Stuck Between Hypothyroid And Adrenal Insufficiency. And Poor Digestion



Nov 12, 2016
Lots of good suggestions in this thread. Some thoughts...
  • Your supplements contain fillers I would try to avoid. Check Dan Wich's website - - for alternatives.
  • Orion already mentioned it, try to spread magnesium and calcium over the day.
  • Peat does not recommend the citrate forms, neither magnesium oxide.
  • Seafood, dairy, eggs, mushrooms are good sources of iodine and selenium. No need to supplement those minerals. (1,000 mcg iodine is quite bit.)
  • MCT upsets the stomach in some people.

I couldn't agree more! This forum has been incredible, especially Orion's input. Thank you!


Nov 12, 2016
@Uncaged are you still waking up in the middle night and feeling very hot?

I am still having the hot/sweating episodes, however, I'm able to sleep a bit better. Not sure if it's due to the benadryl I'm taking at night, or the pansterone. I was averaging 4 hours/night, with benadryl. Now after adding pansterone, I average 5-6 hours/night.


Nov 12, 2016
Update: I took 1/2 tsp activated charcoal (solaray) yesterday evening. To my surprise, I felt as if I were in a better mood, anxiety (which, for me, usually originates in the abdomen) settled, and this morning no palpitations.

I am aware that the vagus nerve, when triggered by an irritated gut, can cause palpitations. I suppose this has some merit in my situation.

Coincidence? I'm not sure.


Nov 12, 2016
@haidut I just went to apply my nightly dose of PanSterone, and as I went to dispense a drop it just poured out onto my arm. I immediately washed it off with soap and water. Do you think that will be an issue? It had to be at least 10 drops worth that poured out. I don't want to wake up with a D cup. :D


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut I just went to apply my nightly dose of PanSterone, and as I went to dispense a drop it just poured out onto my arm. I immediately washed it off with soap and water. Do you think that will be an issue? It had to be at least 10 drops worth that poured out. I don't want to wake up with a D cup. :D

It's probably OK. If Pansterone could cause a D cup to develop from a single accidental dose, I would be retired by now and my portrait would hang in every classroom :):


Aug 17, 2016
It's probably OK. If Pansterone could cause a D cup to develop from a single accidental dose, I would be retired by now and my portrait would hang in every classroom :)
I'm no D, but my T's have been blooming along with my A and tummy since all this Peating. I'm glad it's not just the tummy. It's all proportional.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I'm no D, but my T's have been blooming along with my A and tummy since all this Peating. I'm glad it's not just the tummy. It's all proportional.

Nice, doubt any males would complain about that. You can ask the hairy gorilla if you don't believe me :):


Nov 12, 2016
It's probably OK. If Pansterone could cause a D cup to develop from a single accidental dose, I would be retired by now and my portrait would hang in every classroom :)

Yasssssss! :D:D


Nov 12, 2016
I'm no D, but my T's have been blooming along with my A and tummy since all this Peating. I'm glad it's not just the tummy. It's all proportional.

I love your use of a letter system. Lol


Aug 9, 2013
Update: I took 1/2 tsp activated charcoal (solaray) yesterday evening. To my surprise, I felt as if I were in a better mood, anxiety (which, for me, usually originates in the abdomen) settled, and this morning no palpitations.

I am aware that the vagus nerve, when triggered by an irritated gut, can cause palpitations. I suppose this has some merit in my situation.

Coincidence? I'm not sure.

Activated charcoal by itself blocks me up. I use with cascara capsules.

I also find Betain HCL helps with digesting food, which in turn means less gas and (I assume) better mineral/vitamin absorption in the gut, ie you get more from the food you consume.


Nov 12, 2016
Activated charcoal by itself blocks me up. I use with cascara capsules.

I also find Betain HCL helps with digesting food, which in turn means less gas and (I assume) better mineral/vitamin absorption in the gut, ie you get more from the food you consume.

I've heard cascara several times, so I'm going to pick some up today. Thanks for the recommendation.

The Betaine seems to work. I use it sporadically. I suppose I should start using it regularly, until natural levels are restored.


Nov 12, 2016
Has anyone experienced wrinkled hands, similar to if you spent an hour in a hot bath, but they remain wrinkled for weeks at a time?

