you see around the internet got into my head a little bit. But I was experimenting as well. During this time I caught the flu (possibly covid) and it was pretty bad. I had breathing issues for a month or two. I couldn't breath through my nose and had general fatigue. It slowly got better but never completely healed. I was taking B1,B2,B3,B6, copper, selenium, magnesium, and occasionally boron. I even experimented with iodine. None of this really changed much. I had read that the B vitamins create more C02 so you can breath better. My breathing had gotten somewhat back to normal but I was getting dry skin and rashes and still was fatigued.

That is when I came across some articles that I had read before about TMG and undermethylation. This was absolutely the key and probably the key for most people. From my research, most people are undermethylated which means you have an increase in homocysteine in your body that can't be broken down without methyl groups. B vitamin supplementation only makes the problem worse, because they use up the methyl groups. From the very first day of taking TMG I felt more calm, grounded, clearer thinking, my skin has improved some (not totally), and I have energy to do things. I also sleep extremely deeply. Also my bowel movements are regular and sometimes a couple times a day, where before I was constipated sometimes. Basically a complete game changer. Not sure why it isn't reccomended more as I don't think it is very common to be naturally an overmethylator.

I have also added a calcium, vitamin d, boron supplement along with starting to supplement zinc again. The zinc copper supplement also has some b6, vitamin c, and vitamin a in it.

So I guess to sum up this post I believe that I am copper toxic, zinc deficient, undermethylator. TMG has helped assist my liver with detoxification everything i was doing before was just making the problem worse.

The best way to see if it is for you is to stop all supplements and take about 500 mg of tmg by itself for a day and see how you feel. Give yourself a day or two and you'll know. TMG is naturally in beats and not dangerous at all, unless you were supplementing huge does. 500 mg is barely anything.

Does anyone else supplement TMG or have any experience with it?


Nov 2, 2019
I have TMG in my multi and when I remember I take some extra TMG. It is good for the liver better than playing around with herbs. If you have taken wheat out of your diet you might be low in TMG. Quinoa (630), spinach (577) wheat bran (360) and beet root (256) will supply a good amount of TMG (#'s = TMG mg/100g of food item). That's where I was getting my daily TMG since I only eat beets a couple times a month and rarely eat spinach or quinoa. I also use the universal methyl donor SAMe from time to time but it is really strong and knocks me out at night or I get sleepy if taken in the day. Glad you found some supps that work.


Feb 3, 2020
People with undermethylation often have dysregulated copper.

Bioavailable copper (properly bound) fixes a lot of methylation problems. Copper 2 supplements are basically useless and even dangerous for fixing a deep-rooted copper deficiency. Food contain proper copper 1, but the soil is so drastically depleted, but this is also true for other essential minerals.

„I just summarized my health improvements from MitoSynergy copper so my antiaging hormone doc would understand. Here it is.

Im 71 years old. My health issues have been: fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity, Epstein Barr, Ehlers Danlos, copper toxicity, lyme disease, depression/suicidal thoughts, compound hetero MTHFR, undermethylator, essential tremor, rosacea, postmenopause.

I started MitoSynergy copper on July 22, 2016. These are the improvements and changes I've noticed:

My voice had a tremor for the past few years and I would lose it after speaking a few sentences. No more. I can talk nonstop for an hour and a half.

I dont need any methyl donors anymore including SAMe and TMG to avoid depression and suicidal thoughts. This is something I've dealt with my entire adult life. I avoided being medicated. I thought it was under control with the methyls but the copper has greatly improved that to a real feeling of happiness. The methyls made me monotone, apathetic. Copper makes me happy, strong and calm and under control. I feel untouchable. Other people's negativity slides off. Copper can normalize methylation function and that happened for me very distinctly about the 10th day on MitoSynergy when I developed symptoms of overmethylation...headaches, neck pain, suicidal depression and body wide nerve pain. Stopping the methyl supplements stopped all the symptoms.

My digestion is improved I dont need HCI or probiotics or digestive enzymes anymore. I took all those at every meal for many years.

Less back pain (from a roller skating accident 35 years ago) and no joint pain or post workout muscle pain. No more nerve pain or stiff neck or achy shoulders. In fact I have no aches or pain at all. I never take pain relievers.

I need fewer chiropractic adjustments since I started the copper. I have gone twice a month for most of my adult life but now the adjustments are easier and last much longer.

Tons more energy. For the past two years I was taking 2 hour naps in the afternoon. My doctor found no reason and just said "naps are good for you." Now I never even think about a nap. I have nonstop energy.

