Trimethylglycine (TMG) Stops My Dandruff


Jul 13, 2014
I was having some problems with kidney soreness recently so I started taking Trimethylglycine (TMG) daily and noticed as well as reducing my kindey pain considerably, my dandruff also completely cleared up.

Since TMG is an osmolyte, it can keep hair cells hydrated and protect against environmental damage. As an osmolyte/osmoprotectant, TMG keeps cells hydrated and increases stress resilience. It can stabilize proteins and membranes when environmental conditions are bad, such as drought, low temperatures. This might explain why its protective to the scalp.

One other theory of mine is that undermethylation could be the reason for the chronic dandruff, as methyl groups are required to excrete estrogen.

As some of you will know TMG is a methyl donor and stimulates the BHMT pathway. BHMT (Zinc-dependent Betaine Homocysteine Methyl Transferase) directly methylates homocysteine back in to methionine, serving as a “back door” pathway to “pull” homocysteine away from the CBS “sulfate drain”. Thus if you bear CBS or BHMT abnormalities, it makes sense to support BHMT function. TMG can be utilized if you are not overly sensitive to methyl group supplementation. The BHMT pathway is particularly active in the liver and the kidney, which are the main organs that store large amounts of betaine. In the liver, BHMT catalyzes up to 50% of homocysteine metabolism.

I've also been taking a lot of Zinc gluconate, thiamine, Folinic acid (not to be confused with Folic Acid), Methyl b12, recently, so I wonder if TMG's interaction with one of these supplements might also be responsible for the disappearance of my dandruff.

Studies on TMG:

"TMG also increased antioxidant levels, which protects against oxidative damage [R]."
Metabolic biomarkers of increased oxidative stress and impaired methylation capacity in children with autism. - PubMed - NCBI
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Aug 13, 2018
I was having some problems with kidney soreness recently so I started taking Trimethylglycine (TMG) daily and noticed as well as reducing my kindey pain considerably, my dandruff also completely cleared up.

Since TMG is an osmolyte, it can keep hair cells hydrated and protect against environmental damage. As an osmolyte/osmoprotectant, TMG keeps cells hydrated and increases stress resilience. It can stabilize proteins and membranes when environmental conditions are bad, such as drought, low temperatures. This might explain why its protective to the scalp.

One other theory of mine is that undermethylation could be the reason for the chronic dandruff, as methyl groups are required to excrete estrogen.

As some of you will know TMG is a methyl donor and stimulates the BHMT pathway. BHMT (Zinc-dependent Betaine Homocysteine Methyl Transferase) directly methylates homocysteine back in to methionine, serving as a “back door” pathway to “pull” homocysteine away from the CBS “sulfate drain”. Thus if you bear CBS or BHMT abnormalities, it makes sense to support BHMT function. TMG can be utilized if you are not overly sensitive to methyl group supplementation. The BHMT pathway is particularly active in the liver and the kidney, which are the main organs that store large amounts of betaine. In the liver, BHMT catalyzes up to 50% of homocysteine metabolism.

I've also been taking a lot of Zinc gluconate, thiamine, Folinic acid (not to be confused with Folic Acid), Methyl b12, recently, so I wonder if TMG's interaction with one of these supplements might also be responsible for the disappearance of my dandruff

Studies on TMG:

"TMG also increased antioxidant levels, which protects against oxidative damage [R]."
Metabolic biomarkers of increased oxidative stress and impaired methylation capacity in children with autism. - PubMed - NCBI

Did you keep taking it?


May 30, 2018
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Jun 11, 2018
This is so weird. Betaine hydrochloride causes dandruff for me. It was managed with Head & Shoulders, but not anymore. I have elevated homocysteine. I don´t understand how a similar supplement can have opposing effects.

Dino D

Nov 14, 2017
Lot of salt stops my, 15 gram in water and salted food... the smell gets even nice :)


Nov 10, 2018
I wanna bump this because I think the methylation cycle is a huge part of the puzzle with most people’s problems.

I have the BHMT snp (along with some other MTFHR snps) and noticed a dramatic effect from betaine. Energy, confidence, no brain fog, improved sleep, motivation, less water retention, improved workouts, you name it. I was also recently getting histamine issues with certain foods, and betaine and completely cleared them up.

The Methylation cycle is integral to our general well being, metabolic functioning and detoxification I think a lot of people would benefiting getting their genetics tested and helping to support faulty genes...

funnily enough I was unknowingly taking this(and other methyl donors/choline) when I was heavily into pre workouts back in the day. If I think back a lot of my issues started when I stopped them lol...
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Feb 22, 2014
I wanna bump this because I think the methylation cycle is a huge part of the puzzle with most people’s problems.

