Skua's Weightloss and Health Problems Log



Jan 24, 2021
why does the estrogen cause crazy libido, wouldnt progesterone increase libido, estrogen being anti metabolic decreases it.
whats your weight and bodyfat percentage?
I'm obese, high body fat. I've always been pear shaped. Even when at a lower weight/very active I had big thighs/hips. just recently my abdomen started really stick out like never before (cortisol?)
My high estrogen right before and during ovulation has been that was since early twenties. It was a bit masculinizing too- i'd work out, lift heavier, take more risks. Like i've mentioned, i've dealt with pcos, which tends to come with higher than normal androgens.

Seems like a hard case to crack:
- You can't tolerate Dairy unless it's Raw Milk (maybe Egg Shells?) *no experience w/ Egg Shells though
-Plain Ground Beef still has lots of Fat (since they get it from cuts that aren't bought much)
+That's why I choose Top Round since it's the cheaper option compared to the Loin part
+You'll be way more sure that you'll be getting way less Fat is you get the Top Round part
-You can't tolerate Potatoes which is a good source of Potassium
+So Rice & Cream of Tartar will do?
+But at the same time it's so easy to over consume Rice
-I'm also guessing that you cook your food with Butter (or Coconut Oil)
+Which definitely adds up to your total Fat Intake for the day
+Which is also why I've suggested to just Boil everything that is to be cooked
-You get ulcers from taking Aspirin (maybe taking small doses will help increase your tolerance?)

Since I've heard Low Progesterone & High Estrogen as mentioned by Dolomite, would Calcium D-Glucarate & Progesterone help?

'Cause CDG will for sure pull out Excess Estrogen (not that I understand the exact mechanism on how it works).
But I also take CDG, only once a week though -- just for its proposed Glucoronidation.
'Cause if I take it consecutively, I start feeling my Thyroid when I'm doing neck exercises.

I'm just concerned that you mentioned going back on doing Fasting & Carnivore.
Though physique wise, you'll for sure lose weight -- but at the cost of getting a significant increase in Serotonin.
And that Serotonin will lead to Fibrosis... and that Fibrosis can happen "anywhere".

And this whole topic about Fibrosis is what got me committed into this Ray Peat approach to dieting.
Asides from this really bothering Liver Inflammation which I had back then, after years on a Fat Based Diet (Keto for short).
I appreciate your concern and reply. The keto/fasting thing is tempting because I can't seem to stop the buldge. It's embarassing, and i know doing all that will do something almost immediately.

I am drinking skim milk. I think im ok digesting it. But i dunno, something is out of whack again. I tried eating cooked veggies and I ended up throwing it all out after getting crazy bloat and stomach aches. Even fruit will leave my digestive tract intact. I feel serotonin is too high already.


Jun 6, 2021
7/18/2021: 252lb
5’9”, F, 34

Current/recent Problems:
  • Blurred vision with subtle headaches sometimes becoming migraines in evening, especially during middle of menstrual cycle
  • Feel like my blood sugar is all over, especially after high protein meal
  • Severe fatigue, worse after any activity
  • Feeling cold: oral temp starts in high 96.something in morning, rises to 97-sometimes even 98, after breakfast and caffeine, then falls, coldest in the afternoon/evening
  • Periods of feeling cold, hands look raisin-like and lacking color, tired (often just lay in bed)
  • Trouble holding breath, sometimes as soon as 4 seconds large urge to inhale
  • High cortisol (?), sometimes trouble sleeping and staying asleep
  • Fast and heavy weight gain, some stretch marks and varicose veins (upper thighs)
  • Retain water easily, especially around middle
  • Disc degeneration, scoliosis and rotated pelvis
  • Strange symptoms during luteal phase (not always all) but including: paratoid and lacrimal gland swelling, dry eyes, thyroid gland discomfort, dry and itchy skin, an increase in digestive issues, bleeding gums and nose bleeds, PMS (worse right after ovulation, right before menstruation, and then on day 3-5 after) including anxiety, depression, weeping, moodiness, shyness/avoidance and extremely low motivation.
View attachment 25511
My back in 2020: mostly manifested as hip/groin pain after walking for 20min or so. Rotated pelvis.

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December 2020: lowest weight while carnivore, I'm crunching forward to exaggerate how my torso does not line up with my hips (I'm trying to be as straight as possible).