My short term memory and brain function are perfect and no brain fog.

My skin is softer and less wrinkled or leathery. Especially my arms and legs. I've had rosacea for 30 years. I finally stopped taking doxycycline when I used some of the raw copper dust to apply topically to my skin. It controls the rosacea as well as the antibiotics without the side effects.

I'm sweating like a pig. I went for years without sweating. I was always cold especially my feet and now Im always turning the a/c colder. No more socks in bed.

I've eliminated lots of other supplements due to the copper improving digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

My gray hair is darker.

My veins in my skinny feet are less visible. I used to get broken veins in my hands several times a week but not since I started copper so I think that means my arterial walls are stronger.

No more swollen lymph glands which were a constant for me for my entire adult life. They would come and go throughout every day.

I gained 8 lbs of muscle in the first two months on copper. My scale shows 8 more lbs and the photos of my back show lots more muscle definition, but my jeans still fit the same around my waist and hips where women usually gain weight.

I decreased my thyroid NDT dose from 3.5 gr to 1.5 gr based on symptoms and labs so my thyroid is functioning better. I had started having heart palps and shaky hands indicating hyper thyroid symptoms and my labs were high.

Im sleeping longer and waking refreshed.

I had a plantars wart on my thumb that resisted treatment for 15 years. Its gone completely.

I did experience some high cortisol/adrenaline rush type symptoms when I increased my copper dose from 243 mcg to 2 mg after 8 weeks. The safe upper limit is still much higher at 9 mg. I stopped the copper for 4 days and the symptoms stopped so I resumed my original dose and titrated up more slowly until now I take 2 mg a day but only a couple days a week instead of every day.

Live blood analysis with dark field microscope shows almost no lyme infected cells now and I have no symptoms of anything. I am the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life.

I would add here that MitoSynergy helped reduce my copper toxicity level. My ceruloplasmin increased from 21 to 30 and my copper serum blood test (which shows the toxic copper 2) has decreased from 119 to 88 and is now in proper ratio with zinc (1:1.2). So yes taking MitoSynergy copper actually lowered my blood test for copper. MitoSynergy copper doesnt accumulate in your body. You use what you need and excrete the rest within hours.“


Jan 30, 2021
I have pyroluria, diagnosed by 24 hour urine test; my body "rejects" zinc and B6. I got this diagnosis quite a long time ago and started taking high dose zinc, also P5P and taurine. I can't tell the difference with any of them but the zinc. A few months ago I worried about about my many years of zinc supplementation (150mg a day, in three doses of 50) and tried a copper supplement. Within a week or two I got back my zinc deficiency symptom of extreme light sensitivity -- I live in a very bright climate, the desert, and with the zinc I don't "have" to have sunglasses, and both without the zinc and after I added copper, I just have to wear them. This was true even when I lived in a cloudy climate; always wore a hat with a brim and always had sunglasses.
So --- it might be wothwhile to check on the symptoms of pyroluria (Kaslow had a good site, or did, last time I looked) and if your copper intake increases those symptoms (if you have them) then that would be another factor to consider. I also had lifelong mild depression that went away with the zinc, and that is one of the symptoms of pyroluria. It is genetic, and I know which parent I got it from, because my mother always had prescription sunglasses and was always in some sort of mild depression.


Nov 2, 2019
People with undermethylation often have dysregulated copper.

Bioavailable copper (properly bound) fixes a lot of methylation problems. Copper 2 supplements are basically useless and even dangerous for fixing a deep-rooted copper deficiency. Food contain proper copper 1, but the soil is so drastically depleted, but this is also true for other essential minerals.

„I just summarized my health improvements from MitoSynergy copper so my antiaging hormone doc would understand. Here it is.

Im 71 years old. My health issues have been: fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity, Epstein Barr, Ehlers Danlos, copper toxicity, lyme disease, depression/suicidal thoughts, compound hetero MTHFR, undermethylator, essential tremor, rosacea, postmenopause.

I started MitoSynergy copper on July 22, 2016. These are the improvements and changes I've noticed:

My voice had a tremor for the past few years and I would lose it after speaking a few sentences. No more. I can talk nonstop for an hour and a half.