Along with the wrinkled skin, my hands are continuing to accumulate an orange hue, further up into my fingers. I have also developed orange in the dark circles under my eyes. I'm not supplementing with A, and I've cut carrot consumption to once a week.


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Nov 12, 2016
Guys, I've made some significant shifts in my eating habits, however, the past couple days I'm getting nasty palpitations and chest pain, my entire body has been shaking non stop, in addition to a pulsing sensation throught my body.

I'm constantly sweating (despite low temps and it being cool in the house). Last night I woke up drenched and my pulse was all over the place. My heart literally changed rhythm everytime it would beat, and palpitations wouldn't subside. I've been lightheaded, with a headache, nauseated, and my skin is flushed and hot to the touch. I took a benadryl last night hoping that might help, but I think it made things worse.

Despite increased calories, milk with plenty of sugar and salt, baked apples, eggs, etc, I still have this unshakable panic like feeling. These symptoms began after running out of organ delight caps that I was taking (which helped alot with stress), and added the PanSterone. Maybe my body couldn't handle the addition of PanSterone, yet? I've discontinued it, but it's been about a week, and I still feel like my body is giving up on me.

Probably overreacting, and most of it is in my head, but does anyone have any suggestions?


Oct 23, 2015
How many caps per day of the organ delight? They seem to have some adrenal material, I wonder if that was masking adrenal issues? Or the pancreas enzymes were helping with sugar metabolism.

Heart (bovine)480 mg Spleen (bovine) 240 mg
Liver (bovine) 480 mg Pancreas (porcine) 240 mg
Thymus (lamb) 480 mg Adrenal (bovine) 240 mg
Brain (calf) 480 mg Adrenal Cortex (bovine) 20 mg
Kidney (bovine) 240 mg

From all that I have read from Peat sweating and pulse issues are usually related to excess cortisol and adrenaline or because you have gone hyperthyroid, but when hyperthyroid most people actually feel really good. Do you think you are eating enough calories to cover your strenuous work?

I have given myself palpitations from too much T3, are you taking any thyroid?

If you do have large PUFA stores, high estrogen, or some type of infection - inflammation, you could be stuck in fat burning mode and not using sugar properly, and might explain high cortisol/adrenaline:

Glycolysis(similar to fermentation, ends up with lactic acid) is partway through the complete sugar metabolism. It's inefficient and is usually caused by some sort of stress. The stress varies with the person, and may be estrogen or some other hormonal issue. Ideally you would want to continue with the Krebs(citric acid) cycle, to end up with CO2 and water, rather than lactate. Basically stuck in glycolysis means that the krebs cycle in not functioning properly.

Niacinamide(B3), methylene blue or aspirin could help with this, but started with very small amounts and monitoring how you react, sleep, etc...

10mg B3
81mg Aspirin
0.5mg MB
might be good to start to experiment with


Nov 12, 2016
How many caps per day of the organ delight? They seem to have some adrenal material, I wonder if that was masking adrenal issues? Or the pancreas enzymes were helping with sugar metabolism.

Heart (bovine)480 mg Spleen (bovine) 240 mg
Liver (bovine) 480 mg Pancreas (porcine) 240 mg
Thymus (lamb) 480 mg Adrenal (bovine) 240 mg
Brain (calf) 480 mg Adrenal Cortex (bovine) 20 mg
Kidney (bovine) 240 mg

I just got a new bottle of Organ Delight today. I was taking 9 a day, and have taken 6 today, about to take 3 more now.

From all that I have read from Peat sweating and pulse issues are usually related to excess cortisol and adrenaline or because you have gone hyperthyroid, but when hyperthyroid most people actually feel really good. Do you think you are eating enough calories to cover your strenuous work?

That's the thing. We haven't had any work, so I've been pretty much sedentary. Is it possible to be hyperthyroid and still have low temp (96.8-97.8)? My temps have increased from what they were previously.
I have given myself palpitations from too much T3, are you taking any thyroid?

I've been on Dr Ron's thyroid with liver since November (skipping 3 weeks in January when I ran out), and it seems to have gradually increased temps. I was taking it before when I noticed a very calm state. Now I'm back into a high stress, very anxious state. I'm sure the lack of work is contributing.