View attachment 25521
Current (252lb)

What I have (or am still) trying:
  • ivermectin and H1/H2 blockers to combat what could be chronic EBV (little to no gland swelling since also decrease urination problems [from peeing frequently to normal and concentrated urine])
  • small doses of pregnenalone, progersterone, DHEA and desiccated thyroid (oral temperature went from 96s to 97s, sometimes 98 after a meal)
  • vitamin D and K
  • correcting lack of calcium in diet with dairy (for the first time in a decade)
  • mega dosing vitamin c (does stop gum bleeding during luteal)
  • b-vitamins, b1 and niacin in particular
  • adaptogen herbs off and on most of my adult life: tulsi tea, ashawangha most recently
  • meditation at least twice a day and breath-work
  • McGill Big Three everyday - The McGill Big 3 For Core Stability


[formula fed]
- constant screaming and “temper tantrums”

[stressful family events]
[whooping cough]
[became overweight after – stayed this way]
- severe constipation w/ hemorrhoids
- frequent stomach aches, usually after eating

- early period, irregular, months-long
- very emotional
- socially withdrawn

- years of frequent ear and sinus infections
* diagnosed with arthritis in hips and lower-back
* diagnosed with IBS
- late teens fell into a vegan peer-group and ate vegan for about a year
* diagnosed with PCOS
* surgery to remove ovary as it had been overtaken by a cyst
- late teens started to address problems with diet (low carb for PCOS and eventually paleo for arthritis)

- health improved dramatically on bodybuilding bro science and paleo-like diets (looked younger in my 20s than in my late teens)
- diagnosed at some point with scoliosis, but seemed to get better with weight-training
- started working out regularly but often relied on pre-workouts and energy drinks
- lowest weight ~180lb – very muscular, into powerlifting and trying to be wildfire-fighter
- started addressing high stress state with adaptogenic herbs
- social and confident
[tested positive for mono]
- long-lasting fatigue after
- liver/gallbladder issues
- bouts of fatigue, sluggish liver/thyroid and dry eyes after
[still active, landscaping job, working out]

[dog walking]
- start to get deterioration of my spine/maybe even fracture (starts with intense hip pain and leg weakness)
- tried carnivore diet (believing it to be arthritis related) – better digestion overall
- two years in carnivore still bad hip-pain plus new issues including histamine-sensitivity, scurvy-like symptoms, worsening bouts of fatigue, dry eyes, joint pain and sluggish liver/thyroid
- pushed my self to be more resilient during pandemic: wim hof method breathing, cold showers and working a grocery store (where I fasted most eight hour shifts) this stopped September 2020
-Moved to a new state in October 2020
- Dec 2020 – health crisis:
- Excessive thirst and urination (suspect insulin resistance/or type II, though still eating carnivore)
- morning heart attack like symptoms, feeling like I'm not breathing, need to sit down from lack of oxygen
- generally feeling low on oxygen, sometimes more pronounced
- experiencing heart pain
- blurred vision that comes and goes
- yellow skin (palms, soles, armpits)
- confused, speech problems
- extreme fatigue
- stomach pain and alcohol intolerance
- kidney pain (sometimes felt like passing tiny stones)
- nose bleeds at night sometimes
- feeling cold, especially in hands and feet (suspect anemia)
-Air-head feeling all the time and would feel faint after getting up too fast and winded easily. It wasn’t quiet a headache but it felt extremely uncomfortable, like I couldn’t think correctly. Air-head for multiple days, culminating in the worst migraine of my life Dec 31. Migraine was a pounding in my head, like my brain was leaking fire and I started to lose my vision.

[lost weight – probably around ~190lb, but not muscular - see pic above]

January –current: bioenergetics, gained at least 50lb. Although I definitely could have done the transition back to carbs a lot better, I was not eating 3000 calories a day as my weight gain would suggest. I did have problems cutting fat and eating smaller meals (was used to meals of 1-2lb meat).