I dont need any methyl donors anymore including SAMe and TMG to avoid depression and suicidal thoughts. This is something I've dealt with my entire adult life. I avoided being medicated. I thought it was under control with the methyls but the copper has greatly improved that to a real feeling of happiness. The methyls made me monotone, apathetic. Copper makes me happy, strong and calm and under control. I feel untouchable. Other people's negativity slides off. Copper can normalize methylation function and that happened for me very distinctly about the 10th day on MitoSynergy when I developed symptoms of overmethylation...headaches, neck pain, suicidal depression and body wide nerve pain. Stopping the methyl supplements stopped all the symptoms.

My digestion is improved I dont need HCI or probiotics or digestive enzymes anymore. I took all those at every meal for many years.

Less back pain (from a roller skating accident 35 years ago) and no joint pain or post workout muscle pain. No more nerve pain or stiff neck or achy shoulders. In fact I have no aches or pain at all. I never take pain relievers.

I need fewer chiropractic adjustments since I started the copper. I have gone twice a month for most of my adult life but now the adjustments are easier and last much longer.

Tons more energy. For the past two years I was taking 2 hour naps in the afternoon. My doctor found no reason and just said "naps are good for you." Now I never even think about a nap. I have nonstop energy.

My short term memory and brain function are perfect and no brain fog.

My skin is softer and less wrinkled or leathery. Especially my arms and legs. I've had rosacea for 30 years. I finally stopped taking doxycycline when I used some of the raw copper dust to apply topically to my skin. It controls the rosacea as well as the antibiotics without the side effects.

I'm sweating like a pig. I went for years without sweating. I was always cold especially my feet and now Im always turning the a/c colder. No more socks in bed.

I've eliminated lots of other supplements due to the copper improving digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

My gray hair is darker.

My veins in my skinny feet are less visible. I used to get broken veins in my hands several times a week but not since I started copper so I think that means my arterial walls are stronger.

No more swollen lymph glands which were a constant for me for my entire adult life. They would come and go throughout every day.

I gained 8 lbs of muscle in the first two months on copper. My scale shows 8 more lbs and the photos of my back show lots more muscle definition, but my jeans still fit the same around my waist and hips where women usually gain weight.

I decreased my thyroid NDT dose from 3.5 gr to 1.5 gr based on symptoms and labs so my thyroid is functioning better. I had started having heart palps and shaky hands indicating hyper thyroid symptoms and my labs were high.

Im sleeping longer and waking refreshed.

I had a plantars wart on my thumb that resisted treatment for 15 years. Its gone completely.

I did experience some high cortisol/adrenaline rush type symptoms when I increased my copper dose from 243 mcg to 2 mg after 8 weeks. The safe upper limit is still much higher at 9 mg. I stopped the copper for 4 days and the symptoms stopped so I resumed my original dose and titrated up more slowly until now I take 2 mg a day but only a couple days a week instead of every day.

Live blood analysis with dark field microscope shows almost no lyme infected cells now and I have no symptoms of anything. I am the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life.

I would add here that MitoSynergy helped reduce my copper toxicity level. My ceruloplasmin increased from 21 to 30 and my copper serum blood test (which shows the toxic copper 2) has decreased from 119 to 88 and is now in proper ratio with zinc (1:1.2). So yes taking MitoSynergy copper actually lowered my blood test for copper. MitoSynergy copper doesnt accumulate in your body. You use what you need and excrete the rest within hours.“
I forgot the man's name that developed the proper copper mito supplements. I use to be on his facebook group years ago. But when I spoke to him on the phone he told me liver was the best food source of proper copper. So if anyone wants to increase their liver consumption they should get good results. I take freeze dried liver because the tiniest smell of liver makes me throw up. I've tried it many other ways but my gag reflex kicks in.


Dec 17, 2018
I have pyroluria, diagnosed by 24 hour urine test; my body "rejects" zinc and B6. I got this diagnosis quite a long time ago and started taking high dose zinc, also P5P and taurine. I can't tell the difference with any of them but the zinc. A few months ago I worried about about my many years of zinc supplementation (150mg a day, in three doses of 50) and tried a copper supplement. Within a week or two I got back my zinc deficiency symptom of extreme light sensitivity -- I live in a very bright climate, the desert, and with the zinc I don't "have" to have sunglasses, and both without the zinc and after I added copper, I just have to wear them. This was true even when I lived in a cloudy climate; always wore a hat with a brim and always had sunglasses.
So --- it might be wothwhile to check on the symptoms of pyroluria (Kaslow had a good site, or did, last time I looked) and if your copper intake increases those symptoms (if you have them) then that would be another factor to consider. I also had lifelong mild depression that went away with the zinc, and that is one of the symptoms of pyroluria. It is genetic, and I know which parent I got it from, because my mother always had prescription sunglasses and was always in some sort of mild depression.
Was your diet low in zinc when you got into this?