I have the BHMT snp (along with some other MTFHR snps) and noticed a dramatic effect from betaine. Energy, confidence, no brain fog, improved sleep, motivation, less water retention, improved workouts, you name it. I was also recently getting histamine issues with certain foods, and betaine and completely cleared them up.

The Methylation cycle is integral to our general well being, metabolic functioning and detoxification I think a lot of people would benefiting getting their genetics tested and helping to support faulty genes...

funnily enough I was unknowingly taking this(and other methyl donors/choline) when I was heavily into pre workouts back in the day. If I think back a lot of my issues started when I stopped them lol...
Thanks for the helpful input. How important is it to take TMG with key B vitamins (b6, b12, folate)? It was suggested I actually STOP taking B and try getting it from food when I began to take TMG. Also, many brands say to take alone, before meals. How long might someone need to supplement TMG? Is it something that needs to be ongoing, if the methylation problem is genetic?

You mentioned another methyl donor, choline. How about MSM/organic sulfur? Would this be a reasonable addition to act as a methyl donor? I also don't quite understand how much is too much when it comes to taking methyl donors. So if I took choline, TMG, and MSM daily, what would that do?
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Feb 4, 2018
it's surely the zinc that cured your dandruff. it's necessary to the skin health.

TMG, B12, thiamine will also improve your choline status somehow indirectly, as most methylation is used to produce choline, in people with deficient diets. but I'm not sure if that's related to dandruff in any way.

CBS pathway needs B5 and molybdenum to function well.


Jul 13, 2014
This is so weird. Betaine hydrochloride causes dandruff for me. It was managed with Head & Shoulders, but not anymore. I have elevated homocysteine. I don´t understand how a similar supplement can have opposing effects.
betaine hcl is quite different from TMG. i wouldnt expect similar results. have you tried tmg yet?


Nov 10, 2018
Thanks for the helpful input. How important is it to take TMG with key B vitamins (b6, b12, folate)? It was suggested I actually STOP taking B and try getting it from food when I began to take TMG. Also, many brands say to take alone, before meals. How long might someone need to supplement TMG? Is it something that needs to be ongoing, if the methylation problem is genetic?

You mentioned another methyl donor, choline. How about MSM/organic sulfur? Would this be a reasonable addition to act as a methyl donor? I also don't quite understand how much is too much when it comes to taking methyl donors. So if I took choline, TMG, and MSM daily, what would that do?

TMG strongly helps methylation so if you take methylated b vitamins with it aswell it might push you into over methylation. It’s something you need to experiment with. With or without meals shouldn’t matter. You might not need to take it if you get your methylation going with other nutrients

I’m not sure about MSM.

@reality , do you still vouch for TMG?

Yeah I definitely recommend it if you need methylation support, but you gotta get the dose right if you’re pushing methylation with other things like all the Bs, choline foods, protein in general etc

I’m not taking it at the moment because it pushes me into over methylation (disturbs my sleep). I’m eating a lot more protein at the moment along with high dose Bs so I think that’s enough for me. It’s about finding the balance with methylation support


May 19, 2017
How exactly is it different?
I have used both extensively, the difference is obvious within hours from taking it. I never observed any effect from betaine HCl other than increasing stomach acid. Even in very high doses.

The added chloride molecule completely changes how the compound is metabolised in the body, I guess.


Aug 9, 2019
I have used both extensively, the difference is obvious within hours from taking it. I never observed any effect from betaine HCl other than increasing stomach acid. Even in very high doses.

The added chloride molecule completely changes how the compound is metabolised in the body, I guess.
Hmm, I suppose if betain HCl just donates a hydrogen but then still stays as a salt? But I don't understand how that would survive digestion. I have felt very mild pro-cholinergic/methyl donating effects from betaine HCL, so I think that some of it probably makes it through.


Feb 22, 2014
TMG strongly helps methylation so if you take methylated b vitamins with it aswell it might push you into over methylation. It’s something you need to experiment with. With or without meals shouldn’t matter. You might not need to take it if you get your methylation going with other nutrients

I’m not sure about MSM.

Yeah I definitely recommend it if you need methylation support, but you gotta get the dose right if you’re pushing methylation with other things like all the Bs, choline foods, protein in general etc

I’m not taking it at the moment because it pushes me into over methylation (disturbs my sleep). I’m eating a lot more protein at the moment along with high dose Bs so I think that’s enough for me. It’s about finding the balance with methylation support
Thanks for your response! I'm not taking any TMG at the moment. I'm in the OFF mode to supplements right now. Trying to keep balance with diet, very few supplements. Will revisit this later, perhaps.
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