  • Eating 1800-2500cal in smaller meals per day
  • Eating oysters (usually canned) about 1/week
  • Eating about an oz of liver every second day [copper]
  • Eating pineapple and mussels frequently [manganese – for blood sugar regulation + bone problems]
  • Cautious exercise after McGill Big Three warmup, probably no squats, deadlift or kettlebell swings for a while longer

Meal examples:

Breakfast: ~500cal
* three pasture-raised eggs, sunny-side up (lightly cooked in a bit of tallow, butter or coconut oil)
* udis gluten free white toast OR replace with a piece of fruit
* glass of juice (~2 cups)

Lunch ~400-600cal
* ground beef, drained ~8oz
* maybe mushrooms and/or oz of liver added in
* fruit or skimmed milk with sugar

Afternoon ~100
* raw carrot salad with coconut oil

Dinner ~400-600cal
* low fat or drained protein ~8oz
* maybe mushrooms and/or oz of liver and/or canned oysters added in
* fruit or skimmed milk with sugar or white rice

Dessert ~300
* salted fruit and a piece of cheese or glass of 2% milk or ONE scoop of ice cream (>.>)
* tulsi and/or chamomile tea with honey

I’m still planning to use desiccated thyroid and progesterone but want to move away from the use of supplements. I'm also going to steer away from glyphosate sources (like eating conventional corn tortillas and drinking lots of Tropicana OJ).

Let me know if you have any thoughts or recommendations (please keep in mind I'm very poor right now). I will post blood-work if/when I go to the dr.

Also, something I've been wondering is it possible to get diabetes WHILE zero carb? A lot of my problems, including frequent urination, started during a carnivore diet.
Hi, Im new here. A lot of your problems seem to be similar to hypothyroidism. Low body temp, weight gain, etc. Have you tried t3 ( cytomel)? Its our active thyroid hormone. Dr lowe online and a guy named dr, Wilson talks about this. Wilson calls it "Wilson's syndrome" ( not to be condfused with another diffe4ent med condition called the same name). According to to these drs, some people have normal thyroid hormone tests, but they have all the dynptoms of hypothyroid that go away when medicated with t3.

I did what dr, wilson says and it worked for me! I gradually took enough cytomel so my morning body temp normalized and a lot my symptoms improved ( energy better, brain fog cleared, metabolism increase, body pains less) . And then according to wilson, some people can stop there cytomel after a few months or years and the body continues to function normally without it! The body temp will stay normal. It worked for me! My body temp was in about 97 for years and i had bad hypothyroid symptoms even though my thyroid blood tests said normal.

You have to support your adrenals at the same time as boosting your thyroid hormone. There is a lot more info on wilsons site and lowes website. The main difference I remember ( this was 10 yrs ago so things could have changed) was that lowe usually kept his patients on cytomel long term, while wilson is the one who takes some of his patients off it after awhile to see if the body can produce its own t3 after awhile. Supposedly, it works that
way for some, but not all people. It worked for me. That is why Im writing this.

Good luck with your health rejuvenation!
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Jan 24, 2021
Hi, Im new here. A lot of your problems seem to be similar to hypothyroidism. Low body temp, weight gain, etc. Have you tried t3 ( cytomel)? Its our active thyroid hormone. Dr lowe online and a guy named dr, Wilson talks about this. Wilson calls it "Wilson's syndrome" ( not to be condfused with another diffe4ent med condition called the same name). According to to these drs, some people have normal thyroid hormone tests, but they have all the dynptoms of hypothyroid that go away when medicated with t3.

I did what dr, wilson says and it worked for me! I gradually took enough cytomel so my morning body temp normalized and a lot my symptoms improved ( energy better, brain fog cleared, metabolism increase, body pains less) . And then according to wilson, some people can stop there cytomel after a few months or years and the body continues to function normally without it! The body temp will stay normal. It worked for me! My body temp was in about 97 for years and i had bad hypothyroid symptoms even though my thyroid blood tests said normal.

You have to support your adrenals at the same time as boosting your thyroid hormone. There is a lot more info on wilsons site and lowes website. The main difference I remember ( this was 10 yrs ago so things could have changed) was that lowe usually kept his patients on cytomel long term, while wilson is the one who takes some of his patients off it after awhile to see if the body can produce its own t3 after awhile. Supposedly, it works that
way for some, but not all people. It worked for me. That is why Im writing this.

Good luck with your health rejuvenation!
Thanks HealthPete! I appreciate it. Do you know if there is anyway to get t3 without a prescription? I am taking desiccated bovine thyroid and it helps a bit (my joint pain is much less), but I'm still gaining weight very easily and cold/fatigued (I'll be freezing in 90F weather!)

I'll look up Wilson's site.