High doses of zinc is safe for a short amount of time if you were truly deficient and zinc has known anti-depressant properties through many effects. Though light sensitivity is not specific to zinc. Zinc potentiates cholinergic neurons and upregulates muscarinic receptors in the brain. Acetylcholine helps block out stimulus from our environment, including light so this is why zinc can help light sensitivity. You may do well getting more choline in the diet so you don't have to supplement excessive amounts of zinc. This is why copper increases light sensitivity though, not because you didnt need it but because it enhances noradrenaline synthesis. Higher noradrenaline will increase light sensitivity because it will allow more stimulus to come in.

Also, cholinergic receptors making the pupils restrict while alpha adrenergic receptors promote dilation which also affects light sensitivity.


Jun 15, 2022
United States
People with undermethylation often have dysregulated copper.

Bioavailable copper (properly bound) fixes a lot of methylation problems. Copper 2 supplements are basically useless and even dangerous for fixing a deep-rooted copper deficiency. Food contain proper copper 1, but the soil is so drastically depleted, but this is also true for other essential minerals.

„I just summarized my health improvements from MitoSynergy copper so my antiaging hormone doc would understand. Here it is.

Im 71 years old. My health issues have been: fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity, Epstein Barr, Ehlers Danlos, copper toxicity, lyme disease, depression/suicidal thoughts, compound hetero MTHFR, undermethylator, essential tremor, rosacea, postmenopause.

I started MitoSynergy copper on July 22, 2016. These are the improvements and changes I've noticed:

My voice had a tremor for the past few years and I would lose it after speaking a few sentences. No more. I can talk nonstop for an hour and a half.

I dont need any methyl donors anymore including SAMe and TMG to avoid depression and suicidal thoughts. This is something I've dealt with my entire adult life. I avoided being medicated. I thought it was under control with the methyls but the copper has greatly improved that to a real feeling of happiness. The methyls made me monotone, apathetic. Copper makes me happy, strong and calm and under control. I feel untouchable. Other people's negativity slides off. Copper can normalize methylation function and that happened for me very distinctly about the 10th day on MitoSynergy when I developed symptoms of overmethylation...headaches, neck pain, suicidal depression and body wide nerve pain. Stopping the methyl supplements stopped all the symptoms.

My digestion is improved I dont need HCI or probiotics or digestive enzymes anymore. I took all those at every meal for many years.

Less back pain (from a roller skating accident 35 years ago) and no joint pain or post workout muscle pain. No more nerve pain or stiff neck or achy shoulders. In fact I have no aches or pain at all. I never take pain relievers.

I need fewer chiropractic adjustments since I started the copper. I have gone twice a month for most of my adult life but now the adjustments are easier and last much longer.

Tons more energy. For the past two years I was taking 2 hour naps in the afternoon. My doctor found no reason and just said "naps are good for you." Now I never even think about a nap. I have nonstop energy.

My short term memory and brain function are perfect and no brain fog.

My skin is softer and less wrinkled or leathery. Especially my arms and legs. I've had rosacea for 30 years. I finally stopped taking doxycycline when I used some of the raw copper dust to apply topically to my skin. It controls the rosacea as well as the antibiotics without the side effects.

I'm sweating like a pig. I went for years without sweating. I was always cold especially my feet and now Im always turning the a/c colder. No more socks in bed.

I've eliminated lots of other supplements due to the copper improving digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

My gray hair is darker.

My veins in my skinny feet are less visible. I used to get broken veins in my hands several times a week but not since I started copper so I think that means my arterial walls are stronger.

No more swollen lymph glands which were a constant for me for my entire adult life. They would come and go throughout every day.

I gained 8 lbs of muscle in the first two months on copper. My scale shows 8 more lbs and the photos of my back show lots more muscle definition, but my jeans still fit the same around my waist and hips where women usually gain weight.

I decreased my thyroid NDT dose from 3.5 gr to 1.5 gr based on symptoms and labs so my thyroid is functioning better. I had started having heart palps and shaky hands indicating hyper thyroid symptoms and my labs were high.

Im sleeping longer and waking refreshed.

I had a plantars wart on my thumb that resisted treatment for 15 years. Its gone completely.