If you do have large PUFA stores, high estrogen, or some type of infection - inflammation, you could be stuck in fat burning mode and not using sugar properly, and might explain high cortisol/adrenaline:

Despite having cut PUFA intake around November, I have always consumed a very unhealthy high PUFA diet. I was consuming around 6,000 to 8,000 calories a day, however, around May of last year I began trying a GAPS style regimen, and basically starving myself on 1,200-1,500 calories (none of which were carbs) a day. I noticed a huge dip in my mindset and my body was shutting down. I literally turned pale white and blacked out while working out. It wasn't until October that I began implementing a Peat style intake. Inflammation is a huge issue for me, as are food allergies, which are fairly new and seem to be sprouting up more each day.

Glycolysis(similar to fermentation, ends up with lactic acid) is partway through the complete sugar metabolism. It's inefficient and is usually caused by some sort of stress. The stress varies with the person, and may be estrogen or some other hormonal issue. Ideally you would want to continue with the Krebs(citric acid) cycle, to end up with CO2 and water, rather than lactate. Basically stuck in glycolysis means that the krebs cycle in not functioning properly.

I'm sure that's where I've been for years. I cut out most sugar and carbs around 8 years ago. You know, because they were so bad for us.

Niacinamide(B3), methylene blue or aspirin could help with this, but started with very small amounts and monitoring how you react, sleep, etc...

10mg B3
81mg Aspirin
0.5mg MB
might be good to start to experiment with

**Also see responses in your quote above

My daily habit since say October has been as follows:

6oz skirt steak (seasoned with salt and misc spices), 3 vital farm eggs cooked in Kerry gold butter, glass or two of apple juice, glass of lactose free organic milk with 1tsp organic cane sugar and 2Tbsp great Lakes gelatin.

Supplements with breakfast
Life extension D & K
Unique E 400IU
250MG Magnesium (stopped in favor of ancient minerals topical mag-chloride)
Bayer 325 aspirin
Niacinamide 500mg (I've attempted to eliminate to see if that would help, but fatigue increased after discontinuing, and symptoms did not resolve)
Dr Ron's Thyroid with Liver (3 caps)
Eggshell Calcium (1tsp, discontinued to see if symptoms subsided, and they have not)
Organ delight (3 caps, started again Monday)

Glass of lactose free milk (1tsp sugar, 2Tbsp gelatin)
Glass of apple juice

Baked fruit (apples, pears, etc)
Glass of lactose free milk (1tsp sugar)
Glass of apple juice

Glass of lactose free milk (1tsp sugar)
Glass of apple juice
Dr Ron's thyroid with liver (3 caps)
Dr Ron's organ delight (3 caps - added back on monday)

Usually a meal containing chicken, ground beef, or Oxtail, with a baked potato and butter
2 glasses of apple juice

Glass of lactose free milk (1tsp sugar)
Glass of apple juice
Dr Ron's thyroid with liver (3 caps)
Dr Ron's organ delight (3 caps - added back on Monday)

I usually throw some raw honey with salt in the mix, or milk with salt and sugar, and more apple juice. I've been going through a half gallon of milk and 64 ounces of apple juice everyday.


Oct 23, 2015
Bayer 325 aspirin
Niacinamide 500mg (I've attempted to eliminate to see if that would help, but fatigue increased after discontinuing, and symptoms did not resolve)

These are two supplements that a lot of members have had issues with initially, including me. I would drop them for a week and see how you respond, if you are not burning sugar efficiently and blocking fat burning with these two, you could run into big stress responses. After 4 months of Peating I am using 325mg aspirin once a week, and 5mg B3 per day (any more and I can't sleep normal).


Nov 12, 2016
These are two supplements that a lot of members have had issues with initially, including me. I would drop them for a week and see how you respond, if you are not burning sugar efficiently and blocking fat burning with these two, you could run into big stress responses. After 4 months of Peating I am using 325mg aspirin once a week, and 5mg B3 per day (any more and I can't sleep normal).

Duly noted. I will cut those out today.

Interesting to note that after one day (9 caps, split into doses of 3) of the organ delight, and my palpitations have disappeared. I had one very slight episode that stopped within seconds. Considering they have continued through entire days... I would say it's definitely the organ supplement that helped. It has also cut the adrenaline response, or cortisol, or both. I'm not sure which.

I would love to know if it's healing, or masking.

On another side note, I've figured out that I can sleep 3 hours at a time (waking up and refueling in between).
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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