Jun 6, 2021
Thanks HealthPete! I appreciate it. Do you know if there is anyway to get t3 without a prescription? I am taking desiccated bovine thyroid and it helps a bit (my joint pain is much less), but I'm still gaining weight very easily and cold/fatigued (I'll be freezing in 90F weather!)

I'll look up Wilson's site.
No problem ! You can get it at some overseases pharmacies. I used to get it from one in mexico. Theres some in India too.


Jun 6, 2021
Oh yeah, I found out that all the expensive glandulars that are sold are legally required to have any hormones removed before selling! So all the desicatted thyroid and adrenals, have no active hormoness . Dried adrenals sold have zero cortisol and thyroid has no thyroid hormones ! That is the main reason why they work ( or would work ).
Isocort was the last good real glandular on the market ( dessicated adrenal cortex), but a few years ago , they changed it and now it has zero real cortisol and is worthless.
To my mind, it should be illegal to sell dessicated glandulars with all the healing mojo stripped away!! They are not even required to state this on the label, which is dishonesty by ommission. I had to talk to a few companies and eventually I was told this information by the makers of isocort and another manufacturer. This really angers me!..... Lol (still mad though)
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Jan 24, 2021
Oh yeah, I found out that all the expensive glandulars that are sold are legally required to have any hormones removed before selling! So all the desicatted thyroid and adrenals, have no active hormoness . Dried adrenals sold have zero cortisol and thyroid has no thyroid hormones ! That is the main reason why they work ( or would work ).
Isocort was the last good real glandular on the market ( dessicated adrenal cortex), but a few years ago , they changed it and now it has zero real cortisol and is worthless.
To my mind, it should be illegal to sell dessicated glandulars with all the healing mojo stripped away!! They are not even required to state this on the label, which is dishonesty by ommission. I had to talk to a few companies and eventually I was told this information by the makers of isocort and another manufacturer. This really angers me!..... Lol (still mad though)
Oh wow, that's good to know. I think the one I take is legit, it swears it has 100% unaltered hormones and it does work....

In fact, I want to thank you again for replying! After I saw a dr. she looked at my numbers and said I had hyperthyroid and I told her I took the desiccated stuff. She suggested I stop (even though I definitely didn't feel hyper...obviously). When I went on vacation at the end of August for a week I did not take my thyroid pack with me and after we got back I didn't take it as often or as much. And then this shortness of breath, hypoventilating, cold, fatigued and water-logged crap started again after about three weeks. Duh!

I see the rheumatologist again next friday. I really doubt I could get him or my regular dr to prescribe t3...but I'll try.

On another note, I bet I like low carb diets because I feel semi-normal running on adrenals. This is just horrible. I can't get motivated to get working and doing day to day things.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Oh yeah, I found out that all the expensive glandulars that are sold are legally required to have any hormones removed before selling! So all the desicatted thyroid and adrenals, have no active hormoness . Dried adrenals sold have zero cortisol and thyroid has no thyroid hormones ! That is the main reason why they work ( or would work ).
Isocort was the last good real glandular on the market ( dessicated adrenal cortex), but a few years ago , they changed it and now it has zero real cortisol and is worthless.
To my mind, it should be illegal to sell dessicated glandulars with all the healing mojo stripped away!! They are not even required to state this on the label, which is dishonesty by ommission. I had to talk to a few companies and eventually I was told this information by the makers of isocort and another manufacturer. This really angers me!..... Lol (still mad though)
where did you see this? I heard, and these companies like ancestral supplements and forefront health advertise their products as being completely unaltered. no hormones added, extracted or removed. isnt the problem simply that the dosing is unreliable, when you take a dessicated thyroid you dont know how much T4 and T3 is in it whereas when you use standalone T3 or T4 you have a precise dosage available?
standalone T3, used at 48mcg a day for me caused weight gain and seemed to raise cortisol...

Oh wow, that's good to know. I think the one I take is legit, it swears it has 100% unaltered hormones and it does work....

In fact, I want to thank you again for replying! After I saw a dr. she looked at my numbers and said I had hyperthyroid and I told her I took the desiccated stuff. She suggested I stop (even though I definitely didn't feel hyper...obviously). When I went on vacation at the end of August for a week I did not take my thyroid pack with me and after we got back I didn't take it as often or as much. And then this shortness of breath, hypoventilating, cold, fatigued and water-logged crap started again after about three weeks. Duh!