I did experience some high cortisol/adrenaline rush type symptoms when I increased my copper dose from 243 mcg to 2 mg after 8 weeks. The safe upper limit is still much higher at 9 mg. I stopped the copper for 4 days and the symptoms stopped so I resumed my original dose and titrated up more slowly until now I take 2 mg a day but only a couple days a week instead of every day.

Live blood analysis with dark field microscope shows almost no lyme infected cells now and I have no symptoms of anything. I am the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life.

I would add here that MitoSynergy helped reduce my copper toxicity level. My ceruloplasmin increased from 21 to 30 and my copper serum blood test (which shows the toxic copper 2) has decreased from 119 to 88 and is now in proper ratio with zinc (1:1.2). So yes taking MitoSynergy copper actually lowered my blood test for copper. MitoSynergy copper doesnt accumulate in your body. You use what you need and excrete the rest within hours.“
I definitely have disregulated copper and I know that because I did hair tests for 2-3 years. My copper and iron would always come back really low while my zinc was really high. However, that doesn't mean that I am neccessarily deficient in copper, it is more likely my body can't use it properly. So you are saying copper chelated supplements don't work at all and make the problem worse? I agree with that as I tried that for a few months and it just made me lethargic and the issues worse. Right now the supplement I take is called limcomin. It has 8 mg of zinc to .75 of copper. B6, magensium, absorbic acid, and vitamin a palmanate. Works great from how I feel. So the question is does TMG fix the copper issue because I know that you need methyl groups in order to get rid of heavy metals. I might look into mitosynergy but I am always skeptical of high priced supplements. Beef liver has always caused even worse histamine issues when I have eaten it. But tbh I feel great on TMG, my calcium/magnesium/boron/vitamin d supplement(paramin), and limcomin. Where does magnesium fit into this? Because I seem to feel better NOT taking much supplemental magnesium?


Feb 3, 2020
I forgot the man's name that developed the proper copper mito supplements. I use to be on his facebook group years ago. But when I spoke to him on the phone he told me liver was the best food source of proper copper. So if anyone wants to increase their liver consumption they should get good results. I take freeze dried liver because the tiniest smell of liver makes me throw up. I've tried it many other ways but my gag reflex kicks in.
His name is Charlie Barker. He says that freshly slaughtered raw liver has copper-1, but it oxidizes as it ages. He says that for this reason hunter gatherers and animals eat the liver right after they kill their prey and raw.

I heard from one of the RCPC that Morley Robbins wanted to create a desiccated beef liver supplement from an organic grass-fed farm, but he demanded a liver biopsy of the animals and it showed low levels of copper. Marking the point of how depleted the soils are.


Feb 3, 2020
I definitely have disregulated copper and I know that because I did hair tests for 2-3 years. My copper and iron would always come back really low while my zinc was really high. However, that doesn't mean that I am neccessarily deficient in copper, it is more likely my body can't use it properly. So you are saying copper chelated supplements don't work at all and make the problem worse? I agree with that as I tried that for a few months and it just made me lethargic and the issues worse. Right now the supplement I take is called limcomin. It has 8 mg of zinc to .75 of copper. B6, magensium, absorbic acid, and vitamin a palmanate. Works great from how I feel. So the question is does TMG fix the copper issue because I know that you need methyl groups in order to get rid of heavy metals. I might look into mitosynergy but I am always skeptical of high priced supplements. Beef liver has always caused even worse histamine issues when I have eaten it. But tbh I feel great on TMG, my calcium/magnesium/boron/vitamin d supplement(paramin), and limcomin. Where does magnesium fit into this? Because I seem to feel better NOT taking much supplemental magnesium?
I also don‘t feel well with magnesium too. It‘s a potent NMDA antagonist and potentially worsens the state of undermethylation from my experience. You already have hypofunction of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine with undermethylation and magnesium on top lowers glutaminergic signaling and just adds to this like hypostimulated state of being.

Magnesium annihilates the thrill for life in me.


Mar 18, 2021
wow amazing testi
People with undermethylation often have dysregulated copper.

Bioavailable copper (properly bound) fixes a lot of methylation problems. Copper 2 supplements are basically useless and even dangerous for fixing a deep-rooted copper deficiency. Food contain proper copper 1, but the soil is so drastically depleted, but this is also true for other essential minerals.

„I just summarized my health improvements from MitoSynergy copper so my antiaging hormone doc would understand. Here it is.

