Stuck Between Hypothyroid And Adrenal Insufficiency. And Poor Digestion



Nov 12, 2016
Yes I think sleep is the first priority to fix. Getting liver and brain glycogen storage up is probably the best thing, but can be tough. Focusing on frequent feedings, every 2hrs if needed, quality protein, carbs and coconut oil. This is why sugared milk could be highly recommended, covers all the bases and would be portable, sounds like you are on the run around the clock. Feeding/drinking/sipping every 2hrs should keep the stress hormones down, low blood sugar is a big stressor. Juice or even cola would be helpful.

I did stock up on lactose free milk, and a bag of dextrose. I've been adding a teaspoon to a glass. This winter is looking like it's going to be a tough one, so I'm going with your recommendation and keeping the milk in the truck with me.


Nov 12, 2016
They could. But if you have some taurine at hand I would try that first (maybe with some magnesium) for the palpitations. It could be simply magnesium deficiency caused by prolonged stress. Taurine helps regulate the electrolytes in a way that even a moderate magnesium deficiency can be compensated for by the other alkaline minerals.

I'll have to pick up some taurine. About a year ago I was told I was magnesium deficient. My doc gave me magnesium oxide 400mg script. When I ran out I bought KAL magnesium 500mg and ancient minerals topical mag chloride. The magnesium per Orion's observation was causing intestinal distress, so I cut the dose in half. I'm currently taking 500mg mag/day and around 1,500mg calcium/day (eggshell).


Oct 23, 2015
Paresthesia refers to a burning or prickling sensation that is usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, but can also occur in other parts of the body. The sensation, which happens without warning, is usually painless and described as tingling or numbness, skin crawling, or itching.

From RP article: fatigue-aging-recuperation
"It rarely occurs to physicians to consider disturbances of water distribution in problems such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, sleep disturbances, frequent urination, slow bladder emptying, anxiety, paresthesia, movement disorders, the tunnel syndromes, or even slowed thinking, but "intracellular fatigue" leading to over-hydration is probably the central problem in these, and many other degenerative and inflammatory problems."

"The "treatment" for intracellular fatigue consists of normalizing thyroid and steroid metabolism, and eating a diet including fruit juice, milk, some eggs or liver, and gelatin, assuring adequate calcium, potassium sodium, and magnesium, and using supplements of niacin-amide, aspirin, and carbon dioxide when necessary. Simply increasing carbon dioxide decreases lactic acid and ammonia, increases GABA (the sleep improving nerve inhibitor), and regulates mineral and water disposition."

Rebreathing in a paper bag could be helpful (1-2mins - few times per day), when you are having 'buzzing' in you lower legs. Also lots of salt and continue topical MgCl. Aspirin is helpful to raise CO2 as well.


Nov 12, 2016
Paresthesia refers to a burning or prickling sensation that is usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, but can also occur in other parts of the body. The sensation, which happens without warning, is usually painless and described as tingling or numbness, skin crawling, or itching.

From RP article: fatigue-aging-recuperation
"It rarely occurs to physicians to consider disturbances of water distribution in problems such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, sleep disturbances, frequent urination, slow bladder emptying, anxiety, paresthesia, movement disorders, the tunnel syndromes, or even slowed thinking, but "intracellular fatigue" leading to over-hydration is probably the central problem in these, and many other degenerative and inflammatory problems."

"The "treatment" for intracellular fatigue consists of normalizing thyroid and steroid metabolism, and eating a diet including fruit juice, milk, some eggs or liver, and gelatin, assuring adequate calcium, potassium sodium, and magnesium, and using supplements of niacin-amide, aspirin, and carbon dioxide when necessary. Simply increasing carbon dioxide decreases lactic acid and ammonia, increases GABA (the sleep improving nerve inhibitor), and regulates mineral and water disposition."

Rebreathing in a paper bag could be helpful (1-2mins - few times per day), when you are having 'buzzing' in you lower legs. Also lots of salt and continue topical MgCl. Aspirin is helpful to raise CO2 as well.