I see the rheumatologist again next friday. I really doubt I could get him or my regular dr to prescribe t3...but I'll try.

On another note, I bet I like low carb diets because I feel semi-normal running on adrenals. This is just horrible. I can't get motivated to get working and doing day to day things.

you can get standalone T3 online in a few places including idealabs, but you may not like the outcome, it could lower your metabolism or raise cortisol levels, which thyroid product are you using? why not try dosing dessicated thyroid higher? like forefront health sells 130mg capsules of thyroid


Jan 24, 2021
you can get standalone T3 online in a few places including idealabs, but you may not like the outcome, it could lower your metabolism or raise cortisol levels,
I don't think it can get much slower. lol. I gained 10lb in like 2 weeks and half of that I was eating nothing but skimmed milk and just one meal, definitely less than 2000cal/day. But because I stopped thyroid I'm really retaining water again so it may be mostly that.

If I do go the t3 route I may try idealabs, the Mexican pharmas have crazy shipping times!

which thyroid product are you using?
I take this one- Grass Fed Beef Thyroid - Natural Desiccated Thyroid Supplement - NDT

It took a couple months to really start doing its thing. I'm on my second pack.

why not try dosing dessicated thyroid higher?
Yes. That's probably where I'll start. I need to start logging my temps again too.

I like what Wilson says about your body being stuck in reserve energy mode. I just kind of broke, missing my family in Canada (because of lockdowns I couldn't say goodbye to a loved one or even attend their funeral...I just watched online while everyone wore masks and social distanced. It was dreadful). And I tried so hard to push through and be even stronger- cold showers, fasting, carnivore diet. My body just went totally off the rails after that. I'm stuck in a state of low energy, conserving until things look better out there I guess. I think there is a big psychological element I need to address.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I don't think it can get much slower. lol. I gained 10lb in like 2 weeks and half of that I was eating nothing but skimmed milk and just one meal, definitely less than 2000cal/day. But because I stopped thyroid I'm really retaining water again so it may be mostly that.

If I do go the t3 route I may try idealabs, the Mexican pharmas have crazy shipping times!

I take this one- Grass Fed Beef Thyroid - Natural Desiccated Thyroid Supplement - NDT

It took a couple months to really start doing its thing. I'm on my second pack.

Yes. That's probably where I'll start. I need to start logging my temps again too.

I like what Wilson says about your body being stuck in reserve energy mode. I just kind of broke, missing my family in Canada (because of lockdowns I couldn't say goodbye to a loved one or even attend their funeral...I just watched online while everyone wore masks and social distanced. It was dreadful). And I tried so hard to push through and be even stronger- cold showers, fasting, carnivore diet. My body just went totally off the rails after that. I'm stuck in a state of low energy, conserving until things look better out there I guess. I think there is a big psychological element I need to address.

did your crazy weight gain start after that event though? what was the amount of your weight gain?
its much more likely to be a physical cause like vaccines, fluoride, xrays, toxic supplements/vitamins/minerals etc...

how long do you take to use up a pack of that? are you properly dosing it? its only 5 grams per packet, seems massively overpriced compared to forefront health which has actual 90 capsules, with 130mg thyroid in each one for $35...

the metabolism can probably keep getting lower. do you use pregnenolone/progesterone at all? iodine supplements?


Jan 24, 2021
did your crazy weight gain start after that event though? what was the amount of your weight gain?
its much more likely to be a physical cause like vaccines, fluoride, xrays, toxic supplements/vitamins/minerals etc...
2020 high stress - death in family but can't travel, fasting grocery store shifts, store is being looted (Chicago), we move states Oct
Oct 2020-Dec 2020 - maintained weight, carnivore, wim hof breathing, cold showers
Dec 2020- health problems started suddenly as heart pain in cold shower (then waking up gasping for air, severe shortness of breath to the point I thought I was having heartattacks - I wasn't ekg normal months later)

Trigger could be mold in the new apartment? I don't see any but maybe. New water source (but I use a brita filter). I was thinking for a while it was taking d3 without k2 (which is why I thought it may be related to hypercalcimenia).