Im 71 years old. My health issues have been: fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity, Epstein Barr, Ehlers Danlos, copper toxicity, lyme disease, depression/suicidal thoughts, compound hetero MTHFR, undermethylator, essential tremor, rosacea, postmenopause.

I started MitoSynergy copper on July 22, 2016. These are the improvements and changes I've noticed:

My voice had a tremor for the past few years and I would lose it after speaking a few sentences. No more. I can talk nonstop for an hour and a half.

I dont need any methyl donors anymore including SAMe and TMG to avoid depression and suicidal thoughts. This is something I've dealt with my entire adult life. I avoided being medicated. I thought it was under control with the methyls but the copper has greatly improved that to a real feeling of happiness. The methyls made me monotone, apathetic. Copper makes me happy, strong and calm and under control. I feel untouchable. Other people's negativity slides off. Copper can normalize methylation function and that happened for me very distinctly about the 10th day on MitoSynergy when I developed symptoms of overmethylation...headaches, neck pain, suicidal depression and body wide nerve pain. Stopping the methyl supplements stopped all the symptoms.

My digestion is improved I dont need HCI or probiotics or digestive enzymes anymore. I took all those at every meal for many years.

Less back pain (from a roller skating accident 35 years ago) and no joint pain or post workout muscle pain. No more nerve pain or stiff neck or achy shoulders. In fact I have no aches or pain at all. I never take pain relievers.

I need fewer chiropractic adjustments since I started the copper. I have gone twice a month for most of my adult life but now the adjustments are easier and last much longer.

Tons more energy. For the past two years I was taking 2 hour naps in the afternoon. My doctor found no reason and just said "naps are good for you." Now I never even think about a nap. I have nonstop energy.

My short term memory and brain function are perfect and no brain fog.

My skin is softer and less wrinkled or leathery. Especially my arms and legs. I've had rosacea for 30 years. I finally stopped taking doxycycline when I used some of the raw copper dust to apply topically to my skin. It controls the rosacea as well as the antibiotics without the side effects.

I'm sweating like a pig. I went for years without sweating. I was always cold especially my feet and now Im always turning the a/c colder. No more socks in bed.

I've eliminated lots of other supplements due to the copper improving digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

My gray hair is darker.

My veins in my skinny feet are less visible. I used to get broken veins in my hands several times a week but not since I started copper so I think that means my arterial walls are stronger.

No more swollen lymph glands which were a constant for me for my entire adult life. They would come and go throughout every day.

I gained 8 lbs of muscle in the first two months on copper. My scale shows 8 more lbs and the photos of my back show lots more muscle definition, but my jeans still fit the same around my waist and hips where women usually gain weight.

I decreased my thyroid NDT dose from 3.5 gr to 1.5 gr based on symptoms and labs so my thyroid is functioning better. I had started having heart palps and shaky hands indicating hyper thyroid symptoms and my labs were high.

Im sleeping longer and waking refreshed.

I had a plantars wart on my thumb that resisted treatment for 15 years. Its gone completely.

I did experience some high cortisol/adrenaline rush type symptoms when I increased my copper dose from 243 mcg to 2 mg after 8 weeks. The safe upper limit is still much higher at 9 mg. I stopped the copper for 4 days and the symptoms stopped so I resumed my original dose and titrated up more slowly until now I take 2 mg a day but only a couple days a week instead of every day.

Live blood analysis with dark field microscope shows almost no lyme infected cells now and I have no symptoms of anything. I am the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life.

I would add here that MitoSynergy helped reduce my copper toxicity level. My ceruloplasmin increased from 21 to 30 and my copper serum blood test (which shows the toxic copper 2) has decreased from 119 to 88 and is now in proper ratio with zinc (1:1.2). So yes taking MitoSynergy copper actually lowered my blood test for copper. MitoSynergy copper doesnt accumulate in your body. You use what you need and excrete the rest within hours.“
wow amazing testimonial for that Mitosynergy product. anyone else have experience with this?


Jun 15, 2022
United States
I also don‘t feel well with magnesium too. It‘s a potent NMDA antagonist and potentially worsens the state of undermethylation from my experience. You already have hypofunction of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine with undermethylation and magnesium on top lowers glutaminergic signaling and just adds to this like hypostimulated state of being.

Magnesium annihilates the thrill for life in me.
You seem to know a lot about this. My stance is we are copper toxic and also copper deficient. We are lacking copper our bodies can use. Is there any reason to detox the stored copper in our organs and brain our body can’t use or simply get our ceuroplasm working and the stored copper will be used again??? The program I used to be on detoxing copper was definitely a big part of healing the body and restoring the adrenal glands. Once the adrenal glands are working properly then copper stops accumulating toxically in the body.