So on my last time out I added a mason jar of lactose free whole milk with 2tsp of dextrose, 16oz of OJ, and a Naked fruit drink. I also had a fresh bacon and egg sandwich (with 400IU vit E to counter some PUFA) when my hunger got the best of me. This alleviated most of the buzzing I had experienced the time before. Thank you!!

I know I still experienced extreme stress, moving 4" of heavy snow off long runs of sidewalk with a shovel, after a snowblower went down. A bloody nose cropped up during shoveling, and I remained winded and even unexposed skin retained a red/purple hue for hours after fininshing. During the outing my HR topped out at 199bpm (polar ft4) and I clocked in over 46k steps.

Even after being out almost the entire weekend without sleep, my body still refuses a deep restful night of sleep. The most I can muster after topping sugar (milk with dextrose and apple juice), salt, Mg, Calcium, MCT (coconut oil) levels before bed, is 4 hours. After the 4 hours I sure don't feel refreshed. A topping of sugar and salt levels usually won't help me to resume sleep. @Orion


Nov 12, 2016
So on my last time out I added a mason jar of lactose free whole milk with 2tsp of dextrose, 16oz of OJ, and a Naked fruit drink. I also had a fresh bacon and egg sandwich (with 400IU) when my hunger got the best of me. This alleviated most of the buzzing I had experienced the time before. Thank you!!

I know I still experienced extreme stress, moving 4" of heavy snow off long runs of sidewalk with a shovel, after a snowblower went down. A bloody nose cropped up during shoveling, and I remained winded and even unexposed skin retained a red/purple hue for hours after fininshing. During the outing my HR topped out at 199bpm (polar ft4) and I clocked in over 46k steps.

Even after being out almost the entire weekend without sleep, my body still refuses a deep restful night of sleep. The most I can muster after topping sugar (milk with dextrose and apple juice), salt, Mg, Calcium, MCT (coconut oil) levels before bed, is 4 hours. After the 4 hours I sure don't feel refreshed. A topping of sugar and salt levels usually won't help me to resume sleep.
They could. But if you have some taurine at hand I would try that first (maybe with some magnesium) for the palpitations. It could be simply magnesium deficiency caused by prolonged stress. Taurine helps regulate the electrolytes in a way that even a moderate magnesium deficiency can be compensated for by the other alkaline minerals.

I started on 500mg taurine, yesterday, and thus far the result seems to be added anxiety (noted in intestines and neck/shoulders), along with palpitations that subsided over the past month of peating.

I'm looking to start on Pansterone, or Stressnon. Probably the pansterone, due to the added DHEA and my lack of free T. Would you think adding progesterone to the mix would be beneficial, considering preg's ability to convert to progesterone? @haidut
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Oct 23, 2015
with dextrose

You might find that sugar will be more helpful. Dextrose(pure glucose), could be giving you a larger insulin response, and then a stress response. Sugar(glucose and fructose), will help keep insulin a bit lower, and might be more helpful in restoring liver glycogen. Your work sounds very demanding, greatly increasing your caloric consumption might be needed.

Also having lots of sugar with eggs and bacon will offset the insulin response from the quality protein. Bring along 1-2 quarts of OJ as backup, it will provide magnesium, potassium, and sugar, also has anti-estrogen compounds.


Nov 12, 2016
Sugar(glucose and fructose), will help keep insulin a bit lower, and might be more helpful in restoring liver glycogen.
Bring along 1-2 quarts of OJ as backup, it will provide magnesium, potassium, and sugar, also has anti-estrogen compounds.

Plain table sugar?

OJ tends to give me some nasty heartburn/indigestion. Do you think baking soda would help?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I started on 500mg taurine, yesterday, and thus far the result seems to be added anxiety (noted in intestines and neck/shoulders), along with palpitations that subsided over the past month of peating.