Jan 2021 - found Peat, started to consume a variety of things (I remember I was really craving beets and oranges) I started to gain weight.
50-60lb heavier in 4-5 month (I think I was like about 185-190lb when the health problems occurred and now I'm 260lb, maybe more)

I got my first thyroid pack in Feb maybe March? I was very cautious. When I made this thread (July) I was actually feeling pretty good, like time to focus on weight loss. But I'd still get bouts of cold, complete lack of motivation, waterlogging and if sleeping problems- hypertension, off and on. August was a really good month, a lot less fatigue, I felt like I was just trying to figure out what the hell happened at the start of the year.

how long do you take to use up a pack of that? are you properly dosing it? its only 5 grams per packet, seems massively overpriced compared to forefront health which has actual 90 capsules, with 130mg thyroid in each one for $35...
The first pack was only three months. Second pack is like 3/4 full still- I definitely cut back a lot.

Thanks for this. I will do forefont next time.

the metabolism can probably keep getting lower. do you use pregnenolone/progesterone at all? iodine supplements?
I do. I take like ~5mg pregnenolone and dhea orally almost everyday. I'm almost out of progesterone so I've been rationing it, taking it more during luteal phase.

I don't eat iodized salt and I don't think I was getting much iodine for years. The past year I've been using kelp granules on my food, but not every day (maybe a 1/2 tsp once a week). I'm not sure if iodine is good or bad for hypo?


Jun 18, 2021

(Silly question) do you think it's okay to 'supplement' something like Cytomel even if you don't have issues?
Also, what are your thoughts on supplementing Iodine?


Jun 6, 2021
where did you see this? I heard, and these companies like ancestral supplements and forefront health advertise their products as being completely unaltered. no hormones added, extracted or removed. isnt the problem simply that the dosing is unreliable, when you take a dessicated thyroid you dont know how much T4 and T3 is in it whereas when you use standalone T3 or T4 you have a precise dosage available?
standalone T3, used at 48mcg a day for me caused weight gain and seemed to raise cortisol...

you can get standalone T3 online in a few places including idealabs, but you may not like the outcome, it could lower your metabolism or raise cortisol levels, which thyroid product are you using? why not try dosing dessicated thyroid higher? like forefront health sells 130mg capsules of thyroid
It was about 19 years ago, I searched everywhere for desicatted thyroid and adrenals with a known amount of hormones. I used to use isocort. Isocort used to have a very reliable known amount of cortisol per pill. That stuff fixed my chronic fatigue. It was a fairly standardized adrenal cortex cortisol supplement. ( Armor is likewise a standardized thyroid hormone medication and is pork thyroid glad extract. That is prescription. I read they changed it somehow and its different now but that is a different story) .`
Anyway, isocort then changed their product completely to a " plant based cortisol" which apparently is worthless for mammals and does nothing. I called Bezwecken (sp) the company that makes isocort and they told me that they are not allowed to sell gladulars with active hormones anymore.. So did a couple other companies that I called.( I forgot who). I never talked to anscestral. They were not around back then I dont think. It was a few yrs ago. Maybe they found a way to get around it now?


Jun 6, 2021

(Silly question) do you think it's okay to 'supplement' something like Cytomel even if you don't have issues?
Also, what are your thoughts on supplementing Iodine?
Not if you dont have issues. But someone with low body temperature and slow mwtabolism does have issues. According to dr wilson and lowe, many people often do have hypothyroid symptoms and do have issues that are fixed with t3 supplementation.... despite having " normal " levels of thyroid hormones,


Jun 18, 2021
where did you see this? I heard, and these companies like ancestral supplements and forefront health advertise their products as being completely unaltered. no hormones added, extracted or removed. isnt the problem simply that the dosing is unreliable, when you take a dessicated thyroid you dont know how much T4 and T3 is in it whereas when you use standalone T3 or T4 you have a precise dosage available?
standalone T3, used at 48mcg a day for me caused weight gain and seemed to raise cortisol...

you can get standalone T3 online in a few places including idealabs, but you may not like the outcome, it could lower your metabolism or raise cortisol levels, which thyroid product are you using? why not try dosing dessicated thyroid higher? like forefront health sells 130mg capsules of thyroid
Ah... seems like taking Thyroid meds could be a double edge sword (so an NDT is safer)?


Jun 18, 2021
Not if you dont have issues. But someone with low body temperature and slow mwtabolism does have issues. According to dr wilson and lowe, many people often do have hypothyroid symptoms and do have issues that are fixed with t3 supplementation.... despite having " normal " levels of thyroid hormones,
Thanks, I'll look more into it.