Mar 18, 2021
People with undermethylation often have dysregulated copper.

Bioavailable copper (properly bound) fixes a lot of methylation problems. Copper 2 supplements are basically useless and even dangerous for fixing a deep-rooted copper deficiency. Food contain proper copper 1, but the soil is so drastically depleted, but this is also true for other essential minerals.

„I just summarized my health improvements from MitoSynergy copper so my antiaging hormone doc would understand. Here it is.

Im 71 years old. My health issues have been: fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity, Epstein Barr, Ehlers Danlos, copper toxicity, lyme disease, depression/suicidal thoughts, compound hetero MTHFR, undermethylator, essential tremor, rosacea, postmenopause.

I started MitoSynergy copper on July 22, 2016. These are the improvements and changes I've noticed:

My voice had a tremor for the past few years and I would lose it after speaking a few sentences. No more. I can talk nonstop for an hour and a half.

I dont need any methyl donors anymore including SAMe and TMG to avoid depression and suicidal thoughts. This is something I've dealt with my entire adult life. I avoided being medicated. I thought it was under control with the methyls but the copper has greatly improved that to a real feeling of happiness. The methyls made me monotone, apathetic. Copper makes me happy, strong and calm and under control. I feel untouchable. Other people's negativity slides off. Copper can normalize methylation function and that happened for me very distinctly about the 10th day on MitoSynergy when I developed symptoms of overmethylation...headaches, neck pain, suicidal depression and body wide nerve pain. Stopping the methyl supplements stopped all the symptoms.

My digestion is improved I dont need HCI or probiotics or digestive enzymes anymore. I took all those at every meal for many years.

Less back pain (from a roller skating accident 35 years ago) and no joint pain or post workout muscle pain. No more nerve pain or stiff neck or achy shoulders. In fact I have no aches or pain at all. I never take pain relievers.

I need fewer chiropractic adjustments since I started the copper. I have gone twice a month for most of my adult life but now the adjustments are easier and last much longer.

Tons more energy. For the past two years I was taking 2 hour naps in the afternoon. My doctor found no reason and just said "naps are good for you." Now I never even think about a nap. I have nonstop energy.

My short term memory and brain function are perfect and no brain fog.

My skin is softer and less wrinkled or leathery. Especially my arms and legs. I've had rosacea for 30 years. I finally stopped taking doxycycline when I used some of the raw copper dust to apply topically to my skin. It controls the rosacea as well as the antibiotics without the side effects.

I'm sweating like a pig. I went for years without sweating. I was always cold especially my feet and now Im always turning the a/c colder. No more socks in bed.

I've eliminated lots of other supplements due to the copper improving digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.

My gray hair is darker.

My veins in my skinny feet are less visible. I used to get broken veins in my hands several times a week but not since I started copper so I think that means my arterial walls are stronger.

No more swollen lymph glands which were a constant for me for my entire adult life. They would come and go throughout every day.

I gained 8 lbs of muscle in the first two months on copper. My scale shows 8 more lbs and the photos of my back show lots more muscle definition, but my jeans still fit the same around my waist and hips where women usually gain weight.

I decreased my thyroid NDT dose from 3.5 gr to 1.5 gr based on symptoms and labs so my thyroid is functioning better. I had started having heart palps and shaky hands indicating hyper thyroid symptoms and my labs were high.

Im sleeping longer and waking refreshed.

I had a plantars wart on my thumb that resisted treatment for 15 years. Its gone completely.

I did experience some high cortisol/adrenaline rush type symptoms when I increased my copper dose from 243 mcg to 2 mg after 8 weeks. The safe upper limit is still much higher at 9 mg. I stopped the copper for 4 days and the symptoms stopped so I resumed my original dose and titrated up more slowly until now I take 2 mg a day but only a couple days a week instead of every day.

Live blood analysis with dark field microscope shows almost no lyme infected cells now and I have no symptoms of anything. I am the healthiest I have ever been in my adult life.

I would add here that MitoSynergy helped reduce my copper toxicity level. My ceruloplasmin increased from 21 to 30 and my copper serum blood test (which shows the toxic copper 2) has decreased from 119 to 88 and is now in proper ratio with zinc (1:1.2). So yes taking MitoSynergy copper actually lowered my blood test for copper. MitoSynergy copper doesnt accumulate in your body. You use what you need and excrete the rest within hours.“
how were you able to afford taking the Mitosynergy for so long? are you still taking it?