I'm looking to start on Pansterone, or Stressnon. Probably the pansterone, due to the added DHEA and my lack of free T. Would you think adding progesterone to the mix would be beneficial, considering preg's ability to convert to progesterone? @haidut

I tried combining Pansterone with Progestene, in same doses (5mg progesterone added to the regular dose Pansterone). It made me calmer but did not really affect the other results of Pansterone, in a good or bad way. Given that the skin is very rich in 5-AR enzyme, a lot of the progesterone probably converted into 5a-DHP, so combining Progestene and Pansterone topically would be like adding 5a-DHP to the mix. But please try and share results Everybody is different so I would like to hear from others as well.


Oct 23, 2015
Plain table sugar?

OJ tends to give me some nasty heartburn/indigestion. Do you think baking soda would help?

Yes white sugar or honey. I do use baking soda in OJ as well, maybe 1/2 teaspoon per quart. Apple juice like you are using now is helpful if OJ/pectin causes indigestion.


Oct 29, 2015
Vitamin D3 might be worth a try if you aren't already. Try about 4000-5000 IU per day for a while to see if you notice a difference. I looked back at your first post and I see ur taking it. How much r u taking?


Nov 12, 2016
Your work sounds very demanding, greatly increasing your caloric consumption might be needed.

I've increased significantly, however, it may not be enough. I think maybe I've been too picky with foods that
I tried combining Pansterone with Progestene, in same doses (5mg progesterone added to the regular dose Pansterone). It made me calmer but did not really affect the other results of Pansterone, in a good or bad way. Given that the skin is very rich in 5-AR enzyme, a lot of the progesterone probably converted into 5a-DHP, so combining Progestene and Pansterone topically would be like adding 5a-DHP to the mix. But please try and share results Everybody is different so I would like to hear from others as well.

I received the Pansterone, this afternoon. I'm excited to get started! So my question is, per the official post on here it mentions 8 drops, three times per day. However, on the bottle it states 4 drops is 5mg of preg and 5mg of dhea. If I do 4 drops three times a day, I'm already at 15mg dhea. What would you recommend for optimal dose and timing? @haidut
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Nov 12, 2016
Yes white sugar or honey. I do use baking soda in OJ as well, maybe 1/2 teaspoon per quart. Apple juice like you are using now is helpful if OJ/pectin causes indigestion.

I started mixing together OJ and apple juice in a large mason jar, and milk and sugar in another. I take that with me on the road, and drink between getting out to shovel and salt. I also added a tablespoon of raw honey, before venturing out.

I do believe my caloric requirements are higher than what I am getting, however, I'm in a much better place nutritionally, than I was (going out while starving for 6-8 hours at a time, before picking up a quick snack from the gas station).

It seems the OJ when mixed with the apple juice, doesn't cause indigestion. If it does, it's not nearly as bad.

I appreciate all the help! Any ideas on how I can add even more quick, on the go calories?


Nov 12, 2016
Vitamin D3 might be worth a try if you aren't already. Try about 4000-5000 IU per day for a while to see if you notice a difference. I looked back at your first post and I see ur taking it. How much r u taking?

I've been taking Life Extension D3 5000 with K, once a day, for about a year now. This one: Vitamins D and K with Sea-Iodine. 60 capsules

I've considered switching to a liquid of A, D and K. I'm having issues with accumulation of A in my hands and feet, even though I'm not currently supplementing with A.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I've increased significantly, however, it may not be enough. I think maybe I've been too picky with foods that

I received the Pansterone, this afternoon. I'm excited to get started! So my question is, per the official post on here it mentions 8 drops, three times per day. However, on the bottle it states 4 drops is 5mg of preg and 5mg of dhea. If I do 4 drops three times a day, I'm already at 15mg dhea. What would you recommend for optimal dose and timing? @haidut

We changed the bottles and now use smaller bottles in order do decrease exposure to DMSO. The dose is now 4 drops instead of 8 drops so you get half as much DMSO as before but still the same amount of steroids. The bottles were also changed for StressNon and Progestene. I just need to change the picture on the website but the threads are already updated to show the new serving size.


Oct 23, 2015
Any ideas on how I can add even more quick, on the go calories?