Jun 6, 2021
Oh wow, that's good to know. I think the one I take is legit, it swears it has 100% unaltered hormones and it does work....

In fact, I want to thank you again for replying! After I saw a dr. she looked at my numbers and said I had hyperthyroid and I told her I took the desiccated stuff. She suggested I stop (even though I definitely didn't feel hyper...obviously). When I went on vacation at the end of August for a week I did not take my thyroid pack with me and after we got back I didn't take it as often or as much. And then this shortness of breath, hypoventilating, cold, fatigued and water-logged crap started again after about three weeks. Duh!

I see the rheumatologist again next friday. I really doubt I could get him or my regular dr to prescribe t3...but I'll try.

On another note, I bet I like low carb diets because I feel semi-normal running on adrenals. This is just horrible. I can't get motivated to get working and doing day to day things.
Yeah, it does appear that the kind you take had active hormones! It takes about 3 weeks for your levels to go back down after taking t3 which us how long you said before you started feeling really hypothyroid again.


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
It was about 19 years ago, I searched everywhere for desicatted thyroid and adrenals with a known amount of hormones. I used to use isocort. Isocort used to have a very reliable known amount of cortisol per pill. That stuff fixed my chronic fatigue. It was a fairly standardized adrenal cortex cortisol supplement. ( Armor is likewise a standardized thyroid hormone medication and is pork thyroid glad extract. That is prescription. I read they changed it somehow and its different now but that is a different story) .`
Anyway, isocort then changed their product completely to a " plant based cortisol" which apparently is worthless for mammals and does nothing. I called Bezwecken (sp) the company that makes isocort and they told me that they are not allowed to sell gladulars with active hormones anymore.. So did a couple other companies that I called.( I forgot who). I never talked to anscestral. They were not around back then I dont think. It was a few yrs ago. Maybe they found a way to get around it now?
cortisol, high levels can cause cushings and severe fatigue. what lead you to look for a cortisol supplement? an adrenal cortex supplement is different to using pure cortisol, adrenal cortex just supports healing and production of your own adrenal hormones... but a cortisol supplement can fatten you up, apparently even pregnenolone taken in a poor low thyroid state will raise cortisol a bunch.
dessicated thyroid/adrenals arent measured or standardized but they should have some hormones in them, as long as they are unaltered, non defatted glands...

Yeah, it does appear that the kind you take had active hormones! It takes about 3 weeks for your levels to go back down after taking t3 which us how long you said before you started feeling really hypothyroid again.


mate whats the half life isnt T4 half life like 2 weeks, T3 is 6 hours or something

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Ah... seems like taking Thyroid meds could be a double edge sword (so an NDT is safer)?
some say T3 can raise cortisol, some on here say its rare
Peat said taking even more than 5mcg T3 at once can raise stress in the body since its a supraphysiological/non physiological amount
high dosing the dessicated thyroids might work better
or maybe, T4 and t3 combination therapy, there were some crazy pictures posted on twitter, before/after of t4 t3 combination, the person got 10 years older but looked over 10 years younger, had a very sharp jaw and looked much better after the apparent t4 t3 combination therapy


Nov 9, 2020
some say T3 can raise cortisol, some on here say its rare
Peat said taking even more than 5mcg T3 at once can raise stress in the body since its a supraphysiological/non physiological amount
high dosing the dessicated thyroids might work better
or maybe, T4 and t3 combination therapy, there were some crazy pictures posted on twitter, before/after of t4 t3 combination, the person got 10 years older but looked over 10 years younger, had a very sharp jaw and looked much better after the apparent t4 t3 combination therapy
Is the dosing why you said earlier to be careful when trying idealabs t3? Or is it the product itself?
I have a bottle of idealabs t3 and I do find I can get antsy if I don’t have enough fuel on board. It’s a tricky balance to find and maintain

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Is the dosing why you said earlier to be careful when trying idealabs t3? Or is it the product itself?
I have a bottle of idealabs t3 and I do find I can get antsy if I don’t have enough fuel on board. It’s a tricky balance to find and maintain
just general T3, doesnt have to do with a specific brand.
t4 and t3 combination therapy seems it could work better and be safer... NDT is the safest but may not have as strong or quick of an effect...
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