Sep 13, 2012
That sounds like a sales ad. Copper is very stimulating. For a postmenopausal woman it would feel like being young again I suppose. True copper deficiency causes anemia so if someone has no signs of anemia I really doubt they are copper deficient. In animals, in particular sheep and goats need supplemental copper or they become very anemic and full of parasites. And the farmers do not use expensive copper to cure them of this.


Mar 18, 2021
That sounds like a sales ad. Copper is very stimulating. For a postmenopausal woman it would feel like being young again I suppose. True copper deficiency causes anemia so if someone has no signs of anemia I really doubt they are copper deficient. In animals, in particular sheep and goats need supplemental copper or they become very anemic and full of parasites. And the farmers do not use expensive copper to cure them of this.
what do the farmers do to supplement the animals with copper?


Feb 3, 2020
what do the farmers do to supplement the animals with copper?
They also use astronomically high amounts of copper, depending on the animal.
For goats it’s often 2-3g (yes, grams) per day of copper sulfate to keep them parasite free or healthy.


Nov 2, 2019
They also use astronomically high amounts of copper, depending on the animal.
For goats it’s often 2-3g (yes, grams) per day of copper sulfate to keep them parasite free or healthy.
Why do goats need such large amounts of copper. Would they normally have a high copper diet in a natural setting.


Sep 13, 2012
Why do goats need such large amounts of copper. Would they normally have a high copper diet in a natural setting.
I think it's parasite related.


Jan 30, 2021
Was your diet low in zinc when you got into this?

High doses of zinc is safe for a short amount of time if you were truly deficient and zinc has known anti-depressant properties through many effects. Though light sensitivity is not specific to zinc. Zinc potentiates cholinergic neurons and upregulates muscarinic receptors in the brain. Acetylcholine helps block out stimulus from our environment, including light so this is why zinc can help light sensitivity. You may do well getting more choline in the diet so you don't have to supplement excessive amounts of zinc. This is why copper increases light sensitivity though, not because you didnt need it but because it enhances noradrenaline synthesis. Higher noradrenaline will increase light sensitivity because it will allow more stimulus to come in.

Also, cholinergic receptors making the pupils restrict while alpha adrenergic receptors promote dilation which also affects light sensitivity.
With your diet question, you show that you don't understand pyroluria, which is a genetic condition that causes the body to reject zinc. So people with pyroluria are ALWAYS deficient despite "normal dietary intake" and talking about dietary intake is nonsensical. High dose zinc has to be defined by the amount the body retains, not the amount that is ingested. People with pyroluria do not retain zinc; they reject it. The Mauve test is what is used, a score above 20 (IIRC) indicates pyroluria, and those with autism often have astronomical scores in the 60s and 70s. My score was in the high 20s and I need the zinc I take, for life.


Dec 17, 2018
With your diet question, you show that you don't understand pyroluria, which is a genetic condition that causes the body to reject zinc. So people with pyroluria are ALWAYS deficient despite "normal dietary intake" and talking about dietary intake is nonsensical. High dose zinc has to be defined by the amount the body retains, not the amount that is ingested. People with pyroluria do not retain zinc; they reject it. The Mauve test is what is used, a score above 20 (IIRC) indicates pyroluria, and those with autism often have astronomical scores in the 60s and 70s. My score was in the high 20s and I need the zinc I take, for life.
Lol I learned of pyroluria years ago since I believed I had it myself.

The body does not reject zinc, that is utter nonsense. You would be dead so fast if this were the case quickly showing signs of severe zinc deficiency. We do have an epidemic of zinc deficiency in the world, with around 1 billion estimated to be zinc deficient due to utter trash diets low in animal proteins. Old propaganda that made everyone think red meat is bad is also a major part of this. The zinc RDA is low in probably should be around 15mg. But all this is not due to pyroluria. It is due to a chronically nutritionally deficient diet that leads to severe depletion of zinc.


Feb 3, 2020
how were you able to afford taking the Mitosynergy for so long? are you still taking it?
I purchased their 1 gram „bulk“ powder. It‘s cheaper than their other products and last pretty long. The only pain with it is the expensive international shipping if you live outside of the US.

I have received a notification that their european vendor ( has restocked their products. They had international shipping products, but Charlie has said to me that he is actively solving that problem with them right now.
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