Quick way is to add more white sugar and salt to your liquids, or increase the amount of juice. I use about 1 to 1.5 cups of sugar per day, this add ~1000cals to my other staples.

More liquids require more salt, especially when hypothyroid, I aim for about ~7grams/day.


Nov 12, 2016
More liquids require more salt, especially when hypothyroid, I aim for about ~7grams/day.

I have increased salt for the past couple days and incurred two severe bloody nose incidents. They stopped after ~30mins. Not sure if it has anything to do with the salt.

Also noticed the sensation of being hot, as well as sweating, however, temperature is floating between 96.2°-97.3° and a constant itchy all over feeling. This is accompanied by a clogged nose and allergy like symptoms. It began when I started on the lactose free milk. I typically drink a half gallon of whole fat lactose free milk in two days, along with a 64oz apple juice (two days).

My hair is growing back, however, my temperature is still low, despite adding a significant amount of calories, especially from sugars. @Orion

I had noticed that my palpitations have returned since adding the taurine and PanSterone. I'm not sure which one might be causing it, if it could be increased adrenaline, or cortisol. Is there something I can take to counter that effect? I'm pretty sure that after the past couple days of using PanSterone it is making a difference in estrogen levels, as my nipples which were previously swollen and sore, have now returned to normal. @haidut


Oct 23, 2015
Being under stress can cause leakiness of the blood vessels. Salt should increase the blood volume.

I have experimented with progesterone, 11-keto, andro, pansterone and 5a-DHP. For me even at single drop dosages they were driving my metabolism up greatly, I would be sweating during the day, and waking up with low blood sugar via adrenaline/cortisol drenched in sweat, this might be contributing to nose bleeds. Pansterone might be best every other day, but start very low, and keep focusing on food, calories, sleep. Has your sleep improved with pansterone?

You could try skim milk for a few days and see how you react.


Jun 20, 2015
Lots of good suggestions in this thread. Some thoughts...
  • Your supplements contain fillers I would try to avoid. Check Dan Wich's website - - for alternatives.
  • Orion already mentioned it, try to spread magnesium and calcium over the day.
  • Peat does not recommend the citrate forms, neither magnesium oxide.
  • Seafood, dairy, eggs, mushrooms are good sources of iodine and selenium. No need to supplement those minerals. (1,000 mcg iodine is quite bit.)
  • MCT upsets the stomach in some people.


Nov 12, 2016
Being under stress can cause leakiness of the blood vessels. Salt should increase the blood volume.

I have experimented with progesterone, 11-keto, andro, pansterone and 5a-DHP. For me even at single drop dosages they were driving my metabolism up greatly, I would be sweating during the day, and waking up with low blood sugar via adrenaline/cortisol drenched in sweat, this might be contributing to nose bleeds. Pansterone might be best every other day, but start very low, and keep focusing on food, calories, sleep. Has your sleep improved with pansterone?

You could try skim milk for a few days and see how you react.

Happy Holidays to you all! I've been a bit down lately, just feeling defeated. I'm meditating more, and it seems to be helping my mood.

The pansterone seems to have helped sleep a bit. I did end up decreasing the dose to 4 drops, once per day, to see if that helps with arrhythmia/palps.

So far the arrhythmia continues upon awakening. It's only the left side of my heart that is beating at an excessive rate, while the right side continues at a normal, albeit stronger than usual, pace. The episodes typically last 2-5 minutes and usually end in a migraine, sinus pressure and bloody nose.

My morning temp is still floating around 95.7-96.5°, and after eating sits around 96.5-97.1°.

I have decreased calcium intake in the past two days, to see if this had any effect on palps and recent muscle twitching. I also added a 20 min magnesium bath and continue topical magnesium.

My daily breakfast consists of the following:
- 6oz skirt steak
- 3 vital farms eggs (liquid yolk)
- 1 glass OJ
- 1 glass apple juice
- 1 glass lactose free 2% milk w/ 1 tsp sugar
- 2 Tbsp Great Lakes gelatin (in 2 cups hot decaf green tea)
- 1 Tbsp Raw Honey with 1/4 tsp salt
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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